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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:53 pm


4/2/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on April 2nd, 2416. There is a distant fire and explosions heard in the distance from Sector A. Therefore, the defenses are being put up in this sector in order to prepare for the attack. Read more on the mission to understand and sign-up:

Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:45 am

Artist: Iwasaki Taku - Song: Rock N Roll Boobs - Word Count: 734


That's one way to describe this attack. The Banshee of Karakura, nay, The Vanguard's Warden of The East, was already stationed on The Moon Base following a confidential meeting about the affairs of the organizations defenses. So well, hell, this terrorist assault was a damn good wake-up call about that. The board room was already put on lock-down as distress signals started hollering and screaming throughout the base. Everything was coated in a black and red light as most soldiers of the faction started moving throughout the base to get into defensive position.

Therefore, this Yuudeshi wasn't going to cower and hide against a bunch of demons. Forget that! Her family have fought these beats for hundreds of years and she certainly wasn't scared of getting into a bloody tussle with them. Henceforth, our five foot three protagonist took all of her lusty figure out of the metallic chambers of the meeting room, stepped forth on to the cold steel floor of the base and started making her way to the outside deck of the E Sector base.

As her plum eyes stared at the fiery scene outside the compound, hundreds of soldiers were already at the woman's beck and call and she knew she was not alone in this endeavor should things take a turn for the worst. Thus, as the winds of chaos blew and flapped her blackened dress in the cosmic breeze, the silver haired Warden could only have a shit-eating grin smear across her face as those eyes of hers slowly turned a shade of blood red.

This carnage, this destruction and this devastation is exactly the type of environment where a Yuudeshi could flourish, grow and cultivate their strengths. It is what pumped the blood of her heart and surged throughout every vein in her body. The allure of battle lust and murder was like an ecstatic high that caused storms of electricity to expand, roar and scatter about the four corners of her mind as a plum and scarlet aura surged around The Giddy Yuudeshi.

So, with a confident gaze of victory to her men, The Yuudeshi would make her speech simple and to the point:

"Boys, here is a reminder about our little guest: these are a bunch of bloodthirsty, battle horny demons and hollows that we're under attack by. Now, how would you suppose we would welcome such special visitors? WITH BLOOD, EXPLOSIONS AND UNSTOPPABLE VIOLENCE! C'MON, LET'S GIVE 'EM A VANGUARDIAN WELCOME!"

With one roaring laugh, the whole of Sector E could almost be heard exploding with laughter, cheers and outright enthusiasm towards their hellish foes breaking the barrier and entering into THEIR domain. It was enough to almost confuse the demons -- but that was all the time they'd have to process. For the first wave of these satanic fucks were wiped out cleaned by an aerial shot from The Banshee of Karakura herself. For as she whipped out multiple crimson holographic screens, she was pressing all the different wonder buttons that triggered orbital strikes from The Yuudeshi Network to vaporize and reduce these scummy bastards to a fine and bloody pulp.

Meanwhile, many of her most elite troops were already on the ground picking apart the vile pieces of trash and engaging in heavy combat to keep them from entering Sector E. Yeah, it was a bloody affair, but what war wasn't? They knew just what they were fighting for, they understood the risk and they knew that their sacrifices would not be in vain if they lost their lives. Under The Lead of The Banshee, she'd see these men to the glories of victory, or the noblest of deaths.

Thus, as things got underway with an explosive bang, it seemed that things were already going in their favor as opposed to the news updates Shatari was receiving about the other sectors. So, if she could finish up with her business here, she'd undoubtedly lend her resources to help her comrades out. All she needed to do was clear these piss-stains out and advance on to the next hurdle to overcome!

Ergo, she'd let out her own bellowing laugh and state this to the heavens:


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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:18 am
"So loud..."

The words would reverberate throughout the minds of the vanguard troops as a green disk formed behind their ranks. Stepping forth from the swirling shades appeared to be a young woman. Bare reaching five feet in height, soft brown eyes stared at those that stood before her as she ran a hand through her vibrant pink hair. Tilting her head to the side, her voice once again penetrated the mind of those around her.

