Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Puppy and a Princess [PRIVATE] Empty A Puppy and a Princess [PRIVATE]

Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:26 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 609

Today has been a very good day thus far. This place is certainly good for taking a break!

On this glorious day the young wolf Shinigami had decided to try patrolling on the very outskirts of Karakura surrounding the massive dome that covered the main city. It was a shady area which meant that her patrolling here wasn’t completely useless, but at the same time it was quiet enough to where she could actually consider it to be resting! Of course it wasn’t officially a patrol. After all she’d been allowed to go alone. That meant that she could stop and visit places if she so desired, and desire she did! While on her self-appointed route Yuki had discovered a little gardening shop, and within this shop she’d discovered some strawberry seeds.

I wonder how well they will grow in Soul Society. Will they taste any different? Look any different? Smell different? Are Human strawberries poisonous for Shinigami? Okay, now that does sound ridiculous, but it could happen! Maybe!

Her stomach grumbled slightly with anticipation as the smell of strawberries hit her nose. The young pup even took a few whiffs of the air in an attempt to capture a scent trail, but alas it was all in her mind. Still she did decide to keep her eye out for anyone who might have sold the delicious morsels. Halting her patrol for them would be completely worth it.

So many people are looking at me funny. It’s as if they’ve never seen a Shinigami before. I kind of wish someone would start a fight with me, but then I did come here to relax. Fighting isn’t supposed to be relaxing. But what else should I do? I’m really no good at this.

Indeed Yuki had decided to patrol the streets in her Shinigami uniform, but that also left her wolf-life features exposed to the world. It also didn’t help that this particular Shinigami was now carrying around a pink plastic bag covered with various flowers. Anyone who she did notice giving her a dirty look received her singular crimson gaze, at least for a few moments, and that typically caused them to avert their eyes. But her look was not a mean one, nor was it a very intimidating one. It was just neutral and calm, perhaps a little bored but certainly not menacing in the slightest. Although the eyepatch did help a little bit.

A voice called out to her from within a nearby alleyway, prompting her to glance in its direction. It was a man and he needed help. There was a Hollow chasing his friends. She couldn’t detect anything of that sort but she decided to follow anyways, hurrying after the Human. But it was just as she figured: it was an ambush. Two more Humans waited at the end of the alleyway, and another two exited from a nearby wooden shack, if it could even be called that. Each of them was certainly stronger than a normal Human, but even together they were not any sort of match for her. She could already tell and, unfortunately for them, she was hiding her own power.

For the briefest of moments a darker idea sprang into her mind. She could simply cut them all down. Nobody would know. But that was quickly pushed away. If she was her younger self then there would not have been any hesitation, but she was a changed wolf.

Well, a little warming up won’t be any harm. It still counts as relaxing, right? There are only five of them.

“You are making a mistake. I’ll give you one chance to flee.”

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A Puppy and a Princess [PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Puppy and a Princess [PRIVATE]

Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:15 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 624

As she had figured these five men had no intentions of making their escape. This suited her perfectly, for it would allow her to at least get something of a fight in, even if it would last less than a minute. So focused was she on the impending scrap that she did not notice the arrival of another Human. As she dropped to the ground Yuki felt her entire body jump slightly, ears instantly standing on end and tail poofing out further with surprise. She could already tell that this woman was much stronger than the five unfortunate souls surrounding them.

They had better run.

Alas, one of the men was foolish enough to start something, having made an attack at the newly appeared Human, and he was put down with an ease and swiftness that was quite brutal to behold. Yuki felt her heart suddenly racing, her crimson eye’s pupil contracting slightly into something more akin to a slit as her more aggressive self bit at her inner consciousness. It wanted to be freed, to hunt down the other four, to tear them limb from limb like she did back in her Rukongai days, but she was having none of it. Her crimson eye was tightly closed and a deep breath was inhaled and then exhaled.


