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Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] Empty Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission]

Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:08 am


10/1/2415, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

This thread will be taking place towards seven PM in the evening. It is positioned in the city of Dubai. The Iramashsa Military are coming in from the sea and started to destroy Monsuta operatives, soldiers and bases. Therefore, the objective is to purge the nation of them and reclaim it. While, on the other hand, try to limit the amount of civilian casualties and damage.

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Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] WVMWLOu
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Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:38 pm


Artist: Satan Theme - Song: Puyo Puyo - Word Count: 650

A people were in danger, an enslavement was in process and it was up to the heroine of the ice to save the day!

At least -- that is the narrative Cirno Iramasha played in her mind as the Iramasha Clan started to storm the city of Dubai. Today was the day that their surprise attack on the Monsuta would be unleashed! And, with it, came her determination to be one of the driving forces in making sure this effort was successful.

If The Monsuta were allowed to reach their potential, there was no telling when more foul acts of cruelty could arise from this organization. Given how lethal their invasion of this land was, it served as no doubt to their intel that they were going to expand their operations and begin invading other lands.

So, to prevent that, and free these people from their rule, The Iramashsa were tasked with purging them and helping to finish what Australia began so many years ago. And while there was lingering fear in her heart of repeating that incident, it would not cripple and paralyze like it did in years past.

War was apart of life, and to be a heroine was to face that war and fight it until the bitter end. Only then can she say she had the resolve to face her fears and conquer them no matter how badly they yearned to stop her efforts. Thus, with her inner courage would she march forth like a burning comet towards the scene of incursion.

"Stay strong and stay bright, men! I, Cirno Iramashsa, will lead us into battle and give it everything I got to protect you! LET'S DO THIS!"

Yeah. There were a million different cooler things that ran inside the mind of Cirno that she wanted to say. But, at the end of the day, it was more important to talk with action than to bother with words.

So, as the thousands of Iramasha soldiers stayed in contact with their plan through their hive network of minds, The Angel of The Ice lead the way with quite the destructive entrance. By moving her right hand outwards towards the dome, Cirno summoned a dangerous volume of chaos energy. This took shape in the form of a silver and blue burst of power that devoured the girl's entire right hand.


In one affirmative shout, this chaos blast was then released in the form of frozen dragons head. With a mighty roar, this creature of angelic power thrust forth and sought to obliterate the dome entirely. Possessing enough energy to outright destroy a city on par with Old Karakura Town (not Karakura Central), this child was going to go with power first and then implement the more complex task of invading the city next.

As, before they could carry out their true means of action, they had to get through the dome first. So, with the impact from this attack, she sought to direct its explosive power across the whole of the shield. Sending it to the center, bottom and all sides; Cirno wanted to share the conclusion and destructive force of the explosion in order to make it crush their defenses and make an opening for them to proceed with their invasion.

Of course there were going to be a crowd of Monsuta Soldiers awaiting them, but she wasn't scared of that in the slightest. If they could just clutch this, those men could be dealt with by those in the Iramasha's own faction. So, while reinforcements began to come, The Angel of The Ice was covered by them and they began clashing none too later after that. The results of her attack may be unknown, but she knew it was going to leave its mark.

It had to.

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Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] WVMWLOu
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] Empty Re: Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission]

Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:50 am

Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Escalon - Word Count: N/A

It had been some time since Hiroge had any sort of adventure in his life. He was rather rusty and had not been in a fight since Soul Society was invaded by Khala and her allies. He had lost all that was worth anything to him that day, his pride and dignity were left on that field. Yet, after such a long time he had met a man that was able to rejuvenate him and bring him out of the God awful slump he once resided in. Thought of despair and self-hate riddled his mind, but soon after the counseling of Tora Lionus he was able to bring himself back up once more and fight for a cause.

While he knew not much of the intentions of the Monsuta due to new leadership he was perfectly fine with whatever those intentions were to be in the future. He was completely confident in fighting along side Stefan, a good man he saw him to be. Though, he was not entirely caring about the Monsuta and their efforts, his goals still remained what they were long ago: the genocide of the Shinigami.

With that he would need to hold the land of the Monsuta, these were key points in his own and the Monsuta's well-being. Without the land of Dubai they could very well lose a large portion of their wealth and a large portion of their troops. Not only this, but their name to protect the people of this land would also be in ruin. With that, he volunteered to take lead in the efforts to defend the land against the Iramasha troops. He thought it to be a cakewalk, but he surely knew that such a thought was puerile.

Troops scattered throughout the streets as the location of their enemies became known by scouts that held the rooftops of the many skyscrapers that resided within the city. They shouted trying to relay the message to all around, however Hiroge could have told them all along. He had read into this, he knew of their leader and how she would first attack and he was content with it.