"And here I was hoping to find some fresh subjects... resistance seems imminent..."

And then she suddenly released the tight control upon her energies. Head crushing pain would befall most of the members of the vanguard as she unleashed the full brunt of her psychic energies upon them. As for Shatari herself, she would likely feel like her head had been forced in to a vice grip and was beginning to be thoroughly squeezed in to paste. Smiling, she turned towards the loud mouthed one, the one who seemed to be the leader of these useless runts. Stretching her hand outward, energies coalescing as they gathered in her palm. Sickly green in color, the energies shot off, aimed directly at the Yuudeshi's heart.

"Please do not resist... I'd prefer living subjects after all..."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:08 pm


While both girls were engaged in combat another foe was coming their way. He was late, that the male understood, but some preparations were needed to be done before spilling blood. It was something the boys friend suggested, before leaving his realm. Now, when all was set and done, White was able to go and have his fun. The base to assault he choose by throwing bones on alphabet. Few times he did hit one or another letter, that stood for no base, and in the end the alphabet was ruined by all the blood from the bone, but this was the fairest way to choose which will have the luck to play with him.

As he walked in the corridors of darkness, him standing in front of his army, the masked demon was whistling a cheerful tune, counting steps and listening in the complete silence of the void. But was there silence? The male stopped, raising slowly his arm in air to signal the army to stop. By pointing his finger in the darkness of between realm, he spoke quietly.
"Here...We will come...From here..." A lazy smile, calm eyes, it was a perfect day to give his regards to the moon.

And then it opened. By combining his abilities with those of few chosen Arrancar, they opened a huge portal. Portal, equal to the army, which was stepping out from it. These weren't your regular demonic troops, but those with exceptional strength of performing their duty. Demons, that excelled in one or another subject, few being even more powerful then their Archduke. Since Iceland all of them had deep respect to this madness crafted creature, their general, and were completely dedicated to sacrifice their lifes in his name.

As they stepped out and in the midst of the battle, both parties were surprised. And this moment of surprise doomed them all. Thousands of demons and Arrancar, big part five to six times bigger then average man, started to rip their enemies into pieces. Part of Whites army landed on the ground while part took flight to deal with areal assaults the moon base provided to Vanguards. Part of the preparation was to gather as much intel about the base, as possible.

While the Arrancar, who opened the portal, stood in their place between two worlds, as if the fight didn't matter to them at all, Eye took his step to officially enter Earth Realm. Then, from his body, bloodred mist emerged, going for the closest electrical stations he could find. Once infected those, the effect of Whites unique Ksetra Pari would active, morphing the energy inside those into more Ksetra Pari. Then, as the power stations were possessed, the Ksetra Pari started to flood from them, further inside all the moon base, every device connected to it energy system. If done completely and not cut of in matter of seconds the base as whole would loose all its power. In all this time, in case of someone trying to assault the male, two Knightslaves stood as the males bodyguards.

After corrupting whatever the male got his hands on, part of the red mist left the electrical system and spread across the base and battlefield. Usually a masked demon with his strength couldn't manage a feet of such size, but thanks to the unique property of being able generate additional Ksetra Pari from outside energy sources the White had all the means to successfully do it.

Now, as his influence had covered the battlefield and base, stench of fresh blood filled could felt, as with constant whispering about homicide and murder to those whose willpower is lower then advanced. White Eye raised his arm in the air and snapped his fingers.
"Come, bleed...And serve!" Nine screams, nine soldiers near death or too weak to resist the masked demon were squished, bent and shaped until reduced into red balls of blood and their soul power. These balls then floated up and rotated around Eye as planets around a sun. One ball disappeared and in that instance the battlefield, as well, as the whole base became much, much darker. The howls of triumphing demons could be heard all around. This was now their battleground.

This all took place in the opposite side of the moon base from the place the arrancar and chi wielding girl was located. If Shatari or anyone would have tried to interfere with these preparations they would meet resistance not only from the two Knightslaves guarding the archduke, but also from more of dozens of demons, Arrancar and hollows, specialized directly in defending. They were completely ready to sacrifice their lifes just to allow their leader to complete the first step in claiming the battlefield.

