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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Sat Jun 25, 2016 5:59 pm


6/25/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time


The time is currently 12:00 CST time on June 25, 2416. Raining candy, singing trees, super cute animal life, puffy pink skies, a singing sun, lush plant life, dancing flowers, soda pop waterfalls, singing white clouds; oh yeah, this place is definitely annoying. Everything in this ring is adorable, sweet and downright like a wonderful world of magic.

It's roughly five city blocks wide and will often rain down different types of candy equipment. There will be a candy cane the size of a small sword found on the south edge of the arena. It will possess a cutting strength equal to an advanced strength user, while the durability is equal to a master. To the north there will be a basket of three rainbow colored eggs which can restore a persons health by 25% (injuries, energy lost etc). To the west, there will be shields capable of negating one supernatural attack per post with a three post cooldown. And, to the east there will be metallic boots with gold smiley faces on them that will adjust to a persons feet and make them as fast as a master speed user for three post before having a two post cooldown.

Additionally, the stage will occasionally have the sun come singing down in a deep voice before exploding in a violent explosion of radiation, candy, soda pop and all things sweet in a rainbow explosion capable of equaling to a grand ray cero. It will destroy half of the ring, but it will regrow. There is no telling when this event may happen. The same can be said for other stage modifications and item drops.

With that said, the first opponent will be transported to the west, while the second will be transported to the east. They will have to find each other and then engage in combat!

Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] WVMWLOu
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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Sat Jun 25, 2016 8:05 pm


Artist: Homestuck OST - Song: 108 Stars of Destiny - Word Count: 708

Is this where I must fight, Mana?

A question asked by a rather confused fighter, for Nemesis was quite perplexed by the area shown before her. Candy rained from the sky, the sun seemed to smile brightly and sing songs. This entire area seemed to be that of a fantasy, coming straight out of a book. Honestly, it annoyed her quite a bit, seeing everything so out of place and so cheery. If this was part of the 'fun' for Mana to enjoy, well she could enjoy the vexation plainly visible on Nemesis' face, eyes staring forwards with a look of utter apathy towards the center of this town. If this was the show she wanted, it would be the one she'd get. Fingers tightly grasped the hilt of her weapon, a large two-sided axe being hefted up unto her shoulder, blade behind her as one end seemed to be almost twice as large as the others. Without a moment's hesitation, she already began to step forwards.

After a few steps, the odd sight of boots with smiles upon them took her view. They were weird, and didn't seem to really scream to her that they were great pieces of equipment. Despite almost everything in her saying to just walk along, the woman found herself slowly slipping the boots unto her feet, taking off her shoes and tossing them aside even to do so. They were colorful, they had smiles, and she looked very uncomfortable with them on, face scrunching up. At least it was metal, more to protect her feet when compared to just normal sneakers.

Now came finding her foe, the one to meet her in combat. Someone by the name of Henrex. It was someone she's never seen in records, so they couldn't have been anyone too important, so with that in mind, she was able to relax. Hell, she was even confident enough to start the conflict and test the waters. Each step lead to the loud clinking of metallic boots on the hard ground, eyes slowly scanning the bright, cheery scenery in front of her. She would be glad to finish up this fight quickly and get into a field that was perhaps more befitting of her, but hey, there was a reason that Mana called all of this up. For entertainment, not a fair fight.

Soon enough, Nemesis found herself standing in the middle of an open street, just enough space to count as an area to fight in. With the location chosen, now was as good as any time to start the fight, fingers gripping tightly unto the hilt of her weapon once more as she shouted out, words carrying quite the distance outwards.

"Fighter. Make yourself known. We fight for valor and we fight for a show, so do not run."

The voice was very stern, serious, and sounded just a bit scarier than it should. That was the voice of a berzerker with the body to scare even most fully grown men. With her announcement known, she had to actually -bring- her target over here, and the easiest way to do that was regardless of their choice. Her weapon was quickly held up high above her, both hands firmly grasping the shaft before slowly starting to twirl it above her head, spinning it faster and faster as it was passed from hand to hand. With every passing moment came another faster rotation, the entire weapon spinning as if it were a helicopter, though with a much better effect.

