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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:26 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count:1309





There was a building with in the Fallen soldier something on the level of power that he had never even scratched not even on his own. The transformation in the cocoon could only be described as a rebirth of the male, everything this fight was being cast out the window with this choice. Everything that was building up to this conclusion needed to be settled before it dragged out any longer, that called for a new plane of power to be exerted over this bloodied battle. Even with the arrival of a new comer their words would fall on the deaf ears of the being within the cocoon.

So as the male spoke and the words fell on the ears of a man no longer connected to this world but rather a external change, on the most basic physical and chemical leve.A change that was only once seen by this particular male many moons ago that led to a diasters outcome. But tonight it would be contained and used to it’s fullest in a last ditch effort to end this battle which was only hurting themselves. It was time to cast the shackles of this world off and take on a torch that would burn so brightly that it would have to be noticed. Never the less as the words finished and the cocoon remained there it simply waited and bid it’s time.

Meanwhile the man inside was completing the final steps of what needed to be done to end this conflict, something so drastic that it would bring harm to himself even if he succeeded. So with the final steps of this done the cocoon began to rumble just as the energy was beginning to come flying at it, before a explosion was heard that shook the very earth around them. Death matter flew everywhere unbaisedly considering the only people left was him, ash, Tetsuya, and Saiko all people who could handle this, the true purpose behind this was to allow the death matter to come into contact with the explosion nullfying it’s effect to a degree. This would act as not only a defensive to the incoming darkness and all around misery coming at Hayden, it would act as his cloak as he entered into a new tier of speed. It was time to finish this.

Through the darkness he moved at such speeds branching into Mach 16 as his muscles burned and began to snap, but it would only take him a moment to reach his target. It would be so fast that it was outside his and Saiko normal movement of speed even with the Demi-Network backing her he was simply moving at a speed that was unheard of with or without their flash step abilities. She had forced him into a position where he had to combine himself with the death matter utilizing one of the techniques he had unknowingly gained from wolf to push his body and death matter to the brink while at the same time allowing him to use his final stage of his shikai boost. He was at a unheard of level of strength and speed that was in the making since before he was in the cocoon, slowly infusing his energy and condensing it into his arm which radiated black energy, lighting, and steam as it was glowing with energy. His whole body was operating at it’s peak and past it causing a slow degrade in his very lift, this was his last shot and either failing or succeeding without outside help he would be finished for this fight.

In the mind of this man in the small amount of time he had to thick it allowed him time to reflect on this situation; in the grand scheme of things while his resolve was unwavering he thought back to why they attacked in such a way and perhaps could they have avoided this. Could Azure have better prepared their troops to enter a war that they where not ready for, in fact could Hayden have done more to save the lives of his men. Meanwhile at the coast like they had dug in thanks to this big diversion- how many more lives would they send into this, well after this no more. Provided hayden could even move after this next attack he would make a full order of retreation for his sector, while this war would not be over this battle was coming to a close one that was about to result in a explosive ending.

Even as the explosions that rocked the world from Saiko practical innards being shot out, Hayden body was able to tank it through the armor although it was on it’s last legs. While the man inside was fine his internal body was tearing itself apart as he moved such highs speeds towards one target that was on the floor a crying and bleeding mess. While she though herself strong enough to bring the world to it’s knees if it came to it’s door- the archduchess had made a mistake. She allowed Hayden time to build up and through this he was at his peak- his willpower was kicking in to reduce the effects of the strain on his bodies as the world warped into a tunnel as he traveled so fat. This was his final gift to them, a final departure- she was worthy of his most powerful and deadly attack:


Despite the speeds and force put upon his lungs as he exclaimed this moments before the impact, a large wave of energy exploded from his fist as he arrived in front of Saiko. This attack condensed everything the man into a final point before exploding it violent in a focused area. Even if he didn’t strike saiko head on the force and kinetic power was enough to create shockwaves and a large crater within the ground. Once contact was made three sharp cracking noises was heard as his arm broke it’s self in three different places with the tearing of many muscles within the soldier's arm. The energy of lighting, death matter, and his own reiatsu having the overwhelming feeling of murder behind it. This was his final attack that was his most strongest he had been charging up since his shikai activated, in fact the initial boost to his shikai and the shikai active boost he had was also contributing to this attack adding to the overkill.

Normally without his shikai boost this attack concentrated was enough to rip a hole the size of someone torso with master durability up to 0-5. Even destroy someone’s head completely at that point, but yet Saiko didn’t even have that. Someone under master would find their body being torn asunder by the raw release of energy and power. Their body attempted to being eated and converted by the death matter and made to ashes with the death matter, this was all without the boosts he was given from his shikai to now fight with someone on a zero tier level. The carnage that would be created for this attack was a created that was double the normal size that was now two hundred yards in diameter, the energy released would cause a second sonic boom before a blinding light was seen.

Now the effect on Hayden was terrible, the man stood steaming as the armor around his hand was broke with piece of his armor being consumed into his body as an attempt to keep him standing. Smoke at this point would be steaming from him and out his mouth as his eyes went white, his entire body only held up by willpower at this point even if he was barely conscious within the crater. This was his final option to eliminate the threat, but if his body was provoked it would react..

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Joined : 2015-07-30
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Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:53 pm

Artist: Spirited Away OST - Song: Ano Natsu He Music Box Version - Word Count: 1226

It hurt...

