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Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun May 01, 2016 9:14 am


4/2/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on April 2nd, 2416. There is a distant fire and explosions heard in the distance from Sector A. Therefore, the defenses are being put up in this sector in order to prepare for the attack. Read more on the mission to understand and sign-up:

Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun May 01, 2016 10:15 am
Nicholas made his way into Sector p his hands stuffed into his pockets as he began to mumble to himself. He could hear fighting going on all around him and this simply made him shake his head as a soft laugh escaped his lips. Heh into the breech again huh? This should be interesting I suppose. After saying that he slowly removed his hands from his pockets as he slowly looked around. The zone seemed as if it was empty though it was possibly better that way. He knew the people were still around and he had a feeling anything could happen at a given point in time. As he glanced around he took note of some small time enemies walking up towards him. staring at them he could not help but chuckle as he watched them.

Come on can't you at least try? I mean after all I did come all the way here to do some good after all. He said as the targets began to charge him. watching them their movements were easy to read. It was as if they were wanting him to beat the crap out of them. With the flunkys he decided to take them out quickly. As soon as the first came to attack he quickly moved out of the way and circled behind them. With quick motions he stabbed the three people in the chest with his hidden weapons and before they even knew what had hit them they would fall to the ground three blade marks on their chest as they hit the ground. He knew this was only just the beginning and he was curious as to how things would play out.

Looks like it may not be as bad as I thought. Though then again I am not going to relax just yet. After saying that he began to stretch as he began to wonder what this self proclaimed war may throw at him next. He was not expecting anything really all that big. Though he knew that in something like this you can never think to little or big in the grand scheme of things.
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Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 21, 2016 1:07 pm
An attack on the moon.. was unexpected. This was what Chloranthy thought as he walked into the vicinity of Sector P. He was strongly displeased with this attack. There was much at stake here. If Shadowfall reigned victorious, it would be a substantial blow to the Vanguard. While he wasn't actually linked to the Vanguard in any way, they fell in line with his ideals exponentially more so than Shadowfall in this attack, and so the side he would take was clear to him. He would try to protect the Vanguard base to all of his ability against these attackers.

As Chloranthy approached, he realized that combat was most probably unavoidable and that he was to be engaged in it sooner than later. It was already happening all around him, after all. He adopted his true appearance, all color fading from his body, the part of himself that acted as clothing being reabsorbed, and all of his specific features dimming. Looking into the near distance, he spotted an individual fighting off some of the presumed enemy. Chloranthy assumed this man and him were both currently aligned to the same cause. He decided to approach him, as they would be safer and stronger in numbers.

Chloranthy was conscious of his appearance and race, especially considering the current enemy in this situation. Because of this, as he approached the man, he would announce himself to avoid a misunderstanding. As he got within thirty feet or so from him, he would announce himself aloud, raising his right arm with an open hand towards them as he did so. "Hail, I am of your cause." Chloranthy would let his hand rest back at his side, stopping about ten or so feet away from the man. He would then turn around as he surveyed the area. The zone seemed rather clear. He would have liked to go to a more active area, though he wasn't as strong as he would like to be before engaging in a major fight. He would remain here, remaining vigilant as he watched for signs of incoming enemies.
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Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 21, 2016 1:21 pm
Nicholas looked to the person who had just arrived. Slowly nodding his head he could not help but laugh. Well though the help is always a good thing to have this place ha been rather quiet. Though you will not hear me complain. I mostly took note of something bad happening and decied to help the innocents of this area. Nothing has really happened so far. He looked to the person but the looks did not seem to bother him at all. To be honest he was simply happy to have someone that was here to help. Even if there was nothing going at the time that would require the help. I am Nicholas. Hope you can help out here. Though I do not dought you can. I just have no idea what things we may end up faceing here. so just stay on your guard.

Not m any people liked the way he talked to them specially in a possible war time situation. He was not to worried about that. his main goal was to try to make sure that no innocents where hurt in the possible fight that may end up comeing their way. He slowly began to turn away from the other person and walk down the streets he was curious as to why this sector seemed to be rather empty but in the long run he was rather happy about that to. Less combat in that zone ment the less likely anyone would end up getting hurt in the battles crossfire.
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Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon May 23, 2016 10:57 pm
As Chloranthy continued to survey his surroundings in search of an approaching foe, he came to realize that what this man said was true. There didn't seem to be any enemy around aside from those few he had seen Nicholas dispatching earlier. Nevertheless, even if their was no enemy in sight, he thought it would be a good idea to remain here, in case that changed. He also wasn't strong enough to be confident enough to go in search of an enemy. Such a role as this also wasn't necessarily unimportant. Just because an enemy wasn't currently attacking didn't mean that the area was not worth defending, there were people under evacuation after all. If nobody attacked, it was just an uncontested victory for the area.

