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The Hybrid King
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With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Empty With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread]

Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:37 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1485

As the man slowly wrapped his arms around himself, strands of black hair shook vigorously in the air. Azure Iramasha had just released a small sigh previously, letting his arms bring him warmth among the cold air that was now pushing its way around the world. Looking downward at the ground, the man pressed his feet against the thick concrete below him. The cool breeze of Autumn had slowly began to creep its way forward, wrapping its tendrils around the countries that were currently beginning to reach the season's time. Azure, however, was stationed within a country he held no opinion within.

Iceland, a country under the control of Shadowfall was now where the man resided, his feet bringing him against its surface for hours now. The cool air was now wrapping the entire country in its grasp as the young Iramasha was there on busy, on a mission really. Now that the Vanguard had begun to create a force of their own and has begun to move throughout the world, they were to begin giving the world back to those that once owned it. That is, the humans and species that lived among the world before. Even now, all races were more than welcome. Those who once lived among this world as their own people were those who deserved to be in power. Humans and the fellow races among them needed to control the nations of Earth, not the organizations of force. Protection is one thing, controlling their lives was another.

The Iramasha's steps were quiet, his sounds muffled under the soles of his shoes as he watched those that lived among Iceland's capital city, Reykjavik. The city was beautiful when it came to the gold strands of the setting sun that were cast across its buildings. Despite the centuries passing, it was still one of the most traditional cities among the world as of late. It contained a few technologically created buildings, cybernetics here and there, but other than that the city itself was still intact as if it were hundreds of years prior. One of those very famous buildings was the Hallgrimskirkja, a church within the center of the City.

Not only was the idea of Azure being within a country owned by Shadowfall an extraordinary condition, so was the outfit the young man wore. Shying away from the average casual wear that he wore every day and was now sporting what seemed to be the utmost professional wear. Though most of the outfit itself was being hidden by the long, black trench coat he wore, Azure was currently in what seemed to be a simple form fitting suit. Accompanied by dress shoes that lifted his height a small bit, the man wore what seemed to be a black blazer matching with a purely white dress shirt and red straight tie. It seemed that, despite the ease of his stature and walk, Azure had been here for a good reason.

Shifting from side to side on the sidewalk his rather expensive shoes stepped upon, the Hybrid Iramasha watched the setting sun in the far distance, his goal seeming to be the large church within the capital's center. Azure's spiritual energy was completely hidden as the moment passed, his look being far different than most people knew of from his previous world announcement. It was a look that only few had seen, and even fewer understood. Letting that of a small smile crawl along his pale lips, topaz eyes looking among the gold rays of Reykjavik, the glint of their hues shining off of his own deep orange eyes. It was an odd sight, to see people doing alright, yet under such a harsh rule. Azure was the last person to cause chaos for no reason, but such a statement needed to be made this day. He knew that this would be the beginning of a long road, one that he could not return from with his own power. Nor could those aiding him, The Vanguard were at stake. As... were the humans and other races all on Earth. This wasn't just for his own mission, this was for unity. Peace. A final decision, one that would allow others to live life with no fear. It was his life that would be eventually forfeit in this act of... heroism, if that's what you could call it.

Approaching the center of the capital, people went about there days without much attention towards Azure, his mind elsewhere entirely. Despite there being few tourists these days given the new laws that were in place, those who lived within Reykjavik seemed to still visit the Hallgrimskirkja church rather frequently. Not only were there others outside the steps of the famous landmark, anyone on the ground floor could see the bustling traffic going from within the church and out of it. Tapping a passerby before that could escape his vicinity, Azure's eyes flickered with a sense of kindness, a small nod at them.

"I take it that this is Hallgrimskirkja? Famous Church of Reykjavik?" Receiving a quick nod and smile from the woman, he waved her off with little effort as he began the long trek to the church's top. Though the top itself was filled with a rather large bell, Azure knew that he wouldn't be the only being up there. So, rather than spend his time talking among those who were currently sight seeing, he
d would take it upon himself to get his message her.

As he reached the top of the stairs, the male moved towards the edge of the large open hole upon the church's face. Taking a single step upward, Azure pressed his finger s against the hard leather of his inner pockets. Creating a panic, he stepped forward once more to stand among the air itself, quietly watching as those below him spoke of him. Whether or not that was an assumption was not a problem, he knew through his enhanced senses. Sound was his specialty, hearing anything and everything was a talent he had always had.

Just as the final lights of that day had slowly waved itself from view, Azure smiled at those fixated on his being. It was the first and only thing he expected, that was until he made himself more apparent. Shaking his head, the man seemed only to be happy to notice that everyone was paying him mind. Its what he had wanted, especially in such a large area. Letting a small cough escape his lips, Azure removed a red liquid from the inside of his jacket pocket as he downed the entire vial that held it. Finishing the liquid, he placed the vial back into hiding as he began to speak.

"Well then, not that many of you, or any of you know who I am, I'm here to say a few words towards the citizens of Reykjavik. Now, I may not know of the newly instated Shadowfall regime, nor do I know of your customs here, I've taken it upon myself to make my mission and idea clear. Earth is here for those who wish to do it good, to take care of it. Those who are meant to do such a thing re humans, and, those who happen to join their side. Shinigami, Iramasha, Demon or Arrancar. Any Race should be given the right to live peacefully and in unity with those around them. Shadowfall may give the idea of freedom out as a real thing, but it's rather fake. I'm here, on the behalf of the Vanguard, to free you of the chains imposed on your society. If you don't agree with such a thing, that's alright. I simply wish to help."

The large booming voice of the man stretched for miles around the city, his sound manipulation allowing him to extend his voices reach rather far. It was an act of revolution, an act of change. If Azure weren't to do this, would those here on there own do it? Shaking his head at the thought, he smiled once more as he gained odd looks and confused shouts at him.

Letting his voice boom once more, the Hybrid Iramasha allowed a final statement to escape his lips.

"As the leader of The Vanguard, I, Azure Iramasha wish to free this country from Shadowfall's control. Aid me in the effort or hide, just keep yourselves from danger. I'm here to not only get rid of these... assholes, but to protect you. That's who I am."

As the words finally faded off, Azure's spiritual energy was completely let loose, his body radiating with power. The air around him began to spark with electricity, his eyes flickering with that same sense of flame he had shown with Radioactive. It seemed now that all he did from here was wait for those who wished to stop him. This country would be its own once again, that was a sure fact.

"Well then, Who're you gonna throw at me?"

Template By: [THEFROST]


With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] FXpoQxJ
With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] 2Y9rqGk

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With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Empty Re: With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread]

Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:56 am

Artist: Hellion Sounds - Song: The Girl Who Played With People's Shapes - Word Count: 1169

It didn't take long for many of Shadow Fall's operatives to pick up on the announcement made at the lone church by the likes of Azure Iramasha. After all, it would be hard for anyone not to hear it with the big mouth the male had. So, with how fast their communication systems were, the declaration of invasion was sent to the echelons of Shadow Fall's highest ranking officials. They hadn't paid much mind to The Vanguard Leader's constant talk of war against them -- until this moment. Action spoke louder than mere words and it was obvious that he intended to cause a ruckus here.

Hence -- one of The Royals of Shadow Fall would give him an audience in response to this threat. The Princess of Demons would make herself known to this region as she was in that very chapel giving a sermon on Khalaism. The teachings of this demonic religion would not stop even in the wake of Azure's bold statement. No. She needed to gather as many followers as she could to help them escape the damnation of their souls and find eternal release. And with most of the public coming to accept, or tolerate, this religion, The Maga of Khalaism could rest easy in taking the needed action to eliminate this threat should their interaction come to lethal blows.

Most of those within the church than started to radiate with a sense of otherworldly energy following that point. The Khalaist had the mark of their gods and goddesses radiating within them and it gave off a sense of pure unity and power. It is why the silver haired child known as Neoveta Asthavon had a smile on her face. In this kinship, one was never alone and always had purpose. So, even against the gravest of perils, The Princess felt firm and resolute in her actions and beliefs.

All of the bonding which The Demoness tethered to the religion of Khalaim was ultimately the reason why she maneuvered herself to appear before Azure in a dazzling display of crimson light. As the winds of the cold autumn breeze blew in the air, the silver hued hair of The Princess blew wildly against the current; causing her black and white dress to flap with the gale of the wind. In that moment, the child's blood red eyes seemed fixated on darkness behind Azure's. The target had been locked and she was not going to let him out of her sights for all the wonders of the world. He was their enemy and he posed a threat to the kinship she held dear. So until he backed down, the holy power that lay within her power was going to have to be summoned to expunge him from these lands until that time of surrendering came.

Thus, on response to that emotion of need and desire from within The Princess, an ominous eruption of crimson and shadow energies surged forth from the demoness's body. To Azure? It may very well be thick, raspy and filled with malicious intent. But, to those of Khalaism? It would bring nothing but a sense of harmony, power and serenity. For the powers of the divine filled the air and they were united and protected under this satanic oath they plunged themselves into.

Alas, though, words needed to be made in order to gauge the level of threat in which Azure posed at this moment. Since there were no offensive strikes given, Neoveta would not be the one to cast the first stone. Instead, she'd prod as to why he would make such a statement with these stern words:

"You speak words that the people of this nation are enslaved, but all we've done is brought about prosperity, unification and protection. While our methods are not always ideal, our organization has a claim to these lands and I wish to manage that of my own will. Therefore, since you are the only danger to this vision, I will ask only once: stand down."

Tone becoming more grim by the word, the eyes of Neoveta started to become devoured within a scarlet light. It was if they were entirely devoured by blood the further her powers boiled over and the more its demonic essence came to the threshold. The deepest that Neoveta plunged herself into Khalaism, the further she embraced her demonic blood and failed to reject it as she had done in years past. Hence, from this acceptance, tribal-like markings started to emerge upon the left side of her face and the prowess of Za Koa became empowered within her very being.

These were the beginnings of The Core of Demon Magic awakening to her sirens call and summoning the celestial magic inside herself. Six wings materialized out of rose energy formed from behind the child, while her entire gown became devoured within numerous lines of ruby light that further attuned the Princess to this rich depth of devilish power. With the dismal illumination of a blood gem radiating from Neoveta's forehead, it was clear to tell that The Maga of Khalaism was ready to pull the trigger and fire at this parasite.

However, it wasn't without a sense of fear either. As one does not enter into combat without that emotion buried deep within their conscious. While she was not entirely scared to fight this foe, there was plenty terror in her heart for the innocents who may get caught up in this brawl. Should this war turn into the likes of Australia, she shuddered to think about the lost of life and destruction that may result in this clash of powers. Furthermore, there was always that chance that she could indeed lost the holy battle. Yet, this is where her faith in Khalaism came in and she believed it would indeed lead her to the promise the land.

Ergo, she was able to let off this resolute threat to Azure Iramasha without much hesitation due to this internal cluster of thought and feelings brewing within herself:

"If you proceed with your action, you will inevitably initiate a war that neither side will be able to easily dispel. If such a goal is truly worth untold bloodshed, then I implore you to continue. If not, cease. The choice is yours, Iramasha."

Following those dire words did a large platoon of Shadow Fall and Khalaism warriors descend upon the city. Numerous crimson eyes filled the streets and the entire region where this showdown was currently taking place had been placed on a lock down. The choice to proceed with this war was now in the hands of Azure: would he stay, or would he go? That was ultimately up to him. But should he proceed? Neoveta was ready to strike him down with ungodly force; as the power of god was on her side.

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:52 am; edited 1 time in total

With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] WVMWLOu
The Hybrid King
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With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Empty Re: With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread]

Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:22 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1191

Shaking his head, Azure knew too well that this release of iceland wouldn't come without a fight. Especially in the case of those that held their precious religion so closely. Looking among the citizens around him that now grew bright with a deep crimson, he looked forward, now knowing that he would have a visitor. No matter, he would deal with it accordingly. Taking yet another look to the sky that now matched his topaz colored eyes, Azure Iramasha remove the trench cot that rested against his being, following with his blazer and entirely loosening his tie. He felt out of place, especially given he never wore such a thing. But, to others he wanted a sense of power to be seen within him, something they would be able to latch it.

With that, however, it seemed to finally begin. A radiant light forming in front of the male seemed to produce a small woman of petite stature. A lack of height was one of her key features, other than the crimson that littered her pupils and the silver hair that seemed to blow with ease. The cool breeze that followed the season blew its way throughout the two beings, Azure's own black locks shaking violently in response. He knew that this would be the beginning of conflict between the two groups, Shadowfall and The Vanguard. It mattered not though. The Earth did not belong to these people, Azure would do everything in his power to further that statement.

Taking a look at the young girl, Azure's body shifted from left to right in an uneasy motion. He was worried, a fight would bring about a lot of pain for the two, maybe even those that weren't able to get out in time. Keeping himself under control was the first thing he would have to do, watching as the girl swayed with the cool wind. A sense somberness grew within the air, a thick feeling of despair pushing against the man's very soul. Attempting to shake it off, the boy began to speak to Neoveta.

That was, if he hadn't been so rudely interrupted by the girls release of annoyance. A thick sense of energy, malefic energy, washed over the are between Azure and Neoveta. Normally, a person would have issues with even standing within the energy, but Azure completely repelled its effects via a shield of vibration. This shield pressed against the energy that blasted against it, sliding its malefic force to the site with great ease. Azure's spiritual pressure only seemed to rest quietly as he watched the royal Shadow fall member act, his eyes glazing over as she attempted to annoy the male.

Once again, it seemed that she was the first to pull a punch. Words flowed forcefully out of her mouth, her actions and thoughts wrapping Azure in a tight strangle hold as he listened quietly. Despite the woman in front of him being an enemy, he was not heartless. Words were to be spoken, ideas exchanged and in the end, if she were to not agree to his terms, then things would continue as they were. Shaking his head towards the girl's words, Azure looked up to the sky as a small smile formed among his face. It seemed his father had influenced him more than he had ever wished. Her words meant nothing to him.