All of it hurt. So much. The fact that there was fighting, that people were dying, that some families would lose someone precious all over some stupid war. Why couldn't people just get along? Ash's mind kept contemplating this... Why was it so difficult for things to just go well, for people to be happy? Why were there people that took over entire areas and ruled over it, why were there others who just killed for fun? Maybe she was being biased... No, she was. She only saw this from Azure's point of view, her father's... And it still seemed correct to her. Land should belong to the people who live there. This was her personal belief on the situation, and she still held true to it...

But seeing someone who once tried to show kindness and restraint deteriorate into... This... What Saiko started becoming... It hurt. It hurt her so much to know that it was something she caused. At the time, she thought it was the only thing she could do to end this quicker. To make the fight stop as maybe Saiko would buckle down and stop fighting, stop doing all of this, and just hide away... Not turn into a monster that started to do horrible things not only to them, but to others. The girl even spoke of how she was sorry... Of how she was a horrible person before Ash tried to use a power that she was still somewhat new at. This would be the lesson that teaches her that attacking someone's mind isn't always the best... And that it would hurt her own.

Now came the sight of Saiko starting to break, all because of her, all because she tried to step into a fight she wasn't prepared for. One she couldn't end painlessly... One that outclassed her. Saiko's scream led to Ash stopping in place, fingers twitching as the creature that stared towards the girl shut it's eye, just as Ash stopped sending out the taint that corrupted people's minds... What had she done? What had this girl -really- done? She... She destroyed someone who could have changed, who could have been better. This entire time Saiko had been trying to end things quickly, to apologize, to try and get the Vanguard to run rather than die. Saiko had a kind heart hidden underneath all of the Shadowfall's taint.

Ash was left paralyzed, staring straight ahead at this sight that made her want to cry, that even brought tears to the corners of her eyes. This girl that they were fighting against... Ash felt horrible for assaulting her mind now, all the Iramasha was ever used too was fighting normal hollow that wasn't even -humanoid-. People sympathize better if the one in pain looks like them... And Saiko looked like a person that still cared. The Iramasha's eyes widened as the shinigami began to assault herself, blade that was obviously made from DE being plunged deep into her skull to harm herself. A look of pure worry, fear, concern, and sorrow overcame Ash as she couldn't even speak, all she could do was extend a hand outwards towards Saiko.

Eyes met, as Ash was left staring at Saiko who fell down. This... It hurt too much. Ash began to tremble in place not of fear, but of regret. She only wanted to help people.. She only wanted to help people survive in this war, why did she fight? Why did she assist Hayden? Why did she... Why? That's all that she thought in her mind right now. Why? The Iramasha slowly fell to her knees, head bowed down as she couldn't even bring herself to look towards Saiko anymore. She had messed up. She had done something horrible. She... She was a failure. The thoughts rang out in her head. She was horrible. She ruined everything. Saiko could have been a happy person after this. Maybe they could have changed her to be a good person, or at least not fight anymore. Maybe... So many maybes that would never come true.

Ash remained still as the attack was launched towards her, the eldritch beast besides her trying to tank the blow for her. The odd creature made of corrupted and tainted flesh ran in front of her, taking the initial blast of the attack, the condensed gravity that sapped energy as it was obliterated on the spot. All that was left were the explosions, each one bursting with pure energy as Ash was caught in the dead center of it. The only thing that might have kept her alive was the small amount of DE still surrounding her to act as a barrier. Lessening the devastating blows enough that when the smoked cleared, and the energy dispersed...

Ash was back to her normal self... Laying on the ground, twitching as almost all of her energy was drained, just as most of her blood was leaving her body. Bones were snapped within her body, piercing flesh and even poking outwards, ankles twisted in directions they shouldn't be, blood oozing from multiple deep holes as Ash's face was covered in blood, bits of flesh torn away to reveal her raw flesh underneath. She was left staring upwards at Saiko... She couldn't even move, it all hurt too much. Her body tried to knit itself together slowly, as her element allowed... Flesh slowly trying to mesh together to cover up some cuts, bones twitching every so often as her body tried to move it in place. All of it was painful. Everything hurt too much for her. Everything was breaking her will to fight...

But something in her mind was screaming for her to keep going. To let herself fall into the Death Energy she had within, the same energy that was leaking outwards. To go berzerk. To tear her body to more pieces just to win. Just to kill Saiko. Just to survive. Every thought in her head screamed this, even voices that didn't sound like her own. Everything wanted her to lash out, to destroy herself to destroy her foe. The one that caused all of this pain, the one that forced her to do this...

But her heart refused.

She couldn't... Tears flowed down her ruined cheeks, grazing along bleeding holes and cuts to turn her tears into a crimson red liquid. It hurt too much. Not the pain of her body, but the pain of her heart. Saiko... She's killed so many... But there was a chance that maybe things could have gone better. If Ash tried something else, a different ending to this story could have been found. She wasn't even conscious long enough to see Hayden's display... All the ruined and damaged girl could do was slowly raised up a battered and broken hand. Fingers twisted and broken in directions, arm shaking as muscles twitched. It hurt to even raise her hand but....

"I... I'm so... Sorry..." The hand fell to her side as her vision faded, her mind shutting down as the girl passed out, unable to do anything further as she was too battered, and didn't wish to turn into a monster just to fight someone who... Who could still be the opposite of a monster. Ash laid on the ground, unable to defend herself further. An easy kill. Someone that could just have a knife through their throat and finished.

