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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:16 pm
The situation was not getting any better. What started as a chaotic meeting turned into a calamity struggle quickly. Zeus looked at carter with innocent eyes as he stared down zeus and the arrancar. Carter was trying to prevent more casualties. Zeus can sympathise with that. Protecting and helping was what zeus always sought out to do. But the city was already in ruins. Are these people really capable of causing even more destruction? Zeus didn't know the full power of these people and he wasn't trying to fund out.

The arrancar didn't want to listen to reasoning however. As he had started attacking. Zeus watched the arrancar swords cover in a certain and launch themselves towards hayden. So much for talking this out. It was time for action. Zeus had to try and calm everyone down. Now wasn't the time or the place for a fight. There was people dying around them. And the kid(julius) shouldn't be fighting in the first place. Zeus hopped up and sprung into action.

He went into his sacred release. A gold aura overflowed around him. And he eyes shone with a crimson red color. And a red streak flowed down his hair. As the cero covered swords flew towards hayden Zeus dashed towards them while still bound by the haydens kudo spell. Zeus used his legs to kick some of the swords into another direction. Although he wasn't fast enough to hit all of them. More still flew towards hayden.

Next thing you know the kid had flew above everyone and released some ropes. The ropes were heading towards carter this time. With all his strength zeus ran to intercept the ropes. While running Zeus screamed out.

"Hey kid, stop this now!"

He leaped out to try and let's the ropes engulf him. Maybe aye carter and hayden would realise zeus is on their side by this action. The seemed to know what they were doing. "You guys need to calm down this kid down!" Zeus says.

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Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:40 pm

Artist: Two Steps From Hell - Song: Unforgiven - Word Count:1176

The world was a very mean and nasty place, it would eat you up and spit you on the dirt a bloodied mess if you weren’t careful. Hayden had experienced both side of the coins something that had granted him a bit of enlightenment- some people would believe at the end of the day no matter what you did in life it would all equal to zero. But, our friend Hayden believed everything he did had some type of purpose- fuck fate he believed that you where the crafter of your own fate and destiny. Each choice you made would allow you to make another and so on till you met your inevitable death which sometime was just a matter of bad luck or extremely bad choices. Now before we go on a tangent Hayden mind was currently processing the amount of fucked up this kid just decided to do; Hayden for once could say he didn’t start this fight- but he would surely make the kid understand the amount of shit he had just caused for Hayden.

Hayden let out a soft sigh as the his eyes processed the unfolding of events, it was quite an easy feat to see the movements of the swords and even with the speed, his mastery over his own speed and focus allowed him to react accordingly by simply placing his hand on his sword hilt on his back and remove it with speed that seemed to simply blur. Once his sword was removed his unrestrained strength showed it’s self as he released a portion of it to send a simply slash at the blades. The movement through the air seemed rather simply but a broken building next to Hayden formed a horizontal slash on it before it started sliding down deeper into the debris. This was a level of strength that was capable of breaking mountains with his fist, but it was only augmented by his mastery over the sway of his own sword combined with his mastery over focus and speed. Hayden in the time he was inactive had learned a few new tricks and began perfecting his fighting style allowing him to gain a newfound strength. With a simple swing of his sword his unrestrained strength allowed a massive kinetic and reiatsu burst to meet the 72 swords. A large majority of them would be stopped from the pure kinetic force of strength capable of topping mountains with the rest slowing down just a bit- his legs began to move processing their movements as he was able to dance around them only receiving minor cuts in the process which his death matter was already attempting to heal.

In the air death matter was being pumped out from his body very subtly allowing him to gain the upper hand in this entire battle in the future, the presence of death would become thicker ever so slowly but for now it just seem to concentrate around Hayden. The man had seemed to throw some type of item on the death matter which acted as a bomb exploding violently enough to cause a hole to form but it was soon patched up within seconds from the death matter in the area. The shell was taking a proactive approach hardening and strengthening it’s cast by using death matter to bring the debris to cover it acting as a second layer without using much energy. But this was happening while Hayden was acting upon his second action which would prove a bit more dramatic.

