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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:11 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Kazumi was really, really nervous. The twiddling of the fingers, the occasional twirling of her hair, and the gnawing of her lower lip made this evident. It was a stark contrast to her older sister, Kagami, but the twenty-year-old was always unusually calm. She had attempted to imitate her sister’s calmness, but that hadn’t worked out to well and she had since stopped. It was hard to be anything but nervous with the things that would occur today. After all, this would be the first time Cirno would meet a member of her family and the first time she would hear about the results of their love making.

She wanted to tell Cirno the news in private, but her sister was pretty adamant about being present for the meeting. Kazumi wasn’t sure why her sister had taken an interest in her girlfriend, but she really wish she hadn’t. Either way, she consented to the meeting, though she hadn’t much of a choice since she was living with her sister. She had been since she found out a week ago for she knew her parents would kill her if they were to find out. A child out of wedlock wasn’t something they would be happy about, and the fact she was seventeen didn’t help the situation at all.

So, she had fled to her sister’s apartment, a safe haven her parents could not reach if her sister didn’t want them to. Because she had gone to Kagami’s place, her older sister was the first to know much to her disappointment. It was fine that her older sister knew, but she would’ve liked to tell Cirno first. She couldn’t change that now, but she could still let her girlfriend know the happy news in the presence of Kagami.

So, a meeting was set for Saturday afternoon at Kagami’s apartment. And that’s where Kazumi waited, nervously, for the arrival of Cirno.

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Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:49 am


Artist: FearOfDark - Song: Funknitium-99 - Word Count: 537

Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.

You could loop that infinitely to describe Cirno's life up until she met with her beloved yet again. In between the last they met with each other her heroine of a lover was tasked with handling a guild of super powered heroes, managing the affairs of The Angel Iramasha, getting into one too many over the top fights, training herself to be the best guardian angel she could for Kazumi and trying to find time in between all these events to show Kazumi that she cared for and adored her.

Therefore, since she had worked herself to the utter bone, The Celestial was determined to make a little "me" time and cancelled all meetings, training sessions and tasks for the next half day or so in order to spend time with her golden haired partner. As, apparently, Kazumi had some pretty big news to tell judging from a message Cirno received on her handy-dandy communication device. It was a small sphere which kept The Angel in contact with many factions, super influential people throughout the globe and close friends.

Though, that detail wasn't much important outside of the fact it gave her a vantage point to teleport herself to. As the coordinates of Kazumi's energy were locked, sent to Cirno's mind and this information would be vital towards creating a wormhole from The Guild of Hero's base to downtown Karakura Central. For it would bypass all of their defenses based on the fact that Cirno was a confirmed citizen, ally and upholder of justice for Karakura Central. Therefore, The Yuudeshi Network would grant her automatic clearance and allow for her white vortex of a gateway to open inside of Kazumi's apartment.

It may honestly surprise the two of them, but since when was Cirno without surprises? At first they may see nothing but a bunch of sun, sand and beach like scenery in the portal. But, after a few seconds, The Celestial of The Ice would leap into the portal and glomp Kazumi before showing her in a deep kiss. As her aqua eyes set their sights on the oceanic stare of Kazumi, the embrace of her lover was all that she needed to make the stresses and strains of being such a major figurehead melt away.

"Gotcha! I've been waiting to do that for so long."

Chipper as ever, the giddy snickers and giggles would just not cease from Cirno's mouth after she embraced her lover within her rather large-looking bosom.

Though, as the mature looking Cirno paid closer attention to her surroundings, she would notice that another person was in the room and look somewhat surprised. With each of her six wings fluttering, she would let go of Kauzmi and point at the -- older -- version of Kazumi standing next to them. So, her right index finger would point towards this woman and she would tilt her head to the side to ask this simple question:

"Uhhh...who is this? And what is going on?"

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Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:21 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Kazumi jumped. A normal reaction for somebody with limited exposure to the supernatural part of the world they lived in. Yet, that surprise and nervousness would melt away into joy as her angel emerged from that portal and showered with much needed affection which she returned.

