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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC]

Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:10 am

Artist: STVORE - Song: Sgori [Burn] - Word Count: 3060

Primal essence. That is what Radioactive sought out the most from his opponents. If they could bring their best to the table and face him whole, then he would give them all he had and grant them a worthwhile battle they'd never forget. So, as the chains of restraint loosened and buckled away from the hybrid Iramasha, the fire within Radioactive's spirit only grew greater, hotter and more fierce than ever before as that dazed and manic grin of his grew even bigger in size. That demonic taint that flowed from Azure's essence is what he seemed to pine after and it was coming out full force soon enough.

In the meantime, there was still the matter of dealing with each of the Nuclear Giant's destructive attacks. As The Vanguard Leader put up his amplified wall of vibration energy, it did indeed prove strong enough to hold off a few stray shots from piercing its shield. However, more powerful chunks of Radioactive's atomic assault broke through and sought to cement Azure in a ray of orange light that would inflict critical burns, deafened ears, gaping wounds and broken bones to his body. In fact, there was even a potential for total disturbance of his equilibrium with how hard these blast could possibly hit the male. If they could blow away the fabric of this landscape, they surely had enough strength to disturb the boy's balance, no?

Regardless, none of this would impede his punch. Rather, it would just make it quite the agonizing ordeal to achieve. And, if these explosions managed to make their mark on Azure's body, Radioactive to would be caught up in his own blast as smoke, burns and scratches may very well litter his body. Digressing, though, the more important factor here was the strike which Azure managed to inflict on the male. There was definite stopping power behind that blow and Radioactive felt it; since it was indeed comparable to feeling as if heavy pressure slammed against his abdomen and spread throughout his legs.

Yet, in spite of that sensation, the raving berserker could only let out a hard laugh instead of a grunt, yell or gasping of breath. It meant that his opponent could bring the fire to the battlefield and give him something he could work with. So by all means, Radioactive welcomed his foe to continue bringing the fearsome might of his power to the surface so that he may indulge in it even more and relish in his hellish battle. So, with the daunting explosion of a second blow to the gut, the body of The Hulking Shark-Man felt another course of heaviness ooze all over itself. However, it was warm and welcomed. Each time pain was inflicted, the Nuclear Beast began to feel further and further more alive.

As the earth around them was reduced to pebbles, dirt, debris and smoke; the two colossal figures of power endured their positions and Radioactive still continued on his manic laughter. While the amount of pressure and force in this area could tear most beings in two, Radioactive seemed to become further engulfed by the sensation of this onslaught of destruction and mayhem. Of course it hurt, of course it left damage; but it was all for the beauty of the battle and that is where he felt most at peace. So, as this clash of giants spiraled onward, The Beast would seek to see if he could carry on with craving out the one place he belonged: the heat of the brawl!

Thus, to that end, Radioactive would go on and seek to take Azure's next strike HEAD FIRST. As the nimble Iramashsa went to hit The Nuclear Giant's head, he'd soon find that this tactic would be met with heavy force. For, in the form of a crushing headbutt, The Berserker met The Vanguard Leader's strike with enough marking force to level this entire field ten times over within a half mile radius. Ergo, to say he couldn't snap, break or otherwise cause moderate to heavy injury to Azure's arm wasn't out of the question.

Thus, in exchange, a large volume of crimson fluid could then be seen spewing out of Radioactive's forehead as he laughed even harder than before despite his injury. As this scarlet essence dripped down to his mouth, the male took the chance to taste the iron of his own vitality and howl even louder with jovial intent. Indeed, this was the rush he was beginning to seek as he loved to feel the stinging sensation of pain, the warmth of his blood coating his body like a fine bath and the rush of adrenaline bolstering his amounts of endorphin's to absurd levels to make him enjoy this fight more than any other foe could ever know.

When the sight of red flashed away from his eyes, The Berserker was then met with a curious sight. This impulse, this -- spark -- within Azure was raising to the surface. With a push of demonic energy, Radioactive laughed and sensed the devilish energy within his foe coming to the exterior. Once he was able to detect that presence, that automatically meant to him that The Vanguard Leader's true primal essence would be unleashed soon enough. And, once that moment occurred, he'd meet back with a harder force than before!

For this reason is why Radioactive's own body started to bulk up in mass. Veins started emerging across his entire upper body, while muscles tightened and grew to such immense and enormous sizes. Then, with a surge of internal power coming froth from his nuclear core, a dense surge of wind smashed into the area and blew everything away for the next half mile as sparks of bioelectricity coated the lands. Following that moment, a flare of golden energy radiated like the illumination of a flaming sun before Azure's eyes. In that moment, the whites within the eyes of Radioactive faded and nothing but that demented, shark-toothed grin could be seen as he made his proud words to The Shark Beast.


"What I desire....? Hahahaha....I desire....WHOLENESS."

Coming forth after that gruff, yet jovial choice of words came a spike to the shoulder. Or, rather, there was still a single projectile that Radioactive enhanced in order to pierce through Azure's defenses as he focused on taking out most of his other spikes. A feat, which, in it of itself, was impressive; but wouldn't quite halt the hulking might of this specialized rocket of nuclear death. For, with its trajectory, force and speed; the intended outcome was to have it shoot straight through The Vanguard Leader's right shoulder blade and exit out of him in another dazzling explosion of golden light. Vaporizing everything and everyone in sight like most of the other blast before them and further cementing his physical and metaphysical demise.

"I crave to fill this gaping hole within myself through aimless ambition, passion, love and strength. Instilling these values into my opponents, I watch as they grow and thrive off the seeds of valor that my punches, kicks, headbutts, explosions induce within a foe."

Then, the exploding stomps stopped. With a void stare, the male observed how the environment around them had already ceased to be. There was nothing but decay, destruction, rubble and emptiness felt in the arena for as far as the eye can seen. And, in that moment, that is when the face of Radioactive grew more somber and serious than before.

"For without that, there is nothing left that bounds me to this fragile world we live in. As without this purpose, my body is as feeble, hollow and decayed the battlefield around us."

