Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Why me? This kid talks too much. Left_bar_bleue68500/1000000Why me? This kid talks too much. Empty_bar_bleue  (68500/1000000)

Why me? This kid talks too much. Empty Why me? This kid talks too much.

Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:32 am

Artist: Isaac Shepard - Song: Leaves in the Wind - Word Count: CBA

James wandered about in the Karakura Central mall, Carine at his side, as he had taken to doing with her as of recent. It wasn't as though he honestly liked this place.. as a simple look around at the currently sparse amount of people was enough to fill him with disgust, no, it was that Carine insisted that he take her at least once a week. James sighed. If this is what normal people do, I want no part in it. James thought to himself, fixing one of the buttons on his white suit. Although he could not deny that the peaceful nature of the mall was invigorating. Although James despised humans deeply, seeing so many around him with smiles on their faces was almost enough to fill James with a sense of pride. At least he was doing his job right. "Where do you wanna go today, Carine?" James said aloud, a drop of sweat gliding down the back of his neck. I'm pretty sure she's seen every one of these stores... At least twice. But hopefully she won't say-- James' thought was interrupted by the sound of Carine's voice. "I wanna go to that one store again!" She said, her face lighting up as James' slowly fell into despair. This would be a long trip. James donned his best fake smile, and took her by the arm, walking her slowly to the store. "Y'know, once we get there, I'm gonna just be wandering the area. Call me on comms if you need anything. I'll buy us some noodles later." James said, looking Carine in the eyes with a face that begged her to let him free. She smiled. "Okay! Just don't meet any cute girls I'll have to kill~" She said, still smiling. James was genuinely afraid of that side of her... Especially because he knew she was very serious. "Why would I ever do that to you?" James responded in a teasing manner, to which Carine kissed the side of his neck, almost as though reminding him of certain... times. "Better noooot~" In truth, James had no interest in letting something like that happen. In fact, James had no interest in people in general, unless they showed potential.

Letting go of Carine's arm, she kissed his cheek as he turned to walk away. That woman, I swear... James thought to himself as he walked further, finally clearing the mall as he opened a doorway. To his surprise, he turned to face the door a little bit too late, and depending on her reaction speed, he would surely hit her with it, causing her to tumble to the ground.

If this was the case, James would immediately don his apologetic face, and attempt to help her up. Regardless of what happened, he would still say "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there, I was facing the other way!" Looking the girl over with his contacts, he could see she was a Shinigami. A Shinigami at a mall? What purpose is there..? James pondered for a moment, checking her power level as he did so. She was roughly Carine's level in strength... Would she be a threat? James decided to keep an eye on her. "Hey, let me make it up to you. I'll buy you whatever you want from the entire mall. Will you forgive me then? But honestly, I've never seen a Shinigami at a mall... are there hollows nearby or something?" James asked, sounding as though he were honestly scared. In truth, he wanted to know why she was here, he knew full well there were no hollows in the area. He was merely interested in whether this Shinigami would lie to him. And if she did, further investigation would be required. For the moment, he would have to remain non-lethal until she proves herself to be a threat, but most Shinigami were with the Gotei. There were very few defectors. For this reason only He gave the benefit of the doubt.

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Why me? This kid talks too much. Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc
Sasuke Ryotai
Sasuke Ryotai
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Why me? This kid talks too much. Left_bar_bleue0/0Why me? This kid talks too much. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Why me? This kid talks too much. Empty Re: Why me? This kid talks too much.

Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:46 pm
Why me? This kid talks too much. B1dde05e

Why me? This kid talks too much. PkbeDJB

Why me? This kid talks too much. E97f5dd8

Sayuri was on vacation, dammit. And by vacation, she was incommunicado, one hundred twenty percent, from the Soul Society aside from emergencies or Hollow attacks. For once, she'd managed to catch a quiet day, and head to the Living World, stuffing herself into a Gigai to enjoy a day among the living once more.

Why she'd chosen a mall? Well, impulse, really, if someone were to ask her and she were to be completely honest. She didn't expect anything to happen, and yet at the same time she did. It was Karakura Town, after all, and the odds of a single day going by without something going funny were astronomically small.

Of course, like always, she had her head in the clouds, so she walked face first into the suddenly opening door, bouncing back and landing on her butt with a yelp, and a rather comically surprised and annoyed expression on her face. She accepted the hand up, however, with a musical giggle. "No, no," she said in response to his offer. "You don't need to buy me anything, it was my own fault, I'm the one that..."

She trailed off when he called her a Shinigami, and she stared at him, before she darted her eyes around, checking for others, and they narrowed as they locked on him, and she drew a deep breath. That power level was nearly on par with a Lieutenant. Which likely meant there was no point denying it. "Vacation," she said simply, with a shrug. "Slow day and all, thought I'd take a break and some time to myself."

Why me? This kid talks too much. Ed1c3785

tag James
word count 274
notes Why do most of my characters always meet someone by that person knocking them over?
lyrics Demons by Imagine Dragons
credit Rae of Sunshine! of Caution 2.0 made this temp!
Joined : 2012-11-11
Posts : 392
Age : 27
Location : 'Murica.

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Why me? This kid talks too much. Left_bar_bleue68500/1000000Why me? This kid talks too much. Empty_bar_bleue  (68500/1000000)

Why me? This kid talks too much. Empty Re: Why me? This kid talks too much.

Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:59 am

Artist: Hanstone - Song: Eternal (Mabinogi Login Theme, 10th anniversary ver.) - Word Count: 766

"Vacation? My goodness are all the Shinigami this lazy?" James said, motioning for her to follow. "And don't sweat it, I've got entirely too much money laying around..." Sadly, this was the truth. James received several grants for research, as well as his own paycheck from the Vanguard which, though constant, was more than he could ever hope to spend what with the low cost of living in Mongolia. As much as it pained him to turn around and continue to talk with this Shinigami, James felt as though he had to. Something about this one in particular seemed... different. James would slowly begin showing his true colors. "At any rate, you're relatively weak anyway, I can't see why they wouldn't give you some time off if they thought you wouldn't be of any help at all." James joked, laughing to himself as he flared his spiritual pressure in her direction to flaunt his power.

Scanning her again, he could see that she didn't possess the more technological implants that average Shinigami of the age possessed. She was also showing trace amounts of Hollow... Curious. "But of course, if you spent as much time training as you do bumping into strangers in malls, I'm sure you might get somewhere. Especially without any Phantom Tech..." A Shinigami without phantom tech was like an average human without a cell phone. It was a rare occurrence. Although, to her credit, this was probably one of the more definitive differences between her and others he had encountered. While others had to gain their power through arduous struggle, James had to use his brain to beat the defects he was born with. To see someone object to technological aid irritated him on a spiritual level. For the moment, he bore with it. "Speaking of which... Why don't you have any? It's a bit weird to see someone like you in today's day and age... Name's James by the way." He snuck in at the end, remembering that introductions were necessary. Speaking so naturally was disheartening, as he had only ever done it truthfully while around Azure Iramasha, the leader of the Vanguard. In this case, he was only partially able to speak his mind, as this Shinigami may yet be an assassin of some sort. James was in no mood to critically think today. She was too weak to worry, and if anyone stronger showed up, James could handle them quickly. In the long run, it would probably be better if they stayed on the side of the mall they were currently on, to save both this stranger and himself from the wrath of Carine.

Veering to the left, as though to coerce her to follow him into the food court, James sat at one of the stools farthest from the many stalls of food that were set up. Then, gesturing for the girl to come sit with him, he began looking over the nearby restaurants. "Are you hungry at all? Lunch is on me..." Of course, if this ex-human garbage were to take advantage of his kindness, he might just wait a moment or two before stepping between Carine and her mangled corpse later on. Or, he might just kill her himself.

Regardless of her answer, he would still insist that they get some food in their bellies. It would give them the strength to fight Carine later, because James was absolutely certain that if she even smelled this woman (which she very much was capable of, even now) with James it would be game over. Luckily, however, the perfumes and other strong scents have probably hidden their scent-- or at least masked it. Despite having extensively studied Shinigami, James still couldn't help but be curious of what Gigai smelled like. Of course, he had no intention of smelling this... person. Walking to a nearby stand selling burgers and other American-style foods, James ordered a plain hamburger, and gestured to the girl to pick whatever she wanted. Of course, before she could respond, James gave her enough money to buy a small fort's worth of food, and allowed her the choice of restaurant. Then, moving back to his seat, he connected to the Yuudeshi network using his wristpad, and overlayed the security cameras in the mall to his contacts, making sure to keep the largest one in view being the one with Carine's biological signal on it, effectively keeping an eye on her at all times.

If ever there was a time I would thank Shadin, it would be right now. That man's saved my life more than once. James thought to himself, patiently awaiting the red haired woman's return.

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Why me? This kid talks too much. Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc
Sasuke Ryotai
Sasuke Ryotai
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Joined : 2013-05-13
Posts : 44

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Why me? This kid talks too much. Left_bar_bleue0/0Why me? This kid talks too much. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Why me? This kid talks too much. Empty Re: Why me? This kid talks too much.

Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:19 pm
Why me? This kid talks too much. B1dde05e

Why me? This kid talks too much. PkbeDJB

Why me? This kid talks too much. E97f5dd8

She frowned, and followed along behind him. One hand reached into the pocket of the jacket her gigai wore, clutching the medallion she'd been given on an extended stay here years back. That power level had staggered her, but she wasn't about to let it show, especially not since she'd deliberately asked for an older looking gigai. To anyone watching, this James as he called himself was walking with a 30-something woman with streaks of silver beginning to show at the edges of rose red hair. "Sayuri. Nice to meet you, James." I think.

She sighed, and shook her head. "I'm not lazy, by any stretch of the imagination. You are right, compared to some of the higher ranking Shinigami, I am a bit... underpowered. But I've more than enough oomph to deal with a Hollow or four on my own," she said, darting her eyes to the side with a meaningful gleam. "And no, there aren't any nearby. Even we need a break from time to time, especially with training constantly to advance our power."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head again. "As for Phantom Tech... I don't need it. I can get stronger just fine without the assistance of something I know next to nothing about. I don't trust it, and I have a hard time trusting anyone who uses it. Who's to say that the original designer didn't intend it to be a means by which they could control anyone who had it installed, hmm?" She shook her head at the offer of food. "No, thank you. I ate when I arrived. But the offer is appreciated. Now..." She grimaced when he shoved the money into her hand, and stared down at it for a moment, before handing back all but a small amount. "I'll get something, since you insist, but I'm not getting a lot. Give me a moment."

She moved over to a stall selling confectionery, and purchased a custard taiyaki, before weaving her way back through the other shoppers to the table he'd selected, settling down in a chair opposite him after hanging her jacket off the back of it. "So. How do you know what I am, hmm? What are you, Quincy, Chi user, something else we're not aware of?" she asked in a low conversational tone. "I can't identify your Reiatsu, much as that shames me, though I can certainly sense it."

Why me? This kid talks too much. Ed1c3785

tag james
word count 399
notes forgot to actually fully describe the gigai she uses, so yeah, there's a tidbit or three in here. XD
lyrics Demons by Imagine Dragons
credit Rae of Sunshine! of Caution 2.0 made this temp!
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