Kagami, on the other hand, did not. She simply shifted her gaze from her little sister to the portal that had found itself in the middle of her living-room. An eyebrow was raised when a blue-haired female emerged and it raised even further when that same female showered her nervous sister with affection. She didn’t need anymore evidence to jump to the conclusion that the blue-haired female was her sister’s girlfriend. She watched, silently, as the two lovers shared kisses and pleasantries, the older blonde paying particular attention to how lax her little sister was despite how nervous she had been seconds before.

Eventually, the blue-haired woman would become aware of Kagami’s presence and, as expected, she was sort of curious. It would be at that moment that Kazumi would to become aware of her older sister again and the nervousness would creep back into her veins. Her eyes shifted from Cirno to Kagami and though she desired to answer her lover’s questions, no words left her mouth.

“So, you are the one who impregnated my sister.”

Kagami said, bluntly. She managed a smile on her face, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.


Kazumi responded, as she rose from her seat, embarrassment with a tinge of indignation evident on her face. She wanted to tell Cirno, but in typical Kagami fashion, her older sister had let the cat out of the bag. For a brief second the feeling of nervousness fled her, the younger Sakurai overcome with several different emotions. Yet an arch of her older sister’s eyebrow and the disappearing trick Kagami’s smile did had the feeling of nervousness returning to Kazumi.

“Please, take a seat.”

Kagami waved her hand, eyes shifting between Cirno and Kazumi as she waited for the two to take a seat. Kazumi seemed ready to protest, but after a moment of hesitation, she sat down. Now, Kazumi would simply write this off as being too nervous to disobey her sister, that or she saw no reason to not sit down. Yet, Cirno may have noticed a brief increase in energy from Kagami before Kazumi had sat down. Then again, the increase of energy had been small and quick, so there was the chance it went unnoticed.

Once Cirno sat down, Kagami would smile again. The meeting between the trio could commence after all, and she decided a good start would be introducing herself properly:

“Sakurai, Kagami. It’s nice to meet your acquaintance, Miss Cirno. We do have some interesting things to talk about.”

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Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:34 am


Artist: TCY FORCE - Song: CHOCOLAT - Word Count: 609

Light, light, light. Everything was beginning to feel weightless as soon as the words "So, you are the one who impregnated my sister" were uttered out of Kagami's mouth. After which, all of the surroundings around Cirno just became warm static in the perception of The Angel. This is because her heart was beating at a million miles per second, a boundless number of emotions were raging in her heart and too many thoughts were swirling about within her mind.

S-s-he was gonna be a mother? Was she ready for that kind of commitment? Could she protect this family? It was all scary stuff, but she couldn't deny that there was a stronger sentiment of happiness in her being because of this. If she weren't so constrained by the whirlwind of excitement surging within herself, she'd almost jump up and around the walls and scream like a manic banshee with how thrilled apart of herself was to hear this news.

Therefore, as Cirno began to twist and turn her body like a drunk, The Celestial struggled to maintain her consciousness as she felt her vision brighten immensely. In this moment her limbs were beginning to feel noodles and she needed to grab hold of something quick. Therefore, in her sluggish line of thinking, The Angel of The Ice would slam face first into the ground at Kazumi's feet.

. . .

. . .

. . .


In one quick movement, The Celestial rolled that body of hers on its backside and looked upwards at Kazumi with many twinkling stars behind her eyes. As she bit her mouth out of intense response to the high emotional stimulation she was under, it looked as if she was almost gonna cry at that moment. So, before The Angel got super sappy about the state of affairs they were, she'd seize the moment and have a flare of white light emit in the room. It would almost be blinding, but that was just the nature of how powerful Cirno's love was.

For, when this radiant illumination faded, nothing but a heavenly white colored box would remain in the palm of Cirno's right hand. When this container was finished materializing, Cirno placed herself on knee, held the box upwards and had the contents of it's depths become known to her...

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What was sealed inside....was a wedding ring! One forged from from the Aether of Cirno's body and filled to the brim with her love. In this gesture of her intense love for Kazumi, she wanted to propose to her and take full responsibility for the mess that they were in. So, as those tears started to fall, she couldn't help but feel totally overwhelmed by everything and rushed to get these words:

"Kazumi, will you please marry me? I...I know this may be so soon, but I can't let our child come into this world without our union made official. I promise to be the most faithful wife possible for you!"