Clenching his fist, rumbles of thunder and earthquakes roared in the distance as he scowled. No. He wasn't angry at Azure. Instead, he was furious with the way things had become to reach this state. Recalling the lost of his powers prior to 2414, that vegetative and mortal state came to be because of his lack of desire to fight, to pick up his fist and crave out his place in this world. Without that burning aspiration guiding him, he truly had nothing else left in this world to cling to. Family dead. Friends gone. Home destroyed. All he had left to cling to was his own strength and that strength was used to propel the nation of Russia and himself from falling into a blackish hell. That's it.

So, it was a worthwhile endeavor to him to always seek to bring out the strongest version of his opponent. For, if he could not save himself, then he could at least save others and awaken the best person they can be through the heat of battle; one of the few things he was good at in this life. And from there, once their instinct was awaken, they could use the power that lay dormant within themselves to bring to life their true most desires to do with as they pleased. That is all he ever desired from this. Nothing more, nothing less.

Hence, as Azure called out to him once more, most of his words went in and out Radioactive's consciousness as he lost himself in this dismal blur of murky thought. However, there was one thing that did stick out: he wanted that spark to awaken within The Iramasha boy, and that is indeed the materialization which came forth on this battlefield. That meant that his purpose was being fulfilled and a small smirk crept across The Nuclear Giant's face as a result. Thus, he turned his manically empty stare back to Azure and sought to continue forth with what he started.

"Then by all means: show me the strongest version of yourself. The version of yourself that is attuned to the primal spirit and tamed it as its master. And, if you can bring that version of yourself to me....let me devour that fullness and become whole."

Once he concluded his speech, The Hulking Figure of Radioactive closed his eyes and his energy started to sky-rocket to absurd levels. It was as if a nuclear explosion of energy exploded and the entire area became devoured by an overpowering glow of gold light. What exactly was occurring? Shikai. His Shikai -- was triggered. It is why prior to his words, the body of Radioactive was contorting, twisting and becoming even more vast than before.

Immediately following this eruption of power, the swirling vortex of energy shifted the exterior of Radioactive's body. The male expanded to a height of being ten feet tall and filled with a gigantic body structure that screamed the utmost of physical peaks. While, the golden locks which were once seen flowing across his hair were now raven in color and expanded downward to the male's body. Which, at this point, had fins extending forth out of them. In that instant, coal hued claws extended from his hands and feet; tremendous fangs extended out of his mouth and an enormous tail extended forth from the base of his spine that grew to be five feet long.

With his skin hardened and turning into scales, dull orange organic armor coated his body and turned into a pale shade of white throughout the males chin and extended downward to his lower abdomen and palms of his hands. All the while, the whites in his eyes became reddened and an orange pupil emerged from them as the qualities of radiation increased to heightened extents within himself. This form was whole once more and he had purpose to use its destructive potential to invoke change within this worthy foe.

Gazing up to the strands of chaos energy coming to obliterate The Shark Beast, the hulking figure of Radioactive could only let out a hard chuckle before raising his fist in the air. With a single punch, he generated enough force and energy to otherwise vaporize them all in one single shot as he threw the weight of his Shikai's ability around like a wrecking ball. Then, with a glimpse of his eye, the male caught the sight of Azure's own power increasing once more and he'd surely be put through the ringer this time around.

As each strike from Azure made contact, The Royal Iramasha would soon find out that the durability of Radioactive's ascended state was not something to scoff at or approach lightly. While The Nuclear Giant indeed felt heavy pressure from these hits, the male may have found his knuckles popping, blood oozing from them and, at this point, the sensation that he is hitting a brick wall would spread throughout The Devil's entire body and seek to weaken and slow him down. This is because the skin of the berserker in this form is comparable Boron Carbide; a material stronger than diamond and highly resistance to many types of ionizing forces with the wicked supernatural strength Radioactive possesses within his body.

Thus, he'd laugh with a wild howl as he endured the hits because this was his release and his way of fulfilling that void within himself. As black marks filled his skin once more, a cherry red fluid projected itself out of Radioactive's mouth and he was seen being pushed back twenty feet or so by the vibration final hit of Azure's enhanced strike. Yeah. That was it. While he wiped away the blood from his mouth, he could feel both his own and his opponents potential coming out more and more.

With that said, the time to start counting harder had come because these blows warranted a harsh and swift response. Thus, as Azure went in to hit him once more, Radioactive cackled and dozens upon dozens of razor sharp spikes protracted out of The Nuclear Beast and sought to pierce, cut and skewer the males arm. All the while, radiation based attributes of The Berserker's being nullified the nuclear aspects of that blow and neutralized the impact of that blow outright. Since, on its own, The Shinigami's body seemed to adsorb the high qualities of radioactive energy within the energy quite well.

But, more importantly, he'd be transported alongside Azure as he utilized his teleporation ability to attempt to get himself one meter away from Radioactive. Then, when the warp ended, Radioactive chopped each of the males sides with his barehands. Both his hips would be struck with enough force to shatter entire mountains, while he'd then move on to give a direct headbutt to Azure to compound the pain, damage and injury even further. And, with the arm of Azure still more than likely stuck to his abdomen, more spikes would be produced in order to skewer every square inch of the arm that was used to strike him.

"Til' the very end, huh? So be it. I'll consume and devour until the very end as well. Show me more of that spirit so that I may become satisfied."

With that comment made, a smirk emerged across The Beast's face and he'd go on to wrap the entirety of his tail around Azure's neck, torso and upper thighs with great speed. Provided he was caught, he'd then began constructing The Devil Iramasha's body with enough crumbling force to shatter even the hardest of hierro's in two. Organs would be pitted against trampling force, bones would begin to mash into bits and pieces and even the very spiritual and chaotic energies that lay within the boys body would be subdued by the metaphysical strength of Radioactive's raw power. Akin to a snake constricting his pray, the tail of Radioactive would compress the quantities of energy within Azure and seek to lower its output. While, at the same time, crushing volume after volume of it to weaken him and bring him closer to tapping out and losing this match.

