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Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:08 pm

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count:

Kamui did not want to answer to someone. He hated the idea. He understood, to some extent that simply being in the position he was in would mandate him answering to Azure Iramasha, a name which in and of itself sounded more like a description than a proper name. Perhaps he had cousins, Kamui would very much like to meet Purple Iramasha and Poo Brown Iramasha. That was not who he was answering to however. Kamui had to answer to a name he knew and a name he was both surprised and a little angry to find here. He knew the name Yuudeshi and, by extent, a little bit of their capabilities. His father had taken one as a disciple some time ago and simply by living with him for an extended period of time had informed by his father to a degree about the capabilities of the Yuudeshi and their network. It was probably the single greatest threat he could face to his operations on Earth and it had, ultimately, caused Karakura to be completely written as a prospective target. It wasn't so much that the place was populated with the strongest goody two shoes on the planet that was deterring him, that'd even make Kamui's ultimate goal more profitable. No it was the fact that the Yuudeshi Network was infallible and the only means by which to circumvent it was to not do something that it could construe as a threat. It was frustrating, but it had been what forced Kamui to behave while in Karakura and that in and of itself had been proving to be a rather profitable venture.

As well, getting close to someone with potential access to the Yuudeshi network could yield so, so many benefits. He'd need to tread especially carefully with this line of thought, any potential mistake was going to be magnified twenty times over if he began to put himself in the the Yuudeshi clan's spotlight, but the potential benefit of being able to track what the Yuudeshi network knew was worth the risk. He also had a potential inside track as a relative of Sagumi who, while never actually meeting Shadin Yuudeshi himself, had enjoyed heavy dealings with the clan as a whole as well as the close bond he shared with young Kaito. There was a healthy amount to be gained from dealing with him and he hoped to be able to use that with whatever Yuudeshi representative or, ideally, Yuudeshi themselves, was coming to speak with him. Consequently, he still needed to tread carefully but he was rather full of optimism.

Kamui was looking at the files that were on the table in his office. It was something he had inherited from his father, unfortunately. It wasn't that he could not understand computer and electronics, far from it. Kamui could very easily be considered a genius intellect and that applied to learning to utilize technology however recently it was developed, but he still held on to his preferences. In this case, Kamui preferred paper documents to electronic ones, enjoying being able to simply open a folder and look at what he needed to know about. Fussing with computers and loading times, however trivial modern technology had made them, were things he was inherently not fond of. He had been given a very vague description as to what he was going to be reporting on to his "supervisor," but he knew that in general it would involve the squad he had put together and what their intended purpose was going to be, a question whose answer would require a fair bit of truth mixed with a fair bit of deception, which was Kamui's specialty. The man walked over toward the corner of the room which had a large monitor attached to it. The Vanguard had supplied him with the means to show the videos he would ultimately need, but they did seem to be lacking in the concept of comfort. Kamui had been given all of five fold-out chairs to use and that simply was not going to cut it. The man knelt down and place his outstretched palm along the cool metal floor and concentrated. Within moments, a flood of black, seemingly ink, seemed to stretch out from his hand and arranged itself in to a large circle on the floor. A soft inhale echoed throughout the room and then, a moment later, seemingly appearing from nowhere on the seal was an extremely comfortable looking L couch. Kamui erected himself back to full posture and looked down at his work. Pulling objects from so far away, especially ones the size of the couch, was difficult...extremely so, but a lot of the physical ramifications he'd need to endure for such magic were mitigated considerably by the Fuuinjutsu. Kamui let that pent up air leave him in a heavy exhale as he put his hand on the soft, microfiber back of the couch. All that he had left to do was to wait for whomever ever was to receive his report to show up.