As Julius used his Sonido, Hayden was able to track his movements and use his shunpo which was augmented by his general speed he was able to cut Julius off appearing in front of him. This was a rather quick series of actions his mind was in focus mode processing the world much faster than Julius by utilizing his body and mind in conjuction after battling at such high speeds the past few months. Before he could lift up his arms to begin to fire his robes Hayden arm would outstretch quickly grabbing the boy with the strength just under to break his neck but severely restrict his breathing if he was under master durability. Hayden eye’s began to glow a ominous black color within grabbing him as he quite literally jerked the boy head down to his knee smashing into his teeth with the strength able to topple builds and would keep doing so three more times. As he grabbed his neck a shield of Death Matter would form around the boy’s torso to keep his body cocoon saved for his neck preventing him from moving- the strength of the death matter requiring master strength to break, should he not be able to break it he would toss the boy in the air- breaking into mach 1 in the process.

Hayden actions where performed within fractions of a second as his mind operated at the level of a master in focus, speed, strength, and his Zanjutsu speed. He wasn’t allowing his child to injure anyone else in the meantime- if he had somehow managed to dodge Hayden series of attacks he would snap compress the death matter in the air around the child which by now he would detect and cause a series of explosions to throw him around with the force of a Cero Oscura in combined force. But if all his attacks landed or he was able to throw him into the air the death matter cocoon around his body would begin to compress before warping vibrating violently as he soared through the air at speed that would put strain on his body- finally it would explode with force equal to a cero Oscura at point blank around the boy body.

Despite if he could dodge all of this Hayden would shunpo to the body using his general speed mastery to augment his Shunpo and appear around the boy moving in a erratic pattern using his sword to begin to make a series of small cuts on the boy- something similar to being in a shredder but the cuts where aimed for small area such as joints and ligaments to stop him from combating Hayden. Despite Julius near mastery in a lot of regards Hayden held a master over all the skills he used most in battle, even with his Master Sonido Hayden was able to move at the same speed if not faster by augmenting his Shunpo using his general speed. This series of attacks where aimed to disable the boy but it was also a warning to him: If he chose to fight Hayden would kill him.

The death matter in the area by now would be heavy- now that Hayden body was in focus it allowed the area to become heavy with the presence of Death. Unless they had a way to such it out the air it would spread out from Hayden but remain close to Hayden as a sort of second layer of defense.

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Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:49 pm
The fox showed it's true nature, acting innocent to strike when the moment was right, guess the fool couldn't fight his inner demons. Carter felt no pity for him because he was forced to act, the seventy six blades had turned into ceros and were coming at all angles. He could stop a few from getting Hayden but had to focus more on Zeus who was left wide open for any attack.

This fox might not have been a demon but he was pure evil, and an evil that demanded purity of heart and soul to defeat it. Carter closed his eyes for a moment and felt his inner light enlarge and glow from the inner depths of hi soul until his entire form was basked in a glowing light, his robes of light swirling like a cloud and moving to his shoulders, dividing in two and resting on each shoulder before enlarging and changing shape, solidifying into two over sized white feathered wings, each fourteen feet in length, his chest becoming more broad, arms thickening, the unsure look in his eyes vanishing as white locks cascaded down his face, his hair a long white mane. His spirit pressure flooding like a holy flame before vanishing completely, leaving it next to impossible to track him based off of his spirit pressure.

Just like that he vanished, leaving an after image from his location before appearing in front of Zeus and to the far side of Hayden. His right hand flicked the bell on the pummel of his Zanpakutō a burst of energy ringing forward from the bell like a blast of concussive energy that knocked some of the on coming projectiles into one another, the majority of the cero blades were centered around himself and Zeus, only a few toward Hayden. After the first few collided and imploded the rest hammered through the blast and Carter felt a burst of energy beside his being. Once more he vanished, the after image of his being having a wicked grin on his face before he reappeared high up in the air, above the fox boy watching him throw a paper at the death matter and causing a blue flame to issue forth before the death matter rapidly over came it and used the debris to fortify its own defense, acting like a living being capable of thought.

This made Carter raise an eye brow but only for a moment as ropes came at him at blinding speeds. The boy had managed to get in the light of the sun and make it hard for Carter to focus his eyes but that was alright. He had his own tricks, the sun was pure, the sun was holy, the sun was his friend.

He mouthed the words, 'Lux Gradus' before vanishing completely not even leaving an after image this time or any trace of his spirit pressure. This was a unique ability of the seven holy angels, an ability that allowed him to move far past what his normal limits were in his angel form, being that Carter was advanced in the speed realm this angelic boost would bring him up to a master speedster. Their speeds amplified to a huge degree when in sunlight in their angel forms.

