Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Platinum Points:
Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Sat Jun 25, 2016 5:43 pm


6/25/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on June 25, 2416. In this ring that expands for four city blocks, there will be solid black earth; but there will appear to be a weird and smelly green slime to it. However, what is more alarming is the fact that in the skies there is nothing but eyeballs and swords for as far as the eye can see.

Swords will rain from the sky every other post, while random eyeballs will attempt to squash each the opponents. It will be up to them to deal with these objects impeding them. Towards the center of the ring, there will be two wings that can enhance a persons power by twenty five percent for five post. Each of the opponents can take one, or the faster one can try and steal it for gain both for himself.

Additionally, green smoke will fill the arena every three post that post and a deep fog will last for two post to further complicate things. So, once the opponents accept these terms, they will be transported towards the back entrance of the arena and will have to find each other. Random item drops are possible in this match-up.

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] WVMWLOu

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:31 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

What changed over the time when he came here? Did he want something out of this perhaps? Mana was a truly frightening figure of a woman to see. So many came here in the desire for land. Why did they play by her rules was the question. Was it fear that drove the masses to do this? What was it that made them so accommodating for her? Ghislain wondered if the being inside him presently wondered. Hulderic was busy recovering his energy at home for this endeavour as it was. Hulderic and he had discussed it that it may have been better for Ghislain, Hulderic, and Yhwach to unite into a single being. Ghislain as uncertain as that was highly reckless. Ghislain wasn't sure what was going to come out next, though Hayden was his first fight as he exhaled a sigh. He'd decided the only way for the Quincy to move forward was for their Emperor to do so. Ghislain had been against fighting so much he refused to do so for Hulderic. He made strategies that Hulderic ignored much like Yhwach. Some things didn't change even with the passage of time. Emperors were stubborn and very few gave up their beliefs. Ghislain was the first one to do so in any regard as he touched his wife's pendant softly. He didn't know what would come of this whole thing. But the Vandenreich had cowered long enough. He needed to be brave and strong for Anita and the children. No one else could do what he was about to do. Their organization had suffered some unsettling issues going on. But here and now he needed to figure some things out before the battle began. Strategy and tactics were his specialties when it came to fighting. He knew a little bit about Hayden from spies and what he'd heard about Iceland. The man had likely stepped his game up tremendously since that time. Ghislain stood under an object for now as he watched the field closely. The first key to strategy is to understand the field. It was to comprehend everything going on. His cerulean eyes went upwards and took in the details of the skies. Swords and eyeballs in the air that didn't move yet. Was unlikely they would remain stationary from what he could guess.

So two different strategies would need to be made in order for this to work. One where they fall and how they fall with the time intervals in between falling and speeds. Ghislain had accepted the terms and had time to figure things out before his counterpart arrived. The place was rather large he doubted the swords in the sky were the only obstacle to handle. His eyes closed for a moment as he calculated things and prepared for what was to come. Different speeds and velocities and such were calculated in mere moments. Ghislain would have a general idea of how they would fall now. So the last question needing answered was what happened if they fell. Did they combust into an explosion? Ghislain's hands sat at his side as he got ready to fight. "Elizabeth, please let me be strong enough to do this..our people need this." He said finally as he turned towards the direction he came in. It didn't really matter how things went from here on. Ghislain would do whatever it took to win them their freedom. No room for doubts were in his mind presently. He could only do the best he could at present, things would have to be shown without telling. Many questions were in the Vandenreich about his strength. The record of his wins against certain people when it came down to it. Ghislain had beaten Hulderic a couple times and even outdid the former B of Yhwach once or twice. So the game was on and it was time to duel.

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Morph OTY
Joined : 2015-06-08
Posts : 1802

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Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:21 am


Artist: N/A - Song: The Last Hour - Word Count: N/A

This was it, this was the chance to reclaim everything that was lost- to fight wasn’t enough this time he had to win. He had to be crowned the champion of this conflict, everything from his family name to his honor as a Vastimian rode on this tournament. It was maddening how far he had come from last year, but through all of it he was called a fool. But, in this moment those who looked down at him where now below him as he had risen through both the ranks of the Vanguard and world to be regarded as one of the best fighters in this world. He had tamed his hollow, created a nation, and was fighting for what he believed as just and right within the world; this was simply another step to cement his legacy.

“Your people need this? My people need it more; I need this. My legacy resides here so I’ll ask once if you’ll step down from this. I cannot let anyone own the land of my ancestors anymore.”

Hayden had laid down his rules of engagement as he stood at the other end of the arena, swords or eyeballs be damned he would do what it took to win. He was going to embrace everything with his head to the sky because why not!? It was the world they lived in and having met the crazy queen herself this even cemented the fact more; he was happy. But he wasn’t satisified and he didn’t know if would ever truly be so. Perhaps he was going back to his selfish ways but he wouldn’t allow himself to second guess anymore- if he believed with all his heart this was the right path what could stop him from doing this? Nothing.

His eyes flicked around the field of battle as if sizing up the eyeballs and swords that seemed to about be ready to fall, he had a solution to this somewhat. Around him in the air was the overwhelming presence of death, unlike Wolf’s his had taken on a new purpose as he was reprising it’s role from simply death and corruption to a more fruitful rage within him. He was a being of pure rage at times so his energy had to reflect that; but instead of simply unleashing it mindlessly he funnelled it into a controlled rage that was multiplied into something far more potent and deadly. The world around him was twisted as the air it’s self was broken down on a particle level into an aura surronding his being which had a blackish red shine to him- almost like a hierro or shield.

