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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

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Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:04 am
[adm]Giving myself a final 72 hours, as I've given some in the tournament at this point. If a post isn't out in that time, then go ahead and skip me for this turn. [/adm]

The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc]

Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:51 pm

Artist: XOTIC - Song: BLEVE - Word Count: 2101

The first precautions that he took were quite fine indeed -- if these were vectors we were dealing with, however. Instead, the rust would continue to pile on to the sword, but would be somewhat held back by the offensive energy that Tsubasa was putting out. What was actually taking place had been quantum level modifications to the values within the particles around them. All of these calculations and formulas were injected into the spirit atoms which Shadin's energy produced. Then, when he directed them towards his intended target or space, he yielded the ability to modify the particles within said area. Limited to two to four alterations before reaching critical stress, this was the true nature of Imaginary Computation unveiled.

Thus, with that said, it was probably wise enough to stop playing around on Shadin's end. The reason for this is because the nature of his true power required him to use it wisely each round to ensure that it's gifts were not squandered on superficial feats. So, he'd continue to keep on paying close attention to the movements of Tsubasa and analyze him further as a confident smirk eased on to his face. If this kept up, he may have to actually move from his spot and get this battle really moving. Which, to his Yuudeshi Blood, excited him as he felt the life and passion of combat oozing through his veins like a tsunami wave of new purpose and energy.

It is around this point where he'd more than likely notice that his vector countering field wouldn't do too much against Shadin's attacks. Sure, his energy was potent enough to lower the effectiveness, but to totally stop its effects? Not very likely. Therefore, the range in which his blades wouldn't have been tossed may have been greatly lowered, but still within the realm of possibility due to the nature of his abilities. Much of the same could also be said in relation to the damage and rust on them.

"Much of the same could be said of you~ I'm enjoying myself past all the taunting banter. So feel free to throw whatever you can at me, Shinigami."

And that was the honest truth as The Beast of Karakura let out playful laugh. He was like a little kid in a candy store at this point as he used his powers in such a whimsical fashion. Yeah, they carried a heavy burden on his shoulders, but at this point -- what didn't? You may as well enjoy the ride and worry about the rest later. That seemed to be the motto that this fiery Yuudeshi was following.

Regardless, he'd let out a low whistle as The Beast started gauging the massive energy output coming out of Tsubasa's body. It seemed that the Unabara was finally beginning to take this a bit more seriously given the context of power that the Shinigami was about to put into his next attack. So -- Shadin would take the proper precautions as well. Thus, by accelerating the production of his own energy did The Yuudeshi then awaken his infamous speed. It all moved towards his feet at first before he almost teleported in the skies and left an afterimage to take the brunt of those atomic slashing hits.

After all, there was no point in wasting the resources of Imaginary Computation if he had momentum swift enough to keep some dimensional warpers on their toes. Nevertheless, he'd emerge roughly one hundred feet in the air and let out another sly whistle as he inspected the attributes and proprieties of that slash. If he had stayed put, that definitely would have left a mark. So he was rather impressed with the male and let out a jovial laugh as a result.

"Sadly, I don't plan to find out!"

That was the first shout that The Beast of Karakura made in regards to Tsubasa wanting to know what would happen to a person if they were cut atomically. The next was then surveying the area and taking notice that The Pale Rider seemed to be gathering a large sum of metal. Obviously his next means of attack was going to be following up with those atom slashing assaults. So, The Beast of Karakura understood that this was either going to be a rest of his abilities -- or a test of his ungodly speed. Either way, he was certainly putting on the heavy gloves and Shadin liked to see that!

"Nope. Nope. Nope."

Was all that beast could say as he saw the swords beginning to surround him. He'd probably be able to only use this move once this round to cover a short distance, but an escape was going to be needed! Hence, he'd utilize the forbidden kido: Kūkanten'i! In a flash of emerald green light, a spherical vortex appeared below The Yuudeshi's feet and he'd mentally enchant it's release in order to slide through the wormhole and evade capture within two blinks of the eye.

Then, roughly ten feet away from Tsubasa, would Shadin then emerge out of another eruption of gem green light. However, this time he'd be met with a tachyon-based sword coming straight for his gut. Seeing how there was little room to dodge this, Shadin aimed to simply minimize the impact the impaling would of had. Therefore, the sword was able to pierce through the barrier -- but most of its atomic seeking abilities were absorbed by the invisible shield as a sacrifice.

