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Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:35 am


Enter The Goliath Shell

Song: Doll Maker - Artist: Tony Kaku - Words: 1222

There was an odd reaction that occurred within the human following The Giant's reaction to her proposal -- joy. The frail and small girl seemed to bounce around without a single care in the world as everything in the area went to hell in a hand basket. It would almost unnerve The Goliath Shell to an extent as she always assumed humans to be noble, rebellious, heroic, indifferent or outright cowards. This -- did not fall into either of those categories and it showed as The Amazonian stared with a perplexed gaze at the hyperactive schoolgirl before her.

"You are closer to a demon in mind then you think, human. That is....unnerving."

Affirming the stance her mind held, Goliath wished to express her sentiments in a controlled, but soft tone of voice. It showed that she wasn't much bothered by the supposed "enemy" beginning to rest and make nest on her shoulder. In the demoness's case, she just didn't feel need to remove her because it wasn't bothering The Shell at all. It just left The Giant further confused because if this child's team were to see her relaxing with the enemy -- what would she do?

Though, if nothing else, this person seemed to give her a true name of sorts. In between her snickers and laughs the name "Zero" was uttered out of the girl's mouth; as that seemed to be what the young human wanted to be called.

"Zero. I will stand by that name and refer to you by that name from here on it, Zero."

Dry, monotone and straight to the point; this time the Goliath Shell's response seemed to be more robotic as she thought of these things with the utmost of a serious mind. Though, given the situation around them -- who could blame her? The Giantess still had a mission to complete and that objective pertained to ensuring that this section of Iceland remained secured from any enemy forces.

Therefore, she would survey the area to find that the only Vanguardian force in the region appeared to be just Zero herself. Every other force that remained were either being killed, about to die, being imprisoned or were otherwise deported by Shadow Fall forces under The Goliath's watch. And, Zero may have been among these unfortunate counts -- if it weren't for The Giantess.

By masking the human in her scent, most Arrancar, Hollow, Demon's and any beast that was marked by their blood could sense, smell and outright experience the sensation that the atmosphere of energy swirling around Zero's body had Goliath's scent across it. Hence, by doing this, it would leave natural instinct and common sense to deduce that she was with The Amazonian and not to tamper with this human.

In this way, Toki would not have to deal with any further conflict by Shadow Fall members during her prolonged stay in the depths of this hell known as Iceland. So, this would allow her space to think for a few moments. In those moments The Demoness then came to the conclusion that it would be suitable for her to exchange names with Zero. If only in order to create a foundation for their "friendship" and make things "proper" between the two.

"In return, I will be giving you my proper name as well. My full name is Goliath Asthavon and I am a Knight Of The Seventh Circle within Shadow Fall. It is a pleasure to meet you, Zero."

There was a firm nod given by The Goliath after having spoken these words. The sense of unknown was beginning to be dissolved and a better sensation of familiarity was seeping into the atmosphere. While all were fighting to the tooth and death around them, these two creatures saw fit to simply make friends among the ashes, fire and blood of their comrades. So, it came as no surprise that this new "friend" sought to test the depths of their relationship further.

Apparently, Zero wished to go forth and create more forest fire within the country. Something which, given the context of her chaotic actions earlier, made sense enough to Goliath. After all, there was a critical toll of collateral damage and death left in the wake of The Shell's rampage all around them. Yes, it could be repaired, but it did leave its mark in this war given her kill score was sky high at this point.

Granted, in general, Shadow Fall and Vanguard casualties were becoming fairly large in this war. It is apart of the reason why The Goliath Shell was still on stand. An opening needed to be made as these battles died down and the time for the Amazonian to strike was not quite right according to her owner. Therefore, since she was on idle time in order to stand and guard this area, The Goliath Shell could spare some time to amuse the human and peer further into her mind until the call for action would be given.

"...Fair enough. I will warn you not to take things so lightheartedly, though. If your faction discovers you are indulging in pleasantries with the enemy, I doubt it will end nicely for you if you have any intentions of returning to your homeland. So I will take you to see a forest fire, but you are placing yourself in great peril."

Those oceanic eyes of the doll seemed to stab and pierce Zero's being with a rigid and sincere stare. If the human didn't seem to care for her own existence, The Goliath Shell took care of that for her. It was a risky and unstable move, but I guess there are cases where human's are more demons than the demons themselves. Baffling.

"So, if you have nothing else to say....hang on human."

The muscles in her legs began to groan, and after a second or two, VROOM! That was the only sound which could be heard in the forest as The Goliath took flight and leaped over a large distance in order to jump to a more remote part of the woodland. By performing this action, The Amazonian understood that there was less of a chance of them being disturbed by any third party.