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Report?  I'll Give you your Stinkin Report![Shatari] Empty Re: Report? I'll Give you your Stinkin Report![Shatari]

Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:13 pm

Artist: Daedelus - Song: My Beau - Word Count: 1053

Fall was always known as the season change. Through career changes, educational advancements, new relationships and additional responsibility; things were always moving in autumn. And in the case of Shatari Yuudeshi -- she was no different. There was a massive growth spurt within the once rat-looking lass. Seemly, almost over night, the girl had developed from the body of a pre-teen into that of a full-grown woman. Being quite close to the age of seventeen at this point, it only made sense her body would finally reflect that she was on the cusp of being a wholly developed adult. It took quite a bit of an adjustment, as Shatari herself was taken a back from this morph in her body, but she owned it and turned it into something wondrous.

Many sorts of people seemed to be taking The Banshee of Karakura even more seriously than before with this growth. Of course there was obligatory respect with her being a fabled Yuudeshi and everything, but there was only so much command someone in the form of a pubescent child could hold; even with nobility. International deals were becoming easier to make to keep the supply of allies, defenses and weaponry slewing into the Vanguard. While, in a professional aspect with her musical career, much of her fan base were cheering on the massive changes. Which ultimately lead into the inevitable: boys.

The boys themselves were drooling themselves to absolute thirst with the outward appearance of The Banshee becoming so much more -- appealing. It all served as a means to an end in order to get what she wanted. The silver haired dame had no interest in seeking out a partner, but it sure did help to have the tool of relative physical attractiveness to achieve and seal deals. So the past few months since her incursion in clearing out Karakura Forest had been relatively lucrative and life-changing.

But, while all of this was occurring within her personal life, the internal shift within the Vanguard was also changing. And after being overseas for quite some time to help with international conflicts concerning the organization, Shatari wanted to see what had been altered since her time away from Sukai Karakura. After all, she heard many reports about a new task force being created within the faction and the miss wanted to check in on it with her own two eyes.Therefore, after she touched down in Karakura Central, The Warden demanded that a report be given to her to bring her back up to speed.

These actions and choices would spin the wheels of fate to ultimately bring her face to face with one of the main people responsible for this: Kamui Cruor. From the reports she had on the male, it appeared as if he was acting as some sort of connection between the Vanguard and Sugiuran Clan. That was somewhat amusing to The Banshee of Karakura as it was the first time they had interacted with that vague group of souls. She had heard of them; as The Yuudeshi themselves had a few Sugiurans within their ranks thanks to the blood of Midori running within their clan. Hell, one could even go as far as to say there was dormant and inactive Sugiuran genes within Shatari herself that had been passed down from The Great Heroine. But -- they hadn't really made much of an impact in the world and were only so relevant to her.

So, perhaps meeting this male could entail some possibly interesting tales about them and potentially even changeover into browsing over her un-skimmed heritage. As it would be Shatari's first time actually speaking with a Sugiuran whom was not from Earth; nor her own clan. Thus, she wouldn't dare to keep her special guest waiting any longer. Without any further delay, The Yuudeshi made her way into the underground base of The Vanguard. Passing through numerous security checks, endless guards and descending into darkness; the gal maneuvered her way through the various barracks and hallways of the compound until she had made her path towards Kamui's office.

"Surprise, surprise~ ★"

A cheery, feminine voice echoed from behind door before it so slowly opened. With the fluorescent light of the hallway chiming into the office-room, the figure of The Yuudeshi became apparent in that moment. Overflowing silver hair, plum hued eyes, baby-smooth skin and quite the sensual body-figure and hefty chest were a few traits to describe her shape. While, her attire, was quite simple in its overly long shade dress and equally matching black high-heels. It complimented her build and brought the utmost in her new physical change out with how form-fitting it was to her body.

As the clacks of her high-heels echoed across the room, Shatari inspected it and hummed a tune or another before fixating her gaze upon the dim blue hue of Kamui's eyes. With a smile on her face, The Banshee of Karakura gave a soft wave to introduce herself.

