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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex]

Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:34 am

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness

My heart....feels warm....but yet is in so much pain....

Seeing that Ichika was now much more comfortable around him was a warming sight. His eye was beginning to fill with happiness as this happened. He was happy that she was here. He wanted her to stay. His heart desired not only companionship, but loneliness. He wanted to have someone to be with him.....but yet his heart was afraid. He didn't want to lose someone important to him again. If he would break him completely. There would be no repairs in the world that could heal the broken heart that would come from losing someone close to him again. However, right now, was a moment of happiness.

Being able to hug Ichika like felt nice. His heart longed for him to continue and hold the embrace for eternity. Never wanting to let go. Keep her close to him....protect her. The broken soul of the boy seemed to ever so slowly heal from the time spent with those that cared about him...which were very little. He could feel the memories drift back into his mind. Seeing Ichika slip from the tree and fall towards the forest floor, Henrex's body shot forward, descending towards the ground at rapid speeds, while his arms reached out towards the girl.

Catching Ichika within his arms, his fast flying soon stopped. Hovering in the air, Henrex looked at Ichika and his cheeks turned red from the way that he had caught her. In fact, it was the only way he could have caught her without hurting her. The current way that Henrex was holding her? It was bridal style. As the boy's form slowly descended towards the ground, he would, very gently, set the girl down. As the blush on his face grew just the slightest bit more red, Henrex's feet soon set themselves upon the ground, a quiet thud from where his feet tapped against the earth.

However, as Ichika's eyes widened, and her words left her, Henrex was left in a state of shock and confusion. He...was a demon? What!? He was a Shinigami! Henrex slowly knelt down, and his eyes met Ichika's. Fear....pain....betrayal. He could see it all in her eyes. His heart was sinking back down, shattering piece by piece.....again. His head lowered and his kneel soon turned into a simple sitting position. Falling back, Henrex soon allowed his head to fall into his hands. All of this that was happening....Ichika's pain...his own pain....

It hurt.....

So badly.....

It hurt to know that she was hurt herself. He...wasn't a Demon...was he? His head rose to stare at Ichika. Looking deep into her crimson eyes, his body shot forward, wrapping his arms around her, and his grip around her was slightly tighter than the other hugs that he had given her, and his quiet voice would release the words that he hoped would keep her here. Fear, pain, and longing were were wrapped around the words that came from the Raven.

"Please....I'm not a have to believe me.....please don't leave...."

Tears started to well in his eyes from the sheer thought of the pain that would come from Ichika leaving. He knew that Demons were poisoned by an Angel's Holy Energy. However....he didn't feel anything in her presence. All he felt....was a gentle aura...that felt warm. He wanted to keep her here.

Would the heart of the Raven be shattered once again?

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The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex]

Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:32 pm



Falling was an interesting feeling, the angel of course had the opportunity to experience it but before she could hit the ground or even use her wings she was caught by the boy with the much darker set of wings and the moment he caught her that face that had once been only a little pink exploded in to a very dark shade of red.

Is.. Isn't this how someone holds a bride?! Why is he always touching me and trying to hold me.

When she accused him of being a demon from that strange energy she got she looked at him suddenly confused, and found that it had vanished. Her face was utterly confused and for a moment she didn't even notice him until she snapped back from her daze. Her eyes looked at him once again and she realised that she had hurt him.

That was not acceptable to her, she couldn't sense he was a demon anymore and she wondered if she'd imagined it. Her sudden outburst made her quite embarrassed as well from what she said and she quickly knelt down and looked at him with a sad gaze from what she had done. Angels weren't meant to hurt people, they were meant to help and she had hurt him.

It took her a moment before she finally voiced what was being formed in her mind until finally she decided how to approach it. Her angelic powers would spread and underneath her form a strange circle of light would surround them both through her heaven summoning however it was merely a conduit for her next ability. Her healing ability spread throughout the field she created and worked to alleviate some of the sadness she had inflicted on him, as well as her own. Both individuals would gain a bit of comfort from her aura around them.