But no -- this was far from being over with it. If there was one thing Radioactive was known for it, it was for performing the act of overkill. And so, while all this was taking place, The Nuclear Berserker intended to aggravate these assaults further by delivering two dozen punches straight to the gut of Azure. Each of these strikes had enough calamitous might to obliterate large chunks of a city off the map, so it was obvious enough the stress on The Iramasha's body would be exacerbated even more than before. His vision may begin to blur or dull, senses would be weakened, major internal bleeding could occur and the loss of consciousness were all realistic things that could occur as he continued his onslaught of hulking rage upon the male's being.

This sight was even all the more bizarre as the shark would, in this scenario, even be hitting himself as that tail of his cramped around The Vanguard Leader. Yet, the absurd endurance for pain would otherwise mask these feelings as dull, heavy pressures. If he could endure having his eye gouged out, this bit of pain and exhaustion would be nothing. For, as the male hit harder and harder, he could feel a burning sensitization in his arms and he understood that he was indeed getting a good workout. As to feel the burn meant that he was producing great effort and that effort excited him to reach further into the depths of his power and ascend past his own limits like time and again.

Hence, for these reasons is why Radioactive could only imagine the evolution that Azure himself would undergo with this much pressure being put on to him. As he began to stomp on The Iramasha's toes to smash them into oblivion, The Nuclear Giant wondered where all of this would lead each of them. The stakes were being buffed up and this battle was reaching a higher point than before as the crowds cheered such a catastrophic scene of power. However, if it was one thing either of these fighters knew, it was the fact that none of them would go down without a hard fight. So, as this clash spiraled further towards it peak, The Nuclear Hulk would be hitting with intent to win and knock his opponent clear out. For that is what it meant to tap into the primal spirit and battle with earnest intent in this tournament of strength, will and might for The Platinum Heart.

The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC]

Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:31 am
[adm]Since it's been well over a week since the last post was made in this thread, I'm issuing a warning for Blade to make his post within the next week. If not, he will be skipped and Radioactive declared the winner.[/adm]

The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC]

Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:10 pm
[adm]Giving Blade an extension since he told me he broke his hand. I'll give him another week and then we have to move on with this.[/adm]

The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
The Hybrid King
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The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Radioactive Shark Versus The Hybrid King [PLATINUM HEART TOURNAMENT ARC]

Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:05 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 3497

That switch had finally been flipped from off position to on. The instinct that was once sitting with Azure's very being began to seep through his pours, his energy and mentality completely altering as his once suppressed Devil Iramasha and Demonhood began to take hold. There was a complete shift in energy levels. Instead of giving off the previous leader aura and strength he had used, Azure Iramasha was now releasing a menacing aura meant to terrify those that come too close. It was as if the man had entirely shifted from his previous self, leaving a shell of a man behind. Azure Iramasha was no longer Azure Iramasha. There was now an animal that stood before Radioactive, the only resemblance to the previous man was his energy. Otherwise, it was as if his opponent had entirely left, swapping places with a monster. The Hybrid Iramasha slowly began the change that would pave the way forward for him.

As the man began undergoing the change that would occur between their fight, Azure shifted his body, the previous attacks that had pelted themselves against his body beginning to slowly sink it. The scorched skin that wrapped its way among the Iramasha's tight body began to sizzle with the energy that was given off by both of the extremely strong males. It was as if the pure energy pouring from the two titans was in fact an oven, pushing its way to extreme heights of heat. Despite the strength that had followed each of the previous blows, Azure's body stood firm, the energy around him beginning to release in an even pattern. It was as if the blows that hit the man had gone through his very being, its after effects leaving him bloody and bruised, scorched and burning. Whether that was enough to bring him down was far from a simple task. Azure continued his assault against Radioactive, the previous blows only leaving memories of the past among his body's surface.

The blow that he had sent forth to the man's abdomen was just that, a blow. The shock wave of energy released from the Iramasha's fist exploded in a massive spectacle of energy. The blows that were previously enhanced by his Chaos Style Destructive Fist truly posing a threat to the Shark-Like Shinigami. And with that blow came another, the connection to the large man's gut yet again released an oozing field of pain, the field itself richocheting itself through Radioactive's body. As Azure did so, the man released a bountiful laugh, his eyes lurching outward as he responded to Azure's blows directly. He was a menace, someone who only wished for battle to consume his every waking moment. However, it didn't matter anymore to Azure Iramasha. He was now in the same spot, position, area. Whatever you'd like to call it, Azure was. There was no backing down and no giving in, one of these men would be leaving bloodied and bruised. Near their death, maybe. There was no way to know the outcome of the battle, especially now that they have begun to pull themselves into a full swing.

The Royal Devil within Azure had finally woken, his thirst for blood, battle and power brimming over him as he continued his assault on Radioactive. The world around them was a mere field of nothing, the earth torn to dust which now settled in the air of endless battle. Consuming the entire battlefield, Azure and Radioactive have begun the destruction of this created realm in such a short time that it seemed almost unfathomable. Bringing his arm backwards, Azure's body rocketed forward once more, landing a final blow against the male. However, it was not met with a simple response. On the contrary, Radioactive brought his head forward to match the man's blow, the instant collision of the two forces causing the world around them to combust yet again. Earth around them shattered the air thickened and the dust became unsettled yet again. The effects of the blow itself seemed to be worthwhile, for both parties.

Whipping his arm backward, Azure Iramasha's middle knuckle had now completely split itself in two, the segments slowly pulling themselves away from each other. To add onto the pain that was now rocketing through his shot knuckle was that of a dislocated wrist. It was a simple dislocation, one that normally could not be fixed in any way, other than surgery. However, Azure was not a normal man. The force generated from whipping his arm backward was entirely turned on its head, his arm moving the other direction in instant. By doing so, Azure's dangling hand had now been brought forward at tremendous speeds, a large cracking sound emitting from its very core as it snapped back into place. The sound was disgusting, blood continuing to ooze from the scorched skin of the Hybrid's back. He had sent a shock wave of pain throughout his body by doing so, however in the end it would prove useful.