However, to further ensure friendly fire wasn't given, The Demoness utilized The Demi-Network to mark the area on the map in which they landed on as her terrority. In this way, Shadow Fall and their allies would be aware of the fire and would not attack given it is under Goliath's watch and authority. Thus, they could then spoil themselves to their hearts content with a "fire carnival"

"Now...if you have something to show me it, Zero."

Having arrived in a mass cluster of trees, earth and sky; the chance for Zero to show Goliath what "fun" was had arrived. With her arms folded up into a stiff stance, this demoness was keen to see what that little human had been going on about for the longest. So, she would stand and observe to see what actions might occur next.

Last edited by THEFROST on Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

Forest Stomp: Enter Mosfellsbær [Shadow War Arc Event Thread] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:37 am
[adm]Putting a separate notice here that the protags have 48-72 hours to respond to the adjustments The Goliath Shell made to the area. She has gone ahead and removed the region of Vanguard forces; save for Toki. She has also taken the blessings of Za Koa and maintained the dome across a larger area in order to claim this as Shadow Fall's region. Now, me and Conceited can continue RP'ING HERE, but I'm leaving this as documentation of what occurred here. [/adm]

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Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:15 pm

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count: Whose Keeping Count?

Goliath? Now that was definitely a name the forgetful brunette could remember. She had already been mentally referring to the doll as such, interchanging it with, well, doll but verbally referring to the overwhelmingly tall doll as Doll-chan. Now, well, now she would refer to her friend of demonic origins as Goliath-chan. As for remembering her last name, well there was no chance in hell of that happening even with how infamous the family was. Though, if she heard it enough and maybe, possibly, met some other people who hailed from that demonic family, perhaps the name would become ingrained within her mind. Until, Goliath-chan or Doll-chan would be what she would refer to the doll of mass destruction that had kindly decided not to kill her.

To be frank, the doll seemed rather concerned for her safety, something that could’ve possibly brought tears to the brunette’s eyes if she was one to cry. So, instead of embracing the doll as best as she could whilst sobbing, Zero nodded her head vigorously as if to communicate that she understood the risk. Though, she didn’t think there was any seeing how she wasn’t trading secrets with the Shadow Fall operative or doing anything that could possibly result in anything more then dismissal from the Vanguard, so she honestly didn’t take it to heart. Rather this was because of naivety, stupidity, or a lack of self-preservation she didn’t know, but it didn’t matter all that much. Nothing was more important than her fun, not even family though she loved them.

With warnings now out of the way and with a command to hang on, Zero would quickly resume her position at the doll’s right shoulder, the brunette sitting upon it just before the giantess made her leap. The airtime was incredible and though flying via the shoulder of a giant wasn’t the same as riding on the air, the brunette enjoyed herself nonetheless. Of course, the doll would land, something that resulted in Zero clapping her hands in delight as she giggled madly. If she wasn’t planning on starting a fire, she would’ve devolved into a five-year-old, chanting for the demoness to do it again through fits of laughter.

She slid off the doll’s shoulder, the brunette landing on the ground a couple feet from the doll, her back to the giant. With outstretched arms, she took in a deep breath of air, enjoying the smell of damp forest for smoke will soon enough override her senses. She suddenly turned around, interlocking fingers behind her back as she bent forward, her head tilted upwards allowing Doll-chan to see the mischievous look on her face.

“Of course, Goliath-chan!”

She exclaimed before turning around once again. Without any regard to the doll’s safety, Goliath pretty much has proven herself a tank, Zero would set the forest ablaze. Though her range was only forty meters in diameter, she was working on that, she had seen and caused enough fires to know that it would spread. This was a forest after all. She spun on her heel, having thought of a devious little competition she could have with the doll.

“Neh, neh. Let’s see who can create the most magnificent fire yet, Goliath-chan! I can do forty, what about ya?”

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Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:56 am
[adm]Expect a post incoming within the next week from me. It can be anywhere from today to next Friday.[/adm]

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Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:24 pm


Enter The Goliath Shell

Song: Snowy 0017 - Artist: Toby Fox - Words: 816

This human really did remind her a bit too much of her masters own mother -- Mana Asthavon. With the cackling smile, and giggling fits, Goliath seemed to have flashbacks of the same manic burst of laughter that The Demon Queen herself seemed to have. So, in that respect, perhaps she was among the proper flock of creatures. After all, she seemed just as crazy as any old demon at this point.

But, at the same time, it was also quite endearing. It was similar to watching a child with no cares in the world suddenly become super happy with but a simple plastic toy you dangle over their face. Hence, to the Goliath, there was an odd sense of motherly amusement that was held for the human beyond her stoic face.

Observing her closely, as a mother would, The Amazonian Demoness watched the Young Toki slide off her shoulder and land on the ground all too nimbly. Of course, she wasn't too concerned for her well being, being that she is crazy enough to pick a fight with a mammoth such as herself. But -- you could never be too careful.

