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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] Empty Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event]

Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:52 am


6/25/2416, 1:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 1:00 CST time on June 25, 2416.

Looks like something out of a video game, doesn't it? Both of the opponents will be transported to an arena that is roughly three city blocks in length. They will have the chance to fly and extend the range of their combat since this arena spirals on forever. There are different stages in the distance, clouds everywhere and it feels darn right heavenly!

Too bad The Queen will jack that up later.

Item drops and stage shifts are to be expected!

So get ready to rumble.

Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] WVMWLOu
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Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] Empty Re: Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event]

Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:50 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 726

Here we go again! Who will I be fighting this time? Hopefully it is someone fun again. Maybe I’ll even make another friend!

As her surroundings finally settled into her vision Yuki couldn’t help but to stop and look on in awe, mouth somewhat agape at the picture presented before her. Their little arena hung within the sky, lifted over a sea of clouds, and in the distance she could make out other floating land masses and gigantic masses of rock which lifted out from the clouds like the fingers of some titan grasping inwards to capture each floating chunk of dirt. It did not seem to be nearly as large as the last arena, but then it was much more dangerous.

I don’t know if I could survive a fall from this height. Regardless, it is time for the next fight.

A quieted breath escaped from her lips as the young pup turned, now facing the other side of the arena. A gentle untamed breeze kicked up, winds howling softly as they kicked against her loose robes, fluttering the fabric wildly one moment while leaving it still the next. The area between them was flat and with no obstructions. Her crimson eye widened when she noticed just who she was about to fight. Not out of fear or anything of that sort. She was simply surprised and, deep down, very happy.

The evil Human. Hah! What was his name? I don’t think that I ever caught it. Wow. I was not expecting this. Okay. I had gone looking for him, but now it seems that will no longer be required. There will be no escape this time.

It took everything within her power not to smile at the generous circumstances which lay before her. Feet carried her slowly forwards, closing the distance between them so that she would not need to shout. Excitement boiled within her body, tail thrashing behind her while her ears remained perked up, taking in every little detail in order to remove the element of surprise from her opponent. Her crimson orb locked upon the man. As she neared him her right hand slid over, grasping upon the handle of her Zanpakutō, and in a flash of black steel it was drawn, held off to her right side. Once she’d reached speaking range she halted her movements.

“I am Yuki Kameko, in case you have forgotten my name.”

It was, after all, only fair to announce herself. To do otherwise would be rude.

“Last we fought I took it easy on you. That was my mistake. If you hold back now you will die.”

The strength that Miss Liu gave me, I can feel it coursing through my veins. It feels good. Really, really good. I want to test it.

Yuki’s fingers tightened their grip upon the weapon she held, and suddenly the air around them grew dense as she released the invisible binds set upon her Zanpakutō, unsealing its power. Her black pupil contracted into something more feral, teeth gritting slightly. Nobody was here for her to worry about. She would unleash her Shikai, but not yet. Not until she had a perfect moment for it. It would come, and with it she might be able to end him with a single strike, but that would all depend upon when she actually used it.

He has grown stronger. I can feel it. But then, so have I. Can he beat me? I don’t think so. Still, best not to let my guard down. I will try to finish this quickly.

Spiritual energy briefly gathered within her feet, and then in an instant she was next to Vanyel, lowered slightly at the man’s right side, ceramic tile cracking beneath her feet as the wolf’s drastically heavier body made impact following her use of flash step. Her blade had been pulled over to her left side, but now it moved in a blur towards her right, aimed towards the center of the right side of her opponent’s body in a horizontal cleave. Every bit of her strength was poured into the attack. There would be no holding back. She didn’t even focus on subduing her inner beast, not when there was nobody else around them that she could harm. For once she could actually let loose and simply enjoy her savage nature.

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Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] Empty Re: Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event]

Sat Aug 06, 2016 5:17 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: Megalovania Remix - Word Count: 915

Round Two, mother fucker! Hell yeah! Vanyel had made it past the first match! Grinning and cracking his neck, Vanyel was actually glad his previous match was over, since he not only got a new opponent, but also a new stage! Perhaps this one would be less boring. Sliding his tongue over his lips, Vanyel continued to wonder what kind of enemy he would be faced with now.

