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The Cookie
The Cookie
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Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:03 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 690

Not too hot, not too cold. The most admirable thing about forests is certainly its atmosphere, away from populated civilization and only nature itself resides here. This place is worth the admiration for being able to stand tall and strong, as well as provide a breath of fresh air no matter how many people or destruction has wiped over Karakura Forest, following the natural cycle in its nature and reproduce itself to cover the wounds left by intruders as if it was never there in the first place. When it comes to atmosphere for isolation, deep thought or even training, there is simply no other places that can seem to rival against the atmosphere that Karakura Forest can seem to provide. While some parts of the forest may have hostile beings, keeping one's guard up is all it takes to truly enjoy their time to admire.

Footsteps can be heard deep within the forest, each step that she takes would either make the dead leaves rustle or branches cracking when she steps on them. While it may not seem to be a significant journey for others, it is for her. Among the soaring trees and piles of dead leaves that covers the portion of the earth, other travellers that may attempt to go deep into the forest may spot themselves a young girl taking her own walk around the area. Dressing in a white sailor uniform with a navy hat that has symbol of the Soviet Union, comes very well together with her snow white skin and beautifully groomed hair that seemingly resonates her presence together with the nature around her. That is Verniy, meaning 'reliance' in Russia.

While Russia may be her hometown and prided herself in its defense, there's always that one needed time of truly exploring somewhere else than just being stuck at one place. She is not an adventurous person by all means but a way to find herself more comfortable, to admire nature and give herself some time to be away from busy streets and cold climate. It may not show such admiration on her face but deep down, she does enjoy things as simplistic as nature. With an expression as empty and as emotionless as hers, one would be surprised to know that she truly takes this enjoyment to the fullest.

Once she found herself a flat spot clear from dry leaves and branches, Verniy would politely sit down in a traditional japanese style, kneeling down and sitting above the back of her legs, and rest a sheathed katana right on her lap. Feeling at peace being alone, she doubted that anyone would venture that deep into a forest, not normal humans anyway. All she needs to worry was minor hostile beings but hopefully, they do not appear as long as she is here. Assured from anyone possibly spotting her alone, she could relax even just for a bit and listen to her environment or.. maybe she might not be alone afterall?

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:34 pm

The Mental Mirror

Enter: Diablo

Diablo casually made her way out of the shadow's Her mind working overtime as she worked to alter anyone's mind who may be around her. She did not want to anyany unwanted attention. As she completely stepped out of the shadow. She forced the minds of those around her who could actually see her to belive she was a shinigami. Her look and even the feel of her spiritual power would mimic that of a shinigami. Her focus was put into this deception so she was pretty sure it would hold its own against any in the area. Or so she had hoped anyway. Her eyes would casually move through the forest so that she could see all who were in the surrounding area. She took note of one person sitting in a classic jappanese style.

Her head slowly tilted to one side as a soft smile crossed over her lips. She had not seen anyone sit like that in a long time and in honest it kind of amused her and took her mind back to the older days when she was around. She could not help but casually stroll past this person cause she had no idea if she could be seen. Though she had an idea that she would be cause of the sword that the person had with them. Her own sword was strapped to her side and it was massive in size. Most who saw it was confused at how she could even use it. Sense with the blade and handle the sword was bigger then she was tall. Her eye's slowly followed the person sitting down sense she was not sure if her mind altering was working or not. If it was to the person sitting there she would look like a standard shinigami that was out on patrol. So this would hopefully explain why she did not suddenly stop to say hello.

She was rather nervous cause she had no idea what type of abilities these new shinigami or what else may be lurking around sense she was gone. Her mind never faultered though and insteed she did all she could to force the image she wanted onto the minds of those around her. She had no idea if it was working though in the end she was rather happy either way. She had a chance to test her older abilities out on someone and see if they could still work. The anticipation was building within her to see just what affect her ability would or would not have.
Word Count:429


Playing with you was rather...interesting~

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[THEFROST] and Lilith

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Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:17 pm

Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 404


Henrex Astillon was....accustomed to scenic route of Karakura Forest. He had traveled through to the World of the Living many times, but this time had felt...different. He couldn't tell what was different. It just...was. The Angel of Darkness was unsure what to think. He was always being watched in the forest. Whether it be by animals, Hollows, or, on the very rare occasion, other people, Henrex Astillon was always being watched. He didn't mind it as much as he did before. Now, that he could trust people more, he could now be at ease with much more than he could before.