“Let’s just begin, If you want to fight we’ll fight- but if you’d concede to me I’d easily offer a place for your people in my nation even in the small chance I lose.”

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Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] JfH75kA
Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] H8Tyk70

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:21 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Ghislain's cerulean eyes slowly drifted to focus on the figure as he lowered his hood. He seemed to look back down at his locket for a moment before closing it. He slipped it back over his head now. "I understand your position well, are both in similar boats.This place isn't as important as the message." Ghislain said calmly as his eyes looked at the figure of Hayden. He'd already done his math and made his plans as he stood ready and waiting for something to come. "I need to make sure this message is sent, I don't care if the land is yours or ours. But we must fight so my message gets across." Ghislain didn't think that message needed much explaining. The Quincy had no respect or reputation, the Vandenreich were at the bottom of the food chain. Two pistols of Dark Matter slowly formed in the palm of his hands as they finished rather quickly after they started. He gripped them as he glanced upwards for a moment. They began falling just as he thought they would. Raising a gun up he shot a couple shots sending the swords that fell towards Hayden's direction for now. His eyes looked noticing the barrier that was around Hayden. He'd controlled his shot to be precise and use his surroundings to his advantage. Something else bothered him of course as he didn't know how large the landscape was. His eyes watched the barrier and how it functioned closely as he observed the swords hit it. He fired a single shot to get a feel for energy on the shield. Ghislain was examining and learning like a super computer. Ghislain would need to change tactics he imagined to something much stronger. Would he need the sniper rifle or perhaps something much larger? His hands held on to the pistols as he weighed his options. Glancing over and around Hayden carefully as he judged each thing. The exact occurrence that happened when the shot hit or a physical attack hit. Ghislain hadn't really attacked those were small shots to expand as little energy as possible. Everything needed to be considered about this fight.

He needed to see him move a bit before he could make any judgements on Hayden's skills or prowess. He'd redirected most the swords and merely stepped around the other ones. His mind began doing calculations on the amount falling and one other thing. He had a power that could influence the swords and he wasn't sure. But he didn't expect that his enemy or anyone knew about his other power. He kept it hidden fairly often now resorting only to Dark Matter. A couple things needed to be figured out before the fight really began. The first was what were their physical capabilities like. Ghislain knew he was a fairly quick and agile man himself. He enjoyed using his Hirenyaku to move around quickly and deal with enemies. He expected a retort as his eyes watched that barrier. Would it explode outward, perhaps it would destroy them at the molecular level? The questions ranged from simple to complex effects. As he calculated the outcomes in his head slowly.

He needed more information about this place, Black Crows came from his body constructs of small size flew off around the area. He wanted information on everything going on around him. Sending his birds outlet they feed him information from their signals. He would be able to gain the knowledge they did. His eyes didn't seem startled as they were hidden when they flew off behind his figure and movements. He was gaining information on the battlefield to strategize how to fight him. Ghislain was a calculating warrior and always had been, he got a rough idea of the size of the place from the birds. It was a massive building his chances of defeating Mana with walls up was unlikely. He would need to fight her without hesitation if he did. But looking ahead was a foolish mistake as his crows traversed the field. They knew about the swords and had a rough estimate of when they would fall. He was having them hunt for things, he could disperse them at any time.

He gave them a couple moments as he let Hayden move, having gotten a general idea of the surrounding he could make a layout. Objectives were around for them to attempt and grab. So if one could incapacitate the other and move ahead that would make the job easy. Ghislain glanced at the size of the barrier, using the swords to attack different angles gave him an idea of the spread. While the frontal blast let him know how it held up from the swords that fell and were directed to fall at different angles. While he skillfully stepped around the falling blades having calculated their falls. As for the random eyes, he dealt with his shooting it in one of the shots that redirected the sword at Hayden. The situation for Quincy was far worse than Hayden. He was a vizard and at least his species wasn't on the brink of dying out several times. So telling Ghislain that was a bit agitating but nothing that got into his head. Ghislain was busy planning everything out to make sure it fit. Ghislain wasn't the type to do things without a reason. If he won he would like to do a duel ownership of Greece with Hayden.

In his mind, neither party was up to the task of defending from a major siege. They would be in the middle of territory that didn't belong to them. Ghislain was troubled by something else though that bothered him. What was she planning was the main question this was strange. Shadow Fall wasn't known for these kinds of actions. In recent years they'd done anything but that type of thing. Ghislain would need to be prepared as would the others he imagined. He wondered if any of them had considered how strange this occurrence was. When one ruled a land they didn't just give them away. Something was coming from this and it would likely be too late when they got there. Ghislain wasn't a sheep that didn't think about it. Greece was the prize that was certain. But something else was on the line here for sure. The question was of course what was that to be? What benefit was Mana gaining from this?

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Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Tue Jun 28, 2016 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
Seasoned Member
Morph OTY
Joined : 2015-06-08
Posts : 1802

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Platinum Points:
Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Tue Jun 28, 2016 1:05 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: Battle Theme #4- Word Count: N/A

“I can respect that, so don’t expect me to hold back!”

