Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Morph OTY
Joined : 2015-06-08
Posts : 1802

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A New Day; A New Man (Open)  Empty A New Day; A New Man (Open)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:25 am

Artist: Fairy Tail OST| Song: Travelers of the Magic Borders| Word Count:462

Hayden laid on the concrete wall barrier that was about waist height as people passed by conducting their normal lives in this afternoon sun. If someone was to look at Hayden he had to Zanpakutō resting right next to idly with little care in the world on his face, he looked like someone who had finally found peace within the world as if an epiphany had awakened him. But his body was unmoving as his chest rose and fell with each of his breaths as his eyes opened slightly to watch the clouds pass slowly, his eyes watching them with a small smile before he closed them again. One may ask how this once tight in the ass man that got angry and baby faced over small things might have gotten this personality- well it was a mix of meeting people and getting his Shikai.

Hayden has for all purposes gotten his ass kicked, bruised, and beaten many of times but he learned from it, as much as it bugged him Wolf and Azure cause the most change in him. The Miyake sisters was a small revelation but his words with his dragon had caused him to finally reach a conclusion, through training and simply meditating he had came to a few conclusion about lifes. Those revolved around that the world was a fucked up place, like really fucked up to the point small children were being abused and beaten even killed for fun. There was little light in this brutal dark world yet… if this was true why not be the light some people needed and make the world a bit more bearable. He may never make a change in the world but he would do the right thing because it was simply the right thing to do.

Some words kept replaying in his head that went a little something like this; ‘Don't cling to pain. Don't expect happiness. Don't fear loss. Accept reality as it is. Enjoy the good. Endure the bad. Don't make a big deal out of anything. Be selfless, and unconditionally kind and just, without ever expecting a reward. We're all going to end up as piles of dust, so why not be nice to each other and get those pleasant fuzzies?’ This was something that his dragon had revealed to him as a doctrine of sorts- why stress this hard when life was going to flow and he couldn’t stop it. He would follow this and by the smile on the man’s scruffy face he looked at peace.

“Yep.. it’s a good day.” He chuckled his hands resting behind his head, if someone wanted to talk to him now would be the best time. It was surprising how much he had changed in all this time.

Template By: [THEFROST]

A New Day; A New Man (Open)  JfH75kA
A New Day; A New Man (Open)  H8Tyk70
Joined : 2015-07-30
Posts : 524

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A New Day; A New Man (Open)  Empty Re: A New Day; A New Man (Open)

Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:03 am

Artist: Fable OST - Song: Oakvale - Word Count: 533

Selia had been recently traveling as best as she could. Learning more and more about the places she swore to protect and even being able to meet more people she would have once never knew if this life wasn't thrust upon her. It brought a few memories flashing back in her head of when she was still a human, alive and well. A friend. Someone she spent her time with. Someone that she trusted her life with, the same person that she spent many days with playing and talking. This memory for her was one of the things keeping a large smile on her face. Life was going great so far, or at least as far as she knew. There were still many troubles in the world, but this relatively oblivious girl seemed happy enough not knowing right now.

In the distance, she saw a familiar face. Someone she once saw before and have seen wandering the Vanguard base on occasion. The chance to talk to him against seemed like a great idea for her, the girl quickly trotting over to his side, not yet making her presence known. Hayden had a high chance of being able to sense her normally, but she seemed quite content on trying to be sneaky. Slowly but surely she hoisted herself up so she could sit behind him, trying to be as silent as possible. Her face began to lean closer and closer to it, eyes staring up him and wide before she neared his ear...


She tried to make it sudden and quick, even teasingly throwing her arms up as a childish attempt to startle someone who looked this peaceful. She quickly pulled away once she was done, scooting along the fairly uncomfortable concrete wall as to give him some room now. Now that she made herself known, Hayden had a full view of her attire, wearing the same light blue dress she wore on her day of being rescued by him, black sweat pants hugging her legs tightly as flat shoes covered her feet, white socks with pink floral patterns adorning them seen.

"Why is Hayden here all alone? Shouldn't he be a big strong person and beating up bad hollows? Oh, oh, or training and getting super duper strong?"

