Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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[Black World Arc] Absence of Greed  Empty [Black World Arc] Absence of Greed

Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:39 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
The Vicara plane always put the Demon of greed in a rather perturbed mood, he found that the area was always a bit too sparse of life to be worth any sort of wandering and for most Demons the place was simply an area of worship for some odd reasoning of powering the Demon world, or in other cases it was were Davana demons would appear and begin their rather abrupt start to the world by doing something that followed their concepts or just being the usually nuisances that they tended to be. But Reigen wasn't here for a pleasant visit for now he was checking the area that seemingly had begun all the nightmare fuel that was consuming many of the other worlds with the appearance of the black worlds that seemingly were causing all sorts of distress and end of the world level issues. The Demon himself did not have much care when dealing with these places it seemed that they only existed to cause distress, while perhaps bad for business it was more than likely that finding the focal point of the issue and dealing with it would probably net better results than going through the worlds and taking up precious time to dismantle the issues in all of them. But now that the Demon was here he found that the plane was still as boring and uninteresting as usually, but now there seemed to be a large golden gate standing within the borders of the area and seemed to radiate a pulse of chaos that caused the already erratic nature of the world that it stood to become even worse. "Well its not like I haven't had some idea of what was going on but I'd guess that this thing is probably some sort of cause of it." The Demon spoke to himself as he moved closer to the gold entrance to god knows what though whatever it was he was sure that he would find out its importance soon enough.

The area seemed to be rather damaged by the appearance of this strange gate and even with any sort of defense plan that could be thought up it seemed those in power within the Demon realm would prefer to not make any sort of move on the area before fully understanding the issue completely. However fortune favors the brave, at least that's what they say its very much possible that the brave could get turned into paste for their actions... But people don't make phrases without a reason so Reigen felt that it would be pointless to stop now~ Standing at the gate the Demon could tell with some certainty that the probability of an inverse Demon world being behind the gate was quite high, if the other world's had anything to go by there was always an inverse form of the place that these entrances made themselves known... But the niggling feeling of doubt that came from the epicenter of this madness was that it was entirely possible that the elimination of this chaos would be a difficult task without having first dealt with the other issues beforehand. "Hmmm Its possible that this chaos could be subsided but that could cause a disturbance with the rest of those inverse worlds, I suppose its not nice to end a game so soon... But I wonder what caused this reversing to happen?" Before he could make a claim to answer his own question the Demon suddenly moved aside as a quick implement of death came hurdling towards him.

"Well that was abrupt and to be expected, it seems that I can't go anywhere without being attacked, or being proven right by my own assumptions, isn't that right other me?" The calm nature of his speech after avoiding the blow from a familiar weapon seemed to prove that it wasn't a surprise for the Demon of Greed to see a mirror image of himself in the flesh standing not a few feet away from him along with a Chain of greed, or at least a equivalent being struck outwards towards his person. "I didn't expect you to notice me... I had given away my presence to aid someone in need of attention so I hadn't expected you to have caught onto me trailing you...." The rather polite speech pattern seemed to give the reverse Demon the same kind of demeanor as his counterpart, but in a more genuine manner. "Well that's true I can't tell you're there by looking or feeling you out, but you think like me... It wasn't hard to tell that a bunch of reversed versions of people could come out of these holes in existence, so with that possibility I expected that I could have to fight my own alternate so all I would have to do is expect what I would do in a situation... Though now you're here I'm caught in a bit of a problem, sure its like looking in an extremely attractive moving mirror, but you also seem all..... Charitable.... Ugh the word itself makes me gag..."

