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Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:29 am


4/2/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on April 2nd, 2416. There is a distant fire and explosions heard in the distance from Sector A. Therefore, the defenses are being put up in this sector in order to prepare for the attack. Read more on the mission to understand and sign-up:

Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 24, 2016 9:51 am


Artist: Maniac Agenda - Song: A Stranger I Remain - Word Count: 667

Explosion after explosion after explosion rocked the Moonbase as the terrorist attack of Shadow Fall commenced. This entire place was turning to hell fast and numerous battles were igniting all throughout the facility. Fires rose in the air, bodies filled the metallic ground and the smells, sights and sounds of death permeated everything for as far as the eye could see. It was truly chaos and this would only be further accelerated by the arrival of The Sixth Circle's Archduchess: Saiko Mori.

Coming in like a oceanic comet, the blazing blue spiritual energy of The Mistress Of Glum was shifted into attack mode and she stormed the base like a bullet train of eradication. For upon her entrance into the scene would she then mark a full mile of bodies in the wake of her arrival. Hundreds, if not, thousands of soldiers were disposed and killed by the demonic blade of The Half-Blood's sword.

Slashing, slashing, slashing and further slashing; this action would be repeated and repeated until nothing but a ridiculous trail of blood remained when she ceased her movement upon a ledge which overlooked the earth, the moon and the burning base beneath her feet.

As those sea hued eyes of hers observed the twisted and bloody carnage below, a soft sigh exhaled from her mouth and the tensions within her body were eased. With that right arm of hers shaking, the adrenaline was surging through Saiko's blood and she could feel her anxieties beginning to accelerate before she was able to begin relaxing and calming them.

Fear, excitement, uncertainty and death were all things to be expected on the field of war and a monster like herself needed to find solace in that fact. After all, now was no time to succumb to such dismal thoughts after long defining her being as a murderous beast and betrayer.

Therefore, there was no time to look back. In a matter of moments, the ghost skinned woman raised her hand in the air and a pulsation of magic soon penetrated the air. Following this spark, a burst of purple and blue light would erupt behind her and bring with it the formation of a vortex. This vortex would rip the space of existence around itself, tear open a wormhole to an undisclosed base of Shadow Fall and bring with it the storming of roughly one thousand Shadow Fall troops. A relatively small number, perhaps, but with Saiko here they saw no need to send excess canon fodder.

Thus, the hooded woman would send private telepathic messages for them to seize the base, destroy as much as they can and move on with carrying out the plan her sister wished for. For as The Mistress of Glum turned her sights to the right, she would observe the far off battle of Neoveta Asthavon and hope within her mind that her sibling understood what she was doing.

More than anything else, Saiko was only here to give a show of face for Shadow Fall and to assist her family. For while she wasn't too fond of Mana, the others within the family did nothing wrong and she was rather fond of them. So, from this bond, she sought to support them and move forward with the mission. Henceforth, the hooded and scarred woman would raise her finger, point it at the base and give a release of sapphire energy before obliterating a good half mile of the sector in one destructive blast.

For now, she did not foresee the need for anything extensive and sought to spare herself further complex abilities until a greater resistance came. As, in the distance, she could feel something off and understood that such a circumstance like this could not last forever. So, she was on guard and ready for anything to come at her.

So, whatever may come -- will come.

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Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:18 am; edited 1 time in total

Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu

Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:46 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