Ergo, by the time he was stabbed, it would be akin to simply taking a regular jab to the gut. Which, even of itself, could pose a problem if too much blood was lost. Therefore, The Beast of Karakura quickly took the blade out as blood started to ooze out of it. This warm sensation meant that this fight was now going to enter into its second round and that further excited The Beast. So much so that he licked the blood clean from the sword and grinned like a mischievous child.

"Oh? So you finally hit me? Good job. But no dice on the atomic slashing. Being a construct of modern art just isn't my style."

Luckily, in the area where Tsubasa struck, nothing vital was hit and it was merely a flesh mound more than anything else. So, this would make it possible to accelerate the healing his body underwent with the amount of nano-machines which were present in his bloodstream. They would quickly see to it that this wound was patched up, any abnormalities cleansed and even sowed up the damage done to his clothing. Granted, they couldn't replace the strain and energy lost when the barrier had its hole ripped open, but this was good enough for now.

The resources needed to repair the shield could probably stand to wait given his calculations. After all, the entire barrier didn't collapse -- only the frontal portion of it. So, Shadin more than likely just needed to make sure he made the most out of his sides and back until it could be restored. This then led to the conclusion that it would be wise to keep up the pressure and go on the offensive for the reminder of this round.

Ergo, in an explosion of blue and white light did the spiritual energy of Shadin Yuudeshi come to the surface. It was time to start making use of Imaginary Computation now that he managed to hold off most of his attacks fairly well. As a result, the eyes of Yuudeshi turned from their crimson red shade to a hue similar to ocean blue. This signified the awakening of his potential and he was ready to start throwing down some beastly moves The Unabara.

One, two, three -- FROOM!

That was all it took to bridge the gap between himself and Tsubasa. Even if he was a half mile away from this point, Shadin summoned the talents from his human, shinigami and demonic traits into a merger of absolute speed. Then, he'd take the kinetic energy gathered from this movement, converted it into spiritual power and used it placed his hand directly on The Pale Rider's stomach. This was important because he could stand to otherwise negate most of the static electricity being generated from Tsubasa's body. As, through Imaginary Computation, he simply extracted the values of his own body to apply his resistance to electric based attacks into a means of elemental negation. In turn, the maneuver he performed wouldn't require as many resources as the more complex functions of this ability could produce due to his familiarity with harnessing the power of lightning.

Moreover, the most important thing that mattered is that this influence could indeed slip into Tsubasa. Should this occur, then he'd be able to constantly null and negate his lightning from even surfacing for the next five post until his energy ultimately burned out and influence eased. As they would act as a constant nullifer to his electric capacities and hopefully serve to further weaken him in this fight. Since, overall, his goal was to cripple and then crush The Unabara.

Which is why he followed things up by delivering a hard punch to his chest. This then would cause The Yuudeshi to then activate the more tiring and complex task of harming him metaphysically. For, this strike was meant to corrode and restrict the influence of his Saketsu and Hakusui. These two were referred to as the primary source of a Shinigami's power. And, given the spiritual reach of Shadin's abilities, he yielded the capacity to mark them and either damage these chains or outright destroy them. This could then lead to Tsubasa being cut off from his supply of spiritual energy, or, at the very least, being rather restricted in his abilities and facing a lot more pain and difficulty in summoning his powers.

Of course, even if it was destroyed, it could grow back -- but not until other this match was over with. Thus, he'd then follow it all up with one last hurrah: an explosion of wind! By clamping both of his hands together, Shadin would move three feet away from Tsubasa and unleash a destructive current of air straight in the face of The Pale Rider. It would be enough to decimate these lands ten times over, but that wasn't the intent. Surely he could suffer broken bones, hundreds of cuts and massive blood lost; but there was something hidden in this torrent of gust that was more important -- particle absorbers.

By modifying the values of his reishi to be set to consume energy, Shadin intended to use this attack in order to also try and drain Tsubasa of his spiritual energy. This could then lead to his concentration being broken, speed lowering, defenses weakening and even the healing of his body being greatly diminished. In turn, this was a move to otherwise further take him out of the fight. As, without energy, what could he possibly do? He'd be forced to tap out and faint at some point as energy was the key to sustaining life in this universe. Without it, you were pretty much dead meat.

For this reason is why he gambled on this move before appearing atop a rockside nearby and surveying what would come of his assaults. Should be attacked in the midst of these attacks? Then tendrils from his backside would emerge and attempt to otherwise defend its master. They would be dense nature and comprised of the pure energy associated with Shadin's body. Therefore, they'd have his same level of durability and be able to fend off any surprise metal or sword attacks.

