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Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] Empty Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission]

Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:51 am


4/6/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 2:00 PM CST time on April 6th, 2416. This thread is taking place over various sections of the moon. There are chunks of the moon beginning to break and fall away from it. The objective is to destroy those pieces and then stabilize the moon.

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Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] WVMWLOu
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Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] Empty Re: Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission]

Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:43 am

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness

Broken. A good word to describe the state of the Moon, and the Vanguard members on it. For, in fact, the Moon had nearly been blasted into nothingness. By who? He didn't know. All he knew is that the Guild of Heroes had been requested to aid with this. When Henrex realized this, he signed up immediately. As the Raven returned back to the Moon, he was quickly filled in on what he had to do. Destroy the drifting pieces of the Moon, then stabilize it. How? Well, he had yet to find out. In a sense, he had kind of came to this mildly unprepared and under-equipped.

But, he still knew that he had to aid with this. There were people counting on the Guild of Heroes, and, in a sense, him. Hence the reason why the quiet Shinigami/Demon Hybrid was on the moon once again. Beginning with a deep breath, Henrex gently set his feet on the section that he had selected. Two pitch black wings protruded from his back from two holes in his shihakusho. However, when he aimed to set on the moon, he found it much more difficult than he thought before. With the small part that he had gently set his feet against starting to come loose and began to float off. Taking a quick look at the area around him, Henrex began to close his eyes.

Searching deep into his core, he sought for that small spark of energy that would begin his part. With a small orb of energy sparking to life in front of his chest, the small thing would float into the air, before stretching and widening itself to form into something like a sheet. Opening his eyes, Henrex's hands closed together, before parting soon after, causing the sheet of energy to stretch out further, before raising it even higher to catch any of the retreating pieces from going any further. He knew that he wouldn't be able to get them all, or most likely not even cover the entirety of the section, he knew that it would at least do something.

So, to keep his own creation stable, he drew his sword. The moment that the blade met the icy cold air of space, an aura of black energy formed rings around the weapon's blade, before splitting off from the weapon and merging with the large sheet of black energy. Henrex kept his focus, with his eyes showing no signs of any other thought. Lifting his sword skyward, he allowed more and more energy to pile into the creation, increasing not only the thickness of the sheet, but also causing some of it to harden and keep more chunks of moon rock from escaping. However, it was still not enough.

Henrex was determined to keep the moon stable, and if he had to use every single drop of energy he had in him, he would do that. With most of his energy drained already, Henrex fell to his knees, still holding his arms outward, keeping the sheet of energy stretching further and further, until Henrex couldn't do it anymore. So, leaving the surface of the Moon, Henrex lifted off, flying above his creation, before lowering his hands, forcing it to push towards the moon. Pushing the chunks of the Moon back into their places, while keeping the moon from cracking and breaking more.

The energy flowed into the cracks that were forming, filling up the spaces and causing the cracks to seal. While it wasn't perfect, or like the original moon had been, it was something to keep the Moon stable for now. Descending to the Moon once again, his feet gently set on the Moon's surface, before he sheathed his sword. He wasn't sure how much longer this would last. He would need someone else's help for this, if he wanted his aid to possibly be permanent, or at the very least last longer than it had before.

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Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] Empty Re: Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission]

Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:48 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Fragments, ruined shells of their former glory. Wreckages and sparking wires, empty cities with very little within their hollowed out shells. The moon while it had momentarily restored was falling to ruin, and despite the efforts of many to stop it, it simply wasn’t working. Every day the chunks that drifted away grew bigger and bigger. What would happen when the moon finally gave way? The answer to that would be climatic shifts, the tides themselves would change, and so would the aquatic sea-life across the globe, underwater habitats would be undoubtedly destroyed, and eventually with a major source of food ruined the earth itself might be at risk, but the point was none of that had come to pass yet. The moon wasn’t a lost cause, despite how destroyed it was, and individuals still fought on, through the gloom, through the darkness. They pressed towards the light. It was because of these people, because of cirno iramasha, and reimu iramasha. Because of those who walked down the path to save this world, that the moon hadn’t perished.