A Demon? Quincy? Another Human? Hopefully not another human. Masaru had shown him that other humans were just...not fun to fight. Meh, perhaps there were other humans that could serve to be more entertaining! Masaru seemed to vary out on actual equipment rather than using abilities. He did notice that he was using quite the number of those eye things. They were odd, but they certainly were efficient in large numbers.

Tapping the pommel of his katana impatiently, Vanyel continued to wander around the heavenly battlefield for his opponent. The gentle breeze that slowly began to flow and flutter throughout the clouds picked up the jacket that hung behind him. The small metal that dangled from various locations of the jacket jingled and chimed as they gently clinked and banged against the fabric as the madman continued to wait.

A single sound broke out through the wind. The scraping of steel. His opponent was here. Grinning, Vanyel's ocean blue eyes darted to the direction he heard the noise, quickly wrapping his fingers around the hilt of his sword and pulling it out of the sheath. The whirling sound of steel flying through the air sung out like a beautiful music track to Vanyel. The sound of blades greeting each other was even more amazing.

Pointing his sword vertically, Vanyel's weapon quickly intercepted the Wolf's, and his eyes would shift over to the small form that had attacked him out of nowhere. A large grin broke out on his face. The girl! That was his opponent? Excellent! She had proven to be formidable in their last confrontation. He could tell that she most certainly had gotten stronger. However, that was a very good thing! That means they could have even more fun! Turning his head towards her, Vanyel would greet her with a very strange phrase.

"Fish to a cat, ya came back!"

Twisting his wrist to swirl his weapon around his body, Vanyel's head lifted slightly as his sword soon came to rest at his side. Hearing the girl's name for the second time was an annoyance to him. They had met before, why bother saying her name? Sighing to himself and shrugging, Vanyel closed his eyes as the Wolf stated that she had gone easy on him last time. He knew that, and it had pissed him off. You always fight fully in a fight! None of this "holding back" bullshit! Bending over slightly, Vanyel slowly slipped his tongue out of his mouth, dragging the pink flesh over the blade of his sword.

"Well then, little wolf. Come at me. I'm just DYING to find out how much REAL power you hold!"

Roaring at her to fight, Vanyel quickly noticed that the air had shifted. Grinning to himself, his eyes flash a lighter color of blue, before staining them to an icy color. Jiaodian. The Sei ability quickly scanned the girl's movements, sensing the group of spiritual energy that had been gathering at the girl's feet, before his eyes lost track of her. Tch! The grin soon faded into a scowl as his senses picked up the girl....right next to him. The sound of steel whistling through the air altered him of what was to come next.

The sound of flesh being cut caused Vanyel to wake up.

Disappearing and reappearing a small distance away from the little wolf, Vanyel just barely avoided being cleaved in half, almost becoming Vanyel 1 and 2. Right now, this arena only needed one, and Vanyel only could TOLERATE one of him. His eyes soon found their way towards the cut on his side. Not insanely deep, but it was a good attempt. He could hear his own breathing. Loud and heavy. This attack had been strong, but Vanyel was no weak, defenseless butterfly. He was strong as well. Or, he liked to think so in his own eyes. His eyes were glued to the slash at his side.

Blood seeped from the medium wound in his side, and his gloved hand soon covered the cut. Gritting his teeth to keep himself from screaming in pain, Vanyel slowly started laughing. A small giggle turning into full psychotic laughter. Where did THIS come from!? The Wolf actually made a cut faster than last time! Perhaps she HAD gotten stronger than he thought! Drawing his blood-soaked fingers to his face, Vanyel's tongue gently dabbed at his own blood as he began to drink it.

"Well....where the fuck did THIS come from, little girl?! I don't remember you doing this last time! What the fuck!?"

Moving his hand from his face to his side again, a light green would glow from his hand, mending and fixing the wound in his side. He had to use Yuhe again. The only healing skill he had. As the wound slowly sealed itself up, Vanyel would straighten his stance, before readying his sword with one hand. This was interesting. The girl had not fought like this before. It seemed that she had something she was hiding.

Would this fight be better than last time? Or would history repeat itself? The wheel of time would have to move forward to reveal this.

