Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Joined : 2015-06-03
Posts : 493
Age : 27
Location : Latvia, Riga

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The Leach Inside My Soul! Left_bar_bleue126500/99999The Leach Inside My Soul! Empty_bar_bleue  (126500/99999)

The Leach Inside My Soul! Empty The Leach Inside My Soul!

Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:13 pm

Artist: Koh Takanashi - Song: Pendulum - Word Count: 490

It was night. The red sky, which indicated that in the Ancient Realm it was day, had changed to pitch black nothingness. No stars, moon or anything could be seen and in so there was no light in this dead world. And while many were asleep, there were those who awakened. They were hybrits which enjoyed the dark. The protective shadows and calm blindness. It was their task to keep up the work those in the day left. Many of these creatures weren't human-like or even animal-like. Twisted forms and shapes showed the nature these bastards of luck had in their minds. Usually quickly they would loose their minds. Usually these creatures didn't live long, as they were hunted down or they became nothing more then beasts. In here though Koga had taken care of them, so these unlucky beings could fit in their society, had friends, jobs and live as full life, as the leader of this world could offer.

And while night ruled the sands and people of Masked Eclipse, Koga Shimaru was working in his lab, analyzing a amazing sample he had received. It was some sort of fragment. Found here it could be of some use and it was just up to him to find out, what. All around his table vials, bundles and tanks of blood stood, each holding some sort of importance. In cages weaker class Demons were captured, unable to set themselves free. In sealing pods stronger Demon were kept and 24/7 their bodies were filled with mind freezing liquid. This was the spoils of all Koga's battles. Those creatures who got him interested and desire to have more.

Polishing the small piece yet again, the man sat in his dark, isolated lab, thinking of more ways to unlock this puzzles secrets. There was something luring about this piece. It attracted him, making Koga to want to observe the sample more and more. It took by its strange aura and the Masked Demons attention was almost as taken over. And then he snapped! Something wasn't right!? He felt too light and his mind was almost floating in space. When he understood what was happening, the male mustered up all the willpower he had and with difficulties pulled out. As his brains registered that he had regained the sense of reality a sweet and worried females voice spoke.
"Thanks God! And I thought I will need to feed you for rest of your life!"

The voice which had spoken made his blood freeze and limbs become numb. There was only one person with that kind of voice, but the Masked Demon had made sure for her to die. It wasn't hard, she had then given her blood with free will, but now the...the thing had decided to return. And how? How did she do it? From nowhere two slim arms went around his neck and a hot kiss was pressed against his cheek.
"Long time no seen Honey~"

Template By: [THEFROST]

The Leach Inside My Soul! RDLUVBj
The Leach Inside My Soul! 82q86I3
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
Established Member
Joined : 2015-06-03
Posts : 493
Age : 27
Location : Latvia, Riga

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The Leach Inside My Soul! Empty Re: The Leach Inside My Soul!

Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:05 am

Artist: Koh Takanashi - Song: Dance Of Death - Word Count: 765

Koga jumped out of his seat and pulled out from the grip of the female. He had turned to face her and yes, it was the same Demon he had manipulated with into getting every last drip of her blood. Megumi. She with her pink hair tied in twin-tails, slim body, full breasts and in, as always, flashy clothes. This time it was a red corset, black skirt and gloves without fingers, made of black net. Her pale skin was colored in the red light and room around her seemed frozen still. She spoke, seeming worried.
"What's the matter Love? You seem surprised in seeing me!"
Confusion in her red, glowing eyes was well seen. A bit calming down, Koga tried to speak in his usual, peaceful manner.
]"Well, I'm just surprised! Megumi, what are you doing here? You...How can explain it..."

The Demon girl giggled in amusement, as she again rushed to wrap her arms around his neck, press her body against his and lay her head against his chest.
"Silly! You told me yourself that in this way we will be together for ever and nothing will be able to brake us apart, remember?" She raised her eyes to meet his and they stared in each other, both having the same pair. Black pits with red circles in center.
"They really suit you! My eyes really suit you!" She said as her palm went across his cheek, stopping at lips.
"I'm so happy we can be together now." The girl leaned in for a kiss which Shimaru did respond too. He was no fool! This situation was more then strange, but if it was possible for him to benefit from the girl more, then he already had, he won't let this chance pass.

And upon thinking of that Megumi pulled away, wrapping her arms around herself, hugging her body and suddenly seeming hurt and offended.
"You are doing it again! Planning and plotting on how you can abuse me again! I let you drain my blood, burn my body into nothingness and destroy everything what was close to me, but again you want from me more!"
Koga looked around. The air in the room got more...Frozen, you can say. The girls anger and disappointment was even breathable. It poured right out of her, as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. The Masked Demon had a hunch this won't end well, if he won't deal with the girl, but at the moment he actually had no idea on what to do with her. Even knowing this, Koga spoke.
"Listen! You knew this already! I told you back then that I won't love you! That I won't accept you in my heart, because...You are a Demon! And I will never be together with one of you!"

The girls eyes widen in shock, then all of her body started to tremble and pink energy went out in large masses. Her lips trembled, knees looked as they will give way in any moment, but then it seized. She calmed down and with it her body straightened, in eyes returned confidence and her lips turned into a wide smile.
"Koga! Koga, Koga, Koga! You were always blunt with me! But you knew how to put this bluntness in sweet words. But it won't work this time!" Before he even managed to blink the girl was already by his side, putting her palm against the males chest, which then sink in as it would be made from water. The males eyes widen.
"I will make you accept me! I will make you understand that EACH action has it's consequences.Each one! Till later my Love~"
With that she sank in his body like a rock. Sense of burning power took over his being and something dark, heavy, but reassuring covered his chest, before everything faded into dark.

Upon waking up Koga saw that he was in his workchair sitting, his head resting on the table, but the piece of artifact lay next to him, clean and shiny. The male rose, feeling that he had sleeping marks on his right cheek. First he took the piece on which a lone symbol was written on. This was much alike one Angels had and had only one meaning, "It is time to awaken!" A sharp pain was made its notice. Upon looking in it he saw that the place where in the dream Megumi had touched him a red, bloody symbol was on. He had enough knowledge to say that this without doubt was a Demon seal. And with that he had a omniuos feeling of change. A giggle echoed in his head.
"Smart as always~"

Template By: [THEFROST]

The Leach Inside My Soul! RDLUVBj
The Leach Inside My Soul! 82q86I3
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