"Well then. I never said those here were enslaved, but long ago, they were taken by force. You can speak any words you may wish to, but in the end that doesn't change past transgressions. You've caused pain and terror across the world. You do not control this country or anywhere else, for that matter. They are their own people. Therefore... they create their own futures. Not have one placed upon them."

Bring his gaze downward, the Hybrid Iramasha began to match the girl's own spiritual pressure, the air around them crackling with electricity. The air became thick, the molecules within it vibrating at high speeds, enough to choke someone to the point of passing out. Whether this would have an effect on the girl, Azure knew that it would at least cause issues for her to breathe, as it did with nearly everyone. Shaking his head once more, the words that she began to force out was a plea to remove himself, to make sure that those around them didn't come to pain. This still meant little to him. He would protect the citizens with little effort, his main course of action to remove Shadow fall regime had nothing to do with their safety.

"War is something that must happen, if you of all people aren't willing to accept that what has happened and is currently happening is not right. Your soldiers don't deserve death at your hands, do they? I merely wish for YOU to leave yourself. Take your regime and your... religion with you. This isn't a place you control, not anymore, Royal Shadow Fall. Realize that now, because this war isn't within my own hands. You hold the key to your own allies deaths. I'm simply the reaper that has to take them."

Eyes of pure topaz watched the crimson colored windows looking back at them. Azure Iramasha now seemed to be at a stand still with the woman known as Neoveta Asthavon. His actions were not the only ones at stake, here. If she were to not accept his terms, she herself would be creating the same problems she wished to not occur. He knew that, and if she could be fine with such a thing, then let it be.

Sliding the entirety of his tie from his neck now, the male tossed it to the ground far below, his energy only spiking once more. He planned on creating a point here at Iceland. Shadow fall didn't understand what they were truly dealing with. The Vanguard were far from useless, whether they wished to accept this mattered not. He planned on showing the strength of the Vanguard among the battlefield.

"Do keep in mind, I wouldn't be stupid enough to came alone, would I? I am the leader of The Vanguard, you shouldn't bring out your warriors without thinking." As he said this, Azure's wrist snapped to the side, his fingers outstretching as strands of chaos energy swam throughout the city, a pre-created set of chaos warps now went into effect, enough soldiers to match her force had arrived now, preparing themselves to combat if the need had arose.

"What will it be, Woman? Do you really wish to fight me?"

Cold words emerged from Azure's throat, his eyes flickering with a sense of battle now that he had watched her speak her nonsense. There would be no backing down, she had created too much of an annoyance for him. Forgiveness was the last thing he would allow here.

Template By: [THEFROST]

With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] FXpoQxJ
With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] 2Y9rqGk

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With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Empty Re: With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread]

Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:48 am

Artist: Foxfactory - Song: Isolated Doll War- Word Count: 1651

So it was becoming more and more apparent that these talks were not going to go anywhere apparent. Fair enough. The male seemed gung-ho to be some sort of hero and Neoveta had no patience for a person like attempting to otherwise taint her kinship. Therefore, most of those in the city soon became protected and covered by the holy aura of The Semi-Divine Child as she radiated a powerful celestial aura. One that shielded them from the effects of Azure's heavy spiritual pressure and allowed them to press on in the midst of darkness.

"The depth of history on this planet has always been about the progression of control and war to seize a better day. Through my eyes, it's no different than the many senseless wars fought for centuries on hand by the nations of this planet. The only difference is we've actually improved things. But if you are too blind to see that, then there is no helping a heretic such as yourself."

Once finishing those statements, the nerves and tension within Neoveta's body was released and she allowed herself to embrace the dark future which now lay ahead of them. There was a sickening feeling in her throat, a sinking sensation in her chest and a strong sense of adrenaline from the uneasiness of this situation radiating within The Princess's body. However, despite all these intense reactions within, the stronger will of mind subdued them and used them as a tool to further harness the power of emotion to heighten her ability and remind her of the just cause The Maga fought for.

Thus, most of the effects by Azure's electricity were soon negated and null by her tapping to the wealth of external Za Koa around them and activating The Demi-Network with it. Due to it's capacity to alter adjustments within the terrority Shadow Fall occupied, this was one of the simplest task it could do as it reverted the modifications his presence caused on the area to near zero. Furthermore, as The Princess detected the pulsation of chaos energy beginning to spread throughout the city, the magic based priorities associated with teleporation started to ooze upon the detection systems of The Demi Network. Combined with her acute sense of magical awareness through er mastery of the dark demonic arts, it didn't take a rocket scientist to deduce that he was attempting to perform a massive chaos warp of some kind.

No. She wasn't having that.

Moving like clockwork, a decent sum of Za Koa energy started overflowing within The Demi-Network over the control Neoveta had over it. This was done in order to generate a mystic shield infused with the attributes in order to lock out unauthorized wormholes from generating within the city. And, at the high speeds The Demi Network operated at, it yielded a strong chance of blocking out a majority, if not, all of the Vanguard Operatives from entering the city depths. If they were going to step foot in this city? They'd had to get past their own troops stationed outside the city limits, break past the barrier and get in the old fashion way. There was no way these fools would have it that easy.

"As the aggressor of this assault, you have no say in speaking such words. You were giving a warning and advised not to press forward with these actions. So you'll only have yourself to blame for the doom and bloodshed that will surely befall your people. If being such a pompous hero is truly worth that, then I will oblige and put an end to this non-sense here and now."

Those words came off as dead and determined as an ill expression oozed onto to the face of Neoveta. There was no more room for talk now. Ergo, with a collapse of her hand that made it seem as if she were praying to a god, another eruption of alterations surged in the area around them. It expanded for thousands of meters around both herself and Azure, but it would plunge them each of the combatants into the abyss of the inverse realm of Iceland. This was to otherwise prevent the city and citizens itself from being caught up in such a massive battle being waged.

But, before they would fade from the public eye, Neoveta did say this:

"Then let it be known to all heretics: the war between Shadow Fall and Vanguard begins. Hold nothing against these pagan's."

Hence, with those actions and words did the trigger then become pulled and the bullet of war was fired into the conscious of the public mind. And then, in a quick flash of darkness, did The Vanguard Leader and The Demon Princess otherwise transport to this false city of Reykjavik, Iceland. The skies were filled with endless crimson light, a moon darker than the dimmest shade of shadow and filled with a thick and uneasy miasma that radiated the essence of hell and demon world alike. Indeed, it is here where she would have home advantage and seek to tear apart this invader.

While the male seemed fairly under the impression Shadow Fall was underestimating him, the truth of the matter is that The Princess and those under her call took ACTIONS seriously. Now that each of these foes were placed on the field, it wasn't mere talk, but an actual reality to contend with. So, being face to face with an enemy this strong was a circumstance that Neoveta did indeed not undervalue. Precautions were made at every step of the way and she would calculate at every twist and turn to ensure the road to victory was paved against an unsavory adversary .

"Prepare to submit, Iramasha. I will not allow a heretic to do as he pleases within the nation my kinship has called home. I will not allow anything that endangers that to exist within my sacred kinship."

The final nail had been set in the coffin of this battle and the match was truly ready to begin at this point. Therefore, The Princess squeezed her right hand as hard as possible in order to induce a special effect within the area. The first means of assault was going to be at the male's very essence. Therefore, the existence of The Inverse City started to churn to life and attempted to outright eat him alive with the amount of raw energy coming at Azure's sides. From his back, head, legs, arms and hands would a cluster of white, silver, red and black energies come in a cyclone to begin gnawing away at his defenses.

The first layer of defense targeted? Physical. Extreme burns, melted skin, broken bones and ruptured organs were some of the beginning injuries that could be endured with such an attack. While vision, hearing and sense of smell and balance would be senses assaulted next if the assault were able to penetrate further in. Ultimately leading to degradation of his speed, strength and endurance and attempting to outright cripple him and paralyze Azure where he stood for full effect if all went as planned.

Meanwhile, spiritually, these outburst of energized waves were meant to zap a way his fuel and lower the amount of energy the male had within him. Mental, spiritual and chaos energies would feel something diminishing them from the inside and outside as Neoveta attempted to outright eradicate the particles of power within and around the male with her erasure spells. Of course this ate away at some of Neoveta's own energy, but it would be worth it if she could go ahead and take the male out of the game rather early. In war, there was no such thing as fighting fair and she wanted this man neutralized before anything could get out of hand. So she was fighting to otherwise win.

"आगे आओ , पवित्र सील!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The words of English or Japanese soon dissolved and the child began speaking in the Hindu language to augment and bolster the enhancements of her magic to unforetold levels. Henceforth, after that yell to the heavens had been made, a black circle which resembled that of blood would appear for a five hundred meter radius all around them. This was meant to impose a means of further restriction upon Azure. All around him would the existence around his body become restricted and numerous invisible chains would attempt to otherwise constrict them. Every single shackle attempted to further eat away at his strength and their durability was at a grand masters level from the depth of quality that Neoveta's enriched magical ability possessed.

Therefore, from all of these plans thrown at Azure, The Princess of Demon World would hope that he'd become like a trapped fly caught in a spiders web. As there was no room for error or miscalculation in a battle like this. If things weren't controlled soon, then this entire first phase war battle would become rather grim. So, with her demonic heart thumping, Neoveta internally prayed to herself and asked for inner and outer strength to keep pressing forward.

She had to be strong. She had to be fierce. She had to be murderous. And she had to make sure their beliefs would stand the test of time to see another day. In a battle of war, it didn't matter who was wrong or right, but who could otherwise ave the strength to become the law of the land. And with the amount of hope, dreams and faith pleased in Khalaism, Neoveta had a lot riding on her shoulders to otherwise ensure that their regime would stay in put. She couldn't lose -- not here.

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:53 am; edited 1 time in total

With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] WVMWLOu
The Hybrid King
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With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Empty Re: With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread]

Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:57 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 2308

Azure's eyes flickered throughout the city as he watched its citizens clamor left and right. They weren't moving so rushed in order to flee from Azure or Neoveta, it seemed that entirely understood what was currently going on. With that being said, it still seemed to leave a sense of oddity in the male. He had never seen others react in such a way in that very situation. It didn't matter much, given the words that Neoveta would eventually say meant nothing to him now. Before she could speak and do what she pleased, Azure let his wrist flick quietly in the air, his clothes shifting quietly as a rush of hair blasted him. With that occurring, he released a small sound as a silent muse shouted its way throughout the city. Whether Neoveta would continue to talk or not, the Hybrid knew that he wished to listen to his music. So, with that being said, the music was pin pointed to Neoveta and Azure's location, blasting in rather extreme tones.

Now that the male had the music blasting rather loudly throughout the city, he felt more at ease in the rather tense situation. It was abrupt and irritating to see such a person arrive. He was hoping for someone else, someone that had no name and could earn themselves a place in the coming war. However, that wasn't going to happen it seemed. Instead, he had the little girl that floated before him. The soft features of a child yet she held eyes of a murderer. It was an odd spectacle, one that he cared little about now. It was little thought that he dedicated to what the girl would say from here on out. Listening to the soft tunes that poured throughout the area, he became distant and distracted, his ears and body sensing all around, yet paid it little attention. Azure had entered a zone that he so rarely visited. One of oddity and confusion, one that would confuse anyone that wished to view him.

The male swayed from side to side, his body slowly shifting to an odd metronome like beat. Soft and simple movements, barely shifting from side to side, yet if one were to watch closely they would see the movements without much effort. Azure's eyes grew rather blank, his focused entirely shifting a sense of surroundings than a focused object. He was beyond ready to begin the bleak fighting that would follow her words. He was already tired from dealing with Neoveta, given that if she were to spout anymore nonsense he may have to end up hurting himself to keep himself distracted. It was harsh, but he knew what he had wanted from coming to Iceland. He didn't wish to talk about nonsense of kinship and respect between all. He knew of their past issues and wasn't going to simply remove himself from knowing of such a thing. It was simple, Azure's mind was set. There was no way around it. The man was on a mission, one that could not be stopped.

Now came the excessive talking from the young girl, her mouth going left and right as she spoke of the previous wars among Earth. She spoke of her people doing well for the world and is meant to stay. They did the world such an amazing service, yet millions have died in their wake. Azure was complacent at this point, listening to her words as if she meant something to him. In reality the time for talking had been over long ago to this point, the man was too far stuck in his ways for anything else to occur.

With it came the area growing rather dark, his own energy subsided as she continued to tirade, as if she could simply end him once and for all. The chaos energy he once began creating was ceased, the air around them growing thick as the Za Koa energy he felt so fluently began cutting him off. It was interesting, however to see himself react to the odd demon energy in a positive way. Given the demon blood he had gained through his past ziamichi, he could feel the swell of energy, its very miasma growing within him as the girl began to speak once more. She spoke of this being Azure's fault. His people would die alongside him in a war that need not to be waged, yet he pushed the girl it seemed. He didn't take these words to heart, the Vanguard would do their best until their dying breath. He knew all too well the power of his people. He had little worry, other than for his son at the moment. As she finished her little speech, Azure shook his head and smiled, reacting instantly.

"You and your people are pathetic. You deserve no choice of life, if you choose to react this way."

The man looked up from his constant music, looking at the tiny girl with dead eyes. The topaz that once shined brightly among his pupils were gone, a now crimson like ooze shifted constantly throughout them. The energy that was once dissipated by Neoveta herself only spiked now, the world around them enveloping in the black darkness of the inverse world that sat upon Iceland. It seemed that Azure wouldn't be having a fun time, murderous intent was the only feeling that truly raged through the boy's mind. His inner beast had been released as she spoke words of war to him. Her worthless words meant nothing, Shadowfall would gain nothing but death now.

Please Play The Song


The music that was once blasting around the outskirts of Iceland had now subsided, its reaches only moving through Azure's mind as he watched Neoveta finally take the offensive. Before the woman could truly get through with her actions, his eyes flared up, words tearing from his mouth as he laughed manically.


It was rare for Azure to attack someone so violently with his words, yet the very words that he spoke were filled with murderous intent. He truly believed that Neoveta's life would be forfeit for her opposition. Nothing would be held back, his energy began to spike violently as the last limiter that was naturally in place lifted.

