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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Hybrid King
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Victorian Treat - Page 2 Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:28 pm



It was obvious that the people of the cafe were dumbfounded. the two quiet patrons that entered just moments looked like the last thing you'd expect to walk in. Yuuki was a human with spiritual connections, that didn't keep his distracting eyes and intense looks from being noticed however. Not many people could look both gentle and menacing at the same time, a scowl turning to a smile could mean all the difference for impression when it came to the man. On the other hand, the little Yuki that followed in pursuit was more akin to a wolf if anything. Of course, being entirely covered in fur would have cemented the rather odd entry, her tiny ears and tail twitching from side to side as the patrons continued to burn stares into the two.

Despite all the intense stares, Yuuki was far from heated. He was used to the stares and questioning glances he got in public. Of course, it was always a bit different than the time before. Now, it was because of his company and looks, last time it was more likely to have been because of his attitude. The next time? Who knew, it was always an interesting little addition to Yuuki's public escapades. As long as it doesn't bug Yuki, I really doubt it matters at this point.

Glancing down at the girl, Yuuki smiled through the awkward silence that came from the staring eyes and the two newcomers. She had just been riled up before, Yuuki's previous flick being a initiation of battle before his hand stroking her smooth hair led her to a near foot-thumping situation. She was an odd little Shinigami, it didn't help that she seemed so wolf like either. It changed very little for the man however, she was in fact a spiritual being that deserved what everyone else got. That's just how things work, right?

The shop finally assumed its previous state as they stood before the counter, the intense stares subsiding far enough for them to actual interact with the barista behind the counter. Of course, the passive Yuki attempted to weasel her way out of the situation due to wanting to visit the Library. The man wasn't dumb, nor was anyone else standing around them that may have been watching the scene unfold. Even if words could lie, little noses speak for themselves.

Turning towards Yuki, Yuuki thrust his finger against her forehead before letting a soft sigh escape. "I hope hot chocolate and-" Turning back to the counter before finishing his statement, Yuuki glanced over the pastries that were available at the small shop. It wasn't much of a choice, a few different types of pastries that ultimately led to what looked rather boring. Turning back a final time, he groaned and pointed towards the glass counter.

"Don't act weird, but I want the heart cakes. They look good. I hope that's alright." Deep crimson filled Yuuki's cheeks as he turned back to the counter and relayed the information. Moments later, two cups of hot chocolate and two heart cakes were tossed to the counters edge. Without much hesitation, the man paid and picked both portions up before turning towards Yuki and gesturing towards the door.

"C'mon." Pushing his way through the tiny shop, Yuuki burst through the front door before they arrived in front of the Library and clothing store once more. Glancing to both, Yuuki tapped his foot and spoke. "The choice is yours, Library or Clothes. I don't mind, as long as you're going to be smiling. Kind of defeats the purpose of spending time together, especially as strangers. Impressions are long lasting, would you want to sit next to each other and read quietly or twirl around in dresses in front of a random man so you can feel pretty?"

He smiled, his words seeming short but in all reality he just wished for her to make a real decision, one she thinks about. One that she's willing to choose whether or not she has the means for it. It wasn't just her, Yuuki existed too.

"I'm alright with watching a pretty girl dance around, but it isn't a problem if she wants to sit down either." With that being said, Yuuki took a large gulp from the cup in his left hand before giving a satisfying sigh of relief. The warm chocolate and rough wind felt great, even if it wasn't very cold outside. Nothing beat the scent and taste of the warm fluid reaching its way to the back of Yuuki's throat.

"So, which is it little one?"

Coding Partially By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Blade on Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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Victorian Treat - Page 2 Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:15 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 738

A normal reaction. Anyways, even if I did care these pastries are totally worth all of it, and are much more important than their weird stares.

Yuki was by now quite used to such reactions towards her appearance. They used to make her feel bad and unwanted and even hated, and she used to cover up her wolf-like features as best she could. That is until she met Takuma. It was thanks to him that she now walked freely and proudly of her heritage. Well, mostly proud. The more savage and bestial side was something she always tried her best to avoid, but beyond that she no longer cared too much about the sort of people who might make a big deal out of her.

Besides, Yuuki matters more right now, and he seems to enjoy my presence. I think. I hope!

Suddenly a finger assaulted her forehead! Again! And, once again, she was caught off guard, jumping slightly in place as a pink hue spread across her cheeks. For a moment she expected him to follow it up with some more hair tussling but, alas, he did not, and this lack of tussling left her somewhat disappointed. Something called ‘hot chocolate’ was named before her new friend pointed towards the glass counter. Yuki’s eye followed the finger, widening when she noticed the cakes that he’d picked out.

Yay! Those ones smelled the best! Although his cheeks are getting red. Why are they getting red? Why wouldn’t I be okay with this?

The petite wolf turned towards the taller man, tilting her head slightly to the right in confusion. In a confident though calm neutral voice she spoke up. “Why would it not be okay? They smell delicious. It matters not what the food looks like, especially in our current situation. Do not be ashamed for choosing something that you enjoy.”