Rather than flying upwards in a nonsensical fashion like this world, the spinning of the axe was quick enough to form a vortex, a tornado that pulled and yanked anything nearby straight into it due to just how fast and powerful it was. The tornado was even strong enough to pull Henrex straight towards her, regardless of if he wanted too or not, that was, if he was even somewhat close. If he hadn't moved from his spot from on the other side of the arena, then he would be fine, though the site of wind tunneling on one spot might give away Nemesis' position.

It didn't matter if he knew where she was, she'd let him have the first strike, it might as well have been his last.

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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] MNjstuP
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:05 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 1684


As Henrex Astillon was dropped into the area, his heart really wasn't in it. Something just....didn't make him feel right. But, yet, he signed up for it. So, time to put on his battle face. Which different than the depressing face and aura the man gave off. As he closed his eyes upon contact with the ground, a purple glow came from the back of his shirt. As the chain that bound a black cloak to his back vanished, then was quickly pulled away by the gentle breeze, floating away. A quiet exhale escaped the Angel of Darkness as he soon went to pull the shirt he wore off. The black shirt was quickly tugged free from Henrex's body, as well as the black scarf that wrapped around his nose and mouth.

With these few items freed from his body, Henrex now considered it safe to destroy his seal. Whispering small incantation of his own design, the spiritual seal made from his own energy began to flicker and glow with purple spiritual energy. As the seal cracked like glass, Henrex would slowly bow his head. Why? He didn't know. For some reason, it felt....appropriate. The seal soon shattered, with the cracks becoming to numerous to bear any longer. Two enormous black wings grew from Henrex's back, with the tips of his wings pointed at the sky. As they grew, a black and purple spiritual energy would flow from his back and from his wings. As his eyes opened, he was a very odd sight. His only working eye, his right one, which was pure black, narrowed at the sight of a candy battlefield. Everything was happy.

Raining candy, singing tree....blah blah blah. It was a very odd battlefield for someone like Henrex. He was normally a very depressing soul. He always wore black, his eyes were black, and, his Zanpakutō was based around darkness. A sigh left the Angel as he looked around. It wasn't that he was disappointed. He was actually craving the candy that was around him, as well as falling from the sky. The thing that was bothering him about the CANDY was.....was it safe to eat? A very random, yet also very funny thought. But it was something Henrex was considering.

Demon Queen Mana Asthavon had made this arena. For all he knew, it could be filled with some sort of demon infection. Possibly? Yes. Definite, no. Screw it. He snatched up the candy bar, quickly unwrapping the sweet treat with his eyes glimmering like stars. The moment enough candy was exposed from the wrapper, he took a massive bite out of the sugary treat. The chocolate dissolved in his mouth and the sugar filled his mouth. Mmm.....Chocolate....

The sugary substance dissolved in his mouth, and his face soon broke out into a small smile. A smile was always rare on the Angel of Darkness. He was always so depressed and gloomy, he always seemed to be depressed. The smile that would light up Henrex's face, as well as make him seem less of a depressed boy. However, this smile was soon squandered and a hefty sigh came from the Angel of Darkness. The chocolate was good, but it still didn't distract him long enough for his depression to go away. His head soon moved to gaze towards the ground, then all around him. Only one thought occupied the Angel as he looked around.

I shouldn't be here.

This was a very different atmosphere from what he was used to. He was always used to darkness within his life. Hell, he very well could be an embodiment of darkness. That's how depressing and dark Henrex could be. This atmosphere was doing one thing good. Free candy. Henrex was constantly gawking at the candy, and all of the sugary items around him. It was like a half-dream. He slowly started to bring his right foot forward, taking a step. Step after step, the angel would begin to walk in the direction of what he assumed was west. Hell, with him and his opponent being dropped off at completely random locations, he didn't even know what way he was facing.