By the time she’d reopened her gaze the men had vanished, fleeing once they understood the situation, although the woman remained. Now that Yuki got a good look at her she couldn’t help but to be amazed. This woman was exactly like what she’d imagined a princess to be. She was beautiful, her words were kind, she had a very womanly figure, and she wore a beautiful dress. Not to mention her father was apparently in charge of Karakura, which meant he would be a King and she would be, of course, a princess!

I never thought I’d actually meet one. This is very neat!

The petite wolf’s tail swatted gently from one side to the other, a bit eager and excited now, although her ears relaxed somewhat. Yuki’s singular crimson orb slowly found its way up and down the woman’s body, admiring it not in any sort of lewd way but instead with a look of awe and fascination. She’d only ever heard about princesses from her mother’s stories. This was truly a once in a lifetime experience.

Oh. She is speaking. How rude of me.

Resting her hands together in front of herself and holding the bag close to her body Yuki lowered her torso slightly, bowing respectfully towards Chifuyu Yuudeshi, a name which was somehow vaguely familiar, although she never did pay much attention in many of her classes. Her voice came with a tone that was mostly neutral and calm; however there was a faint layer of excitement hidden beneath it all.

“I apologize for my hesitation and for causing a disturbance. I am Yuki Kameko of the Gotei’s combat division. It is an honor to meet you.”

After a few moments she stood up straight again, her eye moving now to lock onto the woman’s. She didn’t want to be thought of as a pervert, after all, and staring at her body all day would certainly not help that case. Besides, she was genuinely interested in what this woman had to say! It wasn’t very often that one got to speak directly to royalty. But then she wasn’t really speaking. She just stared silently, inwardly wracked with nervousness at their meeting.

What do I do now? Am I supposed to continue bowing? Or do I present a gift? All I have are my precious seeds. I doubt she would want my seeds. I really hope that I am not being rude.

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A Puppy and a Princess [PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Puppy and a Princess [PRIVATE]

Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:13 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 448

She is getting closer. I had better be on my best behavior!

Chifuyu’s approach caused Yuki to straighten up her form, ever so slightly, as she attempted to appear more formal. This would be the first time that she stood before a princess, and with any luck it would not be the last! Even her tail halted its movements, growing still behind her. Nothing was done as the woman’s hand was stretched out, settling down upon one of the wolf’s ears, grazing through the silken threads of both her hair and the fur which covered her appendages.

Suddenly a pink hue covered Yuki’s cheeks, body shivering and relaxing as digits gripped upon the heated flesh, squeezing ever so slightly with the stroking motion. A quieted breath escaped from her lips, head leaning against the gripping hand, single eye closing. Her other ear fell to one side, drooping away while pure bliss filled her mind. Within moments of officially meeting the woman she had discovered one of the Shinigami’s weaknesses! It was an interesting start to say the least.

K-keep it together Yuki!

When she’d finally reopened her eye Yuki was greeted with the princess’ chest. On reflex she sniffed at the air, taking in the woman’s scent in order to add it to her ever growing directory of smells. A simple nod emerged from the girl in response to Chifuyu’s question. Technically it was correct. Another nod gave recognition of the woman’s response to her greeting, and as she lowered herself to Yuki’s level she couldn’t help but to stare into her eyes, unblinking and unflinching as it generally was.

She is going to be disappointed in my answer. But then again, I am here of my own free will, so perhaps not.

“I am here on patrol. But it is of my own choosing.”

So, technically, she is correct again. I am leisurely patrolling!

“I would appreciate your company, but I could not ask such a thing of you. You would become bored.”

Her response was, as always, calmed and neutral in tone, a quiet voice not used to speaking very often. However she was actually quite excited! Here was her chance to spend time with a princess! How could she let that slip through her fingers?

“However, should you desire, we could go somewhere else. Unfortunately I do not know this city well, so I cannot suggest anything for us to do. But I would be more than happy to spend my day with you. If you want, that is.”