This was going to be a interesting battle to say the least, but that didn’t mean Hayden wasn’t going to resort to some good ol’e ass kicking fun. AT the end of the day he was facing someone he had never heard of with a race of people that where dying out, similar position he was once in. But he couldn’t help but chuckle as his body began to tense, his foot sliding back as a grave look began to cross his face. His shoulder perked up as he brought his arm in front of him almost like a shield as he grunted, the ground beneath him beginning to crack as he looked to his enemy with fierce focus.

He didn’t have time to start this off slow, so as his opponent took a potshot at him it would hit the barrier around Hayden. The shot energy would immediately disperse on impact yet the very nature of the attack was being changed and converted into a foreign energy to the quincy. It was to say the least Death Matter, Hayden’s own energy as it took away an equal amount of the barrier. However, the barrier would begin to repair it’s self like nothing happened as the dirt beneath Hayden began to break apart floating into the air before becoming another energy all together forming a cloak of darkness roughly three feet in diameter around Hayden.

Within this orb anything within besides Hayden would be converted into Death Matter, his shield kept closely to him with this second outside layer acting like a gel to slow attacks before reaching the center mass. It would also take the liberty of converting whatever entered it quickly including air and energy, something Hayden would not need in here. It would also slow anything that would enter it, should his enemy throw a punch he would find it like a gel he would need to punch through which would also begin to painfully convert said fist into energy.

Needless to say, he wasn’t about to give his enemy much time to wait; as swords and eyes fell among them crashing into Hayden’s defense his tightened body would release itself in one swift powerful motion. What he had did was dig his foot into the ground before pushing off with his strength creating a small crater in it’s place as he took off in a sprint straight for him. Now, Hayden knew rushing head first at a man with guns may seem crazy but he was willing to bet his speed and strength might just out class him enough to get to him. Now, Hayden used his size as a distraction most of the time for people forget that he is considered a master in the realm of speed and strength having pushed his body to the utmost limit in those regards; the straight dash may proving to be quick enough to catch him off guard.

At any rate his goal was to close the distance, should he be able to get the drop on him a fist would soon find his way to his enemies face- before stopping the fist midway to drop down and send a power leg sweep downward. It was a faint, something at this speed which might prove difficult for someone not as astute in the art of hand to hand combat. His focus was directed towards his enemy, the outside world acting as secondary- but his mind was aware of it should it prove a problem. The raw destructive power of said attack would be enough to damage someone of master durability, perhaps even fracturing bone or restricting movement temporarily.

Should he not be able to close the distance Hayden would need to get a bit creative, he would begin to dash to the left to keep his focus on the male while avoiding swords and eyeballs to the best of his ability which would prove fairly easy. His hand would outstretch from inside the orb before bolts of a black gelatinous substance would begin to shoot in bala size orbs towards his enemy, not aimed at him but ahead of him and around him. The point of this? Feint him into close combat, should he not alter his direction towards hayden and opt to step in the building up dots of goo, he would find his movement restricted and slightly sticky- with anything he was wearing in on his foot being dissolved and broken down.

Now… it was his turn.

Template By:

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] JfH75kA
Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] H8Tyk70

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Tue Jun 28, 2016 2:24 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Cerulean eyes observed the contact with the strange barrier, the first shot told him a bit. It was the second shot that told him the story. It was converting the dark matter bullets into something else. What was the nature of this energy and what did it do? He needed more before he began fighting. Obviously, air and oxygen were being provided as well as energy to some degree. Black gelatinous orbs formed. He couldn't reveal the trump card too early but he had some ideas. His birds had given him a good idea of the scope and lay of the land. His eyes glanced down at the ground beneath Hayden's feet for a second. Ghislain vanished standing on a platform in the air. His speed was impressive and as was his control. The question was mostly if he went physical what happened. Hayden had a good defense from what he could surmise. His eyes looked around as a green smoke covered his exit. A strange fog had arrived, the question was mostly was it poison? He was above it so not a concern for him. This was an excellent chance for further information. How did the barrier function against the gas which from what he could tell was harmless? He hadn't dismissed his birds and kept himself just above the smoke screen. Ghislain could switch weapons and see just how much damage that took. Or he could begin taking advantage of tactics and the land. Unknown enemies were best taken with caution at all times. The biggest mistake a man can make is assuming he wins because of power. Brains over brawn though it doesn't hurt to have brawn as well. Ghislain shot two objects into the stuff to make sure those orbs were energy. If they were in meant he could use some of his powers on them. Ghislain, unlike other Quincy, didn't just manipulate Reishi or one type of energy. He could manipulate all and any of them he came into contact with. But he needed time to figure them out to understand. His energy supply wasn't bad as he'd not used much. That barrier likely took some energy to sustain he imagined.

