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A friendly visit[Niflheim] Empty A friendly visit[Niflheim]

Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:40 pm
"I'm going to have to ask you to say that again Narisa," Styn demands incredulously.

The dark haired demoness' eyes slide to the right as she avoids Styn's gaze. She seems to shrink in on herself. "W...well yeah I know it sounds daunting but none of the big names have been seen in ages," she smiles weakly still not wiling to look at his face.

"So to recap. You expect me to attack a fortified position in the artic of what may or may not be the remnants of the fucking Vandenreich!? What's more this is an unsanctioned foray with no official backing or support from Shadow Fall," Styn exclaims with a put upon huff. "I'm then to pick a fight with the supposed leader of this force for the pure purpose of judging their current battle power. Not to make way for an eventual invasion, not on any good authority that the Vandenreich are interfering with any of Shadow Fall's current objectives or territories. I am to take on this dangerous and mostly futile endeavor so that some lazy bastard in the eighth circle can write up a pretty report for," Styn's jaw firms as he grits his teeth. "And forgive me here Narisa, but for fucking Liberty Bell!? Are you shitting me, the eighth is a joke right now, why should I help them?"

A bit of heat enters Narisa's eyes at this point as well as she finally matches Styn's stare. "I don't remember you having such a foul mouth. If you don't want grunt work go become an Archduke you worthless underachiever. You're the only one from the first that can be spared."

Styn holds up a fist in front of his face and stares at it with curious eyes. "Do you want to get hit? You must want to get hit I think."

Narisa crosses her arms under her more then ample breasts and arches an eye brow. Styn puts up a solid front for all of thirty seconds before sighing and lowering his hand as his bluff is called. The demoness nods in satisfaction. "Look Styn tell me that you're not going to do this, its not like anyone can make you do anything anyway, but we all don't have that freedom. If you don't go someone else is going to have to," she states with sudden serenity.

"Someone like you?" Styn asks with a frown. "I was curious as to why you went out of your way to wake me up. I suppose it was too much to hope that you just wanted to say hi." The silence stretches on as the two demons just look at each other. "Fine fine, when do I need to get this done?"

"Now," Narisa says.

"Sure of course why not now?" Styn grumbles. "Can you at least open the Kage Chokyo-shi? I've never been to Antarctica before."

"No support means no support," Narisa says with a shake of her head.

Styn sighs and closes his eyes reaching into the well of power that is his connection to the infinite energy of demon kind, the figurative blood of his entire race. The force of corruption is red hot and already surging through every fiber of his being in an unconsciously directed never ending rush of might. This undirected link doesn't allow for even a scrap of aura to leak into the surrounding air. For most intents and purposes the demon knight is a walking void zone to spiritual senses. Only the most masterful of sensitives, or someone else at the highest echelon can even detect Styn when all of his power is focused on defense like it is right now. The dark bags under his eyes aren't just for show. Being in a constant state of drawing on the full scope of your power can be exhausting even if you're not spending it on something.

A single eye opens on his forehead as his awareness of the entire multiverse comes to the fore of his consciousness. It becomes a simple matter to turn this attention to the frozen north on a single small, yet important planet. Styn sends a few floating threads of Za Koa towards his right, and with a mental twist the fabric of reality bends and distorts into a flat red portal about ten feet in diameter. There is a soft sigh of displaced air as the super sharp edges slice open a hole in the formerly open space. "Wish me luck?" Styn asks with a grin but steps through before Narisa can respond.

The transition is smooth and due to the cloaking nature of Styn's generalized lack of spiritual signal the young quincy staring off into the distance doesn't even turn before the demon knight clears his throat politely. With a quick twist the quincy pivots and brings his arm up, a pale blue formation of energy materializing in an instant. Leaping backward the boy launches a barrage of arrows that Styn doesn't bother to dodge. A plume of snow kicks up all around the demon knight as the formerly still air is rocked with explosive discharges of force. Most importantly, the boy's display should serve to light up the area like fireworks, announcing that all is not right in the current location.

