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Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
Established Member
Joined : 2015-06-03
Posts : 493
Age : 27
Location : Latvia, Riga

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White Eye[W.I.P] Left_bar_bleue126500/99999White Eye[W.I.P] Empty_bar_bleue  (126500/99999)

White Eye[W.I.P] Empty White Eye[W.I.P]

Sat Jul 11, 2015 4:54 pm
White Eye[W.I.P] Image7229_zps49d67631

White Eye[W.I.P] Image7237_zps824b774a


» Name: White Eye
» Titles: Blind Rat
» Age: 18
» Gender: Male
» Affiliation/Rank: Shadowfall

» True Appearance Written: If needed to describe, then it should be eyes from which to start. White is blind and it can be well seen. His optical sensors are covered with white, milky layer, that almost looks as thick, as paper. Made from spirit energy, a small blood red dots can be seen in the middle of his eyes. With them the boy had learned how to see the surrounding world.

His hair are in the color of burning hot flames and wildly grow up, not down. From afar someone could mistake it with a fireplace or a red star, as the hair are shaped like that. His pale skin is covered in countless summer spots and, what is a surprise for a being possessing High-Speed Regeneration, there are also few tiny scars on it, a longer one going from his right corner of mouth to right outer corner of eye. Where there should be ears one can see two ear size horns, white with pointy, sharp tips. Under these horns holes 3 cm in radius were located, serving to capture sounds around him.

His body itself is thin and bony to the level one can call it only skin and bones. It wouldn't be far from truth, as one can really see his skeleton through the males skin and different organ forms are very well displayed through this thin body. The reason for this terrible appearance is that he doesn't eat, sustaining himself only from pure energy. While he can get it in efficient amount, the male doesn't see the reason to consume actual food.

When it comes to clothing it is the same kimono, something between Espadas uniform, but blood red, with the Archdukes Of First Circle Sigil on his back. It is tight, showing well how thin is the boy, with high neck and black lining. The lower part, from waste down, becomes wider and wider, ending in being twice as wide, as the actual male. His footwear is black socks and wood sandals.


White Eye[W.I.P] Image7238_zps05a2abda

» Personality:
From first glance one could call him a weak, shy boy, with bags under his eyes and always confused face expression. From one point it is true. Often, if not always, he feels scarred and confused by colors and noises, that ruled around him. They made his already endlessly painful head even more disturbed, making thinking just impossible.

But when the need demands, White can push this chaos to whispers, but so becoming nothing more, then a cold robot. The child hates this state, where his senses are nullified to nothing. Not talking about the pain in which his mind is then. If usually it is like a nail would be forced in brains, then at this state it is like a small needle would have appeared in the middle, moving back and forth all the time.

But the most dangerous he is, when his mind goes and clings to one of his actual thoughts. From the mix of Demon and Arrancar origin, the boys original mind is a mass of insanity. His thoughts, while there exist logical ones, are mostly sick and grotesque. Killing the inhuman way, that is his style and actually, that is the only thing, that keeps White Eyes mind usable.

After the failure in Inverse Earth Realm White had become even more monster, then...What was he before. The male desire to take revenge on those opposing him and will care not for what he will be demanded to do. He had felt his mind settle. He had felt his thoughts return how they should be, but then it was all taken. The male had set out for vengeance.


White Eye[W.I.P] Image7239_zps8900eed1

» History There isn't much to tell about White. Created artificially, he is one of experiments in the process to create Visera Demonio. Fear was first, what he learned, when released from his container. The darkness...sounds...the boy acted as a wild beast, bursting with great amount energy on all sides, just overcome the fear, you can say. Of course, he was soon put in place. Then he learned what to fear. A womans voice, if even polite, seemed cold for him and repulsive. White didn't like, that she was touching him. Poking his body with needles, cutting pieces of flesh off his body and watching as new one came in almost the same moment.

Then came the training. Until that moment he already knew what was the best for his health. The boy trained physically and mentally, discovering more and more about his powers and how to use them. And more he buried with in himself, the more he started to see visions, things that didn't happen...Things, that couldn't exist...things, that shouldn't exist.

