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The Birth Of A Monster - Page 2 Empty Re: The Birth Of A Monster

Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:21 pm

Artist: Alkonost - Song: The Dream Sea - Word Count: 1202

[OOC NOTE: I'm aware I'm breaking posting order. So, if people aren't fine with this, I can retract my post. I'm just under the assumption it was fine to post based on a conversation that was had on discord a few days ago and wanted to have Radioactive do something Vanguard related.]

Were the Slums of Old Karakura always this damn noisy?

That was the first irritating line of thought which crossed through the mind of our shark-toothed challenger. There were multiple screams coming from the alleyways of this decrepit dump of memories and the spiritual release of numerous different beings being emitted in the area. Now, while this blondie wasn't exactly the best at sensory ability, it wasn't exactly too hard for his natural senses to pick up on these wails and cries.

So, out of instinct alone, the male was attracted to this area as he never really liked the sound of children crying and yelling. It reminded him far too much of his own kids and former family; back long in the days when this man was an active father. And when it came to his paternal gut, this man sincerely felt that there weren't many times where this intuition led him astray. Since, as soon as he entered the barren alleyway, the lone gold eye of the male identified quite a few things wrong with this picture already.

One of the first things that his sight picked up on was the fact that there was a young girl who appeared to be passed on the ground around them. This caused a grimace to briefly emerged on his face as he never really was a fan of seeing children caught up in the acts of battle. Therefore, the first order of business was rush to her aid out of paternal instinct. Hence, his spiritual energy erupted in a flare of golden and orange light which seemed to devour most of the darkness within the vicinity.

However, unlike most times where this bastard released his power, he was trying to maintain an active control over it to prevent the weight of it from crushing the souls found in this area. He had no intention of trying to kill anyone here as there were too many children around that could find themselves injured or killed if he lost control. So, instead, his aura commanded a dynamic and commanding influence to serve as a warning: "don't make a fucking move". After all, this male possessed enough spiritual power to rival a Captain Commander and it would be unwise for anyone to upset him in this moment unless they wanted to see the full weight of that power pressed against them in the form to a fist to the face.

"I ain't sure what the hell is happening in here, but let's bring things down a few notches."

Dry, sour, nasty and deep. Those four words could describe the raspy voice of this seven foot eleven tall giant's voice as he started to make his way into their little tango. It was apparent enough based on his faint frown that he wasn't too amused with what was going on here. As, with a glance towards Hayden, the one eyed man gave him a look to stand-down from this. He aware of just who he was. After all: the male served under him in The Vanguard's Initiative branch as his major. From the stories he heard he was a militaristic based individual, so if nothing else, he'd at least listen to rank. If not, Radioactive was a fan of violence to get his way as well. Even his own children weren't exempt from that when they acted up.

Digressing, the sounds of feet tapping against the barren concrete earth echoed until this mammoth of a man found himself standing above wherever Selia might be in this mess of rubble and debris. With a hard sounding sigh, the male bent over, picked up the fainted child and tossed her on the bare skin of his right shoulder. He wasn't sure how bad her injuries were, and he certainly wasn't a damn healer, but he thought that perhaps a bit of energy could jolt her awake.

So, running along that line of logic, The Master Of Arms attempted to try and transfer small portions of his energy into the female. It was an irritating feat for him to do, and one he struggled as it seemed he was wincing his eyes and looking as if he was about to erupt into a flurry of agitation and rage. However, through some miracle or another, he would get the job done. He wanted to use this as a test to see if her injuries were superficial or if they required more urgent treatment. Ergo, this action was meant to serve as an "electric shock" of sorts to jolt the child back to active consciousness.

Then, once the child was taken care of, all that Radioactive needed to do was walk himself over to the purple haired youth with blood, vomit and tears overflowing form her body. With a few more steps he would appear over Yuzuki and motion for her to take his hand. It unnerved to see someone as young as herself so disturbed by this scene of bloodshed and violence, so he wanted to comfort her as if she were one of his own daughters and he would make that fact vocally known:

"Young one, it is going to be alright. There is no need to cry any further. Dry your tears, take my hand and we can leave this place."

Unlike the words he spoke before, these appeared to be softer, but still with the sternness and solid structure that a father might have speaking to one of his own children.

Granted, this would change as soon as he took a gander over at the half-dead hollow over there. He wasn't exactly sure what transpired here, but he could tell from the level of power emitting from the poor son of a bitch that he wasn't a mature hollow. The damn thing could barely even mutter a word and that lead him to believe that perhaps this was a fledgling of a hollow at best. So, perhaps there was some sort of fucked up story which led him here and the primal instinct of Radioactive's essence kept flooding his mind with that thought.