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Sphere Of  Strife: Enter The Realm Of War And Causality [Akureyri - Iceland Conflict Mission Event Thread]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Sphere Of Strife: Enter The Realm Of War And Causality [Akureyri - Iceland Conflict Mission Event Thread]

Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:49 am

His eyes scanned over the area, he felt the chains slowly begin to slide on him. He closed his eyes as he mentally thought for a moment, his sword was still drawn and ready. As for attempting to get rid of his Zanpakutō for a time, the decay was met by a plant based field which would continue to reproduce while it decayed. Leaving it in a cycle of never truly effecting his sword. He sheathed the weapon sighing softly, he walked over to Ash picking the female up. He tossed her over his shoulder softly, he wasn't about protecting or pretty carrying. [color=red]"Let's withdraw, she will be pulling out also..this one's a draw.." He said as he saw the damage on Saiko, those three had won to some degree. The replacement would be here as he spoke now he glanced towards the sword. "I will pull out for now, but I cannot promise to remain off this battlefield..It will depend who replaces your master and the danger they are." He looked at Hayden, that state was dangerous he just gave the man a gesture pointing him off towards where aid station was. Tetsuya wasn't sure about Hayden's mindset currently, so as to him carrying Ash. He didn't intend to trust him, he knew where the aid station was. Healers were on standby from the Gotei 13, they could heal this injury and take care of other problems. However it all paled in comparison, his eyes looked around for a moment as he tapped his toe. It was almost time to move, would this be his last visit to this conflict. These two gave their all for the Vanguard, if Azure did not promote them or at least honor the sacrifice. He softly patted Ash's head, getting his sister out before it happened was likely a good idea. Mercury, pure mercury is such a dangerous poison. His eyes looked over the landscape it wasn't good, this land had suffered a terrible blow. Saiko's power not to mention everyone else's, human beings would not be able to come here for a while. Not till the area was cleaned of the poison from those combined elements. The Vanguard or Shadow's Fall, one of those two would likely handle it. "I'm taking her to our front base, she's got some bad injuries and I can move a bit faster then you.." He gave Hayden a direction towards the Gotei 13's base off the shore.

Tetsuya hadn't been here long, he'd given a single warning to Saiko, it wasn't as though he cared much for the process of it all. This was a war in it's purest form, Vanguard took on a fight they were not prepared for. This wasn't the alliance showing up to back Azure, this was Azure showing up and starting something. Something he wasn't ready to finish, his fist clenched tightly. For this little piece of dirt, Azure did this? For this worthless hunk of rock in the middle of no where. He and that damned brat Neoveta started this entire conflict? Tetsuya clenched his fist tighter as he could feel the anger building. But it wasn't time for such a thing, he tapped his foot once and was gone. Tetsuya used his god step disappearing several hundred miles at a step. Before he finally landed with Ash to a safe place. Azure put his own children at risk in this foolish endeavor. His father had done similar, but he and Tsubaki were properly prepared for the trauma of war.

This person he wasn't sure if they were or not, he took a couple more steps steadying Ash on his shoulder. This whole damned thing was stupid, it wasn't worth the lives that were lost for this. He gritted his teeth, growling as he felt it. He would arrive in only minutes after leaving use his father's footwork. He handed Ash off to two of the healers, they would tend to the girl's psychological trauma as well as physical. Tetsuya had seen wars, he walked away for now his head hurting. How much longer did he have before it happened, his case was rare as it was. But how long would it be before he turned into one of them? Tetsuya wasn't sure, that was why he wanted Tsubaki safe. She was going to be their father's only help soon aside from Lady Ibiki. It was coming to a close, he walked into his tent alone. He had left orders for him to not be disturbed any further, he lowered his head, closing his eyes. A voice of the past came through his mind, the creature was a hollow but not any old hollow. That voice was familiar to him, it was his own but so many centuries old. "You should of gone wild, killed them all and even when the next one arrives..Kill them too, hell kill the Vanguard dogs as well." He breathed out a bit as that voice continued to disturb him, the message of going wild. "Shut up, you know nothing." He was losing his mind perhaps, but he'd been told by his father what he was. His father had found out through special means, but it wasn't going to be very far-fetched. His family had been good to him, he had bore the name of Tetsuya Unabara proudly. But the time had come for him to depart the Gotei 13 and Unabara, he could not afford to put them at risk. If the worse should happen, he would cause the greatest person to him pain.

So he pulled a pen and paper out and wrote down letters now, each specialized but the main one to Ibiki. The letter was contained within an small sealed paper and read as such. "Lady Ibiki, I was a hollow before a Shinigami, that was my path before I was cleansed. But this was uncharted territory for this to happen. I can feel it's return slowly, it's clawing and making ground. When I turn I won't be a Vizard more then likely, as it knows me and is me in a sense of the word. My father knew this day would come, please take care of him and Tsubaki..You two really do go well together, but neither one of you knows what that emotion is..Love is an emotion that is completely lost on you two, but at the same time that's what makes it worth while. Only now that I edge closer into the darkness of my soul, finding that past of dreams I held. I find that my lover that once existed beside me waits somewhere in the cold sands. Ibiki it has been an honor to fight along side you and my father, please take care of them and those who once fought for me." The letter was closed as he took the Haori of Squad Ten and set it down. The personal demons were catching up slowly, he'd done much in his tenor as Squad Ten's leader. But the time was up now, he'd not told his father but he suspected he didn't have too. He disappeared using the power he was taught from so long ago. It was on this day that Tetsuya Unabara would fade from the Gotei 13, he would disappear and go somewhere else. He would die fighting perhaps in the wasteland known as Hueco Mundo. It was just as well, maybe one way he could repay his father. Was to go out and at least put those sword skills to use till the end came. He wasn't sure how long he had, but it wasn't all gone from him. He'd only begun to notice it recently, that dark demon that hid in his depths. He'd been marked by a demon to join the Unabara Clan's curse, it was that which awoke the true monster.