With time he grew more and more depressed. This didn't effect Whites performance. In short period of time he grew stronger and stronger, mastering his talents further and further. But as he progressed in power, so his depression grew stronger and stronger. In that moment it even started to effect his abilities. He started to become a threat to those around him. Death was a name, used to describe the male. White didn't want that to be!

So, it was decided. For his well being and hope, that White will turn better, he was sent out to the Shadowfall base, located in Hueco Mundo. There he was, tasked to learn a bit about the outside world and how to work with people. Will this help him? Who knows!

After set loose in real world White did countless terrible things, that made shivers go down the spine even most insane persons. The one of biggest massacres he did create was in one of Tibet's main cities, Golmud. There the whole city was literally colored red with the citizens blood and claimed for Shadowfall. His rank grew in the organization and for some weird reason the male even became the Archduke of First Circle.

With the new title White Eye went to Inverse Earth Realm. It was a world that pushed out ones darkest thoughts out from himself and manifested them out. While others were driven mad by this power, White realized he can think straight. Ignore the million voices in his head. He decided to do what ever possible to save the realm. There the male invaded the realm piece by piece, claiming everything as his own. White met his double, which was consumed after quite a battle, and subjugated many of the inverses.

But, alas, he failed. The forces of Irimasha and others crashed the Masked Demon and sent him flying away from the picture. The boy woke up only when the world was crumbling in front of his very own eyes and there was nothing he could do. Upon returning to original universe the Archduke was once again filled with nightmares of thoughts, but over them a sea of rage covered, pulling the pale skin to have his revenge.


White Eye[W.I.P] Image7246_zps722b7c62

» Shometsu-Ken Name: Azototh

» Shometsu-Ken Appearance: Wild, blood red energy starts to merge from his back and slowly wrap around his left arm. In his palm the energy forms a katana like blade, misshaped and seemingly in liquid state.

This blade holds a tremendous potential of being able to become four times wider and stretch around 20m in length. In so White can reach far away opponents, though the blades control is quite difficult at its full length.

» Shometsu-Ken Release:
Blood is raining from the sky.
Newborns are nailed to walls.
Plague has spread to the land.
Even Dead is crying in their graves.
Now bring forth the mercy of slaughter, Azototh

White Eye[W.I.P] Image7245_zps421fa822

» Natural Abilities:

  • Cuerpo Reparación (Body Adaptability): This ability of the boys is really closely tied to his own Ksetra Pari. As his body was already capable of quickly adapting to various situations, upon influencing it further with his Ksetra Pari, allowed the male to boost the adapting abilities to new scale. It could be even called a full body manipulation, where upon sacrificing enough energy White Eye could change the density, mass and even blood type of his body. If needed, the boy could quickly make his bones frailer or, if necessary, make them more flexible like rubber.

    But that wasn't where his capabilities ended. Thanks to the Reverse Eclipse Miasma the Masked Demon fused with, he now can even change into a body structure unnatural for some beings. The boy could make himself into a diamond, change his structure to be a walking fireball and such. Of course, there are minuses to each of this change, as it takes quite amount of energy and makes his own existence quite...Unstable.

  • Cero Rastro (Zero Trail): From all traits this was probably the weakest one White possessed. He can perform a simple ray of energy, but it doesn't hold great levels of power or destructive force. This is the reason why he doesn't use it often and better gives his preference to Cero, Bala or just a home made blast, formed by Ksetra Pari.

  • Tānāgati (Warp Step): Tanagati, standing for Warp Step in Hindi, combines the demon's Shadow Movement with the Arrancar's Soindo and Garganta. By expanding the compass of their Garganta to a multi-dimensional level, they can now cover a much broader spectrum when it comes to where Visera Demonio can emerge. Previously, most Arrancar could only travel FROM Hueco Mundo to the Human World or Soul Society. Whereas with Tanagati, they are connected to the Sugiura Realm and Demon World as well at this point; and can emerge in between these dimensions as they see fit if they are adept enough.