So, what was more important was making sure that the the male took some form of damage from these assaults. If not, then he'd simply have to turn up the heat further. That was the simple path The Beast of Karakura was intending to take on this battle. His blood was jumping, adrenaline pumping and heart racing. Mhm! He was feeling alive and he wanted to see how long The Pale Rider could keep up with him before the killing move was made.

This battle was moving fast and only time could tell which one would be the last victor standing as these mammoths of human and Shinigami kind clashed against one another.

The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:11 pm
[adm]I'm leaving a warning for Crow since it has been a week since he posted. He has until the 24th to post until he is otherwise skipped.[/adm]

The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu

The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc]

Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:35 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Everything froze, time and every element as the beast of a tiger walked to him. He'd glanced at the situation, it was just after his attack. His Zanpakutō was staring at him it was though everything was still. Tsubasa walked over in this paused reality, time didn't move from his inner world. He poked the frozen Shadin in the head, where was this place what had his sword done? So many questions, his eyes scanned the area for clues but saw none. "Is that as far as you intend to evolve?" Byakko said to him as he glanced at the white tiger with a questioning glance. [color=blue]"You've not even scratched the surface of my power boy...Are you ready to try and scratch the real power?" Byakko was speaking of another test, for what though. Tsubasa knew Shikokai what could possibly be left for him to learn. His orbs stared at the Tiger puzzled somewhat, it had been sometime since he and the sword spoke. His eyes widened a bit, was Byakko perhaps keeping powers from him? He didn't know his sword did such things, but the more he thought about it. The more it clicked within his mind, he walked over to his spirit. "Byakko, what have you kept from me..You are a powerful spirit with great skills, I learned much from your guidance..But aren't your powers Lightning and Metal based?" He asked his sword who gave him a shake of his head, he glanced at the tiger harder now. His orbs narrowing as he realized he'd been had, what with the tachyon imbalance and everything else. Was his sword the cause of their birth within his body, perhaps being hit by a Demon God had some prices. "They are so much more, I will open the door for you once more Tsubasa..I don't want it to rain in this world..You are strong, strong enough now to wield them.." Were the words before it began, it wasn't a test merely an acknowledgement of his sword speaking of his prowess. His eyes opened wide as he took in his location for a moment, he exhaled softly smiling.

It was instant, his Zanpakutō returned to his grasp. Appearing at the speed of light to his grasp, so he could manipulate that much. He'd used a railgun with the new power and shot it to him, catching it was a simple matter. He counter acted the vector by using a railgun of Electromagnetic based power, which sent the sword at light speed. He was also manipulating a couple elements of his sword. He heard another response, two in one day he blinked as the Core responded to him. It's voice was soothing, if he used enough skill he could change the atomic cutting into vector. It was more over changing how the attack worked. But it was possible, so everything was still in play. Tsubasa exhaled a breath, the vector shield failed but Byakko's intervention let him act. In most cases a Zanpakutō would need contact to speak to the wielder. Tsubasa and Byakko were such a pair that it didn't apply. Zanjutsu was a skill in which he was considered the strongest for. So the connection between the two prevented the sword from vanishing. Tsubasa exhaled a breath, this was new and felt strange. But as he stood still the Yuudeshi's movements were easy to follow. His focus in on him was so intense that he couldn't lose him. Emotionally he felt calm and relaxed, everything around him was tranquil. So one blow connected and that was it, Shadin would of noticed it the moment he came into the field. Something was off, Tsubasa's sword was giving off a new power of sorts. What door had been opened, he watched and side stepped the blow from him. Reacting to the Yuudeshi's movement, being still saved his life. He was able to slow movements down, Shadin was fast extremely so. But that speed was a double edged sword, he watched closely and carefully. It was about time to stop playing games, he'd gotten his sword back. Through some means that were extremely helpful, doing this at the very second it disappeared. Manipulating three elements to perform that, the connection to Byakko, Electricity, Magnetic Pull, and using his own sheer power to send it back faster.