Though, after the darkness came, White would go to the girl. Using Tānāgati he would disappear and reappear just behind the girl. Extending his finger in her direction, the boy would...Say hello?
"So white...Your hair are so white and beautiful! Would you want to exchange them for something?" Inside the mans head another, similar voice, was cursing the guy and would probably choke White, if could.
"Idiot!!! She is the enemy!!! Fight her for God dammit!!!"

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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 5:19 pm

Artist: PHOENIX Project - Song: The Birth of Modern - Word Count: 1151


That was the one and only sentence which was hollered out of the Wild Banshee as she felt a pulsation of horrendous pain surge through her body. It was almost as if she had taken one too many tacos and the core of her being wasn't agreeing with whatever was inside of her. As the whole world went to shit around The Yuudeshi, she'd merely let out a bit of red vomit, clean the bits of chunky bile left across her mouth and then use a bit of resolve to suppress and overpower whatever the hell this funky sensation was.

With parts of her vision still blurred from the intense pain, The Yuudeshi would then forcibly focus her sights on the monster which caused this and become utterly pissed off with the scummy tricks this Arrancar bitch was up to. Yeah, this sick bastard was going down real quick. However, first, Shatari needed to ensure that she wouldn't be next weeks abstract art painting with the energy attack pulsating towards her heart.

So, up, up and away did she go in order to evade becoming skewered. For, with that infamous Yuudeshi speed, The Banshee of Karakura was able to otherwise avoid getting hit by Kor-tatha. And in the process of doing so -- she'd bridge the gap in between. With those sticky hands, a small blue screened holograph display would have materialized below her right palm. After a few hellishly fast strokes of the hand, a gold and coal hued rifle would emerge in the left hand of Shatari.


"Eat shit, bitch!"

Following those saucy words being hollered out with much anticipation, The Vanguard Warden would super charge the double collimator designed plasma gun and seek to shoot off eight rounds of contentious fire with enough force to rip and tear through the body of The Arrancar. These shells were fueled by the residual energy of the infamous "Radioactive" and there was no doubt in her mind that taking something like this directly, fuck, even indirectly could really mess up the day of this little haughty mistress. She'd certainly at least be reeling over in pain for a bit.


Which is why she would then seek to twist down on her side, aim to trip the invader and then inject each of her legs with ten paralyzing needles that sought to freeze her where she stood. All up and down the hollow maiden's right and left leg would five of these dangerous needles seek to hit before Shatari motioned against with her right arm. In this single movement, another blue screen display appeared, a yen signed emerged and it appeared as if a transaction of sorts went through. As, when it did, a burst of light appeared and a second rifle came into view in her hand.

And, as one would expect, The Yuudeshi wasted no time in turning her body around and attempting to blast the sickly looking hollow at all sides until she was nothing but a laughable resemblance of Swiss cheese. Either that or bloodied and hollowed out mess on the ground. Either scene was favorable to The Warden, but not one she could have time to indulge much in.

There was a big cluster of energy signatures ready to tip this land a new one, and Shatari had banked on something like that occurring. After all, reinforcements kept surging all of the other bases one after one; you'd kind of have to be as dumb as a rock not to anticipate that. Henceforth, The Banshee of Karakura had all but two hundred of the soldiers who weren't killed in the initial wave stay by her side. From there, each of them scattered for two miles until a plan was put into place.


As soon as those over sized chumps from White's Army started surging the place -- they'd find immense difficultly in activating their powers. Of course this took the sacrifice of a few good men to achieve, as it was a ghastly blood bath during the first wave of their attacks. In fact, even a fair deal of the base suffered some damage as smoke and fire started blooming into the air all around them. Yet, in spite of this, what would be most prevalent to all is one simple thing: SCREECHING.

To those without the proper protection, there would be a nothing a low hum which could be ignored; but to those who were un-shielded from this? UTTER HELL WAS GOING TO BE UNLEASHED. It would feel as if their brain was turning to mush, eardrums dissolving to goo and their whole reach on themselves and their power could be felt as burning away at the seams. This is because two spherical devices were emitting a specialized sound which targeted subjects the brain waves, altered them and disrupted the the pathways which allowed them to mentally use their powers. It would be akin to suddenly losing the ability to walk and they would find themselves at a disadvantage save for their natural strength.