At this point, with the rate Cirno's heart was beating, it was enough to jump out and detonate this entire city with how much adrenaline was surging through her. Yet, she knew this was for the best because she was finally going to start a family. And they couldn't have a proper family without being -- married.

So, Cirno took one of the biggest gambles of life in that move and hope'd to hear the reassuring words of her partner accepting this passage of their love....

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Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:14 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Though one may have been just a little ticked off that they were ignored, Kagami was far too invested in the exchange between Cirno and Kazumi to care. She’d probably wouldn’t have cared either way. After all, she was more of an observer and so, she was right in her element. Besides, she could glean more from watching the lovebirds than talking and that was good since she wouldn’t hand her sister to just anyone. She may not be the parent, but she was her sister’s keeper and ensuring her safety and happiness was one of many priorities the older Sakurai had.

Kazumi, on the other hand, was shocked at the sudden actions her angel took, though she should’ve expected the blue-haired fairy to be excited. Yet, she hadn’t expected for Cirno, her angel, to propose marriage. It made her happy that her lover was looking forward to forming a family with her and she was even happier that she wished to spend her life with her. She was overwhelmed by delight, so much so that tears began to form in her eyes and the tears running down her angel’s face didn’t help her in the slightest.

So, with tears running down her face, she launched herself from the couch and enveloped her angel in a tight hug.


She managed to say after several seconds of just nods of her head. Pulling way to look Cirno in her eyes and wipe the tears from her face. A big smile was fixed on her face and she giggled softly.

“I’d love to marry you, Cirno.”

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Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:41 am


Artist: Sagisu Shiro - Song: Lotus And The Girl - Word Count: 545

There was a heart stopping feeling in the chest of The Angel when she heard the words "yes" utter out of Kazumi's mouth. It was almost as if she were in a fantasy world and stuck inside the loop of a dream too unreal to be reality. Thus, it took a few moments for the mind of The Iramasha to fully come to terms with everything that had happened in the span of these few minutes. Yet, when she did come back down to earth, The Celestial was uitterly moved to tears. It was almost to the point where she just seemed like a big baby!

However, despite that, this wasn't a cry that was filled with sadness. No, these were tears of pure happiness as The Angel of The Ice was seen with a huge smile across her face as the cheeks of The Maiden soon turned flesh red in the wake of all this blood rushing toward that head of hers. So, to further seize this moment, The Aether Energy of The Iramasha would move of it's own accord and seek to place the ring on the left hand of Kazumi in order to make their vows official.

"Then.....then.....then we can really start our family proper! Thank you so much Kazumi, I love you!"

It was honestly a struggle to find the right words to say to such a mystical moment, so Cirno could only hold Kazumi tightly in her arms as she gave her another passionate kiss to seal the deal and make this beloved hers. The amount of warmth flowing through her body at this point would probably be enough to fuel a nuclear factor. So, the love was certainly overflowing within her, but it caused her to ignore one crucial detail in all of this -- Kagami.

With a hellishly slow turn of the head, The Angel of The Ice began to give the twin-like sister her oceanic gaze before curling up her lips into a nervous smile. Yeah, there was no telling what was going on in that cold and calculating mind of hers after seeing her own sibling become impregnated and then proposed to by some whimsical angel from the heavens. So, the internal self of Cirno was sweating bullets and caused The Celestial to let out a awkward laugh of sorts to break up the tension in the room.

"Ha...ha....haaaaaaaa....? I guess that makes you my sibling-in-law......? Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......sister?"

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -- this was unnerving. There was a mental pause within the head of The Iramasha and she utterly had no idea where to take this conversation from here as she had not been placed in such a troublesome situation before. Thus, there was only one thing that she could do: be straight forward and right to the point.

With a hard cough and a stiffening of her voice, she'd take one final gulp before outright saying these words to the elder sister:

"...uhhhhhhhhhh, so what is it that ya' wanted to tell me? What do you....want from me?"


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Mon May 02, 2016 9:38 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Kazumi couldn’t help but giggle at her angel’s excitement. This was definitely the most enthused she had ever seen Cirno and she wondered, briefly, what could possibly top this moment for the angel and herself. Though her thoughts would switch to how much more excited the angel could get to how nervous she suddenly became. After a passionate kiss, her angel seemed to become aware of her sister and her excitement switched to nervousness. It was probably the first time she had seen Cirno this nervous. Maybe it was the situation or the fact that Kagami just seemed to naturally have that effect on people, either way Kazumi would do her best to reassure her angel.