"Greetings, greetings~! I take it you must be Kamui Cruor, right? Pleasure to meet ya. The name is Shatari Yuudeshi and I'm The South East Warden of The Vanguard. ❤"

Without wasting time, the girl simply threw her body against the south exterior of the couch before her and relaxed. Peering her face over towarrds the monitor none to far from them, Shatari pointed at it and chuckled:

"Take a seat a bit closer and bring me up to speed about this "SMUHA" force you've been busy beating to a pulp. I'm super curious to see if Hayden as been beaten stiff~★"

Snickering at this point, Shatari motioned for Kamui to sit and begin the show and tell. With imagery of her last fiery encounter with Hayden still fresh within her mind, she'd wonder if that boy made something of himself or not. As she saw potential in him, but it needed to be worked on badly to make it a diamond.

So, as this sentiment digresses, the metaphorical ball would be tossed into Kamui's court and he'd be the next to show and tell the progress that had been made. Hopefully it was good.

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Report?  I'll Give you your Stinkin Report![Shatari] Empty Re: Report? I'll Give you your Stinkin Report![Shatari]

Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:26 pm

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count:1384

Of course, a surprise it was not. Normally he would have reacted to her entrance with a more excitement tinged tone or perhaps even meeting her enthusiasm and playing along, acting surprised and elated at the completely and utterly random arrival of the girl who was not so much a girl any longer. Of course, it wasn't a surprise in any sense of the word, she had announced that she was coming long enough ahead of time that he could not only get all the viewing material ready, he had also managed to find time to conjure a fancy ass couch in to existence. So no, it was not very much of a surprise when she began yelling at the door, but perhaps that was not what was supposed to be a surprise. The part that WAS a surprise was what came after she opened the door. What Kamui had heard of the little girl coming to visit him was that she was energetic, small, and abrasive, both in personality and appearance. The little girl who pushed through his door was anything but little. That was the part that was surprising to the young Cruor. He was expecting a little girl who was too big for her britches and instead he got a rather voluptuous woman whose chest seemed too big for her dress. Of course, in Kamui's case he was not sure which one he would prefer out of the two. However, while Kamui was certainly taken aback by this surprising turn of events, he did not demonstrate any outward sign that he was displaced or even aware of just how beautiful she was in stark contrast to her previous appearance. Puberty apparently did miraculous things. Instead, as she burst in to the room repeating the word surprise, Kamui would find himself simply smiling back at her, seemingly unperturbed by her entrance.

When she introduced herself, she also managed to do the introduction for him as well which was something Kamui whole heartedly appreciated. Anything that allowed him to save time was always going to be preferable. It wasn't perfect however. While he did appreciate her saving time, she managed to announce her title, something rather meaningless that Kamui did not care about, a familiar stance with all things Vanguard, and did not extend the same courtesy to Kamui. If she was going to do both sides of the introductions she should, at the very least, do them properly. Beggars could not quite afford to be choosers however and as full of regret as he was at being shafted on the introduction parade, he was far more elated that they managed to skip that whole trivial form of conversation. He could instead focus on what was more important, the business at hand. For Kamui however, the business at hand was not the status report on the Squad. That was a means to the business at hand, no Kamui's focus was more on the woman who had graced his presence and just how he could utilize this meeting to his advantage.

When she motioned to him to sit closer, Kamui intended to do just that, though not necessarily where she indicated for him on the couch. It was breaching numerous forms of social etiquette and could easily be considered a disrespectful gesture to not only her personal bubble but also a jab at her family, but Kamui was taking a gamble that Shatari would not see it like that. From what he knew of the girl, and the Yuudeshi were inherently always under a microscope in their world, she was very free spirited and in addition, a musician, an aspiration that attracted the free spirited in everything. A free spirited person did not want to be shackled by their family's name, to be treated differently because people pay more attention to her last name instead of her first. Thus the gamble was prompted, Kamui would attempt to demonstrate his already inflated sense of security, his lack of intimidation at the Yuudeshi name and, hopefully, throw the girl who now tried to carry herself so much like a woman off just a bit. He moved toward the couch as she spoke and motioned to the spot on the couch next to her and then promptly sat right on her lap.