With a slightly toothy grin the young Shinigami hopped up, jabbing a finger against the man’s forehead while his cheeks went red, tail flailing a bit more actively behind her body as she touched back down to Earth. She was becoming very excited now, especially at the prospect of delicious delicacies! Still, he had purchased food for her. She was now in his debt.

“I owe you. Thank you” she stated, nibbling upon one of the tiny dessert’s little corners, which sent a shiver down along her entire body! With glee she then took to sipping at the drink, her eye widening with shock as to what it was and how good it tasted. But she could not shake the feeling of owing something to another person, and so her mind lingered upon the thought while she continued to sip and nibble upon her newly acquired goods. What could she possibly repay him with? She could only draw blanks.

I can’t make him anything. I doubt he wants anything that I have. I can’t really perform any services for him. This is confusing.

A stern look crossed over her face for a few moments while she pondered upon how she might pay him back, but it was interrupted by the man’s next statements. Initially she turned her face to look towards him, listening to his words. They were silly. Why would she twirl around in dresses? She could not see herself in one. Partly because she’d never actually worn a dress and partly because she thought it would look ugly on her. The library was the obvious choice, as he wished to go there and she had no money, but he’d insisted upon the truth, and she was never one to lie if she could help it.

It was the statement about being a pretty girl that really threw her off. Instantly her cheeks lit up a bright red. She found herself facing away from Yuuki, sipping more feverishly upon her cup until it was completely emptied! Her crimson gaze met the floor and, for the time being, stuck there.

Did he just call me pretty?

No longer did she seem to care about being called little, or at least not at the moment.

“I don’t mind either. Trying out something new would be nice, although I do not dance or twirl or wear dresses. Nor am I someone who could be considered pretty. But as soon as you get bored we head to the library. It is the least I can do to start repaying you.”

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Last edited by Yuki on Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:54 am; edited 3 times in total
The Hybrid King
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Victorian Treat - Page 2 Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:06 am



As dumbfounded as Yuuki was, he finally came to terms that he only new the smallest of things about the little Shinigami that continued to interact with him. First she was relatively quiet and passive, attempting her best impression of a grown adult. Then, she seemed to be rather awkward and weird when it came to being touched and teased, making small movements and shifts that spoke of simple nervousness or frustration. From one thing to the next, Yuki began to surprised the man at every single step, the Cafe being the biggest of them all now.

Staring down at the tiny figure that stood before him, Yuuki pondered the thought that such a small creature could be so aggressive. Only seconds before, the two stood within the cafe, his finger toying with her skin before he ordered for them. She couldn't stand still however, forcing her own nose into the conversation for a change. She had attacked him! Not only did she attack him, she found it funny and fun. Who knew the girl had a soft side, a playful one. Shaking his head to return to the world once more, Yuuki gave his cheeky grin as always, realizing that there was always something new to learn about the new girl in town. I guess I was a bit quick to judge her. That's my fault.

She listened intently to his words, though. Each syllable he pronounced caught her eye and ears, the wolf-like features of the Shinigami twitching from left to right as he attempted to get her to finally come clean. She wasn't being honest when it came to making a choice, it wasn't a bad thing however. She wanted to please the man she just met, if she say something that offended him she could fear his leaving. It was a fair thought, Yuuki didn't care much for that type of attitude though. Eyeing Yuki up silently, thoughts began to flood his head at a rapid pace.

I'm not one to give up on a good book or two, but it'd be fun... She's real cute, and it'd be funny to watch her dance. Right?

He began to contemplate, the idea of the petite girl swirling around a tiny dressing room to entertain the man was something relatively exciting. Far more innocent than others would believe, Yuuki's only real interest being that of a cute girl being cute for him. Given his past, that wasn't something he was entirely prone to. People gravitated towards the Human, they didn't always stick around however. If they did? Well, it was far from innocent interest. A perversion of his time in order to have "the mysterious hot head pay attention to me."

It was irritating, yes, but he didn't sense such a thing from the Shinigami Girl he stood with. Clearing his throat, the man rubbed his nose and spoke. "I'm glad you like them. It seemed a bit cheesy, I guess. Heart shaped bread for the girl you just met? Just seems odd." He smiled, moving towards the edge of the shop and library in order to lean against their boundaries. He was genuine when he spoke to the girl, something that was rare from Yuuki. Genuine was far from what most people gave up, so why return the favor?

"You could... you know, not face away from me. I thought the teasing may have gotten a bit too much, but I guess a struck a sweet spot with the chocolate. Are you new to this type of thing?" Taking a large chunk out of his own heart cake, the man looked to the cloud filled sky as he attempted to think of a time he ever really experienced happiness. Life was rough, not just for him but others. Things never went the way you wanted them to, the fake became real and the real became fake. It was almost interchangeable and funny at this point.

Despite facing away from Yuuki, it was obvious how the Shinigami was reacting. Her quick swallowing of the Hot Chocolate and awkward fumbling with her hands. She was making it quite apparent she wished to repay the favor of a simple treat. "Sorry, but if anything I'd want you to choose the fun option. And besides, it doesn't have to be dresses. And I can teach you to dance, obviously. You just.. move. A lot. I think."

Chuckling to himself, the Mizugaki downed the rest of his tiny treat before stepping away from the walls and towards the large door of the clothing store. Raising an arm, he cleared his throat and stood up straight, pressing his chest outward. "Your choice, little one. Be a little more aggressive, it's cute."