That reminded him of something. His opponent. A girl. How fun. Henrex let out another sigh as he continued to walk forward. All he knew was that their name was Nemesis. Didn't know anything about them, and, quite frankly, he didn't really care. All he wanted to do was get this over with and move on. Because, in all honesty, he didn't care much for the biggest reward of this competition. The entirety of Greece. Henrex was very surprised to hear that Greece was the ultimate prize of this event. However, Henrex wasn't really going to bother with trying to go the whole way. Six wins granted the victor Greece. Not like Henrex needed it. Or that he would even get that far. Considering his own strength at the moment, and from the names he had heard of the people who were entering, if he even managed to get past this opponent, he most likely wasn't going to get any further.

Henrex's quiet walk had taken him quite the distance. He now had come across a few shields. Hm. Not something he had used quite often before his death. His arms and shoulders would raise to form a shrug. Not an "I don't care" shrug. More of a "Eh, why not?" kind of shrug. He slowly approached the shields, bending down on one knee to pick one up. One fact that was interesting about these shields is that there were surprisingly light. They weren't too heavy, and they weren't too light either. They were a perfect weight. As his fingers curled around the shield, something else hit him. Something that he could feel just by touching the object. These shields were powerful. His eyes widened in surprise upon this revelation of the defensive weapon. Interesting.

Henrex slowly pushed on his knee, forcing himself back into a standing position. With the shield in hand, perhaps he would now stand a chance against his opponent. By slinging the shield over his shoulder, and now the strange shield would be resting upon his back. He continued his walk, before he heard a voice echo through the arena. It said for him to make himself known? Umm...didn't...she already know who he was? Dear GOD this girl must not pay attention. Henrex sighed and shook his head back and forth. A sign of disappointment. He could tell where the voice had come from. The east. Well, time to head AWAY from it. Henrex's walk soon turned into silent running as he picked up his speed, eager to not only get away from her, but also perhaps stay hidden long enough to get a sneak attack. That could put him at an advantage.

Henrex soon came to a stop, his boots almost forcing him to fall over from the sudden stop. He quickly stopped himself though. With his balance now returning, Henrex slowly found himself facing something odd to him. A basket....of three...rainbow...eggs. The hell? What were these doing here? Oh well. Might as well pick them up. Perhaps they did something, like explode....or act as a magnet or something like that. He would only know if he took them with him. Henrex knelt down again to pick them up, but his hand stopped short. He could hear and feel something. It was almost like....a whistling sound. Wind? As soon as this thought registered into his mind, he could feel something tugging at him. Henrex's body was now sliding away from the basket. He hadn't even gotten a chance to get those eggs. As he slowly stood, he could feel the force pulling him in getting stronger.

Something was moving him.

Henrex turned around as fast as he could, spreading his wings wide. It wasn't wind that was pushing him from behind him. This was wind that was pulling him. Was it from his opponent? Whatever the case, he wasn't going to be pulled to them so easily. The two black wings that now spread as wide as ten feet in total began to flap. This would keep him from being moved so quickly, but it would not keep him from being moved altogether. He was still moving towards them, just not as fast as he was previously. As he slowly was forced forward, despite his wings flapping like hell to keep him from being dragged, Henrex could feel the gust dying down. As he stopped, he slowly took a silent step forward, revealing himself.

Scars all over the left side of his body, strange markings all over him, and two wings protruding from his back. Henrex had a very strange appearance. The scars over the left side of his face would be seen all the way to where his body would split down the middle, and the right side of his face would begin. His left eye was pure white. Still usable, but the color of his eye was no more due to the damage that had been done to it. Henrex Astillon would then bend over slightly, with his head facing the ground, and his left hand would slowly move to the back of his neck, before it would rub his neck. A sigh left the Angel of Darkness as he now stood before his enemy. Yep. A girl. Perfecto....

Henrex's eye slowly looked up at her, with him straightening. He slowly shrugged once more and he closed his eyes.

"Well, you found me....Hello. I'm Henrex Astillon...your opponent....."

Henrex would then sigh again, before his hand slowly went to his side, which held a katana, which his weapon. However, this katana was a Zanpakutō. The trademark weapon of anyone with Shinigami blood. His palm gently rested on the pommel of his weapon, before his hand would drop to the hilt of his Zanpakutō. His fingers would slowly wrap around the hilt of his weapon and his eyes would slowly open halfway.

"Well....dunno what else to say...."