Upon the dodge he was certain Shadin noticed it, one of the powers unlocked allowed the area around him to become extremely hot, it wasn't a flame however. It was enough however that upon entering the range Shadin's clothing if the barrier didn't stop it would catch fire. If not the barrier would itself burst into flames from the Infra Red Shield around him, this was part of Byakko's power. His zanpkauot was weak so it was about time to use something new. He sent out something a frequency vibration from his palm into the wound area of Shadin, this would send a vibrating shaking within the wound. It would tear him apart inside, Tsubasa used two of the moves. "So long as the Tachyon's exist in your body you cannot access my full power, only small portions of it Tsubasa..the sword must claim the rest....Let's get you to the next level..Tsubasa." He heard the encouraging words from his sword. At the exact moment he shot the energy in, he'd stepped sideways just out of reach of Shadin. He moved so fluidly, that it happened almost instantly. Tsubasa wasn't new to combat, but he knew that Shadin was only beginning. He still was using his Zanpakutō sealed shikai form. Tsubasa so rarely got to use his full Shikai, it was rare that beings like Shadin came along and allowed him it. Now came the next part of his attack, he sent out a sword slash with a crack. The blow went up wards sending a huge attack into the Yuudeshi, he wasn't caught off guard yet. He'd been thinking on his feet, this battle had just begun. Tsubasa needed to act quickly as he evaluated the situation, the Yuudeshi and his speed were equal presently. If only for his focus and footwork, he could keep up just well enough. His Focus let him counter the Yuudeshi's strike, he exhaled a sigh and spoke again. Something about it seemed sad, he did feel a bit down. He wasn't completely healthy due to the tachyons, but he had to make the best of it.

"Can't say I was prepared for my swords to fly away, I got one back..though still it's sad to see the other go." He said calmly as he glanced at the Yuudeshi, Radiowave's and Microwaves were the two elements which let him send that almost invisible attack into the Yuudeshi. Shadin had one other thing to contend with, around Tsubasa's frame was also the Tachyon field. Touching it would be akin to sending your hand into a beam of energy. The result would end up being your hand or whatever touched it came to harm. Tsubasa sighed softly as he decided it would be rude to hold anything further from the Yuudeshi. Tsubasa was about ten meters from him with a Shunpo, using a simple move to back himself up. "Forgive my rudeness, I'll release my full Shikai now. I cannot utilize it's full potential, you've tasted some of it's powers already." Tsubasa of course referred to the field around him and the Microwave and Radiowave combination that was let loose on his wound. Tsubasa could manipulate them and sent as much as he could at the injury. But the degree of control over them were sadly not as large as he desired. He couldn't control them in large scale yet, the tachyons from what he understood. Were acting like a counter element to his control of it, he understood a little bit of that. But for now it was time to keep his word. Tsubasa smiled softly as he released his true Shikai. The entire area shook as lightning and the area came to life. The field around him felt comfortable, the heat barrier was enough to catch things on fire. It wasn't as strong as a fire Zanpakutō or real fire. Just a hot area where things would catch fire if one stayed within it. Tsubasa smiled as he released a massive amount of spiritual pressure and power. Tsubasa had avoided the next blow releasing his power now, the electricity was all he could use for now. Some metal through the magnetic powers he had, he shaped another sword. As he had it fly into the palm of his free hand.

"Here I come BEAST OF KARAKURA!." He raised his Zanpakutō creating a flash as he sent the illusion into effect of Kierudo through vision. If Shadin looked at it, he would be caught in the illusion of Tsubasa coming in and him landing a blow. The blow would play out however the Yuudeshi would react naturally to it, his movements were his own. Tsubasa hadn't moved in reality as he stood and prepared a move. He fired a Shunko Tachyon blade at the exact moment Shadin would make contact with the illusion, the blast being hidden. As Shadin was trapped within the illusion for now, he didn't know what the odd's of success were. However something was clear the size and scale of it wasn't going to be easy to dodge. The blast was massive and heading straight towards the Yuudeshi, with the Tachyon and Shunko blade combination ready to almost go into him. He was able to keep most of his moves going, Tsubasa's movements were fast. He couldn't keep this up forever though, his body and the Yuudeshi were in different circumstances. He would need to release Shunko to really end this soon, he couldn't afford this battle going into the later rounds. Tsubasa tapped his toe as he prepared to use God Step. It wasn't going to be easy at all, the Yuudeshi had his network to help him. So he was fairly certain that attack combo wouldn't work, sending out a Shunko blade. The good news was, he wasn't firing just a single one. He watched closely preparing to go close range. His second blade radiated with the energy as he got ready to move. Perhaps faster work would be required as he watched Shadin closely. Observing every movement that Yuudeshi made, he was certain he surprised him with the early moves. These sword play moves were little to nothing, it was direct contact so it effected the blade of Byakko very little. Sending out an energy blast, the Shunko acted as a huge blade in itself. Allowing him to act differently, as he watched and waited.

The Pale Rider had yet to notice that all of his attacks all contained Gama Rays, they would kill living cells upon contact. So if any contact was made the enemy would feel living tissue begin to die from them. Tsubasa hadn't noticed this yet as he didn't see the rays acting beneath the surface of his attacks. However they would need a connection to work as he tried to figure out ways to work this currently situation. It would take time for the Core to return yet, Tsubasa could only wait for that moment. As he waited for the Yuudeshi to make his move.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:40 pm
[adm]I'll be leaving my notice here to otherwise say that I'll be giving myself a week extension. If I do not post by then? Crow can just write out Shadin's consequences.