The Demon seemed to look rather ill as he gave himself a second to cough what seemed to be the ill-feeling of goodwill away from himself, all the while his counterpart retracted his chain and stared with the same look of determination as he had kept on all this time. "I did not expect you to be so in the know about this, then again it is perhaps my own fault for not expecting more of you, my apologies for my own overconfidence in this matter." Bowing in a manner seemingly asking for forgiveness Reigen couldn't help but continue to shiver in disbelief. "So this is what me being really humble would be like? I suppose if whatever counts as god in this world did right was making sure I didn't act like a lame excuse for a waiter like you." The disdain for the other suited gentleman was clear but even after such an insult the other Demon did not make a move to attack as the original would after such words instead he simply stood and breathed a sigh of relief. "I suppose with that I could be counted as forgiven for my ill-believed superiority but now it is no longer time for me to take matters like this to heart, you are an anathema whose existence is only to take and cause pain and suffering while spreading ill-gotten desires throughout the world... It will give me nothing but pleasure in making sure that you no longer exist to spread such chaos." The other Reigen was giving one of those... Hero monologues... The monstrous gentleman knew he talked a lot but most of the time it wasn't so.. Preachy... "Okay I can tell you don't like me that I get from you being my polar opposite and being all the things I'm not, which for all intents and purposes makes you some sort of crazy choir boy, but I just have one question.... Where is your hat?!"

The question seemed to be the only thing on the prime Reigen's mind as he noted that the other Reigen lacked something on top of his own. "You mean the attire you cared so much for? I simply gave it away, I had no reason to keep such a pointless piece of headgear." The confused reverse looked as the darkness of his other self seemed to rise up in defiance of such things. "You know, first I was gonna kill you cause there being more than one of me was novel but now its worn off... But all this talk of nobility and charity just makes me want to rip you apart and what's more is that you had an exact duplicate of my hat AND YOU GAVE IT AWAY!...." The chain of greed was in full display now, both of them had unsheathed their weapons, now it was time for the clash. "Fine then, if you are looking to come at me with lethal force I will show you the same kindness... Prepare yourself you hollow shell of greed." The reverse moved forward to cut into the Demon in front of the door, only to be met by him in the middle. "Right back at you, you disgustingly charity whore shadow you~" With that the chains clashed in front of the two of them and with the sparks flying the combat had begun, which ever of these two creatures won it was clear to see.... Both demon's had opposing feelings on things, and winning meant that their would surely be one less Reigen in the world...

Template By: [THEFROST]

[Black World Arc] Absence of Greed  Empty Re: [Black World Arc] Absence of Greed

Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:29 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
The clashing of chains continued as the two identical opponents looked on for a moment before slashing at each other with their hands and feet, it looked more like an interpretive dance than a combination of moves set to kill, but each move seemed to be missing the mark on either side. The chain's seemed to not do better in regards to hitting their targets either as with each aimed shot to one of their owners the other would defend with the same speed as the other that attacked. Finally both demons moved back and looked at the damage that they had dealt, only the true Reigen being disappointed at the results. "Well that's depressing, looks like we think too much alike... I can tell what you're gonna throw at me and vice versa.... It seems like a waste of energy when it comes to fighting like that." Sighing, the Demon looked over at his duplicate who seemed to stay with his annoying calm and collected act as he simply stared over at the original with intent to kill. "Well fighting like this isn't going to get me anywhere... Suppose I have to start up the real fight then~" As he said that the ground beneath the both of them seemed to give way, in fact it simply wasn't there at all now, at this moment the large amount of rock was above the head of the reversed Reigen. A look of surprise seemed to appear on his face as he had the rock hit his head for the moment and it seemed he didn't expect his counterpart to use his power so blatantly, or at least that was what the original demon of greed had expected.

Instead as the slab of earth hit his head his chain speared into it and suddenly the earth forced him to one side as he was forced into the ground below. "Wha?!" The only thing he could eek out before being slammed into the wall of earth below him. Dazed or a moment the now more injured Demon moved to see what had just happened however he was already met by his counterpart on the ground who kicked him further along the trench now built and landed further down into the center of the crater as the earth he had dug up was falling inwards to cover the hole. "Well this is a new one..." Moving to escape the incoming crushing the Demon moved away from a few blows being struck out by his counterpart. Landing safely and brushing off his suit he looked over and sighed as he noted the other version of him with its chain striking outwards ready to pounce on such weakness again. "Well that was an interesting exchange, but all it did was show me that yours and my powers aren't identical... If anything I'd say that you have a counter to my little party trick..." The other Reigen stared as he simply nodded in conformation. "I suppose it would be correct to say that this chain has the entirely opposite effect to yours, while you can take I give to whoever is around me." Reigen, the real one smiled at the idea. "So you made it so I took the location of the ground below us to crush your head, then let it touch you so you could move it towards me by 'giving' it to me? I must say that form of charity seemed... Just about as painful as I thought charity would be."