"I'm really sorry if I hurt you. Please forgive me."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex]

Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:39 am

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness

Broken. That's what I am, isn't it? I have been for so long....I just never realized it.

He had lied. He lied to her. He knew that the truth was that he was a Demon. At least...he was a halfing. However, it didn't soothe the fact that he had lied to her. As the opposites landed on the ground, with their bodies gently pressing against the ground, and the black clad form slid back, embarrassed by his actions. Only then, when his mind was off Ichika, and his eye was not focused on the small girl's form did he realize it.

The scarf was gone.

In it's place, was a pitch black mask of his own design. The mask that took the form of a respirator, and with a single, black eye patch that covered his left eye, this had been his backup in case that the scarf that he had always worn somehow came off. As his gaze shifted towards the tree that they had so recently been sitting within, he realized his mistake. His speed-filled movement to keep Ichika from being hurting from the fall had made him forget to check his surroundings, and the black cloth had been snagged by a nearby branch.

In fact, as he looked up, he could still see it. Dangling around ten feet from the ground, wrapped firmly around the branch that it had been taken by, was the scarf. It was a good thing that he had decided to wear both his scarf and his mask on this day. However, the double layer had prevented Ichika from seeing what made him stand out from others. The gleaming red eye under the eyepatch. With a sickening, crimson glow, the eye looked like it was piercing into whatever it stared at. Henrex's body froze, and his single eye seemed to stare at her with a bit of an "Uh oh." moment.

However, he didn't think that she had seen it. As he watched her head bow, and her gaze shift to one of sadness, he could see that his friend was clearly upset over what had just happened. However, it brought him no comfort to know that he had, and was continuing to lie to her. The circle of light was something that was worrying to him. Were Heaven Summoning spells similar to an Angel's exorcism and purification? If so, that meant that performing this could hurt....or even worse, kill him. Even though he was a Demon, he felt nothing from her presence's Holy Aether.

Could it be mixed with the Saca Dila energy that ran through her? Possibly. However, he couldn't be too sure. As he allowed the light to wrap around him, easing even the slightest of the eternal pain that was within his heart, he knew that he couldn't keep the lie up forever. It would eat away at him until there was nothing left. Hearing her apologize was even more of torture to the heart for Henrex. He slowly inched forward towards the little Angel, before his own head would bow in shame.

"I don't deserve an apology....I deserve hatred. I...I am a Demon. I am a Hybrid....of a Demon and a Shinigami. I lied to you, Ichika....I'm sorry. All I wanted...was a friend who actually cared. Is that so much to ask from someone like me? I don't deserve your kindness....or your friendship. I'm sorry Ichika..."

The heart of the Raven eased from the slightest relief of the pain that was within him. He expected something from Ichika. A slap. A punch. An attempt at exorcism. Something that would harm or kill him. It's what he deserved, didn't he? Cozying up to an Angel...when he was the complete opposite. All he wanted was friendship, companionship...he wanted so much, but received what he deserved. Would Ichika hate him?

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The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex]

Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:38 am



The young angel sat perched on the ground as she let her aether slowly dissipate and leave them both in the small grove, she had found the mask originally unnerving although had been oblivious to the red eye. She wasn't the most observant and was distracted by the way he was holding her to care much about a red eye. Instead the angel leaned up and smiled although she was quickly taken aback when she saw him inching towards her and bowing his head in shame.

I don't understand what he's doing? Why is he bowing? Is he thanking me or something.

However it was quickly made apparent that she was wrong and that he was apologising, her soft red gaze looked at him and she didn't know what to do for a moment. If he really was a demon or even part demon why didn't she hurt him or he hurt her!? However it was more shock at what she should do, she looked at him and wondered what the just thing to do would be. She could try to hurt him for what he was but that wasn't fair, why punish him for nothing he did wrong.

The angel blushed before she steeled her little resolve and lifted him up so he wasn't bowing and gently pulled him into her small frame, the girl wasn't experienced in hugging people and so she shifted a bit awkwardly but let the young shinigami hug her small figure.