Coding Partially By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Blade on Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:07 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Victorian Treat - Page 2 Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Sun Jul 24, 2016 11:55 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 937

I don’t know what it is about this guy, but I like him. That is certainly good for friendship. If he likes me then that means we are probably friends too! Wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy? It could be, right? That easy I mean. This doesn’t have to be as difficult as I make it out to be.

For a few moments her playful grin remained, tail nearly thrashing from one side to the other in excitement. She hadn’t had this much fun in a long time. Not since Takuma was around. And that is when it hit her: this guy reminded her of him. They seemed very similar thus far. Both were kind but also honest and both of them treated her the same way. She doubted he enjoyed fighting as much as Takuma, and they certainly didn’t look the same, but their attitudes and personalities seemed, at least thus far, very similar. Perhaps that was why she was opening up so easily around him.

Well, they aren’t completely similar. Takuma was never this awkward. He was even more outgoing. More confident. He didn’t really care much about negative opinions, or at least if he did he didn’t really show it. But this is a good thing. I wouldn’t want to think that I only like this person because he reminded me of Takuma. He does, a little bit, but there are differences. Yuuki is Yuuki and Takuma was Takuma. I like both of them. So far.

Eventually her playfulness did die down, returning her features to that all too familiar calm neutral disposition, although her tail did continue to wag slightly. The little cake was finished off quickly, which did make her a little sad, but at least she got to taste them in the first place. She didn’t understand why he thought the little treats were cheesy either. Thoughts filled her head while she silently pondered, settling down fully to her normal self once more, although she followed close behind Yuuki while he made his way towards the clothes shop and the library.

I didn’t taste any cheese in them. Maybe there is some sort of Human-made cheese in it? This technically isn’t a bread either, is it? Wouldn’t cake count as something entirely different? Also I don’t understand why the heart shape is anything to worry about. He really is awkward.

As she was addressed Yuki turned towards the boy. In her flustered state she hadn’t even noticed that she’d been avoiding looking towards him. “Sorry” she mumbled, tossing the now emptied cup into a nearby trash bin. Unfortunately she missed and it bounced off, so she had to go over, crouch down to pick it up, and then finally put it away, which only made things more embarrassing. “I don’t do this sort of thing often.”

Returning to Yuuki’s side she glanced up towards him, now focusing her gaze upon his face as to not seem rude or awkward. Then again she was staring, so while her intentions might have been good the execution was not. Thankfully it didn’t seem to matter too much to Yuuki, at least not that she could initially tell. Regardless, Yuuki wanted her to choose the fun option and he would even teach her how to dance! He started to move towards the clothing store and she started to follow, until he stopped and decided to challenge her.

He wants me to be aggressive? He thinks it’s cute?

The faint pink hue returned with a vengeance! Well, it just returned, but that was still bad enough. At least he had his back to her. Unfortunately he did want her to be more aggressive, and that was something she always tried to avoid. It brought her dangerously close to what she might deem to be her lesser self, and somehow he found that adorable. But then a thought came to mind. Perhaps it would be okay for her to be more aggressive if he wanted her to be, and perhaps that would help her to control it. She would just need to be careful, but it could be fun.

Fine. I’ll be aggressive! Not because it makes me cute. Because it doesn’t.

With cheeks burning with a slightly red hue Yuki stepped over to Yuuki’s side and grabbed a hold of his right arm, tugging to drag him off into the clothing store. As she entered her eye darted around to take in all the clothes that were on display. They were all quite different from anything she’d worn. She didn’t know what might look good on her either, considering she only ever wore her uniform, a kimono she had, or her gigai’s outfit on the very rare occasions that she used it. Thankfully Yuuki was here to help her figure that out! Without looking up towards him she spoke, way too embarrassed at the moment to make eye contact.

“Pick out what you think might look good. Anything you choose I shall try on, and then we can try the dancing thing. I will wait in the dressing area.”

Releasing her hold upon the Human’s arm without another word Yuki hurried off into the back, moving into the most secluded dressing room that was available. The door was left open so Yuuki could find her. Unfortunately the bench provided inside was pressed against a wall, so she simply sat down on the floor on her knees, resting her hands within her lap. Her gaze remained towards the entrance, waiting for Yuuki, heart pounding a little faster with excitement and a slight sugar rush.

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The Hybrid King
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Victorian Treat - Page 2 Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:45 am



Fun. The word din't mean much to many folks that lived on Earth. Day in and day out, people spent their time slaving away at a job or being terrified for their lives. It was almost ironic how people would either work themselves to "Death" or they'd die prematurely. Yuuki wasn't one of those that spent every day trying to make his life worthwhile, he thought it wasn't important to care about your future. Slowly, but surely however, the tiny shinigami girl that continued to play with his mind and heart began to sway his opinion towards a more thoughtful one. Maybe there was a reason to smile every day, even if things were going to hell in a hand basket.

