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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:31 pm
Henrex walked through the forest, making no audible sound as he walked, with the occasional cracking of leaf or twig. He continued to make his way through the forest, not saying anything. He knew why he was going out here. He was going to get stronger. In anyway he could. He tightened his gloves as he came into a clearing, with only trees lining the area, and Henrex smirked to himself. He took off the scarf, revealing his nose and mouth, which was still in a small smirk. He took off his shihakusho as well, revealing his pale body and the black tattoo markings on him, as well as two black wing tattoo near his spine. He closed his eyes and began to chant something.

"Release the bonds, and let my heart soar towards the sky, using the wings I've hidden!"

That chant was what he needed to say to undo, or release the seal on his back, making the black wing tattoos glow with his purple spiritual energy, as they began to grow larger, manifesting into full wings, almost twice his size. he could feel the pressure of the seal release, and he let out a sigh, glad that the pressure on his back was gone. He was used to keeping that seal in place, but sometimes his spiritual energy fluctuated, making the seal unstable. He drew his katana, which was really, the sealed form of his Zanpakutō. He swung it a few times, but then made a piercing strike to the air, and his eyes turned sad.

"I can't....remember it....why...can't I remember it?!"

What was he trying to remember? He was trying to remember his sword techniques, taught to him by his idol and teacher in the human world, Takeshi Masamoto. Although....when he died and came to the Soul Society, he couldn't perform even the simplest of moves. Even his most favorite style of fighting in the human world, using the Gentle Breeze Sword, his best and favorite technique. He sighed as he sheathed his sword, disappointed that he could quite possibly never regain the memories of his former abilites. He stretched before his Cyberbrain activated, scanning for lifeforms nearby. Why was he scanning? He had heard a twig snap, and he was positive he was alone...but it wouldn't hurt to have company. Especially on who the company was....He smiled and turned around, seeing a familiar face.


Last edited by Henrex Astillon on Wed Jun 29, 2016 10:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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High Flying Battle! The Sealed Training! [Viz/Zen] [FINISHED AND CLOSED] Empty Re: High Flying Battle! The Sealed Training! [Viz/Zen] [FINISHED AND CLOSED]

Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:13 pm
Even on the quietest nights Zen could hear things from miles around. He was out by the lake, enjoying the night. This place was special to him. So many things happened here, it was related to growth, or at least his. The night was so quiet, but he could hear someone nearby. They were trying to be as quiet as they could, but nothing could escape Zen's keen sense of hearing. If he focused on it he could hear the almost silent scampering of a mouse, or a bird perching on a tree.

He focused on where the sound was coming from and got an energy reading, it was Henrex. What was he doing out so late. He could hear him mumbling to himself. He wanted to remember something. Maybe he wanted to remember something from when he was alive. That would be tough. It really seemed that spirits either remembered, or didnt. If they didnt it would really be impossible for them to know what it was they were before death. He didnt know much about Henrex, but it seemed like he remembered somethings, which meant of pushed he could possibly remember what he had forgotten.

Zen had an idea. It might be out of character for him, but it would be good practice for Henrex. It would make him grow stronger. It would also scare the living daylights out of him. That would be fun.

He flashstepped so that he was behind Henrex. He closed his eyes as he walked, getting himself into a different mode. He was going to release all his good natured feelings to let the beast inside come out. He wasnt careful enought and stepped on a twig, and his identity was revealed.

He stood there in pure silence, purely to build tension. He opened his eyes, his blood red irises piercing the dark night before he was gone in an instant. Suddenly the area around Henrex would be filled with an ear splitting screech, before the captain was infront of him. Purely using his Hakuda the midle and index fingers of his right hand touched Henrex's stomach. With a flash of light Henrex would be sent a few meters back. Leaving the captain standing where he was.
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Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:36 am
Henrex turned to one. Had he been mistaken? No....He could have sworn that Zen was right...behind him. Oh no. Henrex's eyes widened in surprise as a screech filled the air, making his ears scream out in pain. He turned around again, seeing Zen now in front of him, his arm reaching towards his stomach. He barely had time to unsheath his sword partially, with a flash of light, Henrex flew back, the hilt of his sword slamming into his stomach as he skidded back, creating deep skid marks from his boots as his feet sank deep into the earth. As he slowed to a stop, he took a few deep breaths before standing, drawing his sword fully, a black, thick mist start to emit from the blade. He muttered under his breath before taking a combat stance, ready to fight.