Cracking his neck from the stress he suffered the true Reigen looked over to his enemy, he realized that his kind of process, his own, it would surely be enough to kill him... It was too dangerous... A chill that filled him with exhilaration made him even happier he had found someone he felt could truly keep up and counter him! He needed to make sure he came out on top however... If only for the appearances sake. "So the only one who can even think to beat me is me huh? Well I suppose that isn't such a bad thing makes me feel all self-confident and all that jazz..." The movements of the reverse were to attack once more, however his true self met this with a counter of the chain of greed, but he had predicted that and moved to avoid it and perhaps throw his darker half to the ground for good measure. "Suppose that you don't have all the counters though~" A sudden sharp pain reached into the side of the humble demon, it was like a force that he had expected... But that was because he knew it was a punch that he was planning on throwing. Being blown to the side from the sudden force the charitable demon found his footing once more as he landed down and took a breath to recover from the invisible blow. "H-how... W-what?" The true Demon of greed smiled at his lesser's surprise, he knew that even with the same thought process that this version of him wouldn't think with the same flexibility as he did. "Its simple really, during our little fistfight my hand came to blow with my own chain, when that happened I took the force from the blow and kept it for a while, then I let it loose from my chain there a good old invisible attack with very little time to react when you don't see the fist coming~" As he finished his explanation the other version of himself had moved to act again. "A cute trick but not one that will work again!" As he moved to attack however he crumpled under his own weight coughing all the while.

The attack had taken its toll and with it the humblest demon to roam was at the mercy of his counterpart for a few moments. That was all he needed~ No need to use the chain of greed for the moment, it wasn't really his thing to dirt his hands with the messy work of beating someone with his hands but there was still a slight satisfaction from it that seemed... Almost primal in its nature. Beating his counterpart with fists and kicks for the moment his other self was stunned and only could defend with his own chain, but that was not going to work with the chain of greed getting in its way giving its master time to wail on his more pretentious's side's face for a bit. Finishing off Reigen grabbed his other's face and dragged it into the ground below running him around causing a small trench to take up resident where his face was dragged along all before throwing him into a small rock formation a few meters away. "Well that was a nice workout, still though seems that he wasn't really doing much in that way of defending himself..."

It seemed that victory was assured now, the demon thought to himself that the damage suffered up till now wouldn't be much of a price to see his other self be brought down to the terrible lows that he had caused others to suffer. Suddenly from the rock formation a feeling of dread seemed to appear, the true Reigen hadn't been on this side of the fence for this scene but now he was he knew exactly what was coming. "Well... Looks like you knew that this would be coming as well.." A huge almost ungodly vision of spiritual energy appeared before him, then it simply shrunk and shrunk until it fit to the form of a cloak, over the reversed form of Reigen. "Your actions allowed me to force enough of my energy out, I didn't expect myself to be so willing to fight... But now I have no issue gutting a monster like you" The true demon of greed smiled as his counterpart finished. "Monster? You looked in a mirror latel--" Suddenly the time for jokes ended, as Reigen didn't have time to finish as his enemy's hand had already found its way through his chest cavity. "First this, then I'll take your tongue to stop you blathering." A look of shock appeared on Reigen's face. "W-wh-" Before he could even finish his confusion his mouth was caught by his opponent and his chain cut upwards to the sky blowing the Demon of greed back. "Now with that... You should be prepared to get serious... Once you land anyway..." Crashing through the area above Reigen soared through the air looking to staunch his landing and slow himself without causing anymore damage.