Some monsters linger on the cusp of being a legend. The last action he could do was get that girl to safety, not a bad way for a Captain to end his carrier. So ended Tetsuya Unabara's time as Tenth Division Captain and a member of the Gotei 13. Now only darkness awaited, but he wouldn't go into it's embrace quietly. Some people were tagging along for this ride, some hollows and demons. Any who raised a blade would fall while he stood in that place, it was time to embrace his father's guidance and put it to use for one last time. This conflict would hurt his father deeply, the letter's were sent off as the guard's heard a noise and came in. One was attached to his haori about him leaving the Gotei 13. His reasons were his own, but the one to Ibiki was important. His father and sisters were different, he instructed his sister to be strong for him. His father's was explaining the situation finally to him, letting him see that his training acted as a shield all this time, but that shield was wearing thin. But their was no need to be sad for him, he was bought more time then he ever deserved. He was thankful for this at least, as Tetsuya left finally.

[center]Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:15 pm

"Ok… I'm done watching this…"

...I am the Doctor… Kabuto… Hebi…

That was the single thought that ran through the mind of its owner as he emerged out of the ground before the woman known as Saiko. Someone was preparing an attack, an absolutely terrific attack. Beholding it made the Doctor absolutely giddy. The cloak of shadows, the intense speed… all of it made the Doctor want to laugh.

...Against a half crippled girl…? The thoughts continued racing through his mind, far faster than the Shinigami could ever hope to go. ...Hehe… he wants… to hit someone with that… to incur an absolutely massive amount of damag.e.. That's what he wants to do…! And as the Doctor smiled, his body would vanish.

Time seemed to stop all around the battlefield, at least from the perspective of the Doctor. In reality, his mind was simply beginning to… accelerate. This was an ability which he had only recently begun to realize, thanks to his 'friend'. Accelerating the speeds of his mind to near infinity, the Doctor was able to almost reach a place of pure speed among his thoughts. While he did not need to be able to move so fast that his thoughts became absolutely instantaneous, the toll this was having on his psyche would be apparent.

You desire to inflict tremendous damage…? The Doctor's thought flowed through him, as his eyes flashed within this near-infinite stop, two small beads of blood appearing beneath eye socket as the Rinnegan observed the battlefield. You seek to cloak yourself in darkness…? The questions continued going through the Doctor's mind, as a burst of pure energy shot through his body...time returning to normal once more…

As the Doctor's body vanished from where it was standing, his arms throwing themselves out wide as wings spread from his back, pure white in color. The Doctor's hood had been blown back, fully revealing his face as a pair of glasses was sent flying, thrown onto the ground in front of Saiko.


An ungodly shriek ripped through the air, as the Doctor's right arm, or rather its remains, splattered back onto the ground behind him, along with his leg. His left arm, however, had shot outwards, attempting to firmly lock onto Hayden's throat as the Insane Doctor attempted to hoist him up, his body quivering and shaking as snakes shot out of his destroyed and battered limbs, parts of his stomach and other vital organs visible from the outside of the destroyed half of his body, before he looked directly into Hayden's eyes.

"Say goodbye." He told the man, as a wave of pure Spirit Shock ripped through the Doctor's arm, his wings being blown away as a scythe appeared on his back, the Spirit Shock racing towards Hayden and likely hitting him full force. All throughout Hayden's body, he would feel his energy sources… and his connections to his energy sources… being attacked, ripped away, his very soul being shocked by the attack as the Doctor held him on end, his own blood still pouring from his wounds as he stood up on the right leg, leaning his body back as he moved faster than Hayden's final charge had, a single word leaving his mouth…

With that word, the Doctor's foot flew forwards, trying to smash into Hayden's groin as it became covered with a purple energy, severing the connection with his muscles if it came into contact, severing and cutting away at the connections with that place even as the Doctor's foot ripped back, before attacking again. Again and again and again. Pain like Hayden would never have experienced in his life would rip and course through his body if the Doctor's foot smashed down over and over, his leg lighting on fire from the sheer speed he was obtaining as he then ripped his own head back, looking Hayden straight in the eyes.


With that proclamation, a purple fire would appear on Hayden's face, rapidly ripping and tearing away at his body with an amazing amount of intensity, burning and flaring and consuming. Regular means of putting out flames, such as water or air or smacking it, would not put off this fire. Only the Doctor's eye closing would halt the flames. Releasing his arm at last if he had managed to catch Hayden, the Doctor's hands would then form a series of hand signs in front of himself, before smashing his hands downwards.

A sphere of stone would shoot out of the ground all around Hayden's body, likely trapping him there as the Doctor leaned his head downwards, his scythe gripping in his left hand as he another splatter of blood hit the ground at his side. The scythe slowly disappeared, as the bolt in the side of the Doctor's head began to vanish, going back into his body as his form fell down onto the ground, his left arm catching himself as his left knee hit the ground, his eyes closing as at last the flames he had released would stop their roaring, the snakes keeping him stable as a Selve appeared out of the ground in front of him.

