Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 21, 2016 7:48 pm
[adm]You have five days to post. @||-BlankMystery-|| If you fail to? YOu will be skipped and they will be able to proceed on with the thread as they wish. If you have any issues, please contact me here:[/adm]

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Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon May 30, 2016 7:56 am
Miraya was far enough away that when she noticed Romano swinging toward her she was able to leap backwards away from the fearsome blow. She watched what they would decide to do once they had a moment. Romano seemed determined to fight her while Perseus seemed to decide to take on Silvia. She wasn't sure exactly what her opponent was capable of but at the exact same time he had yet to see most of what she could do as well. She tried to figure how to battle against Romano. She was best at fighting at close range but she could try to continue throwing him off that she was all about keeping her distance.

She knew that Romano at his base level was certainly stronger then her and she wasn't sure how much the miasma had increased her strength but she knew it would be better to play on the safe side and play to her strength. She had already prepared her right arm with its charge and her left hand she balled into a fist her blades flipping from her forearm landing over her fist. She knew he had a hammer which would hit hard if she let it so she needed to be ready to move quick to avoid its strikes but who knew what else he had planned. What attacks he would be able to prepare to throw her way. She needed to be prepared for whatever he could throw her way. She ran back in watching his moves ready to deflect an attack with her right arm, not block it deflect letting most of the power and moment be wasted in the air if it came. Rather then trying to hit him straight up she would spin herself around his right side and trying to get her blades into his back.
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Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:05 am
I plan to post in the next day or two. Sorry about the wait but I had exams and family things happen.

[ T H E P R O T E C T O R ]

Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 KnLCVxB

[ O F I  R A M A S H A I S L A N D ]
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Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:55 pm
Perseus smirked as he heard no response from the woman. It seemed that if she just wanted to intervene momentarily, then that was her choice. Perseus blasted himself off in the direction of the battle behind them. He blasted off with such speed that he could barely be seen by normal eyes. Is target, to land behind the lady hollow. But as he did so his mind was busy figuring out what defenses to activate.

As the lead person in the R&D he had access to many of the weaponry that could be used to defend the base, but more importantly help out with this particular sector. Using the Yuudeshi network he could remotely access these countermeasures to protect as many people as he could. First things first. Lock down the sector. Yes people were coming in through portals but he could help the situation by sealing off sections of the sector, allowing those inside to better fend off the interior attack. Outside he decided to activate the laser array. These were laser turrtes mounted at the edges of the sector complex. They would fire at things deemed a threat, energies that were registered as bad people in the network, and both of these lovely ladies fit the description. In this area 20 turrets were activated. 10 for each of them. And they started to fire, they had a fire rate of 1 shot per second.

As perseus landed he sent out a massive wave of energy through the ground, causing spikes of moon rock ro rise up from the ground, as well as causing a large fissure to open up bellow the arrancar. As Romano saw the fissure start to open he proceeded to smash his hammer into the ground, having a similar, but smaller effect as Perseus' attack, but it added flames to the mix.

As the fissures met a large eruption of magma, 30 feet tall and wide, came out. At the same time a 5.5 magnitude moonquake roaked the area, being able to be felt, at its full intensity, up to 50 miles away.
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Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:03 am
Miraya was in for quite a bit of a surprise at how much stuff was happening all at once. She was already moving when Perseus showed up behind her so she wasn't to worried about him but she didn't expect him to active bases defenses so quickly or effectively. Suddenly the air opened up with laser fire that she was hard pressed to dodge which would make her plans to go on the offensive mute. She had to focus on avoiding the turrets firing in her direction which was bad enough then Perseus also threw in the quake. Both these things combined would be nearly impossible to deal with and she had to think fast in order to withstand these. Seeing Romano making his move with that hammer forced her hand to make a quick decision.

She wasn't happy with the circumstances but she did have one choice that would help her deal with everything. It wasn't something she wanted to do, at least not just yet anyway. She knew it would have ended up that way anyway still she had hoped to hold it in reserve until she had figured these two out a bit more. Still with everything going on it seemed like her best option. With the lasers coming at her and the ground unstable she wouldn't be able to dodge as it so she would take to the air. She launched herself into the air "Ascend into the heavens and crash down again." While in the air her body would elongate, especially her arms which grew small spikes on the back her fingers becoming claws. Her abnormally profound shoulder blades would erupt into a pair of pitch black wings and her mask would rise above her head forming the broken circle.

With her wings supporting her in the air she didn't have to deal with the effects of the quake and she was even faster then she was before making dodging the laser fire easier. Still it was overly annoying to be weaving her way up and down left and right to not get hit. She wouldn't be able to focus on her opponents with those things up so she decided it would be better to simply deal with that problem. She would begin to beat her wings toward the turrets launching her feathers to toward them each one exploding on impact. She was sure they were tough but there were hundreds of explosions and even the strongest material would begin to give and she still have plenty of feathers to spare. Even if she couldn't take out all the turrets it would help a lot to take out some of them. Now she would turn to see what those two were up to now knowing she couldn't ignore them for long.
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Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:27 pm
[adm]We can assume that Dark Matter girl ended up leaving the thread to deal with something more urgent. In turn, this would leave Peresues and Miraya to duke it out. [/adm]

Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:58 pm
Romano and Perseus both gave out a chuckle as they saw their opponent sprout wings and fly into the air. That was a terrible mistake.