"Huh....some "Hello" that was...."

Henrex dug his tip-toes into the ground, before breaking into a high-speed run, flash stepping to the left, and the right, over and over, attempting to throw him off, reappearing from a flash step in front of him, his eyes showing no mercy from this attack. He raised his sword above his head, bringing it down for a heavy strike, before hearing an echoing sound in the back of his head, brimming his thoughts with multiple ways to kill him, and make him suffer pain Henrex would NEVER wish upon anyone. He quickly leaped back, trying to clear his mind of these...unpleasant thoughts. What was happening to him? Who...was that voice? He had to focus on that later. Right now, he had a bigger problem to deal with. A seemingly insane Zen attacking him relentlessly. Oh, do he wish he had his skills from human life right now....but then he remembered something.

"Whenever I the World of the Living, I used Chi for it be the same if I used my own spiritual energy in replacement of Chi?..."

Henrex continued to ponder this as he waited for Zen to make his next move....
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High Flying Battle! The Sealed Training! [Viz/Zen] [FINISHED AND CLOSED] Empty Re: High Flying Battle! The Sealed Training! [Viz/Zen] [FINISHED AND CLOSED]

Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:30 pm
Zen didnt move as Henrex rushed forward to attack. He rose his hand to catch the blade, but Henrex pulled back. Almost as if he realized something that made him stop. Zen smirked at that, his plan seemed to be working, to some degree. Though it was really intended to get the shinigami's fighting spirit back, not make him soft. He heard the other's mumblings quite clearly.

"Hey!" the words cutting deeply through the silence. It was Zen's voice, but it was so different from the last time that Henrex heard it. The last time it was so warm and welcoming, now it was forceful, cold, and cut like a knife. "Dont think im going to go easy on you tonight. I heard you want to remember something, the best way is to get the blood flowin' to that small noggin you have in your skull." Not even he knew how past memories worked in the spirit world, but it was worth a shot.

"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself pierce your own heart" As he started saying this incantation his index and middle fingers held spiraling yellow energy. At first it seemed as if he was going to cast Horin, but the latter part of the incantation was altered. With the energy he drew a triangle in from of him, much like Shiotsu Sansen. "Bakudo #19: Shiotsu Horin" From the triangle of spiraling energy came out three triangles of yellow energy that flew out in the direction of Henrex. They were attached to ropes of the spiraling energy that allowed Zen to control their direction. Zen had combined 2 kido into one that had both effects. This new kido would function like Horin at frist, the three ropes finding the target and then wrapping around them, before the 3 triangles of energy wound pin them down to a surface.
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Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:58 pm
Henrex clenched his teeth and shook his head, trying to keep his mind off the voice, which kept speaking to him in echoed whispers. He could feel the evil thoughts rise into his head, causing him to be distracted. He grabbed his head with one hand, feeling a slight headache. He quickly snapped out of it when he heard Zen began to speak.

"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself pierce your own heart!"

Uh oh. He was reciting a Kido spell, one he didn't know. He quickly looked up, and saw This didn't seem like a normal Kido spell. He pointed a finger at one of them, and fired off a blue stream of lightning, which was Hadō #4, Byakurai. He watched in curiousity as the bolt of lightning bounced off the spell as if it were a a rubber dart bouncing off a wall. Henrex gritted his teeth as the spell pinned him to the ground, making him immobile. He felt the thoughts rise into his head again, this time stronger. He squeezed his eyes shut, writhing his head.

"Get out...."