...Why… why did I take the attack myself…? Why didn't I just.. Summon a familiar…? Why did I choose to go through this pain…? The Doctor questioned his own actions, looking up at the Selve as he reached his left arm out, gripping onto his Selve's right arm… as it came right off. Pulling it towards him, he placed the bloody appendage against the remains of his shoulder, wincing as stiches appeared along its length, reconnecting it to his body. He shortly did the same with the leg, attaching it to his body as he planted it into the ground, still wincing over his wounded side as he looked back at the earthen dome.

"………. Men like you… disgust me… more than anyone else…" Those words passed the Doctor's lips as they turned into a frown, a rare expression for the Doctor. Slowly, he turned around once more, although he would not be doing anything like that again soon. It was doubtful that he could even return to Stein state again now, but the Doctor had been fueled from head to toe with every single action which he had performed. The bonds that he had created with Shadowfall, while extremely weak in the grand scheme of things, was still a bond. And the Doctor cherished each and every one of his bonds, no matter what he may appear to think or do on the outside.

On the other side of the battlefield, more action was happening, as the girl hit the ground. Another two figures rose out of the ground around her, inspecting her body for damage as a purple field of energy appeared around them, shielding the two of them from any further direct harm. The Doctor watched through his selves as the interloper approached the two of them, their heads turning to him as they pointed at the Doctor.

If Tetsuya looked at Hebi, he would feel… something strange… in his mind… a message appeared. Twinges of madness… they are the reason you hear this… if you ever want freedom from this… or unbiased assistance… will it… and you will find me… He told the man, as within his consciousness he left a small… 'present'. This present was a very small mark, like the one that the Doctor could place on his servants. However, this one was triggered by Tetsuya's own will, and it would guide him to a place to meet with the Doctor, Kabuto Hebi.

After that little exchange, the two Selves would back off of Ash, leaving her to be taken by the man, though… something had happened to her, as well. If she did not put up a strong force of resistance… she would have a peculiar, 2-dot mark on the side of her neck, as if tiny pinpricks had appeared there.

Then, at last, the Doctor would turn to the woman who had been fighting against such impossible odds. "… It's going to be alright." He told her, still panting from the damage in his side as the two Selves walked up him, though only with purple energy on their hands as those terrific wounds and injuries began to sew up. The Doctor was, at the end of the day, a Doctor. Healing was his principle cause, even if he was absolutely insane while doing so. ..There is more to this life... than destruction... His hand would reach out, a peculiar wavelength exiting his body as a… different sense would overcome Saiko's body. It was the Doctor activating another ability… the Purification Wavelength of Sir Akat. However, perhaps even more effective than that were the hands of his slowly reaching out even through any attack or assault she made, the hands gently cupping her face as he looked at her, purple energy flowing out of his hands as the wounds in her face began to heal, his eyes looking right into hers.

"...I am the Doctor, Kabuto Hebi. I am on your side. You don't have to fight any longer." He told her calmly, before slowly widening his arms outwards. "This bloody battlefield is not the time for you to stop being you." He told her as the purification wavelength subsided, his body leaning back as a third eye slowly emerged on his head… and began to widen. His mouth opened as well… and Saiko would feel… peculiar…

Her mind… while it did not become clear… would likely feel… duller. As if something had been taken out, or… paused. The Doctor slowly breathed out, the eye that had opened shining with the red of blood as he removed his hands, finally turning around once more. "… Drop that connection that you have established with your 'network'. Seal your Zanpakutō. Take away your power. Relax." He instructed her, before slowly breathing in and out again. He would stand there with her, and wait for her reply… or if necessary, knock her out.

The long and short of the matter was that the Doctor had been drawn to this particular battle by that madness of hers… but having seen the display she put on… reminded the Doctor of when he was close to that point, and when Suzu had dragged him out of it. To this day he still felt like he would be unable to repay his wife for that act. So it was that he was here, a proponent of madness calming it down in someone else.

...The power of love… is… truly infinite… that… is perhaps the greatest madness of all…

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:52 pm

Artist: Placebo - Song: Without You I'm Nothing - Word Count: 1170

Everything was a blackened blur at this point. Nothing in the world seemed to matter at this point. It didn't matter if she won, it didn't matter if she lost; it didn't even matter if she was killed in the process. All of this fighting, conflict and death grew tiresome and pointless. Even if Hayden found the power of a god, or she fought the will of the divine; this squabble wouldn't change much. No. The arduous battle would continue on and spiral into eternity until both of their sides were purged in the hellfire that was war.

It mattered not that these fighters wielded the potential to change entire landscapes, each of them were but mere pawns in a sea of unending bloodshed between each of their opposing factions. They were puppets being pulled along the strings of their masters and this was but another deadly song and dance that they all played. So even if she was bound by demonic contract to fulfill her duties as an Archduchess to the fullest, the unending reality of it made her unable to achieve that goal of protecting this city -- as nothing on this planet, nay, this existence could be so thoroughly secured and safe.

Therefore, the actions of The Fallen Solider and all of his rage were -- irrelevant. As this entire battle was one long, drawn out moot point. One that would be further illustrated by the fact that Saiko herself was soon replaced by a much more potent, powerful and faster indivdual. The instant that Dr.Hebi stepped forth on to the battlefield was the same moment in time where The Void Enigma saw fit to make her departure from this battle.