It would come without warning as he began to walk into the battlefield. Explosions echoing around him as his cold crimson eyes stared into Shadow Fall people. It was so fast that some had no time to react. Shadow Fall troops fell on the ground into pieces. Being cut up by a katana that seemed to swipe through the air. Without warning, a slash went out silencing several of them. Bodies began being thrown out of the building. A blood lust filled the air with an aura that could frighten demons. It was something hungry about his blood lust. Like an animal that had been pushed into a corner. But this was worse something else was in those eyes. Anger was on Tsubasa's expression for certain as he walked forward slowly. "..I will have answers..why you dogs did what you did..." Tsubasa's voice came out now as the coldness scared some. His digits gripped his Zanpakutō as he sliced one member's head clean off. Tsubasa decided to let them know just what they'd ran into. His spiritual pressure was allowed to be free for the first time in a while. Screams began to echo out in the base as these troops were butchered. All Saiko would hear telepathically is screaming about a monster. Though he suspected she knew his reiatsu well enough. Rumor had it Tsubasa had gone missing or rogue now. His business here was simple he wanted answers and someone would answer. He grabbed the throat of a nearby Shadow Fall trooper slamming him into the wall. "Talk, why did they do it? " The trooper seemed to be shuddering as he was overcome with fear. Steam began to rise from the man's skin as Tsubasa's emotionless gaze stared on. He was causing the blood inside the man to boil as his gaze shifted to an attacker. With one arm he cut him in half as the blood began to cake his body. Tsubasa had entered this base with a single intention. He could have intervened and saved these people. But that wasn't his goal at the moment, as lightning began to spark outside of the base.

It was very clear who had arrived or perhaps been here a while. Tsubasa wanted answers from Shadow Fall, and they would talk. There was no option to be given aside from talking. Squeezing with his hand he crushed the shoulder's throat dropping him. Before cutting him at the waist in half as he began walking forward. The troops began to back up gathered in a mass, as something beyond their capabilities had come. Something was clear the former Captain Commander was far from pleased. And those in the firing line were those who were with Shadow's Fall. As his frame appeared outside of the Vanguard base. Blood soaked his body as his eyes locked with Saiko. A familiar face indeed, he was the reason she'd joined the Gotei 13. "I will have answers or I will kill every living Shadow Fall person on this moon.." His eyes of crimson turned yellow for a moment as it became clear. He was hostile towards Shadow Fall for some reason, Tsubasa's blade dripped blood. As he walked dragging a screaming person out of the base behind him. Lightning coursed along his fingers sending enough voltage to kill the person. "Woe to you oh earth and sea. For the devil sends the beast with wrath. Because he knows time is short. Let him who have to understanding, taste my....wrath.." His words went out like a warning to those around him. Tsubasa had sworn never to kill without cause again. He'd hung up his blade but Shadow Fall had done something. Something to make him forget the value of life. So all lives within Shadow Fall till his questions were answered were forfeit. Quietly his eyes stared in the direction Saiko was at. She'd sent her people into the Tiger's den to die a dog's death. It mattered little to him as none of these ankle biters would answer his questions."Tell me...Saiko why did your organization kill my kin and try to kidnap me?" That was the question that those who died behind him failed to answer. His hand slowly rested on his second blade.

Would she be able to answer him or would he have to rip them all apart? Would he be killing people till answers were gotten? He thought about simply asking but that wouldn't quell it. His anger was for once burning all because children were slain. The Gotei 13 didn't have the stomach for what would come of this. He left that organization to not put blood on their hand. The Pale Rider was awake and rather hungry for blood. A sense filled the air that those who got too close would die. Thus, the troops were giving him a wide birth now. However, he'd already killed a large amount of them. Enough that his body was covered in blood. He pointed his Zanpakutō at Saiko now. He didn't think Shadow Fall was wrong strategy wise for attacking. But they made a single error that would cost them dearly. He would cut every single one of them up."If your answers don't satisfy me, I will go to England and kill every single living creature in it..." Tsubasa's original nature was useful in some ways.

People got the sense he meant it and he wasn't exactly lying. He would march right into England and start a blood bath. He would bring his family and that city would burn. Tsubasa wasn't a forgiving man in the slightest way. Forgiveness wasn't in his vocabulary. Not even a little bit existed inside him for this sort of action. Had it been a war or something like that he could have accepted it. But till answers were given Tsubasa would hunt Shadow Fall down. If need be he would drive them to extinction. One thing had changed and Shadow Fall should have known it well. No Laws bound the Pale Rider's hand now. Tsubasa Unabara was free to be as brutal and savage as he desired. It was either a miscalculation or they would all pay a steep price for their arrogance. To kill his clan members and expect nothing in response was foolish. But to try and kidnap him for some twisted purpose. That was what truly brought his anger to the surface. To insult him and his family in such a way.