Watching as the blood-red liquid gushed from the man's forehead, Azure's lips began to purse into a smirk. His eyes began to flash red once more, the energy around him spiking as Radioactive went crazy. It wasn't surprising, given the man's reactions to previous attacks against him. He was laughing, a booming sound emerging from his gut as he pushed himself through the pain, his primal instinct taking over. Azure, however, had taken a different approach to the situation. With pain ringing throughout his body, the man's energy intensified. A wave of despair began to wash over the battlefield, his now injured hand swaying to his side as the other followed in pursuit.

Azure Iramasha had changed, the pink hair that once sat upon his head had completely reverted to its original form, a head of jet black locks know sitting where it had once been. Eyes of yellow now formed to where the man's azure blues were previously, a state that was not normal for most Iramasha. It was a trait mixed from both his father and his mother, the former taking effect more so than the latter. Once the eyes of the male had shifted once more, his energy began to take the look of a devil's, his own demonhood beginning to encroach on the Iramasha's Chaos energy. Watching as Radio continued laughing, his energy spiking over and over as he yelled at the male. Azure was no longer Azure, yet again his energy spiking over and over to match that of Radioactives. He was bloody, bruised, burning and scorched through and through, yet was entirely stoic. The man was quiet, his eyes and energy simply speaking for him now. There was no other way to speak to Radio, he was now in a state of power. A state of hunger, something he could not revert in anyway whatsoever. Azure was now gone, a man of emotionless features now responding to that which was the Shark-Like Shinigami.

Now, the real fun would begin.

"That's a worthless desire. Live for something other than the fight."

Azure's words brought no true emotion behind them, a simple statement to a simple man it had seemed in the mere moments that he had spoken. The booming sound that followed his words echoed throughout the battlefield, his own eyes shifting to the side as he continued to listen to the shark man speak. He was longing for the battle just as Radio had, but in a different way. It was not something Azure needed to further himself. It was a means to an end, for him. He wished to release his own pain, suffering and terror onto Radioactive in a direct and healthy way. Radioactive wished to fight to pass on knowledge, but more so simply to fight. Azure could see it in the man's stare, his beaty eyes flashing with each moment that the fight had truly brought forth. He knew that he would hit a nerve if he continued to push the man.

Using his internal vibration in order to send yet another shock wave through his body, allowing him to grip the vibration that was sent throughout his being, pushing them to his nerve endings as he slowly decreased their current speed, bringing them to a completely halt in terms of touch. By doing so, Azure felt nothing. A rush of sensation was now completely ceased, his pain receptors shutting off entirely due to the slow response sent to the brain. However, the pain currently being thrown at him would be taken care of upon their re enabling, a rush of pain and terror would wash over Azure when this was all said in done. Until then, however, he was almost a machine. There was no feeling, no altering of his own senses. The man would simply fight until he could no longer due so.

Following the said act, Azure watched as one last, large spike was sent flying forward at him. It's position was directly within range of his right shoulder. If it had went through his body, it would have been hell. A useless arm was no good for Azure, especially when it was his enhanced arm. Given that the thought crossed his mind, Azure's reactions were precise and pinpoint, a stomp followed by the movement of his right arm followed as a large wave of vibrational energy was sent flying upward, flattening itself as if physical as Azure now brought his own right arm downward using the aid of his nuclear propulsion, slamming the spike within the earth to cause an explosion directly between the two. With the aid of the wall of vibrational energy constantly pushing away a bit of the blast, a small amount seeped through its core. Leaving quite a many scorch marks upon the man's chest, Azure's upper clothing had now been entirely burned from his being, his topaz eyes faintly glowing of red hues.

"You're far more amazing than most that walk this Earth, Radioactive. But sometimes those values and ambitions are more suited for family, or even an ally. Sometimes, there is more to life than the thrill of the fight. But, I also can understand where you are coming from. You've pushed me, and I don't plan on stopping."

He knew that the outcome of this battle meant the destruction of the world around them. There was no way around such a thing, but it was a great asset to the two that they were currently in a world that did not truly exist within the normal realm. It was secluded and specially made for such a battle. It was a gift to the two, in order to create a spectacle.

"Why aren't you depressing?" Azure smiled, watching as Radioactive spoke as if he was some empty shell. No one that was an empty shell could have hit Azure with such a force. No one that was a shell of a man could throw their energy around as if they were a god. A purpose was not one that Radioactive had spoken of, and honestly it only caused Azure pain to see the man in such a state. But, it did not matter. Turning his eyes back to the man he sighed and spoke.

"Don't fight just to fight. Don't fight to simply impose purposes upon others. Fight with a love. Not for the thrill. Gain a purpose that isn't a god damn bloodbath."

The flame that was within Azure welled once more, his entire being shifted left and right as energy began to spike thoroughly throughout his being. The man had finally reached that point that would be pure power. Azure was no longer willing to talk about this or that, he'd rather fight. Fight and end the battle with a single victor. Nothing else would end such a battle. There was no better fitting in than one man winning over the other combatant. However, if one were to give up simply because, maybe then the destruction between the two physical titans would be brought to an end.

As Azure stood relatively close to Radio, his final blow had been sent forth. The nuclear propulsion backing up the attack itself sent his arm forth, being abruptly stopped as he had expected. Completely coming to a stop, Azure's arm fell as dozens of black spikes began to protrude from Radio's own skin. They were just as the previous were, just in greater number. Like last time, Azure had to remove himself from an offensive stand point, pushing the vibrations that were given off by his heart outward as he further enhanced their power with his own chaos energy. This allowed the man to swerve and distance the spikes slightly from his body, six or seven of them making contact with his arms and chest. With that came long, protruding wounds sliding all along the man's skin. Three to four inches in length, these wounds slowly oozed blood, his pain receptors feeling almost none of the immediate pain as stated before.