It was for them that he would be eternally grateful. It was for them that he took each step forward through the rubble, his dual-colored hair a byproduct of the very war that caused the moon to shatter and break apart. His left wrist seemed to bleed crimson, and in his hand was a simple brush. As he walked he seemed to let his own life-blood spill to collect in a hole in the bottom of the brush, from there it would saturate the tip with blood, and this blood? It was being etched glowing impossibly bright as he was creating a connection to different points on the moon, from there he was traversing the landscape at many points, utilizing shadow step to teleport from one to the next. Doing so each time until his vision was clouded, his feet only driven forward by the will to protect the earth and protect all that lived upon it. He left himself only just enough blood, while he could feel the different points keenly because what he marked them with where parts of the connection to zao-ka that he had upon his own body. Though he may be bad at magic, hi zao-ka skill was not something to underestimate. Part of zao ka also granted the user the abilty to manipulate the landscape around them to a certain degree.

Hence what he had done was mark a couple hundred different points on the moon with his own demonic blood. Each of these points would allow him to push his energy out into the world, connected to one another, they would give him everything he needed. Sure iramasha energy still lingered from how cirno iramasha and reimu iramasha had forcibly tried to put the moon back together, to seal the falling chunks. But the problem was he Was a demon, he couldn’t access the energy that thrummed through the moon, so instead? This was his solution, and he had appeared eventually at a point where he noticed another person. A shinigami by the looks of it ,one that was putting forth his best effort, even though he didn’t seem to have the power to do it, he still had the guts to put forth the effort, the time, the willpower to try to do what needed to be done. That was wonderful in the eyes of the first unknown. So as he walked forward power practically thrumming from the male he had put a hand on henrex’s shoulder. Giving him a pat before he said in a clear, authoritative voice.

”.. . You have done well to keep things together for this long, let me begin to help as well.”

He walked past and then he sat where in his spatial awareness was the closest point of equidistance between all the other points on the moon he had created. From there? Energy would begin to rumble, the moon shook as slowly the monstrous tide that was this males demonic energy radiated from each of the points he had created on the moon. Sweat began to form on his brow as he exherted such an ungodly amount of energy across the surface of the moon, each point turning into a pillar of raw energy, before they spread out each one slowly linking to the other until the moon to anyone viewing it from space was covered in many glowing lines,which would eventually fly forth to converge in the very spot that blackheart stood. All this energy would slam together and cause the male to grit his teeth, rooted to the spot with the energy which was battling his will, it was at this point that he let out a slow laugh, this wasn’t going to be easy, which was why he exhaled and said to henrex.

”..If possible hold on and persevere, i need you to hold that chunk together so i can merge it back together. I can’t really move right now.”

It was true after all, he was rooted to the spot, as if he was stuck under the weight of the sky from the sheer amount of power he was trying to control. Never had he felt such strain, such pressure against him. Yet he wouldn’t give up yet, this was to protect trillions of lives after all. He couldn’t fail, not with so much as stake, hence he had exhaled and decided maybe this was the right time to say why at least he was doing this.

”..You know . . . When i look at that blue ball that lies in front of us, i see trillions of beings, all of which have known some sort of suffering. Many have known war, many have known famine and plague. Some have even been on the very cusp of death. Yet these beings supernatural, or completely mundane never give up. In my lifetime i’ve seen them evolve, i’ve seen them grow. From primitive savages to the sophisticated race they are today. Maybe that’s why when i look at them, i know i will protect them. I will save them, and if someone threatens them? I will fight them.”

He’d let out a low dry chuckle at his own talkative nature, he after all generally when he wasn’t talking about these mundane creatures known as humans wasn’t known to be a chatty kathy, yet he’d continue none the less.

”..So lend me your power, just as i’ve lent you mine, struggle until you feel you will be crushed under the very power you possess, and then struggle, crawl until you have to claw your way out, then do so. We have a job to do here, and we cannot fail.”

He was done with pep talks, now the real deal began, fixing the moon that is, and saving earth.