"Maybe, just maybe, it isn't for naught..." The man spoke to himself as he stood before the clothing store in what he thought was silence. Yuki was changing slowly as well, even if they were barely familiar with each other. At first she was passive and quiet, her actions being akin to an extremely mature adult. Then, as the minutes ticked by, she began to open up and make her way towards a more aggressive and playful trust with the man. It was interesting to see a flip from one side to the next in such a spunky little creature, near adorable actually.

Quickly returning to the present, Yuuki began to be abruptly dragged forward with strength he sure as hell didn't expect. The tiny girl was a lot tougher than Yuuki had given her credit for, her forceful dragging bringing a bright red shade to his cheek's surface. He wasn't used to others touching him, it was a foreign concept for the young man. Nevertheless, he stumbled forward without fighting the girl's grip. Without a single moment of rest, Yuki brought the two into the store's vicinity, the door closing quietly behind them.

The store itself was relatively quiet and empty, the previous interaction with the cafe patrons suddenly not existing in the serenity of the clothing store. Sure, the counter clerk glanced in their direction but simply smiled and waved. Wait wait wait. Why? Don't look at us lady, you act like we're some... Nervousness filled the man's mind before quickly glancing over Yuki's face. The petite features of the Shinigami continued to shine through her being, her bright eyes darting from left to right as the pink of her skin gently faded in and out of view.

Cool your jets, buddy. That hot head of yours doesn't have to get worked up over some random girl clinging to you. It's normal, totally fine. Everyone has something like this happen in their life time, right? You were a bit late, that's alright. Nothing wrong with that. Shut up. Shut up shut up shut up. Hitting himself against his forehead, the Mizugaki shifted his gaze away from the cute one before she quickly release her hold on him.

"Wait, whoa. Where are you going? Yuki." She exclaimed quietly and sharply that she intended on entering the dressing area and that it was entirely up to him what she wore. The red of Yuuki's cheeks only burned greater now, his fingers fumbling around in his pockets now that he was left alone in the center of the store without a single thing in mind.

"Sir?" Nearly jumping out of his skin, Yuuki abruptly turned around before coming face to face with the counter clerk, centimeters separating their faces. She gestured towards a section of the store and began to walk towards it, Yuuki being left in the dust rather quickly. And so, the motions continued before he found his way to what could only be described as the "Cute Little One" section. Each article of clothing continued to point out the tiny and petite features of girls of short stature. They continued to fill the man's mind with thoughts that he rarely happened to stumble upon, each outfit plastering its way onto the tiny Shinigami's figure. Quickly, Yuuki became overwhelmed by thought before eventually calming down.

"Right... T-Thanks." With his thanks, the clerk removed herself from the situation to once again return to her position behind the counter. Rubbing his chin, Yuuki quickly made three decisions on what the girl will indeed be wearing as entertainment. A soft sigh escaped as he turned towards the dressing rooms with items in hand. "Here we go."

Approaching the only Dressing Room with an opened door, Yuuki respectively knocked before entering. Placing two frilly looking dresses against the right wall, he quietly spoke to the sitting girl. "Here's your chance to try out dresses, right?" Stumbling over his own words, he removed his hand from his back and thrust an extremely large shirt for the girl in her direction. From the looks of it, it was a simple shirt, a deep red color covering its surface. It looked to be a man's shirt, equaling the size that Yuuki himself wore from the looks of it.

"And this one for fun..." Turning his gaze to the bright light above them, Yuuki turned a shade of red thought impossible for humans.

Don't kill me. Don't kill me. Don't kill me.

Coding Partially By: [THEFROST]

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Victorian Treat - Page 2 Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:41 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 1,153

I wonder what he will choose. Probably something to embarrass me. But then, what would embarrass me? I guess some kid’s stuff probably. Or something sexy. I doubt I could look sexy, but I wouldn’t put it past him to try. Maybe. Not that I mind. Such things are not embarrassing. Hah! He will only manage to embarrass himself! Although this isn’t really a competition.

Various ideas floated through the young Shinigami’s head while she pondered the possibilities. A dress was bound to come up, but what type, and what would it look like? Maybe he would choose something elegant, or classy, or something like what she’d always imagined a princess wearing. If he chose a kimono it might be an issue, as her outfits needed specially designed holes for the tail. Closed pants would fall under the same problem area, unless they were a stretchy enough material to push beneath her tail in the back.

Having a tail can be quite the bother sometimes. But hey, maybe he will end up buying one, and then I could have it fixed up! I’d rather not ask though. I already owe him. What if he is a pervert? If I showed off something sexy, like underwear, maybe he will buy me something. I don’t think he is a pervert though. Also, speaking of which, I doubt he knows that-

Yuuki returned to the dressing room, snapping the girl out of her thoughts. He’d brought with him three separate outfits for her to try on. Two were dresses, which exceeded her expectations slightly, but at the same time she had figured he’d pull such a twist. The third item was a bit more peculiar. It was just a shirt, and one which was clearly too big for her. Her crimson gaze stared unblinking towards it, mostly out of confusion. She couldn’t figure out why he had just brought a shirt, and why it would be ‘for fun’ as he had mentioned.

Humans are weird sometimes. It must be a Human thing.

“Very well. I shall try them all on for you. Please wait and take a seat.”