All the while, a cluster of TCCU Clones would then find themselves descending on the scene and a group of a dozen 2-1 tiered TCCU Clones would guard each separate device from invaders. At the same time, this would hopefully block out the influence of Ksetera pari and allow for the base to temporarily remain out of White Eye's grasp. As, if things went according to plan, he'd be unable to do that little maneuver for at least a few post. If not, she'd signal for an aerial strike to begin dropping bombs down on the area and wiping out the numbers of the demonic invasions with explosive eruptions on par with an Arrancar's grand ray cero .

So, as all hell broke loose around them, The Banshee of Karakura would hold her ground and simply await for White Eye to make his way over to her. After all, without the snake's head, there was no snake's body, right? It was natural to assume that they'd come straight for her and she was waiting for that very moment. When he appeared behind her -- BANG, BANG, BANG! She'd flip the guns in reverse, begin firing at his abdomen and sought to leave a vast hole in him by firing each of her plasma rifle rounds at fall blast to flatten a whole one hundred meters behind her.

"Sorry, Devil, I'm not interested in demonic freaks. There is nothing you got that I want besides your ass laid out on the floor dead."

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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:44 pm
Oh fuck.

The words could be heard by all as Shatari sped towards Kor-tatha, the Arrancar realizing that the human was more than a match for her in the speed department. This meant that there was no way she would be able to keep her distance from the Yuudeshi, and her usual long distance tactics would be of no use to her. So, without waiting a second, Kor-tatha did the only thing she could do: she tried to shift the focus of her Telepathic connection with Shatari. With their minds already connected due to her natural telepathy, Kor-tatha attempted to worm her way further in to the Yuudeshi's mind, in to the area that governed her movements and planning, allowing the psychic arrancar to always be one step ahead of the human in terms of her movement. It might not allow her to outpace the Yuudeshi, but it would at least move things towards a more even matchup. Even so, there was no gaurantee it would work. While Shatari was unlikely to be able to defend herself from the intrusion due to the stress of Kor-tatha's psionic preence, this was not something that Kor-tatha had practiced in using. Oh, sure, she might have manipulated what she could do with the telepathic connection before, but never had she done so to this length.

As Shatari's fingers danced across the display, Kor-tatha was already peddling backwards, trying to put distance between her and the threat right before her. Seeing the weapon materializing before her, Kor-tatha gritted her teeth, bringing up her left hand as it glowed with energy. As the trigger was finally pulled, the arrancar blasted bala after bala towards her attacker. The purpose of this assault was two-fold. First, there was the hope that the bala would manage to knock whatever the projectile being used away from her. Second, Kor-tatha had not planted herself when she let off the bala, and as physics states, for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, as her body was not holding itself to a surface, the force of the bala attack launching forward had an equal and opposite reaction upon Kor-tatha, sending the arrancar flying backwards from the force of her own attack. Slamming her feet in to the wall that quickly approached from behind, she quickly utilized Sonido to flash off to the side, out of the path of the oncoming assault. Even if Shatari moved to adjust where she was firing at, Kor-tatha would simply move to the side of the shot, and if she had been successful in infiltrating the Yuudeshi's mind then the chances of her being hit were next to none.

However, things changed as soon as the gunfire stopped. Somersaulting off the wall towards the floor, Kor-tatha had no control as Shatari blurred towards her, her legs being slammed out from under her, and the taste of blood hit her tongue as her head slammed in to the ground. Dazed from the sudden assault, the arrancar could do nothing as the Yuudeshi slammed ten needles in to her legs. Her body siezed up, her great mind racing as she saw another weapon appear in the human's hands. The barrel pointed directly at her, the trigger squeezed, and at that moment it happened.