The miasma that was created by the inverse world itself began to attack at him, his eyes flaring once more as he brought his hands together in a large slap. By sending the sound of this clap and amplifying it ten fold alongside his internal vibration, the said raw energy was dispersed away from his body, a set shield of sorts now defending him from being torn to pieces by the energy. The sound that vibrated around his body allowed the vibration itself to tear through the energy given its enhanced nature through the Za koa, Chaos energy and pure Reiatsu pouring from the Hybrid's body. This however also included the male's rather stupidly powerful willpower. As the energy around him attacked the raw energy back, erasure spells were cast upon the man, seeking to destroy his energy purely for the sake of taking him out.

Azure Iramasha was having none of this, his teeth beginning to grit as he bolstered his chaos energy from within, manipulating it in a pure form in order to dispel the spells themselves. By manipulating the energy radiating from his very being, the man is capable of completely eradicating the spells at a cost of using a bit of his energy. Not enough to entirely drain him, but it would be a substantial amount. It seemed to Azure that Neoveta wanted to end him here, once and for all before any true fighting could be done. The flame that burned within the Demonic Male wouldn't be having such an act, his body shifting rather disgustingly as he began his own assault.

He would have started the assault if it weren't for the brat of a child trying to end him so quickly. A large black circle began to radiate with pure energy as it attempted to restrict Azure. Through the use of his internal vibration, the energy and metaphysical sense of the chains that were sent for his body could be sensed before their arrival, allowing him to dodge all of them in terms of restriction. However, almost a dozen chains had reached him in terms of physical attachment. Tearing through his clothing and reaching his skin through contact, Azure now held a dozen burns and cuts crawling along his toned body, his eyes only growing darker through the pain. Blood began to ooze from the wounds as he watched Neoveta from afar, his bod being positioned in order to take action.

The man had grown tired of the battle as well, the chains continuing their assault as he sent out yet another sound wave to break their energy sources, vibrating the molecules within the air to entirely dissipate the spell itself. Azure was beginning to drain himself rather greatly, his body reacting to the effects of the wounds and energy he expended. It seemed his limiters mattered little, resorting to more intense actions.

"You'll regret facing the Vanguard, woman. Do not forget what you have placed upon yourself as you speak your pathetic insults."

The now bloody Azure began to shift in anger, the energy around him subsiding for a split second as it bolstered itself two fold. Releasing the limiter that kept him from entering Hybrid Form Two, he began the shift to the form without much of an issue. Following that limiter release, he then released a third limiter, allowing him to spike his energy even farther through his very core. A black miasma began to surround the man, death energy, chaos energy, reiatsu and za koa beginning to swirl in and out of his being as his eyes flickered with a pure hatred. Azure had entered a second form already, his "final" form beginning to allow him to enhance his power.

"You're done."

With a whip of his right arm, Azure summoned a swirling vortex of the four energies, bolstering its power with his own vibrations to be sent flying at Neoveta. This would obscure her vision if anything, but if caught in it the energy swirling at high speeds and at such a high level would tear at her very being, dissipating energy and tearing through his physical being with ease if not taken care of. The Vortex was large, 200 meters in size and 150 meters in width, it moved at high speeds thanks to the air around it being vibrated to allow it to press forward at abysmal speeds.

Releasing the said Vortex, Azure was far from done. Forty runes projected themselves from his body, resting atop his skin as the black miasma that swirled around them ejected itself into the said runes. These runes, now fueled, began to form a shadowy mass of tendrils from his body, extending to lengths though unimaginable. As they extended, two dozen of the forty were sent forward, attacking at Neoveta in any given way possible. The attacks themselves if landed would tear away at her life force given how the energy was formed. It would begin to erode her very being in ways only Death Energy could. The remaining 16 began to swirl around Azure, creating a defensive barrier around the male due to their high speeds. If a projectile were sent his way, in theory it would be possible for the tendrils to move and intercept it given they share Azure's skills directly. His strength, speed and any other skills that may pertain to their movements and attacks.

This would be the part where Azure would eventually let up, but in such a situation he felt the need to only push farther. Expending even more energy, the male began to radiate. Forcing the energy outward, he created dozens upon dozens of balls of energy. These balls had a diameter of 2 yards, their number reaching near 200 hundred in count. Bringing his hands together once more, Azure created a shockwave of energy and sound, the molecules within the air vibrating once more as he sent the vibration infused balls of multi-energy flying throughout the air. They reached absurd speeds due to the shockwave following them, all of them coming from angles nearly unexpected. If any were to hit, the consequences could be internal damage through a shockwave pulsating through Neoveta's body, burns and melted skin and even broken bones if they made enough contact with the girl.

Azure was a murderous fellow, it had seemed. Neoveta had unlocked a portion of his mind that he only kept reserved for the worst of the worst. He was far from done, but due to the energy he expended he was in a bit of a interesting spot, given he wasnt entirely drained but did have to expend a bit of energy in order to assault the woman herself. It seemed that Azure Iramasha had defended the name of The Vanguard, his intentions being for the nation that he stood upon, not the horrid shadowfall member before him.

Template By: [THEFROST]

With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] FXpoQxJ
With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] 2Y9rqGk

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With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Empty Re: With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:01 am

Artist: Kokuyasou Circle - Song: Deficient Girl - Word Count: 4032

The gears of war were turning and the sense of devastation soon filled the lands of Iceland. Vanguard Operatives and Shadow Fall knights alike filled the lands to go to battle for their beliefs, families, power and leaders. So it was only natural that the clash between the forerunners of this war would be secluded, compressed and sealed within the depths of the capital city as Neoveta faced Azure head on. It was going to be a battle between the two deciding factors of this clash and The Princess had no intention of losing.

Thus, her senses focused in on Azure and became attuned to the world thriving all around them.Hence, the first thing she would notice -- putrid noise. The trashy music which blared all throughout the depths of the inversed city was nothing short of disgusting, but was ultimately of no concern to the likes of The Demonic Princess. No. All that she needed to worry about was the foe before her and the many different ways to deal with his heretic behavior. However, Neoveta couldn't help but notice that the words in which she spoke enraged the male. After paying attention to that observational shift in the male, The Demoness could only shake her head against such non-sense. What right did he have to get furious with them? He was the invader in this instance, and it should only be expected that a hostile response would be given to those who dared opposed the kinship.

"We will not tolerate any threat that goes against the kinship. I will see to it that the divine prowess within myself upholds that belief. You posed yourself as a foe wishing to purge us from this land, so we will in turn expunge you from existence, heretic."

Those words were filled with malicious; churning with definite intend and were the type of response that indicated Neoveta and her kind were not going down without a long, vicious and utterly bloody fight. These people believed that the afterlife was but a paradise, and that the harder the challenges in ones life, the greater the glory their eternal life would become. So it stands to reason that they would risk life and limb to uphold their values in this time of holy war.

"But worry not, fool. I still have empathy and worry for your people. So I will ensure all those who are slain on this day meet their infinite paradise within the warmest pits of hell. For Nirvana is the release they will crave and their souls will live on in unending bliss for the path of death you set them on, naive."

Then, when Neoveta had finished her exchange of words, The Princess would almost have half a mind to laugh at his frantic and furious words hollered at her. At least, if she indulged in the construct of absolute madness such as her mother. But no. She only had pity to give him and hoped, even as enemies, that this damned soul find peace in the confines of hell. Hence, the battle of heaven and hell waged on and it was time to begin charting down this long road of devastation, destruction and death.

So accordlingly, the first thing The Satanic Princess noticed was that her attack didn't fully go through as planned -- but neither did Azure's counter measure against it. While it was true that his vibrations were able to cease some of the damage from the raw energy onslaught, a few alterations to its elements was all that had been required on Neoveta's end to have it absorb parts of the sound. Vibrations travel through the air and easily penetrate light-weighted objects, so by increasing the density of her own energy through metaphysical means, The Princess could otherwise cease it's effectiveness and hope to eradicate roughly forty percent of Azure's body in the process. Going on to maul through flesh, burn the body and otherwise drain the energy within him and inflict noticeable damage upon her foe.

Granted, The Vanguard Leader managed to otherwise stray off and negate the effects of the mental functions generating from that assault, he'd no doubt be unable to ignore the physical and metaphysical results of that clash. Now, with those facts having been pierced into the table, their powers were equally matched for the time being and it stand to reason that Neoveta could undoubtedly prevent him from nullifying her effects outright. Henceforth, the mystic energy overflowing within and around The Demonic Princess started to become alive and upsurge in strength from the fierce home-field advantage she possessed; on top of the fact her emotions were at an all-time peak from the heaviness of responsibility this war brought upon her desires.

Consequently, from this high energy out-put was this Royal Demon able to otherwise confine and strangle hold the outburst of Chaos Energy and Reaitsu Azure had erupt across the area. This would then allow her to otherwise inflict injuries that could result in him beginning to become drained, senses dimming, speed lowering and durability becoming more taxed. Of course, on her end, the child wasn't getting off scout free. There seemed to be blood red sweat starting to dripping from her skin pours and white veins appeared in her utterly scarlet eyes. If one could gauge the amount of power she was wielding, it was undoubtedly on par with a released Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto in his prime.

Having said that, even the valiant shield which tried its damnest to protect him could suffer the results of being crushed, broken or outright imploded upon Azure. The sheer fortitude from how fierce The Child was fighting at this point in time had simply become that resolute in strength and offensive striking might. While a supernova flame burned within The Iramasha's heart, an eternal inferno that scorched entire universes soared within Neoveta's heart. This valor, this purpose and this reason of Khalaism continued to further guide The Royal Demon down the depths of this burning road of death and gave The Princess reason to further tap into her holy prowess.

It is for this reason why Neoveta began to sorely believe this was the cause of Azure's downfall. The only thing he had on his side was the pitiful weight of his own ego to prove a point. Whereas, in this high priestess of Khalaism possessed a truly righteous cause on her side. One that was bigger than herself and carried an unfathomable weight upon her shoulders. For this purpose is what allowed her to become empowered by the thoughts, prayers and wishes of those who followed this satanic religion. And hence is the reason why Azure would be rendered a bloody mess by her unholy restriction based spells.

Everything that had developed into this battle was all simply going according to plan -- their divine plan. As a result, even the metaphysical chains managed to find their way into The Vanguard Leader's body when it came to a complete standstill. These would seek to further cripple, corrode and null his supernatural functions under the weight of her diabolical magic. It would undoubtedly become increasingly more painful to summon his potential, increase his power and, ultimately, fight against the enraged Priestess of Khalaism. As in this moment she sought to invoke absolute vengeance upon this heretic's body for having the nerve to dare threaten her kingdom, her kinship and the holy land of Khalaism. WHAT RIGHT DID HE HAVE!?

"If you sincerely believe absolute anger and rage is enough to eradicate our cause, you'll curse that thought to the grave, Iramasha. I'll make sure of it."

As those gruff words exited the mouth of the sanatic child, there were infuriating thoughts spiraling around like a searing vortex of inflamed fury within. The more she thought about the arrogance of this male, the more she wished to crush it and grind it into dust with her own hands. Therefore, deep within the confines of her mind, Neoveta took pleasure in seeing the sight of the male bloodied, beaten and regretting the actions he took. It was a feeling of emotion and delight that was never had before in the child's mind. Could this be a result of her demonic blood rushing further to the surface? Perhaps. But at this point, these heretics needed to be taught a lesson and he was going to rue the day he dared to tamper with Shadow Fall's sacred base.

Ergo, with all of this riding on the chest of The Demon Princess, Neoveta was not going to allow this spell to be so easily dissipated. No way. With a clenching of her hand, The Priestess intended to invoke yet another metaphysical morph within the lands. Again, she guided this alteration to her own energy and the weight of the world around them tripled. In this instance of time, the vibrations which Azure unleashed upon the battlefield were further absolved into this dense state of matter that Neoveta's depraved energy had progressed into with the heightened sense of power over swelling around them.

From all of this exchange, the toll on Azure's body would become absolutely frightening as the unrestricted weight of Neoveta's restrictive spells waged havoc across his very essence. Mauling at his limbs,breaking down his energy and trying to induce any sort of injury possible to the male's body to get him to cease and back off. The Asthavon did not desire to kill the boy, but if he proceeded on this path of war, the inevitable conclusion could indeed result.

At least, that is what The Princess of Demon World believed if he failed to surrender or become neutralized before reaching that critical point. While it wasn't wise to overestimate ones self, the faith that Neoveta had in her purpose did not want to allow her to indulge in thoughts of defeat. So she had to, so he HAD to keep marching forward on the path of victory. If she faltered here --- no. She couldn't think of that. Too many of her brothers and sisters of Khalaism depended on her very success. This non-sense had to end HERE.

"Cease your inane speak. You bought this destiny upon yourself by seeking war-glory. Ever since the day you announced this war against our people to spirits of this world, you've damned yourself and your people to this fate. So reap what you sow and break, forsaken one."

Following those words being echoed out into existence, the atmosphere within the area became a lit with a sensational flame. One which caused Neoveta to clench the internal sense of power within herself and brace the holy spirit inside for the next phase of this celestial battle of near demi-gods. As with the limiters released from her opponent, the true test was surely upon herself and she needed to pray to the forces of the universe to further guide her down this path of bloodshed and carnage.

Thus, as the scent of death energy slithered and ooze into the area, a devilish presence infected the once placid soul of Azure and she could feel a simple change overtaking his very state of being. Indeed, as he stood on the opposite side of the coin, the delusions of his mind must no-doubt be infecting him with false-grander from his insipid ego. But, even in spite of that, she had to stand stall and replied with this simple response:

"Come forth at me, heretic."

And with that, the next round began.



At this point, Neoveta understood how to possibly try and negate or reduce the effectiveness of Azure's precious vibration based assault. Therefore, through energized constructs, The Satanic Princess managed to produce multiple crimson barriers infused with demon energy in order to serve as absorption blocks for the sound. So, more importantly, she stripped the assaults of their dissipating effects, but managed to get hit by an extreme release of unforeseen pressure. That is, given the size of the attack, a malfunction of her power occurred and Neoveta was sent hurdling into a few dozen buildings by the extreme amount of kick-back that Azure's power possessed.