With that she closed the door, locking it not because she was worried about being seen naked but instead because she didn’t want some stranger stumbling inside thinking that it was not in use. That would have been rude on her end, after all. In any case, it was naked time! Various straps were untied to release her sheathed weapon, which was set aside, and to undo the multiple layers of her shihakusho. As each piece was slipped away from her body Yuki carefully folded it up and set it aside within a neat little pile, finally settling her Zanpakutō atop it. The only piece of clothing that she did not remove was her eyepatch, allowing it to continue covering her left eye. A brief glance was taken towards the body mirror nearby, hands moving up to her breasts to briefly press her palms against them.

Still no improvement. But at least my body is healing well. I don’t see any new scars.

Glancing towards the dresses, Yuki spent a few moments coming up with a plan. She would start with the longer dress. So, with haste, she slipped it over her head and carefully dragged it down along her body, making certain not to ruin it. As she never wore a dress before she figured that this was the way to do it, and so once it was properly covering her body Yuki did a little spin in front of the mirror, making certain everything was in its proper place!

I have to say; at least these dresses allow my tail complete freedom. It is quite liberating!

Unlocking the door, Yuki stepped out and over towards Yuuki, stopping a couple of feet away, face covered by the faintest of pink hues though otherwise very neutral in expression. She was barefoot, only wearing the black eyepatch over her left eye and the sleeveless dress that he’d picked out. Frills fell down from the top of the summer outfit, resting over where her chest would be if she had any significant definition in that region, colored a creamy white down to her pelvis. From there another set of frills emerged, this time a lighter green, like fresh living twigs, which hung down to her upper thighs. A final layer of frills emerged from beneath this set, a much darker green though also a slight bit thinner fabric which stopped right below her knees. Very slowly she turned herself around, tail pointed towards the ground and moving slightly from side to side. Then, without a word she turned and hurried back into the changing room, shutting and locking the door.

One down. He is going to be embarrassed now.

Removing the longer dress, Yuki excitedly changed into the much shorter one. This time when she stepped out she had a slight toothy grin and the tip of her tail was shifting around more wildly. The shorter dress was mostly white save for black polka dots which covered its surface and a black sash which crossed over her waist. Like the other one this was sleeveless, however it lacked any of the frills, made instead of a simple smooth fabric. However this one was much shorter, stopping at her upper thighs, and in the back it was raised the slightest bit higher due to her tail. As she turned around Yuuki would manage to glimpse the very bottom edge of the bare cheeks of her slightly pale posterior, which was quite small though still carried enough of a curve to be attractive. As it turned out Yuki went commando, normal for her due to the tail predicament. Once again she did not give him a chance to respond, as she swiftly turned and hurried away into the dressing room, which was thusly closed and locked.

Hah! I bet he was embarrassed! I can’t wait to see his face!

Eager to see the resulting redness of Yuuki’s expression the now excited Shinigami moved with haste to undress, setting the outfit aside like the other one before she dragged the shirt over her head. In a matter of moments she re-emerged, moving over to stand in front of Yuuki as she turned around a couple of times. The plain shirt was not very remarkable and stopped midway between where her thighs started and ended, barely lengthy enough not to reveal her backside when it faced her surely embarrassed companion. However this time when she’d finished showing off she remained put, staring up towards Yuuki with a soft gentle smile.

“There. I hope you have enjoyed it, and I hope that I have done this correctly. What shall I dance in? I shall let you decide.”

For that matter, where are we even going to dance? I suppose we should probably figure that out.

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The Hybrid King
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Victorian Treat - Page 2 Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:18 am



Anticipation ate at the stiff human, his eyes jerking from left to right as he stood before the dressing rooms, feet away from where the girl was now... undoubtedly naked. Just as before, she quickly shut him out of the area to give her privacy, at least he believed that to be the case. Normal people didn't just drop down to their purist form for strangers. At least, not if they didn't feel some type of connection. Of course, connections didn't have to be some profound state of love, just being comfortable is enough to change clothing for a person. Yuuki believed that fact to be genuine, his fingers fumbling over themselves as he quietly tapped away in the small hallway that separated himself and the tiny one.

It was a simple and plain hallway, nothing to get extremely excited about. With the two being the only customers in the store at the moment, Yuuki didn't seem too interested in the clerk that stood behind the counter, awaiting for a gift for the young girl to arrive. It's just clothing. It's fine to get it. She didn't seem to own anything even remotely close to a dress, though. Maybe she won't like them... Alright, you're going to need her to go look at the outfits herself too. You can't just have her wear everything you wanted to. Are you creepy? Pervert. Shaking his head in disappointment, Yuuki peaked around the corner to check on the clerk as the soft pitter patter of the girl's tiny feet smacked against the ceramic flooring.

Turning back to the Shinigami, Yuuki's pale cheeks instantly filled with blood, the deep red hues nearly popping out of his very skin. It was obvious that the clerk was right about the size of clothing she'd be able to fit, but... It was even more apparent that she seemed to see the girl as more than a stranger. The gaping hole in Yuuki's jaw spoke of his opinion of the outfit, his eyes catching each and every detail that softly clung to the short girl's figure. From one curve to the next, the mixture of spring-like colors began to bleed in and out of sight, eventually becoming what would be considered a dress. Before he could look any dumber, he attempted to stutter his words into completion.