Styn takes the brief lull to close his third eye as well as the Kage Chokyo-shi behind him. The snow doesn't particularly hamper his vision at all, one of the perks of being a thousand eyes type demon was the ability to see through most solid objects. Before the snow has even settled the demon knight has already picked out six similar reiatsu signatures spread out over five or so miles of coverage, most likely scouts like the boy in front of him. Styn is still on the absolute boarders of the camp, without a building or even tent in sight. The intel was very murky on what purpose this area serves, it could be either a temporary station or even the so called main base of the new Vandenreich. The most important thing was that this was reported to be the current location of one Niflheim P, The Perfect Shot in all her glory.

Not a single spec of snow settles on Styn as his Akuma Kyodo causes it to flow away to pile at his feet. The quincy seems shocked to discover that his target is completely unharmed, although the generally slept in look of Styn's dark green business suit does look a bit scuffed. However, the boy could hardly know it always looks like that. Styn smiles his most charming grin and raises his hands in the universal gesture of disarmament. What the quincy is to make of this is anyone's guess as Styn has still not been pushed to the point where its possible to detect the amount of Zoa Koa he's capable of wielding. In fact unless he noticed the portal closing there is nothing to even say what race Styn belongs to. "I hope you'll forgive me for the cliché but, can Miss Neflheim come out to play?"
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A friendly visit[Niflheim] Empty Re: A friendly visit[Niflheim]

Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:48 pm



Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

”..Creature. “

Niflheim’s eyes had been closed as she rest in the tent, the billowing wind blowing the flap that separates the cozy fur ladened room from the harsh outside world, her breath coming out slowly as if exasperated at the current situation. She had temporarily made this the vandenreich’s new base after she had done battle with the being known as Annie in karakura and left from there. She currently knew of the world after doing research however also now the Ice Queen felt it, her own powers had gradually begun to grow. Maybe it was because of the rich particles that had been in the air, or possible maybe. It was because she had finally forced herself to break that wall and delve into the immense power she had always been afraid to touch, but none of that mattered currently; all that mattered was there was a being that had triggered the thin veil of reishi she had distributed over the 5 or 8 miles surrounding her camp. This veil had been thin enough that most wouldn’t even sense it, let alone react to it, however it was also linked to every quincy in the camp, meaning everyone had sensed this creatures arrival.

For now the Quincy had raised her hand, and even with the distance between them she had taken some precautions. First? The cool air that had previously been void of snow would gradually shift through her manipulation of free-floating particles in the physical plane of reality around them. Each and every one within a mile would be subjugated, manipulated and set upon a task she had imaged clearly through her mind with the c-the control ability. This concept? It was “Conceal and Blizzard” What this would do in function was just as the name of those two concepts suggested. First the reishi would begin to mix in with the wind itself, a wind that would mask the other quincies in the area before whipping up into a frenzy, snow blasting and turning the lovely day into what only could be called white-out conditions. One could not even see two feet in front of them, let alone far enough to gauge wherever the camp would be, next? The quincy seemed to manipulate the very particles around her own body allowing her to vanish and re-appear at the location that her reishi veil had been breached in.

The Elect Of The Vandenreich had then exhaled and allowed her expression to remain neutral, the winds blasting away to show her form , another strategetic move that had a singular purpose in mind. It would show that she wasn’t afraid of this creature, even though she had no clue how strong they where. Yet that very thing would probably be the same if this other person was trying to get a read on her, because her energy was not centralized as most beings were. Instead for now it was dispersed over the entirety of the area, taking in information, gauging the winds, checking to make sure this being as indeed. . well by themselves. All this variables and many more didn’t escape the Ice Queen’s mind, as well she had made sure all quincies had evacuated the camp, fleeing into the many tunnels that had been connected to the ice-caves that spanned the breadth of antarctica, which meant by the time the leader of the vandenreich had gotten there? Things would be not only sorted out but she would also have been ready if need to fight, repel and eventually do battle with this intruding being.

Yet all that was a ways away, it might be possible that this didn’t have to end in combat. Hence why as Niflheim stepped forward her eyes the color of platinum in the light, she seemed to cock her head to the side slightly, and gave him a gated smile, her white hair done in braids today rather than her standard ponytail as she had been asleep prior to this unexpected visitor arriving. Her arms resting at her sides, with a slightly elevated amount of reishi concentrated around them incase she needed to form her bow at a moments notice. Now with all these factors out of the way she’d say in a guarded, but still neutral tone.