    However, that isn't all there is to this trait. With Tanagati, wherever there are Shadow's, most Visera Demonio will see a dramatic increase in speed. If they are skilled enough at advanced, they can even temporarily blend into the shadow's to cover large distances in order to catch up to opponents at speeds nearly on par with teleporation from how augmented i n speed they get by being in a dark setting. Additionally, even without those nocturnal surroundings, they are still capable of strong boost of speed from their Arrancar nature and Soindo. The primary difference with this boost in momentum is that it becomes much more intense within shaded areas.

    Even more than that, with Tanagati, those who are advanced or higher are even capable of producing spatial distortions within an area similar to a Garganta. However, what is different about these distortions is the fact that they can be used to transport objects in mid-fight. So, if an advanced level Visera Demonio found themselves conquered, they could attempt to suck up the attack within a contorting hole in the area and devour the attack to avoid getting up. Beginner can create these as well, but they are generally much slower and only produce one at a time.

    This means that the higher your skill is in this area, the more quickly and the amount of Garganta's you can produce at a time goes up. Masters are even capable of making these command mentally at break neck speeds on par with an Iramasha's Chaos Warp nearly. The primary drawback to this is that if they strain themselves too much, in regards to creating too many in one setting, this ability will eventually waver because to repeatedly use this requires some form of concentration to summon and release these portals. So they are advertised to not spam this multiple times within a post. Otherwise, it will eventually put them out of the fight altogether from the pressure put on their body.

    What's even more frightening is that Masters of this ability are even capable of distorting the senses of a target in order to swiftly confuse them. This means that within a given area, they have the capacity to cause disruption to the awareness of others in order to catch them by surprise, their surrounding to further straddle the opponent, their actions to imprint false moves and even themselves. An example of this trait being used is that the user could call upon the shadow's to have a false image of themselves emerge, charge at the opponent pretend to attack them with a sword based movement. Then, from behind, the real user could emerge from the target's shadow and blast them with a Cero Rastro. This could be especially well used to devise security cameras and detection based systems as well.

  • Ksetra Pari: Meaning Area Shift in Hindi, this takes a stronger turn towards the Demon's nature as they use more of the Hindi tongue. By combining the elements of the Arrancar's Pesquisa and the Demon's Magic in addition to their Knowledge Of Environment, they have devised a form of environmental control and knowledge. This works by first creating a radiating pulse sent outwards from the user which reacts in an unusual way. Varying from how skilled they are in this trait, this pulsation can reach anywhere from a few hundred feet at beginner, to an entire small city at Grand Master. At any rate, once the area they have in mind is selected, they'll then begin receiving information about the materials in the air, what can they can use from this information about their surroundings to create alterations and even learn more about attacks that they may encounter on higher levels. To give an example of the knowledge side of Ksetra Pari, if one were to shoot out a fire blast towards a Visera Demonio, they could activate this skill in order to analyze the contents of it if they were Advanced in this area and attempt to decipher information in it.

    This works best with those who have higher mental deduction as well, as this ability is known to work much faster by those who are more intellectually gifted. The reason for this being is that once an attack is caught within the pulsation, which usually emits some sort of faint light or sensation in the area if there is no light, it requires some sort of processing to record the contents that are caught within it. Therefore, the more keen your brain, the more potent this ability will become as well and how swiftly you can scan things in your environment. Ultimately, for Masters and Grandmasters, they become immense artist of counter measuring techniques.

    As once an attack enters within their field of area, they are generally able to device shift ways to attempt to counter it or block it out from the knowledge they possess of it. Of course, the more this ability is used, the more mental strain can occur on the user no matter the skill level and eventually exhaust them to the point where it's rendered useless. And, if they reach the breaking point of the knowledge part of this attribute, they WILL lose any information they retained and will have to re-learn it. If they abuse it too much, some have even been noted to have brain damage and lowered effectiveness of their Ksetra Pari. So most who are gifted within this are recommended to scan areas within small spaces, a certain number of objects and to not push themselves too far.