The only thing that got him was landing into a small mountain and crashing into it causing him to become one with it for a bit. ".......Well....... Good to know punches.... Aren't being..... pulled......" These were simply thoughts for the time being, the reversed Reigen had removed his tongue from his mouth so for the moment the Demon of greed could not make a witty remark at the damage. "Now that... that's settled.... Suppose I should........ Get serious too...." Looking downwards, his opponent had already caught up to his speed of flight and was down on the ground below. Releasing himself from the rock and falling in a puff of dust brought up by impact Reigen landed hard to the ground, however there was only one thing that he could think of now... It wasn't that this thing had to go and pretend to be him.... But to ruin his suit and his style! The same dark energy whirled around the true Demon of greed as his tongue seemed to regrow at a exponential rate all with it being prepared to say one thing to the other demon in his presence. "NOW! NOW ITS GAME TIME!" ...With that said the fighting was only going to get more vicious from here...

Template By: [THEFROST]

[Black World Arc] Absence of Greed  Empty Re: [Black World Arc] Absence of Greed

Sat May 02, 2015 4:19 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
The combat seemed to grow more and more intense, and the moment the surge of energy faded and became a shawl like hood over the true Reigen it only got more aggressive from there. With the power fully released the Demon surged forward something that his counterpart predicted, however while he expected the demon and moved to dodge his hands accordingly he did not seem to note the shockwave causing damage and debris to be thrown around tearing up the area as such he looked to cover his eyes and prevent any sort of damage to occur to himself. This showed the difference between the two quite clearly, as the true Reigen moved without thought to burst through the chest of his opponent settling on just punching him for now when he realized that their bodies were partially intangible and to break through would only put him at a disadvantage. "See! This is were I would react and outdo others but you're such a worthless clone that you can't even see anything but what's in front of you!" As he laid hands on his other self the clone was blasted away with force into the ground causing it to upheave and churn under the force. The area they fought was already suffering from chaotic change and unnatural power the two of these demons going all out was not helping any. The humble Reigen stood with a bit of a limp, it seemed that though he was going all out his natural power was not as much as the pure irritation of his original. "It seems I will have to be clever if I want to survive this onslaught..." The reverse's thoughts were halted by the sudden appearance of his original. "You got that right... But you can't outsmart your better's you carbon copy~" Throwing his leg out to take the head off his opponent, his attack was met by a chain but of course not his own. "Fine..." Suddenly from within the cloak he wore a chain struck out and looked to pierce the head of his opponent. However the chain suddenly stopped as it seemed to be confused... The enemy was gone!

Or that's at least what the Chain of Greed saw, the reverse was still in front of it but it could not see him and seemed to back away confused bringing it master along with it. "That was close... I did not expect you to be caught unawares... I suppose I should thank my good graces for that..." The real demon knew what had happened now, the moment he had touched the chain of his opponent he was expecting a counter with his own chain of greed, he gave the chain the sight of his own for a moment making it confused as the reverse's chain was looking outwards to the opposite side of the barren lands. Now that Reigen had released the chain of greed had fused together with him to a greater extent, now his opponent could manipulate it for his own gain. "That was good, even better than some of the other brains of some opponents I've taken on before.... This fight is a lot harder than any were I've played around before so good job on that one fakey me." The reverse took a stable footing and looked over to his enemy. "Your supposed advantage does not work on me, I know your moves and what you will do with them in the end your ultimate end can only come from your neverending avarice being destroyed by the true power of connecting through giving..." The first demon yawned as the preachy version of himself began again. "You and charity, honestly such a shitty thing like giving won't make anyone stronger just more annoying." A look of anger twisted onto the face of the charitable reverse of Reigen. "DON'T TALK AS IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING YOU SYCOPHANTIC SCUM! I WON'T HEAR YOU CLAIM DEEDS OF GIVING AS WORTHLESS!" As his anger raised all that could be seen on his counterpart was a smile. Suddenly a sharp noise of metal meeting bone could be heard as suddenly a chain burst forth from the chest of the reverse Reigen. "BU--T H-Hh-h-HOW!" The chain was not normal, it seemed to glow with an ethereal presence this was the ace in the hole that the true Demon of greed had set up when he looked to take the fight to his counterpart. "You don't seem to have another chain on you? Awww That too bad, looks like you and I have a bit of difference after all, though I had too say that it was a hard sell to get that thing in position while you were rambling but that did certainly help~" Staggering over himself the reverse seemed to bleed heavily from the wound. "Th---is Sh--ouldn't be-be h-h-hurting..." The confusion on his face was delightful for Reigen to watch as the true demon moved over to his wounded self. "Well that's cause the chain that stuck you doesn't really play by this world's rules, it makes its own and 'takes' anything that would prevent the outcome that was given to it...If you see it coming you can dismiss it by inherently differing the outcome by yourself but to do so is quite the issue when you're so mad about someone dissing charity work... You absolute loser~" As he kicked his other self to the ground the Demon continued to smile as he moved away and raised his arms to the sky for something. "Now you can't make much of a move, I suppose I'll test something I wanted to see."