Everyone within two hundred and fifty meters of Kor-tatha would suddenly have their heads filled with thousands upon thousands of screaming, pain filled voices. Simultaneously, a force ripped upwards from Kor-tatha, invisible to the naked eye, and attempted to slam itself directly in to Shatari, grabbing her and forcefully shoving the girl in to the ceiling of the base, hands pinned by her side. If the female did not abate her assault it was very likely that the arrancar would succeed. The needles in her legs began to wobble, as if on their own, before the ones on the right shot out like corks from a bottle. The ones on the left though, they began vibrating as the attempted to loosen themselves from the body of Kor-tatha but found themselves stuck. Over this period the needles slowly carved holes in to her leg before they finally managed to free themselves, shooting off and away from her. Should her body still be paralyzed despite the removal of the needles, Kor-tatha would slowly surge her psychic energy through her body, forcibly using it to fire her nerve endings, making her body move on command of the psychic energy alone.

It was as Kor-tatha slowly stood up that she began to notice the tiny pinging, the attempt to take over her mind using some sort of sound waves. It was laughable at best, she was a powerful user of mental energies, an attack on her mind would have little to no effect. However, there had been some new arrivals now, and she couldn't afford to have her allies incapacitated by this... whatever it was. So, directing her thoughts over towards White, Kor-tatha sent a surge of psionic energy down her telepathic connection to the masked demon. From there she would begin to mold the energy to shield his mind, at least partially protecting him from whatever contraption had dared to enter her domain. Turning towards the source of all these strange gadgets, the Arrancar's voice took on a darker tone as it once more transmitted over her telepathic connection, even as the last vestiges of her telekinetic use earlier dissipated.

"You dare to try and subvert the mind of my comrade?! This is my domain, and if you step in to it then I shall leave your minds torn to pieces, a fragment of their former selves!

As demonic energy trailed and whipped around her form, Kor-tatha withdrew a small dagger from within her ropes, speaking as she forced it in to her forehead.

"Devour, Mente Comedor!"

With that, sickly green light erupted around the Arrancar before her form emerged. Four Green tentacles framed what used to be her mouth, her scalp now hairless and greyish. Her limbs were thin and gangly, the black robe of hers hiding most of her body. Even as her form appeared before the assailants, words were solely delivered to White, hoping her could do as asked.

"Can you manage to pin down the annoying one for me?"

With her words spoken, Kor-tatha used her sonid to back away from the forms of the oncoming clones and the warriors who had been there earlier. Holding her hands in front of her, she brought forth all of her concentration on the technique which she was about to form. With her concentration devoted solely to her technique, balls of energy, the charging of Ceros numbering in the hundreds, formed around her, psychic energy fusing with spiritual energy as she created them, before the Ceros themselves flew together, fusing in to one blue-green sphere of energy in front of her. Sweat dripping off her brow as she finished her creation, a psychic energy infused false gran-rey cero, this was her trump card. While she did not have the proper instruction to create a true gran-rey cero, she had in her time manage to create a technique to fuse multiple Ceros together, creating a technique with similar capability as that of the fabled gran-rey cero. With one final breath, Kor-tatha let her technique rush off towards the form of Shatari Yuudeshi, a vicious grin upon her face.

"Take that, bitch!"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 21, 2016 7:45 pm
[adm]I'm leaving this notice here to state that Nix can be skipped at any moment since it's been a month. @Nix Shraik Anyone can enter at this point, but if not, I'll be posting in the next few days and I'll write what occurred with Nix's characters with Tina. If there is an issue, contact me at my communication thread: [/adm]

Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu May 26, 2016 1:56 am
[adm]Okay. Since Nix has not returned since my warning, I'm going to go ahead and draw up what happened to White Eye. We are going to assume he got caught up in the bulk of Shatari's bombing blast. As it can be assumed that he fell prey to the effects of Fuse Shift and got blasted off away from the Sector following her rifle blast shot off at him; which could have launched him towards the bombing, which then would have hurled him towards the depths of space. Where, at that point, he would remain alive; but his energy would remain unsensed by the others and they could continue to fight unless he could regain his powers (if he comes back)[/adm]

Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu May 26, 2016 3:15 am

Artist: RWBY - Song: I'm The One - Word Count: 1838
When the smoke cleared, it was apparent enough that the initial bulk of The Vanguard Warden's plan had been successful. Many of the forces which entered the region were bombed to hell and back. This resulted in them either having to retreat, sustaining heavy injury or the good deal of them dying. Those that remained were unable to use their powers thanks to that handy fuse shift and made for good n' easy kills, or those poor souls made decent enough prisoners to try and extract information from.

