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Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event] Empty Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event]

Sun Jul 10, 2016 2:48 pm


6/25/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on June 25, 2416. Mana's Familiars would guide the two opponents to opposite sides of an arena that would look as if it had just suffered a nuclear holocaust. The large metropolitan city area would be so quiet that one could hear a pin drop from anywhere in the area due to the complete lack of any kind of life present within. The large multi-level buildings would have entire sections blown out or stripped of material down to the rebar and glass. In certain areas, packs of irradiated wildlife such as toddler-sized cockroaches and feral dogs might be found.

Every five posts, a piercing warning alarm will sound throughout the city, holding the potential to temporarily deafen or confuse opponents for up to one post if they are not prepared.

Each of the two opponents has been given three bottles of what might seem like Coca-Cola, but with a funky nuclear after-taste. These will restore up to 25% of a combatant's vitality, but will also cause disorientation and dizziness for the remainder of the post in which one is consumed.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event] Empty Re: Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event]

Sun Jul 10, 2016 4:20 pm

Artist: MASA-P - Song: THE SECRET GOLDFISH - Word Count: 585

Blank's intentions were a bit mixed up seeing how her last event didn't go as expected, she was far beyond weak and her decision making skills in a battle were far too lax. Without any form of experience she found that she wasn't going to improve in the slightest and being in a place were people were willing to kill you on the spot isn't the best place to train yourself. Perhaps in a place like this her chances of dying isn't so severe that she'll be instantly killed in the first post, and maybe due to her very weak self her energy signature would be ignored. Nonetheless she was going to try her hardest!

While following one of Mana's familiars to the designated areas, Blank couldn't help but feel amazed. Even though she hasn't met her Blank knew that Mana was apart of Khalaism, and while studying the familiar blank hopped to some how figure out how it worked or was created. Unfortunately for her she had no luck in doing so before reaching their destination; to her astonishment the young demon child never seen anything like this before. The world looked like it was falling apart everything seemed to be covered in this strange greyish ash; upon further inspection the child found that when shift the ash around the ground was a strange blackish colour. Turning around to ask her escort she found that she was left alone, without having anyone to ask she begun to observe the place with a bit more attention then before. The same blacken colour was on more than just the ground, some of the buildings even had it along with some familiar objects like cars or light posts. It almost was as if they were all burned, a concept the child never thought would have been possible; however after taking a few moment to absorb all this new information just thrown at her, Blank realized she was in a battle. Where her opponent is was disclosed and she didn't really understand how to figure that out without seeing them first hand. taking a few steps towards some of the buildings the child was looking for something tall enough to over see the city, but also strong enough to not break away the moment she tried to climb it. With little effort she spotted what looked to be an office complex, but she wasn't sure since all of the glass has been shattered and or missing.

Not matter what the building was used before hand didn't matter to the child as it was now going to be used as her secret hideout. Finding her way inside of the building wasn't difficult, but the child was confused on why the elevators didn't work, after attempting to push it a couple of times and getting zero response she poutingly went for the stairs instead. To say in the least climbing up all those stairs was may more work then she thought it would be, and luckily for her most of the top floors were destroyed and unable to be reached no more; less stairs. In a last ditch effort the child held on long enough to walk over to one of the open areas before collapsing on the ground, panting heavily to catch her breath. Perhaps running up the stairs at first wasn't the greatest of methods however she made it, all that was left was to take a small break before getting the strength to summon some of her spooky skeletons.

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Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event] Empty Re: Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event]

Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:33 pm


Katsumi diligently kept pace with the familiar while being escorted to the arena. Deep within his mind there was a slight hint of distress as he began to ponder his reasons for joining the coliseum. It's been years since his growth became stagnant and his Zanpakutō lay dormant. He could still activate his Shikai but he could no longer perceive his spirit's voice. Fearing this was as far as his talents would take him, he took leaf of the Reformed Gotei and wound up here in an attempt to rekindle the relationship between his Zanpakutō and continue his training. In order to achieve this, Katsumi had planned on pushing himself to the brink of death in an insane gamble to force his Zanpakutō spirit to react. The Coliseum proved to be perfect for the task, hearing rumors of powerhouses and organizations leaders competing in what Katsumi assumed to be a controlled environment. However, regardless of his intentions, Katsumi knew that this plan was considered reckless at best and completely out of character, revealing his utter desperation to advance in his career as a Shinigami. Despite his dilemma his signature ‘uninterested’ expression remained the same as he closely followed behind the familiar.