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Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] Empty Re: Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event]

Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:22 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 774

What is he even saying? Fish to a cat? What does that even mean?! He must have hit his head really, really hard.

Blood splattered across the ground, creating a trail which led directly to its owner as it filled Yuki’s nose with her prey’s scent. He was bleeding, quite heavily now. This fight was already won. There would be no escape from her exceptional sense of smell. Eventually the blood loss would take its toll. And if the Human tried to heal himself? Well, she just wouldn’t give him any breathing room. Still, she couldn’t take it easy on him. If anything she needed to fight harder.

Her opponent had only barely managed to avoid being cleaved in two. She hadn’t even released her full power yet. If this was the way the fight was going to go then it would not even last them a minute. Not that she was complaining of course. Right now all she really wanted was to slay this evil Human before he could venture on to do more evil things. Still, her opponent didn’t seem to take the fight seriously. He was laughing! He was laughing and he just stood there, prodding his wound and licking his fingers.

Why is he drinking his own blood? Why is he talking so much?! Does he think this is a game?!

Yuki could feel her own body growing warmer as the fur on her tail stood up on end, causing it to puff out slightly more than it already was. Her sharpened teeth were gritted together, fingers clenching more tightly against her weapon. No longer controlling her inner beast, she could feel the aggression surging throughout her body. Her ferocity started to grow. Her attacks would become more savage, her movements faster, and her strikes harder. Normally she would not delve into this often untapped source of power, but right now she had nothing to worry about. There was nobody around her that she wished to save.

Vanyel’s hand started to shift down towards the wound. Yuki had a good idea of what he was attempting to do. She wouldn’t allow that to happen. The sharp cracking of ceramic signaled her attack as she pushed off the ground. In a flash she appeared in front of him, blade held overhead and then, in a blur, it swung straight downwards with the intention of cleaving him right into two again, only this time vertically as it was aimed right for the center of Vanyel’s head. Again she used her full strength, for there would be no holding back anymore.

With the distraction caused by her sword Yuki’s tail slipped around her side, aiming to curl around the wrist of the hand that had been moving for his wounded side, intending upon grappling tightly against it in order to keep a hold on his body, thus forcing him to remain in place. It would also prevent him from using the hand to assist with blocking her incoming strike. If all went according to plan then even if he did manage to somewhat avoid the attack, or somewhat block it, it would ultimately land somewhere against his body. Of course the third part of her attack plan was to get him to focus upon her weapon.

“Howl, Kuchiku!”

Blinding red light flashed outwards from her blade, her spiritual energy erupted from her body as her Shikai was unleashed. The air, already heavy from her released Zanpakutō, was now filled with even more pressure. Her blade had changed very little: the tsuba was now pure black and the blade was now covered in glowing red veins, the back somewhat blocky. An aura was now clearly visibly covering her body, black which tinged with red whenever a flame flickered outwards. If she’d managed to grapple with his arm with her tail then the Human would find it nearly solidifying due to the intense aura, the wild spiked ends sharpening, digging into flesh. Her crimson pupil had also contracted itself into something more closely resembling a feral slit.

Provided everything went according to plan, the blinding flash of light might for a moment throw off her opponent, and a moment would be all that she’d need. With her Shikai unleashed Yuki’s strength would only become more of an issue for her opponent, as would the increased weight behind her strikes. And, with her Shikai unleashed, Yuki would aim to finish their fight as quickly as possible. A quieted growl escaped from her lips before she spoke, no longer holding herself back.

“Last time I took pity! Fight me! Give me your best or die!”

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Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] Empty Re: Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event]

Tue Aug 23, 2016 4:59 pm



Artist: Zukanov - Song: Pirate's Jig! - Word Count: 682

This was much better than the last time they fought! This girl certainly had grown stronger! But, so had he! Vanyel smirked as the girl's form vanished and reappeared in front of him. Using his own speed, Vanyel stepped backwards and launched his foot into the air, allowing the blade of the weapon to collide with the steel that resided within the toe of his boot. Lowering his head and twisting his foot to the side to push the blade away, Vanyel quickly flipped himself forward, spinning like a hamster wheel as the sword he held slashed mercilessly towards his target.