He was right about one thing, his counterpart could not move... His body was beginning to crumble away against the overbearing damage and the excess stress of going all out. "I've never really liked going all out, it weakens the body I'm using by a huge amount starts to wear on it till I need to rest for a while... Your body isn't in the best shape because of that." A sudden rumble seemed to shake the sky above as the already chaotic skies seemed to churn and twist with purpose. "Now I noticed that I can do a neat trick when I'm in this form... But only once so make sure that you don't miss it~" Suddenly the sky opened with a huge hole seemingly opened within a seal of darkness, within this seal were countless chains that seemed to writhe like snakes within the great breach in the sky. "Every time I seem to have a soul forged into a contract with me another one of these chains appeared into this hole... I can only get this out when I'm fully released so its nice for me to take count every once in a while" Smiling down at his mirror image Reigen simply recalled the last use of this skill. "Last time I used this was about 258 years ago, then I had been gather about 1000 souls a year through contracts on my own but with outsourcing and having contract holders making contracts of with their people.... I think around maybe... 200? I'd say 200 that rate shot up to about a million souls in a year...." The staggering number of the rate which could be surmised made the other weakened demon shudder in fear for a moment. "Now these aren't anywhere near as strong as the true chain of greed, but sometimes quantity can take over quality~" With his right hand raised the chains all turned with their points aimed down to the target waiting on their leaders command. "Ouroboros Wave" With that said the hand lowered and a surge rushed through causing what seemed like an earthquake as they all smashed down on the opponent causing the sounds of metal and flesh to clash together in what seemed like an aria of pain.

"Ahh I love it when good old teamwork shine on through~" The seemingly triumphant demon stood as the continued assault bore down on his counterpart and with great speed was digging a hole in the earth seemingly creating a grave that the would befit the annoying enemy. "Well that's settled, looks like nothing is better than the original in the end~" Releasing the assault and closing off the breach Reigen looked down the hole as the chains dissipated and he returned to his formal look of the gentleman he thought he was. "Now to see what's to be done with this iss----" Suddenly again a stabbing through a Reigen's chest, but this time it was the real Reigen and it wasn't a chain piercing him but the misty shadow arm of something else... "This is Quid Pro Quo.... You pierce me and I give you the same courtesy...." The shadow looked familiar to the Demon... "So haven't seen that form in a while... You lost your body so... You decided to stick it out as a shade for the moment...." Falling away from the misshapen creature Reigen breathed heavily as he found the irony of letting his pure solid form getting pierced to be a mix comedic and irritating. "So... You got me by surprise but you don't.... Don't have enough to finish me so what's it gonna be shadow puppet?" The creepy creature tilted its head as it seemed to be unsure of how to deal with the question. [color=#00ccff]"I suppose now.... I realize that I am not strong enough on my own to be sure to give to all those that need it.... But if I take the rest of you I can be better than I am now....." Suddenly tendrils shot forth to the weakened gentleman and began to drag him closer to his counterpart. Struggling seemed futile, it was not as if he had the power after be brutally stabbed and as he grew closer Reigen could see that the reverse opened up to reveal a maw that would absorb him. "DON'T YOU DARE! YOU CAN'T EAT ME! I REFUSE TO BE MADE FOOD OF A PREACHY BORING ASSHOLE LIKE YOU---" Suddenly a snapping down on his body made everything silent... All that was left was the shadow in the middle of the field of corruption staring blankly into the distance. Something was occurring.... The thing that was within.... It seemed that absorbing the Demon of greed was not something so as easy to do as the reverse once thought.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Dansen on Sun May 03, 2015 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

