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The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc]

Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:38 pm
[adm]I'm going through threads in the event and I'm just leaving this one week notice to say that you have another week or so to post so we can keep the event moving[/adm]

The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc]

Sat Sep 05, 2015 10:23 pm


'kk, since I've gotten in contact with Andy, I'm going to allow him an extension on this thread until things even out at his jerb.

The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc]

Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:21 pm

Artist: ZUNATA - Song: Urban Trail Boss 01 - Word Count: 1208

Alert and ready to go, Cirno was preparing her defenses for whatever was to come next. Yet, at the same time, she was attempting to still pay attention to her foe. And given that he had enough energy to deflect most of the debris hurled at him, it was safe to assume that his power was undoubtedly going to be a tricky thing to deal with. Therefore, The Angel of The Ice knew that if anything pertaining to his Chi came on the field -- she was going to have to hit hard.

This much was confirmed when she observed her "Celestrial Crusher" ripping apart the barrier Sagumi put into place after he had his moment of acute momentum. While she estimated that her speed wouldn't make her dramatically lag behind Sagumi from his movement, the levels of energy and velocity in which he moved made her realize that she needed to hone in her senses and be ready for anything. Reaction and reflexes were going to be key in making sure she didn't miss a beat.


That was the only thought that waved through Cirno's mind as she felt his presence approaching at teleporation based speeds. With a swift lean to her left, The Angel turned on her heels and attempted to spin her body out of the way of Sagumi's grasp through usage of Chaos Warp so that he may not otherwise sneak up behind her and tap the girl's shoulder. While, at the same time, utilized the active particles of Chaos Energy in the air in order to try and produce a vortex of cold and ice around her foe's hand. Given the extreme proximity of range, it was rather easy for her to induce such an event and it's intent was simple: freeze off his hand. Harnessing the power of her icicle prowess, The Fairy attempted to outright numb and crush his hand under the frigid temperatures and heavy weight of her ice.

After that, The Iramasha's heart was beating at a million miles per second as her mind entered into a combative daze. The words which Sagumi spoke of were registered, but they came off as a distant echo in the perception of Cirno. What was more important was to focus and key-in heavily on her extrasensory prowess to guide her; while at the same time eating up energy in order to make sure she could produce her attack at break neck speeds to keep up with him.

Since his movement would not allow her to easily evade in time, the only option on the table was to tank and break through. Therefore, Cirno produced a layer of hardened ice around her entire back side that hovered ever-so-slightly above the girl. Enough to where it was not connected to her body should worse come to worse. Therefore, as Sagumi smashed into her like an utter monster, he'd absolutely decimate her spinal area of the make-shift armor, but shock wave would send her hurdling away from him still.

Thus, in this moment, The Angel of Ice capitalized and tried to use the momentum, on top of her own, in order to outpace him enough to miss tapping her shoulder narrowly. And, since she was not too heavily damage, the control Cirno had over herself would allow her to direct her speed efficiently enough to perform this feat.

'Something weird.'

That's all Cirno could comment on when she felt a surge of Chi energy beginning to swell up in her shoulder blade as Sagumi attempted to touch it. Not quite sure what he did, even after perceiving the seal on her shoulder, The Iramasha only knew she needed to get rid of it. Therefore, The Angel of The Ice used her natural racial capacity to purify in order to purge the abnormal energy away and from within her body. Treating it as if it were a foreign germ infecting her body, The Ice Fairy was trying to expunge all energy away from her body that was not associated with the energy frequency her body produced. Which meant it could more than likely attack the Chi and diffuse the seal.

[Referring to this ability here on this page called "Divine Purification"]


After said disbanding was finished, The Angel of The Ice would attempt to roll over on her side and exploit her momentum in order to try and deliver a hard kick to Sagumi's neck. However, that did not go as intended for the male was able to avoid her grasp with his geppo for the time being. Therefore, Cirno skipped back on the ground and panted heavily because most of these actions she performed took quite a bit of stamina to perform and she needed to catch her breath.

And during this lull, Cirno would quickly ask:

"You are welcome....but why are you fighting in this tournament anyway? I don't get it Mr...."

Those words came with quick panting breathes before she started gathering up her internal resources to try and respond if he should attack while sh was speaking.

For now -- she was still able to continue the fight without heavy injury. There was still soreness nagging at Cirno's body from the shock wave it endured from his previous attack. Even if it hadn't made direct contact, the pain still managed to reach to her body and she gritted her teeth as her back began to have a tightness to it. However, it was far better than the alternative of enduring that kick without any protection. Along with that, her legs and wings also felt relatively achy given how fast she needed to react in order to deal with his speed. In fact, the pain in her right knee was enough to make her feel as if there was a throbbing sensation akin to being stabbed for a few moments before the pain subsided.