Several seconds of silence went by without an answer to Cirno’s questions. It wasn’t deliberate, though Kagami would be unable to fault them for thinking so, she was simply tying up her observations in a neat little bow and stashing it where it belonged within her mind. When she was done organizing her thoughts and stashing away information that would be important later, the older Sakurai blinked several times as she snapped herself out of her reveries.

She tilted her head to the side as her gaze shifted between Cirno and Kazumi before sighing deeply and relaxing in her seat.

“Future sister-in-law.”

Kagami would finally say, putting some emphasis on the word future. She had no doubts that Cirno would go through with her plans to wed her little sister, she sort of wouldn’t allow Cirno to back out of it, she just preferred that they didn’t start calling each other sisters until the knot was tied. Perhaps the blue-haired angel would understand that, perhaps she wouldn’t, it mattered very little to Kagami since she was already moving along from that particular subject. There was no sense of remaining on it, after all, and there were more important things to tend to.

“You seem to have completed one of several things I wished to discuss with you. And you already know that my sister is pregnant with your offspring.”

Kagami paused for a moment.

“So, I assume the next thing to consider is living arrangements. I’d rather my sister stay in the city until the child is born so I can keep an eye on the pregnancy, but that is really up to the two of you.”

Another short pause.

“Mmm. Guess there’s a wedding for you two to plan as well.”

Kazumi nodded, ignoring the fact that Kagami didn’t sound too enthused about the whole thing. It was normal, after all, and she’d like to believe her older sister was jumping for joy on the inside. Either way, the older Sakurai was right and so, she turned her eyes to Cirno, a smile on her face. Though, perhaps before they started discussing future arrangements, they should take a seat on the couch instead of remaining on the floor.

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Thu May 26, 2016 5:47 am


Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Yare Yare - Word Count: 711

The reassurance from Kazumi was much needed in this awkward situation. As Cirno certainly felt more than a little uncomfortable to stand in front of her soon-to-be-wife's sibling because of the fact The Angel had so haphazardly knocked her up. So, she wasn't really too clear on how the elder sibling felt about that given her stiff body language. She could tell, however, that ol' Kagami was sizing her up with the observational glances given Cirno's way. Thus -- she'd endure the one of the most unpleasant silences of her one hundred year old life until big sister finally started to speak.

Future sister-in-law....

...well, at least she seemed to have some hope in the marriage, right? At least if she was using the implication that she was going to be her future in-law, anyway. Since, as far as Cirno was concerned, this marriage was happening -- awkward family relations or not. So, as the older sister quickly changed gears, The Angel would nod her head sheepishly and keep up at the speed in which the conversation was moving.

"One...of several things? Uhhhh, what are the rest of the things...?"

Cirno was genuinely curious what all she had to discuss with her. It appears she really thought this thing through and that unnerved The Angel even more. It felt like this whole thing was methodical and thoroughly planned out. As if she had spent all day, night, week; nay, the whole month -- planning -- for this encounter. So one could only wonder what was going on through that cold looking expression which Cirno believed Kagami to have.

"And yeah, I'm not going to leave Kazumi now! I really want to start a family and keep her safe! ...if that's what you are worried about...."

With a tilt of the head, Cirno blinked and absorbed in the pause. Yeah, she was about to go on some heroic stance, but Kagami brought something The Angel honestly hadn't thought about: she really had not invested too much attention towards the living arrangements the two would undergo. Since, by this point, she was used to Kazumi coming and going from her house back on Iramasha Island.

Granted, with how violent things had gotten in the world, perhaps it was best for her to find a residence somewhere in the city. As The Angel was a front liner towards efforts of changing the globe, she knew first hand how crazy things were getting outside the walls of Karakura. So, for the safety of her family, she'd more than likely need to buy up some property in Karakura Central. As, at least here, the chances of something ridiculous like an invasion, terrorist attack or anything else you can think of were heavily reduced with how fortified the defenses were.

So, with another nod of her head, Cirno would agree with Kagami and say these words with a bit more earnest behind them:

"I agree. Give me a few hours and I'll be able to purchase a really nice piece of land for us in Karakura. I don't feel too safe leaving her on Iramashsa Island until I'm able to improve the defenses there myself."