Switching his attack form, now switching from slashing in a sort of wheel form to quick, rapid slashes from left to right. However, he had bought himself enough time to heal his wound to the point where he wasn't bleeding, but the wound still needed proper care in order to repair the skin cells fully. Even Chi healing had it's limits. Moving his now free hand towards his dagger, Vanyel quickly noticed the girl's tail moving towards him. Taking action immediately, his hand shot out with immense speed, aiming to grab her tail while his entire body dropped to the ground.

Sliding onto his back and sliding in between her legs, he would quickly get behind his opponent, and if he had her tail, kick himself off the ground, yanking on her tail and catch her off guard. However, before he had the chance to kick off the ground, a blinding red flash of light came from the girl's weapon, causing Vanyel to retreat, kicking upwards and spinning through the air for not only a flashy recovery, but also to keep the girl's distance so that he had the chance to recover.

Seeing the girl's power be unleashed caused Vanyel to grin a wide, white toothed grin. Cracking his neck, he knew that it was time. He was curious to see what this little nifty item could do. The gift from the Queen was something that he was at first, confused about. However, he quickly figured out the concept and what his new weapon could do. Giggling by the slightest, Vanyel slowly pulled off the glove on his left hand. As he did, instead of the normal pale skin, Vanyel had stored something there.

Corrosion Cloud.

A black mass that was currently in the shape of his hand, hiding the weapon from view. Now, taking this glove off meant that things were about to get bloody, messy, and oh so much more crazy. Clenching his hand into a fist and staring directly at the Wolf, the black mass that he had been rewarded with had started to change. Instead of what seemed to be another layer of the glove, Corrosion Cloud would form itself into a weapon

With Corrosion Cloud becoming a weapon as well, Vanyel now wielded twin swords. Kuro Komo being his main weapon, and Corrosion Cloud being his second. Holding one of them backwards, Vanyel zipped forward, using his own, natural speed and Buzhou to hopefully close the distance and get within 10 meters. He could feel it. His insanity getting stronger. His brain hungered for more blood to be shed. Not just his own, but Yuki's as well.

Leaping within ten meters, Vanyel slashed with both of his weapons, left to right, left to right. Aiming to simply cause more and more bloodshed, Vanyel's arm would shoot upwards, before a large Yoh attack would form above his head on the tip of his finger. Firing it into the air, Vanyel's body quickly stepped backwards as he would allow the Yoh attack to fall and simple explode if it hit the ground. Moving swiftly backwards, Vanyel quickly put some distance between himself and the Shinigami.

It wasn't enough...

He needed more blood. The sadistic human's bloodlust wasn't satisfied yet. He NEEDED more. Wielding both weapons, Vanyel fired another Yoh blast at her, much larger than an average one due to more energy and power being put behind it.

Would the Little Wolf be able to overcome him with sheer power? Or would the maniac overcome the small girl?

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Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] Empty Re: Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event]

Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:24 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 512

A foot collided with her blade. Thanks to the steel armoring along the bottom edge her opponent managed to avoid losing the foot entirely. Her weapon was even glanced off to one side, barely missing her target, but then the main objective in the first place was to put it into view. Unfortunately the Human did manage to close up the wound within his side; however it was very clearly not completely healed. Enough force would surely reopen the cleaved area. She would keep that in mind for the future.

One of Vanyel’s hands reached out, gripping against her tail. It was not a wise move on his end, considering how overwhelmingly strong she was in comparison to him, but then she wasn’t really going to complain. So, as her tail was gripped, she simply curled it around the very same arm, locking it tightly into place with no intentions of releasing the boy. He could grab onto her all he wished. All it really did was give her a method by which to do the same, and in doing so the Human’s speed advantage would be negated. After all, he couldn’t really use it to its full effectiveness if he couldn’t get away.

In a brilliant flash of light her Shikai was unleashed. She could feel the man’s hand release its grip upon her tail, and she could feel a tug against it as he tried to leap away. However she was not going to give him that chance. Her tail, already curled around his arm, gripped more tightly still. The now solidly dense aura covering her spiky fur would begin to dig into flesh, locking her grip upon him even more securely, forced deep with the momentum of Vanyel’s own attempted leap away.

