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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2016-01-20
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Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh] Empty Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh]

Tue Sep 06, 2016 6:27 pm

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness


The blood of a Demon....yet the heart of an Angel?

A chilling wind passed into the shihakusho of the Hybrid known as Henrex Astillon. A shiver left him as the cold wind passed over him. Even with his icy skin, he still found the wind to be even colder. Standing in the middle of Karakura Forest, Henrex could hear nothing but the sound of tree branches moving, and the wind howling gently. The masked head of the hybrid lifted, and his pale hand slowly rose to his eyes, covering his face while he looked at the sun. Feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin, Henrex's revealed eye slowly closed, feeling a sense of calm rise within him.

Taking a quiet, but mechanical breath due to the mask that he wore within his Shifter form, the Hybrid's eye slowly opened halfway, before his hand lowered to the sword that lay on the back of his waist, with the hilt sticking out around ten inches from his waist, and Henrex's pale right hand wrapped their fingers around the weapon, before his fingers would gently tap the pommel of the weapon in a sort of drumbeat. As his eye shifted from left to right, the boy's form would slowly lower, before resting as he sat down.

Looking towards the sky, Henrex was wondering about something. Now what? His gaze soon changed to stare at his hands. The blue eye of his new Shifter form continued to gaze at his hands, before the open palms of the boy would clench into fists. What would become of him now? He was...a halfbreed. A Hybrid. Would he be forced to leave the Soul Society? Would he have a place....anywhere in the world? What place did a half-Shinigami, half-Demon hybrid like him have to call home?

Enough of these thoughts....if this is my fate, then I must learn to control what runs through me.

Rising to his feet, the boy's fists rose to his chest, before he closed his eyes. The first step as of now...was learning how to summon the second kind of energy that ran through his body. It was called....Za Koa. The combined energy of Toketsu, and Death himself. Swallowing nervously, Henrex was, admittedly, a little bit scared to learn about what this power could do. Taking another quiet, but mechanical breath, Henrex prepared to begin, but then....he heard something


The snap of a twig. The boy's body whipped around, searching for whoever might have caused such a noise. Eye flickering from left to right, the boy simply waited for something to happen...

Metal as Fuck
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Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh] Empty Re: Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh]

Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:24 am



Karakura Forest was widely recognized for its natural beauty and abundance of rich earthen treasures such as wildlife and foliage unique to the region that people had used to come for miles simply to observe. The dense woods were easy to get lost in.. and a good number of the people that did weren't prone to coming back. This wasn't because of the Forest itself, as nothing contined therein could even be construed as dangerous, but instead because of the people who typically chose to inhabit said forest.

In recent years, the seemingly endless expanse of flora had become home to a number of seedier types.. criminals and other such lowlifes hiding out from one group or another, trying to evade detection for as long as is possible for them. But that created the problem of people looking simply for a relaxing walk amongst the flowers accidentally running into one of these types of people and ending up missing.. and presumably worse. It was for this reason, primarily, that the Yuudeshi clan's early-warning and detection systems for crimes and suspicious activity had been extended outward as a project from the city itself into the confines of the Forest, hoping to try and prevent this sort of thing from continually happening.

Unbeknownst to the hybrid upon having entered this space for the reasons of training, and through no fault of his own, he had set off one such proximity alert. These were wired to send a notice out to the nearest active member of the Yuudeshi clan, and if none were available? The nearest possible allied force. It just so happened in this case though, that an active member of said clan had been already investigating another disturbance right on the outskirts of the main city, and was thusly was already nearby when the alert was sounded.

The young blonde in question was making her way through the underbrush carefully, her body moving with more precision and deliberation considered into each step than a normal human would've been able to. This was by and large in part to the bionic "edge" she typically had out over those among her species limited to a point by their humanity, allowing her more careful, calculated movements as her augmented body parts were made to handle the extra demand in input sensitivity or lack there of as the case might be, as she could also just as easily lay a full-on beating down with said robotics as well, and with one-hundred percent output efficiency. She had no idea where that number came from, but she was certain it wasn't an exaggeration.

As Sanuye finally got a visual on the target in question, she quickly slipped into hiding, allowing herself a moment to observe him from afar before taking any immediate action. Sanuye stared for a moment. To any outsider it might've looked like she was either very intent on the man, or like she had zoned out entirely. Neither were the case, however, as in actuality Sanuye was looking at a read-out of what information was known about this being by the Yuudeshis as a whole, as well as what her observational software could detect about his aura. Sanuye frowned a bit at the readings. It was true that he did have demonic energy present, but this creature was a shinigami by nature.. why did he set off the alert? Off the top of her head, Sanuye couldnt think of any shinigami whom she would directly classify as an antagonist. Typically, when she saw one, they were doing good work, so why was this one perceived as a threat? It could have something to do with his identity, but thanks to the mask the man was currently wearing, Sanuye's scanner was unable to discern who exactly this being was.