One man came to notice the large-scale attack that was to breach the defensive shield of the city. "They're breaching the shield! Prevent them from--" He shouted, but the man would quickly be cut off by a sword held against his throat. The man turning his head shook with fear of his life, sweat slowly beading down his visage. S turned too look and smiled, placing his pointer finger to his lips.

"Shhhh, not to worry. We will let them come to us." His smile was smudged away my his arm wiping the sweat from above his lip. He took a step forward before flash stepping to the front of the group. Holding his hand up and placing his Zanpakutō on his shoulder, tapping it rhythmically. The men running to the attack slowly came to a halt, but stood ready for battle. They all rallied with confusion of their leader's call. He would repeat himself to those around him, though they would remain baffled by his decision. He watched as the ice dragon tore through the shield at its strong points.

A loud sigh released from S's lips. "I do grow tired of waiting, I believe we should help them." He stated, once again the vizard that stood nearby were flabbergasted by his statement. With that being said, he would don his Hollow mask, bringing up his unoccupied hand releasing a cero. Slowly, he would ascend to the air, his Zanpakutō never leaving his shoulder. He would follow the attack, increasing the damage to the shield to expedite the process of their invasion.

With little to no time, the shield would be nothing but a memory and Hiroge would lay in wait for his enemies to invade the city. His mask would flutter from his face and he would remain residing in the air, awaiting their noble leader. He was sure she would think him to be a fool.

Who wouldn't?

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] Sbb1I7e
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Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] Empty Re: Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission]

Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:50 pm


Artist: POINT4 - Song: Rigid Paradise - Word Count: 556

What -- was that flash a light? A Cero? No. That didn't make any sense.

There was an unknown source of power which seemed to help in the act of breaking that barrier and crushing it to a fine oblivion. While it was great they managed to get through, it unnerved The Iramashsa Guardian because the aura which radiated from that energy burst was hollowified in nature. And, given this was an Iramasha Incursion, she could only deduce that it was the enemy.

So, after fixating her sights closer inward towards the city, Cirno would infact find a powerful cluster of spiritual energy awaiting them. Adjusting her sight to get a better glimpse of the male, her suspicions were confirmed when she noticed the individual dawning a hollow mask.

No doubt about it -- this was one of their bosses.

Therefore, with that much confirmed, she needed to proceed with caution. As something in her gut was telling the frozen fairy that this whole set-up wasn't right.

What kind of nutjob lets their enemy invade their land? One that is either completely stupid and too assured in their power -- or one that is absurdly strong and capable of handling such threats on their own. Shaking the dice and taking a chance, Cirno truly hoped it was the former.

"LET'S DO IT! Everyone remembers the plan right? CHARGE!"

With an enthusiastic shout, the Iramasha Military rushed forth into the city and began doing their damndest to target the bases remaining in the city. Many started clashing with Monsuta forces in the streets and attempting to obliterate most of their facilities. While, on the other hand, other Iramasha Medical forces and defensive men would evacuate the citizens and protect them from the combat.

Meanwhile, Cirno herself surged into the skies with a high speed burst of flight and arrived within seconds before S.Hiroge.

"So, I take it you are the big baddie, right?"

With a single raise of the index finger, Cirno pointed towards S.Hiroge and tried to get a fixation on the male.

"If so, why are you doing this? Why not just stop and let us help these people? I'd rather not fight you, as angels are suppose to help spirits and people, but if you resist...I'll be forced to stop you."

There was a mixture of concern, firmness and child-like optimism heard in the voice of the naive fairy. Sure, they may have bum-rushed the city, but she still wanted to try and give this guy a chance. It was in her creed of justice not to assault those whom wish not to fight. And, from the way he was acting, maybe The Angel was simply hoping he was another one of these psycho individuals too far gone to care about a place like this.

But, if he wasn't, she knew she had to fight to ensure a better day for this people. Given the report she received, there was no way the Monsuta could be allowed to control these lands anymore.

Thus, with her mind made up, this single question would be given to help conclude things:

"Are you going to fight....or help? You don't have to do this."

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Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] WVMWLOu
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:41 am

Artist: Bleach OST - Song: Escalon - Word Count: N/A

The invasion had begun, the Iramasha and the Monsuta marked the streets with one another's blood. Staining the rugged floor, these marks would be testimony to the victor of this battle. Though where the real turmoil and fight was held was high in the skies above. Though nothing had came to violence as of yet.

The young ice fairy asked Hiroge to give up his efforts. Which led him to bring his hand to his chin and actually think about that. It was tempting, after all. As he didn't really want to be doing anything, but he knew he had to. It would be for better in his grand scheme of things.

"What a pain... Having to deal with this whole mess. I don't get why the lot of you are even here. What makes you think these people need help? Did they call out to you? Who should I give credit to when I take the life an Iramasha Guardian? That is what they call you is it not?"