Romano held up his hammer as he said "Oh ram celeste, concedimi il potere sopra il vento del cambiamento." A bright light filled the area as the stars in the sky light up. It was the constellation of Aires. HIs large hammer swirled with wind as it changed into a brilliant golden spear. At the same time he let out a loud scream. Golden ram like horns pushed out of the sides of his head. Blood dripped from them as he caught his breath. Going into his higher forms often hurt.

Romano pointed the spear toward the flying arrancar as a mighty 100 MPH wind blew in her direction. This massive gale caused the feathers she throw in their direction to fly back towards her. The Turrets unharmed and still firing at her. With this massive gale, hopefully, affecting her flight, since she used wings to fly.

As this happened Perseus was preparing something to hold her down. Why kill the little lady when they can just capture her and use her for some reason later. He pointed at her as he said "82". A large glowing square formed under his feet. It had the letters "Pb", and the numbers "82" and "207.2", inside of the square. Perseus was summoning lead. From the square erupted a myriad of black chains. These chains locked in on the girl. They flew through the air towards her. IF they connected they would wrap tightly around her body. The heavy, dense, lead chains would drag her back down to the ground. Well much less drag and more like fall.
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Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:00 am
Things were getting out of hand and Miraya wasn't very happy about it. Opening portals around her, cracking open the ground, the laser turrets, and now they were creating a wind storm kicked up because of them what could these people NOT do. It was really starting to get annoying to deal with all this stuff. Still if they thought a little bit of wind was going to do anything to stop her they were dead wrong. Anybody who flew regularly had to learn some thing pretty fast and one of those things was how to deal with wind like this. Fighting against it would only get her hurt and since she was already in the air she would couldn't avoid it so she would just have to go with it. She would expand her wings to catch the wind turning so the wind would carry her up and away from the incoming attacks the wind allowing her to move even faster then she could normally.

With the boost from the wind she found it easy to guide herself around the air easily dodging the incoming attacks from the lasers and the feathers being charged with her own reiatsu would do minimal damage to her but with how many filled the sky she couldn't avoid them all. She saw the chains start coming toward her and she wondered about those. She wondered if they would follow her wherever she went and what they would do once they got to her. Most likely they were trying to confine her for some reason and she didn't want to figure out what it was. One thing she noticed about almost all of their attacks were that they were very indirect. They were using the area around them and redirecting her attacks rather then fighting her outright. She figured if they didn't want to fight her directly they probably wouldn't do so well if she could just hit them a few times.

Miraya would begin to angle herself to make a loop around in her flight preparing to figure out her counter strike at them. She could attack from a distance but it would be difficult since they clearly had lots of ways to defend themselves from that sort of attack so she would need to get in close. Romano had been quick to respond last time she was close so she would target the other one. She wondered for a brief moment how well programmed those turrets were, maybe they would keep trying to hit her if she did attack and hit them by mistake. If those chains would follow her maybe they would hit them to. Miraya charged her reiatsu into her arms turning them black as she disappeared mid loop her sonido landing her next to Perseus her dagger like fingers in her right arm seeking to plunge themselves into his side.
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Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:14 pm
[adm]Just giving a notice for Viz to post in this thread. It's been since the 11th and you may be skipped if you don't post in the next 5 days.[/adm]

Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector F [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:00 am
Both men stood in place as they watch the flying arrancar handle the situation rather well. She had used the wind to her advantage, though she was being pummeled by her own attacks. The chains tried their best to keep up with her, but were always a few feet away. As she got close to Perseus the turrets would stop firing, they werent going to shoot the person controlling them.

Perseus stood still as the sharp claws he groaned as they tore into his sides, but a smirk grew on his face. The instant that the claws went into his body, something terrible would happen to those appendages. To handle the intense energies of changing atoms and modifying molecules Perseus was built much like a nuclear reactor. That is, his body would take up the extra energy, making his internal temperature a warm 300 degrees Celsius (572 degrees Fahrenheit).

Coming in contact with those temperatures would not only cause a massive burn, but could instantly cause deformations on the appendages, if not causing them to become useless for the rest of their existence. And that was just the temperature. Inside his body were massive stores of radiation. This would be the main cause of the temperature, but now that it leaked out of his body alarms would start blaring throughout the base, announcing a massive radiation leak.

The chains that were a few feet behind would finally catch up and flow around Perseus, aoiding him completely, after all they were under his control. Hopefully the incredible pain that the arracar would be in would keep her there for a few more seconds, allow the chains to tightly wrap arround her. It would be no more than that, but the intense radiation heated up the chains, causing them to be unbearably hot, hot enough to cause severe burns.
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