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Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] LzZCuy7
Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] BtXe12b
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Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] Empty Re: Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission]

Mon Nov 14, 2016 5:31 pm

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness

| Artist: Toby Fox | Song: Hopes and Dreams + SAVE The World | Word Count: 720 |

The spiritual energy of the male continued to flow into the right pattern of movement, and the creation that was being added to was simply becoming more and more dense, forcing anything that pressed against it to be pushed right back into wherever it was coming out from. Everything seemed like it was under control, but one look at Henrex's face would say otherwise. At this point, he had never really used this much energy for a single task. For him, such an energy drain was extremely taxing. Sweat trickled down the sides of his face as he struggled to keep his creation stable.

It wasn't helping that the Moon was constantly screwing up the neatness and the stability of the sheet that was holding the pieces of the Moon to their positions, preventing it from breaking apart and falling to the Earth. Henrex began to descend to the ground, his wings starting to droop as his energy was being sapped form his very essence. His knees gently collided with the Moon, and his head lowered. If he could keep this up for a little while longer, it could make this creation one more step towards reality. As he struggled, the tap on his shoulder caused his head to snap upwards, and a voice reached out to him.

An enormous amount of power came from behind him, and for a moment, everything about him faltered. His creation faded for a single moment as the energy that this person held was released and felt by Henrex's senses. His vision went blurry for a moment, but soon returned to it's clear state, and he watched as energy surged into the place of power that was the core of the entire ritual that Blackheart was performing, which happened to be himself. Henrex watched in fascination as the much more powerful man that stood before him continued to exert and concentrate power, before he spoke again, telling him to hold and persevere if possible.

Well, that was easier said than done. With his current state, Henrex's little sheet had the possibility of crumbling under this pressure of titanic demonic energy. However, Henrex's willpower was the keeping it stable...for now. Orbs of black and purple energy formed around him, before merging with the sheet of spiritual energy that was formed on top of the chunk that he was still holding in place. However, he heard a sickening crack come from it, and his head turned beneath him. Sure enough, there were cracks.

A small groan came from him as the cracks continued to form, and the male would force more of his energy to come forth into a metaphysical form, and repair what he was losing. However, he then heard the one who was sitting in front of him begin to talk about...Earth. When this person looked at the Earth, he saw...trillions of beings. This simple conversation topic was causing him to start thinking a lot more clearly. He had been so focused on fixing the Moon and saving the Earth that it had clouded his mind, leaving it overwhelmed by the large amount of various things that was inhibiting him.

Henrex's mind soon became engrossed in figuring out what he saw when he looked at the Earth. It never really occurred to him what he saw whenever he looked at the Earth from here. His head rose, and he took a long stare at the beautiful green and blue orb that hovered in the confines of space. He Not just the billions and trillions of people that lived upon it. Life. He A small smile came upon the male's hidden scarred face, and he slowly rose his head to look at the man who's back was facing him.

"I I look at it. something that I've wanted to keep for so long...but then there are the days where I would love nothing more for it to be stripped from me....I look at the Earth, where so many live so happily...and I wonder.....could...I be like that...someday?"

A small cloud of metaphysical mist lay in front of his single, pitch black eye, and he wondered if it could be possible for him to finally find peace for his shattered and broken soul, and live happily. It had to be possible. After all....that's what the hero does, doesn't he?

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Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] Empty Re: Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission]

Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:30 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Blackhearts expression was hard to read. Upon hearing henrex’s words the male had exhaled and said in a soft tone.

”..Surely, it is possible. After all while some things are simply unavoidable, it is ultimately up to you to carve out your own path in this hellish era you have been born into.

Blackhearts normally tranquil expression shifted slightly, and his body was lost within the rolling blast of power that expelled from every fiber of his being. In the sky it most likely would look like the moon was glowing a crimson red, a blood moon. But what it was, well. Was simple, it was the raw energy that exploded from blackheart that had now fully enveloped the moon in it’s glow. Slowly the moon began to bit by bit merge itself together as from within Blackhearts body, the amount of energy he had momentarily exceeded the amount he could normally gather. Now why was this? It was simple, he was a being that had lived for close to 8000 years, yet his body naturally was suppressing and refining all that energy that was inside it. More than that, in the midst of the excruciating pain he had went inside of himself.