Upon trying to move, Azure's body reacted quickly to Radioactive's power increase, his Shikai now coming into full effect as the man placed his feet once more against the ground. Radio was faster now, stronger and more than willing to pummel the man. Despite this, Azure used his own speed in order to move away from Radio, only enough to dodge that which was a chop to the sides of his body. What came next, the headbutt, seemed to connect head to head with the Hybrid Iramasha. With the impact came a spiral of blood trickling downwards along Azure's face. The red ooze began to slowly drip against the earth beneath them, the fangs that previously grew within Azure's mouth had now grown in size and sharpness, his eyes only growing more blood thirsty as the Shark attacked him.

Azure now stood, watching as Radioactive began to speak, his lust for battle only further being heard throughout the battlefield as the young Iramasha released a small sigh. His body began to twitch with power, the energy around him slowly but surely pushing outward as the ground between the two completely removed itself from existence. With that, the man looked upward as he had now entered Hybrid Form Two, a step above his base form as of late. With it came an increase in his potency and energy, something that would only further the battle that would be coming forward with the two. Bring his arms outward, the blood that had previously began to ooze from his wounds began to subside, his own body regenerating itself slowly but surely as his healing factor was amplified by the Adrenaline rush his heart has sent his being in to.

"I guess its finally time for the two devils to play, Eh Radio?"

The Iramasha's voice boomed throughout the area, his eyes flaring with the thirst for blood as he watched Radio once again move to attack him. The man's large tail went flying forward to Azure, the length of the tail trying to match that of his neck and upper body. However, Azure was on his toes, his senses only enhanced now from the slight power boost he had gained. Shifting to the side, the male's body was gone in a flash, the speed that was obtained in the mere seconds that Azure had moved was phenomenal, making his way now a yard from Radio's physical body as a whole. Despite the movement that was previously used by Radio in order to snatch Azure off his feet, the man was entirely fine. That is, in terms of keeping himself free of Radio's clutches. Shaking his head, the man looked downward as his hands began to slowly lift upward, the demonic energy flowing from his pores only growing in size as he stood.

The male's being began to rise slowly through the air, his body hanging a small amount from the ground as he once again looked Radioactive directly in the eye, his being entirely changing compared to his original entrance to the match. The newly formed Azure had twitched with power, his pores slowly excreting smoke that would began to fill the battlefield around them. In the coming time, this smoke would begin to infect Radio in terms of entering his being, that is if he couldn't somehow remove the thick and obstructing smoke from the area in quick fashion. Along with that, Azure had began moving once more, his body coming downward as he would land to the ground with a large smash.

The smash that had been previously acted upon sent a large amount of shock waves outward from the male's center, the sound waves themselves erecting sounds and tones that would be reaching disgustingly high levels in terms of decibels and the actual sound being registered by others. The tones were a sense of psychological warfare, the first step of the tones would cause his opponent, if they couldn't match his Will or have it higher, to begin to hear and see things that aren't as if they were truly there. If his opponent, in this case Radio, were able to stand up against the tones then he would have issues with pounding pains within his brain along with a constant stream of sounds pounding at his ear drums. At worse, he couldn't hear and would have his senses dulled. At best, he would have to suffer through horrendous pains within his skull.


The young Iramasha's voice was dark and deep, his blood-thirst only being more apparent as he spoke allowed. Bringing his head up from previously slamming against the ground, a sinister snicker began to form among his lips as a small cackle protruded from his throat. The man had truly changed, the flame within him only growing in a raging forest fire, his eyes giving off the the same notion as his voice did. Azure Iramasha was a bit crazy, if not a bit numb to the feeling of sadness now.

Azure was far from done, however. Once again slamming his foot against the earth beneath him, Azure sent a shock wave of energy throughout the area as he sent forth dozens upon dozens of chaos energy blasts to the air, the shock wave flowing through them to allow them to separate into thousands of streams. These streams of chaos energy were of high power, only slightly weaker than the blasts that were previously sent upward. They came downward all at once, from all sides, their resilience far greater than the blows that were previously sent Radio's way. The streams flew through the sky as Azure moved along with them, his body seeming to be a high blur as it moved among the streams.

Speeds that had previously not been met in their battle had now come to surface in Azure's movements, his body fluidly moving with the chaos energy that he sent forth at Radio. Moving with the streams, the man had brought forward his own attacks as he went from left to right, blow after blow being sent forward at Radio as his fists, bloody and bruised, smashed against the armor that the man had erected. Due to his pain receptors being shut off, Azure was able to constantly attack the brick wall that was Radio's skin as he went to crack the armor, if not send a ridiculous amount of shock waves throughout his body. If Azure was able to send these shock waves throughout Radio's body, he could enhance their power and strength through his own manipulation to cause his organs and innards to take a beating, one that could even cause them to explode. His fists were an endless stream of Radio couldn't remove him from his being, otherwise the man would be pulled away from the Shark with bloody, bruised and torn to pieces hands. His bones slowly taking a toll due to his pain receptors being shut off, his eyes only focusing on sending energy throughout Radio.

It seemed that the battle would only go further from here, the man causing pain to himself as he acted on the idea of blowing Radio's insides up.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:38 pm
[adm]Due to my own temp leave, I'd like to give myself an extension of a week. If I do not get my post out, then you can just skip me and write out what happens to Radioactive.[/adm]

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Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:08 pm
[adm]I'm going to give myself an extra week. The reason being is because there has just been a lot of stress and I kind of lost the muse for Radioactive. So, I want to placehold this thread if possible and kind of branch out for a bit.[/adm]

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Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:32 am

Artist: STVORE - Song: To Be Farther - Word Count: 4023

There was a force within Azure that finally seemed to awaken upon The Nuclear Giant aiming, pressing and yearning to invoke the primal spirit within The Iramasha before him. It radiated throughout the atmosphere, around the male's body and within himself. So as he observed this transformation, there was a sense of utmost glee was there was nothing else more exciting than losing yourself in the joys, pleasures and pains of combat to unlock, ascend and evolve further beyond yourself, your limit and find places of yourself you never even thought was there. As this battle progressed onward into the skies of personal transcendence, the body of Azure Iramasha overstepped and transformed into something quite more demonic. Murderous intent, devilish aura and pure demonic essence were key words to describe the feeling exploding and erupting in the space that Azure occupied. So it was clear to Radioactive that his primal beast and instinct came in the form of demonic blood.

