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Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:30 am


4/2/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on April 2nd, 2416. There is a distant fire and explosions heard in the distance from Sector A. Therefore, the defenses are being put up in this sector in order to prepare for the attack. Read more on the mission to understand and sign-up:

Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu

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Template Coding by: The Frost

Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] DVNh7M9
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Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri May 06, 2016 7:49 pm

Artist: Digitalism - Song: The Pulse

'This poor guy' had a name, you know, and it certainly wasn't Buddy. Pasty white skin, nimble frame, warm brown eyes and matching brown hair. Orland was quite surprised when a complete stranger grabbed him by the shoulders and then completely incapacitated him with such a menacing aura... he spoke words but none of them made any sense to him at the time. He had just been imprinted with a traumatizing experience so of course he would be in no condition to follow instructions from anybody, especially somebody he didn't recognize. As he was released, rather than run off spreading the word, he would pathetically fall to his hands and knees panting, out of breath. What was even more surprising to Orland, however, was what happened next...

Suddenly, his breathing normalized in an instant, and he was able to bring himself up to his feet again. Clearly, something was off because whatever spiritual signature the man had possessed before was gone, replaced by something much more potent. Seemingly out of nowhere, a strange energy began to leak out of 'this poor guy' and spread throughout the air like a gas. It possessed a spiritual pressure that was not immediate and overwhelming like Stefan's, but subtle and corruptive like a poison. Orland's body was twitching and shuddering in unusual and violent ways, all while this dark-yet-light energy overtook him. Even stranger... the area seemed to be suddenly empty, as the only ones present were Stefan and Orland, while the rest had left and nobody else was entering the area. Nobody to witness what was about to take place.

Stefan had been noticed, but perhaps not by any he wished to be noticed by.

''Excuse me~?'' came an effeminate voice from the mouth of Orland, one that seemed to be just upon the precipice of bursting into laughter. As Stefan observed, the man's features would slowly begin to change as the strange energy worked its magic on him. His hair was growing long and straight behind him, shifting toward a vibrant blue... his figure stretched and compressed into the hourglass shape attributed to a woman... his Vanguard uniform shredding to pieces and reforming into something completely different. ''What are those threats, really? Because if I wasn't certain already of who you were, I'd have confused you for a cartoon thug.'' The person, halfway between two different genders—two different identities—turned around slowly, step by step. By the time they were face-to-face the transformation had completed.

Nozomi crossed one arm over her chest, with the other reaching up to her face to stroke just underneath her lips. Crimson eyes so vibrant they glowed with color affixed themselves to the swordsman, eyeing him with an extraordinary inquisitiveness. She poked thumb between her lips and bit down on it as her eyes scanned his features. Needless to say there was an unspoken interest in her gaze; though, about what that was was left to question. There was an awkward silence created as she studied him, but just before it became too much to bear, she would slowly step back with a chuckle escaping her lips. ''Though perhaps there is truth to be had in that presumption anyways...'' she admitted, closing one eye and tilting her head. Everything about Nozomi's introduction rung of conceit, and knowing, as though she already had a plan for this unexpected visitor and everything was going to play along to it. Whether this was to believed to be true or not, one thing was for sure: the woman was not afraid of Stefan.

Once she was a respectable distance away from him, she opened up her arms in an exhibitory manner, while simultaneously stimulating the Esper energy of hers in front of her. The actions caused a distortion in the air just moments before her imagination was imposed upon this reality. A sizable wooden table had appeared from nothingness, along with one chair for each of them, and a set of glassware set upon the top of an embroidered white cloth. One large porcelain teapot was steaming out of the spout, already filled and prepared with black tea. Nozomi would take one seat while gesturing Stefan towards the other, clearly opposed to taking any ordinary action today toward someone she considered her enemy. She would pour herself a cup as she waited for him to sit with her, commenting at his presence. ''Luna is quite a detour away from your average daily stroll wouldn't you say? I imagine you're not here by chance, so I'm curious. What does Monsuta, or perhaps, what do you want with this incident?''

Template By: [THEFROST]

Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] Qx494h

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Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] DVNh7M9
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Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon May 23, 2016 1:08 am

Artist: Kate - Song: Mirage

It would be impossible to shake the feeling that he was a man like a microbe under the microscope, who would open his eyes only to look up into a glass lens that magnified a swirling pool of stark crimson blood around a black pit of infinite depth—that is to say, Nozomi's iris. They could not simply share eye contact without the sense that she was taking him to pieces under her gaze. In fact, it would be perceptive of the swordsman to realize she was gleaning details of him by simply looking at him... somehow. The way her eyes seemed to glow like a light source of their own was too unnatural; there was vim inside those orbs, giving them a capability they should not be able to possess. Under Nozomi's gaze, the natural reaction of the body would unmistakeably be to cover itself, feeling naked. If this man at all heeded to his instincts, he would sense this, this inexplicable vulnerability. What this was was not the warrior he had desired, but a woman more content to observe and study. Certainly, he would realize this.