It was truly unforgivable.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:09 am


Artist: RWBY - Song: Divide - Word Count: 1029

Imagine taking a knife and churning it every slowly into heart. Envision the stabs of pain which would wash through your body, drown you in torment and throw you into a world of anguish and hell. That is the sort of hurt which coursed through the soul of Saiko in the moment that she sensed "his" spiritual presence on The Moon Base. Of all places for "him" to show up, why her sector? Fate must be utterly cruel for that one.

Yet -- The Mistress of The Glum would hold her ground against this new golden challenger. As much as she wanted to run away from this, there was no point in doing so when the path she was on had been destined for such hardships and heartache. Therefore, because of this deep rooted sentiment, an explosion of plum energy erupted all around The Archduchess's body. Those oceanic eyes soon turned to violet and the mask of the melancholy had been adorned upon the woman.

With the death of her fallen comrades, The Mistress Of The Glum would place one knee down on the ground and give a silent prayer to their demise. While she was still a betrayer; Saiko did not much desire to see the souls she led down the path of war become so callously butchered and skewered. They were merely following her orders and to have that weight of their lives on her shoulders was a belief which fueled her to tap deeper into the prowess of Death's Energy. For along the edges of Saiko's violet aura did the color of shade bled on the outlines of this flaming energy. This was to represent the augmented state of being that her DE Force entered into after consuming the atmosphere of death which coated The Moonbase like a choking plague.


That single thought and action entered her mind as The Maiden Of Glum faded from her position and forcibly placed her right hand upon the throat of Tsubasa. In doing so, she would halt his bloody assault in mid motion and seek to slam him through multiple structures before stopping the carter of an isolated section of The H Sector. In the process, she'd save roughly half of the remaining Shadow Fall operatives on the field and spare them his blade.

In the process of doing so they would then be allowed to leave this hellish zone and spread out to other sections on the moon. As, at this point, this battle was going to be solely between the two of them. With each of these demonic beast strangling the life out of everything in sight, their golden and plum energies would do the dance of death and scatter throughout the base; strangling and choking the life out of all those who remained.

But Saiko cared not for that. There was a question which needed answering and, as much as it pained her to look this man in the eyes, she could not avert her devoid and lifeless gaze from it. So, no other choice was available but to oblige and give him the answer that he so sought.

" that anyway to greet an old friend, Tsubasa? Oh, that hurts...."

Despite not moving her lips, the voice of Saiko echoed in the area around the two devils. This was the art of telepathy and it reflected the sounds of The Glum Maiden's soul. And was it ever filled with a glum, dry and depraved sense of humor. For at the end of that dialogue did a coarse chuckle exit the spirit of the half-blooded shinigami. She was sickeningly amused by how much grief life sent her and pondered if some sentiment force in the universe loved to see her in pain.

Regardless, the time for such absent minded thoughts wasn't now. There was still something to follow-up on with his question.

"....I do not recall a mission ever being placed like that on your head from my faction. We've had no interest in the Unabara family or yourself since Iceland. While I may have clashed against your daughter, I opt'd not to pursue because I am still indebted to you."

Though, as she Zanpukto was pointed her heart, a brief glimpse of Ash would fade into her mind. She could feel the killing intent behind everything Tsubasa said -- and it angered The Maiden ever so slightly. Enough for her face to begin to curl up into a scowl and push past the feelings of nostalgia, grief and anxiety to utter these resolute words:

"I still consider your family and you as good to me. But....point your sword to me again and I will not hesitate to extinguish the light of life from out of your eyes. I've got something to live for, and as much as it is painful to exist, I will not let my life be so carelessly put out by any single force for that purpose...."

With that, the chokehold Saiko placed on Tsubasa would grow ever stronger and she would seek to slam into the earth once more in order to get her point across. This smashing sensation yielded enough impact behind it to make the entire base around them shake with energy and was enough to get the resolution of her determination across. There were many powerful feelings for this man that swirled around in her head, but she would draw the line at her own life.

For now, however, Saiko would merely watch would The Pale Rider would do from this point. As there was nothing left to do but gauge his reaction to the responses that he had given her. And, in her mind, there was only two things that could happen: the first is that he could find the answers satisfactory and leave. While, the second, would lead to further bloodshed and conflict if it did not.

