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The Heavenly Gift  Of Cirno: Enter Celestial Blessing [Cirno Expansion: Part Three] Empty The Heavenly Gift Of Cirno: Enter Celestial Blessing [Cirno Expansion: Part Three]

Wed Dec 30, 2015 8:40 am
Mountain View


Name: Cirno Iramasha
App Link: Her App


Celestial Blessing: Cirno is apart of a lineage of Iramasha who are embodiments of angelic will. Their purpose is to be messengers of light who help the spirits of the world find their way, enforce good will and utilize their blessings to assist others. Therefore, it doesn't come as much of a surprise that she possesses a power set which takes root in her celestial hood.

When her prowess over the winter element isn't enough to win the battle, Cirno will not hesitate to use this divine force to assist her in combat. Aptly named "Celestial Blessing" by Shiro, the former Angel of The Ice, this power allows Cirno to otherwise bring about holy influence to the world around her. However, in order to use it, it must be for a purpose higher than herself.

For instance, Cirno has been noted as being unable to properly harness her power when under states of mind that are otherwise negative and unbalanced. This is because corruption of her inner light seems to bring about complications in summoning the full potential of her celestial strength. It is possible to awaken portions of her angelic abilities during these states, but they are often bound to be weaker than normal and she has even gone as far as to classify herself as a fallen angel when they become tainted by darkness.

So for this reason is why Cirno Iramasha also seemed to regress herself into the form of a child. As this state of being helps her maintain, store and build up large volumes of pure energy. This is because the embodiment of The Angel finds that the naivety, openness and free-thinking spirit of a child to be one of the epitomes of light. They are innocent, guiltless and accepting of all. Hence, for these reasons is why Cirno seems to be in constant motion to hold on to her "holiness" so that she may call upon her Celestial Blessings when the time to become a heroine of justice comes.

As, when these conditions are met, the full promise of The Iramasha's power can come about. This is because it allows her to connect to the source of holy energy within the realm of heaven and bring about blessings, miracles and great feats of power which are described in more detail in the abilities below.


Holy Aura: The energy in which Cirno uses to activate the powers, abilities and techniques associated with her celestial nature is known as "Holy Aura". It is a source of alternative energy which she uses in line with her heritage as an Angel Iramasha. However, it can only be utilized if the cause is justified. For instance, Cirno wouldn't be able to tap into this energy if she simply wanted to burn everything to ashes for the heck of it.

In order for it to be summoned, she must first pin-point a rightful purpose for this power to come out. Therefore, as an illustration of this, Cirno would be able to call out this power if she required it in order to protect the lives of others in a time of war and strife. When this precondition is met, this holy aura will be used for the sake of allowing her to produce holy blessings upon the world.

  • Cosmic Healing: One of the first blessings that Cirno is capable of bringing about in the world is healing. For instance, when she exudes this holy force from her body, Cirno has been known to ease the tensions of others around her. Some can say this is a byproduct of her will seeping into her celestial prowess, but they are one in the same in the fact that the will of an angel is meant to assist those in need.

    So, one can say that this force can be used in order to help heal the minds and bodies of her comrades and any innocent spirit whom needs her assistance. In order for this technique to come into effect, however, they must be physically touching Cirno's energy or have her aura infused into them by seal. As, for instance, Kazumi Sakurai and Elysia both have been marked by Cirno's energy. Hence, in theory, she could remotely defend and heal them at the cost of burning through her mental or holy energy reserves.

    Otherwise, excluding those exceptions, they must be within a one thousand meter range in order for this to benefit them. And, the more powerful people that Cirno has to heal, the less potent the effects often are. To illustrate this better: Cirno would be able to heal thousands of 5 and 6 tier NPC's/characters rather easily as they can be healed with less resources burned up due to the amount of life force that is in their body.

    However, when it comes to healing stronger life forces, Cirno will often have to either individually focus on them or sacrifice the amount she is able to heal them by. So, when it comes to those incidents, Cirno often focuses on blessing them with empowerment as opposed to healing. There is also a three post cool down before she can use this healing on anyone. And, the maximum that she is able to heal; whether it be energy, mental health or physical would be upwards of 80%.