Covered in ash, rock and blood, the dirtied clothes and skin of The Asthavon started to sink in as she felt the fangs of Azure's demonic essence descending upon her. Scarlet fluids coughed up from her mouth, but this pain could be endured for the sake of willpower. As she began wiping away blood from her mouth and shaking off the buzzing sensation of pain radiating throughout her body, Neoveta quickly arose to her feet in a small carter and vaporized everything around her in a crimson flare of power. While The Priestess's body ached from the attack, this wasn't the time to take a breather or rest. There was another assault heading her way and she needed to be on guard to deal with it.

" dare to use Death Energy against ME!?"

Those words were almost screamed out to the high heavens, but they were certainly fueled with rage and question. The Asthavon's and The Creators of Demon Kind worked and associated themselves closely with death itself. So to use this element against her was akin to absolute madness and Neoveta wouldn't have it. Therefore, it was time to make her pleas to the deity of causality and bring an end to this revolting act. In this way, the earth became to buckle in two and the city started rocking with absolute terror from the amount of power beginning to accumilating within and around Neoveta.

"God Of Death, guide my cause and shatter the sight of this blasphemy before my eyes!"


There was silence


Then....the weight of that incantation was great as a pulsation of absolute dread filled the area. Proceeding that gut-wrenching feeling, a tsunami wave of shadow energy flooded the area and spread in every direction in order to outright vaporize and neutralize each of the forces. Since both herself and Azure were fighting on similar levels, and utilizing DE Force, it stood to reason that the most probable result between the two would result in each of these powers neutralizing one another upon impact and allowing Neoveta to come out relatively unsaved from the rune-based assault The Vanguard Leader waged on The Princess.

Due to this fact, an eruption of white light ignited in the skies and each of the assaults let out an earth-shattering roar that could be felt even in the surface world. For hundreds of miles on hand, these hellish and destructive elements let their horrid power be felt. Buildings began to crumble to dust, the air became tainted with toxins and the heavens themselves seemed to start to tremble with fear between the strength being tossed around by these two giants of battle. With thick ash covering the whole range, it was a wonder what would come next after this. In this time, Neoveta would simply allow herself to further attune to the attributes of Za Koa in the air and brace herself for the next phase of this combat.

After the smoke cleared from these ungodly forces, Neoveta could still feel the likes of Azure Iramasha beginning to push himself and activate another assault filled with vibration based power. And, in perfect counter fashion, The Demonic Princess summoned more of Za Koa's influence in order to create another large wall of energy before her. This time it was blood red in color and sought to absorb the vibrations and shock waves upon impact. It managed to do that to a great deal, but some still slipped through the cracks and managed to otherwise induce injuries related to nauseous pains, body aches and minor strain on the demoness's body.

However, in spite of these setbacks, the child simply spat out more of the blood exiting from her essence and was prepared to keep up the fight.

"Sīla Kā Miṭānē!"

Speaking Hindu once again, the phase "Seal Of Purging" uttered out of the satanic child's mouth. This was an incantation to otherwise begin her second assault against Azure. For, following that point, the will of Za Koa submitted to the child's whims and produced a dome of absolute darkness around the vicinity where The Vanguard Leader's presence was detected. It expanded for roughly a city block in all directions and aimed to compress him within a soundless void. This was made possible by the elements of the thick energies circulating around him constantly absorbing vibrations in the air.

From there, hundreds of speared rods were meant to pierce every square inch of his body and begin to penetrate through Azure's defenses. They came at speeds on par with a Grand Master Shunpo and gave little time to react if things went Neoveta's way. These projectiles were meant to make contact on or near Azure in order to unleash their suppressing element. Provided he wasn't a menaced piece of meat at this point, the sealing attributes of this attack would go into effect and aimed to forcibly, and painfully, suppress the energies within Azure. The agony could be comparable to having every molecule of your body broken, burned and turned to ash by how viciously these energies dared to torment Azure. His entire world would be nothing but an infinite loop of physical suffering until the injuries became too much to sustain and he'd ultimately give up or break out.

All the while, at this point, the sphere would simply show imagery of what his nirvana may end up. Depending on his desires, wishes and things that made him happy; he'd be shown quite the lovely display of probable afterlives for him in the depths of Hell if he were purged by Neoveta. While, to his backside, the stubbornness of the males action would be shown in war, conflict, death and murdering of his allies, friends and family. Now stuck in between a limbo of heaven and hell, the choice was his to make: would he avert from this path, or continue down this road of abandonment and ruin? That is what Neoveta wanted to see.



"I do not hate you, Lost Soul, but your ignorance infuriates me to no end. Look at the cataclysm you've brought upon yourself and ask the question: is this quest for war worth it? Even now, you still have the power to change things by retreating and ceasing in this absurd quest to eradicate us. Yet, which option will you choose: glory -- or ruin?"

Even in her own hate, the child believed she was showing restraint and empathy by allowing her foe at least this much. After all, death was nothing more than a transition phase for spirits and she was granting him a mercy killing. The Princess wanted this war to stop, but her beliefs would not allow such an individual to taint the kinship. Thus, she had to keep moving down this road and a secondary layer of golden energy swirled around the dome. In this way, Azure would receive a first hand trip to Nirvana itself should he perish in this conflict. The depths of his souls hardship was going to determine the glory of his afterlife and this senseless struggle could cease for the damned soul.

Ergo, if still entrapped within the sphere, The Vanguard Leader would begin to notice that this dome was becoming smaller and smaller. Indeed, the intention was to seal and crush him into oblivion. As this space diminished, as to would Azure's soul be reduced to dust in the wind. Going back to the delightfully intent within, apart of Neoveta simply wished to see his delusions eliminated and vaporized. Yet, another part just wanted him to stop and be done with this. It was conflicting, but she was doing the right thing in her mind and this righteous continued guiding as she attempted to snuff out the life from Azure.

In spite of these goals coming to life, however, there still seemed to be a great deal of distress coming from within the soul of Neoveta. As if there was a shadow telling her this was perhaps not the right course of action to partake in. In this time of confused faith, Neoveta put both of her hands together as if she were praying and pleaded to the universe to make sure her path was steady and true. The depths of uneasiness within her heart ran deep, but this belief mended it and repaired those holes of uncertainty. So, as the probable end drew near, Neoveta uttered out this invocation for Azure:

"To the heavens of nirvana, I plead with you -- free him. Free him from here and cleanse his heart of this world's impurities. The naive knows not what he speaks and I implore you to show him the truth of our warmth and grant his soul release in hell. Let this night eve of foolishness come to a close for him and grant this Iramasha permittance into your loving grasp. Please."

Those words ran thick and the ever expanding walls of hell seemed to beckon upon her call. As, following that prayer to the great beyond, a strong pulsation of hell's power overcharged in the area and a sense of sheer, satanic power swelled within. However, it wasn't entirely hostile. There were hints of melancholy intermixed within the infernal rage. Despite him being her foe, the likes of The Demonic Princess prayed for her sworn enemy and hoped that his accursed soul would find the light in death -- or awaken to the foolishness of this senseless clash. At least -- before it was too late to go back.

If nothing else, The Priestess Of Khalaism could at least save her own people by spreading the blessings of Za Koa and Hell's divine power throughout the nation of Iceland. Henceforth, from out of this inverse realm, the streams of hellish energy let themselves go and traveled throughout the Demi-Network. By releasing these particles of hades throughout the domes themselves, a dark miracle could be birthed on this glum night. For, in the heavens above Ireland, a blood red energy began to taint the skies and fill for miles on end. Soon, it would spread throughout the whole country and serve to sink the depths of the war in a scarlet night. Bleeding hues of hell's essence itself into this field of skewed faith and mangled corpses.

"And on this night filled with much havoc and massacre, I pray that my own kin find their paths. Give them the strength to press on through the embers of your harsh love and grant them the path to absolute release. Allow them this gift and allot me the strength needed to be a proper guide of Khalaism. That is my only wish on this blood-soiled eve."

Concluding her prayer there, Neoveta could do nothing else but allow herself to drop still in a carter of destruction, blood and fire as the carnage between her clash with Azure scared the inverse city. She could feel herself certainly being pushed, but this was par for the course in the beliefs of Khalaism. On this dark day, the capacity to be a true Maga and leader of this religion would be tested. The Princess wondered if she could live up to her mothers standards of conflict, the divinity of Khala and the power of father Deveta. These were all pressing concerns, but the more this war prolonged, the further she'd find her own answer and meaning in the depths of this battle glum nightfall.

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:53 am; edited 1 time in total

With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] WVMWLOu
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With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Empty Re: With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread]

Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:19 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 4153

Azure's skin began to crawl, the energy that was pressing defiantly against his being causing his entire existence to become rather unwelcome. The skin began to creak and shift, the pale reaction of his bodily wrapping only seemed to enhance as it continued. It was an odd site to see one's very skin alter in such a quick and disgusting way, yet Azure felt at ease. His anger was fueling his movements and actions, thus, the skin that now crawled as if it were pathetic legions of bugs, only seemed to exist on a secondary level to him. He felt fine with the movements, his eyes flickering with a sense of distress as his body fought against his very soul.

The weight around Azure's body completely withered, his eyes flickering once more as his mind and body began to give in to the rather murderous intent that followed his angry words and actions. The male was gone, in place was one without remorse. One that would only bring death as he walked upon the Earth. One who.. for all intents and purposes gave little attention the lives of those had were to face now, or in the future. His mind was filled with the very thoughts of torturous actions, disgustingly powerful attacks and the mere tearing of a person's soul from its being. It was as if Azure's mind had entered its very own cage of torture and began to think up the ways that he could ruin those that walk among his path. Though, it wasn't the only thing that raced through the man's mind. The compassion for the citizens within Iceland's region were an utmost importance to him, along with the idea of truly leaving Neoveta alive given her true meaning towards the world.

It was... depressing. Azure knew she wasn't doing this out of hatred. Something that only furthered his own anger so greatly.

The Royal Iramasha was all but done with the girl in front of him, he was ready to end such a spout with a final assault upon both her soul and being. She only continued to spout words of nonsense that only wished to anger him. This anger wasn't out of disrespect, nor was it out of hatred now.
Azure was angry due to the fact she could not understand what her "kin" had done to those around the world. No amount of words would be able to persuade the girl to believe such a thing, so, with that being a given. Azure's time for word's were all but over it had seemed. Shaking his head and taking a single step forward, a wave of the miasma that was once being pushed outward seemed to become more extravagent and powerful, piercing through the vibrations he had began to exert. An annoyance, it seemed. Exerting his energy outward once more, Azure's energy levels beginning to falter due to the amount of energy he was expending to keep himself from losing even more. It seemed that they both were going too hard, one would become the victor, but both would be leaving in sorry states.

The miasma began to subside around the male as his breathe became heavy and raspy, his heart beginning to pulsate at rapid paces as he began to experience the after effects of overexerting his heart's vibrations. This wasn't an issue to him, however. Pushing through the pain, the male began to speak, his eyes growing dim as he did so. These seemed to be the final words that would have come from the man's mouth, he was prepared for the end.

"I am here for the people of Iceland. I, along with my allies, will take back the country and allow them to reinstate their government. You and Shadowfall are not welcome, nor will ever be. You tell me I am a forsaken fool, one that does nothing but wish for his own death. For you, that may be the case. In my eyes, however, through the anger and disgust that I exert, I hold compassion and kindness for all. Even someone like you. It's pathetic, if we were allies this would have been different. You and I would have had been friends. Allies, people that were to befriend each other. That isn't the case, however. It seems that we've come to an impasse, Royal Asthavon. I'm sorry that it had to come to this.... really. Despite my words, I'm not a bad person."

It seemed that, these words, were an escape for what were to come. Azure didn't truly understand his actions, the girl that stood before him held such delicate features, just still seemed to have gone through so much given her stance before him. It didn't matter, not anymore. With the words finally spoken, Azure's assault now began to take its toll upon Neoveta, the beginning of his barrage only became accompanied by a miasma of death swirling around his being. Eyes of pure red began to swirl in and out of view, the miasma itself shifting at high speeds, his own being twitching in all directions. Along with the Final Form that Azure had entered, it seemed that the miasma that surrounded him only further enhanced his state, a mixture of a berserker form through Death Energy and his Final Form being the final result. The Miasma dispersed, revealing a Hybrid Iramasha that once held the name Azure. It seemed to contain the same appearance and stance. The energy pushing off of his very soul only verified his existence, yet it seemed to be off. The man had eyes of pure dread, emotionless and tired. An expressionless face accompanied his pupils, his body itself seeming limp as he only watched his previous assaults be sent ahead of him. Neoveta was no longer a being, she was a factor. Azure would end this, whether it meant his own ending came along with it.

The Husk that was once Azure Iramasha took yet another step forward, his eyes shifting rapidly from left to right. The intensity of the raw energy around him only amplified, his own body reacting in a torn solution. By exerting a large amount of energy through his body towards the constant vibrations within him, he expended nearly half what she wished for him to, the energy tearing from his being began to slowly darken the male's skin, splotches of scorched pale surrounding a small portion of his neck and arms. Alone with the dark splotches popping up at an expected rate, Azure's clothing began to tear from his being due to the raw energy exerted by his very soul. The once white dress shirt became non-existent, his dress pants tearing in small places repeatedly. The energy the male began to give off began to slowly eat away at the area around him, the air that once flowed freely became non-existent as well, the need for breathing greatly ceased almost entirely to the man.