He couldn't put his finger on how much exactly. Only time would tell in regards to that. He didn't want to reveal too many of his powers in this fight. His martial arts would be a given in this situation. He needed to make sure he fought Hayden close at some point. But that barrier seemed to convert whatever touched it. The swords and energy both had been successfully converted into an unknown energy. One other thing bothered him a bit as he stepped in the air sideways away from a sword tapping it gently. The weapon shot like a bottle rocket as though it weighed several kilos into Hayden's shield. He had an idea that he could try out in a bit. Ghislain would need to find a way to battle Hayden. But getting close wasn't an option at the moment. Foolish was one thing the Eberhart wasn't on a daily basis. His eyes watched as he'd given up time to test something. Speed wise he kept up with Ghislain well, they were even in that regard. It appeared another ace would need to be shown now. Ghislain wasn't sure if physical worked even with elevated gravity. He pointed his pistol at him deciding that it was time check one last thing. He shot seven powerful shots into the shield now. These were all in varying power and strength as he stood on his platform. Ghislain could create more in the sky and fight up here easily. This was an effortless thing for him to make a platform this size. He'd been able to do much larger feats before. As for his birds, they would continue seeking things out for him. Now an idea occurred to him as he glanced down at Hayden. What if he shot a thousand shots from his pistol at Hayden. Could the barrier absorb all those impacts? He didn't need to worry about swords or eyes for a moment as he side stepped them. Letting them all go into the barrier as the beast came. The question was did he want to use that much energy to start off with against this? What if the man could convert it to his own supply of energy? Ghislain had sent the crows off and could convert them to restore it. Well, time was up and it was time to come up with an answer. As he went side to side and backwards, keeping his distance from that shield. Ghislain could use his gravity and lighten himself to move faster. That had some risks but didn't pose too much of an issue. He held his pistol as he'd yet to fire a full power Dark Matter Blast. Would the rifle be better for punching through Hayden? They were certainly in a situation where Ghislain would have to consider pushing Hayden hard.

Holding back wasn't an option in this battle from what he could surmise. He gently let go of his gun and gripped his pendent. Holding it in his hand as he stayed just out of range of Hayden. They were both fairly even he could activate his Regalia and fight. That would be risky to use the Grim so early on in a fight. Ghislain hadn't considered it before as he let the weapon change. His pendant changed into a katana within seconds. He held a melee and long range weapon for now. What power would be best to do this he wondered? Ghislain and Hayden both liked melee range, he spoke finally."Shame I wanted to fight close range, but that barrier is a bit of a pain." He imagined Hayden was getting bored with all this moving and no action. It was simply Ghislain moving around shooting at him with a gun. And him mounting some form of offense he could from that distance. Of the two Ghislain's pride did somewhat influence the call. But he suspected the Quincy was the better long range fighter.

Two reasons for this existed, Ghislain had been fighting long range a lot longer. So he was used to angling his energy and shots in many different ways. He could hit from angles and knew how to use them. He could tell that Hayden had some experience in the range field. But between the two he suspected, he was the one who came out ahead in that area. From what he could tell physically of Hayden's movements based on the barrier. The man was a beast physically, his strength and determination increasing his speed. He was able to keep up with Hirenyaku like Ghislain's. Though neither party was going all out yet either. Ghislain hadn't released his Voldstandig's first couple releases just yet. Six releases awaited in his powers. Pawn his first release on his massive powers hadn't been done just yet. Ghislain didn't stop moving he knew Hayden could talk and move. If Hayden stopped then he would, but he was able to detect even the slightest hint of motion. Even a slight movement would alert him to movement from Hayden.

Holding the Grim and his pistol he was well prepared for whatever came next. If he had to dodge upwards he would to avoid the barrier. They were evenly matched in terms of speed, using his pistols earler had helped him out. Setting up platforms and side stepping those eyes and what not. He didn't know what came next. But conversation was nice now and again far as he was concerned.

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Seasoned Member
Morph OTY
Joined : 2015-06-08
Posts : 1802

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Platinum Points:
Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:03 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: Battle Theme #4- Word Count: N/A

This man was a tricky one that was for sure.

When taking everything into account they where sizing each other up, from their weakness to their strength and it was clear they had found each others. Hayden wasn’t quite able to get as close as he’d like but that was fine, for the other man was using his range to compensate for this. Ghislain. He would remember that name after all this, as Hayden shot his orbs forcing the man in closer and closer surronding them in black globs he knew the man would do something desperate soon enough, but he counted on him to remain cool. He was predictable that way. It actually was amusing knowing he was going to test out more shots on Hayden, something which Hayden would use against him.

The first bullet struck his body, the process was the same as it was broken down on a particle level before being converted into a energy source that was expanding his aura inch by inch. Something Hayden might not be able to hide no more was the expanding of his aura with every shot something the Quincy might notice if he let the second shot him, which he did actually. Now, this man was smart but so was Hayden in his own regard; one would expect Hayden to take the rest for what was the downside? Well not quite; Hayden’s Aura would sway as he did dodging the next few shots, ducking and shifting side to side as he bolted towards his target. WHy would he do this? Ghislain if he was smart might just worry about that.

It was all part of the plan, each glob that was shot out obviously sapped his supply of energy at a moderate rate but he was truly feeling fine using the air it’s self as a sort of catalyst to replenish the lost energy or atleast dampen the amount. Thanks to the shots by Ghis he was still in this game, barely feeling anything lost at the moment. It was all part of the plan, but Hayden would notice in his thoughts that Ghis had changed his weaponry, he would begin to lower his speed which to his liking Ghislain would too as he spoke to him; such civility in the middle of battle it was rather respectable.

At any rate as they both stood in the field surrounded by blackish goo, he listened to his words before frowning; true Hayden was using what he had to his advantage but he could always rush Hayden! It may be suicidal but the option was on the table should he wish, would certainly cement Ghislain as a badass mother fucker. But Hayden hadn’t even removed his sword yet as Ghislain spoke to him he would chuckle before speaking as well, if only as a distraction.