    Meanwhile, and more easily manageable, on the offensive side this allows them to influence the environment them rather easily. Once they have a general idea of the area's layout on a spiritual and physical level, Visera Demonio can then use the energy which is produced from within their body to gain influence over the area. From there, with the elements in the area, they can try to devise more otherworldly methods of attack. Such as if they were fighting in the Soul Society, they'd have an abundant amount of resources to manipulate spiritual energy. Therefore, with this knowledge in mind, they can then manipulate an area which they tagged and go on to produce something like a wave of energy that, if it makes contact with a target, is able to turn it a wave of lightning by the reishi they were able to influence morphing them into a electrified state; essentially turning it into a form of magic form them that is still running strong from the demon blood in their veins.

    Another instance of this being used in a more defensive manner is that they can condense a large amount of reishi around them and then use it as a makeshift form of armor in order to endure more harsh attacks. Or, if they needed an escape, they could contort the reishi within an area in order to devise a makeshift portal to escape. The higher your Ksetra Pari, the more possibilities there are. Of course, with every action it generally wears down the opponent; much like with Shinigami's Kidō, it requires some form of energy and if used too much will eventually leave 'em high and dry.

  • Acidic Touch: A rather passive and simple ability for all Hollows. In essence, this is the first form of defense for a normal Hollow, that if someone were to touch their skin they would be singed and their hands would be eroded and burnt as if acid was poured onto it. It is said this is extremely painful, and actually capable of letting the Hollow's Reiatsu into the victim's body.

  • High-Speed regeneration: Generally self explanatory, some Hollows are capable of having the ability to regenerate their bodies at their own will. However this is usually quite limited to the cutting off of limbs. This is usually more commonly found in Arrancar, however some Hollow's have learned to reform their bodies from damage. It is said that if they have taken drastic damage to organs and vitals, however, they cannot regenerate these easily (or not at all, depending on the Hollow), which allows them still very vulnerable. This is shown by Ulquiorra whom sacrificed even more raw power for the ability to regenerate his body.

  • Bala (虚弾 (バラ), Bara; Spanish for "Bullet," Japanese for "Hollow Bullet") a technique of firing his hardened spiritual pressure against his enemies. Less powerful than a Cero, but it can be successively fired at 20 times the rate.

  • Cero (虚閃 (セロ), Sero; Spanish for "Zero," Japanese for "Hollow Flash," "Doom Blast" in the Viz translation) a powerful spiritual light fired by Menos Grandes and Arrancar.

  • Gran Rey Cero (王虚の閃光 (グラン・レイ・セロ), Guran Rei Sero; Spanish for "Grand King Zero", Japanese for "Royal Hollow Flash") The ultimate Cero that can only be used by Espadas. It is so powerful, it distorts the surrounding space.

  • Hierro (鋼皮 (イエロ), Iero; Spanish for "Iron," Japanese for "Steel Skin") An Arrancar's outer skin with high spiritual hardness that serves as armor.


White Eye[W.I.P] Image7243_zps5769ebf4

» Unique Abilities:

Hunger of Knowledge: If the male touches any sort of information, starting from a book, ending with a living being, he can send a Ksetra Pari wave into that information source, with a task to gather any possible information and store it into his brain. From then starts to work his three part brain. The first part is responsible just for the storing. Information in there isn't meant to be used and isn't accessible for White himself. Slowly, little by little, information goes to his second part of the brain. This part is even smaller and serves something as a "research center". Here information is taken and worked through to figure out how to make it useable for White. For stuff, like, information about local plants, this step usually is skipped and goes directly to third part of the boys brain. There the information is all ready to be used and understood by him. The process can take from 1 post to somewhere in near or far future. Usually to understand ability, it takes longer, then understanding just the information it self. This power of his Mana used to make the Visera Demonio understand huge amount of information, that usually would need centuries to learn. This is also the reason, why Whites mental state is..."damaged", because the process, if done too often, causes huge pain.

Interminable Boca(Endless Mouth): Far from garganta, this technique can be thought to any hollow or arrancar. The user opens a perfect square portal. Its frame is in the color of users reishi and can vary in size, depending on how much reishi the user is ready to sacrifice.

This portal can lead to any place in the same or different dimension, if the user knows the place. No one without the user permeation can enter this portal and the user always feels, what had entered it.