The cloak he now wore over his black shirt flowed within the gentle wind. This cloak was a single part of the change he had made since the training with Cirno Iramasha. Instead of the standard Shinigami shihakusho, he now wore a black t-shirt, with a black cloak on his back, connected by glowing purple/black chain. This cloak also had a hood that would cover Henrex's forehead. However, small tufts of hair would stick out. His arms were jammed in the pockets of his blue jeans, which, with the cloak flying in the wind, would reveal his arms. Both had the strange, symbolic markings on his arms, which continued on all of his body. However, his left arm had immense scarring on it. They were not just sword wound scars, but also scars that were from fire. This boy had been burned.

Henrex slowly took silent steps throughout the tranquil forest, careful not alert anyone who might be an enemy. However, his thoughts of finding an enemy were quickly interrupted. He could sense someone. A...Sugiuran. He thought so, at least. Henrex slowly walked towards where he could feel this Sugiuan's energy. As he came into a small clearing, where a Sugiran girl was sitting there, Japanese style. Interesting. He slowly approached the girl, kneeling in the same fashion, while his Zanpakutō was attached to the lower part of his back. He was about a foot away from her, and his eyes were closed. They slowly opened. One was black. One was white. The reason for his white eye was the immense scarring around his eye. This scarring would be on the entire left side of his body, and if one were to look under his shirt, they would see more scarring. Henrex Astillon would then look the girl in the eye, before speaking.

".....You sit in the way of a Japanese. Are you from Japan?"

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
The Cookie
The Cookie
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Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:14 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 753

Relaxing on her spot, she was eventually disturbed by someone, a shinigami. When she had noticed his presence by then, the young man was already in a visible view from a distance. Scars here and there, it was a view that she could not avoid from seeing. Either he had been the victim of war, violence or much worse, torture. Whatever may be the case, even if she was incapable of expressing her sympathies for the scarring he may have underwent, all she could was slightly bow her head down and quietly give him her sympathies. With both of them kneeling down in a safe distance away from each other, Verniy did not find the need to stay on alert and treat him as a threat.. well, at the moment.

When he asked her a question, it was hard for her to respond to him properly. Verniy then shook her head from left to right, indicating to him that she wasn't from Japan. Her expression may be empty but she is hesitating on the inside, much like a child. Without a pen and paper, her next course of action was to unsheathe her katana and proceed to cut across the ground between them, drawing the map of her home and writing the word 'Russia' on it. Verniy wasn't simply the type to speak with words, so communicating through writing was the most comfortable way to speak like a normal person.

She would put her katana back into its sheath before placing it on her lap again. In all honesty, she didn't expect for a conversation to strike up since she was sure that barely anyone would venture that deep into the forest unless they are the adventurous type. Plus it is a home to many hostile beings, making it just as dangerous as anywhere else that is not under any protection. All that was left between Verniy and Henrex was now an awkward silence, hoping that the young man would continue the conversation.

From that moment, another presence of a shinigami came by. While she may ward it off as this man's comrade, it felt weird. Simply weird. It does feel like a shinigami's spiritual pressure but it felt.. impure. No reason to doubt that everyone is different but compared to the person she is conversing with, it felt somewhat different. Hostile? Friendly? Well, if Diablo passes by her within a close range, Verniy would be able to stop her from continuing her steps by stopping her with the sheathed katana right against her leg. If she was at a distance? With a quick draw of her katana and put it back into its sheath within a blink of an eye, she hopes to collapse one of the trees in front of Diablo to stop her tracks completely.