When it did, Cirno came to realize this guy was moving like a horse-fly and The Angel Of The Ice needed to conjure up a way to neutralize his speed somehow. Therefore, she needed to continue the flow of the fight and protect herself at the same time. Hence, she took flight to the heavens once more and attempted to take this battle into the clouds in order to evade getting caught up in the terrain of the earth. That way, at least there would be little leeway for him to maneuver around in.

While, at the same time, it would allow her to begin creating an ice armor of sorts. Since it was clear he had some sort of ability that activated upon touch, the child was going to conjure up a compacted layer of ice that would otherwise prevent him from touching her directly without first having to break through the armor. Of course, it took up chunks of Chaos Energy and stamina to maintain, but it would be worth it.

In the meantime, she'd motion for him to follow her into the skies and it is there she could begin the next round of this fight.

Template By: [THEFROST]

The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc]

Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:51 am

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Heartache - Word Count: 1824

'Relax and open your mind, Cirno. You are tense and heavy.'

Those words were echoed into the consciousness of The Angel Iramasha's mind as she ascended into the air. It was quite the familiar one and was no doubt Shiro, The Former Angel of The Ice, communicating with her. And, given how stiff, wild and radical her attacks, counters and defenses were -- it was for good reason. Something was wrong here and she needed to find a sense of inner balance in order to clench this battle. Otherwise, this just wasn't going to end well.

Therefore, the sense of perception started to slow down and come to a close within the brain of Cirno. Internal mechanisms were diffusing, thoughts were becoming more susceptible to suggestion and free flowing ideas were maneuvering all about and coming to life within the child's mind. It was expanding, growing and reaching a point of actualization.

This would further come to a pass when The Iramasha would hear the tale of what came to be of Earth following the results of the supernatural entering into their realm. And, from what she digested from it, it was an absolute nightmare for them. A point of view she did not consider because of the fact The Angel always assumed there was strife in the world.

For, after hearing the story of how the world changed from the perspective of someone whom lived through it, Cirno felt a sense of understanding of why he would want to take part in this tournament. If the world was already in conflict from the overpopulation of races in existence, a tool which is fabled to be that of the holy grail would only throw it into further turmoil. Even in her childish form, Cirno could understand that much and what danger that might cause if fallen into the wrong -- or right hands.

Since -- that is all she had when she herself first came to the world. And based upon her adventures up until this point, a good portion of them have gone south more often than not. Despite the earnest intention the child possessed, things just never seemed to go as they planned. If these inner conflicts were amplified to the grand-scale of a divine object, there is no telling what recourse something of that scale might have on the planet.


That is when her decision was made.

"I can't make up for what my race and other races have done, but you have my hand in wanting to dispense of the Platinum Heart. It is...quite dangerous when you put it like that. And...even though I want to be heroine, I can't allow something that risky to be brought into existence..."

When speaking, the childish tone of her voice seemed to fade away and the sound of an older woman started to utter out of Cirno's mouth. There was something that was different in her eyes following that realization and the wavelength of her energy seemed to be shifting and evolving. Churning, contorting and twisting into something more refined. It wasn't quite there, and may not be even after this fight, but a force within the child was attempting to come out and change.

For now, however, she needed to contend with the male's radical movement before making her ultimate offer. There was no doubting the foe's speed was incredible, but there was an assumption in the Iramasha's mind that he was going to come from behind or to the side. The reason for this is because even if his movement surpassed her, a full frontal assault would be too far easy to counter. So, on a gamble, she tilted her body downward and attempted to evade his sword slash at her shoulder.



Drip, drip, drip.

Those sounds signified the shattering of the armor around her shoulder and the blood beginning to ooze from it. The mark had been made and a burning sensation ran down that very arm. The sword strike damaged the area, as the ice became unstable and hard to maintain around that region. However, instead, a glow of white energy replaced it and started trying to mend the injuries with light regeneration through their own utility of magic.

[Refer to spell used here]


[Note: Cirno has a master in Chaos Energy and can adjust it to try and mend 50% of the damage done to her in this instance]

Yet, even these adjustments for the injury -- it hurt. The Iramasha's eye was even seen wincing out of a reaction of pain and her fist curled up into a tight ball. However, while the Iramasha bit her lip to surpress the grinding sensations of this blow, it did not deviate her focused state of mind.

Instead, Cirno realized there was no way she was going to top his speed in her current form. Therefore, if she could not step beyond it, the Iramasha would force him down to her level. Memorizing the calculations needed to induce spells which yielded the capacity to alter the flow of time, The Archangel released a summoning of chaos energy in order to activate an alternative usage of Chaos Warp. Within a ten meter radius, this would grant her the ability to decrease the way in which time passed for the environment around her; while creating a patch of accelerated time around her own body to increase her motion.