In his eyes everything was moving at a slugs pace, his own right hand grabbing Zeus by the collar of his shirt before his feet finally stopped moving. He appeared behind Hayden with a smirk on his face, his blue eyes lit up like a flame. His right hand opened up and dropped Zeus before he he placed it on Zeus's right shoulder blade and a black ink like image appeared in the shape of a wing with three feathers. Once done he would slap Hayden on his left shoulder blade and the same image would appear over his armor with three feathers as well.

"Try and not get hit, this will stop some damage to you two but won't be good for me in the end." he warned, wanting them to know what the tattoo like image was doing for them. Once that was done his eyes came back to the fox hovering in the light of the sun, more ropes were coming in quickly this time his eyes focused on them and he saw in his mind's eye a leech that fed of spirit energy.

"Don't let those touch you." He warned stoically before pointing his open right hand at the location where the fox child was going to land at by the hammer, "From the skys above, cleansing light that envelops all in its embrace. Give final release in your strike. Be swift as the headmans axe!" He roared. " Kido number fifty eight!"

A circle like a seal opening appeared in the sky and lightning issued forth coming down upon where the fox boy was when he was attempting to collect the Hammer. The pillar of lightning being over twenty five feet long and making the ground quaver and the ears of the other three pop from the explosion.

Once the deterrent came down to leave the fox from taking the hammer or suffering a heavy hit he looked once again at his two allies. His eyes closed while a white light bathed the two, their spiritual defenses rising with the light that bathed over them. The light would coat over the others like an armor and they would find they could with stand more damage when the time for the fight comes, their durability rising an entire tier.

"Hayden I will give you and Zeus time to get that hammer out of here while I keep this guy busy. This isn't an act of bravado but of logic, too many people are injured and a large scale fight would kill them and hurt countless more. I can buy you time to get that cleared of here so the Vanguard can take it while keeping this kid contained." He stated.

"The priority is keeping losses low, that's our first job and I know you can get this hammer further away and protect it better than I could, Zeus will flank you and act as the next in line to hold this guy off should I fail."

|Death is but the first step in life|

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Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:21 pm


As there has been some time since the last post, I'll be giving out warning in some Advocate threads to the next person in line. If no post is made by the end of Saturday, then the party next in line can be skipped. It can be debated by the others in the thread whether they are moved to a later point in the order, are subdued, or evacuated.

Nix Shraik
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Titan's Fall (Dawn Of Madness Mini-Event Series) - Page 2 Empty Re: Titan's Fall (Dawn Of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:10 am
-Reserves a post! Will be up in next 48 hours! Sorry for wait-

Titan's Fall (Dawn Of Madness Mini-Event Series) - Page 2 RDLUVBj
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Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:18 pm

The Knight Of Forging


|Author: Beautiful Chinese Music|Song: Reminiscence of the Red Lotus|Word Count: 706|

No one would expect what would happen next. Julius, from the moment he became a Hollow and then, later on, when becoming an Arrancar as well, as a loyal servant to the Danava of Creation, he had always relied on his instincts, speed and reflexes. They were those three things which allowed the kid-arrancar to outmatch enemy. In Juliuses short life there had never been one in a fight who could outspeed the boy. So it took him by surprise. More like, it shocked him frozen, seeing someone actually dodging all the swords, all attacks he had targeted. With one slash alone the man had reduced the lethality of Guillotine's to almost nothing. His movements were lightning fast and even with the supernatural sharp animal senses Smith had hard time following where the Shinigami was moving.

Further on, the speed combined with dreaded aura, which was now filling the air, caused the small fraccione to feel shaking in his knees, as well, as the rapid pounding of the boys heart. The reason for these effects came out of the fact that now, the feeling of death, brought many, many dark memories back from the past to the present. Memories about how he was enslaved, raped and abused by the monks of the temple. How alone and miserable he felt, when understanding that no one cared even for his death. The blind darkness, which came over his mind when becoming a Menos. All these memories flooded over like a raging sea, paralyzing the kid and, what's more, bringing all, even the natural, defenses down as he never had have them.

So upon the moment Hayden appeared next to the kid and grabbed his slim, bony neck a crack, as when bones break, could be heard and Juliuses became hard and horse. He kicked with legs and arms, tried to claw his way out, but didn't manage to do anything, before Smiths head landed hard against the ground. Another, though much quieter, sound of breaking bones could be heard, drops of scarlet falling on the place the young fracciones head was just hit. After the third time though there was quite large, red spot, Juliuses platinum white hair colored dirty gray and red, while face from cute reduced to grotesque. Still, the small body tried to fight in blind rage, spiritual energy leaking from him in teal colored flames and loud, wild growls escaping his mouth.