Still keeping himself alert, Chloranthy would follow Nicholas about ten feet behind, keeping an eye out behind them. Literally so, he had formed an eye on his back to insure that they couldn't be easily surprised. "I go by the name of Chloranthy." A short bit afterward, he continued. "Even though there may not yet be an apparent foe, I believe it would be wise to remain vigilant in this location. This situation is subject to sudden change."
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Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri May 27, 2016 12:16 pm
The Wielder of Dark Chi landed on the Moon with one goal. Destroy EVERYTHING. He rose from the crater he had made in the ground, grinning psychotically as he leaned his head back in a very lazy way, and his grin grew even wider. "So....there are other people here....oh shit....a LOT of people on this rock." Vanyel's insane voice rung out. His eyes narrowed, which gave him a menacing look with his psychotic grin. "So much blood to give to my beautiful Kuro Komo!" He exclaimed, before drawing his sword, which glinted in the moonlight.

He slowly began to walk. His footsteps echoed throughout the area of Sector P. The Wielder of Dark Chi was ecstatic. He had never fought anyone besides some idiot humans that wanted to fight back against him. This time...he may have someone worth a challenge! He grinned even more at the thought. He looked at his hand, which sparking with his Dark Chi. His mouth release a bout of psychotic laughter! Oh, the joy he would take in killing today! It was the perfect day, the perfect setting! Where no one will find them!

He would have to take his time with them later....These thoughts rushed through his mind, only to make him ever more excited. "AHAHAHAHA! A ripe day for killing! So many things I could do! The maniac said, before he threw his head back, laughing even more. The psychopath was going to have quite the amount of fun today.

As he approached the inner most parts of Sector P, he found himself staring at two people that were a long ways away from him. Two men. One of them were relatively weak. He could probably take him down quickly. The other one...would prove to be a challenge. Good. It was no fun if the prey didn't fight back!

The Wielder of Dark Chi then would crouch down, and begin a incantation. "Fenrir! Give me the power to shatter your bonds and destroy everything that stands in my way!" The moment he said this, a red transmutation circle would surround him, with the circle glowing with a sickly crimson red. He then threw his head back once more, howling to the sky. After the howl, his breathing would turn into deep, demonic growling. His fingertips changed and sharpened to form claws. The ritual was complete.

He would then leap upwards, high in the air, before diving in their direction, before hurling one of his arms forward, cleaving the air between them, then causing a shockwave that would force the two into different directions. He would then stands, flicking his head back and laughing like a maniac. "What's up, FUCKERS? Surrender now, and I'll kill you mercifully! I am Vanyel Xioyang! The Ultimate Wielder of Dark Chi! TIME TO DIE!
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Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri May 27, 2016 1:54 pm
Nicholas Slowly turned to look where the noise was coming from. He could not belive how loud and annoying this person was being. He slowly shook his head as he took in a deep breath. Hell kid can ya be any louder? I think I still have one ear that can hear something. He slowly shook his head again his hearing was fine he just could not stand people being so loud and obnoxious around him. Besides its not like I am going to allow you to go on this killin spree kid. After all I am pretty sure you can be stoped rather easily So come on already and stop being so loud. If you are going to do something then come on already ya brat

He said with a soft grin as he took a defensive stance for the time being. He was not entirely sure on how to deal with this person but he was actually looking forward to see how he attacked. The excitement built up within him as the rush of a new fight slowly began to flow through his blood. HE did not look to the other person but he did simply talk to the person who was there to help him. Okay sense your here to help we might as well have this thing over quickly. After all if nothing else we need to get to where the innocents will not get hurt. So let's try to keep damage to a minimum.