“Stay!” she shouted, her voice tinged with a feral growl as her tail pulled against the limb it held, aiming to smash Vanyel straight into the ground while he was mid-flip within the air. With a quick step forward she closed the distance, cleaving her blade straight downwards, aiming to bisect the Human vertically once more, all while her tail pushed downwards to secure her prey in place. If Vanyel’s sword was raised to take the hit she would simply continue to apply pressure with the aim of locking his weapon into place. And if he dared to move it away? Well, she would simply push downwards and continue her assault against his body.

With the Human’s weapon occupied and both hands secured Yuki planned on initiating the second step of her assault. Provided both of Vanyel’s hands were occupied, and his body kept in one place, the young pup would proceed to rain vicious blows down upon any exposed region of his body. Knees strikes if he was close enough, stomps, kicks, even strikes with her free hand if it was not occupied with his weapon. Her only objective now would be to break him. Shatter bones, rupture organs, anything to inflict serious damage upon her foe. There would be no mercy, only feral intentions remained.

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Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] Empty Re: Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event]

Sun Aug 28, 2016 6:29 pm



Artist: Smooth Mcgroove - Song: Death By Glamour Acapella - Word Count: 759

Shit...grabbing that tail wasn't a good idea. Seeing the fur curl around his wrist, Vanyel knew that he was in trouble. Tugging and yanking his arm, he tried desperately to get away. Feeling the aura dig into his flesh, piercing his skin and causing small trails of blood to flow from his arm down his hand, dripping to the arena floor. The scent of the liquid would fill both the Dark Chi Wielder's, and the wolf's noses.

However, for smelled like the greatest meal that he could imagine. He...was shedding blood. He knew that this girl was not only serious, but also able to make him bleed. This would much fun. However, fun would have to come soon after, as Vanyel had some more important things to worry about. Feeling the air start to pass by his face, and his eyes darted downwards. Ah....shit. Feeling his body slam against the arena ground, Vanyel felt a rush of adrenaline.

Grinning as the girl shouted out for him to stay, Vanyel knew that he most certainly would not be doing that. Twisting his body to right itself, Vanyel had just enough time to raise Kuro Komo up and block the strike from the girl's weapon. However, his eyes widened and a small shockwave came from the sheer impact of the girl's sword and his own. She most certainly had grown stronger in physical strength as well. The ground shuddered under the weight of the blades colliding.

Gritting his teeth and using every ounce of strength he currently possessed to keep the blade from slicing into his flesh and possibly severing a limb, Vanyel slowly uncurled his pinkie finger from the weapon, before pointing the tiny appendage at the little girl, before a small orb of red and black energy would begin to spark to life upon it. Firing a single, thin blast of Yoh, the attack would be much weaker than an average one fired by Vanyel, but the speed of it moving, and the charging speed would be insanely quicker.

With his attack fired, Vanyel quickly attempted to slash upwards with Kuro Komo, before driving his other "weapon", Corrosion Cloud down diagonally, aiming to slash into Yuki's body. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to possibly begin the very slow process of lowering the stat that Vanyel was most concerned about at the moment. Her immense strength. If he wasn't careful, it could bring an end to him. However, Corrosion Cloud, if it would successfully make contact with Yuki's body, would begin to slowly drain her of her immense strength.

Slashing twice more, Vanyel could feel his adrenaline levels rising. More! More, more, more! Grinning and aiming a kick towards her, the madman would quickly vanish with Xin Yue Buzhou, reappearing behind her, with his hand pointed directly at Yuki's head, although he was about four or five feet away. Sparking an orb of energy, Vanyel would create another orb of Dark Chi upon the tip of his finger to fire another Yoh attack at her. However, Vanyel would not fire it in the form of a beam.

Instead, he would quickly fire the attack, while it was still within the orb form, aiming to use the large amount of Chi gathered within the orb, so that, when it made contact with either the arena or Yuki, would explode, causing a massive amount of damage to the area around the explosion. Zipping forward with his speed, Vanyel would start his own little thing he liked to call "Salad Chopping". Why was it called this? Well...this was amplifying the madman's speed to the maximum it could go for his level.


