Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Metal as Fuck
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Location : Where all sinners congregate

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Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Empty Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event]

Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:17 am


6/25/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on June 25, 2416. Mana's familiars would guide the two combatants to opposite sides of what would appear to be a large, infinite desert. The "gates" will close behind the two beings to seal them inside.

In this unforgiving plane, millions upon millions of blades litter the ground, every one of them still sheathed, black from end to end with the exception of the tsuba, which is a snow white color on each. These are located in circular formations of fourty blades each every hundred yards. If someone attempts to remove one of these blades from the ground, they will find that it will not budge. However, they may be stepped on, and if the weaker of the two opponents jumps off of one of these, they will find the speed of their travel in the arc of this jump increased by one whole skill level higher than their normal speed.

On top of this, the weaker opponent has been gifted a small pendant that will fit in the palm of their hand. When held in front of their person, a shield will expand that can absorb up to a gran rey cero's worth of damage before dissipating. This can only be used once per post, but can be used up to six times in the thread before it will become inert.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Empty Re: Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event]

Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:34 pm
[adm]I'm posting a reminder that someone needs to make a post in this thread. If either opponent fails to post in the next five days, then both will be disqualified. @zane @gin[/adm]

Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] WVMWLOu
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Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Left_bar_bleue56000/40000Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (56000/40000)

Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Empty Re: Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event]

Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:37 am

Artist: Masako Otsuka - Song: Crossroads Wu Variant- Word Count: 1126

Dellapero walked through twin gates of steel, adorned in the same attire some knew him by as many other occasions. Twin scarves hung from his neck, gently swaying in the breeze as the dry wind passed him. At his side were twin swords, each housed in a black sheath. Strapped across his back was the least fitting piece of the costume. Where the general feel of his clothing was of an older age of Japanese culture, a German-style world-war two Remington Shotgun. The relic was in almost prime condition as well, kempt just like any modern weapon despite how useless such an elder firearm would be in the current age.

The man's emerald eyes cast over the arena, gazing over the apparently endless desert and the rows of blades that littered the place. He raised an eye brow at the scene. Were these weapons intended to be used by them? Well, he did always want to try bumping his game up from the usual trilogy. This would make things interesting! He smiled for a moment, waiting with anticipation for whoever his opponent would come to be. He relished battle, playing each fight like a game when nothing serious was at stake. As far as he knew? Such was the case here! He didn't care for owning Greece, so long as it was taken away from those that would bring ruin to the place. He heard even Azure had taken up arms in this competition, so there was no reason to think anyone else would own the land by the end of the day.

...Then again, Azure had been slipping up a little lately, which was concerning both now and overall in this rekindling age of war and conflict.

The gate closed behind him, locked behind bars of giant steel to ensure none escaped the confines of the arena. Come to think of it, these battles did permit killing, didn't they? He would need to be a little careful out here! Just a little though. The muscular Human stepped forward, approaching the first of many blades close to him. His smile faded hen he approached it..Something didn't feel quite right about this arena... It wasn't the weapons, but the entirety of the structure itself. In the wake of his excitement for a fun fight, he failed to notice it at first. A gut instinct in the core of his being could tell that something demented took place here recently..He just couldn't pick up on what. He froze in place for a moment, contemplating that sixth sense and getting lost in it while trying to pin-point the cause..could it just be Mana's natural madness? That was part of it, but there was more to it this time.

He didn't have the ability or the genius to figure that out though, and he got here late on top of that! The man sighed, deciding it was better to push that thought to the back of his mind until after these fights were done with. His hand reached for the sword embedded in sand, tightly grasping it like any other weapon. He lightly began to pull the guard upward-

Only to lose his grip when it unexpectedly resisted his attempt! He nearly fell back in response to the bizarre outcome. Since when has sand ever been a material to keep things that firmly in place? Maybe it was clay farther down, but that still shouldn't have a grip this strong! The man comedically regained his balance, taking the same weapon by both hands and pulling on it this time! He pressed his feet against the ground, pushing them down far enough that most of his sandals was consumed by sand. Sparks of green electricity even sparked to life around him in response to the absurdly stagnant sword.

"..Or not."

After about a minute of fruitlessly trying to pull it from the earth, he stepped back, pulling his feet from the sand and glancing back to the other side of the endless sandbox for sight of his adversary. He thought he could see something, but it was too far away to tell at the moment, even with his extended vision.

" Did they really have to give me a giant sandbox filled with Excaliburs for an arena? All these other exotic places I pass on the way here and I get this barren circle. Jeez. Oh well! I'll get a better roll next time."

Dellapero crossed his arms focusing on the other side of the wasteland for his adversary. Maybe the environment was because Mana didn't want a beautiful candy apocalypse of a city being completely destroyed in his fight, but she was really overestimating his raw destructive talent if that were the case! The only thing to do now was wait, anticipating whatever battle would come to entertain and possibly nearly kill him! It was just the first round, but you never know what these events could bring, especially with Mana at the helm of it all. Maybe he would be up against one of the Thrones of Shadowfall already! Ever since the close-encounters with Zwei and Starrk he had been itching to push himself farther, facing off against the strongest this world could offer and the most vile constructs of evil that littered Hell and Hueco Mundo alike.

Only when he could push himself to his maximum potential would he be ready to start fixing the broken war-torn place this world had become. There wasn't any harm in having fun along the way though!

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Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] Empty Re: Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event]

Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:57 am
[adm]Since it's been ten days since the last post, I'm giving a five day notice to Gin. If your character doesn't post, then they will be disqualified. @gin[/adm]

Mifune vs. Dellapero [The Colliseum of Madness Event] WVMWLOu

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