Once she had stopped Diablo from going away, Verniy kept her silence and without uttering a word, her dark blue eyes would stare sharply at her with an unchanging expression. Hopefully, Diablo knows what she meant when she decided to stop her; and that is to identify her with how odd her spiritual pressure felt, no matter how precisely it had mimicked a shinigami's. It wasn't a hundred percent confirmation that she isn't but she has a reason to clear her doubts if she really is one of them.

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Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:46 am

The Mental Mirror

Enter: Diablo

Word Count:438

Diablo took notice that it was clear she was wanted to stop her movement. As she slowly came to a stop it did not take her long to notice the tree falling down. It was rather interesting to her. It appeared her control had worked but at the same time it would seem that someI was not aware thing caused a dought as well. This was rather disturbing to her and she slowly turned around to look to the female sitting down. Her smile only seemed to grow as she looked to her. Is there something I can help you with miss? I was not fully aware you can see me. It has been quite awhile sense I have been in this area. She said with a soft nod of her head. She was rather nervous that it actually failed as well though she would continue to hold the farce as long as she could.

Her mind slowly began to turn as her focus was still on her guise but she also slowly began to think of ways that she could use the surroundings in her advantage if the need arouse. She found herself noticeing henrex and her smile slowly turned into a grin. She noticed the shinigami and it only surved to make things all the more interesting to her. And who might you be sir? She asked as she slowly began to tilt her head to one side. She was not entirely sure what was going on but she could not help but find herself amused by the problem she may have to figure out in a moments notice. Her mind was fluidly running over plans and other calculations to figure out what she could do if the need arouse. She also took note that she was standing upon a shadow of a tree.

As her mind contemplated everything around her she could not help but gather the thoughts as she slowly closed her eyes. As she opened them she slowly nods her head as she looked to the both of them. I am still rather new so I am rather excited for being here. Sorry if I am startaling either of you I am still rather new to pretty much everything. She hoped this would help ease the lady's mind that stoped her. Though at the same time she hoped it would get to where the shinigami did not question her as well. She then stood their patient waiting to see what would happen as her mind slowly began to process the situation even further.

Playing with you was rather...interesting~

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[THEFROST] and Lilith

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Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:01 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 334


Henrex was surprised by the fact that the girl had not responded, but instead, drawn the word "Russia" in the dirt. Was she mute? Henrex's eyes soon turned to a look of confusion. He looked at the girl with not only confusion, but kindness. If the girl was mute, that was a shame. But, it was interesting the she sat in the form of a Japanese, but was from Russia. Had she been there before? If so, it would be most certainly interesting. With Henrex being from Japan, they could have a subject to speak upon. Perhaps it would drive the girl to speak, if she could. He was hoping she could. Henrex would most likely feel awkward, talking to a mute girl.

"Are you mute?"

He would ask, before his working eye would dart to the left. Another Shinigami? But...this one felt....odd. This Shinigami's spiritual pressure didn't feel right. It didn't quite feel evil, it just felt...out of place. Henrex's hand slowly slipped behind him, and went to the base on where his sword would be in the sheath, before sliding his thumb underneath the hand-guard. He would then flick his thumb upwards, causing a small portion of the blade of his Zanpakutō to be unsheathed. The steel of the sword gleamed within the light of day, and Henrex would the slowly remove the rest of the blade from the sheath.

As the "Shinigami" came closer, he could feel the off presence even more now. It was coming from this person. The Shinigami had asked how he was doing. Henrex slowly stood up, moving the blade so that the tip of the deadly steel faced the "Shinigami". He had never seen this Shinigami before, and never felt this kind of spiritual pressure before. Something was off about this Shinigami. Henrex was going to find out. The cloak around his neck flared within the wind as he stood, with his black iris and his white, damaged eye narrowing. This annoyance. That was what Henrex felt.

"Identify, now."

I walk a path...with no end....

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The Cookie
The Cookie
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Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:46 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 798

When Diablo grew closer to her in distance, so did Verniy's guard that heightened along with it. She was very cautious of the presence of someone that she do not recognize, much less against someone that made her felt as if something was wrong in the first place. Diablo's smile would surely put anyone's mind at ease but it didn't work that well against her. By no means was she presenting hostility towards her at all as violence is the least of her priorities especially when she was incapable of identifying the person clearly. With them being in the Karakura Forest, she doesn't wish to cut down another tree at this point.