The form of Vanyel changed, causing his strength, speed, and durability to increase immensely. Not only that, but black, spiked chains would shoot out from pure black voids behind him, and would launch themselves towards Yuki, as would Vanyel, with Kuro Komo ready. However, Corrosion Cloud would no longer be in his hand. Instead, the cloud of infection was wrapped around his wrist, and his dagger would be the replacement.

While he did not want to stop using Corrosion Cloud, he knew that he couldn't keep relying on the weapon. Wasn't that what Kuro Komo was for? Heh. Vanyel zipped past his opponent, before stopping a good ten meters away, hopefully distracting his opponent and leaving them open for the attack with the spiked chains. Turning around to face the girl, Vanyel brought his sword to rest on his shoulder, and twirled his dagger between his fingers.

He could feel the tension rising. Who would win?

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Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] Empty Re: Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event]

Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:13 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 812

The scent of blood filled her senses. Yuki’s feral self thrived upon it, and it brought her back to the years she spent within the Rukongai. Every day she hunted down the scum of Soul Society, or really anyone who got in her way. All were torn apart, felled by teeth and claw and sword and occasionally even her tail. Thousands perished. Now, no longer holding herself back and consumed by the power of her Shikai, the old Yuki was returning.

Vanyel’s body was slammed into the ground, certainly with enough force to potentially reopen the wound he’d only recently managed to close. His body twisted and his weapon was raised, barely with enough time to absorb the mighty blow of her weapon. This did not stop her attack however, and she kept the full power of her swing downwards, pressing against the man’s blocking weapon in order to secure it into place. The shifting of even one digit or the diversion of even an ounce of strength would have her weapon pressing further down, its pitch black blade hungry for more blood as the glowing red veins pulsed with a growing hunger for Vanyel’s flesh.

A pinkie finger was uncurled, and Vanyel would find the blade beginning to lower at a snail’s pace with that action. It didn’t exactly go unnoticed by the now feral wolf either. There would be only one reason for it: he was planning on unleashing some sort of kido style of attack. The idea that this foolish man could use such things when she could not only drove a spike of anger into her mind. Already she had a plan in mind, feet bracing against the ground in preparation.

In a blur her free hand moved forward, wrapping itself around the outstretched pinkie. There was an explosion of energy within the palm of her hand, an explosion which would certainly affect her, but which might have also affected the very person who had unleashed it. For a brief moment her blade stopped its descent, and while she was exerting enough pressure to hold Vanyel’s weapon in place she also needed to divert some of that strength into holding her body where it was. The aura surrounding her body did a fine job of smothering a majority of it, and her body’s natural durability certainly helped, however a few bones within her hand were fractured and broken, and the flesh of her palm was mostly torn away. Not that this slowed her down, as the pieces were immediately held into place by her energy, the flesh started to heal, and the pain which resulted was forced into the back of her mind.

Gripping more tightly still Yuki aimed to tug backwards upon the digit. Her ultimate plan was to tear it clean off the rest of his hand, bone and all. That would teach him to use such a dirty trick! All the while she continued to exert pressure downwards with her sword, picking back up where it had left off, only now Vanyel would hopefully have one less digit to use in securing his defense.

Regardless of the outcome, Vanyel did try to cleave upwards with his weapon; however he’d find her unmoving. If anything she pressed harder downwards against his attempted breakout, challenging his strength with her own. His other weapon, should it have managed to somehow manifest itself within his other hand, would hopefully be forced downwards into the ground by her tail, which still firmly held onto that limb. She had no plans of moving, nor did she plan to allow this man to escape from the death grip she held upon his body. Still, she could be stronger, and she could further embrace her feral nature. The free hand, regardless of whether or not it managed to remove his pinkie finger, shifted briefly into her robes. A pair of fangs were pulled out and stuffed into her mouth, fitting neatly over her already sharpened teeth. It would look goofy, but the effects were immediate.


In an instant her already formidable strength tripled. Her mind cleared ever so slightly, but it was still filled to the brim with her ferocious feral nature. Any pain which might have been lingering now dissipated into nothingness. Every fiber of her being was focused upon destroying her opponent.