Though even that was stopped when the cocoon of death surrounded the messed up body. When his body was tossed up in the sky rage calmed down. When his shell started to warm up, starting to burn the fair, pale skin of the young one, pain washed away all the bad memories of the before. As massive forces started to rip away muscles, break bones and made its way to his organs it somehow reminded him of the time when Julius master, lord and god turned the boys lost soul into something beautiful. Somewhere, in the corner of Smiths mind a quiet whimper echoed, the cry of the sacred weapon he carried. An overflowing sadness went down in his heart, the sadness of the boys master, and a shadow of regret. The last thoughts, before the force of Cero Obscura ripped away the kids fragile life, was sadness for not being able to play just a bit longer.

Just a bit.

After the explosion seized, destroying all the rubble around, as well, as creating a shock wave capable to clear anyone, especially those weaker then Hayden, around, in the middle of a enormous crater sword wings, neatly folded, lay. 73 blades, wrapped around them just lay there, similar to how the hammer appeared. What differed was, while the first weapon released ominous, dark aura, this item radiated the opposite. It was pure, clean and almost angelic energy. If someone would dare touch it a transparent ghost, only seen by that person, would appear. Looking like a walking traditional Japanese armor, this spirit would bow to who ever touched these wings and in serious voice would speak.
"I am the Sacred Weapon of Judgment! If you accept me, I will fight for your cause until your last day! Let me serve!" After that the spirit would fall silent.


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Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:37 am
The situation for the allies Zeus had were great. They had fended off the arrancar attacks and hayden was in the middle of putting a beat down on poor julius. But zeus couldn't help but think about julius right now. Hayden was beating the boy half to death. Sure he was an enemy and tried to kill us but he is still just a kid. Zeus watched in horror as hayden kneed julius multiple times. Julius face was a bloody mess. Was all this force necessary to contain him? Clearly we have won this fight. With an overwhelming show of strength, hayden had got the job done....

The cero exploded and julius was gone. Zeus mouth laid ajar. The words couldn't escape him. Was the poor kid death? Another person dead today. This fight was taken too far. Zeus looked to hayden with furious eyes.

"What the hell?!?!" Zeus yells in anger. "You killed that killed that kid! You didn't have to go that far!" Zeus breathing heavily looked over to where julius would have been if he didn't get disentagrated into nothing. Accident or not the kid didn't deserve this. Zeus' mind was clouded by this sudden death but he had to focus on the more important thing right now. Preventing more death. It's presence had already surrounded the area. It felt as if a blanket of death was clinging to zeus.

Zeus let his head down. "Ok... where are we taking the hammer?" He asks looking to hayden and carter. After all zeus had never been in this kind of situation before. He was just a civilian who had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Just then the spirit from julius' weapon manifested itself.

Zeus looks to hayden and carter once more. "I have no use for it. Maybe one of you can claim it."

"death is all over that blade. zeus thinks to himself.

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:20 pm
Really he was just dumbfounded, he had just gone balls to the wall in an attempt to stop an attack, protect a kid that was trying to protect him, give extra protection and armor to his allies, and finally put on a light show with his enemy at center stage. All of this was an attempt to get this fox kid that he thought was going to be some major bad ass to focus on him so Hayden could take the hammer and escape.

But would that happen? Heaven's no, the little runt would run head on into the vizard and basically snap his own neck then turn into a ball of energy and vaporize himself when the cero hit him, it was a weak move of a weak enemy.. Sure Hayden had his hand around the kid's throat but the brat was the person responsible for his own death. Carter might be an angel, might be a protector of the good and just, might stand for the innocent and show mercy, but he would not judge Hayden for what had happened, the kid was hell bent on fighting and wound up dead. His own pride had done him in when he decided to take on three opponents.

He exhaled before running his right hand threw his silver white hair and looked to Hayden, "Guess our job is done here, set him down and I'll give him a-" He began to say before he was cut off by the winged sword object the fox used, it having decided to come to life and speak to the group, offering itself to any who would want it. A frown found itself to Carter's face when it spoke, found the weapon to be weak and annoying. Without a word he light stepped over to it and poured his spirit energy into his Zanpakutō, slashing into the speaking weapon and cleaving it in half, making it impossible for anyone to wield it. The thing came form evil and would end here where it's master had. As it crumbled the spirit of a Japanese warrior appeared before breaking into nothingness and vanishing in the wind.