"Wow, Yuki yo-" Without any warning, the girl quickly about faced to charge back towards her hideaway, leaving the man speechless. Was she angry? Maybe she thought he was gawking at her or... worse. Leaning drastically far back in the chair he occupied, the man stared at the white ceiling before letting out a defeated sigh. "Alright. Fair enough, I'll wait." His chipper tune reaching out to the girl despite her locking the door behind her once more.

Yet again he peaked towards the counter, wondering if they were showing any interest to the Clerk with the odd features and interactions they showed so publicly. Of course, Yuuki seemed to be read the older woman's mind just fine. She stifled a giggle as the male peaked around the thick wall, her eyes averting almost instantly as he watched her. Quickly turning back towards Yuki's dressing room, he groaned and grumbled. I don't see what's so funny... "What's wrong with a cute girl being cute?"

The words quickly came out of his mouth, his nervousness showing on his sleeve as the Wolf-Girl emerged from her cave once more. Just as last time, a wave of angst filled Yuuki, his heart fluttering as the tiny girl emerged. Before, the dress was obviously meant to give her a bubbly and cute posture, the fluff and frills causing her little figure to bounce with each step. This time however, it was obvious that this dress attempted to bring her womanly features to light, to make her desired or sought after.

The black dots found their way all throughout the white dress, the thick sash at her waist pulling her curves inward to pronounce them even greater. It was obvious that, even if she was as petite as she were, she was indeed a woman. The small "bumps" that littered her chest would be seen as boring to most men, but Yuuki didn't mind it too much. If she was beautiful, why say otherwise? Once again the the way the girl looked only made the butterflies in the stranger's stomach fumble around, trying to choke their owner to death by the looks of things. Turning yet again away from her, her soft tail flipped quietly around, the dress itself resting against the surface of her cheeks instead of their ending, something that made Yuuki's eyes quickly avert to the side.

That was her butt. Right? Yeah. No. Maybe. I shouldn't look, lets just go with that. I'm sure it's okay if I just fumble around and act stupid instead of gawking. She'd freak out, I'd freak out, the clerk would freak out. Jesus. Holy. Alright. The quiet click of the dressing room door closed before Yuuki once more looked upon its surface. He wasn't expecting her to... He wasn't sure. Was she having fun? If anything the teasing was pay back for the short comments wasn't it? He deserved to be bullied back for being such an idiot.

"Get a hold of yourself, idiot!" Smacking himself in the cheeks, the red imprints of his hands stung his pale skin quietly as the shinigami finally emerged in her third and final outfit. It wasn't what he was expecting even though the idea was his own. The lengthy hair of the shinigami clung to the back of the deep red shirt as she trotted her way towards where the man sat. The shirt was far from tight, but each drop of its fabric pronounced her features one after another. Small bumps leading to a smooth stomach, leading to her tiny behind that happened to barely stay covered by the size itself. He was dumbfounded, his eyes slowly looking to the ground before she spoke quietly.

"U-Uh. I don't r-really care, but you should probably find an outfit too. Don't you think?" Looking back up, his toothy smile shined as he rubbed the back of his head gently. He was confused, but in a good way. The flutters that continued to find their way to his throat and throughout his body only spoke volumes of how he felt at the moment. There wasn't anything he could really do in this situation.

"It's up to you. I just think it's nice, looking at a beautiful girl I guess."

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Victorian Treat - Page 2 Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:00 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 789

His face sure is red. I suppose it worked. Well, I shouldn’t make him too embarrassed. It will be a pain, but I will pick up a pair of underwear.

It was a good thing she didn’t hear the boy’s words before, otherwise she might have been even more embarrassed than the dresses had made her. Yuuki’s current demeanor brought an even more amused toothy grin to her face. The reaction was simply too much! It had been much better than she was anticipating. He did have a point about her finding an outfit, but there was an ulterior motive in play for him picking one out: she had a terrible sense of fashion. What did or did not look good on her was not anything she could properly judge, but at least she had three choices now. Well, in way two choices, for she doubted most Humans would want her out and about in nothing but an oversized shirt.

He called me beautiful.

Suddenly it was the Shinigami’s cheeks which turned red! Her ears drooped to each side of her head and her gaze was averted towards the ground, hands clasping together so that her thumbs could twiddle nervously against one another. Even her tail stopped moving for the moment. Nobody had ever used that word to describe her before. Honestly she didn’t think that she really deserved it. There were women far prettier than she was.

“T-thank you” she muttered timidly, and for a few moments she stood there in silence, figuring out what her next move would be. Eventually she managed to make up her mind, hurrying out of the changing area in just the shirt as she did not care in the slightest about who did or did not see her lack in clothing. When she reached the same section that Yuuki had been directed to the young wolf ventured over towards the underwear section, swiftly grabbing a pair that she liked, before she returned and hustled back into the changing room. The undergarments had been clenched tightly in hand, hidden against the opposite side of her body mostly as a way to tease Yuuki further.