A slightly muffled growl escaped from her lips. With this increase in strength Yuki planned on pressing her tail against the back of the man’s elbow, and then with the curled end she planned on snapping it upwards, hoping to break his arm at the elbow by over-extending it backwards and far beyond where it normally should go. Her sword was also now forced down with even more force as she intended upon simply overpowering his blocking weapon and driving both of them right down into the man’s body.

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Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] Empty Re: Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event]

Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:14 pm


Alright, Henrex, you have 48-72 hours before you are skipped. Please try and get a post out since we are moving things along with the event.

Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] WVMWLOu
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Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event] Empty Re: Fight In The Clouds: Yuki VS Vanyel [Greece Event]

Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:11 pm



Artist: ??? - Song: ??? - Word Count: 704

All of this....

The pain....

Her strength....

Everything....this was glorious! When his body slammed into the ground, the large wound on his side split open, causing even more blood to spill onto the arena's ground, and Vanyel's teeth grit tight while he attempted to protect himself from Yuki's onslaught. Each and every hit from her weapon caused the entire arena to shudder from her strength, and caused Vanyel's defenses to begin crumble with each and every hit.

The blade of his own sword, as well as the blade of Yuki came dangerously close to reaching his body and injuring him. His blue eyes frantically darted around for a way out. As his pinkie finger was snatched by her hand, Vanyel's eyes widened as her finger yanked on his hand, and Vanyel grit his teeth as the pinkie was yanked off. The sound of cracking bones and tearing flesh rippled throughout the arena.

Screaming in pain, Vanyel managed to keep the rest of his hand from being torn off by sheer luck. Feeling the weapon he held with his hand being pushed down, Vanyel knew one thing. He wasn't going to last much longer. Even with Awakening active, he knew that the girl had gotten stronger....too strong for him. Vanyel's strength wasn't enough. Gritting his teeth, Vanyel continued to fight the blade that was coming down on him.

His blue eyes darted to the right, seeing his arm pinned by the girl. The other arm flailed and struggled against the immense strength of the girl. However, there was still quite a few options he had, even with his arm pinned. Allowing Corrosion Cloud to re-take it's weapon form, the gift from Mana would form itself into a small dagger, before his wrist would flick, aiming to cut the girl's arm with it. If this failed, Corrosion Cloud would simply revert back into what Vanyel called it's "portable" state, which was the black, glove-like form around his trapped hand.

However, there was also the fact that the girl had stuffed something within her jaws, and the moment that she did, Vanyel knew that it was some sort of weapon. The weight of the blade due to the strength of the girl increased. He knew that he had to do something. Closing his eyes, and gathering a large sum of Chi within the Qiqong in his chest, before a large blast of energy would burst from his chest, which would, if hit, knock the girl off of him, but send both of their weapons flying.

Feeling the tail of the girl press against his elbow, he quickly sent a small bit of Chi into the Qiqong in his elbow, before sending a weak-powered blast of Chi to push her tail away. It was not meant to hurt, but to keep her tail away. If this kept up, he may have to try something new he had thought of. While it would be something insanely dangerous, but if this kept up, he may have no other option. With both of their weapons scattered among the arena floor, Vanyel's hand, and most likely Yuki's hands, would be left totally empty.

Taking this chance, if it hit, to leap into the air and use Xin Yue Buzhou to step away, Vanyel's feet landed on the ground, and blood continued to pour from his wound, and his hand shot over to it, before his hand would glow green and heal the wound that had reopened. Damn....even his Yuhe wouldn't be able to completely heal this. He'd have to have Mana's help with healing after this was done. However, there was the fact that the girl was still on a rampage. However, Vanyel had an idea.

This would involve....using the skill that, in short, left him powerless. A quiet crackling sound would be the signal of Vanyel making himself powerless, before he would limp over to the nearest pile of rubble, before he would collapse into it, and his vital signs would slow, but not stop. With his body in such a wounded and broken state, Vanyel would have to be inspected very closely if someone wanted to confirm that he would be dead.

With Yuki's current state, he figured she would probably just look at him and walk away. Hoping that this be the case, Vanyel's simply allowed his body to go limp...and waited.

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