So, only mother time could tell which hand he would choose. And, for his sake, Saiko would hope he'd make the right decision and not force her to raise her hand any further....

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Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:20 am; edited 2 times in total

Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu

Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:33 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

It wasn't like Tsubasa was an easy enemy for anyone but the moment that Saiko entered. The static electricity moved as it appeared. His form moved extremely quickly as he was focusing As it moved Tsubasa's focus which was so heightened noticed it without fail. He wasn't caught off guard as he was like a wild animal. His hand grabbed the girl's wrist seizing it as it came into his distance. His eyes of gold staring at the female. He began the motion to cut her arm off, but something seized him. He'd thought about it before but now that Saiko stood before him. He felt the arm shaking as he backed up. Anger where did it all come from as his grasp became gentle on her wrist. This girl was a daughter like a figure to him, he wouldn't cause her pain. Not for anyone or anything she was someone he treated and viewed akin to a daughter. Why had he raised his blade here? What was going on, yes he wanted answers? But something twisted inside him demanded blood and violence. The question kept going through his head as crimson eyes slowly returned. His breathing was a bit heavier as he backed himself against a wall. His eyes looked up as he felt the boiling inside his body. What were these feelings that were going through his body now? It was almost like an impulse to kill and butcher without remorse. His eyes looked over the situation with a sad look sighing. When Saiko spoke about what was going on as he gritted his teeth. "Hulderic Hylham and Kiriel Asthavon attacked my clan. They killed children and non-combatants.I was lured out somewhere's blank.I can't remember what happened after activating my bankai.." He reached up with his hand now gently pushing hair away from his eyes. Pathetic he lost his control to something so worthless inside him. It took his adopted daughter of sorts to break it. She didn't get to use force but it almost became a confrontation between them. Tsubasa wasn't sure what it was but something inside him pulsed. Hungry for blood as he pushed his frame from the wall. "Something compelled me to come here and kill till answers were blood is boiling.." He said as he smirked shaking his head. "Thank you Saiko, you've grown into a beautiful young woman..Try not to cause too much pain to yourself.."

He pushed off the wall finally and completely as he regained most of himself. He walked past Saiko slowly patting the girl on the head. He smiled slightly as he walked off now slowly. Some members did think to go after him as their friends had died. So some Shadow Fall members were following behind him. Tsubasa kept moving forward as he sighed softly. It was the sight of Saiko that brought him out of whatever that was. He glanced down at his hand now as he shook his head. Running a hand through it as he glanced towards the earth. His eyes stared at the blood now. What was this compulsion to think it was a beautiful shade of red? Something wasn't right with him and he got the sense it would be worse later. He got the sense something in their heritage wasn't right at all. His eyes gazed at Earth as he reached around his uniform for his kiseru a Japanese style smoking pipe. He pulled it out and brought it to his lips inhaling a bit as he glanced outwards.

Saiko and his relationship went back before his eyes. He brought her in but it was far more than just that. Tsubasa treated her like his child almost and showed her everything he could. To think he'd raised a blade against someone like that. They weren't on the same side anymore that was true. But he only wanted her to smile again someday. So whatever she chose to do that was all that mattered to him. His memories flashed before his eyes again as he recalled their first meeting. It was an interesting day overall as he invited her to the organization and tried to give her a home. He wanted that girl to have a better life than he had. But in the end, he only brought her pain it seemed like this time.

It was time to withdraw from this place as he regained his composure. He'd almost harmed someone important and special to him. He got the sense instinctively that more was going on then his daughter knew. Whatever it was that had compelled him to cut her was stopped by fatherly instincts kicking in. She meant no harm and didn't deserve the hostility she had gotten. He'd sent Tetsuya in to stop Tsubaki from fighting her sister of sorts. He didn't want the pain to be caused to both children. Tetsuya understood the situation a lot better than Tsubaki could have understood. Something was crawling beneath his skin it felt like. His eyes turned back at what members of Shadow Fall troops sought revenge."Don't make my daughter cry now...go be good little boys and do as your told.." He said smirking as he walked away from this location. So what was all of that anger and bloodlust? It didn't make sense for so much to be pent up inside him. Tsubasa wasn't bipolar or anything like that.