[Black World Arc] Absence of Greed  Empty Re: [Black World Arc] Absence of Greed

Sun May 03, 2015 8:02 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
The feeling of warm emptiness was common to the Demon now... He had known the deep feeling of hollow wishes and empty dreams all too well... He lived off them by exploiting those who were too weak to take their own power and then taking what was left of them. It was quaint, too see others that had little be taken down by something in itself had nothing much behind it, he was hollow in his own right... His playful nature was simply something he had grown through years of bettering other with his own games and entertainment. But now he was left to in the darkness... Just as he had started. Reigen didn't have any memory of his first few years... Or maybe that was just him dreaming... Or maybe he was the dream? It was something that made him question his very existence as he wandered through the darkness of what seemed to be another version of himself. It seemed all too familiar now, he could not escape the shadows that he had crawled out from... He was in his own way a shadow of a being with nothing but want to continue his existence. But his drive was always wayward... Reigen would move from one proprietor to the next, he had plans but he would never see the end of them as he felt greater profits could be had with their extension... His existence constantly saw the cycle of greed and desire continuing... But it never saw anything of his own continuing... It was simply a way to avoid the shadows from encroaching on his mind and taking his form away from him...

But that was too late now, now the true form of the Demon of greed had been formed in the body of another, it used his true self to do so as well.... He hated that form.... As he thought of it in the darkness ever infinite in its mystery he saw a reflection of himself as the malformed shade... It was what he looked like... Or at least what he remembers looking like? This form of existentialism was not the way that the Demon tended to think, a wisecrack and a witty remark was more appropriate to him... But now when he looked at himself he thought that he was only a small part of what he truly was.... The scene soon played out, and suddenly he was reminded that he did remember his early years... It was about 60 or so years before he made his body for himself... Where he had formed from the shadows in the depths of the Demon world... When he saw himself all the thing he was could do was scream... Perhaps it was a form of his mind becoming lost even before he had even managed to use it for anything worth while. But their was something else now, though he could hear the ear piercing scream of his young self oblivious to the world around it he could feel what 'he' was before.... All things come from greed, selfless acts are nothing but the things people use to make themselves look like heroes, he knew this but as the Demon of the thing itself he had never quite grasped the full potential of it all. Demons, Humans, Shinigami, Iramasha, Sueki, every combination all wanted something from life, that want no matter how slight, that desire no matter how minuscule would eventually turn to greed... It wasn't a matter of the person having no wants in life... It was even the desire to live that could fuel him....

The shadows stirred as the reflection seemed to change ever so slightly, the malformed shadow seemed to have features.... It was no longer the formless shape of a human... In fact it certainly looked more demonic than anything Reigen had viewed from this side before... All things desire and greed is prominent in the soul of all things, even gods seek to stake their claim over all creation, he knew then that this thing was a part of that cycle... Sticking to the shadows and allowing itself to gorge on the desires of all things alive or dead. But this thing that seemed ageless in its formation seemed to lose form after what must have been millions if not billions of years in the minds of all creatures... All this happened about 600 years ago... It had become desolate and the creature could not seek anymore pleasure in simply being in the dark it had bore for itself... Demon gods raised themselves only to be sealed away, armies would go toe to toe and clash for the beliefs of others.... But these things had yet to happen, it saw what was coming and chose to take its own steps into the light above the existence that fed it. These things it saw made the creature roar with the force that shattered its darkness... But it did not expect the light t be so harsh... It had lived so long in the dark that it could not bear the light of even the Demon world all at once... It shattered... This ancient thing with all the power it had was fragile to from its want to claim something other than the desires of other for once in its life... And by doing so it had shattered to pieces. Its destruction sent a new wave of shadow to consume the area... It took all it had to keep this form and even then the thing was scattered and lost, all that was left was the one thing it had... Greed. The shade that came from the dark and formed itself a new body, what made its way from the demon world and sought out more of its own power for its own use... Reigen had never known why he was the way he was... But this could be a slight clue on the matter.

The shape that the shade in front of him had taken was now complete...