The words were dark, filled with emptiness as the male began to adjust to the effects the Demonic Princess began to throw his way. The chaos energy that he had sent flying from his being only came richocheting back to him, slamming against his being as his vibrational shield soaked a large portion of it back into him, a small amount splashing along his skin as he left bruises and cuts alone his surface. It seemed to only further the husk's actions, his arms coming out to his sides as he gripped at the chains that were now tightly implanted within him. Sending the vibrations from within his heart outward and amplifying them by twenty fold through the previous power boosts he had obtained, Azure Iramasha sent mass shockwaves of vibrations and energy through the few chains that once littered his surface. Completely disentagrating them, the prongs that previously attached themselves to Azure only dug deeper into his being, nulling the effects of their previous nature but now caused him to bleed profusely from the upper right shoulder and the lower left of his chest. The husk's head shook quietly, his eyes scanning the area that Neoveta stood upon. She wasn't getting out free it seemed, neither was the Hybrid.


Yet another word escaped the darkened male's mouth, a step further being taken as she spoke freely and without care. The world around him only became heavier with each step, his body beginning to feel the effects that she wished to impose upon him. He wasn't going to have it. He wouldn't lose. There was nothing the woman could do about it from here on out. Azure Iramasha's mind had a single target, a single goal, and until his death came about there would be no stopping the man. He would forever continue his assault against Neoveta and the forces of Shadowfall. The man would fall before continuing his assault against his mortal enemy.

The air grew thicker, the muscles within Azure's body began to strain as his being seemed to become contorted, the physical weight upon his very surface only growing to cause obscene appearances and the stoppage of his blood flowing outward. He moved forward, looking as if he had no issues doing so, the pressure continuing to contort his skin as he wished to venture forward towards the girl. The Vortex that once swirled its way at the girl seemed to hit an erected wall of pure energy, his attack going through only in pressure and strength opposed to direct contact. In this moment, it meant little to Azure, seeing the young girl flying through the air was the initial action he wished to happen. Slamming into multiple buildings, she only stood once more, bloodied from head to toe thanks to the blood sweat she profusely exerted and the large gashes that were a cause of the force she had taken against the shield she created.

Despite the density of the air and the world around him, Azure went along and slammed his right foot against the ground, an amplified wave of vibrations traveling along it as it cracked under the immense pressure from both the air and his attack causing the earth that once spanned for miles to completely crack, its surface littered with masses of dust and rocks. The Man only did this to allow himself the ability to earthen rocks at his very whim, the precaution shockwave only furthering his aid latter down the line against the demonic princess herself.

As he stepped forward against the hard current of pressure that surrounded him, he listened intently as the girl screamed words of hatred, anger filling her very soul as she was bound to wish to end the male here, once and for all. Though, sadly, Azure would be having this. As stated before, the male would push through whatever he needed to. Whether his legs gave in, his arms were unuseable or he downright couldn't move, he would continue his assault until there were no Shadowfall forces left upon Iceland's surface. This was not their country, it belonged to the people. It would soon be claimed for the people of iceland once more, under Azure Iramasha and The Vanguard's protection.

"...You... will not continue..."

The somber filled words only seemed to radiate loudly around the dome, shaking its very core as the Demonic Princess yet again assaulted the Hybrid King. The clash of demonic energies within the dome exploded as they hit each other head to head. The explosion caused a rupture along the world's surface, the vibrations and energy sent off by both of the demi-god like beings caused the world to shake at its very core. If it were to occur outside the dome, the world would have suffered a large crater within its surface if anything, the dome was a safety precaution created by the young Neoveta. As the wind spread along the surface of Iceland's capital, smoke piled its way throughout the dome's innards. He was agitated, their assaults only meeting in head on collisions now that the girl wished to end him.

Another step forward...

As the world around Azure and Neoveta collapsed, the vibration assaults that smacked against her shields seemed to pierce through her in the least effective way, causing her slight pains from its force. It was yet another agitation over and over, it seemed that the girl would not be giving in. This mattered little, if at all, to the Hybrid. Shaking his head, the world around him grew dark and grim as she screamed in an obscene language he didn't understand, he could only understand what would come from it. A mass wave of demonic energy filled the air as hundreds of large poles were sent flying throughout the air above the male.

"Won't... you quit..?"

Eyes of pure crimson watched as the near impossible spears rocketed towards the man, the world around him slowing just enough to allow him to process what were to happen if he entered multiple situations. Using his Advanced Probability to predict the outcome of hundreds of different endings to this attack, the male suffered to end it however he wished. With that being said, the chaos energy and fellow energies within the man swirled at high speeds once more, bringing themselves to the surface of his right arm as he prepared for the assault that would be these spearheaded poles.

It happened almost instantly, the male's right fist impacted with the ground beneath him, an explosion that could rival that of a nuclear reactor going off began to extend itself outward, the forces and pure energy radiating from the blast itself sent hundreds of the spears outward, their plan to disrupt his further assaults becoming little of care. That was, expect for two spears that had pierced through the explosion by following in the back of the pack. The first, pierced through his vibrational shield, being sent flying as a shockwave of force flowing throughout his body as he skidded backwards, the force of the blow sending him yards against the surface of the earth. Despite this, he still stood, the second pole coming into contact with the right side of his body, slicing a clean cut from the front of his right abdomen to his back, the force not creating a complete hole, but was enough to slice the male's skin clean off. Blood gushed from the man's body, the aftermath of the blow he had impacted against the earth now began to settle.

Despite his pain receptors completely shutting down, Azure Iramasha suffered massive wounds to his body. The skin from the front of his right hand all the way to the back half of his shoulder oozed with blood, boiling from the explosion's heat he had previously withstood. Blood dripped slowly against the earth from his right arm, the hands knuckles having completely shattered in the process of destroying the earth beneath him. Aside from this, the man had even more scorch marks littering his body now, the one pale perfection that was his skin was now littered with blood, dirt and the appearance of being burned directly against his skin. The man was a mess, bleeding from head to toe, yet still stood against the demonic princess's rule. Yet another testament to the man's resolve and willpower, refusing to give in to the girl that wished to end his life.


Taking yet another step forward, the man's eyes faltered for a split second, the world around him becoming pure black before it once again emerged in great light. The man was beginning to reach his limit, his energy being expended disgustingly fast to keep himself alive against the girl. The wounds were little of a concern, using his energy was the real issue.

"Can't... allow this..."

The woman seemed to not understand why the Iramasha was here, but it no longer mattered. Even if he were to explain himself thoroughly, it was as if someone were to bring an unstoppable force against an unmovable wall. It was useless, for naught, pathetic. There was no need to try, thus his actions that followed the husk like form he had taken much earlier in their conversation. The words he spoke now were filled with dread, his mind shutting off any emotions that may be existent within him. He wished to help her, but there was no turning back now. Neoveta had sealed both of their fates, just as Azure had.

"You... will never understand..."

The crimson eyes scanned the sky above them, the dark red hues of Iceland's capital's inverse only growing with size as they prolonged their stay within this world. The sky was a somber yet beautiful sight, one that the male would not hate to forever envision for the rest of his life if he were to die here. Death did not matter to him as the energies once swirling rapidly around his body began to cease in size, yet still contained the power they were to hold.

"Let us finish."

The man was ready for the final assault that the demon princess was to send at him, his arms tightening as his legs pressed against the destroyed earth beneath him. The once thick suppression that weighed against his body seemed to uplift just slightly, his resolve pushing his abilities to its maximum potential. The Young Iramasha was a forsaken soul, but he was one that was intending to finish this fight either alive or dead, as long as he were to win in the end.

As he took these following steps forward, his body reacted quietly against the pressure that was held against him, a force that could shatter mountains sat upon his shoulders as he forcefully made his way forward. Before he could gain the immediate distance between Neoveta and himself, he was encased in an extensive void of darkness, its innards only beginning to swallow him whole. As he stood there quietly, the man began to breath heavily, the blood seeping from his body began to pool at his feet as he stared blankly into the void.

It was odd, a moment of lapsing occurred as he began to realize the walls slowly meant to trap and crush his innards. The man was not afraid, but worried. He couldn't be ended here. She couldn't win in such a way. Despite his useless right arm, he could still withstand a bit using his left. However, to him, he felt there would be no way to destroy the walls that held him completely dry of the outer world. In a fit of rage, the man stomped his foot and cursed aloud, staring at the endless abyss that stood before him.

The walls were mere inches from his being now, his breath bouncing back against him as he closed his eyes, pressing his arms against the walls as a moment of distress formed upon his mind. The once deadly Hybrid was now trapped like a mouse, his body slowly succumbing to the force as his limbs dropped, the walls enclosing quickly as he now couldn't force them apart.

That was, if they weren't stopped by a different force. The man opened his clamped eyes, the world around him glowing with an orange tint now that a small sphere wrapped itself around his immediate area, dozens of small button-like shapes formed along its surface. In a sight of wonder, Azure's eyes blinked momentarly, only long enough to see the sphere dissipate once more and reveal the open inverse world of Iceland's Capital. Though his mind was filled with odd thoughts, he couldn't fully fathom what his body had just done for him. However, he would intend on taking this moment as a blessing. Something that kept him moving purposely for some reason.

Though he may have been saved for the time being, he was far from able to fight at full strength. Covered in blood and bruised and scorched to near perfection, the male was a sight for sore eyes. Only a family member could love someone after seeing them in such a state. Mangled and torn to bits compared to his normal state, Azure was filled with a unfathomable amount of pain, yet the pain was still not felt. Sooner than later, he would reach this moment and peak, preparing him for his downfall. Until then, however, he had to press forward.

As the girl dropped from her pose of praying towards whoever she may believe in, the air around Azure grew ill with that of a satanic energy. It didn't outright harm him, yet he felt its hostility in those that may oppose it. With that being said, Azure's hair flew backward in a rage, the blood surrounding him only spraying outward as the large gust of energy swept through the dome and outward towards others among iceland's surface. Tch, it only figured they'd aid their allies in this situation.


The mangled male began to step forward as the girl's pressure only loosened slightly, giving him the ability to power through it with more ease than before. With the strain of his muscles growing tense and the limp within his right arm growing ever stagnate, Azure reached the crater that hosted the young girl, flames raging wildly within the background of the area they now were contained in.

Azure Iramasha was mere meters away, ready to finally end the spout that they had towards each other, yet couldn't move willingly. His body jerked forward, taking a single step as his eyes flooded once again back to a topaz colored tint. Though his energy was still as powerful as ever, his mind was yet again back to it's original state, emotions and irritation flowing back to him. Those, this irritation was more for himself rather than the young demon princess. Releasing a heavy sigh, he took a few more steps forward, giving them only feet of room as he fell to a single knee, his body contorting once more as pain began to flow through his body in mass.

"You don't understand my actions, I understand this..."

Releasing yet another sigh, a large amount of blood spilled from his mouth as he attempted to stand once more. With a large limp associated with his stance, the Hybrid Royal stepped forward, inches now filled the void between Man and Woman, the pressure on Azure's body once more taking it's toll upon the man.

"If things were different... We wouldn't be in such a position."

He closed the gap now, along the girl's side, the man stood in pain, his eyes filled with salt filled tears that now began to spill from their holders. He was distressed, outright hurting others was never his intention, but he had no other choice. He stood proudly, however, exerting his own pressure once again as the air around them vibrated at absurd speeds, pushing against the density within the air in extreme force.

"Admit defeat... I plead for you to..."

Taking a look down at the exhausted girl, the man coughed up yet another set of blood, his body beginning to take its final moments of activity before he were to shut down entirely. Before shutting down from the immense energy he was pushing outward through his vibrations, he intended on making his point clear. A single step came forward, landing directly beneath the male and female as it shattered the earth beneath them, letting a rupturing field of energy to burst for miles around them. The earth shattered, taking its final strike as his eyes gently closed, the rubble beneath him filling him with extreme somber.

"I may soon be out for the count... but until we're both out... I'll push forward.."

With that, the male let go a final sigh, his left arm coming upward to his side in order to expect an attack or determined end towards him, hopefully being able to protect him from death. However, if his death were to come, there would indeed be consequences.

Template By: [THEFROST]

With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] FXpoQxJ
With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] 2Y9rqGk

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With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Empty Re: With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread]

Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:32 pm

Artist: GhostByob - Song: Fight For Nothing - Word Count: 5400

As the conflict between The Princess and The Vanguard Leader waged further into oblivion, Neoveta could still sense the war worsening outside of the protective dome each of them were placed in. If this didn't hurry up and conclude, only negative things could occur for each of the parties. So when she began to feel that her energy was causing great discomfort to Azure, there was a sigh of relief within Neoveta because it meant that this was coming closer to an end. However, at the same time, she couldn't help but feel the sheer amount of rage consuming the male was this battle dragged on. And, as much as she wanted to be a kind soul, there was a sadistic and demonic urge within her that took great pleasure in seeing her foe in such a distraught, depressive and furious place of mind. Even if she didn't want to admit it, that self was still there and it was delighting in the fact The Priestess was more than winning this battle from its point view.

After all, this was a war, was it not? And demon's thrived on such a thing, did they not? Of course they did. So with these two facts true, it was only natural for her to indulge and let the demonic instincts flow within her. Even though Neoveta could see that she was a monster to some, the blood of The Princess ceased caring. A human can be the most caring and loving being to those in their community, but they still annihilate every bit of life without a care in the world; whether it be consciously or unconsciously. Ants, spiders, roaches, flies; all sorts of insects and rodents are nothing more than to be swatted away and killed, despite the fact they still possess the flame of life within their beings. And in this war, Neoveta considers the invaders to be those pesky insects and why it is okay for her to allow these feelings from within to come out and grant her moral impunity to butcher the threat before her for threatening the kinship.

And as her foe lay before her bloodied, injured and losing energy; Neoveta took pleasure in knowing that she was succeeding in her duty for her people. It meant that this heretic was getting what was coming to him for starting such a frivolous war in the name of his organization. To watch him stew in his own muck was entirely cathartic for The Princess. Yet, at the same time, the other half of her soul felt dismayed that it had to come to this. If he had only left, turned away and heeded her warnings -- she wouldn't of had to raise her hand to such an extent. It didn't please her true essence to induce such pain in the world, but sometimes pain is a necessary evil to remind a person of actions they shouldn't do. Much like how a man would avoid placing his hand on a hot stove to never again feel that anguish, as to would the Vanguard and Azure rethink the consequences of their actions with this amount of pain produced in the world because of this absurd war for Iceland.