The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc]

Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:03 pm

Artist: Elfire - Song: Suck - Word Count: 1935

Internal values were shifting and altering within his opponent. The reason why The Yuudeshi could detect this abnormality is because he sensed fluctuation's within The Pale Rider's energy frequency from the way his aura felt. Hence, while Shadin could have done something to cease the movement of the Zanpukto, there was a slight sense of amusement within himself to see what would come of it. Therefore, he simply did nothing as he wanted Tsubasa to fight him with whatever weapon he could. After all, his strength wouldn't mean much if he couldn't fight at his maximum potential, right? And after disarming him for that amount of time, The Beast simply came to the conclusion he couldn't fight to his peak without his blade. Something which lingered in his mind as a possible tactic to use later if he so desired.

Nevertheless, Shadin had a knack for picking on electromagnetic activity being induced within the environment from his previous electric affinities. So it would come as no surprise that he could begin to easily deduce what was going on with his railgun movements given the high functioning levels of his analytical prowess. However, he wasn't too concerned with that at the moment. Instead, he just seemed to be intrigued as to what his opponent would do to damage him further. It slowly transformed into a more stern expression as he wanted to see if he'd summon enough power to make him sweat more.

"You are getting more tense. I like that. But you are going to need to push yourself harder if you want those values within yourself to evolve and take you to the next level. A trigger is needed to reach my level and you need to discover yours, Pale Rider."

The voice of The Yuudeshi was firm, but seemed to kick back into his playful tone. There was something churning about and within Tsubasa he wanted to see for himself before he decided to take things up a notch. However, before he could get to that point, there seemed to be a modification induced into the environment around them. It appeared that infrared rays were coming to boil The Yuudeshi alive, but he had a relatively simple solution for it: conductivity.

By releasing the bio-electricity from within his body, Shadin otherwise used it as a means absorb the heat and have it travel outwards away from his body and vaporize most of the environment around them. This otherwise left him unharmed at the cost of sacrificing a bit of his energy in order to perform the task. All thanks to the wonders of Imaginary Computation's specialized effects on his electrical capacities. The values were adjusted to his lightning so they could act as a means of conductivity for that sinister heat.

But -- this was far from over. There was a burst of vibration that expanded out into the area that The Yuudeshi could otherwise sense coming. With all of his spiritual particles spread out in the area, Shadin could outright feel for himself the alterations of particles from this disturbance The Pale Rider created within the range. Therefore, the perfect counter was to produce a barrier that blocked high-frequency sound waves. This could be managed by creating a shield compromised of The Beast's spiritual energy.

Then, from there, he'd modify the values of it in order to produce a force-field that blocked high frequency sound waves. Then, the second function of this barrier served its purpose as actively erasing any lower sound frequencies that might have slipped through. This was otherwise accomplished by the shield producing it's own sound waves that mimic'd Tsubasa's in every aspect but one: the barriers sound waves were attuned to be 180 degrees out of phase with the intruding waves. The two waves cancel each other and otherwise perform the phenomena known as "destructive interference" to negate the assault outright.

This fight was fast moving and it was time to keep pace with how swiftly the events were unfolding. As not too long after that did Shadin otherwise use his speed in order to dodge the massive sword blow. He leaped twenty feet in the air and let off a coy smirk across his lips as he found him taking this a bit more seriously. That's the way The Beast of Karakura liked things.

"You win some, you lose some. I can say the same thing about my injuries. But that's the surprise of battle, HAHAHA!"

There was a slight laugh afterward as the adrenaline and blood of the Yuudeshi sky-rocketed and he could feel himself indulging further into The Yuudeshi Drive. It felt wonderful, powerful and outright elated. But, alas, he wouldn't have all day to mull over such sentiments. It seemed the male was more than ready to finally show what he was made of. Which, to Shadin, was great!

"Do what you wish. But the more you hold back, the further you'll regress and the greater my chances of victory are~"

Shadin seemed almost whimsical and relaxed when speaking, but utterly meant everything he said. Without someone there to push you to the furthest of your ability, you'd simply gain nothing. Much of the case of Tsubasa should he fail to give The Beast everything he had. This was a rare opportunity to fight someone of higher strength and it would be unwise to waste precious experience holding back.