Therefore, he would shake his head and have a wall of golden energy burn and spiral around the hollow's body. It might feel rather hot for him, but it was the best. If he didn't do this, he'd assume Hayden would just kill him off and that would be the end of that. And that isn't what Radioactive desired. Something within him was telling him that there was more to the story and he was interested in finding that out before he was ready to unleash the savage within himself and kill.

Thus, he'd make this statement as clear as crystal to Hayden:

"Stand down from this. I'm going to be taking control of this situation as The Vanguard's Master Of Arms."

After making this declaration known to all, Radioactive simply waited and gauged what sort of reaction he would get from Hayden and all those around him.

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The Birth Of A Monster - Page 2 Empty Re: The Birth Of A Monster

Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:27 am


Artist: Homestuck OST - Song: Love You - Word Count: N/A

Fuzzy... everything's so... fuzzy...

The mind of Selia had been through a lot recently, leading to her body failing on her and simply ceasing to function, making her unconscious. It wasn't dangerous or deadly, just that her body still needed to adjust to all the new changes and developments that had happened, taxing not only her energy, but her mental reserves. For a child that had just ran into an alleyway to defeat a hollow, this was extremely dangerous.

But when she came too, there was so much noise and commotion. Everything felt odd, and so off. Especially with the reason she was jolted awake, an influx of energy trying to get her up and active, which proved to be effective enough as eyelids slowly began to open rather lazily, a soft breath being taken in. Feeling within her limbs was almost non-existent while the first sight she got was something bright, something that forced her to wince as hey sight adjusted to the scene before her. She was elevated, and there were all these people now. Some of them looked familiar, but everything was blurry to her at the moment.

She could make out one thing, she was being carried by someone, right over their shoulder. Just who was doing that and, well, why? Wait... yeah, it might be from her passing out, and just the thought of that bummed her out a bit. She was only trying to help, trying to do something nice and great to show that she wasn't useless. To show that she can do stuff and help people. She didn't want to just take up space and be useless, that just felt horrible to her.

The first real signs of movement revealed that she awakened, or at least wasn't comatose. A faint twitch of her tail shifted her just a bit, her body squirming just slightly as everything was asleep, her arms and legs both feeling fuzzy as just even moving them a bit was a struggle to her. Her head began to rise up just a bit more, trying to focus in on the sights around her... There was someone large and hefty, looking strong with a familiar shape, but their face just remained a blur to her. The next thing she immediately noticed was golden hair from the person carrying her. She wasn't really in a proper state of mind, so her first thought was if it was soft, leading to a hand slowly rising up to touch the blonde strands.

"Excuse me... what happened? Everything's fuzzy and I can't really see stuff..."

She sounded as if she had just woken up from the world's longest nap, voice groggy as words seemed to almost slur. She definitely wasn't the most active right now, and with how everything still felt fuzzy to her, she probably wouldn't be getting moving for a fair bit of time. There was one whole big issue she wanted to know however, what happened to the big hollow? More and more questions began to pop up in her head as she contined to think. Was she somewhere else? How long had it been? Did she get captured by bad people? She didn't know, and the only way to learn was to listen, so from there, she simply remained silent. Eyelids slowly blinking every so often as the glum look on her face made her look fairly exhausted, despite not even actively doing much recently.

There's always a price to pay for training, and even if she wasn't the one to 'personally' receive it, she still had to suffer with the cost.

I hope the people are nice... I hope I didn't go blind either, that'd be poopy.

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The Birth Of A Monster - Page 2 Empty Re: The Birth Of A Monster

Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:10 pm

Chururira Chururira Daddadda
Yuzuki Yukari

For the majority of Yuzuki's life, one would call her childhood as something as normal, but it was those small tiny events embed into her memories in which molded to how she is today. As many phobias are created, there only needed to be one event in which would throw this child into a full blown panic attack; this would be her most feared memory spent with her mother of all people. Being a daughter of someone who was once known to be a cannibal has it's downfalls and because Yuzuki was the youngest and nothing horrible has come of her mother's teaching, it was conceived as "acceptable". That nightmarish day when her mother tried teaching her how to hunt, continuously haunts the poor teenager whenever she is forced to be in close quarters with blood. The memories of being covered in a stranger's blood and the idea of ripping their life out from this world far too early is nothing less than sickening to Yuzuki. Thus explains her uncontrollable panic attacks resulting in hallucinations of back to that day.

