Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] Empty Chifuyu VS Sijel [Madness Colosseum Event]

Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:59 pm


6/25/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on June 25, 2416. Reach for the stars they said. Become a sun -- they said. Well, that's precisely what this stage has become. Once the opponents arrive in the ring, they will hover in a vast blue space. From there, an eruption of multiple different colors will appear in the skies around them and all sorts of screaming shooting stars will be heard in the skies. These will rock the stage and cause tremors to be felt all around; despite them hovering in what appears to be space.

Additionally, rocks with ugly little Garden Gnomes will come through at random times during the fight and blast them with skeletons that explode into rainbow blast which are on par with advanced level cero's. There will also be item drops from the screaming shooting stars with a feminine voice to them. You'll know it's an item drop because a pink star will wash over the area and say, in a lusty and orgasmic voice, "OHHHHH BABY, ITEM DROP!"

The opponents will also start off with a pack of giggling lizard guts that increase a persons health by 25%. There are two in a small basket. They will also each have a giant star that acts as a bomb capable of producing an explosion on par with a small city block destroyer type of blast. They will receive these star bombs every three post.

Furthermore, the battlefield is around five city blocks wide, but will expand an extra two city blocks for every post that lasts in the fight. So, if the opponents are ready, they can arrive in the ring!

Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] WVMWLOu
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Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] Empty Re: Chifuyu VS Sijel [Madness Colosseum Event]

Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:14 pm

The butterflies flew through the air like a wave of shimmering water as sijel followed in the midst of their flutter. He was prepared for the battle that was coming though he didn't know who he would be fighting. All he hoped was that the person wasn't towering over him in strength like all those others whom he was always put against. His hypnotic eyes looked around but he saw nobody. At least not yet, but he was sure they were on their way. He took this chance to prepare himself for the battle. He didn't know what he thought would come out of this. All he really wanted was to meet the demon queen. This was probably the person in charge of neoveta, the one who attacked the moon base.

His snow white hair whipped behind him as he took his spot in the battle ground. His butterflies scanning the area and constantly sending him information from around him. The ability he was showing was still somewhat awkward to him, though he used it masterfully at his level. It was like he was looking forward in a single direction, but at the same time he could see the world that was around him in all directions. He stood there as he plugged his headphones in while he waited. His mindset for this was different. Unlike most days he felt cold today. He didn't really care about anyone that was around him or protecting them. In his mind it was more of an urge to shoot to his objective. His want to meet those in control of the demon world was immense, earning a nation was just a bonus.

Part of him was excited at the thought of the possibility of receiving a country to rule. His mind began to wonder as he thought about that outcome. He didn't really know anything about taking care of a country, but he thought of it as taking care of A LOT of children. He chuckled to himself as he blew off the idea of winning the tournament. He would mentally settle himself on winning the match in front of him. "Shouldn't be that hard right?" He said to himself.
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Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] Empty Re: Chifuyu VS Sijel [Madness Colosseum Event]

Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:02 am
Waiting for the tournament to start was what kept the Yuudeshi Mastermind away from the event that was happening below, a purposeful move on her behalf as she patiently waited for the opposition to show up. It was about an hour before the arrival of Sijel that the young woman was hiding in the crowd with her AI hacking the nearby commercial grade (cheap knock-offs) Phantom Tech of the viewers who just wanted some action in the tournament. She saw the entire arena from all angles with this visual overlay of data to create a mental 3D mindspace. It didn't take the woman long before she noticed the arrival of Sijel and the white haired boy began to sweep the area for her with what appeared to be butterflies.

Taking note that the butterflies must serve a purpose in the way of reconnaissance and possibly even be implemented in offensive or defensive operations. Nevertheless Chifuyu had to fight this guy and get onto the next fight to try and win this place, she let herself walk past the onlookers and slipped onto the arena however the moment she did everything went haywire it seemed and everything around them went blue. Her eyes scanned what was happening and she realised the arena was capable of a form of change, how very Mana of it. The Yuudeshi also sensed an increase in seismic activity with her phantom tech due to it sensing vibrations as part of the Crystallus Breaker systems.

The young woman used her valkyrie system to achieve her own little state of being not limited to normal laws of physics and motion, despite the fact that there was no longer any solid earth underneath them it appeared it still functioned as such and so as the woman hovered the arena erupted with a powerful tremor which she sensed and she hoped that the young man hadn't sensed it so it was a surprise. Of course the initial surprise would present an opportunity and she would attempt to hone in on the frequencies that the butterflies were being controlled at, after which case the goal was to cut the connection and in doing so Chifuyu would hopefully make it harder or impossible to control them.

Despite her passive attack she didn't move to hurt him, after all she knew nothing of what he was capable of but he knew nothing of what she was capable of either, all of what she just did would be hard to pick up on due to the Crystallus Breaker appearing to be mere gloves and her personal space gravity manipulator is imbued in her attire. This was a game of wits to her, and Sijel would do good to learn that quickly.

Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] Gamma_Signature
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Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] Empty Re: Chifuyu VS Sijel [Madness Colosseum Event]

Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:51 pm
A pulse shook the ground. It shocked sijel briefly and drew his attention to where he assumed the epicenter was. As he looked around he noticed that someone had entered the ring. He couldn't see them well at all due to how far they were, but he assumed it was them. The ring turned blue which also indicated something along the lines of the battle commencing Sijel would assume. He noticed that his ability to see from the butterflies that flew through the area had been hindered and impaired.

Any other person would have more than likely blew it off, but sijel knew better than that, it was pretty clear that this was the first attack, and as far as strategy goes it was a wise one. If sijel knew how his opponent was seeing, or if his opponent had openly showed how they were receiving their information of the area, he'd probably have made himself quite aware of it, if not destroy what they were using before doing anything. He would truly be shocked and put on guard if the person he was up against had the ability to just so easily block his link with such a large amount of butterflies that flew around the area.

Some of the butterflies were nearing where he saw the person and he was beginning to get a better picture of the person he was fighting. He figured the fight would start when one of them made a move, but he wouldn't wait for her. Her first move may give her the advantage and that would be the wrong way to start off. "Okay then, show me what you got." Sijel spoke slowly as ran forward a bit before jumping into the air. He quickly closed a lot of the distance between them and while in the air he released a huge swarm of beautiful blue monarch like butterflies. They flew at like a dam that broke and released water onto an unsuspecting town. "Butterfly Phantasia!!" He would call letting his voice be heard across the battlefield.

The butterflies would explode as they grew close to their target. The damage they did was similar to a grenade. They flow at a moderate speed which would make them fairly easy to dodge for those who were pretty advanced in speed,Though most people underestimated their destructive abilities because of their appearance, but that's why sijel summoned them in numbers. The large mass of butterflies spreading out and converging on the general area of the target would make it hard for the person to escape from the attack.
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Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] Empty Re: Chifuyu VS Sijel [Madness Colosseum Event]

Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:25 am
Hovering a few centimetres off the ground made Chifuyu look a little taller than she really was although it provided a little better vantage point. It seemed to be successful and her first assault on his butterflies affected their effectiveness although she didn't expect the next move the kid made, a very bold attack on her after a rather snide remark. The young woman used this to her advantage and mimicked his frontal assault which lead the gap to be closed ever faster as they approached each other. The closer the woman got the butterflies the harder it would be to control them since the interruption would only get stronger and interfere more as they got closer since the signal didn't lose strength over distance.

As the Yuudeshi made her approach, she would quickly strafe to the right and change her vector which would be a movement which would allow her to change course which broke the normal laws of motion, the processor in her Phantom Tech did the calculations to be within milliseconds which made sure that the butterflies and their controller had little time to act but even then the interference should limit that control anyway, nevertheless it is better to be safe than sorry. The movement would make her appear a few metres away from Sijel, he had sent the majority of his swarm at her location without thinking that she might have been able to escape.

A second movement which would allow the Yuudeshi to close the small gap between the two combatants would give her the distance and speed due to her gravity manipulator taking away the inertia and following Newton's laws of physics then since nothing was stopping her from accelerating she easily broke the sound barrier and the sonic boom would explode through the arena and it would hopefully bring about enough of a distraction or hinderence since it would sound like a gunshot in a enclosed space to Sijel before the force of Chifuyu's mass at such an acceleration would spear tackle him and use him as a force dampener and by that it would mean he would be dragged across the ground with the woman on top of him although she took very little damage from the assault thanks to her shield.

Whatever damage she would've taken was easily fixed since he was resistant thanks to both her crystal defences and her strong durability. She used the Valkyrie system to move away a few metres and waited for the result of her destruction.

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Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] Empty Re: Chifuyu VS Sijel [Madness Colosseum Event]

Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:44 pm
Sijel was prepared for the girl to counter attack. However, he wasn't prepared for the speed at which this woman would attack him. He only had enough time to brace his body for the impact of the woman, but not enough to move out of the way without releasing his first transformation. As the girl made contact the wind was knocked out of him and within seconds he felt his back make contact with the ground that was below him. She jumped off of him as quick as she made contact with him and moved away to gain some distance. Sijel laid there with his eyes closed as he searched his butterflies that should have still been around the area. The delay was still there, but it seemed to be weaker with the ones farther from his opponent than the ones closer.

He slowly stood up and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes revealing a universe inside each socket. A black mist began to spill from his body and disperse in all directions. The pollen like substance would begin to cling to the energy in the air and harmonize with it. "Flutter through the wind." He spoke in a calm low voice. Two butterflies appeared next to him and in a flash of light transformed into two swords that floated next to him. He took hold of the one on his right and began to move forward towards his target. The one on his left kept with his speed until he sent it forward in hopes to distract his opponent as he moved ever closer.

His aim was to get close enough to the woman that if she was to block the first blade he would be able to come in within seconds of his first sword to give a second attack aimed at her stomach and upon contact he would send her flying farther away while leaving a wound where his blade landed.
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Chifuyu  VS Sijel  [Madness Colosseum Event] Empty Re: Chifuyu VS Sijel [Madness Colosseum Event]

Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:16 am