“I can’t help it, gotta protect myself- you should invest in one so ya know… this doesn’t happen.”

As Hayden spoke the globs in the directions of Ghislain would begin to float, roughly five were around him since they had stopped running from each other. The orbs would look they where expanding and collapsing on each other rapidly, if Ghislain new anything about particles he would notice they where colliding into each other if he paid attention; something Hayden would expect him to do but by the time he notice this or if he started moving the reaction would have been too late. Hayden was revealing one of his more deadly trips and Ghislain was stuck right in the middle, maneuvered into it- sadly so was Hayden but not as close.

The globs would in laymens terms explode. Violently. Inside each glob a small nuclear reaction was happening, as they particles slammed into each other creating heat and force each glob would begin to exert the force of a megaton, condensed into a ten by ten area. Each explosion would be set off in different intervals as to keep Ghislain from escaping the circle of pain, each explosion have the force to damage someone of master durabilty- crushing of internal organs and third degree burns where all a possibility from each explosions. This while drastic was something Hayden was willing to do in this extreme situation, even if Ghislain went upwards the explosion would reach him with the orbs simply throwing themselves at him.

As for Hayden? While he was on the outside he was still in the direction of the explosion and do to this he would feeling the hurt as well; being throw away from Ghislain sadly his death matter barrier would begin to crack from the pure kinetic force, the heat being dampened by the aura around him. While he himself was fine he knew his defenses took a hit decreasing the aura by two whole feet and weakening his barrier, to circumvent on how far they were launched apart the remaining four or three orbs would make it in such a way either through force or redirection he would need to get in close combat with Hayden.

Judging from the remaining amount of black orbs on the field what where so easily spread out due to their running earlier, Hayden had easily limited both his movement and Hayden’s own. Not only did he set a trap for Ghislain but he would force him into melee combat, at least that much or risk being thrown about by explosions that for all he knew could increase in power- and trust Hayden hadn’t even revealed just how deep his raw power could go.

“I think it’s time we stopped playing… I think I’m ready to fight.”

As Hayden spoke his hand reached to his back, gripping the blade of his Zanpakutō, upon pulling it the area around him would begin to quake as he released his raw strength. He wasn’t releasing his spiritual pressure but from the force of him removing his Zanpakutō out it’s sheathe and thrusting it to the side and readying it, the ground around them cratered with a fine line through the earth to his left. He had effectively split the earth from simply removing his sword haphazardly; if he wanted a demonstration at his unbridled- uncontained strength then he would get that. But the rest, he would experience first hand.

Template By:

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] JfH75kA
Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] H8Tyk70

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Tue Jun 28, 2016 6:35 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

His eyes narrowed so the man could absorb shots no matter how large. That meant attacks of that nature wouldn't work at all on Hayden. So that changed the game up a bit as he watched the glob like things move around him. He had an ace he'd yet to reveal what a Quincy's blut could really do. Something he suspected Hayden hadn't encountered yet a Blut. Ghislain could physical take hits from Captain level Shikai and bankai when he was younger. It was due to the sure skill he had within Blut itself as a field. He rarely switched from a defensive form to offensive. Thus his body was far better protected and then came something else. When Ghislain became Emperor he learned how to make his Blut external. Ghislain's eyes narrowed at the field so melee would benefit this guy for sure. Ghislain didn't have to move the floating ones were shoved away by a crimson and purple expanding thing. It was strong as it absorbed the blast and shuddered, had he not used his external blut covered by a gravity field. The field remained around Ghislain any attacks that came near would be rejected backward. The gravity from the field pushed outwards strongly as he stood there. Something was beneath the gravity portion that was strong. Blut an external kind that Ghislain had one of a kind perhaps. It was defensive and allowed him to protect from all angles. So from what he could tell as he shot those floating bombs away. Shooting Hayden simply fed him power. While it wasn't ideal he would simply need to avoid a clash with him. He released his gun letting it vanish as that wouldn't work here. He pushed the field out till he shoved around a five-meter range back. Clearing it out as the field came back in around three meters and protecting him. His grip on the Grim remained as he focused on him now. The gas was still here, he could make it into a fuel source for himself. He pondered that as he noticed those coming in. The good news was Ghislain did have methods to protect himself, though he'd wondered how it would have gone. But now they knew he had a gravity-based power.

Cracks had formed or would have formed inside the barrier had he used only one. Ghislain knew damn well had he used a single barrier he would have likely been wounded. Ghislain couldn't afford to be wounded yet as he glanced at his sword. His barrier came closer into till it seemed to return to his body. By combining the two he was able to prevent his blut from being touched by the foul energy. The gravity field never let it make contact and just pushed it out. While the Blut sustained the gravity field and let it withstand the explosion. Could he afford to hold back any longer against Hayden? Yes, he could for a while he guessed as he gripped his sword. The Grim his favored weapon. The katana glistened as he held it and the chain made a sound. He could use any of his powers through this weapon. It even allowed him to use powers from his Dark Matter Weapons and other things. The Grim was a perfect compliment to its wielder.