    Additionally, she is not able to heal herself without cost. As, she has two choices: the first method is that she is required to use other spells from the Iramasha Clan in order to do so. And, that draws away from her chaos energy which is their fuel to induce said magic. That then drains at her stamina if abused too often. So, she often saves her own personal heals for if the situation calls for it.

    However, she can use her holy aura as a substitute as well, but she tries to avoid that as she is more combat focus and going out of her element takes more effort and concentration. Especially since this ability is passive when it comes to the healing of others (unless she wills it to be retracted), but it becomes an active power when trying to heal herself.

    Furthermore, it's also worth noting that mental injuries are often far less draining to perform than anything that deals with restoring energy or healing bodies. This is because Cirno herself possess a large pool of m will power that serves as an ethereal medium meant to rapidly put other spirits minds at ease -- should they allow her essence to creep into their body.

Celestial Purge: Under the guidance of her Holy Aura, Cirno does possess the ability to purify and cleanse negative energies with her heavenly influence. This then translates to the fact that she can be most effective in combat against those who embody the most dark, demonic, evil and vile elements. As, when her Celestial Blessing is active, this ability often provides a form of automatic defense that can shield her against impure energies. These can even so much as be pin-pointed down to attacks filled with malicious intent that is meant to cause harm to the world. Such as if she were fighting against an antagonist human who wanted to destroy innocents, she could call upon her Celestial Purge in order to purify their attacks and attempt to negate them.

Effectiveness Based On Tier

0 Tier Purification Defenses: Cirno can dispel up to twenty five percent of a 0 tier's negative energy.

1 Tier Purification Defenses: Cirno can dispel up to forty percent of a 1 tier's negative energy.

2 Tier Purification Defenses: Cirno can dispel up to sixty percent of a 2 tier's negative energy.

3 Tier Purification Defenses: Cirno can dispel up to eighty percent of a 3 tier's negative energy.

4 Tier Purification Defenses: Cirno can dispel up to ninety percent of a 4 tier's negative energy.

5 & 6 Tier Purification Defenses: Cirno can dispel up to one hundred percent of a 5 and 6 tier's negative energy

And, since this can be used offensively or defensively, it does also serve as an extension to her allies. As, Cirno can spread her holy aura around a radius of five hundred meters in order to shield her allies from these negative influences. Of course it will drain more resources from The Angel, but it can be done.

Then, when it comes to her offense, another way in which Cirno utilizes this ability is by the fact she tends to infuse into her other attacks. As a showcasing of this, Cirno could attempt to merge the influence of Celestial Purge into her magic in order to attempt to bypass the effects of a barrier fueled by demonic energy. So, in combat, she could forge spears of light meant to shatter and rupture these shields by her heavenly prowess.

Additionally, when Cirno is able to kill a spirit, she often uses Celestial Purge in order to nullify the darkness within their heart and soul. If allotted by the creator of the character, they can be cleansed and sent to heaven as a reborn embodiment of holiness or freed from the shackles of negativity and reincarnated as a new being. So, as one can infer, this is something that isn't forced when it comes to the killing aspect of her purification.

Furthermore, when shifting back to her other attributes, this ability can be amplified if used in conjunction with Cirno's other powers. For instance, if she is facing off against something such as an attack which alters reality, it is quite possible for her to utilize one of her augmentation abilities in order to try and negate the attack if it is filled or powered by a negative energy source of vile intent. Such as if someone attempted to rewrite the values of the world around Cirno, she could unleash Celestial Purge in it's enhanced state and shatter that effect in theory.

But, this then leads into something else that is urgent to remember when it comes to the usages of Celestial Purge. It is important note to that this ability is not something that is infinite. While it can be done without much concentration by Cirno in it's weaker forms, it still draws energy from her holy aura. And, since this is not a bottomless pit of power, it can infer that this Celestial Purge can be weakened, drained or stopped if Cirno abuses it too often. Usually, she tries to limit Celestial Purge to 2-4 usages per post; whether it be used defensively or offensively. This is due to the fact that it is a potent power and requires proper care to use to ensure she doesn't burn herself out on it.