While her vomiting did settle down a tiny bit of her adrenaline in which was pumping in her blood, it wasn't enough to calm her down completely. However the addition of a new feeling would be more then enough to return her back to reality. This new feeling was something much similar to that she felt earlier however something seemed malicious to the terrified child; out of pure fear the child wouldn't have removed her eyes from the ground. Yuzuki's body had tensed up so much so that even finding a way to breath underneath such pressure was difficult. The fear was a mixture among many things, one of which would have been the worry towards whoever was left. Wait.. Is he okay?! In panic the female would have turned to the demi-hollow's direction and thankfully he was still in one piece, but this feeling of slight satisfaction wouldn't have lasted long when a voice cut through the tension.

"I ain't sure what the hell is happening in here, but let's bring things down a few notches."

Out of reflex, Yuzuki's entire body jolted from the sound of a person's voice and by doing so the ground being gripped by Yuzuki cracked slightly under the pressure. While this would have no effects to anyone around her, it only reminded her that her limiters were completely off and her control over her powers were shot due to her state of mind. Even though she was fully aware of this she couldn't bring herself to say the few words needed to turn back on her limiters, instead the child sat there while she cautiously lifted her head to her see the newcomer. Very unlike her first reaction to see a man undressed, Yuzuki didn't show any signs of her same embarrassed habits instead her first reaction was imitation. Either it be the scars that prominently show on his chest, or the malicious energy that leaks off from him was the main cause for Yuzuki's alarm.

However when Radioactive moved towards the passed out vanguard girl, the instinctual fear that overcame her turned into an uneasy confusion. She couldn't tell his intentions up till this point, and while she praised the idea of him wanting people to "calm down" the last thing Yuzuki needed was someone else targeting hollows to be around. She carefully watched him while he lifted her over his shoulder and begun to use some sort of ability on her unconscious body. In protest Yuzuki would have opened her mouth to question his actions but no sound followed up. The teenager's voice was caught in her throat from how scared she was and only become increasingly difficult when he turned towards her.

"Young one, it is going to be alright. There is no need to cry any further. Dry your tears, take my hand and we can leave this place."

The message he was trying to convey was accurately sent to Yuzuki; however the reaction he was going to get wouldn't be the one he asked for. A soft gasp escaped the teenager when his fatherly demeanor reminded her of her own back at home. For the first time in what seemed to be forever Yuzuki was finally having feelings of being homesick; with the help of her strange emotional state, the child's eyes were quickly filled with tears. Before long Yuzuki would have thrown her head back letting out a loud sharp cry, each breath of air seemed to be a struggle against her involuntary wails. In attempt to try and stop her feelings the child would have used her sleeves to try and wipe away the overflowing tears, but with each attempt only made the child feel more upset and continued to make things worse for her.

There wasn't much that she could do now for the Demi-hollow; even if she wanted too. Having two Vanguard members there who were obviously stronger than the child and both of them seeming to target the demi-hollow in some way made everything much harder on her. While she didn't know the intentions of this newcomer she didn't want him to kill this innocent soul just like the hollow previously. If anything she wanted to convey these feelings to the best of her abilities. So by trying to take a whimpering deep breath; Yuzuki finally found the courage to say something against her superior.

"Pl-please.. d.. don' ..wah.. hur' him.."

Word Count: 3

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The Birth Of A Monster - Page 2 Empty Re: The Birth Of A Monster

Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:39 am




John had been able to just barely wrench control of his mind away from his natural Hollow instincts as he was staring ahead at the jarring sight of Hayden. He was spiritually exhausted, the past hour or so having been the most eventful his un-life had ever been. In such a short time he'd seen beings he'd never thought possible, felt spiritual energy so powerful it had a physical presence, and some how managed to escape death's door twice over at this point. As he tried to gather his thoughts, come to mind with anything to actually say to try and explain himself, he felt the presence of a second reiatsu. Like the first for a brief moment it felt as if the energy itself was going to destroy John, but it was obviously restrained. Even with only a gut feeling to go off, and no understanding of the situation John could tell that if this being wanted to it could easily destroy himself or either of the younger beings who had all entered into his alley. The feeling was only intensified as he witnessed the orange and golden explosion that followed the sensation. For a brief moment the sheer scale of the power of the two energies being near by made him feel as if he was nothing. This negativity was plain as day on his face, by this point he was nearly completed into his full Jibakurei form. While he hung suspended by the chains that bound his spirit to this alley, now that the action had settled, it was easy for all to see what the hollowfication process did to a plus. The skin on his face was pulled back taunt, and with his mouth closed it looked as if he was in a constant state of sorrow. His right eye had begun to dimly glow brightly with an un-earthly tone of yellow to it. His button-up shirt was torn in several places, and un-done just deep enough to reveal the tiny hollow hole forming in the very center of his chest. His blood soaked clothing only added to the pitiful appearance of the plus. Yet despite his horrid appearance his terror was plain to see. His left eye, human in appearance with a deep hazel iris, was widened and darting about violently. He was scared of these energies he felt for some reason he couldn't quite understand.