As Radioactive began surveying the attacks he made against The Iramasha further, it seemed that most of his assaults were pelting themselves against Azure's body and was beginning to sink it. Skin became blackened, yet pure energy still bolstered out of him like a mad source of power. Indeed, he was trying to stand the test of endurance and prove to The Nuclear Giant that he was a worthy foe. With his opponent now bleeding, bruised and drowning in pain; The Nuclear Hulk started letting out a bellowing laugh. However, it wasn't one of menacing or belittling intent. No. He was more impressed with the fact he was still trying to stand after a few more hefty blows like that.

However, there wouldn't be much time to further indulge in these fits of childish amusement. Instead, Azure thought quick on his fight and aimed to direct a hard blow to Radioactive's gut. When that impact occurred, most of the earth shattered around them in an eruption of rock, dirt and electricity as lightning poured down from the heavens around them. And in this burst of power and determination, The Beastly Shinigami could only let loose a wild and wicked grin at the resulting strike The Iramasha unleashed upon him.

Then, like pellets of water in a rainstorm, it just kept coming and coming in a downpour. It felt great to feel such a thing across his body because it seemed like his foe was getting more serious about this match. The more Azure struck up against Radioactive's hardened and rigid skin, the further The Nuclear Beast could sense he was tapping into his primal spirit and becoming stronger with each passing blow. And as their eyes exchanged parting glances during this clashing of powers, there seemed to be a look that reminded him of many fighters whom wanted to prove something to him; while there was also enough grit behind them to further back up that desperation. So, Radioactive smirked like a deranged person once more after confirming that gaze and simply allowed him to vent off and blow off steam to further allow his primal sense to get a feel for his body.

"That's it, demon, let your true primal essence out and it'll guide you the whole way!"

Those words were almost demonic themselves as The Nuclear Hulk's voice became raspy, gruff and almost menacing in its own right as all rows of his teeth were shown while speaking. And while everything seemed to become obliterated around them in a manner of time, all of it was utterly irrelevant. The only pillars of relevance that mattered were creations, beings and structures strong enough to withstand the colossal weight of their spirits as they threw their heavy influences across the world around them like atomic bombs in a non-stop nuclear war of juggernauts.

Yet, in this lull of strikes and blows thrown against each other, Radioactive couldn't help but notice the hellish injuries he sustained from getting in such close combat with a berserker such as himself. The middle knuckle of Azure Iramasha was torn straight down in the middle and it looked as if he almost dislocated his wrist. Snickering to himself, The Nuclear Hulk took note of the pain and wondered how he would respond to such damage inflicted upon his body. And, to his amusement, Azure managed to snap his wrist back into place with a painful sound.

Upon seeing this sight of The Iramasha bouncing back from such an ugly injury, Radioactive laughed so hard that it released its own earthquake and an eruption of energy slammed against Azure like a dense freight train of raw power. The likes of which could prove to flatten him like a pancake given how bulky and heavy his energy was. Broken bones, damage to the nervous system, vomiting of blood and injury to many vital and non-vital organs could be had from this eruption of delightful destruction. In fact, the force behind it could be enough to send him hurdling in the distance roughly a mile back to be thrown into a few mountains or so in order to further bolster the injuries effect. And, even if he was unmoved, that jovial power could make him certainly feel the brunt of Radioactive's primal sanctification.

So when these forces yet again came to another passing breather, The Nuclear Giant once again noticed yet another change within his foe: despair. There was a wave of sadness overfilling the battlefield from Radioactive's point of view. Perhaps Azure had not foreseen it as such a thing, but The Atomic Beast surely thought of his despair as glumness, hopelessness and depression personified. Hence, while they were making progress in morphing his character, it was obvious that this road still had a been more to go before he'd be ripe and fresh for the picking of primal ascension.

"You're beginning to think too much. I can feel it in your aura. Let those feelings go further away from you and focus more on letting them be your weapons. Otherwise, my own will devour you whole before you have a chance to prove anything to myself."

The laughter stopped, the joking around ceased and the tone of Radioactive's voice was stern and rigid; as if he was almost giving a lecture of some sort to the male. And that is because he otherwise understood where the male was heading. Harboring similar feelings of aimlessness, anguish and misery within his own soul; The Nuclear Beast did indeed have a knack for picking up sorrow in a persons heart. Ergo, for that reason is why he became cold and nasty. If allowed to consume a person, then these feelings of a non-primal spirit could consume them whole and turn their soul into something more ugly and rancid then his harsh and gruff words could.

Once that issue was addressed and brought to the fold, Radioactive eye's seem to focus in on Azure and he raised an eyebrow at what he said. Living for anything other than fighting at this point just seemed absurd to him. Sure, one could say he loved to protect his family and country, but the majority of those duties were either destroyed or throw him further into the depths of battle. Without his lover, family or anything holding him down; Radioactive didn't care to live for anything else. The loneliness within himself served as a tool for power, but it also acted as as a instrument to hopefully bring his demise the day he finds an opponent with a more bloodthirsty primal intent and power than his own.

As, with how things are now, Radioactive had grown tired of living. Tired of losing family, tired of roaming the endless plains of existence searching for something he couldn't find and enduring centuries of conflict. If it weren't for the vow he made to his wife prior to her death, he'd have let himself be thrown to sunder ages ago. So, for her light, he allows that illumination to love to shine upon his soul and prevent the shadows of darkness from tearing his own spirit until the day comes where a foe or force of nature is able to bring him down and kill him; putting an end to senselessly drawn out life.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh...hahahahahaha...that's laughable. I've lived for eight hundred years and I'm tired, boy. The desire to fight is the only thing which has kept my soul in tact. Every moment of every day is a battle to maintain my body, my mind and my sense of self."