Henrex shrugged again, before his head would tilt to the side lazily. It was now up to his opponent what would happen now.

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:24 pm


Artist: Homestuck OST - Song: Unbreakable Union - Word Count: ???

Fingers continued to twirl the hilt of the amazoness' weapon, spinning it faster and faster as the whirling vortex above continued to draw everything towards her. From her foe to even the scenery, loose objects being torn from the ground as any raining piece of candy gravitated towards her. It was an impressive display of both power and finesse, being able to create something such as that with only an object to use as a catalyst, but even it had its flaws. As Henrex approached, the vortex was caught off with a violent swing of the blade downwards, the one powerful tornado simply vanishing as candy and other various objects rained down, smacking into the ground and leaving the area filled with litter.

The deep green eyes of the demon found themselves fixating upon the figure of Henrex. He certainly did look odd to her, a shinigami taking more of the appearance of a dark angel, nearly black wings stretching outwards with a form that could be mistaken for a demon or devil Iramasha. The only reason that she even thought shinigami was because of the Zanpakutō, without it, Henrex could easily pass for something else, something she personally thought was a better advantage in terms of race. No matter the case, there was something else she could tell about him, that he was weaker in terms of spirit too her. Rather than being a boon to her, this was a blessing to Henrex due to a personal rule she had, to not decimate the weaker without good cause. This was a fight for entertainment, not for blood, so she couldn't go all out. She had to hold herself back, to make the fight last in order for there to be any real show... though a bloody, gruesome torture in this wonderland might appeal to Mana, it might also bore her since she's used to it.

An odd way to look at things, but now Nemesis was stuck with two options. Treat this like a fight, or like a show? No matter the case, she still had to prepare herself, for even if Henrex was weaker than her, he still had not only abilities, but powers that could harm her. With all the scars and markings staining his body, perhaps he had some form of corruption or seals, or maybe he was just simply messed up himself. One thing was for certain, he certainly seemed like quite the pessimist, no real drive of courage in this fight. Hell, he looked more like he was about to speak to a stranger rather than fight.

"I am Nemesis Atavata. If you do not have more to say, then I demand that you strike at me. It's only fair that the weaker of the two gets the first strike."

In all honesty, that message had two purposes. The first was to be honorable and to allow him to strike first and perhaps give some resemblance of a fight, and the second was to hopefully rile him up enough to have some drive in him. Agitation and annoyance was usually a leading factor in one's ability to fight with their whole being, she was one to know this. With only these words spoken, she slowly began to adjust her body into a fighting stance, left foot sliding outwards in front of her just a bit as her right foot slid behind her. A quick motion with her arm led to her battleaxe actually being placed right on her back as fists ended up clenched and held before her, both below her chin but slightly above her torso, left in front of the right one as she stared forwards over them. A weapon would make this too easy, there needed to be a challenge here, for the both of them.

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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] MNjstuP
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Age : 23

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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:21 am
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 1196


The sudden slam of the weapon made Henrex jump up a small distance from the ground, causing him to hover above the ground. As the woman told him to strike first, and that it would only be fair. A sigh left the Angel of Darkness as his depressed eyes focused on the woman. She was really telling him that between their massive difference in power, that it would be fair from to strike first? What kind of logic was that? The single black eye of Henrex stared at the green eyes of the woman in front of him. Nemesis Atava. Two fingers drummed silently against the pommel of the Zanpakutō that hung from Henrex's side.

His head bowed towards the ground, with his single black eye gleaming from the mass of black hair on his head. Henrex sighed again and straightened, with his arms raising into another shrug. After this, his hands would slowly glide to the pockets of his blue jeans. His dead, gloomy eyes would slowly start to close. As they did his left hand would emerge from his pocket, reaching for his sword. The steel blade made a quiet scraping noise as it was pulled from the sheath, and the weapon was now exposed to the cold air of the land of candy and happiness. The blade was soon introduced to the ground.