He scoffed at the attempt to try and tell the thoughts what to do. It's not like it could hear him. He was shocked to find might actually be able to. He could hear the voice again, this time more clearly. It was still a whisper, but it was more audible now. It was wanted to help? How could it help him by making him want to kill Zen?! He looked up and watched as Zen walked towards him. He couldn't move. He was helpless. His eyes flashed with red and his eyes start sparking slightly. His Cyberbrain was malfunctioning. Henrex grunted and continued to struggle against the strange Kido, trying to compensate for his malfunctioning Cyberbrain, and for the Kido that had him pinned down....
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Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:39 pm
Zen didnt understand why Henrex wasnt fighting back. He could see internal struggle in Henrex's face, but he wasnt doing anything, almost paralyzed due to his own thoughts.

Zen scoffed as he walled forward towards Henrex "Really this is it? This is the garbage that you have to offer. By the way you act you would assume that you are some sort of bad ass. Always being alone. Those tattoos, those wings. All really have to offer is nothing but shit! How did you live this long? I bet thats the real reason you died in the first place. Sheer incompetence!" Those words must have cut deep into Henrex. To insult him even more Zen spit on him, the ultimate insult.

"I thought this was going to be a good training session. I guess I shouldnt have had such high hopes knowing that you were this incompetent."
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Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:01 pm
Henrex looked up as he insulted him, glaring at him, his eyes filled with hatred. He could feel the thoughts rise again, and this time the voice rose above them all with one phrase. It was as clear as day, almost as if they were as close as Zen was, saying this to him.


Henrex's entire body tensed as he could feel himself losing control. Something was coming. He practically ripped his Zanpakutō from the sheath, hurling it with all the strength he had left, embedding the blade deep into a nearby tree. He glared at the sky as his eyes began to flash crimson, and his form began to turn a darker shade. Literally. His entire body went a darker shade of what it already was. All he could say before he lost it was this.


As he said this, a grey static with yellow lines circling it began to surround him, and a Hollow-like spiritual energy began to emit from this static. The static engulfed him, making only a black outline of his body as he stood, the Kido spell shattering from the force. A pair of red eyes gleamed from the static, filled with nothing but hatred, and bloodlust. He smiled, and his white teeth shined out from the outline, as the tips of his fingers grew into claws, and his smile grew even wider. The static shrank down, part of it returning to his eyes, where his Cyberbrain was, and part of it retreating to his hands. This demon-like version of Henrex grinned like a maniac, with the static around his hands buzzing like crazy.

"Hehehe.....Oh're such a're far too afraid to really grasp your own power! You're so PATHETIC!

This demonic person parted his jaws partially, revealing jagged, sharp teeth, similar to a shark. This strange person who now possessed control over Henrex's body seemed to have a sinister, evil aura. The new face grinned psychotically, eager to resume what Henrex had refused to. He leaped forward, his claws at the ready, laughing maniacally, and slashed furiously at Zen, not caring if they hit or not...
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Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:22 pm
"What in hell" Zen said to himself as the saw the changes taking place. The aura felt as if it were a hollow's, but that couldn't be the case. He had seen the effects of hollowfication with his own eyes. He saw it happen to his old captain, he had seen and worked with Vizards, he helps take care of an Arrancar that used to be a Shinigami. It had the same sort of feeling, but it felt sort of..... different. It just felt like some sort of fake thing. Almost digital in nature, not natural.

His eyes returned to their normal blue as he shifted over to a more logical mindset. He could have continued to indulge his destructive tendencies, but now was not the time. The situation called for some more thought. He couldnt destroy the poor guy, he needed help. But what could he do. He couldnt destroy him, and sealing him would be hard, and he might not be able to escape well. Zen only knew of 2 sealing techniques. Creating a new type of seal would take too long, far longer than the time that he had at hand. He had two other options then. Weaken him enough so that he passes out, or somehow make the other thing go away. If only Hayato was here, he could try and purify the man, but that wasnt the case.