His arms swayed from under his chin and gestured with his words. Though didn't think to much in to his words, because he definitely wasn't about to wait for an answer to such a simple question.


He sucked his teeth and released his Zanpakutō from his shoulder with a simple flick of his wrist before pouncing off the small spiritual platform beneath his left foot. With his left hand alone he would take aim for the Fairy's abdomen, commencing the fight. If this strike were to hit, it would likely not be fatal, but it would obviously hurt and cut the skin of the small girl. His point in all of this was to test how she moved or how she took pain.

Once that strike was concluded he would flip the sword in his hand giving him a reverse grip and come back once more to double the strike. The quick movements weren't likely to be caught, but if they were he would prepare himself for a counter measure with his blade and parry what she to come at him, if possible.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] Sbb1I7e
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Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] Empty Re: Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission]

Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:14 pm


Artist: Magnum Opus - Song: Vanishing Dream - Word Count: 879

All it took was a simple glance in order to see that there was a second thought given to what the Iramasha had to say. Therefore, from that helm of consciousness did Cirno believe that there was something in the male that could otherwise have him persuaded from pursuing such a thing. And, if she was able convince him to cease fighting, perhaps this didn't have to become a blood bath. Ideally, the intention was to avoid that outcome.

"It's simple, Mr! We are here because the Monsuta are a dangerous organization who want to dominate, destroy and ruin lives. So I came here to prevent them from gaining a stronger foothold and to help those who were under your tyranny!"

Sounding assured and confident in her tone voice, the stern and focused eyes of the Iramashsa seemed to ring true. By all means, the records indicated that they did not such improvements to the lives of the innocent, killed anyone who got in their way and was classified to the world a "Terrorist organization". So, the only natural thing a do-gooder would do is put an end to their actions, would they not? That's the logic Cirno followed and she would pursue to the ends of the earth.

None the less, it seemed that her foe was all but certain of her demise. Ah. It was typical of these villains to say such a thing, wasn't it? Time after time, they made their claims of butchering the heroine and destroying all that she loves. Yet, no matter what they say, those words and actions never reach her and that reality is shattered. For, as long as her heart remained strong, she'd do all that she could to keep her spirit on this plane of existence.

Therefore, as this foe called out for her name, The Iramasha would let out a relaxed laugh and then return him with a huge grin that showed she had no intentions of stepping down now.

"Cirno Iramasha: Champion of Justice and Heroine of the Iramasha. I've got a lot of titles now, but none of them matter right now."

Paying keen attention to the movements of the male caused The Angel of The Ice to then become on guard. The reason being is because her battle instincts began to become attuned to the fact his spiritual energy was raising, and he was certainly preparing for some form of attack. So, as he released his Zanpukto, Cirno to summoned her Sword of Sakurai in order to match his strike blow for blow.



"All that matters is you answering my question: why not stop this? You know what the Monsuta is doing wrong, so why do you fight for them?"

Even as the vibrations of his blow rung throughout her body with a dull ache of pain, the face of The Iramasha would still remain attentive to the gaze of The Monsuta Commander's raven eyes. To her, there had to be some rhyme or reason to this. And, if she could figure that out, they could come to an understand and end this incident.

With her foe thrusting forward with faster movements, Cirno needed to stay on edge and keep herself from sustaining too heavy of an injury. Therefore, the heroine's chaos energy would create a small platform of white light beneath her feet. This would extend to the backside of Hiroge and was meant to be used i n order to create a road of hyper speed meant to out maneuver him.

Since, as The Guardian Iramasha rode it, her speed would be doubled and she'd move in from behind in order to slash this enemy from behind. In doing so, she intended to lower his health and begin inducing a hard freeze from behind As this cut was sharp, fast and filled with frigid intent to become so cold that it would lock the males right AC Joint in place in order to make him drop his weapon.

Then, form there, she'd attempt to kick him downward towards the ground with enough force in order to flatten a few city blocks. In turn, this would induce heavy damage to his body in the form of pressurized injuries. Broken bones, ruptured hearing and many sorts of cuts and bruises could be induced if he were to hit the pavement with that awful thud.

Yet, even through all this, her intent was not to kill him as she understood this opponent to be strong. And, if he was as strong as her, The Iramasha didn't expect him to be so pitiful that he'd die from a few beginning strikes such as those. Thus, she'd call out to him and utter these words:

"Tell me, what is your name, Mr?"

If she was going to fight someone in a brutal setting such as this, she'd at least like to know whom she was dealing with. It was only proper, right? So, as the tides of conflict sparked, The Iramasha would await a response; for better -- or worse.

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Iramasha Knock-Down: Taking Back Dubai [Iramasha/Monsuta Mission] WVMWLOu
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