A slam would be heard as Henrex embedded his sword in the ground, with him placing his left hand on the pommel of the weapon, and his eyes closed. They soon opened halfway, and all that Nemesis would be able to see within his eyes would be depression, insecurity, and sadness. Not a single spark for battle lived within his eyes. He wasn't feeling it. He was only standing there because he signed up for it. He wasn't particularly excited for this event, but he had to fight. When he found out about his opponent, he wasn't really thrilled. His match-up wasn't exactly a fair fight. Another sigh came from the depressing Shinigami, and his head rose. His depressing eyes continued to stare at Nemesis. Henrex felt as he normally did. Blank. He felt nothing. No emotion. He felt as if he wasn't really there.

"If you think that letting me pathetically attempt to hit you is making this's not. Being matched up with someone who could kick my ass in seconds isn't exactly fair. I can practically taste your power. And all it tastes like is an ass kicking that's coming my way."

Henrex was not annoyed by this. He was simply stating a fact. He knew that the only way to win this fight would be by some miracle. But there was nothing. No dire situation to use Shikai at all. He desperately wished that the markings on his body were seals....but they weren't. They were just.....markings. There was nothing special about him. He was just a plain Shinigami. There was nothing unique about him. The only thing that Henrex could really do was fire a beam, fire a wave of energy, make a few things with his spiritual shadows, and make a few sword slashes. He wasn't special. There wasn't anything that defined him. He was...just a Shinigami. He was ordinary. He wasn't special. A sigh came again from Henrex, but this one....was more sad.

"All I am right now is easy prey....I'm not special. Got nothing unique about me. I'm just a weak, pathetic understand? Hell, don't even have a Shikai. I have nothing to defend myself beside a length of steel and a shield."

Henrex's eyes would close, before his head would bow again. His sad, depressed black and white eyes would stare out from the lang mass of mess, black hair on him. His body straightened, before his left foot would slowly step forward, and the muscles in his body tensed. His foot slid out from under him, forcing him forward. As he did, he only made a few inches, before vanishing. Flash Step. Nemesis would most likely be unsure of where he would reappear, and check behind her. If she did, it would leave her wide open for the attack. The Angel of Darkness descended upon the battlefield from the sky at rapid speed, aiming a single kick towards her upper body or head.

As his foot made contact with whatever it hit, Henrex would put a large amount of pressure into leg, before kicking forward, causing his body to flip backwards and he would land on his feet. His feet touched the ground with the most gentle grace. Henrex wasn't expecting something to come out of that. He was weak. He was pathetic. He was the most basic thing in the universe. There was nothing special about. His eyes lowered, before they would move to the left, looking at the sword that was still implanted within the ground. Henrex sighed before looking at Nemesis. She probably had some large variety of special skills. Lucky her. Without his Zanpakutō, Henrex was nothing.

He couldn't fight with Hakuda, he could only use up to level 20 of Kido, and could use Flash Step a tiny but better than other Shinigami. The only thing he was good at...the only thing he really COULD be good at was swinging his fucking sword around. Zanjutsu. The only thing he could be good at. He hated using Kido. It took too long, and normally didn't do jack shit. He only used it when he had very little options. He hand slowly began to reach for his Zanpakutō, but then he stopped. His arm drifted back to his side, and his eyes now remained fixated on the ground. This candy land and place of happiness would do nothing to someone with a seemingly aura of depression emitting from him.


Henrex sighed again, before outstretching his arms. He was opening himself to attack on purpose. He really just....didn't care anymore. He knew that he wouldn't win. He would just be beat to the dirt like every other time. Every single fight he had been in, he lost. Against Kuro? It may have been training, but he lost. Against Zen? He lost. Both lost the fight...and lost control. Every single fight...he lost. He had never won a single fight he had been in. It didn't make him stronger. All it did was add to the amount of injuries he would have by the end of his second life. The depressing soul closed his eyes, before his arms lowered back to his sides. His depressing gaze still stared at Nemesis.

"....There's really no point in me fighting back. I can't win. You may as well make it easy and just kill me now."

Henrex sighed again and lowered his head, waiting for a death blow to come to him. He didn't care. He was weak. He was pathetic. He wasn't strong. Unless he had his Shikai, which he didn't, he was nothing. He couldn't do anything to fight back. It's not like fighting back would do anything, with the massive gap in their power. All it did was remind him how weak he was. Henrex's eyes narrowed in sadness and he continued to stand in that solitary spot, waiting.....