Other way how this portal can be used is to wander and look for new dimensions and even places in the same realm. Of course, it takes time, like actually walking, but after finding a new place, he can open a portal instantly to that place. The portals size also determines the corridors size inside it, if wandering. So, if you are making a portal in the size rat hole, don't try to fit a army through it.

The interesting fact about this portal is how it brakes the laws of time and space. If the user would be given a drawing of a place he had never been and he would try to open a portal to the place, mostly it would open not to the place in the picture, but a portal to the actual picture. Also, this portal, if wanted by user, can open in a empty dimensional space. If the user is skilled, he can isolate that space from rest of the emptiness and make something of a personal pocket dimension, that he can visit any time wanted.

White personally can open a portal to his own mind, where he is the God and master. It can look as whatever he wants and anyone in it mostly is under his mercy. The only person, that had been in it, is Mana.

Visión Ciegos(Blind Vision): From moment of his birth, White had been blind as a bat. If not for his massive, destructive spirit energy, White would never last a day.

But he survived and that is, what counts. So, in time the male developed a technique to see. By concentrating a little amount of his reishi into his eyes and connecting them with his nerves, the boy can see what everyone see and even more. With these eyes, White can zoom in and out, can see beings, that otherwise would be invisible and actually see the inner organs, bones and everything else, that hides in the belly of teddy.

The Side Of Heartless: With work done with his abilities, White gained access to Hollow and Arrancar racial abilities. He still needs to practice in them to advance.

Sword proficiency-Master: As his Shometsu-Ken is a sword, it is only logical he was trained to use exactly this weapon. His skill is about a master swordsman, but he wouldn't be as powerful only because White lacks experience, what he didn't got, fighting in a lab all the time.

The Prophecies Of Seer: One of Whites most terrifying powers is the one he can control the least. Time from time tends to speak prophecies, spells, lines of weird words. And they always happen. Sometimes he controls this power, sometimes it controls him. If done by White intentionally, this ability will always want to keep balance. For example, if he would destroy Vizard Corps base in the name of Shadowfall, The Vizard Corps maybe would gain a new, powerful weapon or so, to pay back Shadowfall. This is one example of how this ability works. The point is, it is always unpredictable and, what is strange, takes the users energy only sometimes.


White Eye[W.I.P] Image7241_zps723adef9

» Arma Revolución Appearance: A giant hole in the heart space opens, dripping red blood all the time. His hair flickers and moves as actual flames, reveling now two long horns, that starts in the place, where there should be ears and are 2 feet long. All his face is covered in small, white eyes, his two original eyes now being completely red. Set of wings, made out of blood, rises from his back. Two more pairs of arms also brakes his rib cage and comes out, made out of bones and blood. In every arm a Shometsu-Ken is held. The males mouth and jaw is covered in white bone mass.

» Arma Revolución Abilities:
White keeps all abilities mentioned before. His strength, speed, durability and reishi poll is drastically increased. All injuries also are healed and reishi reserves filled.

Mar de Sangre(Sea of Blood): This ability activates automatically with entering in the state. When White enters this state, a scream of pain escapes his mouth. Then, with a blow, a hole in his chest appears. From his mouth, the hole, face and almost every pour of his body, blood drips, flows fills more and more land. With another small explosion blood and pieces of bones goes upwards. The bones takes place, forming a dome in 2 kilometer radius and kilometer high. The blood stays connected with his body and forms huge, red wings, made out of blood. In the end, when White had reached his full states appearance, 2 km radius is filled with wine red blood and reaches around 2 feet in depth.

This liquid serves for many reasons and one is to trap the enemy. Anyone, except White, in the liquid is trapped in it, unable to jump and only with walk with some difficulties. If the enemy is tier 4-2 or lower, then he would be made motionless, unable to dodge or walk at all. From tier 2-4 the person could start do some swift movements, but if wanted to jump or so, the liquid would turn really strong and pull him back. Tier 1-2 could start jumping, but the liquid still would remain on his feet and pull the person back after leaving the surface for 2 seconds. Only starting from tier 0-5 someone can try to escape this liquid and jump out of this field.

