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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:11 pm
[adm]Due to a family emergency, I'm going to allow Horus an extra week to get his stuff done.[/adm]

Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:54 am
[adm]I'm just checking in on Horus. I heard the family emergency eased down, so I would like to see a post in this thread within the next five days so we can keep things moving along in the event.[/adm]

Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Horus Sariel
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Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:26 pm

Artist: Asriel - Song: The Sphere of Ragnarok - Word Count: 1189

With every second that ticked by the conflict upon the moon grow ever more dire. From the sector he occupied the Mad Hatter could feel the raging battles growing in intensity. The pale demon could feel the various energies of the numerous high powered beings that currently occupied the moon. Within each sector the conflict would only worsen before soon enough the climax would occur.

As these thoughts flowed endlessly in the back of Masakaki's mind his focus shifted back to the battle before him. Already he could feel the effects of his Aspect of Rage upon Elysia, even as she moved in to prevent Touma from losing his arm the Hatter could feel the girl fighting the influence of her empowered anger. As the girl closed the gap and called out the name of her technique the Mad Hatter was assaulted with a total of ten blows, each of which definitely packed quite a bit more of a punch than her previous attacks on him.

When the first strike came the blade of the Hatter would change its course, no longer threatening to slice into the Yuudeshi males arm, rather now it was on course to meet the first strike thrown at him. Therefore upon blade and empowered fist meeting a shockwave would be unleashed before the next blow landed, preventing a follow up on Masakaki's part. When the next blows came they scored a direct hit to the demon's shoulder, the explosive punches tearing into flesh and muscle. Yet it wasn't enough, even as he took the blows the pale demon would begin chuckling before said laughter would be viciously cut off by a pair of heavy punches directly to the chest resulting in the loud cracking of bone and the pale demon to lean forward in pain. It would be this lurching forward that would prevent Masakaki from taking a pair of punches to the throat, instead taking one to the face while bringing a hand up to catch the other.

Face now bloodied Masakaki would, visibly, miss the entrance of Vanyel, although the pale demon had certainly felt him approaching the sector. As the newcomer spoke to him Masakaki burst into a sickening fit, caused by the overflowing angelic energy coming from Cirno.

Alas today just wasn't meant to be a day of victory for the Mad Hatter. At least not an easy victory. For suddenly, out of nowhere, another energy signature appeared directly within the sector, and a feminine voice would accompany it. Before he could halt his bodies reaction to Cirno's angelic energy, or he himself could even react, Masakaki found a electricity covered blade cutting directly into and through his throat, the electrical energy coating the blade serving to stun the demon for a moment therefore preventing any sort of counter and leaving him open for a follow-up.

And a follow-up was exactly what Masakaki would receive. Sleek legs suddenly wrapped around his midsection before he sensed a rush of spiritual energy surge into them. The next thing the demon knew was pain. Immediately Priscilla had began to use her legs much like a snake constricting its prey, and began crushing the pale demon within her grasp. Even as he could feel his bones creaking, hear them snapping, and organs being crushed, the Mad Hatter hadn't made a single sound. Although it could be said that the electrical energy coursing through him prevented that. Though the reality was something entirely different. Masakaki had been stunned into silence. Never had he experienced an assault upon his person quite like this one. Never had he been on the receiving end of a merciless beat-down as such. And never before had he been so easily caught unaware. All in all, it was turning into a REALLY bad day. And Priscilla hadn't even finished with him!

Feeling the girl wriggling her hips, and therefore inflicting further damage upon his organs and bones, Masakaki was treated to a quick glance of the girls pink panties, something he likely would have commented on, if he wouldn't choke on blood the moment he tried to speak. As the temporary paralysis began to wear off Masakaki would reverse the grip on his blade, how he managed to hold onto it he wasn't all that sure, before attempting to stab Priscilla clean through her side and piercing her lungs and any other organs on the way. At least that was the plan, until said girl rammed her now alight claws into both sides of his torso. With a roar of pain, and a good chunk of blood coughed up, the Mad Hatter was experiencing something he hadn't outside of his aspects. FEAR. Never before had the demon feared for himself. Never before had he a reason to truly feel fear. As such feeling fear for the first time, while his Madness Aura was active wasn't the best thing for the demon right now.