"Like I was saying, you didn't do anything wrong. Your hand was steady and your mind clear, judgment was given to this fox the second it took up arms against us. I cannot nor will I fault you for ending a foe who would kill us if given the chance. That being said I would like a moment of silence so I can give him a quick prayer and send whatever pure part of his soul there is onto the after life." He issued, the matching wing tattoos vanishing from Hayden and Zeus's shoulder blades as Carter released his angelic and shinigami abilities, returning back to his normal self in his black robes. His armor vanishing along with his altered Zanpakutō reverting to its sealed state.

|Death is but the first step in life|

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:02 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: Cold - Word Count: 1546

And so it was over.

Hayden eyes watched the child become nothing but heated air as his maroon eyes shifted back to their hazel before letting out a sigh. While he wasn’t inclined to killing children he did what he had to and by the grace of the gods he did so quickly and effortlessly. The weight on his mind was almost enough to distract him as he looked to the others with a blank expression before shrugging as Carter began to speak, but he soon stopped as a voice echoed from the blade of the Fallen Arrancar something that piqued his interest. It wasn’t everyday you got to see a talking sword that wasn’t a Zanpakutō so naturally his eyebrow raised, sadly it was soon interrupted as Carter acted rashly light stepping over the weapon before charging his blade before attempting to swing it down at the weapon. Now we can’t have this man acting rash or quick without consulting all options.

Hayden wristed flicked out as he slid his blade in front of the downward thrust at the blade attempting to stop or parry it with his broadsword like Zanpakutō. With the ever so slight flick of his wrist that came from knowing the finest details of his weapon and how to manipulate it single handedly allowing him to stop the blade. Now if Carter was faster than Hayden in his speed or strength he wouldn’t be able to perform this but Hayden physical prowess in strength and speed was hard to match when he was in the upper tier with it. None the less the important factor here was Hayden attempted to stop the blade and should he succeed he would tilt his hand to Carter.

“Now don’t you go acting rash, I want to see what my organization have to say about this weapon.”

With those simple words he smiled to Carter with no malice but it was clear that he wouldn’t be having any hostile actions toward himself or anyone else. They held no idea what this weapon was nor what could come of destorying it. It could release some type of evil spirit or self destruction mechanism none of them knew about. It was very important to think these things through and see everything as a potential threat… and if this weapon was truly strong they could utilize it in the war against shadowfall in the future. As he eye’d Carter he spoke to both Zeus and Carter.

“We have no idea what will come of destorying this nor the type of power within it; acting quickly in a situation that does not call for it could make things worse. Allow me to let our experts examine it and place it within our Vault- besides I can’t help but get the vibe of.. prejudice from you. Your hate of Arrancar is obvious and rather unsettling; perhaps it clouds your judgement.”

As Hayden spoke it seemed the squad he had radioed for finally showed up wearing specialized white gear to protect them from the outward effects of most types of energy. While not completely immune it would help them from not getting confused with the presence of death around the hammer and it’s own infectious aura. Hayden would nod to them before looking to Carter almost as if he asked him to ease off of their weapons clashed together. Should he decide to Hayden would step back sheathing his Zanpakutō before preparing to release the barrier around the Hammer.

When he released the barrier the six men would have formed a hexagon around the object having seemingly been preparing a incantation to seal the weapon in a much more stabilized and strong barrier to counteract it’s effects and provide a easier method of transportation. Honestly it was just a suped up Kido barrier spell but in the hands of those experts it would do enough.

“Thanks; prepare a room at the base to isolate it best we start figuring out what it is, also someone get this weapon.”

Hayden would gesture to the sword on the ground provided it was still there and no one attempted to destroy or steal it. If no one contested it two squads men would form a barrier around it before heading back to the portal to the Vanguard base in Karakura. Nothing special here.

“I thank you for your assistance; best I head back with my folks. Relief forces are already working outside of this crater if you wish to help.”

With those words he would depart, he didn’t need to speak any more nor did he wish to remain in the crater- the very place he had taken a life just now. There was enough death for today.


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Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:37 pm
-reserving post-

Sorry I've been holding up the post. Expect a post in the next 24 hours

Titan's Fall (Dawn Of Madness Mini-Event Series) - Page 2 Rapid_Cero_Fire
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