"It's okay that you're a demon, it doesn't matter what you are. You do things because you believe they are right, just because I am from the Black World doesn't mean I am here to spread it's influence. No I don't think that's right and so I oppose it... It doesn't matter that you're a demon, just because you are doesn't mean you are evil by default. Demons can be good, the only thing that hurts me is the fact you lied to me but I forgive you."

She stayed like that, enjoying the peaceful bliss as she knelt down with him hugging her. She timidly patted his head, her movements were hesitant at first but they slowly got more confidence with their movements and she let him hug her for as long as he liked.

I think I understand.. This is helping people. It feels nice to help someone, so I will try and help as many people as I can. That's what a Hero does... and what an Angel is meant to do.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 Gamma_Signature
The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 CHARACTER_LISTThe Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 GRAPHICS_THREADThe Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 TIMELINE_THREAD
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The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex]

Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:47 pm

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness

Maybe I'm afraid to be happy....because every time I end up being happy....something bad always happens....

As Henrex's head remained bowed, waiting for a reaction from Ichika as he asked for her forgiveness for the lie that he had told. He expected anger from her. He expected something that would hurt him. This is why he was tensed the entire time that his head was bowing. He could feel her crimson eyes staring at him, and his hands clenched tight. He awaited the pain that he expected from the little Angel. However, he never did receive any form of pain.

Instead, he felt his head and body being lifted from his bowing position. He looked into Ichika's red eyes, before he felt himself being pulled into her. As his own small body was pulled into Ichika's, his own cheeks went the color of red as he was surprised from the shy girl taking an action like this. He slowly began to rise his arms from his sides, gently wrapping them around Ichika's frame, with his arms resting on her shoulder and her side. However, he did feel awkward from this. Why? He had hugged her multiple times, but yet he felt awkward now of all times? It didn't make sense.

His hands gently gripped against the skin his gloved hands were resting against, and his eye widened as she spoke. She didn't hate him? She...really didn't. She even forgave him for the lie that he told her. That was enough to put his panic and his fear at rest...for now at least. His arms gently pressed tighter against Ichika's body, keeping her close to him. Feeling something gently tap against his head, he could see that her arm was gently patting his head. He could practically sense her nervousness and shyness, but he didn't care. He was happy. He was happy that she forgave him...and that she didn't hate him.

However, Henrex didn't keep the embrace forever, as much as he would like to, he knew that he should at least give the little Angel some breathing room. Breaking off the hug, his body slowly skidded backwards, about a foot away from Ichika herself, and his head would face the ground, with the revealed portion of his face, which would have been his right eye, as well as a small portion of the skin around it, turning red.

".....T-Thank you....Ichika....."

A small smile was curling to life underneath the mask that he wore. His heart was lifting. But....would it last? Or would something bad happen again, sending his heart back into despair and sadness?

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The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex]

Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:10 am



The face of Ichika's was quite red as she felt her body hugged tighter by the stronger boy, her embarrassment led to the body temperature of the angel rose to the point where he would feel her body quite warm like a little heat pack. Slim and fragile the girl waited for Henrex to finally be done with hugging her, although she didn't mind how long he hugged her it was a selfless gesture and it was for his benefit. Not her's.

When he finally let go of her she sat down and looked down at the ground near her feet, she was too embarrassed to meet his eyes although it was easy to see it was purely from the hug that she gave him, she found herself gently touching the dirt in random spots as if bored before she was disturbed from her daze by Henrex thanking her.

"It's okay, you don't need to thank me. It's what I do.. I help people."

Her eyes gazed over to him occasionally, letting their gaze observe him while he wasn't looking or when she though he wasn't looking and observing him curiously however the moment he turned or moved suddenly she quickly averted her eyes and stared at something else and everything she almost got caught or did get caught her face went a little red.

I shouldn't do that, it's rude to stare at people. Maybe if I just lay down and sleep? No I will stay here a bit longer before I must leave then I can be sure everything is fine. I wonder though about this secret, I have no idea what I am meant to say about him being a demon... nothing at all. Unless they ask because I cannot lie, so only if they ask me directly will I tell them.