She was used to seeing him training or in a situation where he couldn't rest, so seeing his posture and stance so calm made her slightly confused. Confusion or not, she still seemed quite happy to be talking with him, or at least attempting to, single canine poking past her lips in her cheery smile. Small feet began to kick out in front of her into the air, hands gripping the edges of the small wall so she didn't send herself flying straight into the ground painfully. She even had a few questions she could start asking him concerning Shinigami stuff all the way to what his favorite type of cookie was. But one better question was to ask her why she was out here in the first place. This definitely wasn't one of her frequented spots, no sweets to be seen for a long way nor any type of pure entertainment for a girl with her mindset.

Seasoned Member
Morph OTY
Joined : 2015-06-08
Posts : 1802

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A New Day; A New Man (Open)  Empty Re: A New Day; A New Man (Open)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:38 pm

Artist: Fairy Tail OST| Song: Travelers of the Magic Borders| Word Count:327

Hayden opened a single eye as he heard the boo to see none other than selis, the shinigami he had saved from the more darker parts of the forest. The small dragon like girl had even went so far as to raise their hands up to make it even more childish as she disturbed his peaceful form. He let out a yawn and chuckle before beginning to sit up now that she had his attention, going so far as to throw his legs over the side as he looked down at her. Now that he was sitting up she would see he was wearing his typical shinigami robes, but instead of a white sash around his waist he had a maroon one that had a piece that hung off his robes slightly.

“Hey how ya doin, Selia?” He asked after sitting up before beginning to answer her questions but yawning indicating how he had just awoken from his nap time. “Even the strong need time to rest, whats the point of protecting everything if you can’t take the time to enjoy the beauty we protect?” He asked the young shinigami in parting some of his wisdom into the young woman before looking around with a smile at the bustling place, it wasn’t the most proper place but by the smile on his face it was true that he truly loved what he protected. It gave him strength and if the girl could find what she wanted to die for and protect she too could reach this pinnacle of strength.

“Anywho what ya doing out here; I don’t see you over this way often.” He explained to her before beginning to stretch his tired muscles rotating his hips a bit hearing a nice pop as he became loosened. At any rate he rested his hand on his chin while placing his elbow on his thigh so he could look down at the girl a bit more comfortably.

Template By: [THEFROST]

A New Day; A New Man (Open)  JfH75kA
A New Day; A New Man (Open)  H8Tyk70
Joined : 2015-07-30
Posts : 524

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A New Day; A New Man (Open)  Empty Re: A New Day; A New Man (Open)

Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:48 pm

Artist: Okage: The Shadow King OST - Song: Melody from the Box - Word Count: 395

The small girl seemed to easily take notice of the color difference of the sash, going as far as to gently poke it to feel if it was made of different material. Regardless of if it was or not, the thick dragon tail behind her began to sway from side to side, showing she wasn't bored or uninterested.

"I'm doing fine! I got to meet one really nice person with this really bright red hair! We went out shopping together and it was lots of fun!"

The memory was still fresh within her head, just walking up to him and speaking without a care in the world, and how kind they actually were. A childish smirk still on her lips after she finished speaking, a bundle of joy apparently. She sat still for when he began to speak, ears extending outwards slightly to reveal their full fin-esque nature. She hadn't really thought of it before like that. Taking breaks and such to enjoy what she worked to protect. Her own thoughts were quickly interrupted by the fact she does that almost every day, and the second about the fact she hasn't been able to do very much. Hasn't went off to those big missions where people fight for what's right. So far she's just been... A Selia. Not a hero or anything else.

Her thoughts were once again interrupted by Hayden being the one to ask a new question once again. Before she could even respond, she heard the pop of his hips, wincing as she stuck her tongue out, poking path sharp fangs.

"Ewww... Don't pop your bones, that's nasty. Oh! Anyways, I came here because I got really bored and I started getting better at that sensing... Ria... Riatutu... Spirit stuff everyone has! So When I got los- Wandered around, I eventually sensed you and just decided to pop up!"

It seems like the real reason she was here slipped out, getting lost and just wandering around to eventually find one of the few people she knew well. And she seemed quite happy with it as well. Slowly she crossed one of her legs over the other, balancing herself by swinging her tail over one side of the barrier has a hand rested on her chin, propping her head up as her elbow rested on her thigh, copying Hayden's pose and staring right back at him.

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