Verniy continued to be silent without uttering even a single word, with an empty, almost robotic-like expression that could simply intimidate anyone that couldn't understand her condition; the inability to express any of her emotions. Listening to the words that Diablo could say at the moment, it does sound like the words that would be presented especially when their tracks are stopped with a tree collapsed in front of them for no reason at all. As convincing as it may sound, it twists her feeling of.. suspicion. She didn't want to harm someone just because she felt suspicious of them, simply wanting an explanation that could sound reasonable enough to clear her doubts of their presence in the forest but it simply doesn't. Instead, in her mind, it screamed nothing but danger to her senses. At this point, the situation can only be settled by someone of the same race and that 'someone' was the shinigami in front of her.

When Henrex had asked her if she was mute, she simply shook her head left to right again, indicating that she wasn't mute at all to answer his question. Before she could prepare to draw out her katana again and ask him about the other person, the only sight she could see was hostility. With his sharp sword pointed at Diablo, Verniy's only conclusion is that the person before the two of them is, by all means, suspicious. Most of the time, two individuals of the same race could easily identify each other since they are of the same race, much like how a parent could easily identify who is their children and who isn't. If this situation is brought to the point where Henrex had to pull out his sword and point at Diablo, it meant that something must've been wrong the entire time.

With that acknowledgement being done, Verniy prepared her grip on the handle of her sheathed katana, as well as her guard steadily rising on the spot. However, she didn't openly present herself as the enemy.. yet. There is a possibility that a misunderstanding may have been presented or some sort of mistake in their senses for being so overly cautious of the situation. It was simply an internal struggle to act or not to act according to her instincts.

Confused, Henrex was the only one who could identify her questions. They may be the same race but she could be wrong about how they can identify each other as well. Her mind is simply messed up, the more she thought about it, the less calmer she gets internally. She couldn't express that feeling to ask for help from the shinigami, so all she could was draw the ground in front of Henrex with a few question marks while an arrow pointing at Diablo.

What's going on? Was her instinct messed up? Or did someone.. messed it up?

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Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:56 am

The Mental Mirror

Enter: Diablo

Word Count:424

Diablo looked to the sword aimed at her as she slowly turned her head to one side. Rather rude to point a weapon at someone who is showing no hostility. If you are woundering why I may feel different its cause I hide my true look. After all ridicule against things one does not understand is always very high. Given to your quick jump to be hostile already dictates. She said as she looked to henrex a soft smile upon her lips. As far as who I am. You may call me Netasha Delarosa. I do not fully plan to drop my disguise for my look is far worse then your's. She said to henrex as she slowly backed up some more. She did remain in the shadow's though. She was still give off a slight nervous nature. Though the truth was far different.

She remained in the shadow just in case but her reason was actually the truth. Her name on the other hand was a truth though she only bearly remembered the name. She even showed no sign of reaching for her weapon even though it would have been rather easy to do so. She looked to the silent one and offered a soft nod of her head. I take it this one is a guard or something? or is it that you are both just nervous about the feeling I give off? After all I am sure I must feel rather odd. She was not sure if this would allow the farce to continue. Though in her own mind it would explain why the weapon was so quick to be drawn. Though the way everything was going so far she had to plan another exit if the need was to arise.

until then she would try to avoid looking like a threat given her look and reason for it she could not help bit think it would help. Though she would not take a chance on it if the need to defend herself actually came full circle. After the words she had said she would remain silent now. She knew that it was up to them now to judge weither or not they will belive her or not. In her mind she did slightly hope henrex did not belive her. Though her reason to give off a strange signal was a valid one all the same. So for now she decided that she would wait and see what would happen.