In one swift moment, Radioactive transferred a large sum of his physical energy into his legs in order to greatly cut the distances between the two following an enormous eruption of destructive following his previous assaults hitting Azure. When the smoke cleared and The Iramasha began talking, Radioactive aimed to send a CRASHING punch at his right side in order to try and shatter his rib-cage. Thus, just from this blow alone, a force with enough catastrophic power to annihilate and vaporize an entire town was unleashed upon The Iramasha's body. The impact alone could be heard for miles on end and the resulting release, even if missed, would cause a yellow wave of nuclear energy to spread out for the next half mile and cover everything in a ray of carnage and eradication.

"You feel those fangs gnawing on you?"

In a quick movement, if he still had Azure in his grasp, he'd aim use his teeth to bite into his neck and rip out a huge chunk of flesh, skin and bone in order to devour it, consume it and nourish himself on the blood of The Hybrid Iramasha.

"Those fangs were forged from a long since dead desire to protect a family that is no longer here. All I have left now are those instincts from when I was a man, a husband and a father. They will madly guide me until I've met a primal force within this universe that ceases my existence. For her sake, I won't die like some pathetic coward."

Each of those words were almost being hollered out and drowning the heaven shaking explosions erupting all around them. Following that point, should he have consumed and drawn blood from Azure, The eyes of Radioactive would become entirely devoured by blood and drown out the whites in them. The inner beast within himself was rushing to the surface and he could feel that burning suffering within instructing him to tap deeper to his powers.

"Hahahahahaha.....hahahahahahahahaha....GAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH! I'm an entirely depressing being, but I don't let it define me, kid. Life is a constant series of fights, battles and challenges; but I fight to spite that bitch who gives me life and continue on until the bones in my body grind to dust, the energy within me evaporates to nothingness and the loss spark of fire in my conscious fizzles out into the great beyond."

Volts of golden bioelectricity started scattering around the male as he almost felt himself descending into his own internal madness, but even in this moment of that inner torment coming to seize him -- Radioactive rode it and made it his tool. Blood was dripping from his nose, eyes and mouth; and this otherwise signified a struggle taking place. Since if one were to pay attention to his body, The Nuclear Beast's hands were shaking, breathing increasing and his heart rate almost seemed to be moving faster than the speed of light from his point of view. And this was because the catastrophic powers within himself were attempting to deconstruct the male's body.

Indeed, The Atomic Disaster of Radioactive was not lying to Azure about the ceaseless conflict within. If he was not in complete control of himself -- that was it. The miracle of strength that made Radioactive one of the strongest beings in existence would turn on him and cripple the male. It is why he brought himself down and laughed it off as he seemed to have a mental breakdown almost. Yet, this laughter was merely his way of coping as the inward powers starting swelling, surging and raising to the point of almost releasing into his full powered Shikai. This fact was what was more than on the horizon.

Thus, while Azure was busy sighing to himself, Radioactive's claw dove deep into his skin and sought to crush his wrist, break his bone and render his limbs useless by pulling down on them with enough force to rip apart a massive carter in the earth for miles on end. It would be a jeering and snapping type of pain that may overflow within Azure as The Nuclear Shark let out his unearthly roar into the blackened skies above. If this action in motion had transpired, then Radioactive would begin smashing his forehead against Azure with unrelenting force; even if he was released in his H2 state at this point. He'd continue smashing, smashing and smashing more until he broke his damn forehead in. And with each headbutt he was allowed, he'd use the rows of razor teeth in his mouth to try and ravage the face of Azure. Cheeks, nose, lips, ears, temples; all open areas across his head were prime targets for the shark to try and gnaw on.

Granted, at this point, it was certain that Azure would have moved or reacted. And, to this end, the Mammoth Sized Man would let out a hellish roar of fury into the air. With the depths of nuclear energy surging within himself like a hurricane, this typhoon of power came to its peak and unleashed a destructive gust of wind that demolished everything within a mile radius in a cyclone of decimation. The ground was turned to blackened crisp, the oxygen in the air was reduced and all attacks would be ripped and cut through like a sword piercing through flesh. This could result in Azure suffering THOUSANDS of cuts across his body, fourth degree burns from the extreme amount of heat generating from Radioactive's energy and feeling sluggish himself as he unconsciously utilized this eruption of nuclear power to poison him with cancerous cells. Infecting him, piercing into him and daring to bring the mighty Azure down with lowered strength, decreased durability and depleted energy reserves.

Thus, by the time that The Iramasha came slamming into the earth, Radioactive was filled with rage, anguish, adrenaline and primal urge to crush his opponent or whatever caused him this pain within. It was like a tornado of thought, power and desire within himself; but even as these suggestive thoughts flooded him, he still yearned to finish this match and give Azure what he wanted. As a result of this inward wish, the male would endure one of his eardrums rupturing as blood began spewing outward from his left ear; only going on to protect his right with a condensed shield of energy as a bodily response to save his hearing on his right.


The cycles in mood were becoming apparent, but Radioactive was still relishing the thrill and joy of this match. Even if he was in pain, pain was a constant thing for him and nothing new. It varied in intensity, but he was very much happy to have come this far in bringing out the boy's development. So, according to his nature, it was only natural to continue to fight into an utter and total oblivion.

Therefore, as he saw all of these streams of destructive light heading his way, The Atomic Champion could only hold his arms open and accept this fiery demise with the utmost of fierceness.


Following that declaration of outright war, the first waves of chaos blast that came near him were repelled outright from his monstrous roar. However, due to the high volume of attacks, and Radioactive's general lack of speed, he was starting to have these blast pile on. Explosion after explosion roared out as black marks, nasty burns and crimson fluids oozed out of his body. Yet, even with all of that bombarding him, his durability could take it and he was more worried about finding Azure in this stream of carnage and devastation.