In fact, the assault was even so well effective that Shatari assumed she must've killed the other big-shot that tried to enter into her fight. As, following that clash, The Banshee of Karakura outright couldn't sense him anymore following her rifle shot projecting the males body straight into the heat of her bombtastic assault. It was if he got launched straight into space and got wasted in the eruptions which soon followed her. Thus, if nothing else, he wasn't factor to really worry about for the time being.

What was more concerning was the fact that the damn Arrancar still seemed to be alive and kicking. As the two of them exchanged blows, The Yuudeshi could even feel something was entirely off about it. Yeah, she should have been way faster than this woman, but it felt as if each of her movements were just a millisecond too slow. That's when something would have ticked within The Banshee's head and she'd recall the mental assault which was placed upon her mind earlier in the battle.

'That's right. Something is still inside of here. Block it out.'

The deep and raspy voice of a demonic males voice rung within the mind of Shatari as she processed what was going on. While she wasn't entirely sure what trickery this overgrown octopus was using, it was apparent her mind was infected with a sense of corruption and all of her other moves would be considered unimportant for that reason. As, there was no point in focusing in too heavily on the offense until her moves could stop being so easily read.

[Note: Shatari and Kor have an advanced willpower]

Therefore, Kor would be able to mend and twist her way out of becoming a kebab, but she would lose her grip on the mind of The Yudueshi. As in those moments a form of mental defense was being forged within the depths of Shatari's consciousness. It took a fair amount of effort and energy in order to perform, as shown by the sparks of electricity exploding around her head. However, The Banshee was able to utilize her willpower in order to produce a barrier of the mind in order to keep Kor's intrusive effects out for the time being. She wasn't sure how long this could last, but it should at least afford her two to three post of little to no intrusion.

For now, she knew that more mental assaults were to come, as a good deal of her men were noted as screaming in the distance from the attack Kor made on their minds. Therefore, she would scan the number of TCCU Clones on the field and communicate with them via the Yuudeshi Network in order to form a plan of sorts. With all of their combined energies, they should be able to form their own mental network. By leeching off of Shatari's willpower, they could spread it throughout the battlefield and protect a majority of the soldiers from getting zapped by her mental prowess.

Therefore, an expansion of string-like white energy started to scatter across the battlefield and attach itself into the minds of those recorded as being Iramasha, Vanguard or allied forces of the Vanguard. If they were injected with this force, they could have the same mental barrier infused into their minds in order to protect themselves against the effects of Kor's mental trickery. While the effectiveness may vary from solider to soliders, Shatari estimated that she should at least have 50-70% of her men in fighting older following that maneuver.

Granted, she needed to set her sights back to reality as an unleashing of energy was felt as leaving Kor and heading straight for Shatari. Therefore, The Yuudeshi decided to have a cluster of her electric energy expand and release in the form of a wave of lightning. This burst of electricity would seek to collide with her psionic burst and serve as a way to mitigate the damage done upwards of seventy percent.

This then resulted in enough force passing to otherwise create some strain in Shatari's body. It caused her to temporarily feel as if the air had been sucked out of her lungs, while the bones of her body certainly felt pressured by whatever this assault was. She could also feel her kidneys having a stinging pain flaring up that made The Yuudehsi further wince over in pain. Additionally, small bits of her energy were felt as leaving The Banshee. However, she had a knack for pain resistance and wasn't going to be taken out of the game that early.

So, after she spat out a bit of blood form her mouth, a plan was already put into place in order to deal with the destructive energies which were forming all around her. Two 2-4 tier TCCU Clones would emerge to the left and right of Shatari. From there, they would charge forward in order to send their collective energies towards the massive energy burst heading towards The Vanguard Warden's way. In this effort, they wanted to be the first line of defense to allow Shatari a chance to charge Kor head first.