More than that, none of it's effects are absolute in nature. While these hold true in theory, actual application can vary. As an illustration of this, Cirno could attempt to purify and negate a Cirno filled with satanic energy with Celestial Purge. However, if she is only able to dispel forty percent of it, the other sixty percent is still going to break through and hit her. On top of that, when dealing with more complex and intricate attacks, magic or defenses; Cirno will often need to actively use Celestial Purge in order for it to have a high potency. So this means draining further mental resources and it does tax her when she pushes it to it's greatest potential.

There is also the fact that this may not be very effective against others who share the same alignment as herself. For example, if Cirno were to use this against another angel, and they did not use any malicious intent against her, a lot of these abilities would more than likely fall flat or be very weakened at best. So, Cirno doesn't seem to appear to use Celestial Purge when dealing with others who have the light in them; opting to fall back on her will and racial abilities to cope.

Miracle Break [Event/Story/0 Tier Opponents Only]: Angel's are believed to be beings whom can bring forth the power of a miracle. That is something which is common in most lore that pertains these mythical creatures. Well, in the case of Cirno, she appears to be no different from them. As this is often considered by her to be one of the strongest abilities that Celestial Blessing has within its arsenal. If all else fails, Cirno will rely on this one last ability.

So, how exactly does Miracle Break work? Well, before getting too into it, there are certain conditions which must be met in order for this ability to activate. It isn't enough that she needs to utilize this power in order to protect others or for selfless desire. No. Some form of great crisis must come in order to awaken and harness this strength. Illustrations of these situations can range from the fate of the world being endangered, the livelihood of a society being put at risk or something akin to the death of someone Cirno loves with all of her heart.

Regardless of the context of the situation, it must be an earth-shattering event that either internally or externally effects Cirno and other spirits at the same time. Whether it be some otherworldly power that is unstoppable, daunting odds that she just can't seem to win or being on the cusp of death itself; despite being needed to be utilized as a vessel to protect the world. Something needs to trigger this power as it is not designed to be a force that is easy to use or activated on a whim.

Now, understanding that much of Miracle Break, this ability will trigger once these requirements have been met. When it is ready to be used, Cirno will receive an ethereal sense that it is time to use one of her most holiest prowess against said threat. At the moment she realizes that, Cirno will then need to take around one forth of her overall holy energy and commit to some form of internal or external prayer. Those incantations in which she speaks make Miracle Break all the more powerful. Since she is asking for a power higher than herself, these enchantments help to make her ability break the bonds of existence itself as her energy sky rockets to it's prime.

Digressing, no matter which way Cirno achieves the requisite for this ability, it will remain active for one to two post. During this time, Cirno will then be able to perform the art of Thaumaturgy. This allows her to interrupt the natural laws of the world in order to warp and induce causality which would normally not occur through the power of miracles. In turn, it's purpose is to allow her and those whom need sanctuary in times of great peril in order to endure catastrophic events and beat the odds.

Ergo, a proper illustration of this ability in use would be if there was an cataclysmic event capable of jeopardizing tens of millions of innocent lives. In this scenario, there would be a massive burst of gamma energy blast capable of reeking havoc across the globe. In this example, Cirno could call upon the prowess of Miracle Break and have it's influence negate the whole of the blast in order to bring a miracle to life.

In terms of breaking the laws of the world? Even if such a thing as infinite energy existed, for the short duration that Miracle Break is activated, it would be able to disrupt that concept and outright negate it if it was posed a threat to the world and presented itself as a crisis. Which, in this instance, would destroy it and render the user back to the status of yielding limited power.

Or, on a more mortal scale, Cirno could also bring back the lives of those recently deceased in the wake of a mass genocide or slaughter. Going upwards in the number of tens of millions, she is capable of mass revival if they are recently killed in this example. Range does not have much of an influence on this ability, but it must be a major event in order for it to occur.