Yet, Nozomi could only be pleased at his response, watching him pull out his chair and plant himself into it quite obediently. How uncharacteristic, for the warrior to concede to the wants of an inquisitor, especially with no formal request having been made in word. She wondered if he was more civilized than she expected or if he was interested in her in return; no, that must have been it. Nozomi was very open with releasing her Esper energy, so for a character such as Stefan, the only reason he would so much as acknowledge her invitation was because he caught wind of her power and he very much wanted to bite into it. Indeed, it was a very easy conclusion to reach, adequate for such a simple man. Of course, for whatever lack of dimension there was could be made up for by the complexity and measure of his skills. Nozomi could only believe the answer he gave her for it was an honest one, but that did not prevent her from searching further in. Having not been acquainted before, there was a treasure trove of abilities and techniques sequestered inside still left to be unearthed by her Arius. Quite the opportunity.

The porcelain cup was brought to her lips with a machine-like precision before tipping the fresh dark liquid past her lips; a reserved sip. Then, she gently set it down upon her matching plate, somehow completely avoiding making a sound as one would expect from ceramic clanking against ceramic. The ease with which she moved suggested she could reproduce the same sequence many times over, even while being distracted by her current company. It certainly did not stop her from speaking: ''No, as newly reinstated... Imperator of the Monsuta, your business is official Monsuta business, as mine is related to Eldrazi. Whether you believe yourself on vacation or not is none of my concern; there is no rest for people like you, and your actions reflect the Monsuta's will. And, if it appears as though your hostilities are aimed at the Vanguard then the Monsuta's intent will be taken as so. If it is just conflict in general you seek then that may be even more worrisome, but at the least could I not convince you to brandish your sword against the other side?''

She was not just here to investigate Stefan—that was a product of a sheer coincidence in all honesty—but her primary interest was laid bare to him there. She was aligned with the Vanguard in this scenario, and her proposition was to aim the indiscriminate force of strife at a more appropriate target. There was a large world of politics at stake in conflicts such as these, and Nozomi was one of the ones working to keep it stable for now. While not openly against Shadow Fall, their actions in this case, should they win, would destabilize the 'balance' she percieved as acceptable. She cared not for either side's ideals and goals; only that one force in this world not grow too powerful. This was accentuated by the frenzy that the one known as Neoveta seems to have gone into, suggesting that her actions were out of line and lacking complete rationality. Nozomi arrived in order to turn the tide in the Vanguard's favor, but the presence of this man—Stefan Soan—was too dangerous to let be, and too wasteful to not acknowledge. Of course... she spoke none of this aloud.

Nozomi was not so optimistic however. She had a level of precognition in these eyes of hers, and in her portent she discovered herself not truly being agreeable with the face of the Monsuta. She knew of this from the moment she revealed herself to him, that things would likely go the way of the sword and not the pen. Why, that's not to say they couldn't get along with each other, but rather that there was some reason he would rather cut down the Vanguard and not Shadow Fall. Recognizing this, that is why the Esper energy flowed from her and continued to spread, permeating every cubic inch of the atmosphere and environment at the pace of a crawl. While Nozomi's energy was quite unlike that of any other's, Stefan would still be wary of this process. It was not blatantly hostile from first judgment but it implied danger without a reason. That is to say that Nozomi's energy was too complex to be deciphered by logic and reason but still could be determined to be a danger through one's instinctual feeling. Nozomi was thankful for every moment that passed in peaceful conversation, where her power could grow in strength. Even without absolute certainty of the future, she needed to be prepared for the worst of the results.

If he would notice, parts of her Esper began to become visible to even the naked eye, taking not only form but consciousness as well. It would be as though small spirits were being created from thick densities of the energy, life being born from where there was none. These spirits were like sources of light, surrounded by swirling clouds of white; Wisps of the First, as they were called. It was unclear if they could sense their surroundings of if they possessed any unique abilities, but for what is was worth they seemed to float aimlessly through the air. Dozens of them formed throughout the sector they were in as sightless observers, as equally harmless as the raw Esper seemed to be. It was not as though Nozomi actively called them into existence, but rather that they spawned of their own will as a result of her being here. The miniature stars slowly began to fill the room, lighting their faces in many different ways and casting several different shadows. It made Nozomi's presence all the more overbearing in this way, if it could not already be felt.

''Please do consider cooperating with me and finding a suitable opponent among the ranks of the Shadow Fall instead, Stefan Soan, as your actions here are not without weight and people will remember them. Either way, I do not think I would be allowing you to interfere with the Vanguard's defense anyways.'' She would bring the teacup to her mouth once again to partake in the tea, a cheeky expression set on her face before she allowed the warm drink to soothe her. When she set the cup down once again, her crimson hues locked on the swordsman expecting an answer. She was utterly relaxed in her seat, but that visage deceived him.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] Qx494h
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Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:22 pm
[adm]Not sure what is going on in this thread, but it's been a few weeks since Gin has posted. Therefore, I'm giving him 3-4 days to get a post out. If there isn't one, then Nozomi can proceed on with the thread and he'll be skipped for this round. Please inform of anything going on so I can take appropriate actions. [/adm]

Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:25 pm


Ho'kay, since Trim is on a leave, Gin can carry on with what may happen to Nozomi. If he cannot make a decision in the next 48 to 72 hours, I will make one for this thread.

Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat Jun 25, 2016 3:02 am


Alright, since Trim is on leave at this point, it can be assumed that Nozomi ended up pulling out of the war to remain neutral in her stance after dismissing Stefan's intentions. From there, Stefan would be left on the base and there will be a three day limit had until someone can stop him from claiming the Sector.

Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Jul 17, 2016 7:15 am
[adm]Okay, well, we'll just assume both of them faded away from the battlefield and this Sector was more or less secured.[/adm]

Sector I [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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