”..What brings you here stranger? You are a long way from civilization.”

A friendly visit[Niflheim] LzZCuy7
A friendly visit[Niflheim] BtXe12b
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A friendly visit[Niflheim] Empty Re: A friendly visit[Niflheim]

Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:03 am
Almost before the words left his mouth Styn found himself in a flash blizzard. Conditions went from calm to chaotic in moments. More importantly this was clearly more then mere snow. An unknown reiatsu permeated the air and scattered the signatures that the demon knight had just detected mere moments before. Judging by the fact that he wasn't currently getting served another volley of arrows, this must have also been some kind of signal to stop the current attack. A sound tactic against an unknown foe. If this is Nifleheim's work then she is clearly taking her new found responsibilities seriously. Styn's current ocular abilities were not up to piercing this snow blinding as it was more then just a physical obscurement. However, if he were to shift into his true form it would be another matter. The greatest advantage to his mature true form was a clarity of sight almost unrivaled in the multiverse, as a hundred eyes demon. Still there were reasons to remain patient. He had been sent to test. Is she cautious or bold? Is she quick to strike or quick to talk?

Moments later a especially forceful gust of wind revealed a new addition, the figure seemed to materialize out of nothing. Had she appeared behind him Styn wasn't sure he would have noticed right away. Now that he had something to see as well as sense though he was puzzled to have difficulty getting a clear read on her power signature. It was almost as if she had become the snow storm itself. Still the demon knight hadn't stayed solidly at his current low level of influence because he was especially smart. It wasn't his way to over think things that didn't matter so he quickly shrugged it off. Approaching from the front with no opening salvo. Clear thinking and unafraid, or at least making a show of bravery. Also curious more then aggressive I believe.

In the moments of silence before she opened her mouth to speak, Styn carefully examined the woman with a wry half smile. She looks like a doll. Stone faced and cold, or maybe like an ice sculpture would be more accurate. He had never been the sort of demon to enjoy breaking people and had no particular desire to see that calm face displaying anything but its current expression. That being said he idly wondered how calm she would remain over the course of his visit. Some people displayed a lack of emotion due to control and others would be cold faced because their hearts were cold as well. A more ambitious demon would have tried to kill that first guard to test her passion. Styn wasn't one to waste a life for so little gain. More importantly words were required at last.

"Strangers Miss Niflheim? Well, as I clearly have you at a disadvantage, why don't we correct this oversight," Styn said with a cheerful smile. "Styn of Shadow Fall at your service, Knight of the First Circle," he continued with a courtly bow. There was no sense of hostility or outright mockery to his stance or words. It wasn't a feeling of untruth and yet given his rumpled appearance and tired eyes, he just didn't seem like someone who cared overly much about formality. "You need not cast your mind too far in search of the name, I doubt its one you've heard before. Nonetheless it is my own. I wish I could also dazzle you with the many titles I've accumulated in dark evil service to Shadow Fall, but sadly I have none." Styn paused here and his voice dropped to almost a stage whisper, "I have heard that some have taken to calling me the The Strongest Knight, but I think I'm being made fun of."

He was quick to keep control of the conversation, allowing very little time to pass between his leaning forward conspiratorially at the last remark, to snapping back into a fully upright position. "I'm sure you're far more interested in learning my reason for this friendly visit though Miss Niflheim. I have in fact been tasked with the unofficial and unsanctioned appraisal of the current battle capability of the Vandenreich. So if you need to summon a trusty minion or seven I can wait?" Styn queried with a slight cocking of his head. "No? Well it's all very hush hush, so it would mean a lot to me if you didn't let out to all your friends that Shadow Fall came knocking." The demon knight still had his cheerful tone and smile firmly in place, he was honestly amused by the current situation. It could easily be mistaken once more for a mocking attitude or a lack of respect for Niflheim if she were so inclined to muse such thoughts. The truth of the matter was simply that Styn felt that the whole endeavor was silly.