He didn't need to understand. The being that had been lurking in his subconscious was closer to the surface than it had ever been in any of it's attempts before. It was the animalistic ,primal hollow inside of him, the first Shinigami was so weak that it hadn't been stirred much, the second felt almost like a Hollow, but the newest energy was a massive threat. The level of threat presented by this new energy was so great that the Hollow spirit couldn't resist bursting to the front. John's exhausted body jerked un-naturally and began to strait against the chains once more. His expression did a 180 as well, suddenly becoming crazed, even what little humanity was left seemed to have, at least for the moment, given into the beast. His head suddenly turned towards the large threatening energy. The beastial side of John didn't take any time to think and immediately tried to rip it's chains from the walls to try and attack. The Jibakurei looked absolutely feral as it struggled against the chains that bound it, the chains threatening to give to the pressure, small cracks appearing on several of the links. If the Demi-Hollow had the power to break itself free it would definitely, without a doubt, despite the disparity in power, have attacked in any manner possible.

That was until the violent flaming energy found itself wrapping around John's limbs. He now found himself in twice the bondage as even though the Hollow would have preferred attacking it's opponent to trying and attempting to flee, it also valued it's own existence. The energy felt burning hot against the Jibakurei's skin, and it did it's best to just hang. Despite the situation John found himself in, his gaze never pulled away from the individual who had just joined, save for a brief moment.. Neither the Humanity inside of him, or the Hollow inside of him trusted Radioactive. There was a kind of lifeless look to the Hollow's eyes however, it wasn't savage for the sake of being savage. It's feral eyes were filled with a lack of will. Nothing was truly driving the beast other than it's honest desire for continued existence. The empty, now calming down, eyes of the Hollow revealed a sort of lack luster determination. Despite having seemingly put in loads of efforts to break free a moment ago, it didn't even bother to try now. As far as the beast was concerned now, it had it's chance to die swinging, if this new energy wanted to, it was game over. This kind of mentality on the Hollow's side gave way for the real, human part, of John to slowly start to come to the surface, and it showed in John's posture as he calmed slightly. For the time being however the Hollowistic nature was in control, both willing to struggle for it's continued existence if given the chance, but also capable of seeing the reality of the situation its in.

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The Birth Of A Monster - Page 2 Empty Re: The Birth Of A Monster

Sat Aug 06, 2016 3:07 pm

Artist: ARKONA - Song: Slavsia, Rus - Word Count: n/a

Movement. Sweet, sweet movement. As soon as the child on his shoulder started moving, there was a visible sign of relief seen across Radioactive's face for but a few moments. He was genuinely glad that she didn't end up getting any sort of real injuries from this ridiculous brawl. It seemed as if she only fainted and her body was starting to catch-up with her. Still, to be on the safe side, the paternal instinct within Radioactive wanted to get her to one of the Vanguard's medical staff just to make sure she is totally alright.

Therefore, the male would pat her head gently and give her as soft a smile as he could with those sharky-teeth of his:

"I know not your name, little one, but you are safe. My name is Radioactive and I'm one of your allies in the Vanguard. You may know me as one of the Initiative's commanders, but if not, don't worry. I am on your side. Relax."

The voice of Radioactive seemed to be tender, hushed and subdued as if he were a father talking to one of his own children. There was a sincere look of care and concern had from that lone gold eye of his as he stared at Selia. As, for the briefest of moments, a form of hallucination seemed to fill the males vision. As he stared so longingly at the child before him, a vision of his own daughter, Ella Chiromaka, started to replace the body of the sleepy youth. She had long flowing hair as bright as the sun, skin with a milky warm glow and she was dressed in nothing but a long white night gown.