He said as he made a motion of come here and lets get this party started already motion to the one who was yelling about killing. He Was going to take this fight with caution for not knowing knowing what your foe can do always ends badly if you rush in. So he was trying to coax the foe to attack him so he could get a reading on how he fought. This was just the first part of his plan. In his mind he figured he would work on it some more after he understood what he was up against a little more.
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Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 28, 2016 3:40 pm
Chloranthy would turn towards the rather loud individual he had spotted from a ways away. From how this person sounded, they were entirely insane. While others may be a bit shaken by this, Chloranthy was not. Far from it, his resolve solidified further. It was people like this who were the largest threat to the world. Wild and uncontrollable, they would continue to disrupt peace and unity until their death. And so death it was that Chloranthy was determined to grant them. This foe that had appeared, he was both an enemy now and an enemy later. Chloranthy needed to try to eliminate them to the best of his ability.

"Enemy spotted." Chloranthy would call out to Nicholas. Judging by this foe's apparent mentality and the fact that a glowing shape now appeared to surround them, it was most probable that they were to be the one to launch the first attack. Thinking this, Chloranthy prepared himself for an attack to come. Being at normal durability, his body began to produce and store an electric charge at a moderate pace. Seeing his opponent beginning to launch their attack, Chloranthy was prepared to dodge, eyes following them upward. He quickly moved to Nicholas, remembering that it would be much better should they not be separated by a superior enemy.

As his opponent was about to impact, Chloranthy jumped to the side. He was pushed somewhat further than he intended to go by the shock wave, but he still landed within fifteen or so feet from Nicholas. Still accumulating an electric charge, he would move closer to Nicholas and steel himself for whatever his opponent would do next.
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Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 28, 2016 4:41 pm
Vanyel's ears perked at hearing one of the two men speak. How poetic! One of them thought he was a kid! Vanyel grinned even wider and his hands began to spark with a black and crimson energy, which was his Dark Chi. "You're a fucking idiot! I'm 23! I ain't no kid, dipshit!" Vanyel yelled out, before leaping forward at the person, priming the claws that he had to strike. His tongue ran through his teeth, and he giggled as he drew closer. With one lightning fast strike, he would slash down, before using the claws to hold himself in place, then kick forward. After these attacks, he would then leap upwards, before launching himself in the direction of the other one.

This one was different.

They had no emotion. No fear. No terror. This wouldn't be any fun if his target couldn't feel any fear from his assault! Vanyel's psychotic grin faltered for only a moment, before it returned, and his hands went to his right side, and his hands cupped to form a circle. As he performed this motion, the same crimson and black energy would spark into existence, forming a sphere of energy. This energy sphere would grow larger, into roughly the size of a basketball. With his current momentum, his would be a few feet from this seemingly emotionless person, and it was then that he would release his attack. He thrust his arms forward, aiming to coat the person in his sickly Dark Chi.

He would then land on the ground, then turn to face the other opponent he had. " seems I'll be having quite the blast today! I'll make sure to take my precious time with you two later~..." Vanyel remarked, before running his tongue through his teeth, with his throat making a very disturbing noise. His blue eyes showed nothing but pleasure from this fight so far. He was enjoying himself immensely. His chest started to lift. His mouth began to emit a series of giggles. Vanyel threw his head back and laughed more. His psychotic laughter began to echo throughout not only Sector P, but a good portion of the Moon. "Oh, I am bursting with excitement to see what you two fuckers have in store to try and beat me! Go on, give me all of it! Give me the rush I oh so desire! AHAHAHAHHA!" After he was done speaking, his mouth would then reveal his teeth, only to emit more cackling. The maniac would then draw his dagger, holding it with his left hand, and his katana with his right.

He was ready to have a good time....
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Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector P [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 28, 2016 5:53 pm
Nicholas quickly moved out of the way of the attack as he quickly moved over to the side with a quick jump. he looked to the person who had attacked him As the kick came in he used his hand to stop the foot as he looked to the enemy. Your only in your 20's you are a kid ya brat. He watched as the person attacked his partner. You are way to loudand annoying but your really not all that big a deal. He looked to the person as he jumped towards the target and threw a strong punch towards the targets gut. If the punch hit he would clench his fists and a set of three blades would come out of his knuckles and stab into the target. If the attack was to miss he would simply rotate to throw a roundhouse kick towards the targets head.

The fight was actually pretty fun but it was something that could take to long. Lets just end this already. He said as he jumped away just in case his would be partner was going to do. He did not want to get in the way as the second person attacked. He was well aware of everything that was going on though. His mind slowly began to work around everything that was going on. He was taking in how this foe attacks and was slowly working out a stradigy on how to fight this foe more effectively.
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