If Dr.Hebi was unable to act as her shield? Then she would be impaled, skewered and facing such awful injury. Ones that would otherwise stop the girl in her tracks and leave her fatigued and passed out on the field. Otherwise, if this event did not occur, The Archduchess would make her slowed walk over to the body of Ash Iramasha.

It made no sense, it didn't seem right; but she was going to comfort her enemy. Even as pools of blood started to ooze and leak from her sinful body, Saiko insisted until she keeled down before the raven haired girl's limp and lifeless body.

There could be no words uttered out of this woman's body, as her soul was still in shock and unable to formulate words to communicate with the outside world at this point. However, the sense of touch was still in tact and she would grab the right hand of Ash. In the process of rubbing it, she would embed particles of her energy to otherwise keep The Iramasha from dying. This power could not heal, but it would be enough to hold her in one piece until proper medical attention was able to be given to the unfortunate soul.

But, more important than that, the mind of The Void Enigma needed to find a way to connect and exchange her forgiveness for the Iramasha. Therefore, she would pause for a moment, lean over and give Ash -- a kiss. Following that, she would savor the male's energy and use it in order to produce a blank piece of paper. With her left hand, she would direct and guide her blobs of darkened energy to write three simple words in ink:

"I. Forgive. You."

Once those words were bled on to the page, she would attach this note to Ash's clothing and seal it to the male's body until he read it for himself. No wind, person or magic could easily remove it until that point. It would forever be pinned to his right torso until he could understand -- she forgave him and understood the duty he was given. As, much like him -- she was just a puppet following orders.

....blood everywhere....

When standing up, Saiko hurled a puddle of black blood from her mouth and her body felt more weightless than ever. She was growing further ill and it was only a matter of time before it all gave way to darkness. Therefore, she hadn't anymore energy to tap into her berserk rage. Regardless of the potential she had -- she simply had no further resistance to this clash. Henceforth, the corrupting energies within herself came to a standstill and her overall sense of power declined and started a freefall.

Eventually, the words which Tetsuya uttered out became distorted and turned to static. With blood leaking out of her ears, the gaping wound in her head gushed out shade fluids and she would soon fall to her side against the cold, damp earth.


Perhaps this was it. Perhaps the actions of her past had finally caught to her and the time to pay the price had arrived.


This was okay.

This -- was a much welcomed end to any further suffering was all that she could hope to gain from this battle. Her body hadn't the will to continue this fight, much less live on, so to fall prey to this increasing sense of unconsciousness was all she could desire. It is why even her Zanpukto spirit understood her desire and soon retracted backwards into the soul of Saiko to further comfort her in this time of need.


But then another seemed to come to her side.

The Archduchess couldn't make out much of him, but she could only assume it was that absurdly large power she sensed earlier. All that came from his words were static, and the figure remained as black as night as she stared at the fading sights before her eyes.


Yet -- after a few moments -- the words became understood. The male appeared to be here to save her, but she didn't need anyone to do that. As far as this Shinigami was concerned? She was a cursed and sinful soul not befitting any form of salvation. Her descent into deaths door was one that she had accepted and this Archduchess did not care much for him meddling in that.

So, she would try to speak -- but nothing but cries and screeches uttered out of her mouth.

...a mute she was now....

...but...she still protested....

Even if her body was a frail as sticks at this point, she would attempt to push him away as there was no point in her existing at this point. The damage had been done and he was only prolonging the inevitable. So, she would not disengage and he would have to force her to stop this path if he sought such an ending.

She wanted to die and nothing he said could change that...

'Stop. Healing. Me.'

And through precise movements of her lips, she would hope to mouth that sentiment to him if he understood how to read without hearing the words.

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:00 am; edited 1 time in total

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Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:30 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count:829

What was performed earlier held no significance anymore, each attack thrown with the force to change the landscape and shock mountains. Now all that mattered was the survival of this battle that had came to abrupt halt and stalemate in the final climax to Hayden’s attack. The ease physical force that was pumped into the new man who had willingly took the attack was tremendous enough to destroy half of his body, the feeling of danger was all Hayden could feel before everything went black for him. Desmond had exited the building of his mind and what replaced him wore a pale white mask. It held no allegiance to Vanguard and held only its survival in it’s mind so it was time for them to make their departure.

In the fraction of a second a white substance exploded from Hayden’s body beginning to coat him as he dipped downwards, his head ducking below the hand reach to grasp him. The barely forming mask kept producing smoke from what seemed to be the mouth opening, the words that escape out of Hebi held no meaning to the now hollowifed shinigami in fact while he said this a Cero was charging at point blank range as the Hollow remained low. Once the spirit shock was released the cero would also be released.

The gathering energy began to swirl in a vortex at the mouth, the mix of maroon and black energy pulsed rapidly before converging into a single point that rotated like a rave light. Finally once it was released it would be released in a large ball that swirled as it met the spirit shock, should it be able to power through the energy attack it would simply fly towards Hebi. But the more lightly scenario is a large explosion upon contact after a second or two allowing for the Hollow to slip back with a growl. It appeared defiant almost sizing up the man but was clearly on the defense as the appearance of the Hollow finally finished.

Hayden body, er, what was his body was now coated in a thick coat of harden hierro that made him appear more beast in nature. His body looked like the cross over between a human and dragon with a long tail resting on the ground behind him, his hands and feet ending in what looked to be claws at each finger and toe. A single black arrow ran from the center of his mask to the end of nose with a secondary red line running down his sword arm, as elongated tongue slipping out from behind the mask as it let out a roar.