Before the silence had extended long enough to cede conversational momentum to The Elect Of The Vandenreich though Styn had one last proposal. "I don't suppose you'd agree to a series of evaluations to judge your capabilities would you? Maybe a foot race for speed, some arm wrestling for strength. We could trade some one inch punches for durability, you could do some weapon katas maybe to round things out? Of course we'd have to get a bit more serious from there but you'd really be helping me out with the generalized estimates. Those can get tricky to judge in a fight." The demon knight paused for dramatic effect before finishing. "Or maybe you could just fade away here. My understanding is that you've been living mostly in the shadows till now. Was that such a bad life? These quincies have always had a resilient weed like quality, I'm sure it will all work out in the end. Why should this be your burden to bear?" Styn had an almost wistful expression on his face at the end, almost as if wishing such a life for himself. There was a clear hint of yearning in his tone and body language. A final playful plea before things started to heat up maybe. It might just be that things were about to get much less friendly. What a terrible shame that would be.
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A friendly visit[Niflheim] Empty Re: A friendly visit[Niflheim]

Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:49 pm



Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Words.. Such boring and sugar coated words. The shell thought as she had taken in the words that the male had spoken, her own appearance visible but the small balls of condensed energy that had begun to form throughout the storm had not been. Even as the likes of Styn that was his name, had begun asking her all these questions about her capabilities, he’d be blind to the amount of energy that was being build and spawned around him. These orbs would continue to grow, larger and larger till they became the will’o the wisps for this low-visbility encounter, the likes of niflheim slowly beginning to flicker out, her form being lost in the storm, she had listened , she had given him the courtesy to say his peace and now? No more words would be exchanged other than her sullen statement that was her equivalent of a declaration one that would be staunchly held with the vandenreich and all her people, one that would set the course for what the vandenreich sought, what they stood for under her rule. They were protectors not war-loving savages, and they would have no part with shadow-fall, not because niflheim herself had a problem with them, but rather because she felt, they as a whole while having a place in this world, had taken too much of it. Hence as her eyes the color of the darkest shadow-steel had been all that was left of her in this storm she merely said in a tone that was frigid, like the ice that surrounded her.

” I will not deal with shadow fall, Mr.Strongest Knight. Not because i hate thee, but because i feel your organization is not in my peoples best interest. Leave or Prepare for battle. “

Her words had been clear and as her spiritual signature faded back into the storm the thoughts raged from her mind, drill, shatter, rend, crush, decimate destroy, repulse and make powerless. Each one a command in itself that began to shape these countless wisps in the white-out. Each one would take shape as the brilliant blue of her bow, altered to blend with the storm formed, longer than normal, and each of these orbs would take the shape of ice-shards, razor sharp and a foot long each enough to skewer a man. Then niflheim vanished skidding through the storm as the shards detonated flying inwards, the speed increasing with each second before they would all crash into the center where styn had been, and if they hit? It wouldn’t be pretty even with a demon barrier, simply because the outer shell was only the beginning, it would be the inside, created to vibrate and shatter barriers that would be the real problem. These through her ability to manipulate reishi would extend into spears that sought to rip through and impale the male from several places at once.

Next her reishi signature would all but skew itself, as if it was in a hundred places at once spread out over two miles. This was the easy way for her to fight, manipulating her reishi in such a way as the next barrage of 100 arrows shot through one after another, they would impale the ground in a procession of craters, the ground flying up and then segmenting into huge clumps of ice and snow that would end with a massive explosion. This would of course send stone, ice and rock eveywhere further obscuring the direct area around Styn, only to have more arrows hammer through the rocks and rubble. But the thing that would probably be overlooked? Would be that very minute amount of spirit energy that would saturate the rocks and the ground marking them for something. . But the question currently was What. Was she marking them for? That was simple each one would become beacons in which through her manipulation of reishi energy would begin to gather, as the had marked those points with the subtle command of “Absorb” Which is what they would do currently, and until they had been effected or detonated, burrowing into the ground for now.

Finally the quincy seemed to remain without a real “Location” Instead she’d keep constantly moving, her own body picking up speed as she seemed to vanish, two arrows forming on either side of her and just staying there for the time being.


A friendly visit[Niflheim] LzZCuy7
A friendly visit[Niflheim] BtXe12b
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