Immediately the demon could feel his own aura turning on him, a risk of his madness aura, and enhancing his fear. Startled, fear filled eyes would begin rapidly glancing around the area, occasionally darting back to Priscilla as her clawed hands continued to tear into him, searching to rip out an organ or so. Yet still the girl wasn't done with him, and unfortunately for Masakaki, this particular situation currently had him paralyzed with fear.. Another first for the demon. As such when she went to bite off his ear, and then diving teeth first into his chest, Masakaki couldn't even bring himself to try and bat her away.

While teeth chewed their way into his flesh, muscle, and bone, only a single thought raced across the Mad Hatter's mind. 'Why do I feel such fear?' Questioning his own feelings Masakaki, at this moment in time, couldn't find an answer for himself. Though it wasn't like he was being given time to think it through, after-all he was essentially being eaten alive at the moment. Demonic blood would spill from the pale body of Masakaki in copious amounts, likely enough to kill an ordinary person from blood-loss, but not enough to kill a demonic entity such as himself.

Yet still his new opponent wasn't done with him. The next thing Masakaki knew she had grown a long grey and black tail, which was quickly enveloped in electrical energies before being wrapped tightly around his neck. Bleeding, broken, and more afraid than he had ever been in his life, Masakaki was now also choking.. Slowly suffocating in the choke hold Priscilla had locked him in. Pink and green eyes wide with fear they rapidly shifted about, searching for ANY way to escape. For anything that could help. But there was nothing. Vanyel would be preoccupied with his opponents, as such Masakaki was sure he was on his own to face the life-threatening situation he was now in.

For now injured as he was, and essentially paralyzed by his own fear, Masakaki's future was in the hands of Priscilla. Unless he could take hold of his fear long enough to figure out a way to deal with the situation the girl had put him in.

✪ Template By: [THEFROST]
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Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:13 pm



Artist: ??? - Song: Death By Glamour - Word Count: 618

More...more....and more. More people were coming to this Sector, and it was...honestly? Interesting, to say the least. It was interesting on how much people cared about these "sectors" of the Moon base. However, these kids seemed to have some FIRE in their veins! One of them was already attacking. The kid was weaker than he was, but he was a very brave kid. Smirking and moving out of the way of Touma Yuudeshi's hand, Vanyel noticed something within that hand that he had just avoided.

There was something powerful within it. Just by having the hand brush by his face was enough to prove that. Using Xin Yue Buzhou, Vanyel quickly moved backwards, a distance he thought was decent for the range that boy had covered and for what he seemed to be able to do. He was interested! Interested to see what this boy's potential was, and what was in that hand. Twirling his katana in between his fingers, Vanyel tilted his head to the side, before grinning.

"Huh...what's in that hand o' yer's, kid? I could feel something weiiiiird coming from that hand! So...tell me! Whatcha got hidden away, little friend?"

However, before the madman could continue any further, he heard the girl speak. Oh? She had something to say to him? Turning his head in her direction, which was simply bending his head backwards and looking at her upside down, Vanyel's eyes scanning the woman's muscle movements with Jiaodian, seeing if she was preparing an attack. She was, but not initiating? Hm. Hearing every last word that she said, Vanyel simply whipped his head back up, before spinning around and flashing a toothy grin.

"Funeral? Me? Hah! Yeah right, sweetheart! I'm a slippery little weasel! I'm not that easily put down! Oh, I'll pucker up, because let me tell you something, my dear...."

Using the Chi Human's form of Flash Step once again, Vanyel warped behind the girl, before leaning in close and whispering.