Now, having said all of that, Miracle Break does have limitations. Cirno is capable of ONE and only ONE miracle per post. She is not able to perform any other action than Miracle Break. Therefore, this leaves her at a disadvantage if an opponent were to use multiple actions at once upon her. Furthermore, this ability can be used, at most, three to four times (each with a one to two post cooldown) before her entire holy energy is zapped and reduced to zero. Which, when that occurs, she will be unable to use this power anymore for two to six weeks IC/OOC time.

Even if she only so much as used it once per thread, it does not matter because it takes a great toll on her spirit. If she were to abuse it and use it more than that, then her soul would break and she would face long-term injuries or death. Ergo, with the scales of this power, it is only meant to be used if no other of her abilities have any effect on an enemy, threat or target. And, each time it is used, staff may overview it and determine whether or not it is being used properly. As, more than anything else, this ability is meant to be something that changes the course of a story or event and nothing more.


Astral Bridge: This is the connection which allows Cirno to be able to attach herself to the souls of others. Essentially, Astral Bridge is used in order to access the inner worlds and minds of others. It works by Cirno utilizing her Holy Aura and marking those whom she wishes to connect with to it. If they allow this presence to reside within them, Cirno is then able to forge a link which conjoins their spirits together for duration of time.

Then, from that bond, Cirno has the capacity to project an image of her astral form into another persons spiritual world. As, essentially, Cirno is separating her consciousness from her body and forming an incorporeal form to bridge the bonds of reality and enter into a persons soul. Which, for this reason, is often why she seems to need to achieve a state of inner balance and focus before performing the ability. Since, prior to activating Astral Bridge, Cirno will leave her body in a meditative trance to adjust herself mentally and spiritually to maintain a good control of the ability.

This is also due to the fact that she still has access to her energy and abilities while in this astral form. And, in order to preserve this state, Cirno must have absolute control of her psyche and will. Otherwise, this state will shatter, break and send her back into her material body. And, if done too abruptly, it can cause repercussions. Such as damaging Cirno's own spirit, causing injuries to her body and depleting her energy faster than normal.

It can also endanger the life of another if she is in the task of cleansing a spirit's inner world, only to be dragged out mid-way and leave their soul in a distorted state of limbo. As, if Cirno were in the process of removing satanic influence from a corrupted soul, that presence could creep back into control if she were thrown back into her body. Therefore, she tries to ensure nothing breaks this concentration.

As, this ability is important to otherwise being able to see inside a person's heart and help save them. Since, through this means, Cirno is capable of infusing her holy aura into spirits, purifying their inner worlds of negativity and darkness and otherwise marking them with her blessings should they allot her into their heart.

However, having said all this, it isn't improbable for her to use this for offensive means as well. Granted, if she does, it has to be a reason. An illustration of this would be if Cirno were fighting against a possessed human in battle. Given that the human was being forced against their will to do something, there would be a desire to save them. From this ambition, Cirno would try to enter into their soul in order to attempt to break the possession by destroying the connection the hostile entity had over the human.

In turn, this can then turn into a battle of wills and spirits because there is often a clash that is needed in order for her to invade a persons soul. Yet, even if she is able to win that, it still is a risky move because she is putting herself at the mercy of another persons inner world. As, it would be similar to entering in enemy territory and not knowing quite the extent of control they have over their domain. Since, to enter a spirit's inner world is to put yourself at the mercy of their being and thus must be done with care and caution.

Additionally, if this is used for combative purposes, a hard enough attack that wakes the senses of Cirno's material body up could also snap the connection she made with her opponent. This will then force her out of the inner world she invaded and back into her own.

  • Astral Mind: This is a sub-technique of Astral Bridge. By using the particles of energy associated with her holy aura, if Cirno is able to get a small volume of them to touch an opponent or ally, she is then allowed the qualification to form the act of telepathy. With Astral Mind, she is able to convey her thoughts, emotions and beliefs into a persons mind in order for them to understand where she is coming from. And, in return, the other person can influence the same.

    Additionally, she can also use this as another form of mental healing and repair as she can remotely access their mind. However, this function only comes if they are wholly open to Cirno. This is because it allows her entry to view their inner most memories and thoughts and most be approved by the person role playing with Cirno.