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:30 am


6/25/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time


Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Latest?cb=20151024035402

From out of the skies, an angry looking sun begins to fall from the atmosphere. All of the animals scream like a woman breaking a nail and the star of the ring begins to sing this tune:


Once these words were hollered out to the arena in the most deepest of tones, the sun would crash into the area and begin to erupt with a burst of light which could cause immense damage to both opponents if the proper precautions weren't put into place. This is because the explosion would be akin to a master level cero being detonated from a powerful Arrancar. So, they better make like breakfast eggs and scramble!

Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Content-4-32917-nsmb2

Granted, the realm was heard crying out like a baby and a strange aura would overfill Henrex. From out of a vortex in front of him, a gold bullet would emerge and seek to punch him in the stomach. If he was fast enough, he would be able to grab the next item to fall upon him. If he grabbed hold of the golden bullet hitting him in the gut, then he would be able to attain a shield potent enough to be equal to a master durability and it would last for three points in order to make sure he wouldn't get stomped into the stone age.

If he failed? Well, he had a good run.

Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] WVMWLOu
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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:51 pm


Artist: Homestuck OST - Song: Beatdown DX - Word Count: 946

Annoying. Who talks down on on themself this much and still bothers to join a tournament? It... irritates me to hear people give up. Infuriates.

Those thoughts were true and were held deep in Nemesis' heart. She absolutely hated those with no drive, no will to accomplish anything in their life. What was the point of living if you couldn't even live for yourself? At that point, it'd be better to simply fade away, but that wasn't happening. This shinigami still stood here, still bothered to groan and show their discomfort as much as possible, and even went out to participate in things such as tournaments and battles. Something inside of him still wanted to live, to exist, or else he wouldn't even -be- here. Something inside wanted to still fight, but the majority of his entire body seemed to want to just fall in on itself and crumble away into a pitiful pile of tears and sorrow.

That was disgusting. It was horrifying, it -definitely- made Nemesis want some real reaction, some positive force pushing him. Not much was really able to affect her mood in a tense atmosphere like this, but seeing something like that definitely caused a few facial twitched and for a very prominent frown to take place. She had to scream and holler and shout to so much as even -exist-, while this shinigami could walk around and do as he pleased and considered that so horrible. Maybe if he put some effort into improving, he could manage to fix some of those insecurities, but until then, Nemesis would be sure to avoid being near him in those moods.

Sure, she could see that he was outmatched, but that was never a reason to give up or falter. Some of the greatest achievements in history came from the underdogs, so what stopped him from doing something spectacular? She didn't know. Eyes simply stared towards Henrex, watching the movements, the shrugs, his blade being placed down on the ground as a complaint escaped from his lips. Honestly, she didn't see what the big deal was. Henrex was a shinigami, they had spiritual weapons, special blasts, weird magic to use called kido. Hell all -she- had was just her strength and ability. In terms of variety, he had her beat in something.

And as the 'depressing' angel finally took an action, she remained rather still and calm, waiting for it to play out in it's full length. She remained perfectly still when he seemingly vanished, and she even seemed to remain perfectly still when he launched his attack. His foot was able to slam against the back of her head from the aerial strike, hitting her skull and definitely applying a fair amount of pressure and force, but two things added into her not seemingly getting hurt by it. It was her durability and ability to simply ignore a great amount of pain. Her head was forced to shake once Henrex kicked backwards, but whether or not it did any real damage would be unknown. It was at least something, something that could be improved upon.

The woman found herself turning around to face Henrex, a single hand being used to rub at the back of her head where the collision took place as she simply stared. He had landed a hit, good. He even did a fancy little back flip, meaning that he was agile enough for some acrobatics. Both of those things were good, it meant he wasn't entirely useless, and even if he had no desire to really struggle his hardest, he still had some motivation to do something. Something telling him to keep going, something that might spur him on. She just needed to figure out what that spark was and turn it into a blaze. If she could get this pitiful piece of flesh to -feel- something, to strive for greater, then she'd feel content herself. It could be from her surpassing greater trials and not seeing why he couldn't do it, or just simply a little quirk she had as a demon, where she always had to find a way to tempt people to go for things that seemed risky, be it letting emotions free, falling for rage, taking great gambles for success, applying for a deadly contract. She had a knack for wanting to take risks, and she definitely wanted to see this shinigami take a big risk in at least trying.