"It's never fun unless it's a rough ride~"

Licking his lips with satisfaction, Vanyel quickly used Buzhou once again to get away from her, hopefully before an attack came his way. Twirling his sword in between his fingers, Vanyel would turn around, as he had been facing away from them before. Stopping his dagger with a firm flick of his wrist, Vanyel's eyes darted to the right, staring directly at the one who had tried to simply grab him. He had to find out what was in that hand.

Vanyel's foot slid over, before his body launched towards him with immense speed, aiming to simply get him off guard so that he would try something with his arm again. Using Xin Yue Buzhou, Vanyel would quickly move behind him, before attempting to simply kick the man down, before his eyes went back to the lady. Grinning and pointing a finger at her, he would not speak. No. Instead, a large orb of black and red energy would spark from his finger, before launching as a large black beam of energy towards the woman.

Quickly utilizing Buzhou to it's fuillest, Vanyel began to rapidly "step" around the area, while in the midst of these flashing movements, his sword would be ready to strike. Zipping forward with Xin Yue Buzhou, Vanyel used his immense speed to quickly slash and cut from left to right, aiming to only cause small cuts, aiming to distract the two, or to even make them scared. Vanyel's speed was not something to take lightly.

Slithering his tongue over his lips, the madman would relish in the sheer thrill of the combat that he was in. Would this second two on one match be more interesting than the last in Sector P? Or would it just be another shitshow?

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Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Sep 02, 2016 11:28 am
[adm]Need a post out from @yaoxhu in the next 48-72 hours before they are skipped. If you need to reach me, you know where to get me. Trying to close things out on the moon.[/adm]

Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Sep 04, 2016 1:21 am

Artist: Touhou OST - Song: Flowering Night - Word Count: 1402

As long as my heart beats, I will stand. As long as my heart feels, I will fight. As long as I know there's something to fight for, I will survive. Cirno, you've taught me so much in the short amount of time we've met, now please, let me use this strength.

The scene before was one that could bring both awe and terror to those unprepared. The new arrival of allies, tearing and sundering through flesh and clothing as new foes appeared and striven to cause mischief and chaos within this once peaceful base. A life such as this one couldn't be performed by many, but Elysia would happily take on the burden for others. It would be impossible for her to live a life where she was truly happy and got what she wanted, so might as well work to make sure that everyone else got their dreams and ideals accomplished. All of that started here, in this war. If she could help drive off the Shadowfall, that'd be a few more lives saved, more people able to go home to their families. Families that loved them... Families that-

Her thoughts were being muddled, thoughts flooding in that would make her judgement waiver, though in a way that benefited her. It was making her angry, pissed off, more and more upset remember bits and pieces about her life in the past. She never did have something like that to, she never did have the -choice- of that. She was thrust into violence, action, and combat since the day she could walk and talk properly. She honestly couldn't decide if she -wanted- any of this, she was just thrust into it. All of these thoughts, these memories, these ideas continued to swirl within her head as she tried to further combat the Aspect of Rage taking it's place within her mind. Sure, she could fight it. She had the sheer willpower to possibly overcome it, but the main issue was that she defined her drive to fight through anger. Anger that things get taken away from others, and due to that, her anger would only grow more and more. It would be controlled and focused, but getting her to calm down after the fight might be a pain.

Can't let it control me, focus. I can cry about the childhood I had that most people here probably experienced later, but I need to focus. Cirno wouldn't want me to shatter here, Hayden would only want me to strive to be better. I need to get stronger. I need to break through.

For now, she was left to watch and see what would happen, for there was one thing that she could do. Observe. The scuffle between Vanyel and Touma was one that let her see just how he worked, just how this new foe's fighting style worked. Lots of flashes, lots of quick moves, and lots of counters... They seemed to be a bit more similar to her, only with one major difference. He seemed to be a bit afraid of staying in line of sight for too long, wanting to always get behind and launch another quick strike. There were ways to work around this, but the Bronze Heroine believed her style of fighting would be enough to engage and defeat her new foe.