[Black World Arc] Absence of Greed  Bat_de10

He knew the thing now... It was him a long time ago, he had got to big and thought he could take anything on, but the world itself was enough to blast him away... But with time he had become a shade then he took on his most magnificent form... He looked to the thing a realized that it was what he was meant to be, but he was not complete... It took being within another like him to realize such a thing... There was one thing missing, something that he did not have, something he lost on the way to his reformation of self. The creature roared once more as it did to escape its self exile all those years ago, but as Reigen held out a hand to prevent any form of attack he noted... The thing moved in tandem, the reflection seemed to be complete now... "..." Reigen stared at the creature now in its completion... "This world was infinite, shadows that stretched for all eternity, a void that could hold all in existence but to want more was my nature so I sought more ground... But I suppose I should have read about Icarus before I chose to fly..." Reigen looked to the creature and now saw it was slowly form back into his own shape... He chose to look human not because it was a parody now, but because humans would always be the greatest form of greed for him to nurture and feed upon, every human was a power source and he found living with them no matter how noble one of them would be... Sooner or later they would need something and he would be there to provide... At a cost of course. But now he was more prepared for something else... What it was had yet formed but he could feel something, maybe it was due to being in his reverse that this happened, he gained something from it... He supposed that now would be a good time to thank the creature for giving him this time to think...

The humble Demon feel the discord occurring in his own self, but he did not expect for one thing... The lack of resistance he seemed to feel... The Demon managed to retake his original form, as he now looked to move on from this place and find more to give too... And to prevent the infidels from stopping the Black World from spreading. As he marched he noted one thing on the ground, the hat that the enemy had decided to make the point of fighting over... Such a trivial thing, a creature such as that was simply thinking of material things as important, it would have never been able to defeat a truly noble creature such as himself. Walking past the hat Reigen scoffed and move around it not caring for its presence and simply not having the time to deal with it... He had taken too much damage and needed to recover before he could start his crusade again. "You really shouldn't be so petty, I thought you were giving yet you didn't even have the courtesy to hand me my hat, you slow little mirror you~" The condescending tone sent chills down his spine as he turned to see an all too familiar face picking up the hat and putting it on his head. "Bu--t H-h-h-h-how?..." The desperation in his voice was clear and the Demon of greed felt that he had to let the other sad sack understand his predicament. "Well I never wanted to be a part of you, but the experience was quite a nice little trip down memory lane... Even more memories than I thought I had! But I didn't want to be a part of you... So I chose not to be~"

The other Reigen's seemed feral as he rushed at his adversary, but he didn't seem to quite understand his predicament. "My little remnant... You try to give away all that you are so you can extend the void within you till it becomes all that you are... I tried to fill the void with desires and greed... But that's not what I was missing... But now I found what I needed within you...." The full force of the other Reigen was stopped by one finger of the true form of the demon of greed. "Now you are a snake in a well looking up to the sky seeing the moon shine over you with its greatness... And I have no time to left to play with you~" The single finger seemed to strike true, and from what seemed like an expanse that went on forever all that was behind the other Demon seemed to crash and shatter away like sand in the wind. The body that it had just reformed slipped away immediately, become dust just like what had become of the surroundings... The other Reigen seemed to be hollow, lost of spirit and sense and the other, the true victor? Well all he could do was smile as his shadow behind him formed into the shape of his true self. Lesson taught, don't touch your betters... After all I'm like humpty dumpty right now... I've just been reborn... I don't want to crumble all over again~" The battle was won... The creature that had made itself absent of greed shattered by the sheer intensity of its true self's full potential, and Reigen had reached his full potential... He was no longer the shade... He was the avatar of greed for all things.... And now he would start to make his mark with what could be occurring for the next event in his illustrious life~

Template By: [THEFROST]