Thankfully Saiko was here before he did anything too dangerous. Had she not come before he lost more control over the situation. He wondered how far he would fall, as a familiar voice echoed within. "Kill...kill them them apart without end. Spray their blood on the walls and make them pay. No laws bind you to bring about armageddon upon them. Slaughter without mercy Pale Rider, awaken your blood lust." He brought a hand to his face as his eyes looked alarmed as he glanced up. He needed to leave and now before he lost control of this again. "I won't harm her, she is important to me.I don't care what impulse you push upon me.Saiko Mori is my daughter dammit. If you want to fight fine, we'll fight but somewhere else..I don't know what you are..but we'll take this elsewhere." The mental battle going on ended for now as he breathed heavily. Sheathing his Zanpakutō slowly as he continued on his path. A mental memory flashed calming him again.

He would always walk past Saiko and pat her on her head. Telling her how beautiful she had become with the days. Tsubasa did mean it, of course, their wasn't a moment when he lied to her. She truly was an important person to him thus why he did this. She may have wanted nothing to do with him, but that was fine. At the end of the day he desired but a single thing for Saiko Mori. She may have been the Mistress of Glum. But someday he would see that girl smile once more. He wanted her to be happy regardless of what it meant for positions or politics. This was a secret only a few knew about Tsubasa and Saiko's relationship. She didn't tell many people he figured. And he didn't tell anyone aside from Tetsuya only the small details. It was why the Unabara didn't involve themselves with her. And if she'd come willingly last time she'd of been taken to Tsubasa. Not to the Gotei 13 itself. She was a daughter even if she didn't acknowledge him as her father. He'd adopted her in a way and accepted her as his. Tsubasa didn't do that often but they were kindred spirits.

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Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:47 am


Artist: Katherine Liner - Song: On My Own - Word Count: 881

The blood lust within Tsubasa seemed to be on the surface strong, but ever so fickle on the inside. There would be a noticeable glance to each of her wrist as The Mistress of Glum observed The Pale Rider beginning to tighten his grip on her. It appeared as if he was going to assault Saiko with unrelenting force. And, because of that fact, there would be a sudden fluctuation of vast energy swelling and surging within The Archduchess. As, at a moments notice, she would be capable of unleashing a devastating volley of destruction and power upon him if he had continued with his movements to slash her right arm off.

Yet -- he did not.

It was apparent he lacked the resolve to harm someone so close to his heart. The intuitive nature of Saiko's enigmatic mind could see straight through that as if it were nothing but crystal. Therefore, the aggression which once consumed and devoured her face eased and a neutral expression replaced. For now, there was no need to do much of anything as she simply let go of him, stood up and listened to his motives.

As, the longer The Mistress of Glum listened in to his tale, the more informed she became of the situation. To her knowledge there was no active mission to do much of anything against the likes of Tsubasa Unabara to Saiko's understanding. So it made little to no sense why both Kiriel Asthvaon and Hulderic Hylham decided to go after him. It was something that would have to be investigated deeper at another time as it unnerved The Archduchess. There had to be some rhyme or reason as to why they'd engage in such a act and she'd get to the bottom of it.

However, for the time being, it was apparent enough her former ally was at a lost in his memories. Therefore, out of nostalgia for their relationship would she then offer her prowess to The Unabara. As in a gentle telepathic call would Saiko then mutter these words into his mind:

"I've heard enough. Visit me in my compound within Demon World. I will tend to your emotional and mental instabilities. Your mind is clearly in a state of dis-array. So, I shall pardon your actions for now, Tsubasa. This world is filled with madness and I understand."

After that sentiment was expressed, The Mistress Of Glum would then hold her right arm out to cease the movement of her troops. There was no need to pursue this conflict any further as The Archduchess would clean this mess up herself. If Tsubasa was not himself, she could see past that and accept which occurred as nothing more than a accident. The attachments to him still remained and played an influence in this decision as The Maiden of Dejection greatly idealized, romanticized and adored visions of the past. Visions of when she wasn't a ruthless monster and killer.