Which is why when he began to speak once more, Neoveta could only shake her head at the words uttering out of his mouth. Even in this crippled state he dared to utter such non-sense? This soul was truly lost. The reason The Princess felt this way is because he could still see the underlying truth that they both desired the same thing, yet he was still intent on wasting many lives trying to "purge" them from this land as if they were a virus. Sigh.

"You are not here for Iceland. I've told you that you are only here for glory and to ring in the destruction of our people for your own satisfaction."

With right index finger, Neoveta pointed directly towards Azure and her face seemed to grow much colder. It was almost comparable to a look of death as she was very displeased in The Vanguard Leader at this point for not seeing the bigger picture.

"We've allowed for our kind and other races to flourish in the nations we've oversaw. Their government and people are still in tact. While there may be demonic candidates and influence within them, can you honestly say it isn't better than before? We've given citizens wealth, security, power and a better standard of life than when we conquered it. Can you honestly provide the same thing at the level we can?"

That was a genuine and serious question that Neoveta expected to be answered before he was vanished from her sights. Neoveta could understand that Shadow Fall wasn't exactly without their faults. Oh no. She saw the blood on their hands as clear as day. Yet, to her, no race in this existence is without their fair share of blood. Humans raped, pillaged and destroyed many territories on their own without so much as repairing it, improving it or doing much of anything to it. And while Shadow Fall has done similar feats to achieve this land, the result of their rule has improved the nation's overall state of living.

While, on the other hand, the only thing The Princess has seen The Vanguard is fail at every turn to ensure their goals, objectives and secure their lands. In fact, their former leader, Genpaku Arishima, was to blame for all of this. For in the battle for London, he was to blame for Shadow Fall gaining this much of a stronghold. And, as if the books of history were repeating themselves, Neoveta couldn't help but give a grim chuckle with how things were playing out once again.

"We have blood on our hands; I am not blind to that. But, you must also consider that there is blood on the hands of every single person in this existence. Whether it be the blood of a lowly insect, or the blood of another man; none of us are without sin. So it is for this reason that I feel justified in proceeding with my course of action in eradicating the threat to my kinship. For while we are not innocent, neither is man. For you butcher, violate and decimate your kind just as well as any demon can. And, unlike you, we've managed to enhance the quality of life of the areas we dominate. So I don't feel inclined to stop; Much like my mother failed to see another incentive to halt her rampage against the former Vanguard Leader: Genpaku Arishima. History is repeating itself and you all will live your past in the present for such foolish leadership and poor decision making."



Once each of their stances had been craved in the cement below, the tone of the battle from this point onward had been set. Words were no longer going to matter at this point. Neoveta could see that fact as clear as day as the final transformation of Azure began to overlap and consume him. It was if the lights flickered out in his mind, the person whom he once was had been diminished and only an empty husk remained. She had seen many warriors slip into this trance when they enter a fight they understand they are going to lose, and this only further confirmed the knowledge that this battle was coming to it's climax. Whatever moves each foe made in this round was going to set the tone for the rest of this war. So, with her heartbeat accelerating because of that heavy burden resting on her shoulders, Neoveta braced herself for the finale and hoped to raise to meet this last challenge from the Iramasha.

"Once again: come at me, heretic. This will be our last dash through the shadows of war and strife."

With a clench of her hand, Neoveta started trying to invade further into Azure's body now that he been so heavily marked by her abilities. He would be given advanced warning in the form of crimson light beginning to emerge around his limbs, and given his reaction time, The Iramasha would have to decide how he was going to react to her next assault. For, what Neoveta was attempting to was implode his limbs and cause either the loss of his arms, legs or at least heavy enough damage to otherwise cease his movement for the rest of this battle. If it failed to implode limbs, then all of the bones, muscles and tendons of that limb would be put under extreme strain to knock him off his feet if she had anything to say about it.

"No. You will NOT advance."

That was Neoveta's furious and short response to his no. Each of those words were filled with hostility and animosity as these two colossal forces smashed their powers against one another in one final showdown. More and more, Neoveta tried utilizing her demonic magic in order to induce various complex spells to tear apart at his insides. The male's body was deteriorating by the second, and if she could just stop something vital, maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't have to kill him. So, if he gave out, and just fainted, that would be enough to end this miserable battle. It is why The Princess was attempting to penetrate deeper within The Iramasha's body through influence of Za Koa. In this way, she could start using her energy in order to degenerate and lower the health of his lungs, kidneys, heart, brain, eyeballs and flow of blood within him in the hopes of one of these factors stopping his rampage.

"Don't...?...DON'T BE A FOOL! You are only marching to your death, naive."

A frantic, yet enraged scream was what Neoveta gave back in return to Azure's simple "don't". The only thing that the woman could see before the male was his own demise. With his vision narrowing, and objectives becoming more simplified, it was only a matter of time before the upper-hand would come into the palms of The Demon Princess to crush. She just wanted him to stop, but she couldn't stop herself with going forward for her family, her kinship, Khalaism and the entire nation of Iceland and Shadow Fall. It was too conflicting for her spirit, but her faith needed to be strong no matter what. There was no way she was going to break here at this crucial point.

Therefore, as her foe made his catastrophic stomp to the earth, Neoveta erected yet another dense dome in order to better shield herself from the first shock wave that was generated by his vibration. In this way, it would absorb the brunt of the impact in order to prevent the earth from opening and allowing Azure more material to work with. However, on the flip side, she could not divert most of the vibrations and a second wave was redirected into Neoveta. In that moment, The Princess vomited blood and felt as if her entire body had been rocked to the core with something fierce. It was if something was burning her insides with constant pulsations of pain and anguish.

Then -- her gut became nothing but a hole. The entire center point of Neoveta's stomach became nothing more than an empty space as the vibrations took its tole and ripped open Neoveta. While blood and bright neon white overflowed out of this void, it became more than clear what Azure was up against at this point. Even though every fiber in Neoveta's body was screaming in pain, the durability and regenerative factors of her energized being would not allow her to die here. In a blood curdling yell, The Princess summoned a noticeable volume of demonic energy in order to seal open the wound and make it as good as new.

Hence, in spite of Azure's efforts, The Satanic Priestess would not be slain here. While this attack would have been fatal to other organic opponents -- Neoveta was not them. Her body could be thought of as a shell, with her spirit being tethered to a hollow and energized flesh avatar. Make no mistake: her health was lowering and Azure could more than likely sense that with his spiritual awareness. Yet, due to the fact that no part of Neoveta is more important than the other, she could stand to take a heavy amount of abuse due to her lag of organs. Henceforth, this battle would more than likely end if Azure could cripple Neoveta's energy for that is what she thrives on and uses to sustain her existence.

Although, on the Iramasha's side of the fight, the same couldn't be said for where his body was heading. Even as the male unlocked new portions of his mind that allowed him to ascend past his limits, that did not negate the fact his body was composing and rotting out attempting to fight The Princess of Demons into the halls of oblivion. With the way things were going, there was no doubt in her mind that he would break before her. Even if he managed to inflict serious harm upon Neoveta's shell, she could bare the weight of these injuries much better than the material Azure's body was compromised of. So if Neoveta could just hold out, the battle would be in her favor to win and this non-sense could be put to an end.

"You say I won't continue? You say I'll fail? Non-sense rhetoric from a heretic on his last limbs. Your body is falling apart at the seams. You can't sustain this forever. You'll tire out and die. While we are both equal in power, the favor is on my side to win. Just give up, naive."

No matter if the world was shattering all around them, Neoveta understood this fact well at this point. Even if the male possessed a regenerative factor through his Chaos Spells, there was no way it could keep up with the natural ability of The Demon Princess's adaptive body. And given that she was still not at her full power, The Princess could stand to endure the harshness of this battle a lot better than Azure's body. The writing was on the wall and The Demoness wanted him to see these facts.

With debris, lightning, dust and chunks of the earth itself spiraling around in a vortex of destruction around them; this world was tearing apart and the clash of satanic might was drawing ever closer to its end. So, on that note, Neoveta amplified her offensive and defensive capacities through means of demonic empowerment. It came at the cost of lowering her energy further, but The Princess knew she could win this. If not, then she had a slew of other tricks to diagnose until the problem of Azure's invasion was corrected.



"Za Koa, bless me in your loving light and guide me towards the depths of victory! GRANT ME THE POWER TO ABOLISH THIS HERETIC!"

Once that incantation had been hollered out into the universe, the fangs across Neoveta's face intensified, crimson claws extended from her hands and her eyes began bleeding blood as numerous demonic runes devoured every ounce of skin across her body. At this point, Neoveta was three times stronger than her base state thanks to this empowered state. There was no doubt she could keep this up for roughly three to four post before tiring out. And in that time, she was going to have to make sure all of her assaults connected.

"No....I will never quit, Naive. I won't quit until the threat that endangers the kinship is eradicated and removed from these lands. To get me to quit would require you to neutralize me outright. And that....WON'T HAPPEN!"

As The Princess roared those words throughout the land, a strong sense of demonic influence overfilled the lands. Despite everything going to literal hell at this point, the overflowing grip of Neoveta's energy was holding everything together. The heavens shook above the continent of Iceland, her power reached upwards into the levels of being sensed for many towns over and it was clear she was tapping further into her potential and finding parts of herself that not even she knew existed. The facade of a gentle princess was dissolving at the seams and the uprising of a Satanic monster was being born from this fight as Azure pushed The Demoness into the depths of depravity.

Then, after that moment, an atomic blast rocked the battlefield once more and the impact could be felt for many dozens of miles away. Neoveta braced herself as Azure started slamming his fist with nuclear force against her spear based attack. It was enough to blow out each of her eardrums two times over, but The Princess's demonic regeneration only reformed and bounced back from the injuries. Proving, that even on a subtle level, her body was simply more durable and able to deal with abuse far better than Azure's. Granted, she lost health from it, but Neoveta was in it for the long haul. Even as blood began pouring from her ears, nose and mouth; she wasn't about to stop here. No way.

This fact was further confirmed when the smoke cleared from the clashing of her attacks against Azure's daunting counter. Blood gushing, energy lowering, fatigue settling in; he was getting closer and closer to his breaking point. Neoveta just needed to keep pushing, and pushing and pushing until The Iramasha snapped. Victory was so close that she could almost feel it, taste it and embrace it for her own. And if she could clutch this achievement, it would no doubt be the first major blow in this war. For if their leader failed to defeat The Princess, that would undoubtedly be a major morale blow. At least if it was anything such as that war for Australia that Neoveta recalled.

So while Azure was struggling to stand and get on his feet, The Demoness started sending numerous burst of deteriorating magic towards him. These came in the form of tens of thousands of miniature tendrils forged from crimson energy shooting straight at Azure. They were done in the hopes that they could latch on to his body, wipe out his energy reserves and force him back to his base state. While, from the sheer physical aspect from it, they could undoubtedly cover his entire body in burns, scratches, wounds and even holes if he isn't careful.

"Cease your words, heretic. You are running on fumes at this point. Conserve your energy, flee from this battle and stop this foolishness. Is it really worth it to become crippled over such a thing? JUST STOP!"

Those words came off as desperate, enraged and saddened at the same time. Desperation to end this before Neoveta caused damage to something she couldn't easily repair. Enraged because he simply wasn't listening to logic and reason from her end. And saddened at the beast she was becoming, the pain she was causing and the tragedy of how similar they were but unable to stop such bloodshed. It was infuriating and she just wanted this to end -- but it wouldn't until one of them were unable to sustain the bloodshed any longer. It was almost enough to make apart of her cry, but she knew she had to be strong as a figurehead to so many Khalalist; nay, to demon world itself. They needed hope and she was that symbol of it. So for their sake, and her own sanity, she'd press forward just as Azure did to meet him.

"You CAN allow yourself release from this anguish. The choice is STILL in your hands until your very last dying breath, Azure. Don't MAKE me do this, PLEASE!"

There was still a high amount of fury held behind her words, but there was regret and sorrow for what was more than likely about to come. Enough to cause the usually stoic child to bite her lip, hold back tears and draw blood from her mouth as she chomped down as hard as she could. But, all of this was too much to bare and the Princess began crying tears of shadow blood from each of her eyelids as they dashed across the realms of death and trended onward into the depths of a cold oblivion.

Further and further, Neoveta picked at his body and started harnessing the thick amounts of Za Koa in the air in order to begin trying to drain his energy outright with one of the more traditional demonic capacities: reaitsu drain. At her level of control, Neoveta could undoubtedly even begin to zap portions of his life force with her command over the demonic arts and push him further towards breaking. Azure would have time to react as a spiral of silver light intermixed with blotches of blood red hues and shadow black energies spread around him.

In this way, just by being near this unruly force would they attempt to lock into the environment itself and suck up the life force and energy from Azure's body much like a vacuum would dirt. With the trace remains of Neoveta's influence within him acting as antenna to transfer this energy to the vortex in order for this feat to be achieved with the utmost of potency. They could even prove to accelerate and hopefully have the male fizzle out before Neoveta would need to land a killing blow in the best circumstance.

"I'm pleading with you.....just isn't worth it."

But there was no going back. Not at this point. Not after all the damage had been done. Much like Azure said, it was better to finish this than mull over this miserable circumstance. Yet, even so, it pained her to have to do such a thing. It felt wrong, but it felt even worse to not uphold her own values and not protect her kinship. It was hard being a leader, but she needed to endure these pains just a bit more just to see the horizon of victory for her people.

So as the whole of the void started to consume and devour Azure, there was a sense of relief and worry intermixing within the spirit of Neoveta. Relief in the fact that this battle may soon be over, but worry over the status of her foe. For even though he may be ignorant, the male still deserved a chance to be freed and happy. But -- did that even make sense? The lines of logic and reasoning were beginning to have and the blood within her was beginning to want to curl and turn over for something to die.