[Black World Arc] Absence of Greed  Empty Re: [Black World Arc] Absence of Greed

Mon May 04, 2015 4:48 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
The skies seemed to darken even in this dark corner of the demon world, it made Reigen feel rather at home even though he had got use to the nature of both the demon world and the human world he was always more accustom to the darkness. As he looked around with his doppelganger still lying in submission at his feet the Demon took a breath of fresh air, at least as fresh as the air could be in a devastated place such as this. "Hmmm Feels like a new day, gotta love a easy therapy session that you don't have to pay for and was more like being eaten!" His rather perverse humor seemed to remain even after being reborn as his old self once again, but he didn't want to become all somber and quiet like those lame guys you see at the end of an anime... He found that being more talkative made his life more interesting anyway... As he walked to the door that seemed to shift into the Demon world, it seemed to open up revealing greater depths inside, it was entirely possible that the Demon could find more than just a bunch of shadows in there... Suddenly he heard a croaking from behind him as he turned to look, it was the reverse now turned inside out by the true Reigen's sudden boost. "You.......Are......You?" Reigen smiled at the comment, the creature had barely the power to move and its speaking was entirely shattered only being able to squeak out a few words. "Me? I am and I was just something so old that names meant nothing... But considering that I've been living as Reigen for the last half century or so I suppose I'll keep the name... " Looking down at the creature's broken shadowy form Reigen moved to grab it by the scruff of the neck or what it could call a neck and held it up in the air.

"What.... Doing?...." Reigen could guess the implication of the question even through the broken speech and decided to be a bit gracious to the dead thing in his hand. "Well you don't need to worry, I'm just not complete yet, I've got the power going on but that was mostly from remembering what I was and by taking in the rest of you I can get the drive I need to start up the name stage of this game call life that all things play~" The creature could not make expressions with its strange face but if it could it would probably be one of confusion. "What......Mean?" Sighing at the constant questioning Reigen decided that it would be for the best to just show the other version what he meant. This meant he slowly began to absorb the shadow into his own body through the arm that he caught his prey with. "See this isn't a negotiation you are becoming me and I'll be me again, not so hard to get I suppose I'm lucky that the world gave me another version of myself to complete myself all over again~" The slight struggling was so petty by the shade that Reigen almost felt sorry for his counterpart, he then kicked it to stop it moving for good. "Enough of that I need concentration for this..." The other Reigen had only one more thing to ask before he would inevitably be at his end after the irony of being taken over after he had first dibs on the idea.

"What.... do.... now?" Smiling that same sly smile that he always use to Reigen looked to the skies and had his reverse do the same. "I see a bunch of things happening in the near future... Gods battling, world's warring all life being put in peril and everything in existence being forced to wish and fight for their own survival... That sort of thing won't just feed me... It will make me the thing that the people would pray for salvation from~" Looking down the Demon simply thought to himself over again. "Right now its too quiet... So I'll need to take these.... Kora A'ina? That's what I'm getting from you... I think? Anyways, I'll pick some of those up and take their powers too... Then when I'm finished with them I make my move... This world is getting to quiet, its time that someone wakes up people from their stupor of passive aggressive stalemate..." Finishing his sentence, the final parts of the other Demon were whisked away into the demon's arm. "Well this is a new thing..." Suddenly a huge burst of energy came through the area and exploded almost everything expect for the door that appeared in the plane. Suddenly from the crater appear the creature, now it was free and fully formed just as it had been all those years ago. Looking at itself the creature soon shifted back into a more commonly known form. "Well that's a nice new shift in look, I suppose I can make a new name for that... Though I will need to test out some of my new toys and moves... But till then I'll leave that for later..." Walking towards the gate way to the other world Reigen simply thought aloud to the wind. "Shadowfall, Shinigami, K-World, heck even the Vizard freaks... They'll all have to watch their backs for a while." Turning his back for a moment as he entered the Kora A'ina gateway the Demon simply flashed a demonic grin to the world outside.

"An invisible army is coming.... Those in power won't see us coming...."

The gates closed... And silence returned to the area.. But the threat rang through the world and seemed to give sign of something that could be beginning...


Template By: [THEFROST]
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[Black World Arc] Absence of Greed  Empty Re: [Black World Arc] Absence of Greed

Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:53 am
[Black World Arc] Absence of Greed  Image8719_zpsccjgtr7w


Alright, based on the fact that Dansen has completed this thread, I'm going to go ahead and lock it out for now. This is done in an effort to otherwise speed things along in the event.

[Black World Arc] Absence of Greed  WVMWLOu
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