Nonetheless, Shadin still had to keep his mind in the game as well. Thus, he used the pieces of his reflective barrier that weren't destroyed in order to cover his wound and reflect the radioactive and microwave effects from harming his wound. He could at least still do that and manage to protect that small area as it healed and cleared out. And, by the time he recovered, it seemed The Pale Rider unleashed his Shikai as the area crackled to life with thunder, lightning and raw power.

"'It's about time."

Was all Shadin could say as he smirked and prepped up for the next phase of this fight by bracing his mind and body for whatever was going to come next. With a turn of his eyes, the male observed the flash of light -- and swiftly closed his eyes after that. Just what occurred in that slipping moment? Simple: the deduction skills of Shadin's mind detected and understood he was under an illusion. Therefore, he simply allowed himself to fight on automatic for the hell of it as he simply ignored the delusion and let the computerized systems within himself battle with their pre-recorded data.

The sensory mechanics within The Beast became alive and analyzed the threat that the tachyon blast possessed against Shadin. Therefore, it deduced there was no point in attempting to dodge it. Rather, the best option was to go STRAIGHT THROUGH IT. Thus, The Yuudeshi's body reacted on it's own and propelled the male forward as a flash of white light covered the forward side of his body. This was the process in which the reflective shield that once coated Shadin's back being directed towards the front side of his body. In this way it would act like a fork in the road and deflected the destructive energy blast in two in order to divert its destructive waves away from Shadin. By no means did it cancel out the attack, but, instead, slithered through it and allowed The Beast to fly upwards to safety and out of range from his second attack.

Meanwhile, during the time it took for him to take that flight, the brain of The Yuudeshi rebooted the manipulative values that tampered with his consciousness perception and restored him back to normal. This otherwise dispelled the illusion and brought Shadin back to manual control. This, his blood red eyes would open once again and he'd give another confident smirk back at Tsubasa.

"Well done. Impressive light-show. Do you have anymore tricks to share with me? Or shall I....start hitting back?"

There was a coy smile upon Shadin's face as the smoke and dust otherwise cleared from most of his assaults. With a motion of his right hand, he then signaled for The Pale Rider to come charging at him once again. If not, then he'd otherwise go on to settle the fight and start the next round of his own will. As, by the time he had spent floating idle, a white aura engulfed The Beast and the shield otherwise had time to begin reconstructing itself in order to better cope with the next series of offensive strikes sure to come its way. Thus, an ominous ray of energy oozed from the male's body as the blood hue of his eyes turned somewhat brighter while awaiting to see what Tsubasa next course of action would be.

But, before that time would come, the contact The Beast made earlier with The Pale Rider would come rearing its ugly head. Seeing how there was a layer of armor otherwise protecting him, The Yuudeshi simply had the copious amount of spiritual particles that Tsubasa interacted with begin to eat him alive. Bones would crack, organs would rupture and he'd soon find his body feeling as if it were being eaten alive by a parasite. All throughout his teeth, eyes and skin pores would these crimson fluids leak out and energy begin to leave.

Just what did The Yuudeshi do? Simple: Shadin modified the values of his spiritual particles that he was able to seep into Tsubasa to take on the attributes of evaporation. In turn, they started to boil and become empowered to the point of being able to melt straight through flesh and bone in order to dissolve portions of his body. In turn, on the metaphysical side, they'd then begin to induce an effect of energy dispersal by doing what they could to otherwise make one forth of The Shinigami's spiritual energy leave him.

In return, the energy of The Beast started to lower somewhat, but he was still relatively calm and relaxed. As if it were another walk in the beach. So long as he used as much force as needed for his opponents, there wasn't much to worry about for the time. It was when Shadin overestimated and underestimated his opponents did he otherwise run into trouble. And, after having analyzed his methods of attack, The Yuudeshi otherwise had a fair estimate on where his foe was fighting and applied only as much force as needed to deal with the threat.

"Well...that is if you can even move properly~ But...don't worry. I'll patch you up just fine after this."

And with that, he'd conclude with a hardy laugh and await to observe what his combatant would do next.