    More than that, though, enemy opponents can also fight back simply by willing themselves to attempt and ignore these feelings. However, there will still be nagging influences at them if they caught glimpse of Cirno's point of view. By this, it simply means they'll be aware of the connection she attempted to make and they'll make of that what they will. An example of this would be that if she tried to infuse the reasons why she tried to fight into a foe's mind, they could have a vague understanding of it before cutting off the connection if they resisted her call.

    So, by no means is this forced or automatic. It is simply a form of ability meant to enhance the story of the threads she is apart of. And, since this is mostly a mental ability, it does not appear to take up much of her holy aura. It takes small volumes of it and the rest is fueled by her inner mental strengths. So, it is also possible to snap her out of these forms of telepathy if you were to take her attention away such as if a foe put her in great pain or distracted her in some form or another.

Heaven's Trigger: Based on the fact Cirno is a messenger of holiness, it does make sense that she'd be allotted access and privileges to heaven. Therefore, Cirno is able to summon small portions of that realm to the material plane and she is able to transport others to that realm whom are pure of heart. This works by Cirno herself attuning the holy aura within her body and sending out cosmic impulses to said dimension. Once these signals reach their detestation, it will connect her to a network of unity fueled by the grip of heaven.

Following that, it is up to here to decide how she is going to utilize this ability. If she is going to use it to summon fragments of that domain into the material world, then she'll most likely need to infuse it to the surrounding area she is fighting in and burn through her energy reserves. In return, she'll be able to give a boost of power to those whom are purified of heart, lean towards the light and otherwise represent the alignment of good. This can turn into the form of 1.5X boost for those around her.

Granted, this more serves as a means to further increase her holy powers by roughly two times. She can often keep these fragments of heaven activated within a thread for around three to six post at a time before having an equal cool down period. If they aren't use for combative purposes, then she can withhold the celestial space indefinitely because there is no conflict that is making it difficult for her to maintain her tethering to that dimension.

Furthermore, if it's used simply to transport others, then Cirno is able to direct them to either her own personal sphere within the heaven terrority or towards pre-approved spaces which she sends appeals to her angelic brethren to clear. As, she has described that she has her own slice of heaven that she was given clearance to reside over. And, from this description, Cirno has even stated that heaven seems to be a realm of multiple connected dimensions formed to create one sub-universe of purity.

Additional information that is worth noting is that she can only utilize this ability if her heart remains pure. Often times, she attempts to keep a clear state of being so that she can summon the untapped powers of the celestial's. So, she tries to avoid performing these feats when under stressed periods because they can make this ability malfunction and deny access to said realm.


Reasons Why I Want To Apply For This Upgrade: The reason why I want to have this upgrade is because I haven't really brought her angelic lineage out properly in her application. And, given she has had immense growth over the the past four years, I thought it was time to go better into detail with that. She is a 0-3 character (as of now), and I want to have her powers reflect that. These have been traits that have been displayed throughout the years and are coming to a close in order to make them customized to her charter.

However, it isn't just for the fact that I want to boost her power. Some of the abilities in here are genuinely fun to use because of the story elements they have in them. These celestial strength have thrilling themes to them because while this power set is immensely strong, it still cannot be used for selfish reasons and forces Cirno to stay in character. While, at the time, her blessings can be used to progress the story and development of other characters that get involved with her.

So, ultimately, I want to apply this upgrade because I want to help expand Cirno's character and strength, but I also want to use them to further the progression of development she has with other characters and their stories as well.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Heavenly Gift  Of Cirno: Enter Celestial Blessing [Cirno Expansion: Part Three] WVMWLOu
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Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:59 pm
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Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:21 am

※Check O' Meter※


After taking a long and careful reading, I see no problems with much since everything is regulated and has an equal limitation to its power. Plus, she deserves the boost for the amount of work Cirno has done. Otherwise, i'm approving this and if there's any other staffs that are not pleased with my judgement, feel free to re-check this entire thing again.

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