Hayden wouldn't know about all of his weapons certainly. But that same field could be put towards the man. Two shots being absorbed informed him of a couple things. That field did grow during the hits. His eyes picked it up, so he was eating it. Interesting though he wondered how it worked out. Ghislain could have done similar with the explosive devices with enough time. Those shots were pure dark matter energy being eaten. He calculated the original size and exhaled softly. Having survived that attack was hard. But the real fight was just at it's beginning now. Ghislain could go much further, smaller barriers were easier to do. Clearing the area around him of things was simple. His blut would have cracked under that strain normally. but that repealing field from the gravity was enough to keep it from breaking into pieces. The explosions coming one after another was surprising but he was able to calculate which one would go first. But pushing all of them away with a strong force sent them flying. Making the explosions a bit further away from him. To his delight, he was able to direct one as it was going off towards Hayden.

Making the blast blow towards that man as the gravity field pushed everything outwards. The flaw of this field was inside it was basically glass. His blut kept repairing so nothing really came of it as he gripped his sword. "I had hoped to avoid showing it if I am at all honest..but your quite a skill foe. ." Ghislain said as the smoke cleared standing unharmed as he'd done this task. The trick was to not letting them stick was they didn't get to touch it. Ghislain merely blasted them away with the outward force of his gravity field. This would include even the blast itself sending it outwards. Now a question was raised in his mind if this guy could convert attacks like that. How could he beat him without going for a fatal attack? The answer sadly was that Ghislain couldn't put down Hayden without really trying. He had two aces he didn't want to use if he could help it. Ghislain had gone through energy but not a terrible amount yet. He was still composed as he thought for now.

Options were limited at best against Hayden, the Sun could do the trick. But did he want to drag that out and destroy this entire place? No that wasn't in the question, King could certainly do it as well. Ghislain smiled somewhat beneath his barrier as he thought for a moment. Long range wouldn't work in this low amount something better was needed. He could use his rifle power through Grim. And blast him with a full power blast from it. If it did end up being dangerous or near fatal he could just heal him using his bankai. But for now, the ball was in Hayden's court. He'd just taken one of his own blasts somewhat. Gravity was an interesting power it down to things. Hayden's strength was certainly impressive as Ghislain gripped Grim. It's power to unleash all his powers made it a good weapon and tool especially now.

He'd shoved most of the stuff away and anything that tried to come near got blasted away with an extremely strong shove. Flying into objects or at Hayden if they came from that angle. Ghislain had used a two-sided barrier only because of Hayden's display previously. That power seemed to consume and overcome whatever touched it. In this case, he wouldn't let the power touch it. Ghislain's mind began pondering a new application to his Dark Matter. What if he put a gravity shell around them that rejected anything touching it. This would make it at a stand still as it was now. The thing could never touch it, unless. His eyes looked at the figure of Hayden. What if it wasn't the barrier doing it but him? It was possible that Hayden was potentially doing this with his own power. Ghislain's instincts told him that he needed to be sure. But that sounded more and more correct. The barrier had it been a type that could simply absorb attacks. It wouldn't have been able to do so, Ghislain could freely control the size and range of his. Making it an interesting part of the two combinations he came up with. So a Dark Matter Blast with a Gravitational Field around it that was strong enough to survive the blast.

But also hit the target with full power, he could do it certainly. But was it worth the risk of doing so with how much was on the line? He pointed his weapon at the figure of Hayden. Aiming it seemed or at least what he guessed was Hayden. Only one choice was open, thankfully unlike that rifle. Grim could fix it's density almost instantly after the strike. So now it was only time to wait and see what move came next as he maintained his barrier. As for the round he generally used that wasn't the problem here. He was able to fire without worry of creating a round to put into the gun. The Grim was able to produce that portion no problem, the trouble was controlling the shot.

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Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:20 am


Artist: N/A - Song: Battle Theme #4- Word Count: N/A

This man was a bastard to say the least, but Hayden was used to fighting tricky foes like him. It was always exciting to deal with such a witty opponent even if it meant he was going to have to showcase one of his trump cards so quickly, but so be it. This man had a strange set of powers that Hayden would have to dig deep within himself and arsenal of weapons if he even hoped to cause some damage to this gun, the fact of the matter was he was growing upset- if not a wee bit pissed off.

“I was hopeing not to showcase this so quickly… so be it.”

Hayden took a breath before exhaling quickly into the warm air, the world around him drowning out as he began to simply hear the thud of his heart. Despite only a second passing Hayden eyes would snap open as the ground around him cratered sharply, the air around him began to heat up as he looked to Ghislain calmly, his veings beginning to protrude from his body as his muscles pulsed twice growing visibly before contracting on themselves; showcasing he was using one of his more hidden techniques- thus the new display of power.

“First release Gate, carnage.”

Hayden spoke the words calmly enough as he began to tuck the blade on his shoulder, holding onto the hilt tightly with his fingers he would let out one more breath as steam poured from his mouth as his Zanpakutō would vanish from his hands to be replaced by some monstrous looking warhammer, a tool he had gotten from an event that had transpired many months ago. This would be the first real combat application, something which to the man actually terrified him a little- upon the tests he had done this it might prove to be extremely damaging to not only Hayden but Ghislain; even the entire arena was at risk. But it was a risk he was willing to take. Something he was proving as he released his clinched up body speeding at Ghislain at speeds far greater than they were travelling earlier; even if Ghislain knew Hayden was coming the raw amount of speed he was using due to augmenting it with his heavily enhanced strength would be shocking if not enough to catch him before he could move.