Which, in it of itself, was odd for the Doll. As she had no reason to necessarily care for her, but there was something inside of her slowly warming up to the idea of this "friendship" thing.


Hm. She was really happy about this whole thing. Second by second, bit by bit; this human seemed so thrilled with the simple concept of burning things. What was so enchanting about a basic forest fire that made her so excited? These things were common place in Demon World given the fact various sections of it were in constant strife. So, for Goliath, the sight of fire brought nothing but the recollection of battles previously won and lost.

Yet, for the human, they brought a chipperness that Goliath almost wanted to experience herself. So, she would be cut throat and straight to the point with one of her inquires to Toki:

"Why does that fire make you so....happy? I don't understand and I wish to understand."

There was a slight twinge of melancholy behind The Doll's voice, but her tone still remained as rigid and stiff as ever and overpowered it. Staring at the blaze she started, The Demoness tried to see what the human saw in it. But, still, she only saw nothing more than flames burning plant life. How could that make someone so enchanted with the world?

But, never the less, the human still seemed as giddy and hyper as ever. As it seemed that she was interested in having a contest to see whom could create the biggest fire.


Fair enough. Maybe the Goliath could begin to understand why Toki was so cheerful about the forest blaze if she were to play this "game" with her and try to have "fun" for once in her life. Therefore, for this reason is why The Doll would nod her head and hold out her hand towards the forest before them. Eyes focusing, face becoming stern and power overflowing with a sense of destructive intent; there would be a rumbling of the ground felt throughout the area as The Shell tapped into her power.

"I'll give you a show, hu--Zero...."

That moment was odd for The Amazonian. She was going in to speak and refer to Toki as "human", but the name "Zero" came out instead.


With her eyes set on the forest before them, Goliath summoned two massive hands of fire above her. They each extended for twenty meters in length and seemed to crash into the earth before them. When they landed, a daunting roar screamed throughout the area and their blaze spread for roughly one hundred meters in every direction.

In the process, the whole area became devoured in a red light and the skies became devoured by blood as the smell of burning timber, grass and decay spread throughout the barren lands. While, above them, in the heavens, a plum of blackened smoke rose in the air and a faint red face which resembled Toki's giggled back at them through the art of The Goliath's demon magic tinkering with the blast.

Giving a simple glance of the head back down at her new human companion, The Goliath would point towards the plum of smoke and ask one question:

"Is that what you call "the most magnificent fire yet", Zero?"

Although she showed no outward signs yet of emotion, there was a feeling of content and enjoyment in spending time with this creature. It felt alright to just let her powers wander and attempt to do something for the sake of her own will.

This was -- nice.

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:44 am; edited 1 time in total

Forest Stomp: Enter Mosfellsbær [Shadow War Arc Event Thread] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:23 am
[adm]Since I'm going through and leaving notices in threads, I'm just documenting that Conceited does plan to post and continue this thread. [/adm]

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Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:12 pm

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count: Whose Keeping Count?

Ooo. If Zero had been younger, like a year or two younger, she may have shouted that Goliath had cheated, throwing a temper tantrum of epic proportions out of sheer jealously. But, she was fifteen-year-old pyromaniac and so, she didn’t react in a manner expected of a two-year-old. Instead, she admired the flames conjured up by her demonic partner in crime, the brunette paying no mind to the fact that she was inhaling smoke that could very well smother her if she decided to stick around for too long. She was also unbothered by the scent of decay which wasn’t as revolting as people made it out to be.

Zero didn’t need to consider who made the most magnificent fire to ever grace this forest, the doll’s flames were bigger, reached further, and was probably deadlier than her own and she was fine with that. Goliath did give the brunette a goal with her display, though the teen had always desired to increase her area of effect, her partner gave her a range to strive for. She didn’t know how much of the forest had been affected, but she could guess it was a lot more than she had affected with her own.


She exclaimed, her attention shifting from the beauty that was a forest being reduced to, well, burnt everything to Goliath. She clapped her hands together, nodding her head vigorously in agreement to the doll’s statement. And to further ensure the doll knew she agreed wholeheartedly, the brunette extended her arms and began to spin around.

“So magnificent that it can be a carnival!”

She said, gleefully, in-between her fits of giggles. She continued to spin for a couple seconds, the brunette stopping abruptly and focusing her attention back on Goliath. Fingers interlocked behind her back, she leaned her body forward and her head back.

“Neh, neh, wasn’t that fun Goliath-chan?! Fun enough for a smile? Ooo! Goliath-chan should show me how she did that. I want to make a big fire like yours someday. Maybe even one that consumes an entire forest.”

More giggles came from Zero, the girl standing up straight with her head still tilted back.

“Or! Goliath-chan can show me how to chop chop with swords! Unless, ya want to do something else, like see the other fights. Ya are the winner of the Most Magnificent Fire!”