Indeed, her mothers blood was coming forth and Neoveta couldn't help but cackle, laugh and holler out at the thought of him dying. There was the girl who wished to save him, the monster who wished to crush him and the child who just wanted to run away. All of these fluctuating thoughts were churning and morphing into a storm that otherwise kept pressing her powers further and further the more they reacted to her unhinged state of being. She was trying to keep control, she was trying to hold on; but she just didn't know what to believe in that moment -- and it scared her.

But, there wouldn't be time to indulge in that fear. For, a look of shock and awe filled Neoveta's face when Azure managed to somehow dissipate the sphere with his life energy.



What -- the hell just happened?

That was the first thought to pop into Neoveta's mind. The second thought:


Soon followed. Perhaps some form of miracle occurred for the male, but The Princess didn't have time for it. With unrelenting force, Neoveta directed the streams of potent demon in the air to bombard the male further. Wisps of golden light showered Azure and sought to outright burn through him, explode upon contact and eat away further at his life force. She wasn't sure where on earth the male was getting this power from, but The Demoness was going to snuff it out! These wisp aimed to take out chunks of his shoulder-blades, arms, kneecaps and ankles in order to immobilize him.

However, even as she waged absolute hell against him, and it did appear as if she was winning -- the child was terrified. It was the first time throughout the entire battle that it actually showed visibly. The male who was suppose to be surrendering still kept getting up and taking the punishment to the extent of pushing himself to the brink of deaths door. And more importantly, the depths to which his will pushed himself seemed to placed a divine miracle on the field. As by all means: her void should have killed him -- but it didn't.

"Don't tell me...."

Muttering to herself, the sight of a near dead man had The Princess of Demon terrified in this instance, but it was because something of that caliber of miracle would have at least placed him in the realm of the semi-divine like herself. So, in theory, it would cause her to otherwise question her beliefs to an extent. And more importantly, it didn't make sense for a flesh and bone creation to risk their very essence to this extreme. It was one thing if you were a creature whom could regenerate with relative ease and had no body to otherwise hold you down to; but Azure was still flesh and he still kept coming despite the fact he was undoubtedly in mortal danger.

"....why.....why are you throwing yourself to me when you can barely stand?"

Even though Neoveta held the advantage in this situation, The Demoness couldn't help but ask this question. It was one thing when she dealt with an absolute monster such as Matthew Hinote during their clash against Ireland, but she saw hope and promise for Azure unlike she did for that devil. Shaking her head out of disbelief, The Child simply wished for him not to come any closer. Both for his own safety -- and her sanity. If he would just give up -- he would have a chance to save his people another day. Just -- retreat. It was that simple. So why wasn't he doing that? It was a question that just wouldn't go away from her. She understood holding your resolve, but not at this price.

With each step that he took towards her, The Princess fell backwards on he behind and waved her hands for him to stop. Soon, more shaded tears started overflowing from her eyes as she started shaking her head faster. Adrenaline, fear, confusion, anger and heartache were all overflowing within her being like an unstable hurricane. If The Hybrid Iramasha made just one wrong move? This may be the very end of him.

"Don't come any closer......please......"

Neoveta uttered those words silently as the blobs of darkness started to overflow and extend behind her. Despite how terrified The Princess was, there was a portion of her mind coming to the surface that felt it knew better than the person in control now. Therefore, preparations for the final assault were being made as one last summoning of satanic magic was on the horizon. However, in spite of that plea and these subconscious plans being materialized, Azure still continued as blood started spewing out of his mouth like an unending flood.

"....don't make me....."

Then, in that moment, even if Azure managed to stomp through the earth, Neoveta's subconscious mind leaped into action and summoned a satanic hand of darkness at him from out of the shadows of The Princess's power and hold over hell. After taking a noticeable amount of energy from the girl, this weapon was powerful enough to be equivalent to a Grand Master's strength and yielded a Grand Master's durability. Through the enriching priorities of her semi-divine magic, this type of summoning from hades was all but possible for The Demoness. And she aimed to stab him directly, or close to, the heart in order to neutralize the threat before it could come closer to her.


Those jumbled up words were the only sounds Neoveta could make as she watched in horror at what occurred. Neither of them wanted this conclusion, but by the chains of fate, this tragic end would still come to pass. At this point, there was no doubt that the blood from Azure would come oozing on to her face. If it did, she would bask in that moment and just absorb it as she seemed totally and utterly in shock. If it was successful, she would have definitely succeeded in her goal of winning this battle for Khalaism. Yet, at the same time, there was a huge and endless sense of emptiness within her when she performed. As if there was a moral wrongness to the crime she may or may not have committed. Even if she didn't kill him, this act cemented her murderous intent and Neoveta wasn't sure how to process that against someone who was so similar to herself; but fighting for the opposite cause.

But there still would not be time to fully register this, as the kick Azure unleashed sent Neoveta hurdling for miles on end until she came to a stop in a pile of mountains. Blood was dripping from her forehead, her clothes were ashen and bruises were seen across her body; but the pain just hasn't there. She was still in total shock and her shadows were still guarding her. As, at the moment Azure unleashed that kick, another hand was produced and aimed to cut open a huge chunk of right leg in order to paralyzed him and leave him impaled on the ground in pain.

Furthermore, another dense shield of this absorption based material managed to suck up most of the impact in order to avoid it causing critical damage to Neoveta's health. It was still lowering, as her head was throbbing, vision dazed and senses dulled; but she could still very much fight despite these injuries due to her bodies durable and capacity for recovery. The same could not be said of Azure's after The Princess was done with him. Which is why she was simply dazed and lost.

"...............I'm sorry.............."

In those final words, Neoveta hoped to cast him back in his weakened state with a strong force of spiritual energy. If allowed, then that push would thrust him against the wall of the dome and send him hurdling towards a vortex of darkness. In this vortex, a pathway to one of the Vanguard's bases in Greenland where he had the capacity to seek medical treatment for his physical and supernatural wounds. But, no matter what, Neoveta wanted this over.

Thus, she whispered one last time:

"I'm sorry......."

Uttering that for the finale time out of her mouth, the child slumped into her carter and had a sense of abandonment and lost fill her eyes as she stared into the crimson and shade skies. All within her a disgusting feeling of foulness seeped into every fiber of her being. She felt mortified with herself, but her belief had to have guided her to the correct path, did it not? The Priestess had to do this in order to save her kinship, did she not? These thoughts were what she was wrestling with as the child seemed in total shock; awaiting for whatever would be there in result of this actions consequences.

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:54 am; edited 1 time in total

With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] WVMWLOu
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 26

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With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] Empty Re: With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread]

Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:46 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 5208

There was nothing the Hybrid could do anymore it seemed. This war was not only his fault, but if he and his people must take the fall then so be it. The Vanguard were more than willing to take the blame if it meant they were those on top. Shadowfall was sustaining injuries and casulaties just as The Vanguard was. Hundreds of members from both sides were slowly dying on the outside of the large dome that they were currently contained in. It would go to show that neither side was backing down, Azure felt that as the earth beneath Neoveta and himself began to tremor. It seemed that an ally had arrived somewhere else in the country, it was obvious as the ground shook with tremendous power. Annoying, but it still managed to send a shiver upward towards the male's spine. He knew that this battle would not be one-sided if he had the help of his allies. That's all that truly meant to him now as he flexed his aching muscles, his eyes growing deeper and deeper as the pupils began to shift into a deep red.

The husk of an Iramasha watched the Demonic Princess, her body beginning to release and Aura that only furthered her power and stance. She was starting to have fun, she wanted to have fun with the man. Neoveta wanted Azure to squirm under the pressure, to die in the most grueling and disgusting way. She may not show this outwardly, even with her speech, but it couldn't be more obvious to the man that was once full of life. As blood slowly oozed its way downward from his right arm, Azure smiled, a genuine and life-filled smile that was deemed... incorrect compared to the look of both his body and eyes. He was growing tired of this bout, there was no need for it to continue for any longer. If he had to take himself along with the girl then so be it. He wasn't going to take her nonsense anymore. Good this, Good that, she could spout whatever she liked, it wouldn't change his thoughts anymore.

The Demon Princess was nothing more than an annoyance to the husk now, his deep red eyes shifting along the battlefield as he stretched outward. It was obvious that he wasn't done, an exertion of pressure all around the man's figure denoting this fact. The earth beneath him that was once stable seemed to only disappear instantly, the crumbs that tumbled downward moving slowly as the air around Azure thickened. Black and Red energy began to swirl outward from the man, his hands pressed up against the thick muscles that sat against his stomach wall. He was starting to feel the urge once more, that flame that once raged within him had dulled, being replaced by a deep and disgusting smoke. It was thick and only proved to describe the man's husk of a being. With that being said, though, it was as if the man was hidden away, allowing his instincts to fully take control.

The black tendrils that once swarmed disturbingly outward from his body were calm, slowly moving around his upper body as he watched the girl talk. She was a disgusting creature to the husk. She talked to much, relied on a religion that wouldn't save her in any battle, and with that it only furthered the anger that began to swirl through the thoughts of the quiet male. Eyes growing blacker and blacker with time, Azure stared at the girl directly, the energy that once spiraled outwards had subsided, beginning to form its way around his entirety. His eyes grew sunken, his aching body beginning to heal only slightly as the skin that was full torn from his burnt arm formed once more, his knuckles mending almost instantly as the man used that of his internal vibration to amplify the healing processes throughout his body. He couldn't heal all of his wounds, but those that may cause him to lose a limb or the battle itself had been taken care of, the burnt skin of his upper body remaining as dried blood littered his skin.

"..." The sound that escaped the Hybrid Iramasha's throat was digusting. Inhuman, a sound that could never be created by something that had a sense of emotions. Animalistic, relating to a great lion's growl, yet empty. The husk-like form that Azure Iramasha had taken only furthered to be true in his current state of speech. Gurglings, deep growls and sickening high pitch sounds escaped the man's being. It was depressing to see the man reach such a state finally in the battle against the great Demon Princess. However, to the small and secluded man within Azure's skull, it seemed to be needed for the battle. He was coherent, knew what was being said and knew of his actions. Azure was still in there, he simply gave into the animal instinct that brought the desire to stay alive outward. With that being said, the man's voice dimmed to a small hum. Emotions were not needed in a war that was necessary.

She was cold and unwilling to see her own bloody hands against the Vanguard's actions here in Iceland. With the point of her finger, the woman stated over and over that the man could not help those around these lands as she had. Over and over, the wretch wouldn't keep her god forsaken mouth shut for a god damned minute. She spoke of his wrongs, their wrongs and how he was only here for his own benefit. Over and over her comments were of nonsense, stupidity and thoughts that only enraged the husked beast that stood before her. The low hum that was traveling from his throat outward began to release a distorted and grotesque laughter. It was the laughter of one's nightmares, a laugh that would only resonate through one's soul in a way that was indescribable. Azure was slowly losing what was himself, his mentality and thoughts starting to slide back into the forefront of his mind, however it was not Azure. It was... something forgotten, something that was thought to never exist in someone such as himself. Yet it was there, the cackle of a maniac that was indeed having an episode right before the girl. It was unnerving, the wretched sound that filled the area only seemed to increase as miliseconds passed.

"Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid." The deconstructed and broken voice echoed loudly around the two god-like beings, over and over the broken record spun. The man's foot followed in repitition, stomp stomp stomp. Over and over and over, there was no ceasing to the man's episode. As the stomps followed one after another, they grew in size and anger. One was quiet, the next was louder, the third was ground breaking and only increased as he began to split once more. The earth around the male shattered into thousands of pieces, the earth ridden with shockwaves and tremors caused through the ability of his vibrations being sent out for miles now. Reaching out of the dome, it was as if anywhere near the area was shaking from the extreme force the man was sending from his foot alone. He couldn't contain himself, the final piece that was snapped into place set him spiraling into a depressive state, one that allowed a more extreme and abnormal man to emerge. The husk looked to the sky, crimson red eyes staring at the inverse world's bloodied sky. It was a sad sight for anyone that were to know Azure, but who would care at this point? The man was not himself. He was a grotesque mutation that could only crawl slowly out of the child books that spoke of demons themselves. He was that walking nightmare that was spoken to the young children to scare them into listening. The biblical version of a demonic figure. He was that of a monster, in all of the ways possible.

Words fell silent. The women was pulsating with pure anger as the demonic energy that wathed its way around the area tried to enter his body, bringing him to his knews before he could do anything to the girl. This would have been the case if the male wasn't ready, given the energy he had already exerted allowed him to do so. By pressuring the reiatsu and chaos energy swirling around him throughout his own being, the demonic energy that wished to completely nullify his future attacks. He wasn't going to end this fight so abruptly. He had lost it, so why not take it a step further now? The man's bones began to crackle underneath the pure heat that he exerted from his body, the air around him no longer feeling just devoid of oxygen. It began to reach heated levels that could melt simple things in a controlled state. It was as if the man was beginning to embody the energies that flowed among his body's structure themselves. The skin that was now newly formed along the man's arm also began to have adverse effects to occur. The layer of skin that sat against Azure's structure began to slowly dissipate, revealing a hardened layer of demon-like skin that resembled that of the demonic arm he had along the right side of his body. Sunken eyes stared at the woman as she intended to bring him to his knees. No. He wouldn't. She couldn't. No one could without outright desmembering him now. He was too far gone. Too far lost. A soul that was devoid of humanity, for the time being that is.

"Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why" The man began to speak again, albeit quieter than before. His hand lifted upwards, his nails growing only slightly as he slammed it against his opposite arm, digging the nails into his bicep as if it was a pillow. The blood slowly began to trickle down the man's arm and fingers, his eyes filled with rage as he dug deeper and deeper, his voice repeating the same quiet word over and over. He had snapped, his anger was inmeasureable and he simply could not take the strain anymore. So many deaths, so many pained memories. He couldn't completely save the world, the world around him was devoid of his perfected protection. Azure Iramasha could not shoulder the world's pains without he himself adhereing to the pain as well. It racked him, for days, minutes and seconds over and over until he had finally snapped against the demonic princess that stood before him, wishing to end those he had served to protect. As the blood continued to pool in the man's hand, he stomped once more, his sunken eyes fluttering from left to right as he once again began to cackle. There was no use, he couldn't control himself. So many moments of despair, torture and terror filled the man's mind as he only wished to cry. Yet, the tears would not come. Only the depressive thoughts and outburts would. He was without help, not here, nor anywhere. He was alone. Alone.

