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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event]

Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:22 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

She was always moving never allowing Hayden to gain a foothold, a smart move that Ghislain tried to perform but fell a weebit short. But this girl was something else, every attack Hayden dealt she could return in kind and it absolutely got his blood pumping. This battle was as much about wit as it was skill, something he could appreciate even more. This was a good day to be frank.

But then she threw a curveball at the male, one which might prove to be beneficial for both of them. The thought that someone might help him obtain Greece with said person being a demon of course. The warm pulse of his heart was speeding up, a warm feeling emerging within his chest as his eyes closed briefly before re-opening sharply towards Liu. He had made his mind up, while this may be a trap on top of the fact the world had already beaten the idea of trust long ago- he had to accept this.

“I genuinely believe I can change this world, if you are willing to further that then I accept your offer, demon girl!!”

The male arms thrusted backwards his Zanpakutō clinched tightly in his hands as he let those words roar, his spiritually energy spiking as he hit some type of renewed vigor. No longer was he feeling anger or hatred, those feelings were imbedded deep into the man but Liu could tell they didn’t control him nor where they him. He used them to remind him what he was fighting for.

Yet, now as he roared those words letting out a hearty yell to the heavens it was filled with such emotions- raw emotion that was both pride and love. Love for what you may ask? Love for his people, the world, and every person willing to pursue what they wanted despite how humble their beginnings. Hayden climb to greatness was an uphill battle, but if he could just keep pushing keep rolling he believed he could do it. Liu may or may not believe that but for Hayden this was a sign one that indicated he was on the right path.

The world rumbled around them due to Liu actions, Hayden couldn’t recall what she did but he knew it caused some type of mass reaction on the earth- enough to sending lava and debris flying towards them in the clouds. But Hayden too could do this, in fact as the clouds swirled above they began to swirl even more violently as Hayden energy rippled forcing the clouds into a cyclone of lightning and energy; with him being the catalyst and eye of the storm. This energy would then begin to crash towards the ground wrapping the lava and debris in a swirling vortex catching it as it swirled around them; almost as if signifying the merging of powers.

In one large pulse and roar the clouds would break apart violently exploding outwards in all directions around Hayden, while not specfically aimed at Liu there was a high chance that smoke would engulf her along with lava, lighting, and rocks flying at her if she wasn’t careful but once it was said and done the sky would be clear for a moment; almost awkwardly silent in this hellhole before they began to reform again around Liu and Hayden so they could stare at each other; such was the power of the Storm Bringer.

“I, Desmond Hayden, King of the Iron Banner, leader of Vastime; rightly accept your aid. I also extend the branches of our organization, formally inviting you as the first Demon to join our cause; and if you wish to become the first Demon to become a Vastimian. Help us liberate my people, Liu.”

It may be a bit rash but from the tone of his voice but if she dared to look into his eyes it would be like looking into a storm, cloudy yet a fierce lightning that refused to yield to any man or god. Even death himself would not stop this man from pursuing his ambitions; and this was all perfectly displayed.

“Let freedom ring, Liu.”

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Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 JfH75kA
Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 H8Tyk70
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Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event]

Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:03 am


Artist: Maritumix - Song: Castle Of Upside Down - Word Count: N/A


The revolution was on and Liu was more than excited to amuse her interest and see what would occur if Greece were taken out of it's current control. Therefore, a frenzy grin appeared on The Hell Demon's face as the male agreed to join up and form a team to liberate the HELL (hue) out of this nation. And, if nothing else, these actions and the Oriental Oni's peering into the mind seemed to alleviate and relax the males spirits. So, on the emotional, mental and abstract front; his heart was being liberated from his state of being earlier and that was quite the amusing sight to see.

In fact, with her great insight into the universe around her, there was an ethereal change in the flow of Hayden's energy. As their attacks erupted, morphed and changed the landscape all around them; the woman was quite capable of sensing the intent behind the energy. The loathing, hate and anger of his assaults blew away with the breeze and all that was left now was vigor, excitement and passion for the long road ahead. Which, to that extent, Liu could find no fault in as life was an affair which should be experianced open, honest and filled with joy.