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Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:45 am



Song: Alice in Wonderland - Artist: TG STYLE - Words: 1034

The stars behind Toki's eyes were enough to show that the fiery display of Goliath's forest blaze was sufficent to captivate the attention of this bizarre little arsonist. So, while the stone gaze of the Amazonian still remained ever melancholy, there was but a bit of warmth in her heart by being able to do this one act. Perhaps it was not too terrible to indulge in such frivolous usages of ones power.

"It is...? If you say so, Toki."

Staring upwards the inferno of destruction, there is no doubt that many would have simply saw this as another explosion in a sea of carnage and death that this war for Iceland represents. But, to Goliath, it was almost as if it were starting to appear as of it were a symbol of their -- "friendship" -- blossoming.

At least, if that's what those earthlings called it. Goliath still wasn't too sold on it, nor sure of what to call it, but the human was nice to be afraid and perhaps she should just enjoy that and try to learn more about customs outside of combat.

"A carnival of fire...? I'm not quite understanding of that concept. I will try and grasp it better, but it does not seem like much of a festival."

Voice still as rigid and stiff as ever, the stern lens of the Demoness's perception were having a bit of trouble because she was taking this quite literally. What would other people get out of viewing a massive blaze of fire? It was quite simple to make a basic fire; as it wasn't entirely a difficult feat to achieve. So the worth of it seemed rather low to the Goliath.

Perhaps they saw some means of -- art in it? But even if that was the case, what meaning could be found in fire? It's just that: heat and flames. At least, that was the clear cut and objective viewpoint that The Goliath viewed.

It honestly hurt the demon's head to wrap her mind around this concept, but there was still a sense of empathy which desired to understand. Or, at least, pretend to comprehend this notion for her human companion.

Luckily, she would't have to raddle her brain any further on that idea. The reason being is that Toki seemed to pop open her isolated and introspective bubble by making more of her gleeful comments. The little human was asking the Goliath such things as "if this whole thing were fun?" and if "she could smile?" They were coming in one after another and the Goliath would systematically answer each one to the best of her ability.

"I'm not sure if I would call it "fun", Toki, but I did gain something from it."

With a nod of her head, The Goliath was earnest in that statement because she felt she was attaining a new aspect which otherwise stepped out of her bounds of demonic contacts. It was the first time in her life she really sat down with a person whom did not share her lineage, race or affiliation with Shadow Fall or the Asthavon Family.

So, to her, she was slowly grasping the world outside of that through Toki. Or, trying to, anyway.

"I'm unsure if I can perform your request to smile, either. I cannot recall a time where I've smiled as I was designed to assist in my creators pursuits and nothing more."

That is the gist The Goliath shell recalled when Neoveta first created her. While The Princess of Demon's never expressed wholly what her purpose was with words, the intent behind her actions was shared between the bond their minds were connected by.

And, in turn, she realized her role, but never bothered much to stray away from it as she had no reason to. The Asthavon and Shadow Fall were her home, and, from what she gathered from the world outside of it, the rest of existence were her enemy and it would be best to simply stay alongside their allegiance.

So, from all of that, The Goliath Shell never really recalled a reason to smile. It simply wasn't in her design.

"Albeit, I do possess the knowledge and skill to pass those traits down to you, Toki. If you truly desire to make a blazes like that, I can teach you..."

Which, again, was an honest statement. She was a demon of great magical and physical skill, so it should be no difficulty in passing down her techniques to another, correct? That is the line of logic the Goliath Shell operated under. It would also be a fair exchange of trade for the experiences each took away from their meeting. Goliath coming to understand more about the world outside of Shadow Fall, while Toki learning more ways to make such dazzling eruptions of fire.

" I would rather we leave this place. For I....have a desire to want to see more of this planet and any place you might think is interesting, Toki."

It was an odd feeling wanting to make a choice, but it was one that The Goliath seemed to slowly embrace. She was making her own path and decisions, and it felt -- right. She was certain that this was the correct thing to do once that feeling washed over her.

"And, once we reach that place, I can show you everything I know. I wish to move on from this island because this war is no longer of my interest. I would rather spend it with you, Toki."

Despite her words being so dry and hard, there was still a sense of awareness and openness behind them. Especially given the context of interest behind that statement to begin with. So, as she slashed open a vortex of light which expanded to the size of a skyscraper, the Goliath would point and utter these last words to the human:

"Simply state a place you wish to travel to and I will take you to it -- "friend.""

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:45 am; edited 1 time in total

Forest Stomp: Enter Mosfellsbær [Shadow War Arc Event Thread] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:55 pm


9/30/2415, 4:30 PM; CST Standard Time

I'm going through and closing out Iceland threads. Since this thread is pretty much over, we'll assume that Goliath and Toki went on another adventure and left this city of Iceland.

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