I don’t have much Human money, but maybe I can make this work! What do princesses even like to do?! I guess I might find out!

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A Puppy and a Princess [PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Puppy and a Princess [PRIVATE]

Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:20 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 477

T-this is embarrassing. In front of a princess no less! Focus yourself Yuki!

Her eye remained shut but the young Shinigami did her best to straighten herself out once more, ears perking up on end while her face remained an unchanging hue of pink. Only after the tender grip upon her ear was released did Yuki finally reopen her single eye, its gaze slowly drawing up the woman’s body until it met with her gaze. The words brought some happiness to the young pup, her tail wagging from side to side eagerly behind her body. In response her head lowered slightly, mostly out of respect but also as a way for her to avoid showing off her embarrassment, at least for a moment, in some desperate attempt to calm herself down.

“That sounds good.”

Again she straightened out her posture, turning now to begin leading the way out of the dirty alleyway, carefully stepping around the corpse of the fallen thug as to not desecrate his body any further. It was sad but, alas, it was his choice. She couldn’t exactly feel too bad for him either, considering what he would have done to her had she been weaker, or had Chifuyu not shown up.

“My patrol can be finished at any time. As I stated, I am here of my own free will and not on orders. Patrolling is relaxing to me. More relaxing than actually relaxing, usually.”

While on the outside she remained calmed and composed inwardly the Shinigami was struggling to keep emotion contained. This was one of her childhood fantasies come to life! Stories of princesses and regal lifestyles and wanting for not were the sort of things she fell asleep to every night when she was very young. Her mother had given these tales to the young pup as a way to inspire hope. Hope that someday they would not live in horrible poverty. And now she was living it! Or, at least, she was meeting someone who lived it. It made her felt like she too, in a way, was a princess.

This is too embarrassing. I am glad she cannot read minds. Okay, just focus and keep it together. She is like any other person. Just, you know, a princess. Besides, what if she doesn’t want to be treated any differently? It would be rude then if I did that.

Quieted breaths were taken by her while she led Chifuyu around, an attempt to relax both her body and her racing mind. Thankfully it did not take too much effort and soon she was back to normal. If she simply kept those thoughts and ideas within her head then everything would surely work out just fine.

What should I ask her first? What would we do? Maybe I’ll let her start. Yeah, that seems like it’d be more respectful too.

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A Puppy and a Princess [PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Puppy and a Princess [PRIVATE]

Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:56 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 324

Almost an hour passed in relative silence while Yuki led the two of them on a very routine patrol. It was almost rude, but unfortunately she was just too nervous to really speak up! Besides, she was patrolling, and this is how then generally went these days. With Takuma she would spend the time talking about one thing or another, maybe even play a game or two while they were at it, but that was long in the past. Thankfully the route was also peaceful enough that nothing unsavory occurred.

Well that was awkward. Though it was entirely my fault. At least she seems very patient and nice. Just like a princess. Because she is one.

The touch of Chifuyu’s hand upon her shoulder caused the young Shinigami to jump ever so slightly, shaken from her thoughts now as she turned to face the taller woman. A simple nod answered her original question, and then a second one answered her offer. Then again, it might not have been entirely clear as to what she might have desired, and so she ended speaking up anyways.

“I do not know this area well. My patrol is complete and now I can do as I wish. It would be an honor to be guided around by you, Lady Chifuyu” she stated quietly, lowering her body forward slightly in a respectful bow.

What a day. I get to patrol, I almost get in a fight, and then I get rescued by a princess, which is funny because who ever heard of a princess rescuing a monster? Such a strange turn of events. Oh, right, focus. You are being rude again.

Yuki’s crimson gaze lifted towards Chifuyu’s, locking upon her eyes with a silent unflinching stare. She didn’t really know what there was to do around here, or what a princess would even want to do, so for the moment she allowed her new companion to decide these things.

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