Eyes stared towards him, pose still kept the same as he pointed towards her and began to charge something, a beam. Charging with a dark energy, it was able to shoot forth and tear through the air itself to try and reach Elysia, though the fighter had something else planned. She could go as rough as she wanted, for she had something within her that could really turn the tables, that could go above all the others in this fight in terms of stamina and endurance. As the powerful beam approached her, she just simply blinked away, a bright flash of light seen as she was suddenly to the right of the blast, completely avoiding it as an energy began to surround her... Dark purple in coloration as just staring at her made it seem like each of these were small tendrils, lashing out around her. Chaos energy, a source that should only belong to the Iramasha was implanted into her due to a mentor of the past, Moonie... someone she heard was here as well. God she'd love to meet everyone, Moonie, Cirno, Hayden... just have them all together for some type of get-together.

And now it came time to deal with Vanyel's maneuvers, as odd and quick as they were. They were fast, about as fast as Elysia actually, with one major difference... The element her reiatsu decided to take after was known for being quick, 'lightning quick', as one might say. Just from being who she was, her reactions seemed to be just as snappy and erratic, letting her shoot forth just a smidgen faster than people who statistically should be even with her. This little trait of hers would allow her to intercept him in the middle of his steps, and the added bonus was that he was burning through energy with each one. Elysia didn't feel a -thing- right now due to the Chaos Energy fueling her. She had used enough of her own, so it was time to improvise!

She had the world in her palm, and for now, this would be the best choice... Eyes waiting, watching, and as Vanyel attempted to slice at her, lashing out with a quick, aimed strike to deter her from advancing, she shot forth.


In that sheer moment, the fraction of a second that Vanyel remained still before blinking once again, Elysia shot forth at an extreme speed, a blur entirely to the rate of actually reaching him before his neck flash step. Though what happened here depended on how he could react, what defenses he had, and if he was prepared for her speed to challenge his own, though there was -one- other difference between the two of them as well... Small cuts meant -shit- to someone who felt their soul almost melt and become consumed by a parasite from within. Cut all you want, she won't falter. As her Bullet Shot was used, her fist was already sent zooming straight towards his jaw, knuckles aiming to dig into flesh, the thin layer of muscle over his jaw, and bone itself as hundreds of thousands of volts attempted to shoot forth just from contact. Her passive ability letting her Reiatsu infused with Chaos Energy erupt in an explosion of electricity, attempting to literally blow off his jaw entirely and tear through anything in the way.

Miss or not, her next action depended if he was close enough to accomplish. If he was, she'd instantly use another ability of hers, no fear for overexerting herself with the battery in place as only a bright spark from both fists would give any warning of what was happening. Her mind was too focused, body falling into the motions in order for her to have enough time to say the moves of her attacks like some anime hero. It added less drama and flair, but she learned that fiends like these couldn't be bothered with anything entertaining. Within just the fraction of a moment, ten strikes were launched towards Vanyel's body with her arms becoming a blur entirely, fists infused with the power of lightning itself as knuckles dug deep into flesh and exploded with a similar force of the one upon his jaw. Honestly, she needed some more moves to keep things fresh, keep things -new-.

Each strike attempted to find it's mark, two strikes aiming for each of his temples upon the sides of his skull, one aiming straight for the adam's apple, another soaring towards his solar plexus, one for each shoulder, two for his ribs, one f or the groin, and another straight to his jaw, exploded, damaged, or perfectly fine, there was still one aiming for that same exact spot. However, if he got too far away for any of these too hit even in the first place, her next action would simply be to wait and see, eyes scanning the area for where he could have gone, body in such a state of adrenaline that her pale hair began to stand up further, sparks of electricity coursing through in a visible manner.

For all heroes alike, she would not fall here.

Chaos Energy Battery: 2 Posts remaining

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Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 MNjstuP
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Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector C [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Oct 16, 2016 7:16 pm