In a haze of red vision, Radioactive blurred out everything else. Even as his body became devoured in smoke, fire and pain from Azure's onslaught; none of it mattered as he channeled into his senses and saw through the eye of the storm to find his foes movement. In a ray of white light, Radioactive located what he was searching for and yanked Azure straight by his throat and slammed him into the burning earth with enough physical power to begin destroying entire sections of a city. So this could snap his neck, break most bones within his body, induce vomiting, cause strain to his organs and even possibly have the male black out. His body would be taxed, durability tested and he'd have a heavy amount of his health and energy taken out by this daunting blow. As, with Radioactive's assault operating on a metaphysical and physical level, it was designed to weaken him both spiritually and organically as he yearned to cripple this foe.

In spite of this, though, Azure still managed to get heavy strikes in on Radioactive. Enough to where they penetrated deep within himself and he began vomiting blood all over The Iramasha's face, clothing and body. It was a huge volume, but it seemed to drive him further mad as the razor sharp jaws of Radioactive glowed red and sparks of crimson lightning started sporadically appearing around the two. With another scream of absolute rage, the energies within Radioactive started to enclose on the threat beginning to threaten his organs and eradicated it with an internal flushing of energy. That is, once the hazard was targeted, the external influence of Azure was attacked and the aura of Radioactive aimed to outright cleanse him of it. As a result, a burning hot mist of white steam would surge out of The Atomic Beast's skin and attempt to outright melt parts of The Iramasha's body and burn him mercilessly as a result of his nuclear energies running so hot.

But indeed, a general lost of health could be sensed within Radioactive, as he energy started to lower, but his determination to fight was still as strong as ever. Therefore, he used something that didn't require massive mounds of energy: his fist. As The Nuclear Hulk did his damndest to keep Azure pinned on the ground with the utmost of his strength, he used his right hand in order to begin delivering a series of punches at his chest. Blow after blow after blow; these would compound and turn into a constant chain of attacks that were comparable to taking multiple nuclear bast; but delivered entirely over Azure's body and the surrounding area. These punches reached so deep into the earth, that lava started to fill up the pit they were in and Radioactive was outright trying to drown Azure in it.

More importantly, though, his entire body could very well be brought to the brink. Should he fall prey to these assaults, then taking this many hits from an empowered Radioactive at this level could be dangerous for his health. These were multiplying upon each other and growing two times stronger with each hit that he landed. So, from the way things were developing, The Nuclear Beast was started to move towards finishing this fight with the might of his blows. It is why he covered his tail entirely in crimson red spikes; the likes of which could even tear diamond. When ready, he commanded his tail to constrict around Azure's waist to keep him further connected to Radioactive, but to also try and crush his spine and force him to tap out. It is why he started squeezing harder and harder on his throat to make this boy choke out.


Was what Radioactive snarled out as the blast became harder and harder and harder. While the heat around his body became further and further more daunting. It would be akin to sitting near the surface of the sun at this point. Then, when combined with the lava beginning to drown them both, Azure was in a troublesome situation.This was a Radioactive giving his unlocked foe what they wanted: a brutal and bloody fight to the end. So, to honestly delivered that, he had to fight to win and he was doing what he could to shut him up. The competitive blood within him was brewing and he wanted Azure put to sleep.

Therefore, in one final attack, Radioactive started gathering up a large amount of reishi and nuclear energy within himself. Contorting, churning and rushing to the surface; this catastrophic wave of power flowed out of Radioactive's mouth. It would blind everything for two miles and released enough TNT to be comparable to a nuclear bomb dropping across the area. As, with 50,000 tons of TNT covering the area, there was no doubt in Radioactive's mind that something was going to stick and his opponent was going to be beaten to hell and back. Henceforth, even as his own body felt the pressure of the battle, the end was coming and he was going to make it come about one way or another.

Thus, energy started to become vaporized in the wake of this ungodly assault. The clouds turned to nothingness, the lava became vaporized in the wind and this could undoubtedly produce similar results to chunks of Azure's body. Limbs could be missing, vision may be lost, holes in his body would emerge and he may be sent hurdling back into his HS1 or base form from how much force was input into this attack when multiplied on top of many of the previous hellish assaults Radioactive compounded on his body.

Even Radioactive himself was beginning to feel bones cracking, hearing lessening, sight dimming and waves of warm pain oozing into his body. For even as he pressed with all his might against Azure, the male was still taking damage. With his left eardrum ruptured, internal organs stressed, large volumes of blood lost, burns across his skin and vital fluids dripping from his skin, combined with the mental strain it took to keep his powers managed; he was by no means coming out of this without injury. Yet, it was also a testament to how brutal and gnarly his legendary endurance and durability was to still uphold and allow him to fight under these daunting conditions.

And, on the flipside, it was a testament to how far Azure had came in this battle. Even despite them being drowned in this ball of life killing light, Radioactive could feel the peace of mind in having a glorious battle such as this. If nothing else, Azure would take away heavy lessons, character growth and the unlocking of his primal powers to take away. If he could do that, then Radioactive did all he could. Like a father passing down his lessons to a son, The Atomic Champ hoped something similar could induce itself within Azure's mind when this was all said and done.

For now, however, they had to contend with the conclusion of this battle more than likely coming to past. As with how far Azure was going, and how destructive Radioactive's assaults was, something had to give and it was going to give soon. The only question was: would it be Azure -- or it would be Radioactive? Only mother fate had such an answer to that question.

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Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:47 pm


Given that this event is kind of lulling out, and the fact we are both enjoying this thread, I'm not issuing a 72 hour notice for this thread. Instead, we are just going to take our time with it and let it finish whenever it finishes. That is my verdict for this thread. So Blade, carry on and gather up the muse you need.

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Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:44 am
[adm]Seeing how it is has been three months, I kind of just want to conclude this thread. We could potentially say that each of them came to a draw and this would have been the crux to allow Radioactive into the Vanguard. From there, each of them could have the option to potentially drop out of the tournament or move to the next round. I just want to finish this.[/adm]

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