When Yuki next emerged she was wearing the first dress that she’d worn, along with her sandals and, presumably, whatever pair of underwear she’d picked out. The thin silk rope used to hold her Zanpakutō to her body was loosened enough to allow her to carry the weapon on her back, which would make it easier to remove it later. Stopping in front of Yuuki she held out the folded up oversized shirt and lowered her body in a bow. If it wasn’t for her long wild bangs then Yuuki might have caught a glimpse down the front of her dress.

“Please purchase this dress and this shirt for me. My debt grows deeper still, but rest assured that I will find some way to repay you. I shall put away the other dress, and then we can go and try dancing. Meet me at the front.”

Once it was taken Yuki again hurried off towards the petite section of the store in order to properly put away the dress she’d chosen not to have purchased. With that completed she moved to the front of the shop and requested a bag for her clothes. Once they were set away she’d lower her head in a thankful gesture towards the store clerk before taking Yuuki again by the arm, dragging him out of the store! The spring dress bounced slightly with each excited step that she took, tail now whipping from side to side behind her, thankfully not at full force as it patted against Yuuki’s legs.

“Let us find somewhere secluded where we can dance. If you can think of anything else for us to do as well then I am all ears.”

Of course the only secluded spots would be outside of the town, and so the eager Shinigami dragged her companion out towards the wooded regions, sniffing repeatedly at the air in order to detect where people might have been and where people seldom ventured. This she used as a guide to search for a place people rarely entered. It took quite some time, nearly twenty minutes in fact, but finally she managed to locate a spot where the trees thinned out and a little open area within the woods existed. There was just enough room, she thought, for dancing, but then she wasn’t the instructor, and so it was ultimately left to Yuuki’s decision.

Is this spot good? Probably.

With an excited toothy smile she turned towards Yuuki, staring up towards his face with her single crimson eye.

“I am ready to learn this dancing thing.”

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The Hybrid King
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Victorian Treat - Page 2 Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:37 am



Finally! Yuuki Mizugaki, the hot head human had finally won when it came to the petite girl that trotted around as if she were the queen of his world. Her beautiful figure and cute features continued to tease him, but he finally won when it came to that feeling of flutters. She may have continued to tease him relentlessly, but his words were obviously leaving an impression she wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. The words beautiful continued to burn into her mind as she quickly made her way away from him once more, the baggy shirt bouncing far to high for Yuuki's tastes. "Yuki, your butt is showing again." Giggling quietly, Yuuki watched as the tiny figure went flying through the store in excitement and nervousness.

Returning quickly, her hands fumbled behind her back as she attempted to reach the Dressing Room whilst hiding the article she had just picked up. She succeeded in hiding whatever happened to be behind her, sadly though Yuuki wasn't entirely stupid. Her tiny behind bounced in view far too often for him so he was sure it had to be underwear that she had picked up on her journey through the store. It would only make sense, so it would be Yuuki's turn to tease soon enough.

As she emerged from the dressing room, the flutters verbally escaped the man without hesitation now, his cheeky grin filling her view. "Alright cutie, you're the boss." She made it apparent that she owed him, he didn't really understand why that was so important but he nodded out of not just respect but genuine happiness. If she owed him she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, right? Taking the shirt gently from her grasps, Yuuki stood and followed her silently towards the counter where the clerk was obviously having the time of her life.

"I'm assuming you'll be paying for what the miss is wearing?" "Actually, I thought your giggles at me were payment enough." Sarcastically groaning the sentence outward, Yuuki double checked the pricing he was given and paid for the gifts without paying it much mind. She was loving the fun they were having, that's all the mattered in the end. Placing his credit card back into its wallet, his arm was jerked against its will yet again as Yuki emerged from the petite section once again.

"Yeah Yeah, we're going we're going." Yet again the man was dragged away from the store now, the soft fabric of the newly bot dress pressing against his pant leg with each bounce and step the girl took. As they emerged from the store, the Clerk gave a silent wave accompanied by yet another fit of giggles. She sure was having the time of her life, at least Yuki didn't mind. They both quickly found themselves on the edge of the bay once more before she finally came to a decision. No library this time, her eye glistening as she eyed his face. She was ready for that dance he promised, the girl dragging him yet again away from the bay and shopping district in order to find a nearby woods that littered the edge of the town.

Minutes passed quietly as Yuki attempted to smell her way through the woods, the two locking arms as if on a date in a romantic movie. The minutes were nothing to Yuuki, however. Watching the girl's cute button nose shift directions one after the other continued to fill him with the tiny flutters of wings, his afternoon growing far better as it progressed forward. Eventually, the two were able to find a small clearing within the woods. It was obviously left alone, the thick grass and trees surrounding what could be explained as center stage for the dancing duo. Giving his cheeky grin, Yuuki watched as she glanced towards him waiting for him to "do his thing."

"Well, dancing isn't too hard but before we actually start..." Lifting the girl quietly off the ground, Yuuki's right hand faced towards the small clearing's earthen soil as flames began to quietly envelop its surface. Burning away at the thick grass and weeds that surrounded the two, the clearing smelled of scorched wood now. The scent lingered for quite some time as he placed the girl back on what could only be described as charred soil now.