She gently laid down, on the ground and fell asleep on the ground. It wasn't wet or damp but she was quite peaceful as she napped, giving them both a chance to cool down from the events of the day. The angel was quiet pooped from it all, her young body hadn't expected that to happen or the day to go like this. Her soft breathing audible around the grove as she slept near Henrex, but not touching him. If she was to wake up next to him he'd never hear the end of it.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 Gamma_Signature
The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 CHARACTER_LISTThe Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 GRAPHICS_THREADThe Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 TIMELINE_THREAD
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The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex]

Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:49 pm




Warmth. Warmth in the body and soul. He could feel it. He felt the warmth of her body, whether it be from embarrassment or from a body's natural heat. He could feel his own heart warming as the embrace of the two friends continued. However, it would not last forever. The hug was soon broken, and Henrex's eyes were soon blank once again. Ichika seemed to be much more embarrassed than Henrex had been, as she was poking the ground with her hands, refusing to look at him.

She soon spoke, saying that he didn't need to apologize, and that it's what she people. A small smile came to Henrex underneath the mask, and his eye closed for a moment, before opening. He could see the girl trying to be sneaky, and look at him, looking away and blushing whenever she was almost caught or was caught. It was...cute. He smiled again under the mask, but this felt forced. Like it pained him to do so.

Seeing the girl lay down and slowly fall asleep, Henrex simply looked at her for a little, before he knew that he had to go again. He needed to get to where he set out to find. But, yet he still stayed for a while. Slowly moving over to Ichika's sleeping body, he slowly reached his arm out, before gently petting the girl's head, and his face would turn a light shade of pink, then the boy would rise from his position, then reaching towards his face. He still remembered when he first donned the mask. Before he had left Soul Society, possibly forever.

If the world wishes to see me as a monster, then I'll take the visage of what I am.

A sad look passed over the male's face, and his hand soon drifted to his sword, gently wrapping his hand around the cold metal and cloth that was the hilt of his Zanpakutō. He felt sad about leaving Ichika all alone. So, he would give her a few gifts. Nothing romantic, but something to be nice. Six black orbs materialized into the air, and five of which would stick together, combining the energy that the orbs held in them together, eventually squeezing, conforming, and bulging to finally form something as a result of Henrex's energy being used in this creative sense.

A small bed, which would be a perfect fit for little Ichika, would pop into existence. Then, Ichika would find herself being lifted from the ground by a strange force, which was just a barrier that had formed underneath her, and was vibrating faster than the normal eye could see. If anything, this barrier would only lull Ichika into a deeper sleep, as the vibration would not be doing anything to wake her. As the bed that had been formed ever so recently would slip underneath her, and the vibrating barrier would slowly descend to allow the small angel girl to lay down and rest thoroughly, the final orb that Henrex had created would begin to change, and eventually creating...

A small rose.

One single rose that was thrice as beautiful as the last one that he had made floated in the air, glowing with a beautiful purple and black aura. The item soon descended next to little Ichika's head, and would subtly give her the smell of a gentle breeze in a rain forest, before Henrex would then turn to go. He did find the little angel cute, but his mind could not deceive him. He knew that his mind and heart would only have a true passion for one person. So, silent steps lead him out of the forest. He hoped that Ichika would awaken, and appreciate the gifts he had given her.

And, with that, Henrex would leave the forest, aiming to find the one place that he needed to return to again.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Darkness of the Earth [PRIVATE; Ichika, Henrex]

Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:41 pm



Being asleep Ichika was completely out cold, she had got to experience an interesting day but she was unaware when Henrex started to pat her head while she slept, the feeling made her move around a bit and occasionally make a small noise and tighten herself into a small ball. She stirred a little when Henrex placed her on the makeshift bed but didn't wake up until a few hours later.

When she finally woke up and realised that she was on a bed and a pretty rose was next to her head she was a little confused until she remembered the events that transpired.

"Well that was nice of him, hey... hang on... how long have I been out here!?"

Ichika quickly remembered that people might get worried from her extended stay out here and quickly took to the sky and flew off back towards Karakura Central, the next person to come out would probably be confused about why there was a bed in the forest although Ichika had been sure to take the rose that she liked with her back home.

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