It seemed the assault for either of them had not ended yet as Hebi flew into a mad laughter chasing at the Hollow intending to kick him in the groin. Now this normally wouldn't have been such a problem had fire not just appeared on the mask of the Hollow causing it to yell in pain despite it’s natural ability to begin to convert these flames to death matter although a bit slowly. As Hebi charged the Hollow began to roar disappearing in a Sonido, something Hebi would be able to keep up with obviously but it was making a mad dash for the wounds as It fired consecutive Balas with no care for who or what he hit. This would only prove a minor nuisance to Hebi as his foot didn't quite catch the groin of the Hollow but rather the tail causing a large Howl of pain. However at this point they would be moving quite a distance away from Saiko if he intended to care for them.

Finally the Hollow turned to Hebi roaring once more as its primal mind began to charge another Cero, jumping upwards as he began to make some strange Hand movements. It was meant to as a interrupter but none the less if he was able to still perform the pillars. The Hollow would be airborne seeing the pillars began to form under him his natural instinct telling him to run. Thankfully he was able to manipulate his reissue to throw him sideways out of the pillars into the trees, yet- this came at a cost. The pillars had seperated his tail from his body quite literally causing the hollow to leave a blood trail and experience a tremendous mind numbing pain- but it had escaped successfully.

At this point Hebi would be far from the Hollow, the beast simply moving as his body told him subconiously being guided to the Vanguard base. As the hollow emerged from the tree line the Vanguard members prepared to raise their weapons but either from exhaustion or pain it collapsed to the ground- begin got revert to Hayden. He was finally safe but none the less in a critical condition that needed attention immediately.


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Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:56 pm

The Doctor watched as his adversary released… yet another attack at him. Vizard. Time seemed to still around him as his mind rapidly raced to that point of insane calculation. I mean, sure, right? Of course he's a vizard. That's all that would make sense. Otherwise he never would have charged in like that, acting like he was giving all that he had. Making himself think he had the power to give it all he had. Or maybe he did not know. That would perhaps be an even stranger circumstance. But of course, he would be a Vizard. Having a pool of power to draw from at the edge of his rope just like Ichigo Kurosaki himself, facing down the blade of a captain who should be many levels his superior. In novels, they would refer to this as 'plot armor', would they not…? The Doctor thought to himself as shocks of his spirit energy ripped outwards, smashing into the oncoming wave of energy as it was vaporized, a brilliant light pouring outwards as the energy was dissipated into more static like a brilliant firework, holding the Doctor's arm at bay long enough to prevent it from grasping Hayden's throat and reeducating him about the nature of pain.

His durability has been increased… the speed of this transformation is… not something I have seen before…! The Doctor continued to think, his thought processes now 'normal' as compared to any other time they could be considered as such. "The hollow knows how to use death matter?!" He exclaimed, a bit in shock as his Rinnegan eyes followed the manipulation, his foot shining with purple energy as it spiraled around, crushing each and every one of the balas as they flew at him, smashing them into the ground or otherwise away from the city and its inhabitants.

However, as Hebi saw that final cero being charged up, he spoke a single word. "No." He said, as he smashed his left hand into the ground. Without pause, a massive panel of stone shot out of the ground beneath Hayden's body, dividing and smashing as it crushed into the bottom of his jaw, purple energy possessing it and flowing outwards as it created a net… likely causing for the massive Cero to explode in the mouth of its wielder, perhaps even beheading the man as the Doctor looked at his opponent. "...A lack of intelligence… has weaknesses…" He spoke, his eyes opened wide as he monitored the beast. "It would be so very simple to corner you and kill you." He spoke, the earth exploding outwards as it turned into a hail of stones firing out in every direction around Hayden's body, the Doctor still standing in that final position.

"But you're just a beast now. You're not even worth killing. What would be the point? It would be the same as rain falling from the sky. Unelegant and without any kind of real worth. No one would learn anything. So get out of here, you forsaken beast."

With those harsh words, the Doctor abandoned his crusade against the Vizard known as Hayden. The Doctor merely sighed, looking down at the arm and leg which he had to replace. "Well, the one who lost his honor here.. Wasn't me. That is… funny. Instead… of myself, someone else… ran away. Ahahaha…" The Doctor's gentle laughter was quite different than it had been, before he went and began to address his other business.

* * *

The Doctor now stood before the woman known as Saiko.

"…" He watched her as she attempted to push him away, allowing for her feeble hands to push him back as he caught his footing, before letting out a gentle sigh. "I will not. You are a foolish child, and you have lost your way." The Doctor told her, slowly reaching a hand out as he placed it on her shoulder, giving it a firm, stable squeeze. "The will to live is not something you can simply choose to put out. Your body is trying so hard to keep living. It is fighting, struggling. You are betraying it by doing this." He told her as he reached a hand out, two fingers blazing with a purple light as he pressed them on either side of her torso.

"This is the cowards way out. It is a weak way out. Even weaker than that man who became a beast rather than stand his ground. It is for those who don't have the infinite power of life guiding their steps. What have you lost that you cannot replace?" He asked her, slowly drawing away the hand as a purple mark had been left behind on her body, before drawing up his hand and pushing up his glasses. "That mark will try to kill you in three days. As payment for the arm and leg which I lost in your defense, you will stay alive during that time, and you will spend it with me and my family." He told her decisively, before he reached up a hand, the screw leaving his head as the scythe he carried was replaced by a snake… whose eyes were looking directly into hers.