The past is where pain should remain, and the future should be bright and free if one selects the path of freedom. It is not an easy path, nor is there any sort of notion of guaranteed happiness; but there is a fulfillment which grants one self-control, self-assurance and relief of choosing their own actions, thoughts and philosophy of life. It is simply ecstatic, pleasurably and all around joyous to undergo. And, to oversee Hayden's liberation is what made the emotions of this Underworld Lord quite pleased.

And, this all played to her hand as well in combat. For, with her sense of being centered, all Liu needed to do was breathe slowly and let the mist of the universe flow into her body. Upon doing so, she would exhale and produce a blood shaded barrier around herself in a full circle which would act to diffuse and push away the debris from Hayden's earth shattering attack. It was quite the spectacle to behold, and she could tell that the battle was pushing him along quite nicely. Again, it was another influence and effect her liberating mind freeing up and inducing forms of more intricate thought, meaning and action in the world around Liu.

One could discern that much with a simple gaze into the male's eye as he began to spoke of the task of freedom and liberation. It was quite a nice look and one that The Hell Demon could respond to quite easily:

"Then it's agreed: let's go ahead and liberate the hell out of this nation! Question, though: who will throw this match? Shall it be me, or will it be you? Decisions, decisions~"

Important questions were now on the table as the horned liberator found herself levitating none too far from Hayden. Did he have some sort of gameplan in freeing his people? It was nice to talk of all these grand things, but a bit of objective planning never hurt anyone. So, she was curious to hear before inducing her own ideals into the mix.

"You got a plan, big guy?"

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Last edited by THEFROST on Sun Jan 20, 2019 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event]

Fri Sep 02, 2016 11:05 am
[adm]Giving @MorpheusDavol 72 HOURS to post. If there isn't a post, I may have to skip you. I understand you are in a military school at the moment, but at the same time this kind of needs to move on. So I'm willing to work with you if you can reach out to me on discord, pm or whatever.[/adm]

Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event]

Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:48 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

A plan of action, one of the most important things both in civilian and military life; the very thing drilled into Hayden’s head over and over again till it became a core component of who he was. He was by no means a genius or even the most calculated man preferring to make adjustments where needed, no plan survived first contact with the enemy as many people would often say. Yet, even now he was formulating a plan as Liu spoke and acted on her own whims to the mutual power they displayed. It complemented the two of them well.

As the world around them turned into nothing but droning sounds of chaos and thunder Hayden floated across from Liu, the corner of his lips tugging up to reveal an almost snarky smile across the olive features of his face; the calloused skin flexing as he prepared to speak. Their was a certain liveliness he held to currently, if he wasn't a spirit one might think him to still be part of the realm of the living with the type of vibes he was giving off currently.

“Of course I have a plan, one that’s been in motion for well over a year; I can divulge everything right now but let’s just say Africa has always been the birthplace of both humanity and new beginnings- I see no reason that should change.”

Cryptic words but necessary, shadowfall would be a fool not to notice the amount of ground the new nation of Vastime has covered large than any other African nations with the infrastructure that no other nation in the area had access to. The idea of joining the nation was beginning to become more tempting for nations in that region but the real question was why Hayden was doing that, where was his backing, and how did he get so much support? Liu may very well be on the verge of finding that out but as for this place that information couldn’t be shared.

“Right now, Liu I think you should concede defeat to allow to advance to the next round; placing me at two wins and you two loses. This makes at least one of us to move on along with keeping you in the game and myself; ultimately when we win, and we will win, I can talk to you about all the nitty gritty details of what’s going on. Liberation is afoot and if you truly want to live up to that; feel free to come down the rabbit hole my friend.”

He suggested only subtly before beginning to float to the ground, the world around them calming down at least the thunder as he drifted down. Let the fighting end, but this war would not be done any time soon- with Hayden on the cusp of so many great things it would a shame to lose now, back in Vastime his people needed this of him; his ancestors and descendants needed this of him. Most importantly of all:

Greece needed their rightful people back, his homeland was finally so close.

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Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 JfH75kA
Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 H8Tyk70
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Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event]

Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:14 pm
[adm]Alright, I'm going to conclude things on a tie decided between the two. That way both of them can neither suffer or lost or a win from this round and can move on with the plan. If that's fine with you, we can close out the thread when I send you this message.[/adm]

Rumble In Hell: Little Miss Liu VS Desmond Hayden [Tournament Event] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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