"Always Alone..."

She spoke too much. Azure was without words that could explain his thoughts. Actions were not enough to explain the man's undying rage and terror that he felt. Dread showered over his body as the girl only spoke more and more. Over and over the girl wouldn't be quiet, urging the man forward once more. It was such a pain to deal with something so irritating. He was mad. Angry. Outright distraught with the world around him. Yet, his actions showed none of this. The empty husk that watched the disgusting little girl only cackled quietly to itself. She sent her influence outward once more. trying to end him before things could even begin. It was tiresome, she was beginning to become so annoying. So irritating. She wouldn't stop. Stopping. That's all he wanted it. Please stop, she just wouldn't stop. No no no, the girl was in the right, she couldn't stop. A monster like Azure had to be stopped. A rush of inner chaos energy shot forth from the man's being, pushing against her Za Koa, weeding it's anger from his body as he cackled even louder. He was losing it, the man was no longer alive. The empty husk was all that could be seen from the aftermath of their deadly actions.

"Stop stop stop stop STOOOOOOOOP HAHAhahahahaHAHhahAHhaahHA."

The demonic host's voice echoed outward as he watched the girl throw up a dense dome of shielding to protect herself from his previous stomps from before. Annoying, so god damn annoying. Azure couldn't handle it anymore. There was nothing he could do about the situation anymore, he had to end it before it grew too far out of controling. The man slapped his hands together once more, chaos energy flowing from his being in a pure form, taking the form of hundreds of half meter balls. They shook in anger, the vibrations created from the man's hands surrounding their spherical essence in hole. As he brought his hands outward once more, he brought his left hand downward into the earth before him, sending an explosive blow to it's surface as rocks went flying outward. The force exerted by the man's punch directly split his left middle knuckle now, but sent the orbs that surrounded him flying forth, his body shaking in anger as they moved at speeds unimaginable. They were great in both number and size, something that caused ruin for most was sent flying forth at Neoveta. Azure was not sure what would come from such a thing, but he had no ability to take any action towards its outcome. The husk may be broken, but it wasn't stupid. He was on his toes as per the usual.

It was sad, however. The boy was doing more damage to himself than he would rather admit. Or, really, he couldn't admit. Not in his current situation at least. The knuckle that split among his left hand had left a gash upon his skin, blood trickling down the entirey of his palm as he looked at the girl, a look of despair growing from his manical smirk. He was a disgusting sight, broken and sad. Sunken crimson eyes watched as the orbs flew outward, his left arm beginning to slowly burn away in terms of skin. The heat being exerted by the unmeasureable power within his being only failed to aid him in this moment, skin beginning to burn in small sections along with bruises reaching the surface of its pale length. Neoveta was not the monster, whether the husk could see that or not. Azure was lost in thoughts of destruction and trauma. The man was broken, something many believed was not possible. Letting a small sigh escape it's lips, the Husk looked to the sky and began to grow tears. It was apparent that Azure was lost among the terror that plagued the Husk's mind. There was sorrow and sadness that filled the air, despite the anger the was being exchanged between the two deity's. There were no words that could explain the look of man that was torn between two worlds. A man that was torn to pieces and slowly trying to scrape at the pieces that wanted to so badly build themselves back together.

"Dead. Dead dead dead dead. Please please dead."

It was obvious as the tears ran with the man's pale cheeks, slowly pooling at the edge of his jawline. It was more than obvious, to anyone really. He was lost, the girl was the last thing on his mind now. Yet she had to be the first, it was a pathetic sight to see of such a strong man. A man that never gave in. The walls just couldn't contain the pain anymore. He was lost for quite some time. How long? He did not know, no one could know. It didn't matter anymore, however. Azure Iramasha was secluded in the prison of his own mind now that he was fighting the young princess. As the girl's stomach flustered outward in a large explosion, he began cackling once more. She was a bloody mess, she couldn't stop talking. It was getting so irritating. He couldn't help but comment on it. Her words burned with cold ice, her eyes were piercing and unnerving. She was the epitome of his enemy, so why care? Azure should have cared, that was like him after all. He cared for too many people, an entire world actually. They were on his shoulders at all times. They never escaped his sight. Ever.


The husk finally made its first coherent sentance, one that was stained with nasty and abhorent words. It mattered little in this case however, the girl was once more on the offensive. She was screaming left and right, throwing her words around with little care as she made the man quiver in anger. His body shook at disgusting speeds, his foot tapping against the deconstructed earth beneath him once again. He was having trouble dealing with it all, his vision only blacked for a moment, but the husk was not stupid. He knew his host couldn't last forever, whether he could or not. Taking this into account, it stared at the barrier that surrounded the two, thinking of a solution to bring the two to light once more. It was having issues however, its thoughts clouded by the need to strangle the demon princess's throat with his bare hands. She was talking all the time. Even through the man's pain and bloodiness she felt a need to say something. Why continue, eh?

Azure was completely back to his feet, his body shaking now that he had fully recovered from the blows he dealt to himself yet again as a flash of time pasted almost instantly. Within the time that passed was the reaction of a the husk shaking his head, the skin among his face and chest beginning to tear at the seems. The woman was having her fun with the magic she threw around willy nilly, it was growing tiresome to the broken man. Shaking his head again he slammed his hands together, blood pouring from both hands now given the impact he had just created in front of him from his palms. The blood flew outward, his arms shaking violently as the skin of his hands and arms beginning to burn as if acid were poured upon him. It was disgusting, the Husk hated the smell that filled its senses as it screamed in response. The sound he exerted further pressed against the air around him, combing the vibrations that he had created through his hands clasping together and his screams, Azure brought his chaos energy, za koa and death energy to peaks that would only cause his arms to crackle under the pressure once more, hairline fractures forming against his forearms from the sheer force he was exerting. He had come too far, the Husk would not allow the pathetic squable of a man to lose. Not this time.

The tendrils that were sent flying at him only latched on for a few moments, being exerted outward by his sound and energy as his reserves once again took a hard hit. The tendrils were matched with his own as well, their black masses smacking in waves of response as he glared disgustingly at the girl. The husk's anger was at its peak once more, his body shaking in pure rage as he exerted the last of his outward force, forcing the masses of tendrils Neoveta had sent at him outward once more. They had torn his skin to pieces, blood littering his body as he coughed quite a bit of blood against his arms, the sickening smell that filled his nostrils was the last thing he wanted to have around during such a battle. Nevertheless, he released his hands, lowered the energy he was exerting and pulled his tendrils to their starting positions once more. He was a mess, a disgusting one at that. He was something you'd believe to be fake, not real. Something that could only exist in a sickening fairy tale.

"Make you..?"

The painless Husk allowed his arms to outstretch, his eyes growing wide laughter, matching his mouth that exerted the same sense. She was a child, she knew nothing of what was happening to the man before her. Not even Azure himself knew of what was taking over him, yet he knew it was something he was not. Something that grew deep within him that would only show its eyes when he had the chance to make a scene. Raising his hands once more, the Husk spoke loudly, the distorted voice sounding as if multiple people were wishing to reach the girl at the same time.

"Look at this poor, poor man. Who are you to state what he did and didn't deserve? You may see him as a fool, but he's still the one to blame is he not? He's a monster. Look at the blood that litters his pale skin. Look at these eyes that match that of blood itself. Are you stupid enough to see something like this and act as if it deserves some sense of mercy? Pft, excuse me while I laugh at your respect. Stupid little girl, that's all you are."

He was gross, the words forming from his voice seeming devoid of emotion. There was something odd about the husk's choice of words, both trying to cause the girl distress and to point out the weak-minded man that hid within his shell. He was broken for the time being, the husk had full control of his choices and actions. His body meant nothing to him, Azure would be fine eventually. Until he gained control, the husk was given a playground. He had to play as much as he could, any moment he could be gone once again. So, with that being said, Azure smiled and lowered his head, the black locks the male normally shook with glee had now covered his eyes, a sinister smile crossing his lips as he and Neoveta began walking towards each other, matching the other stride for stride.

With the steps that the Husk took, the black tendrils that were jutting out of Azure's skin flew through the air, matching her decaying magic with blasts of chaos energy harnessed from the males' very core, over and over the girl and man took blow for blow as energy flew threw the air. It was growing to the point that the energies that were smashing together caused the tiniest of explosions, their mere prescene causing the air to fill with dirt, rock and grotesque smells. It seemed that they weren't going to give on either side, no, not even a little.

"You stop it. Stop stop stop stop stop. Shouldn't little girls spend their time elsewhere?"

The words were harsh and filled with hatred, the Husk's distorted voice following in suit of the energies that flowed around him. Silver hues began to spread along the air around him, the energy itself trying to inject itself among his body as a whole. No no no, that wouldn't be fun. Was she stupid? No reason to continue trying to kill something that felt as dead as dead could get. There was no way around the husk that walked towards her. Ejected his inner chaos in its purest form, Azure's body flowed with massive amounts of Reiatsu and Chaos Energy, blues and reds slowly intermingling as they expanded one after the other, pressing the silver energy away from his being as a whole. This did not come without the blood beginning to seem from his eyes, ears and nose, fully matching the pressure he was exerting to the air around him. The anger that Neoveta herself was exerting was not the only emotion being shown among this battle, she was still a child. Children become scared, do they not?

The world became devoid of light to the girl, the Husk becoming completely vanished for a split second as her eyes filled with terror. She stood, frozen in pure fear as the dead man was slowly emerging from the golden rays of energy and smoke that showered his body. The black tendrils that surrounded the man smacked against the energies with ease, but at a cost. As they reached the energies, each tendril would overload and explode upon the man's back, the rune becoming non-existant now that the black masses were beginning to fade from the strikes. They wasted away with the energy that Neoveta showered upon Azure. It was quite a sight to behold, golds and greys filled the air as he stepped forward, one foot after the other as the husk become bloodier and bloodier due to the small explosions occuring all along Azure's back. This mattered little to him, however. It was beginning to fatigue the gross body that he inhabited, but until it could no longer move, he would continue to press forward.

"You couldn't begin to understand what this man has been put through. You could not fathom the pain that causes something as grotesque and disgusting as me to take over such a powerful man. A man with such a will. Don't talk as if he throws himself at you as if a fool. He may be stupid, but it isnt as if he was without morals."

The Husk was growing tired of dealing with the girl, and the man himself. As he slumped his way decently foward towards the girl, her face filled with signs that seemed to only further his own thoughts. She was not sure what was currently going on, she wouldn't be able to. Not yet, that is. He stepped ever closer to her body, her being dropping to the earth as she grew more terrified by each step he had taken towards her. The husk could only allow a smile to form along his lips, the joy of terrifying the girl before him was the greatest feeling he could feel. A broken boy and scared little girl were at his simple fingers. it was quite a sight for such a distorted force, really.

Just before the man could allow his foot to slam against the ground in front of her, another divine miracle seemed to grace the fields of this battle yet again. The shield that previously shielded the man before was one such case, however this time it was a reaction from the girl. He was directly next to her, his foot finally coming into the earth's surface as shockwaves were sent for tens of miles, reaching outward from the dome and reaching other battles that may be raging across Iceland's surface. In the same moment, however, the divine act had sent a hand spiraling towards Azure's heart, wishing to pierce him and finally end what may have been one of the most disturbing battles to reach the surface of this world's people. However, it was not enough. The hand hand jutted its way through Azure's upper left shoulder, digging four inches into his body as it tore through muscle and bone as Azure's hands had wrapped against its edges, causing it to slow and finally reach a stopping point. The man's hands were soaked in blood, flames beginning to spur from his aching wounds that were littered among his hands, the friction between them and the hand itself caused such a reaction. The husk spat blood against the surface of the broken earth beneath him, taking a look as the demon princess was sent flying miles away,

The man was soaking with blood, his body radiating with heat as he watched the flying little girl crash into this and that, her body suffering damage along the trip. The husk had had its fun apparently, the broken man once again coming to his sense as he watched the world around him once more come to light. Looking at the wounds that littered his body and the searing pains that racked his body, Azure knew not of what he or she had done. He was a bloody mess filled with a demonic hand that only sent surging pains throughout his entire being. He was buckling under the pressure of the black hand as he was sent flying quite a few miles backward, bringing himself to a scratching halt as he clung to the ground beneath him. He was lucky to not have been sent flying against the dome that surrounded him, but due to stopping he was racked with pains and bloody, the rocks and dirt digging into his being as he watched the girl slump into the crater she had created from his blows. He was disgusted, not with her but himself.


Silence filled the battlefield as Azure stood, shaking as tears began to stream down the pale cheeks of the dirtied male. There as nothing he could do, the monster was the only sight this girl may see now. He only knew that it had to end. He continued to make his way away from the girl as he reached the dome that encompassed both himself and the demon princess. Lifting his right arm, the man pulled it backward, swinging it forth with nuclear propulsion and released a blow he had only ever reserved from moments that would may cause life or death. With it the males wrist snapped, knuckles buckled and the hairline fracture that was within his right forearm completely snapped, more paining racking his body as shockwaves flew against the surface of the dome. If all went to plan, the dome would crack and allow a small human sized hole occur, cracks all along its surface also occuring. If not, the man had simply broken his arm in multiple places. It didn't matter anymore. It was a last resort. Azure had to keep hmself alive. He couldn't do so without the dome breaking.

They had to win...

Template By: [THEFROST]

With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] FXpoQxJ
With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] 2Y9rqGk

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Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:32 pm


Given that I'm sending out notices to active threads, I figure I'd leave this here to. I'll be planning on making Neoveta's post in the next few days or in the next week. I've spoken it over with Blade, and we both understand we've got a lot of shit going on. Therefore, there is an extension given to myself.

With The Cold Breeze [Open/Battle][Limit will be set eventually] [The Iceland Conflict Event Thread] WVMWLOu
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