Quickly, Cirno would regain her composure, hop up and place herself firmly on the couch. As, it was getting kind of ridiculous how much time she had spent on the floor. It's why she dusted herself off and then blinked at the thought of needing to think through the wedding. As, really, The Iramashsa hadn't a clue of where to host it. But, she wanted it to be some place special -- but somewhere where Kazumi would like to have it to!

So, The Angel would turn to her wife-to-be and ask this simple question:

".....where should we have the wedding?"

And, once again, Cirno would tilt her head to the side and seem a bit absent minded in where to host it. If Kazumi couldn't think of anything, though, there was ONE place Cirno had in mind.....

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Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:08 am


Is the unintelligible response Cirno gets to her question which is paired splendidly with a look of utter confusion - a look that’s pointed at the angel. It’s very apparent that Kazumi had been lost in her own thoughts whilst Kagami and Cirno talked amongst themselves and hadn’t expected to be injected into the conversation once again. Luckily, her recovery is fast and so, she only looks like a lost puppy for maybe a solid thirty seconds before there’s a smile on her face.

“The beach!”

She announces and she swears she hears her sister murmur something about it being the most impractical place to have a wedding. She could be wrong, but she makes a point to ignore her sister just in case. After all, it was her wedding, Cirno had asked, and Kazumi thought it was a very appropriate to tie the knot. She liked the beach, she had determined that when her angel had whisked her away to one after rescuing her. So, not only was getting married a perfectly acceptable excuse to go to another one, but they could go swimming afterwards.

Kazumi is sure Cirno would love the idea though, she sort of wonders if the angel will throw out some other ideas for a venue as she makes a move to sit on the couch like a civilized person. Right next to her angel for that matter which probably makes Kagami very pleased. She isn’t quite sure since the expression on the older Sakurai’s face hasn’t changed, but she’d like to think she be a little more comfortable talking to people when they weren’t on the floor having a moment.

[Short post is short. I am out of practice, so don't judge me.]

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Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:41 pm


Artist: Röyksopp - Song: Someone Like Me - Word Count: N/A

Back to where it all started -- that's where these types of things always led to.

However, Cirno was more than fine with it. In fact, she was pleased! Iramasha Island was the perfect spot to have this wedding because that is just where The Guild Of Heroes was rising to power. It was bringing light to the world ever so slowly, so why not have that be the place where the light of love reaches it's peak? Yes! It was perfect.

So, Cirno would waste no time in grabbing Kazumi's hand and holding it ever so gently in her palm. That touch -- it meant alot. It signified to her that there was no going back out of this. And, while that love and security felt amazing, there was also a sense of dread and terror about it. The world was one that was becoming ever-so chaotic. And, with Kazumi's Angel being dragged into these affairs, there was a high fear that if something should happen to her...what would they do? It terrified her, but she needed to be as strong as she possibly could now for her family. There was no other option.

Hence, she would grasp on a bit tighter and look at Kazumi with stars behind her eyes.

" will be for the best. I'm certain. I'll make it work no matter what. After all, what kind of an Angel would I be if I couldn't make miracles happen?"

With the softest of laughs, Cirno would pat her chest with her right hand and puff it out to flex her strength in an ever joking matter. However, at the same time, she was equally serious and honest about it. She would do everything within her holy power to make sure this wedding would go right. No matter what, it had to be perfect because this was going to be their day to be as happy as they possibly could. So, for the sake of her lover, this Celestial would do any and everything to make her wishes come true.

Therefore, it is why she would forge a portal directly in front of them. It was circular in shape, white in color and yielded within it a vortex which could transport all three of them to the shores of Iramasha Island. It is there where their union would be had in full and it is there where Cirno wanted to take Kazumi at her earnest wish.

"Why don't we leave now? I want to go there. Your sister can come to. I...just want to get away from it all. Just for a bit, hun."

There was an expression of relaxation that washed over the eyes and face of The Angel. She seemed at peace and simply wanted Kazumi to follow towards their new shining future. So, she would motion with her head to follow into the portal and to arrive on the other side of happiness. As, at the end of the day, that's all Cirno ever wanted for the two of them and their life together....

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