The stench of ash and decay became more apparent as he drew closer to the designated area. The scene that was revealed to him upon arriving at the designated area could be described as a nuclear wasteland. He knew plenty about the destruction mankind could create in its wake and for a moment a feeling of complete nihilism took over as his hands began to shake at the sight of it. One could not imagine how appalled Katsumi had felt upon entering. He glanced over to the familiar who was no longer there then proceeded to walk forward in search of his opponent. His eyes would quickly scan his surroundings, surveying every burnt car and desecrated ruble around him. Time would later pass as he drew closer to the heart of the radioactive wasteland. He found it strange that he could not sense his opponent nor find the faintest hint or glow as to where they might’ve been or where they could be. The situation itself was frightful as an ambush would surely be imminent.

Katsumi however, had failed to factor in the chance that his opponent would be that of a stealth type. He presumed that his opponents would be too strong to resort to such underhanded tactics and expected them to be much more brazen and forthcoming. This was certainly not a good sign as this would mean his opponent would be weaker than him. Thinking for a moment, perhaps playing the role of a sitting duck wasn’t such a bad idea. This would allow his opponent to strike at full force, potentially creating the circumstances needed to awaken his Zanpakutō. As unorthodox as it was to willingly take the first strike, he was confident that his opponent would not pass up the opportunity as they were skillful enough to hide their reiatsu at to such a degree where could hardly be sensed. Emanating a small burst of reiatsu, he flashed stepped above the ruble, standing in the middle of the air as bits of reishi gathered under his feet in order to create a foot hold. Perfectly out in the open, he pretends to lower his guard a bit by looking off into the distance despite his vision being heavily obscured by the fumes emitted from the field bellow.

“Whoever you are, strike now and strike true.”

Coding Partially By: [THEFROST]

Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event] RookSig_zpspqnzfuv0
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Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event] Empty Re: Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event]

Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:07 am

Artist: MASA-P - Song: THE SECRET GOLDFISH - Word Count: 678

The child's plan for using such a high building was to have the opportunity to locate her opponents before they could find herself, which in all honesty did work. However what she did not calculate would be the power difference between the two, even though it wasn't as large as Father Sunshine and herself it was large enough ti pose a large threat. Anxiety started to build in the pit of her stomach as she contemplated different approaches on defeating this person, if she had any chance of winning it would by using the environment against him. at least that way she wouldn't putting herself in direct contact and ending in defeat like her last battle. Mulling over these choices was when she finally heard her opponent speak up.

"Whoever you are, strike now and strike true."

If the child was fiddling around or even moving in place, she would have instantly stiffen up and held her breath because of how quiet the battle field was his voice was easily carried over to her direction, even echoing in certain parts. Since it was so quite the child didn't have that hard of a time figuring out where this voice came from, or to be more honest which direction but she isn't like most people who can tell the exact longitude and latitude. Another thing would be that it seems he has no idea who he was talking too, he did start his sentence with "whoever you are". From that simple piece of info alone the child had begun to relax slightly, letting out the pent up air finally escape. She was still in the safe side it seemed, but not for long.

Reaching into her over sized sleeves the demon child pulled out worn out black book along with a strange looking quill. Placing the book down as quietly as possible she'd quickly flip through the pages to find her favourite and only spell. At this point it was now or never and with lifting the quill into the air the child slowly yet carefully begun to draw strange characters and letters into the air. With each stroke of the quill an eerie glowing mist was being left in it's wake as if she truly was writing in thin air. With the finished detail of the last character the mist would have expanded before gathering out in the space in front of the child. That's when it hit, unable to control a small whimper of pain Blank would have quickly resorted to gripping onto her chest as one of her stored souls was ripped out from her. The process wasn't painless like she hoped however the result was always worth the pain.

With tiny pained gasps, the child took the time to make sure that the spell was a success and thankfully a skeleton of a man was standing in front of the child curiously looking around. It's slightly over sized iron helmet rolling around on it's cartoony looking head when it quickly tried to look back. With a weak giggle the demon lifted one of her hands and pointed in the direction of where she heard the voice, trying to demand it to head over there without using her words. It didn't take long before the skeleton caught on and quickly scuttled out from the area to the stairs, trying its best to not drag it's sword on the ground too much.

"Mister why do you talk weird?!"

The child would have only called out to the male unless she saw her foot soldier on the ground, if anything if she drawn him to her location it would make it easier for him to see the skeleton and follow it. She may not get a response if he was using his statement to try and figure out her location instead, but it was worth a shot. Soon after speaking she'd carefully tip toe to the doors before making her way down the stairs again, this time without running. If she was lucky her soldier would meet up with him first before herself.

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Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event] Empty Re: Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event]

Mon Jul 18, 2016 3:51 am
[adm]Since Rook is no longer here, Blank can proceed to the second round. Mana will allow it.[/adm]

Blank vs Katsūmi [The Colosseum of Madness Event] WVMWLOu
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