There was a significant height difference, Kamui held a solid three or four inches over Shatari, but nothing in Kamui's body language or voice made it seem like he was in any way uncomfortable or even aware of any potential discomfort on the part of Shatari. Instead, his attention was directed straight at the screen in front of them, rather oblivious to whatever plight she may be enduring. While this served the fun functionality of possibly making the girl uncomfortable, a state in which he found most people were the most open to suggestion, that was not the main purpose of it. Part of Kamui doubted this would even bother her, another part speculated she might even enjoy it for a time, the main draw was that he was demonstrating his own comfort. The Yuudeshi name was used to provoking fear or at the very least respect and awe, Kamui was displaying neither of those. Neither her position as his oversight nor her familial name seemed to have much impact on Kamui. In addition, displaying his back so very close to her, to the point of literally resting his back against her chest, showed that he did not really consider her a threat. That wasn't to say he was insulting her, but he was most definitely displaying that he was completely open and comfortable around her. Kamui reached forward and waved his arm, palm outstretched, in a radial arc. With the wave of his arm the monitor flickered to light. As a scene that was quite familiar to Kamui revealed itself as a video recording of their training session played up on to the monitor, Kamui, Ash, Hayden, and Toki all displayed in glory as the Kamui on the screen spoke.

"That's what we'll be finding out today. We are going to play a little game. You guys are still a little way off the whole killing thing, so we'll settle for hitting me. Whenever you guys manage to land a clean hit to the head or torso, you will pass and you might even receive your first mission. If you don't...well we'll be here for awhile."

"The exercise was to put together a team to challenge the upper echelon of threats to Earth that, to this day, persist. One of the core problems I've identified with the vanguard and the defense of Earth in general is that we have a tendency to just throw bodies at the bad guys, one at a time. We've also seen how successful that has been. This initiative is to put together three people who, ideally, function together as a singular unit. If throwing one strong body at a threat did not eliminate it, throwing three specifically trained to defeat them at the threat is a possible solution. We are not going to try to outfight them, we're going to out smart them. Oh, I suppose you can't quite see, huh?"

Kamui leaned forward gently and placed his hand on her thigh, gently pushing himself up from her lap and, demonstrating a sense of flexibility and fluidity that would make even the most boneless of contortionists jealous, Kamui lifted himself in to a one handed handstand as he twisted gently to the side and fell backward, landing on his back on the L-shaped couch as he let his head land softly on her lap where his rump was but a few moments prior. He turned his head in her lap back to the monitor before speaking again, actually answering the more pointed nature of her question.

"As for Hayden, the jury is still out on the man, though the only thing about him I would consider "stiff" would be his personality. He is, in and of himself, a creature in turmoil. The powers he's wielding are doing little to save him from that. I'd say I was concerned, but taking away that turmoil does lower his viability. All the same, you'll see the beating in a bit."

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Report?  I'll Give you your Stinkin Report![Shatari] Empty Re: Report? I'll Give you your Stinkin Report![Shatari]

Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:24 am

Artist: Mitsunori Ikeda - Song: Fallen Angel - Word Count: 1141

The first reaction that The Yuudeshi had towards the blood haired figure was that he was quite happy to see her. Sure, she couldn't quite entirely pierce together the entire reaction buzzing in his mind, but there was a definite sense of -- ecstatic-ness about his aura? Ha, if that was even a word. Digressing, maybe it was her mind playing tricks on her, yet there was an electric intuition for these sorts of things that the woman possessed. So, riding on that sense, Shatari had no doubt in her mind that perhaps this was going to be a blast.

And, in no time flat, these fiery hunches came to pass in the form of the male inching himself hellishly close to The Banshee. Mhm. All of them acted just like that around her. It honestly caused The Yuudeshi to give a playful laugh in return as she wasn't too disrespected by it. Rather, it was amusing to her to see these inclinations within her heart come to fruition. It seemed that ever sense she had gone through this growth-spurt, the men were literally throwing themselves at her. Twas a crazy thing, but she'd roll with it.