Before the Yuudeshi woman could ponder her options for much longer, a loud and wholly unprofessional sound was heard. Sanuye ground her teeth together as she looked down at her feet for a moment, noticing the twig underfoot that had just decided it was a good idea to snap under the boot it had been supporting perfectly well up until then. Sanuye looked up, seeing the hybrid's now significantly more alerted demeanor plainly as he searched for the source of the noise in her direction. Well, there goes a stealthy approach. Time for Plan B, then.

Sanuye stepped out from the tree behind which she had been hiding, her arms up in the air as a gesture of good will and harmlessness as she walked into view. "Hey there! Nice day for a walk, huh? Sorry for sneaking up on you like that. You triggered one of our sensors when you came here and I was sent to investigate.. but so far I've ascertained that you won't be any trouble, so please don't prove me wrong?" Sanuye chuckled nervously, hoping her initial suspicion of this person being a potential ally as opposed to an enemy was correct. "My name is Sanuye Yuudeshi. You might've heard of that family name? If it's something that makes you wanna start swinging that sword at me, I'm gonna warn you right now that it's not gonna be that easy to take me down, but so long as you're cool with me, I'm cool with you, dig?" The blonde grinned from ear-to-ear, awaiting the boy's response so she could let her guard down a bit. Her arms were already getting tired from being held up like this.

Base Coding Adjusted From: [THEFROST]'s

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

We Are Legion
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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4467
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Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh] Empty Re: Venturing into the Unknown [PRIVATE/Pockeh]

Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:35 am

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness

An eye for an eye....makes the whole world blind....

The single azure eye of Henrex's Shifter form darted from left to right, with his senses working in overdrive, looking. Listening. Looking for any movement in front of him, and listening for anything that might sound from the forest. His right hand slowly moved towards his Zanpakutō, before the flash of steel in the sunlight would be seen from Henrex's Zanpakutō. As the small flash of light that was the reflection of the sun's light upon the blade faded, a black and purple aura began to materialize and flow around the sword.

As the weapon was drawn, his eye slowly closed for a brief moment, before a quiet sigh left the Hybrid, and his eye slowly opened again, and his Cyberbrain activated, before his blue eye would zip around, looking and scanning for whoever had caused the twig from before to snap. However, his search would be cut short, as the perpetrator seemed to have been hiding within the trees. Were they observing him? Stalking him? Either way, it was not a comforting feeling to know that he had been watched. A blonde woman stepped from the shadows, her arms held up, and a nervous look on her face.


His eye widened with confusion when he had heard those words. Is that what she thought he was doing? The grip on his sword tightened, and his eye narrowed. It could be a trap. Something to lure him in. Give him a false sense of security. Then...attack. Well, this Hybrid may have been scared, a little too trusting sometimes, and confused, but he certainly wasn't stupid. The icy cold blade of the Hybrid's weapon soon met the warm air, and the boy slowly moved the weapon towards his sword to his shoulder, with his entire body awaiting any sort of attack that may have come his way, but none came. Instead, more words.

Was someone's territory? As far as he knew, Karakura Forest was belonging to the...Yuudeshi Clan....the boy's eye widened and a quick, mechanical gasp left him as it clicked within his head. This person...was a Yuudeshi. It wasn't one that he had met before, but it was one. As Henrex's weapon lowered to his side, before his arm moved in a flash of speed, sheathing the sword in mere moments.

As the girl said her name, Sanuye, Henrex's eye saw that she was grinning. She certainly didn't look like she was defenseless or helpless. In fact, just by hearing her last name was enough to cause Henrex's tense muscles to relax, and his eye to return to a normal, narrow state. However, why was she sent to investigate the boy's presence? He had been through Karakura Forest countless times. Not once had a Yuudeshi ever been sent to him from his presence. However, his mind soon clicked once again.

Could it have been the Demon blood within me?

His eye widened and soon shifted towards his hand, before looking back up at Sanuye. The blonde seemed to be growing tired of holding her arms up in what seemed to be a "friendly" or "harmlessness" phrasing. His eye closed, before the mechanical voice of the boy's Shifter Form left his mouth, sending words that would hopefully, make her lower her arms.

"There's no reason to be holding your arms up like that....I'm not dangerous....not that I'll ever be, unless I lose control again..."

The boy's masked eye seemed to flash the color of red as he said this. He wasn't saying lose control of anything that was within his Shinigami limitations, or his anger, or anything of the sort. Instead, he was speaking about the energy that was mostly classified as an "evil" or "satanic" presence that flowed through his body. A quiet sigh left him again as his eye opened, and the piercing, icy blue eye that the Shifter Form had seemed to stare either into....or through Sanuye.

The eye soon ceased the stare, and closed. The only sound that would be heard, aside from the boy's silence...would be his mechanical breathing....

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