Playing with you was rather...interesting~

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[THEFROST] and Lilith

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Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:00 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 514


Henrex's sword did not move. This girl may have said her name, but it did not mean that would save her. His eye glared daggers at the Shinigami standing in front of him. He didn't recognize this girl. Not from any squad, anywhere in the Seireitei, nowhere. He had never seen this girl before in his life. His eyes narrowed as he scanned them up and down for any signs of a squad symbol on their shihakusho. He found none. This person either did not belong to any squad, or was posing as a Shinigami. based on the off-presence, Henrex chose the second option. Instead of lowering his weapon, he inched the blade closer to the Shinigami's neck, his eyes showing nothing but distrust.

His blade slowly dug deeper under her neck, and his eyes would continue to glare at them. This person had such an odd presence that it was irritating him. It felt as if the person was mocking him just by looking at him. It was so god damn irritating. Henrex's eye twitched in anger as he flicked his sword down. This would not leave any sort of marking on the Shinigami in front of him, but they would feel a slight breeze from where the sword moved. Henrex would then point a finger at her.

"You! What squad are you from? What is your captain? If you are not a part of a squad, go back to Soul Society! You shouldn't be here!"

Henrex would then lower his hand, then turn towards the Russian Sugiuran, and look at the ground. She was confused. She wasn't mute. Then why wouldn't she speak? He looked at her, then sighed. This girl was very...odd. He slowly turned to her, sheathing his sword and shaking his head, before putting a hand to his forehead gently. It wasn't a face-palm, just a small bit of pain from the headache that was ensuing from this kind of situation.

"If you can speak, please do. I would like to hear your voice. It's not that I blame you. I used to be pretty quiet and shy. But now, after some stuff that happened, I'm a bit more open."

Henrex would then divert his eye towards the Shinigami, before drawing his sword again and leaving it at his side. This entire thing was giving him a headache. He knew this person wasn't who they seemed. Their "aura", or their presence from their spiritual power as Henrex called it, was much more....sinister than it should be for a Shinigami. A trick? Possibly. However, Henrex couldn't be sure of it. He needed more proof than this. She said that her true form was more hideous than his scarred and burned face? Hm. Perhaps that would be what he needed.

"Show me your true form then. You are not who you seem. Your....aura is far too sinister for a Shinigami. What are you?"

Now, should the "Shinigami" drop their disguise, would either prove one of two things. One, they really a Shinigami, or two, they were deceiving them. What would happen? That would be for them to decide.

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
The Cookie
The Cookie
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Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:24 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 606

Verniy soon snapped back into reality when she was too caught up about what was going on in her head. She didn't know what caused her to be in such a confusion when it was just merely a spiritual pressure, not to mention, it wasn't even that powerful to begin with. It was like her instincts was screaming at her to take action for the fact that there was something that was extremely wrong here, and that she was a hostile being. Knowing that she wasn't alone on her suspicions, it made her feel a bit relieved as there was a possibility that she didn't make the wrong decision as it had even made a fellow shinigami like Henrex to feel uncomfortable too.

She took a deep breath and exhaled, in an attempt to put her mind at rest and calm herself down. From there, she finally broke free from her sitting position, patting her lap and placing the sheathed katana onto the left side of her waist, and finally stood up from her spot. She still maintained a distance between herself and Henrex but nevertheless, they are only a few meters apart when she approached him, taking only a few steps from where she originally sat on.

When Henrex had mentioned about her voice, Verniy didn't seem to have given any response about it. All she did was looking over to him, before moving her sights back to Diablo. It was a subject that she barely touched regarding her voice, due to her lack of communication and how she was raised back then, as well as the fact that she was afraid to speak more than anything else. As much she find it alright to communicate with Henrex, she simply couldn't be comfortable nor trust his presence yet to talk to him in person through her voice. It is already something she has established from the beginning.

Instead of being confused about the odd spiritual pressure that Diablo had led to be, she had to confront this issue in the russian way. Grabbing the sheathed katana and take it out from her waist, she would point the hilt of her sheathed katana with a sharp stare towards Diablo. Without saying word, it was enough for her to convey her message further and much easier when Henrex had asked Diablo to show her true form. There's only one answer she needed to know since when Diablo first appeared; friend or foe?

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