[Reference to racial ability used]


[Note 2: Cirno has an advanced in this ability; so she is eligable to utilize it in order to slow down time within a small area.]

Therefore, if nothing else, the speed in which Sagumi move could be halved and made more readable when approached by this zone. And, given the speed in which Cirno could unleash her energy together with feasibility of this being timed right; it seemed all but likely this outcome would be induced. Specifically when she understood clearly that another follow-up assault would come due to her own battle instincts understanding that attacks do not simply come in single blows. Indeed, with assaults seeking to cause maximum damage following a release, the motto was to always strike hard, fast and multiply it as much as possible.

Ergo, when he came in again for the repeat assault, the field was ready and went into effect. Provided everything went as planned, Cirno would dash above him as he descended from the heavens and emerge behind his backside. With both arms devoured by a glow of neon white energy, The Iramasha sought to deliver a powerful double chop to each of his shoulders with the conjunction of an Iramasha Fighting Style known as "Chaos Impact".

[Reference to racial Chaos Fighting Style technique here]


If a normal punch from Cirno is capable of destroying a city block, then it stands to reason that a single blow from her hand could rampage four when empowered and determined. Combined with each of her hands chopping down on both his right and left shoulder, you'd have an attack with a sum total of potential damage rivaling that of eight city blocks crushing down upon the male. And, this is not to factor the increased kinetic explosion which would occur at the altered speeds Cirno would move in order to heighten the speed of her own body through her manipulation of the time stream.

Therefore, Sagumi would be facing critical injury if these hits were to land. They were designed to travel through his body, paralyze his arms, shatter the shoulder bones and induce a heavy sense of damage upon his being and send him hurdling into the earth with a resounding bang. Of course, he'd be restored back to prime fighting speed when outside of the doom, but this hit was important and needed to be made in order to at least make him weakened in some form or another.

Hence, which is why if he even so much as narrowly evaded it, the attack's effects were meant to bounce off within the twenty meter radius where this field of Chaos Warp was in effect. In doing so, Cirno sought to have a lesser version of the attack's effects rebound through the air via her energy being used as a medium to carry it out.

All the while, she would seize it's burst and attempt to twist, weave and bounce her body around Sagumi's in order to deliver further chops at his sternum, pectorals, ribs and liver because there is often little protection within these regions of the body. Instead of going full frontal and assaulting his most guarded areas with the most enriched muscle; Cirno risked trying to make her strike on these prime targets.

While, at the same time this was occurring, Cirno sought to extend the length of her frigid wing and knock the sword clear out of Sagumi's hand during one point. Of course, as she elongated it, the Iramasha engulfed it within her Chaos Energy in order to have that mark the weapon instead of her ice. So, what was the ideal situation? That weapon would shatter upon impact. If not, then she'd hope it's durability and striking power were meant to be lessened. If that could not happen, then the force of it was designed to at least disarm him and allow her time to pounce on his potential injured state.

None the less, this was all tiring work, and Cirno herself felt the strain placed on her muscles, body and mind. Yet, in spite of this, she would work through it. Blood was still dripping from her wound, aches were gnawing at her legs from the precise and controlled movements and energy was leaving the girl from using such extensive techniques; but she needed to give her effort to defend, counter and attack against the male.

So, provided all went as plan, The Angel of The Ice would then push herself out of the temporal zone and leap back down to the solid ground below on the arena floor; provided Sagumi did as well. If not, then she would keep her guard up in the air and state this simple proclamation to him:

"You are a challenging opponent, one that can test my skills no doubt. But, what would you say to us not playing by the game of the Platinum Heart and dispensing of this tournament altogether for the greater good?"

With a breathe of deep air, Cirno would let her opponent soak in that moment and then proceed with her final bit of dialogue:

"We can either continue this fight if you wish, or we can try and figure out a way to thwart the Platinum Heart Tournament so we don't play by it's rules. The choice is yours...."

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The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc]

Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:46 am
[adm]Alright, since it's been about two months since the last post in this thread, I kind of just want to conclude it now so we can have some closure. So I would like to go ahead and resolve the thread by having them each come to a stalemate and draw at the match. This is because neither of them want to play by the rules of the Platinum Heart and I'd most likely see them going their separate ways in order to lay in wait in case the Platinum Heart does unveil itself.

However, I'm open to anything you have to suggest as ultimately I just want to conclude it in some way as I doubt we are gonna finish this.[/adm]

The Baka Iramasha Vs The Martial Arts Master! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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