So, while it may be irrational, Saiko could not fully claim herself to be one of sound mind and body. Thus, she'd let him go and still seek to be his comrade even behind the lines of demonic blood. Hence, because of this, the coordinates of her private facility would be given to the mind of The Unabara and he'd understand the out lands of The Sirsa Nation is where his heart must go to restore that which was lost from him. After which, nothing but a gentle sigh would exhale from the mouth of The Mistress as she could not fully accept his compliment that she was a beautiful woman; nor accept he was attempting to adopt her as his daughter.

No. Those were just statements which were to be ignored as she had no way of properly reciprocating them as she was now. While apart of her desired to speak something about it, the greater part of herself was ill-equipped to exchange sentimental affairs with those outside of her love interest and family. Yet, if he understood anything about this distorted soul, it would be the fact she did still care for him but only showed it through action.

So, while Saiko would turn her back to him in order to address her troops, The Archduchess would give one final bit of telepathic response to make clear one thing:

"Our paths will cross once more if you do as I say. That debt will be repaid. You have my fragile trust in that."

With that feeling made known, The Mistress Of Melancholy would fade away and proceed with further dismantling of this sector and base. Provided Tsubasa left this compound, she would carry on with the operation which was bestowed upon her. Explosions, destruction and death would continue to fill the air until nothing but a massacre was left in the wake of this section of The Vanguard's moonbase. For the earnest nature of Saiko's focus would see to it this mission was completed to the best of her ability; much like she did when she served under The Pale Rider himself.

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Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:21 am; edited 1 time in total

Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:26 pm


Now that Tsubasa has left, I'm giving this thread 48-72 hours for a protag/neutral to contest. If no one does, then Saiko will claim this sector and I will exit her from the thread and end it. Tick, tock.

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Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun May 01, 2016 1:41 pm


Alright, since there has been no response, I'm going to move forward with closing out this thread in the next Saiko post and have Saiko progress.

Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon May 02, 2016 2:07 pm


Artist: RWBY - Song: When It Falls - Word Count: 552

As time passed and the flames of war arose, the clock was ticking and Saiko understood that she needed to act quickly. Therefore, she wasted not a moment furthering her rampage across the depths of Sector H. With little to no defenses against The Half-Blooded Murderer, The Rampaging Mistress of Glum would have saw to their demise in the form of vaporizing most threats which she encountered. The strength of Shadow Fall's army was too much for them to otherwise overcome in this instance and it was a straight takeover.

And, with this takeover, they saw fit towards hacking into the network of the Vanguard, going through their databases and uploading the data from the moonbase into their records so that they may have further ammo to use against their enemy. Many confidential documents, classified information, specialized ranks and other private intel would be taken by the followers of Saiko's circle as they raided the base.

These men also took in many prisoners to research on, interrogate and drain further information from their unfortunate souls. If worse came to worse, they certainly weren't opposed to using them as hostages to have further leverage over the organization. In any case, these hungry demons were determined to use anything they could get their hellish hands on in order to gain the upper-hand on the Vanguard. They took weapon schematics, future battle plans, statistics on their members and everything under the sun one could imagine.

Thus, once they had their plunder, Saiko would clear them to begin placing bombs all throughout the compound. After this had been set-up, they were given orders to kill off the remaining population of the sector. Therefore, they needed to out of range and move on to the next Sector of their choosing. As, in the air around them, thick amounts of demonic energy could be sensed spiraling and churning into the vast nothingness of space.

This is then where The Mistress of Glum found herself standing upon a tower overseeing the smoke, fire and blackened energies churning about in this twisted scene of devastation and victory. With a somewhat concerned expression washed over her face, Saiko could not help but silently mutter these words out:

"I hope you are happy, sister. I've done what you asked me. The rest is up to you and the others. I've dirtied my hands far enough, have I not?"

There was a hardened sigh left out from the mouth of The Archduchess after she expressed those quiet telepathic thoughts. She understood that something major was in the works, and for the sake of those apart of this plan, The Halfing hoped that they knew what they were summoning. For now, there was nothing more for her to do but exit the area and begin flying away towards the next battlefield as the scene behind The Melancholy Maiden was nothing more than a charred, burned and fiery memory of carnage.

This Sector -- was obliterated.


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Sector H [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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