It was a comforting sight, and even as he knew his mind was failing him and becoming quite ill, the stubborn nature of the Nuclear Beast refused to give into it and enjoyed the illusions for what they were. As, with enough willpower, this sight would begin to leave him and his sights would be more focused on the reality ahead of him: Yuzuki.

To be more precise: the frightened girl ahead of him seemed to ground him from being led astray with lucid thoughts.

The male wasn't bothered by her reluctant nature not to take his hand. Instead, as he listened in to the child's desires, it became apart she was worried for the male caught up in the flames. As, through her wails and cries, Radioactive made out that she didn't want the hollow killed or harmed. Therefore, on her command, Radioactive would have willed his energy to erode the chains keeping the creature in bondage and allowed it to be free. There would be one final burst of light and the inferno was gone in a flash.

With a motion of his hand, this nuclear beast would then point towards the direction which would lead him towards the exit of Karakura Central. If he had sense enough, The Demi-Hollow would take this as his chance to flee and make himself scarce. Thus, Radioactive would make his intentions known vocally:

"Then so be it. I, nor Hayden, will not hurt that person. If he so wishes, he can leave this place now and that will be the end of it."

Then, Radioactive would kneel down to Yuzuki, rip off a piece of black hued pants at the thigh and offer it as a form of his own makeshift napkin.

"Now, dry your tears and explain what happened here."

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The Birth Of A Monster - Page 2 Empty Re: The Birth Of A Monster

Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:40 am


Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Ruins (Orchestral Remix) - Word Count: N/A

I know not your name, little one, but you are safe. My name is Radioactive and I'm one of your allies in the Vanguard. You may know me as one of the Initiative's commanders, but if not, don't worry. I am on your side. Relax.

Enough of Selia's working mind had begun to work out everything that was going on. Things were getting a bit clearer too her, and the first was that the man holding her was talking to her, in a tone that was calm and collected. There was also head patting, something that should heavily be noted off. She felt... safe, to an extent in his grasp. He said he was from the Vanguard, he was speaking softly, and she felt like she wouldn't be hurt, but rather protected. But there was still the issue of all the other blurry figures she saw standing around, each slowly coming into focus.

One was the person she tried saving before, he seemed fine right now, and from the finger pointed towards the exit of the alleyway, she was able to guess that maybe he was being given to leave? Yeah, that'd make sense, with the big hollow gone, he should be free to leave? The next figure was a girl near what seemed to be... vomit? Yup, vomit. Selia did her best to hold back scrunching up her nose at the smell and saying ew considering that she still didn't know enough to judge. Maybe something big happened while she was out? The next figure was Hayden, Hayden? Hayden! It's been so long since she's gotten to see him, and just the sight of someone familiar seemed to wake her up a bit more, eyes blinking until they were fully open, fin-esque ears upon her head expanding and stretching in order to better hear her surroundings.

Whilst Radioactive knelt over to the somewhat smelly girl that looked a bit frightened, Selia decided it'd be a good time to stop laying on his shoulder and being in the way. Though once she tried to actually move, it was all a different story, body having trouble just moving her limbs enough from them mostly being asleep. It was a rather lame reason to not hop up and try to investigate what happened herself, but it was still one that kept her from doing what she wanted. Rather than trying to brute force herself up and possibly fall over in a puddle of something that won't be described, she decided that maybe it'd be best after a moment of squirming. She was being held, she wasn't that heavy, and Radioactive seemed... well, a bit calming too her. She didn't quite know why, her mind had no way of figuring it out, but something just told her that he was okay, even if he hadn't given his name and position just moments prior.

Well, if everything was going to be taken care of, she simply let herself rest, deep breaths being taken in as she watched what was going on. The male carrying her was trying to help up the girl beneath him, even offering a piece of his clothing. Well that was awfully nice of him! Though she felt a little bit bad that she didn't really do much in helping with the hollow, or with the fact that she made someone worry about her when she was originally here trying to save the day! Well, she wasn't exactly the strongest, or most reliable, or most intelligent, so it was easy to see why she might have been put in this situation...

"...Are you gonna be okay miss?"

In honest question, because to apparently both her and Radioactive, she didn't look to be in the best state possible, though she could ask the same question to John. But he should be fine, right? The big bad hollow didn't eat him up, so he must be perfectly fine! Not like he's a spirit or something already-

oooooooooh... Maybe that's why the hollow attacked? She felt a little bit bad regarding that now, but if he was being pointed off and given the signal he could leave, then even then everything was solved, right?

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