When he outstretched his arms and let her strike, she seemed just about ready to just go for a normal blow that wouldn't kill, but might cause enough pain to spark some anger inside, to do something. Even if this was the plan, something else was soon happening, a powerful influx of energy formed above them as-

"... I despise this world."

She hated the fact that the 'sun' seemingly said all of that, and took this time to avoid the blast entirely rather than deal with it. If Henrex survived, perhaps adrenaline might make him do something, might make him show off his abilities, hell, if he did his best against her, he was sure to improve in some way. Combat was the best way to better one's self. So with that thought in mind, she began to bolt from the area, arms pumping back and forth as legs slammed against the ground to cause her to turn into a blur, a mix of her own speed, strength, and the extra agility provided by the boots she equipped earlier. In just a moment, she was seemingly gone from the area.

Allowing Henrex to possibly obtain an item that'd -really- give him a chance, perhaps that miracle he thought of earlier.

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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] MNjstuP
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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:27 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Angel of Darkness

Word Count: 1341


The sun...was talking? How....oh wait, Mana Asthavon. That explained it nicely. The sun crashed onto the strange stage while saying something in an immensely deep voice. The explosion caused no reaction from Henrex, aside from a single thought that was running through his head. He wasn't fearful. He wasn't scared or anything. He was just....blank. His foot slowly moved backwards, with his wings spreading. The two black, feathery wings on his back moved once, sending him flying backwards. Then....he vanished. Flash Step after Flash Step. Retreating with Shunpo constantly. His eyes slowly closed halfway, narrowing and a sigh leaving him. This was tiring. Not just retreating in general, but using Shunpo over and over. Henrex stopped his constant Flash Stepping, stopping at where he had landed. Great...

As the explosion went off, Henrex had to squint to just watch the explosion take place. The sun had crashed into the stage. A blast went off, which covered a good portion of the stage, and Henrex simply stared at this scene, unamused. Henrex sighed and a hand would move to the back of his neck, rubbing it. Great. Now he had to find his opponent again. Jeez. Henrex snapped his fingers, not worried about the fate of his Zanpakutō. He had forgotten to grab it in the haste and heat of the moment, but it was no problem. He could easily call it back to him. As the echoing sound of his fingers snapping caused the sword traveled through the air, the spirit within the sword that was still firmly implanted within the ground of the battlefield could hear it.

The sword that was implanted within the ground would slowly begin to wiggle in it's place within the earth of the battlefield. The blade would soon be jerked free from the ground, and the sword would speed towards it's master. The hilt of the katana would speed past Henrex's head, before his left arm would reach out, grabbing it and gripping it tight. Even with this amazing burst of speed from his sword, Henrex's arm was surprisingly not torn off by the sudden stop of his sword moving at such a high speed. As Henrex held his sword, he slowly moved a hand to his back, removing the shield that he had collected earlier. Pulling the steel defensive weapon from his back, Henrex felt like a knight of the medieval ages, minus the chain mail that they would always wear.

However, something else gripped Henrex's Shinigami heart. It wasn't fear. It wasn't anything Henrex was used to. It was....his senses....warning him of something. Abunai. Danger. Henrex's eyes slowly scanned his surroundings, searching for any immediate threats. He found none. However, what he wasn't expecting.....was a large vortex to open in front of him. The vortex held nothing that Henrex Astillon could see. It was simply a black Void. Henrex slowly took three silent steps forward to see if there was anything within this Void. However, when he did, his heart skipped a beat. He was greeted with a giant golden bullet.