Oh but the wear was real on Hayden, he could feel his muscles tightening as he grunted- chances were that his calves might be strained after this if not torn slight from all this. While he could fix that it was not the most pleasant feeling nor would it be worth the cost normally, but for what Hayden was planning it would be worth it. As the gigantic warhammer remained on his shoulder once he entered into the gravity repulsive field, or even a wall- whatever may be in his way he would attempt to smash through it with his body. Normally crazy but this technique Hayden was using was specifically designed to unleash his strength at it’s maximum peak, any inhibition removed.

However, should he not be able to force his way through it would prove good enough as he would be in ample range to attack. The cloak of Darkness around Hayden would expand violently in a sphere to cover not only the dirt beneath but the whole area for twenty meters encasing them in a black orb before hardening. This meant the orb of death around Hayden had dispersed, only leaving the barrier around his skin and with the giant sphere around them being Hollow Ghislain would not have to worry about having to fight the effects of the converting nature of it… however Hayden would be forcing his body against the gravity field in an attempt to break it his body churning and grunting being heard as he tapped into his primal willpower to do so.

Despite if he made it within range or not it was time to unleash the attack he had, which was a simple downward thrust of his warhammer either at Ghislain or near him. Now… the effect of this is worse than either Hayden or Ghislain could ever comprehend. You see the warhammer he had took the user's strength and augmented it to a point of levels of destruction far more devastating than what should be mortally possible. The air around them would combust into flames and plasma as it began to superheat from the raw kinetic force of being swung downward, the weight of tons and tons of pressure crashing down straight on ghislain could very likely break through the gravity repulsive barrier, however with the amount of raw power coming down that wouldn’t be possible.

The orb tried to contain the explosive of continental level destruction but sadly it could not, but it did it’s job of containing the attack to the point of not destroying the ring. Instead what happened was it exploded, both from the gravity and Hayden own power. You may ask, what happened to Hayden… well nothing good.

The moment the hammer struck Hayden was sent FLYING away, his arms containing multiple fractures from both his own force and the gravity, his body being thrown about as he landed on his back all the way on the other side of the arena- using a shield of death matter to prevent himself from being thrown out of the ring. It The amount of raw power exerted had left a DEEP crater where the contact was made, anything above ground was either ripped from it or thrown about- even the mist had cleared from the epic force along with eyeballs and swords thrown about.


Hayden could only wince as he made the warhammer vanish into the pocket realm he kept it, his Zanpakutō returning to his hands; the ripped flesh on his hands and arm beginning to repair themselves along with the fractures- something that was not easy to do to the durabile man. The carnage was crazy, had Hayden not contained the explosion chances are the entire arena would have been destroyed, thankfully he had prepared for such a devastating blow but he had surely weakened the arena- an attack like that might just do it again...

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Titan'S wRATH:

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] JfH75kA
Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] H8Tyk70

Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Ghislain VS Hayden [: The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:34 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

This guy was a monster, Ghislain wouldn't have time to fire a shot otherwise they'd both die right here. The barrier was crumbling from a force. He felt it him, touching his chest he took the gravity off of his body. Removing the extra every time it was applied to him. Another issue was coming now, he could avoid fatal injuries here. Recovery would take a moment or so given his powers. Ghislain knew the damage was unavoidable unless he jumped three releases into his Voldstandig. Or maybe another option was open, he'd discovered a new trick now. His barrier didn't require him to hold still as it was directly attached. The original was crumbling as he shot backwards using the monk Hirenyaku step. His speed far greater than previous as he moved away. That damn force was hard to handle as he moved his frame further back. But it wasn't done just yet the blast was coming. Two things needed to be done in rapid timing as he would create a three layer barrier. The force had sent him flying still but he could avoid high levels of damage from the blast. Slowly he made the wall coating it with Blut and Gravity, letting the Dark matter wall take the impact. Ghislain's body had slammed into the wall keeping his grip on the Grim due to his magnetizing of the blade. Smoke had formed and swords were falling from everywhere along with eyes. It was time to take this matter seriously as he couldn't afford to not. He would use two more moves and release his voldstandig if they proved uneffective. No more games this guy was like Radioactive. Anything less then his absolute intent to kill him wouldn't make it. Hayden was playing for keeps and Ghislain was being safe with tactics. "Tertiary Release, Bishop." Everything became clear down to the design of the place but something else happened as he said it. His Voldstandig released three levels of restraints on Ghislain. The sky became dark as energy shot around the area. Ghislain's Pawn Limiter had been removed along with Rook.

Ghislain could release as many into his Voldstandig as he pleased and keep going when in one. Bishop was so he could see what this place could endure and handle. He was seeing everything as it was made. His eyes stared through the matter at Hayden's attack. He gripped the Grim as he used a Decoy step vanishing using the smoke of the blast and the fog that came out again. Ghislain's eyes knew the exact spot of Hayden as he gripped Grim tightly. This shot was only the beginning of his offensive as he had his crow's form walls to absorb the damage making sure not everything went. Ghislain was about to drop an insane amount of damage onto Hayden. But this was just the opener, the kick wouldn't send him far. He'd braced himself against a wall as the massive beam shot from his sword. The massive shot sent him upwards into the air using his gravity powers he pushed things out of the way. But this wasn't over yet Ghislain had one more power to unleash. He clapped his hands together as the crows swarmed and formed walls that would absorb the impact.