After all, she was a touchy-feely person herself with some of the Vanguard Operatives as it was. Flashing back to imagery of the way she violated Hayden's personal space, it was par for the course with how they treated one another.

"Comfy, pet~? ★"

Giggling with enjoyment, Shatari would then go on and pat his candy red head with her right palm. To her? It was more like having a cute and cuddly cat rustle up at your side and begin nuzzling you. While the advances made by the male were suppose to induce a sense of exorbitant security, it didn't off that way from The Banshee of Karakura. The reason being is because she never considered herself to throw around The Yuudeshi Name too heavily like most others within her clan.

Sure, she loved the physiological benefits that came with being a Yuudeshi. As, in fact, she had even lost herself for some time in the murky and addictive depths of The Yuudeshi Drive's lust for power. However, even as she rode the waves of that enslaving grip, there was still a better part of her that didn't care too much about the name itself. Many folks often assumed, prior to meeting Shatari, that she would be one of those spoiled trust-fund children or some sort ego-driven royal types that often come out of these types of families.

However, her parents wouldn't allow for such a thing. They provided a stable home and shelter, but more often than not she had to work to rise her own power and wealth. There were perks that helped accelerated the process when compared to regular humans, but it still needed to have that spark of effort and desire that pulsated within the youth's spirit.

So, it is through that sense of hard worth which tethered her down to earth and kept the girl level-headed. And, why ultimately, those actions were seen as friendly gestures as opposed to him attempting to spread his influence over her. As, in the mind of The Yuudeshi, this was nothing but fun and games. And, the thought of danger was so far gone away from her mind that she didn't care.

"Fun stuffs are behind that screen~ ♥"

With another soft laugh, she'd use this time to undo the braids of Kamui's hair while he was resting himself against her chest. It was a whimsical motion on her, but she pondered if he would even notice or care. More importantly, though, she was curious as to what he would look like without that silly ponytail. Hehehe.

As for the screen business? Shatari would sink into the chair, relax and form an energized hand which simmered with a indigo light. With a simple mental command, she motioned for it to slowly nudge his head to the right so that she may view the footage. In this way, she could continue un-doing his braid and get a popcorn movie show at the same time. The best of both worlds~

"Now I can see~ ♥"

So, as the Saturday night flick played, Shatari nodded her head at the director commentary and affirmed what he was saying as true. From what she observed, The Vanguard always had a knack for just hurling bodies of men marching to their death without rhyme or reason. Which -- was problematic when the enemy had a more conjoined and powerful effort than they themselves. Sure, they were the forces of evil in the world, but most of their men seemed to understand how to function as a unit more often than not. Something the Vanguard appeared to have lack.

"Yes, yes, yes. I totally agree~! During my humble little incursions for the Vanguard, I've seen this pattern myself and tried to adjust it as best as I could in my missions. Hopefully, those scamps can learn better teamwork to deal with the enemy."

When finished tampering with his hair, The Yuudeshi would then observe the one-man handstand this guy performed for her. It was like watching a circus act and she couldn't help but clap given the personal viewing she was given. It seemed as if there was no bone at all in this guy! So, when he placed his head back on her lap following the dynamic display of flexibility, Shatari would give him a congratulatory pat on the head and giggle once more.

Though, her face would turn into one of more concern when his comments started to pour out about Hayden. There was no doubt that the boy was about as rigid as a piece of metal. However, she was more concerned about the instability of his powers. From what she was able to gauge from their mission to purge Karakura Forest, it was apparent enough that the male had little control over them. And, if he continued to always rely on them to win, they would undoubtedly destroy him due to their drawbacks. He simply wasn't at the point where he could properly harness those powers. His body would've long since been deceased if she hadn't taken preemptive action during their last meeting to begin with.

So, she would rely and give a firm nod of the head:

"He needs serious work. So let's see the rest of the footage, Kamui~ ★"

With another pat, pat; she would leave him to lead the way and show her the rest of the report. But, not before this little question:

"Oh, and are you comfy down there? =w="

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