The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu

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Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:43 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa's orbs widened a bit as he began to realize a couple things, his body was being destroyed by an energy influence within. His body took damage a fair amount at that, his wounds were now on par with the Yuudeshi's except one large difference. He focused himself and calmed down as he though carefully on the situation he needed to push the energy out. A feeling came over him something he Pale Rider hadn't felt in a long time. Helplessness, this foe made him feel a sense of helplessness that hadn't been experienced since he was young. His sister's death that was when he last felt it as he winced a bit breathing heavy. Damages were done internally, his bots were trying to fix them. Internal bleeding a couple injuries to the outside but everything was alright. But this feeling, he was letting down his children. No, they couldn't experience this feeling he needed to protect them. Tsubaki and Tetsuya needed to not feel this because of him, his breathing slowed. Pain was slowly fading as focus came more sharp, he needed to defeat Shadin Yuudeshi. He needed a trigger and he got it, he would evolve right here. His body would change no matter what needed to happen was a trigger, Shadin was right. His children were his trigger was it anger he felt no, it was a sense of calm. The answer was so clear that it was though the mist around him was disappearing. A sense of peace and zen began to overcome his form. Shadin's form his body was perfect in a way, it wasn't straddled or stressed by the energy. Why were his form's divided, why did he not simply combine them? Was he looking at it all wrong, perhaps it was time to learn once more. Tsubasa viewed a warrior as someone who learned constantly from everything, this helplessness against him. It was the same when he told Unohana of his concern's of fighting Kin. Would Kin be this way, could he really not defend his family simply because he wasn't strong enough? He didn't want them to die, no he didn't want to lose those precious lights.

He could feel the calm slip for only a second as he stood still, breathing softly and shallowly. "Shadin-san, I would like to try something..May make things more fun for you.." He said it in a calm voice, he wasn't being arrogant just simply insanely calm. Alright this was a tricky process he softly exhaled as he got ready to transform, but did something differently. As he began to change, he decided to change one element. The transformation had a limit with him putting out his full power. But his body began to change slowly as he exhaled his crimson eyes drained to a yellow for a moment. The area began to quake it wasn't just the ground the sky itself was feeling the weight. Tsubasa thought back to finding this against Khala and Devata, it was desperation to get closer to Yamamoto. To be the strongest Shinigami, what naive childishness. Strength wasn't so simply or easy to obtain, it wasn't something wielded simply because. That was the strength of nothing but a fool with no purpose or resolve. But now strength was the power to protect his loved ones, to protect those precious lights. He wasn't desperate to do it and get stronger for it, but he did understand. The Gotei 13 his allies needed him to be stronger, Shadin was teaching him. Trying to express to him he could get stronger, he was really blind in this regard. How childish of him to think he could fight Shaidn with such worthless resolve, it was pure childishness. Arrogance, pure arrogance was all that could be called by him. Disgusting that he feel victim to such an naive belief. His power stopped coming out finally as his energy released and his body looked a bit different. His eyes of a strange yellow stared on at Shadin. He moved around as though trying to figure out if it worked. Something unusual to see from him, as he blinked a couple times. He'd attempted a fusion of his body's other form entirely to his regular body. It felt lighter, the energy texting that he felt normally from this form had often made him tire quicker.

His body felt light, much like air as he exhaled a breath. "Did it work?" He said out loud and uncertain himself if anything changed. His energy felt lighter and almost as he gained a sense of calm unknown to him. Normally he had to embrace an emotional set that brought out the darkest parts of him. But something felt different, was it like when he got tricked by Tsubaki during Khala? To attack the gate and destroy it, perhaps it was so. He swung his sword around carelessly and did something he'd never forgiven himself for. He destroyed Iriko by doing this, the potential of Iriko had been corrupted and it was his fault. So an emotion Tsubasa wasn't too familiar with was uncertainty, but today had been a day for that. First helplessness and now uncertainty, such was the way things went. But he got a new outlook as well, such a foolish man he'd been. His ways weren't effective not at all as he exhaled a calm breath. A small smile forming on his face it was sad in a way. He glanced down at his hand, speaking out loud again for Shadin to hear as he stood there in his new form. "I spent my life seeking strength for my own gains, to reach a height and do what I thought was important. I spent so much time and effort to surpass Yamamoto, I never saw it as anything but a goal..Something to strive for, but with my children new goals have come. To replace that one, it's ironic to reach strength I cannot reach for myself...But for another." Tsubasa said melancholy voice for a moment as the smile faded, he wasn't sure on one thing. He gripped his sword softly, perhaps softer then he'd done in a while. Yet the grip felt firm to him, something felt different. His understanding of the world and it's changes had evolved somehow. His eyes looked around as he saw it differently now, perhaps this was his mistake. Some people spent their lives searching for a purpose but he found his through a daughter and son.

How could one convey feelings in such a manner, Tsubasa didn't know how people did that. "I'm not good at speaking with word's Shadin-san..You have my gratitude for helping me final understand, you've been pushing me towards it..I wish I knew this so much sooner..A thousand words exist for my younger self, shouting them as loud as my voice could..." Tsubasa gave his sword a swing, something was different about the swing it was a sword swing and it's purity and control were precise and deadly. But what happened next for miles the very end of the way it went, the slice went so far his eyes couldn't see the edge. The power and size of the sword mark were massive, yet he didn't aim it at Shadin. So the questions had been answered the rest were going to come from the conclusions of learning and discovering just how strong he was. How did this body work, he had done what previously was him holding back. He glanced at his hand clasping and unclasping. Where was his strength at was the question, the sword swing made it evident his sword blows were stronger.