The other aspect of this field, is that it creates red liquid soldiers, that attack everyone in the field. Each soldier is in the strength, that would match a shinigami with shikai and is as durable as one. In one moment there can be up to ten soldiers and it takes one post to generate a new one, if one is destroyed.

The drawback for this ability is that it can be used only, when entering the state and the field stays all fight in the one spot. It can't be moved or relocated by almost any means. Also, thanks to this ability, White after entering this state is immobile for one post. He can still mentally control Mar de Sangre soldiers.

El Pecado, La Sangre y Rosas(Sin, Blood and Roses): This ability starts by White releasing red dust from his wings. The land and everything else touched by this red dust starts to cover with red roses. From then these flowers start to spread the same spores in rapid speed, covering larger and larger space. Persons, who get exposed to these spores, first start to remember every, event the most smallest, wrong doing in their life. These memories will be bright, colorful and so real, that they could even take away the sense of reality.

Later, by being exposed to these dusts for a longer period of time, the target would feel, that his body becomes more and more like a humans, with flesh, blood and bones. The complete transformation is done after being exposed to the spores for 4 posts. These bodies can't be left, like gigai or so, but after 3 posts outside of spores, this body starts to crumble itself and after 2 more posts the target is free.

The drawback for this ability is that White is also effected by the body creation ability and that after releasing the spores, they are no longer in his control and spreads on their own, feeding from reishi around them.

Hollows strength, Demons blood: This actually doesn't take any spiritual energy, but more physical stamina. All Whites strikes are made with a massive, destructive force. To make it clearer, if he would just strike his sword into the ground, the surrounding land would crumble and a crater should appear around 200 meters in radius.
This strength of his is very brute, so when the sword is swung, he can't stop it.

Pétalos de Hueso(Bone Petals): White shoots at his enemy small bone spikes. These flakes merge with the targets skin, when taking contact and fuses with the body part. From that moment, the next 4 posts he can control that body part, which the bone piece struck. The enemy can resist this ability, if bursting a huge wave of energy out of his body to burn the parasite. The Visera Demonio can control one body part at the time.


White Eye[W.I.P] Image7240_zps86c4c5fd


White Eye[W.I.P] Image7244_zps01fd6df2

To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not feel your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. We will also do your will sheet for you upon grading your application.

Racial Skills
  • Cuerpo Reparación: Advanced
  • Cero Rastro: Begginer
  • Tānāgati: Advanced
  • Ksetra Pari: Master

Racial Skills(Arrancar)

  • Perquisa: Adept
  • Sonido: Beginner
  • Cero/Bala: Adept
  • Hierro: Advanced

Racial Skills(Hollow)
  • Acid Skill: Advanced
  • Garganta : Adept
  • Regeneration: Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept


White Eye[W.I.P] Image7242_zps5f8c03f2

» Role Play Sample:(Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)
Head Admin
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White Eye[W.I.P] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999White Eye[W.I.P] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

White Eye[W.I.P] Empty Re: White Eye[W.I.P]

Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:26 am



Right now I'm going through and sending reminders in WIP from everything dating back from August 01 and backwards. So, since it seems this application hasn't had work, I was wondering what was your plans for this character and if you wanted me to archive this or anything? Don't sweat this message, I'm just going through and reminding people these characters exist.

You also contact me here for a response:

White Eye[W.I.P] WVMWLOu
The Hybrid King
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White Eye[W.I.P] Empty Re: White Eye[W.I.P]

Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:45 pm
Given the current status we have with Nix, we're gonna go ahead and make this Inactive until his return or its archived.

White Eye[W.I.P] FXpoQxJ
White Eye[W.I.P] 2Y9rqGk

Head Admin
Head Admin

Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19293
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White Eye[W.I.P] Empty Re: White Eye[W.I.P]

Sat Oct 31, 2015 9:39 am

Okay, since there is already a newer version of this character up, I see no need for it to be in inactive characters. Therefore, I'm going to straight up archive this profile after this post is up.

White Eye[W.I.P] WVMWLOu
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