As Henrex floated backwards with his wings, Henrex just barely missed the bullet plowing into his face. As he did, the bullet did not stop. It continued to surge towards him, drawing an...arm back? Bullets had arms? Since....oh. Wait a minute. Mana. Asthavon. Of course. Henrex sighed as his sword arm lowered, before it would slowly move to the side. His arm slowly slid the katana into it's sheath, the silent scraping of the blade and the clanking of the metal tsuba against the sheath. As this was happening, Henrex would slowly slide his arm out of the small strip where one would put their arm to hold the shield.

Instead, he would grip it with both hands, with one on each side. As the tip of the bullet made contact with the supernatural shield Henrex held, his feet slid back as the bullet pushed on. Henrex then allowed his foot to slide under him. When he did, his entire body would slip forward, and his hands would slide backwards onto the strap where one's hand would go. Gripping tightly, Henrex would allow his body to flip, with his feet landing on the bullet, shoving it into the ground. As his feet implanted themselves on the bullet, Henrex quickly twisted around and leaped upwards. However, it was not a high leap. A mere three feet in the air, with the angel twisting himself upright, and landing on his feet.

A single arm rose from his side, raising the shield that had saved his life. A giant dent now resided within the defensive weapon. His eyes closed slowly as Henrex slowly drew his arm to his shoulder, before it would whip to his side, flinging the shield aside. A shield with a dent was useless. It would break in short time. Henrex took more interest upon the bullet that had attacked him. For some reason, it felt....better. His hand slowly reached towards the massive bullet that had attacked him, and as his pale fingers laced around the ends of the massive bullet, before lifting the golden weapon up. As he did, his eyes widened as the bullet changed.

What Henrex's fingers now laced around was the curvature of a new shield. This one was much stronger than before. He could practically feel the power coursing through this new defense. The Angel's head slowly tipped to the side, eyeing the new item strangely. How was Mana able to do any of this? His fingers gently traveled over the shield, as his eyes shined with interest and surprise at the shield he now held, which was once a bullet aiming to kill him. A quiet breath left the young Shinigami, and his fingers curled in, leaving only his index finger pointing outwards. His finger was placed in the very center of the shield. By pushing his right arm through the small strap that was meant to hold the shield against one's hand, Henrex now held this shield, which was stronger than the one he held before. Henrex's gaze soon shifted to the now half destroyed arena. the result....of madness....

That was Henrex's only thought as his eyes slowly closed, before opening again halfway. The narrowed gaze of the Angel of Darkness stared at the arena created by the Queen of Demons, and the Mistress of Madness. He knew his opponent would be around here somewhere. With his working eye flashing blue, the Cyberbrain that Henrex had installed turned on. With his body reflecting the light around him, the body of the soul would slowly begin to vanish. With his Shadow Camouflage activated, Henrex would be invisible to the normal eye. Combining Flash Step with flight, Henrex launched himself forward at tremendous speed, with his sword drawn, and his new shield ready. With a new weapon, Henrex could now maybe stand a chance. His narrowed gaze slowly began to scan the arena, looking for any traces of Nemesis that could be tracked. He found none.

However, there was something else that occupied his thoughts as he continued to scan the arena. The stage was regenerating itself. Slowly, piece by piece, the battlefield was returning back to it's normal state. Henrex's invisible form slowly descended, with his flight coming to an end. It wasn't due to a time limit on how long he could fly or anything like that. He didn't even know himself why he had landed. As his pale fingers gripped the Zanpakutō clasped in his left hand, the nervousness of the male could be visible. With quiet, but shaky breaths, Henrex was growing more and more paranoid. He was entirely vulnerable. She could attack him from any direction. The fact that she had disappeared from the area of where they were previously worried him. It meant she had enough speed to escape the ball of fire that had crashed into the arena, completely wiping half of it out. He had to be cautious. He had to be careful.

If he didn't, he would die. Such was the cycle of life.

I walk a path...with no end....

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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Mon Jul 18, 2016 3:45 am
[adm]Since there hasn't been a post since the 5th, I'm just coming in this thread and saying Game has five days to post before he is skipped and Hnerex wins.[/adm]

Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] WVMWLOu
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Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] Empty Re: Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event]

Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:29 am
Posting in a bit.

Nemesis VS Henrex [ The Colosseum Of Madness Event] MNjstuP
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