He went into the sky and made the wall's larger and made sure they would bounce this attack back as he created it. Ghislain didn't need much time as Hayden would be contending presently with the blast he sent. That rifle shot was large and hard to dodge. Not to mention Ghislain had planned ahead to unleash his fury on Hayden. Dark Matter Sun as he parted it out making the massive orb he sent it down. Ghislain clapped his hands together now to contain it all with Hayden inside. The walls and gravity instead of pushing things away. Would instead be sucking them inside the barrier, this time, the blast was within. Ghislain made it large enough to cover a bit more space. But triple layering the blast to repel everything at Hayden. He wasn't just going in for a penny, he was going all out. Ghislain would only have one more move in his kit if this didn't destroy the entire Arena. His power was immense and out of control as he breathed heavily. Closing the dome Barrier and watching as the sun came down on top of Hayden.

To make sure it was faster he made the Sun fall faster with increased gravity within. As the Sun pulled Hayden towards it with insane gravity as he was pushed towards the large object and pulled. now one would assume this meant his job was done as he managed his reishi. Ghislain began layering the barriers making several of them making them stronger able to bounce back more as he would contain it all. This was using a lot of power from his being as his ribs recovered. A few blades had cut him as this required absolute focus and no chance for defense. Eyes that got carelessly close however got turned into energy. He would use them and everything to contain this. Ghislain began converting things in the sky into energy and using them to protect the blast area. The outer walls would hold and contain this monster of a beast he'd released on Hayden. They were in the midst of sending out one blast after another on one another.

Inside the ground was melting and the heat was savage as Ghislain had done this by releasing himself so far in. Ghislain could only do one more release to King he guessed. After this, the amount of energy used was enough to destroy the arena if he failed to contain it. No, he couldn't afford to fail to contain this blast on Hayden at all. The amount of power was about to explode at that was when it happened. The Sun exploded inside the barrier, he had the sweat going down his forehead as he contained the explosion as best he could. The crows had information but instead they were used to prepare in the fog his attack. Ghislain had gone all in on Hayden the question was could he keep this from going anywhere else. This attack could have easily destroyed this arena and twelve more like it. Ghislain was keeping all the destruction inside with Hayden. Pulling and pushing it all into Hayden's zone area. The question was could he absorb it or not. Ghislain could only release to Queen and try to end it then or perhaps one step further. He was three in now out of six and didn't want to release any more.

If he showed his hand too much Ghislain would be out of tricks and have some trouble later. But one last thing was in place that barrier was set to do one final thing if it survived. It would explode within itself as the layers would explode around Hayden hitting him with shards of earth and other things. Ghislain had exhausted much of his energy on this now. Going to this extent, had he not released up to Bishop. He wouldn't have been able to do most of this. His physical prowess had gone up thanks to Rook. Thanks to Pawn his full power was on display now. So everything was in place as he would do one last thing would happen. The Barrier's top would explode the energy shooting into the sky massive being sent upwards as the entire thing was covered in the explosion. Ghislain didn't let Hayden escape or give him time to move. Hayden should have been occupied blocking that energy or dodging it while he did this.

Ghislain's charge time for the sun wasn't long enough and he showcased insane levels of speed moving with Monk step. So only one thing remained as he reached his hands out slowly and slammed the escaping blast back down with gravity. Compressing the explosion into the barrier so no escape was possible. Hayden would have likely been injured to some extent from Ghislain's offensive. He brought his hands to his ribs gently wincing as he felt a couple cuts. He'd barely avoided fatal injuries in the sky while doing this. Those swords and eyes were annoying but a good fuel source. He needed to replenish so they could keep going. Unless he'd destroyed the arena entirely. Ghislain's figure as swords came close they were broken into energy that went into his body. He was recovering his reishi as he inhaled and exhaled. Converting those into reishi or dark matter and devouring them as they came into contact with his energy field.

He wouldn't be anywhere near what he had as the fields crumbled as the blast radius began to clear. The crater had pushed the barriers to their limits even the secondary one. The entire thing was a giant crater that was barely contained. His hand held Grim which had gone into Necklace mode as he did this attack. He was ready to turn it back and fight as his senses looked for Hayden. The guy reminded him of Radioactive when they first met. Would have been nice to of done this to that shark as he thought about everything. At worse if Hayden dodged the bird wall would of shot the blast back into his back. They were small and hidden not to mention out of range for converting he imagined. Or at least he hoped as they were three meters away. They could spring up and shoot it into his back had Hayden avoided the Rifle blast. His arm felt numb from shooting it and then using his footwork to with gravity to regain composure. Encasing that much of an area in a barrier with Dark Matter Sun. That was a challenging task indeed. The question was as he watched the smoke if that blast would of destroyed the entire arena or not. Hayden's attack was immense and Ghislain had just fired two extremely power attacks one after the other. With one lingering on his mind as he gripped Grim tightly. He hoped that Hayden would be down or have taken some form of damage. If not he would have no choice but to destroy the arena and leave. Ghislain couldn't afford to showcase his full powers on the first battle. Hayden couldn't either he imagined. Though from what he figured out Hayden was insane. A thought crossed his mind about Hayden maybe trying to asbrob the sun. But that would of been crazy his body would of burned up before he could of stepped into it. Even three layered barriers like his were struggling to contain that monster. This was a gamble of all or nothing, Ghislain had gone almost all in for this. His respect was now shown to the man known as Hayden. At the end of this Hayden or Ghislain were definately buying drinks.

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