Zen jumped back dodging the claws, not that it would have done much damage. "Mae, Sakura yo" Zen uttered as a flurry of cherry blossom petals swirled around him. As they swirled up into the sky a pure black trunk of a tree formed. It grew up to 50 feet tall, where the petals rested on branches, forming a light pink canopy on the giant cherry blossom tree. "Sakura Turbulence" as he said those words, a massive gust of wind started to blow infront of the tree. A 60 MPH gust blew the petals off of the tree, causing a flurry to go towards the possessed shinigami. The petals were harmless, but this kido was made to shut down abilities, regardless of their source of origin. Anything that had a strength less than a #50 kido would be "blown away" when it entered the area.

Due to the strong wind, some of the trees in the area started to snap and bend. Branches, leaves, rocks, and some small bushes were ripped from the ground and were sent flying in the direction of the wind.
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Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:17 pm
The possessed Henrex growled in frustration as the slashes did not connect with his target, and he leaped back, generating an extension of his arm, around the length of a katana, which was about 3 ft long, with the blade shimmering with the static from before. He grinned psychotically before leaping forward, but then he heard something Zen say that made the grin vanish. He had said...Mae, Sakura yo. What...was that? He had never heard of it. His eyes widened as a cherry blossom tree erupted from the ground. He watched as the blossoms from the trees flew fast towards him, and he looked down, seeing his feet sliding across the ground. It seemed this tree was causing a massive gust of wind, causing him to lose his footing. The possessed Henrex slammed the blade arm into the ground, forcing him to stay put, but the stationary position was short-lived, as he quickly was thrown back again, into a tree. He frowned as he slammed the blade arm into the ground, ensuring that he stayed put. As he looked on, he could feel his He looked at the blade extension on his arm, seeing the blade fading in and out, making his eyes widen. It was only a short while after he looked at his arm that it vanished, making him grip the dirt with his hands to keep himself from flying.

"You're no fun, are you, Shinigami?! Trying to seal me off before the fun's even gotten STARTED!?"

The possessed Henrex allowed himself a grin, knowing full and well what Zen was intending from his actions before he took over. He wanted to boost his fighting spirit, make him WANT to fight back. The person possessing him knew what Henrex's personality was like. He didn't want to fight if his life wasn't in danger, or unless he had no choice. The Shinigami he was "training" with wanted to make him tougher, so that he could fight without hesitation. It seems he sorta intervened in the training session. Oh well. This Shinigami would have to have fun with him for now. Henrex wasn't coming back anytime soon. He had knocked him out to the point where if he did come back, he would have no memory of what happened, and if this person beat him, it would just make him go dormant and Henrex would come back, but he would be passed out.

The possessed Henrex stood up, trying to create a new blade extension, but failed. He looked at his hand, a partial frown on his face, as his eyes closed halfway, as he looked at his hand, buzzing with the static from before. He grinned as he looked Zen, his white teeth shining in the moonlight. His thoughts were not disturbed, nor scared from the shutdown that seemed to happen to his powers. In fact, he was amused. This could make the fight much more interesting, assuming he wasn't taken out before he could have some fun of his own.

"No matter. This will be fun...hehe..."
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Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:49 am
Zen stood watching as the winds kept blowing. It was quite effective as it did blow the man back, and it did cause his abilities to shut down. This was probably going to be either a short or long battle. He could try to subdue him consciously, or make him go unconscious. Restraints failed the first time, and with the winds blowing his own kido would be negated, unless they were stronger than #50. Henrex's body also seemed confused at the utterance of his special kido. He could take advantage of this confusion. It was time to pull out another of his trump cards. As he thought about it he remembered something. Henrex had wings, actual wings. If they got wet they would get extremely heavy.

"Takanare, Sango yo" Zen's body was surrounded by waves of water. From those waves formed branching coral. It glowed a brilliant sky blue. The coral extended in front of him, moving towards Henrex. Soon after a torrent of pressurized water followed the coral. The coral functioning as a channel for the water. As the water flowed it destroyed the coral, it mixing with the water forming high speed shrapnel. He controlled the flow of the water to hit Henrex from the side. This would cause him to be hit by the water, and then the water would push him towards a nearby lake. Hopefully Henrex knew how to swim.
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