Within his mind he found a space in which the pain could not reach, he found a space in which henrex’s voice faded into nothing. Yes, even as the fat crimson droplets of blood ran from his body, and splattered into the ground from the backlash of this ungodly feat he was pulling off. None of this affected him in this moment. Because facing something so monumental he had entered a state of mind in which all of this simply became insignificant. He was cast adrift in the sea of his own psyche. In this span of a second, he could see his life as it flowed before him. From the turbulent origins of his existence, and within himself he could once again experience the horrendous past that he had. But, before that he could feel something else stirring within him. His very roots, he was born from the martial arts of this world. Every time a martial artist had relentlessly pursued perfection, and every time they cried and grit their teeth and prayed. All of these things had been what created him, many of them had been demons but. Equal amounts had been these humans that remained before him.

I’ve done so much wrong in the world, which is ultimately why. . . The single thought that resounded in him shook him to the core. It was the answer he sought, that he had wandered for eons for. That he had elusively been evaded by for these 8,000 years. The question that delved into his own soul and the root of his existance. Why was he here, for what reason did he fight day, after day, after day against the tides that battered this planet? For what reason was he willing to lay down his ancient soul to protect? It was a hard question, one that he had found countless answers for. Because i am strong, I must protect or even Because i have to atone for my sins. ; yet none of these completely sat right in his soul. Now though, the startling change that rumbled through the moon would be that as he found this answer. His power had gone through the roof, even if it didn’t normally expand more than an inch from his skin, now it was profound enough that it caused him to be completely obscured by it.

I will protect them even if it costs me my life. It was such a simple statement, yet there was a reason that he said this. It was the thing he had just realized. Which was without these humans, without people that pursued martial arts. He wouldn’t exist, he’d be nothing. Which was why even if he died he would undoubtedly live on through them, he would be able to exist even if he was a fleeting sentient consciousness that would exist in fragments. Even if his mortal body was destroyed, that was fine. But for now? He had a job to do , he had to protect this planet, because this planet had become more than a job for him. It truly over the past few years he roamed it, had become his home. Which was why now more than ever, as the weight of his task bore down on him, and he spat blood he looked forth at henrex and the wildest of grins broke the normally somber males face.

”..Henrex, this world is my home. And it is why i will protect it. Even if i must give everything so be it.”

His mouth let out a laugh as blood ran from him. His energy soared even more and the wounds of the moon slowly began to merge themselves together. This was because at this point, he had become fully intune with his davanahood. Within him he was a raging martial storm. All of his past experiences, all of his past deeds had come to summation in this, this sole moment at this lonely rock where no one would be able to see it. He pushed into his limitations, and then he had found himself quite simply breaking past them, but this power was like a raging wildfire that had no safety net. It was damaging even to him, and it was borne by his willpower squeezing past the pain, past the tattered and battered body he had. Now the moon truly had begun to merge back together, bit by bit, the rocks had been merged by molten red lines that had begun to form on the exterior. Superheated magma ran down these lines as rock was merging back together , and it’s vibrance could be seen anywhere the moon shone. Because right now the moon that mana had broken, the very symbol of the chaos that had befallen earth was finally beginning to mend itself.

This was important, because it was a message to everyone. A symbol in itself that the broken moon could begin to be mended. Even as it was beginning to happen, it showed that even in the darkness, a single candle could become a light that banished the darkness. That this chaos would eventually, be destroyed by the magnificence that existed in every single one of the spiritual beings of the world. It was only a matter of time before it happened, just like the moon was being mended, and made whole once more, it could be possible that everything too could be fixed, and that was why this was a message to shadowfall. That this wasn’t over. It only was truly starting to begin. But for now the first of the unknown bellowed to henrex.