"Now Sleep."

The Doctor believed that her mind was likely exhausted enough by this point that the proposal he had just given her, along with Hebi's eyes looking into hers with their hypnotic effect of Sleepy Timez They Come would be enough to lull her into a gentle sleep, where she would likely feel relieved because of the assurance that the purple mark on her shoulder would mean she would not have to live in this life much longer.

If that did not work, however, the Doctor's body would flash behind hers… where a swift blow to the back of her neck would drop her much faster into the realm of unconsciousness. He did not anticipate that she would be prevented from this occurring through any form of 'plot armor', so it seemed most likely to him that he would be able to follow through afterwards with picking up her body… before sinking into the Earth.

The Barracks!


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Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:58 am
[adm]A post will be coming from me within the next week or so and I'll move towards concluding the thread with it.[/adm]

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Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:50 am

Artist: Megurine Luka - Song: re_CYCLE - Word Count: 638

Again, everything but the beating of her heart, the whispers of her mind and the view of The Manic Doctor were all that were relevant in the perception of The Void Enigma. While her world was filled with shadows, these veils of darkness still allowed enough leeway to at least grant insight into the fact that Ash Iramasha would be ok. So, even if her own life was in jeopardy, at least that ray of beautiful light would live on.

This then meant that was more than likely time to face the music with her own fate. And that meant staring the snake-toothed monster straight in the eyes. With his actions, it was all too intrusive for her own liking because this battle should have ended either in her death. At least, that is what she was prepared to undergo when it was clear that she was outnumbered and out powered.

Yet, the self-righteousness of this bastard kept her alive for her. Something which Saiko wanted no part in and something she'd let him know all too well.

"And who are you to say I've lost my way? This is my body, and what road it leads down is my choice to make. If you believe I'll learn anything from this, you are more hopeless than myself."

Just where were those words coming out of? Well, her spirit, of course. Due to him having such a strong desire to pierce and mark her body, the inner world of Saiko immersed itself to his seal and granted him the ability to listen in to her mind for this short time.

Thus, those words were concise and straight to the point given her frail state of being. It hurt so much as to think of them, but they needed to come out as she struggled for consciousness. It was infuriating that she was so close to her goal, and retribution was going to be paid -- only to be stopped by this creep.

Hissing further with respite, there was a certain touch made to her body which was not welcomed in the slightest. She could feel that something was being tampered with, and it caused her body to squirm and struggle as she wanted nothing to do with this freak's desperate attempt to "save a life" from his own self-serving moral bullshit.

"It does not matter what I lost....what matters is my choice to do what I wish upon my body. Sparing me won't change anything. Killing me is the only way to end this."

Clearly, she was set in her ways and did not want to hear not a single ounce of tripe from this individual. It is why she snarled further and added this comment towards his lost of arm and leg:

"...that is your burden to bare. Letting me live was your mistake and you'll pay for that."

That was it. There was no more thoughts to truly utter out. Her body was far too weak for that. Therefore, she would slowly begin her fall to slumber. The darkness was creeping in, her body was becoming limp and the state of consciousness was becoming lucid and broken. However, even in all this, her rage and contempt grew and flustered as she knew nothing good could come from clinging on to this life. There was just another pathway of pain to be endured and she would look at him with scorn in her eyes.

"I refuse to understand......"

With that mouthed from her mouth, The Void Enigma would rest her peace and promptly pass out due to her injuries....

[JJ may now end the thread in his next post]

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:23 pm

The man known as the Doctor, Kabuto Hebi merely looked at the woman known as Saiko Mori. To him, her objections and denial were… interesting. A being with so much determination towards their fate. And yet, they are choosing death. This makes absolutely no sense. Shishishi… The Doctor thought to himself, looking at Saiko as he wondered whether or not to give her a reply.

"I am judge, jury, and executioner. After all, I won that right by repelling those who would have ended that life of yours. What else would you expect for me to say? I'm not so kind as to just let you go after the investment I have just made…" The Serpentine Physician informed his patient, before blinking at her next assertion.

"Your free will matters? Is that so...?" The Doctor told her, the wind blowing at his hair. "After all, every cell in your body is demanding that you live. When the mind disagrees, do you know what that is called? That is a disorder. It is a break from reality. Do you even have the ability to choose life… at this point…? That… is what I mean."

Upon hearing what she had next to say, the man could only draw a single hand up to his face, covering one of his eyes as he took a deep breath. "Well, to make me pay, you'll have to keep living, won't you, little girly?" He asked her, before lowering the hand to reveal an absolutely insane smile, the smile of a man who had gotten his way. "And that means surviving against the curse that I've placed in your flesh."

At last, her endurance was spent. As the Doctor watched her descend down to the ground, he spoke just a few words more. "See you at dinner tonight…" He said, before reaching out as he caught her in his arms, before tossing her limp body over his shoulder. "...Hmm… you know… I may just have another use for you yet, little girly… if you truly wish to die, then perhaps… you would prefer reincarnation…?"The Doctor mused to himself, before reaching the hand upwards as three of his fingers slid within the flesh of her back… and created three more peculiar seals, which rotated and shifted and changed until an insignia was present on her back. It was a very unusual insignia, and was only known to a certain few… but those who did know of it… knew its significance very well…

And after that… the Doctor's body slowly faded back into the ground with his charge, disappearing from that place…


The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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