"We need a floor to actually dance on." Rubbing his chin, the man looked towards the girl before opening his mouth for his moment. Finally she was about to get a taste of her own medicine! "You should probably let me burn a hole in your panties you know. Your tail can't be very comfortable." The red filling Yuuki's cheeks was the only factor that explained how nervous he was, his face giving the small girl a smile and kind look. He wasn't the only one to be teased, not this time.

Coding Partially By: [THEFROST]

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Victorian Treat - Page 2 Empty Re: Victorian Treat

Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:54 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 1,076

Hmph. I don’t care. You’re the only one who cares. That is the point! You are supposed to be embarrassed, not me.

Yuki was a child of the slums. She’d spent many of her first years without any clothes at all, and many years after that with just the barest articles. It was only when she’d taken to slaughtering people that she’d even started to wear anything else. If hurried movements exposed the delicate flesh of her behind every now and again then so be it. She didn’t mind. Although she couldn’t figure out why the store clerk was giggling so much.

It can’t be at us, right? We aren’t doing anything that amusing. Unless we are reminding them of something funny, like a joke or something. Well, it is harmless.

Once again she was called cute, although this time a slightly different form of the word. The results were the same regardless: a pinker hue spread across her face, her ears lowered slightly to each side of her head, and her tail slowed its movements. But she did not plan on losing in this game of embarrassing attrition! She didn’t quite know how she would win either, but a moment would surely come to her at some point. Of course he wanted her to be more aggressive, and in her excited sugar-filled mood she obliged, nodding once in confidence as Yuuki considered her the boss.

That’s right! I’m in charge! That should automatically mean I am in the lead. Somehow. Maybe? Well, at least it will let me take more control of the battlefield.

She didn’t notice the romantic undertones as the two ventured arm in arm through the quieted forest, possibly because she was so focused on tracking down the right spot, but that was soon to change. With relative ease the petite wolf was lifted off the ground and pulled close to her companion’s body, at least close enough so that she could be momentarily held with one arm. Her body was pressed against his. She was able to catch his scent much more easily thanks to the close proximity. Pink was now replaced with red across her cheeks, eye briefly widening as her heart pounded within her chest. Yuuki would certainly notice that.

Now I am being picked up like some doll! I think! I didn’t really own any dolls. But I imagine this is what they would feel like! Why are we suddenly so close? Is he going to kiss me?! Am I ready for that? We just met. But he isn’t bad either. Everything is getting so warm. Why is everything getting so warm? Am I going into heat?!

The wolf’s crimson eye focused completely upon Yuuki’s face as if she were trying to burn a hole through it, her body tensed up and unmoving while she was held. Of course her tail was being a little rascal and playfully curled around the boy’s waist, squeezing softly, but perhaps that was her unconsciousness at play. Regardless, Yuki finally did manage to notice the fire that was lit upon the ground as smoke drifted into her nose.

Oh. Wait, no. It’s a fire. Okay, good! Good. I am glad that happened in my head. How embarrassing would that have been if I was speaking out loud? But what if he can read minds? I really hope he can’t read minds. Also what am I getting so worked up about?! Dancing might require this.

Yuuki’s gaze turned to meet Yuki’s as she was held, his hand rubbing his chin, although their faces were only inches apart now and the young pup’s was covered in an embarrassed red. Her head nodded ever so slightly in response to the man’s reasoning for torching what was once a beautiful little open ground within the forest. However his next comment brought a sly toothy grin to the Shinigami, tail releasing itself from around Yuuki’s body so that it could whip around behind her. He’d just unknowingly given her the perfect method of attack for this war of embarrassments!

He walked right into that one. This will surely give me the edge! But he will have more control during the dancing. I’ll have to make this count.

“That sounds fine to me.”

Carefully she wiggled her way out from his grip, dropping to the floor. Backing away from him a few steps Yuki hopped up onto a log and then reached down, gripping upon the frilly hem of her dress. “Hey” she said softly, mostly to get his attention while she lifted the front of the dress up, gripping part of the frills with her teeth so that it remained open. Full view was given of her bare legs, her flat slightly athletically toned belly, and the white and green horizontally striped panties which clinged to her body, outlining just enough of her nether regions to allow the boy’s thoughts to go wild. But that wasn’t her end game. With the skirt held up her hands were free to drift down, thumbs slipping into the elastic band of her underwear on each hip, pushing downwards at an agonizingly slow pace in an effort to remove them from her body. More of her pelvic region was revealed, and as she neared the pubic area there would be no hair to give away how close she was to revealing everything. Just as she was about to reach the goods Yuki released her grip upon the skirt, dropping it so that it covered up her crotch just as her panties were about to uncover it. Of course she wouldn’t have minded if he’d seen, mostly because she simply did not care, but she figured that he would suffer great embarrassment from it, or at least something very close.

Take that!

A moment later her underwear hit the wood beneath her sandals, thankfully not getting dirty because she’d had the foresight to move off the now scorched dirt covered ground. Carefully she stepped out of the garments before hopping off the log, reaching down to grab onto the silken underwear. With a smile still intact she turned and moved over to Yuuki, holding them out for him with a victorious confidence!

“Here you go. Unless you were kidding, in which case I should put these back on so that we can begin.”

I can always get the burn fixed up by a tailor later. It should be easy enough, I think.

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