This would then result in a big explosion igniting throughout the battlefield and hopefully blinding Kor in the moment. The Banshee still felt the strain of the shock waves pressing against her body, but she utilized her Chi in order to lower the effects and allow her to press forward. Since, in the end, each of the forces should hopefully cancel each other out and give Shatari an opening to take advantage of.

As, in a flash, and in a hurry, The Yuudeshi utilized her electricity in order to augment her speed by two times by infusing this electric energy into her limbs to make her take off in the blink of an eye. Then, at the speed in which her mind and fingers moved, The Yuudeshi programmed another weapon summon to come off a blue holographic screen. The two previous rifles she wielded seemed to disappear into a digital dust, while her entire body seemed to tense and become rife with Chi Energy in order to bare the burden of this next weapon.


What had emerged in The Vanguard Warden's hands had been a white anti-material rifle which was roughly two feet long and possessed a 20MM cartridge. With a clear aim at Kor's face, Shatari would take advantage of what should be a sluggish Kor from the stunning needles which were still lodged into The Arrancar and taking effect for the next one to two post. Combined with the fact that a mental block was placed in her mind, there was little chance of her anticipating the moves of The Yuudeshi.

Thus, after Shatari used her Chi Energy to form a make-shift noise cancelling headphone around her head, The Warden unleashed two deafening bullets from her infamous "Karakura Crusher". If Kor got hit by this? Well, she wouldn't be walking it off. Period. While she tinkered around with attempting to create a psuedo grand ray cero, this Yuudeshi was bringing out the big guns and trying to outright blast her to cinders with two projectiles capable of rivaling a Cero Oscuras. This is even neglecting to mention the lost of hearing form taking such a thunderous assault head-first.

Henceforth, with all the firepower behind this attack, it would certainly result in Kor finding herself sustaining heavy injuries throughout the vast majority of her body. The weapon used was capable of taking out chunks of an army, so it was bound to cause the bulk of Kor's body to take on critical damage which could leave her immobilized, dazed and unaware of what hit her. As the blast radius of this attack could spread for one hundred meters in every direction and make it further difficult to dodge; which is why Shatari herself had one of the TCCU Clones form an electric lasso in order to forcibly drag her body from getting caught up in the explosion with how fast they dragged The Yuudeshi back.

And, even then, Shatari got hit by a few chunks of debris and headed up getting her legs cut, arms art and feeling a bit of pressure hit her lungs, body and head from the pressure waves unleashed by this hellish assault. Enough to make her cough up blood, but still she would at least remain in walking condition once she was able to hopefully take refuge at a safer distance.

As, should Kor be caught in this burst, she'd undoubtedly feel the bulk of her abilities and flow of energy being disrupted by this assault. It was just that damn potent to the point where it effected the supernatural and spiritual capacities of the targets it hits. Thus, if nothing else, Kor would be heavily effected by all of these factors raining down upon her by the time this smoke cleared. And, to further cement that fact, Shatari would have the trace amounts of her Chi energy attached the needles activate and attempt to "stun" her in place with a strong electric shock.

From there, all that was left to do was begin having all the other troops forge barriers across the Sector in order to protect it from any further invading forces. So, many of the men started to disburse and add their collective energies to Sector E; while leaving a small opening for Shatari in order to sling-shot this last threat out of their home. As they were doing a damn good job of keeping this Sector in tact and casulaities at a minimum.

Since, while Shatari could sense that all biblical warfare was occurring in sectors beyond her grasps, she couldn't worry herself about it until she was done with this danger in front of her. All of the shock waves, explosions and eruptions of ungodly power were daunting; but she she had to tank this battle in order to meet up with her comrades and begin making a bigger difference in this war. Therefore, this monster had to be stopped and The Banshee of Karakura would use all of her tools at her disposal to make this dream come true.

"Now choke on it, Angel~"

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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:06 pm
[adm]Just giving a notice to this thread for @Tina. Since it's been over two weeks since you posted in this thread, I'm going to go ahead and advise you have 3-4 days to make a post before you are skipped. You can fill me on details on with whatever is going on with you however you can contact me, but we need to get things moving.[/adm]

Sector E [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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