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Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] LzZCuy7
Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] BtXe12b

Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] Empty Re: Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission]

Sun Feb 12, 2017 6:29 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Ghislain had gotten orders of sorts to fix the damn moon. That was Hayden's words not his exactly as he arrived through a portal. Dark Matter formed as he appeared a few feet from Blackheart and Henrex. He'd been informed of their place as he sighed softly and reached down touching the moon. He remained quiet as a spiritual pulse could be felt by those two. He was doing a radar ping so he could figure out the damage. Calculations began as he sighed and shook his head. This place had been in one hell of a confrontation. He'd known the Vanguard and Shadow Fall to have their fits. But this was a tad ridiculous to damage this place so badly. His work was going to take some time to fix the Moon and its damages restoring the debris and reconnecting everything. This was a patchwork mess, he was curious what the other two's objective was in this. He could detect the repairs they'd done thus far. They were indeed effective but something else was required to make sure it remained stable. "Sorry about the silent entrance, I was just getting a read on how much damages there were. It's strange that such a beautiful thing could be made to suffer so. "

Ghislain smiled a bit as he sat down on the moon exhaling a soft breath. "You've made excellent progress, I'll recreate the matter and restore the Moon's gravity as much as possible. The idea to refuse the Moon together with magma was clever. I applaud your brilliant thinking and work." So it was time to begin his part in this fixing the entire moon the heat and fusing did the trick for sure. But he did realize there was much more. The moon's energy flow had been hurt. This required a lot more intensive care than just a band-aid and kissing it to make it better. Pulses began to flow through the moon now going to its core and everything. Ghislain needed every detail and piece of information. He couldn't just do this without knowing the condition of the core and the Moon's gravity. Some of the stuff had been thrown off for sure.

Relaxing his breathing he began manipulating the gravity helping the moon shift together as he focused intensely. He was helping it sink better into a position now. The lava would hold it was in place which was lovely because he was about to do something on a global scale. Bringing his right hand down to the surface of the moon he inhaled. As he brought his left hand upwards and two fingers into the air. Focusing now intensely on his energy as the two would likely feel it. He was fixing the internal damage now recreating matter. The price for this was his energy and it was taxing indeed. Regular Matter was something of a pain in the butt to make. His breathing as he groaned trying to keep the Moon in place. Fitting these puzzle pieces together as he felt sweat trickling down his brow. He'd arrived and merely got to work, he would need a break after this. Fixing the entire thing was hard enough internal. But he was trying to correct the gravity that had been damaged.

As well as it's energy flow which seemed off. All in all this entire thing was a giant pain in the rear. "It's strange seeing the sight of another battlefield. Nostalgic in a way but at the same time it's a reminder of things people are capable of....Whew.." He said flopping back a bit as he laid there for a moment. Most the restoration had been successful. The debris was the next issue he could move them around. He'd just spent a ton of energy, almost everything in his tank to do that. He could have activated the seal if need be. Restore the lost energy and maybe do it but fixing the Moon's kenki was more important. The energy in this world was different from theirs and if not fixed could have consequences. It seemed someone else before Blackheart and the other had come here. Had done some work here to his eyes but it was hard to say. Ghislain wasn't really sure what else he could do with this. Fixing things like this were a bit beyond his construction. His hand rubbed his jaw softly as he laid upon the ground sweating.

"It's strange to think that even after one thousand years people still fight. They still fight so foolishly and without thinking of the consequences to their actions. Even back in those days when I was with the old Vandenreich. It never did make much sense to me why that war happened. But I guess all things have times like that even the Vanguard."
He said softly as he gazed at his hand. Time wasn't unlimited in this either they needed to work on restoring the Moon and with a good pace. The earth was at risk he couldn't handle the large end fixes and try to deal with debris. So he did need help in that regard a bit heavily. Ghislain's opinion on the organization he joined. Part of him still wondered why he'd just joined them. Hayden wasn't charismatic to him or anything like that. Was it just to belong somewhere to find some sense of something? He wasn't sure yet on what he was representing by doing this.

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Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission] Empty Re: Celestial Stabilizer [Guild Of Heroes/Vanguard Mission]

Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:28 am
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