The next question was how much faster was he, his body was on a different level now. It was his body before that couldn't handle the energy. But with the core blade bringing his body peace, the rest was up to him. He blinked his orbs at Shadin, exhaling a breath as he smiled softly. "So to show my gratitude, since I'm not so good with words..I'll fight you with whatever power this body has till nothing injuries are still here..So let's begin." He needed to measure his speed correctly, everything was based on that. Tsubasa felt a calm that had long been missing from his world. It was tranquility, something he so often lacked as he looked on. Tsubasa was a drifter as were many of his family, in a sense they always moved from one thing to another. As he took his stance something was different his shikai remained active as the voice spoke again. "Always improving, growing like a cub you are always watching with those eager eyes. Ever since a cub Tsubasa you've been watching and learning, growing to a level even some believe is out of reach. You find more ways to impress, why don't we unveil our full power?" The voice with a growl behind it indicated Byakko was able to use more power, he held a hand out now. The pressure around his sword,, something was threatening about it as he held it just there. The lightning energy disappeared it now would only appear when he desired it. He wasn't suppressing it merely heeded his call more now. He pointed a hand at Shadin now, his eyes staring on as he began with a new power. He was going to combine the waves to attack the male, Radio and Microwave shot at the male with super high frequency digging their way towards Shadin with grave intent. Tsubasa exhaled softly as his mind thought calmly, the Kierudo style of killing it didn't fit this. It was the style of a two bit thug or assassin.

He did acknowledge his roots so firmly but it was time to evolve. To become more, Shadin proved that he could be more. His sword could be a weapon of far more then just killing it could be a beacon for people to learn and become stronger. It could be a sword that protected lives instead of simply just taking them. So much changed and evolved with his mindset as he became more and more prepared for the world. His sword could be more, so it was time to really be thankful for the skills and gifts. He exhaled softly speed how much could he create, he didn't know. He tapped his foot preparing the God Step yet again, his naive naming yet again showed itself. This felt strange for a moment as he vanished instantly, no sound followed as his sword moved. His sword and body were moving faster then sound now, he swung the blade down at Shadin. It was hard moving like this he followed behind his attack the waves had barely just finished before he moved. It was so much faster then before, it was an evolution he'd never considered before.

But his sword, his very self would evolve and give whatever he could to Shadin Yuudeshi and make sure that something was given in return for how thankful he was. His body was sore from the previous attack, perhaps sore wasn't the word. It was as though his very being had been in the process of dissolving and he barely made it in time to save it. But if this was the path, if this was the answer he'd find some measure. Winning was no longer on the Pale Rider's mind, he merely wanted to express his gratitude the only way he knew how. By fighting to his fullest extent possible and giving Shadin some fun.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:47 pm


Given that this event is kind of lulling out, and the fact we are both enjoying this thread, I'm not issuing a 72 hour notice for this thread. Instead, we are just going to take our time with it and let it finish whenever it finishes. That is my verdict for this thread.

The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu

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Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:52 pm
[mod]I am sending this message to find out what is going on with this thread, I have a lot of energy and time invested in it. I am not sure if it was forgotten under everything else, but I would like to see some form of resolution, even if it means the match ends in a draw. [/mod]

The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 Tumblr_nl3qw47BrN1svkylyo3_500
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Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:42 am
[adm]I kind of lost interest in this fight and I won't lie about that. However, if you really wish to continue it, I will oblige with a post. Otherwise, I would offer one of two alternatives. The first alternative is that Shadin would have walked away from this match in order to observe the other battles. He'd do this because he'd be interested in scooping out all of the different warriors in the Platinum Heart Tournament and for the fact he'd want to stick around to prevent anything screwy from taking place.

The other, and more realistic alternative, is that he would likely come to a pass with Tsubasa. That is, I'd assume he may have stepped down or lost the match because of the difference in power that he had and the struggle which seemed to take place between the two of them. However, since I stopped posting, I don't care if he forfeits this round. So it's up to how you would like to proceed as I'm open to anything.[/adm]

The Beast Of Karakura VS The Pale Rider: Shadin Yuudeshi VS Tsubasa Unabara -- Commence! [Platinum Heart Tournament Arc] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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