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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] Empty Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon]

Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:44 am

Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] JCRrxmK

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

”..Such tender lambs.”

High in the sky a single being had been standing upside down, her feet pressed against the sky above as if it was a solid shape. If one was to look closely at the sky they could see ripples, invisible ripples that expanded from her feet before dissipating some couple thousand feet away. These ripples made the sky above her look as if it was one gigantic sea, one that had no end, nor a beginning. Her hair was hanging straight down, the pink, black and white strands intertangled with one another, while the demons horns protruded from her head. This demon wasn’t exactly petite either, instead filled with sensual curves and a manic grin that spread across her face as she could see everywhere the light touched. She could see the purity of a world that hadn’t been defiled, blown apart and destroyed like the earth that she had come to know. Everything was without supernatural incident for the most part . Everything had a tic, a place that it belonged. There was order here, tranquil law that seemed to be without reproach.

Now the problem was, where she was floating in inverse earth was actually rather important! One of the various countries capital stood directly above the spot she was floating, Over what at least in the earth she knew was known as central asia, however who knew what it was called here. So below alarms went off, she could see people running like ant’s bewildered, confused. Terrified even, and there just was something sick inside her, that made her enjoy the fear that she spread. Even now she spread her arms out and her smile twisted deviously as from her fingertips spanned several orbs of darkened energy. The runic symbols simply glittered along their midnight purple shells, before they inevitably grew to the size of small buildings. Their purple light shading the ground as the queen let them shoot off from her fingers, the orbs spiraling around her bodice, faster and faster until they shot off over the horizon.

Making sure that no two orbs where within a mile of each other, these orbs would almost simultaneously impact several different points, brilliant pillars of energy shooting up to light up the sky. They would leave holes the size of city blocks, with depths that made it so it would take more then normal vision to see the bottom of the holes that remained after these blasts dissipated. She hadn’t hit any vital structures, because she was a denizen of this inverse world, and a queen of the demon realm, and inverse demon realm. If she crushed the weak as she pleased there would be no one to see the lovely world that would come to fruition. Yes, order would succumb to pandemonium, even now she could see it happening. The maddening allure of anarchy taking root in the citizens that rushed military personnel, who abandoned morality to get ahead in lines, throwing the elderly aside, the young, the weak. Abandoned in haste.

And it was glorious, Inami no . . Dysnomia could feel it, the change in the air. Even as several aircraft bore down on her, her gaze continued to watch the weak defenseless beings run and scramble to hide. Even as the aircraft released their payload, lighting up the sky with explosives and attacks that caused below the roar of shockwave after shockwave to permeate the surrounding countryside. A huge plume of smoke had appeared where the demon queen’s body previously had been, and aircraft circled overhead slowly as if unsure of how to proceed. Since for at least several minutes all would remain quiet, until a beam shot from the haze, cleaving an aircraft in two generating a huge fireball that would light up the sky, while the smoke would be blown away to show the queen, unharmed the smoke showing the radius in which she was cloaked in her akuma kyodo. Finally she’d speak, a dry amusement flavoring her tone.

”..My my, i can’t say you didn’t give me a stellar welcome now can i? However i’m not here for you. And so. . -”

Her tone would change, becoming momentarily hard and commanding, her finger making a shooing gesture.


A simple phrase yet her voice would quadruple, her body vanishing under an immense release of energy that would cause the aircraft’s to be blown clear out of the sky, the ground trembling beneath her might. Eventually that left just the queen in her original position while she said in a voice that was thunderous, and amplified by demon magic, the real reason she had come here.


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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] LzZCuy7
Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] BtXe12b
The Cookie
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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] Empty Re: Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon]

Sat Oct 29, 2016 2:19 pm

Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] JCRrxmK

Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Saikyou no Nanori - Word Count: 1196

A game of snooker -- One comfortable idea to deal with someone unpleasant that decided to become an alarm clock and a horrible wake up call.

Hell, when this woman created all the orbs, she would most likely find every single one of them getting struck down by bullet-like air beaming at hypersonic speeds, packed with an overwhelming density and surprises by its 'compact size', all before the orbs will even have the chance to have an attempt to detonate a fraction of a second. The likelihood of the orbs withstanding or even avoid the bullets are low but not impossible, given at the speed these bullets are moving in.

If even the bullet-like air were to hit even a single or all of the orbs, they won't be pierced through, ripped to pieces or create some kind of firework explosion to light up the place, but the ending for them would be more than tragic for its supposedly explosive prowess.

Once it crashes into the orb, just like how one lightly taps with a finger would produce a sound vibration, so would the orb when it is crashed into by the packet of 'bullet-like' air. There, when the vibrations surrounds the orb, it could temporarily register the spiritual energy, mass and density of the orb as apart of the already-dense air that crashed into the object. Using the same idea that caused a star to collapse in of itself to form a black hole, this concept creates a similar effect but small and does not produce devastating effects like a supernova. Put in simpler terms, the vibrations would make use of the orb's density, mass and spiritual energy to crush itself smaller and smaller, to the point where all that dense vibrations could not be scaled any smaller and collapses into a miniature black hole for a few seconds and even for that little time, it is more than enough to end the orbs from wrecking havoc across the land. Its more or less a revised version of the feat that he has done during his fight in the Black World, where vacuums are created via singularity but this time, its the real deal that exists for a good little seconds.

Now the question is, who did it and where did it come from?

His figure can be easily seen by Inami Asthavon, seemingly the woman who wants to look for the Nightmare himself. Standing 6 feet and 2 inches tall, red-haired and having that 'mean-guy' look on his face is enough to confirm this figure to be the real deal alone, with his infamous crutch, the Prototype Annihilator, leaning under his right shoulder while the tip of the crutch can be seen smoking out, a hint that something must've fired off from the tip as if it was a long-range rifle and of course, the person who did all that hard work getting rid of the alarm clocks called orbs. Dropping down the details, that young man that one would call an inverse would be Sou Yuuki or more formal terms, Inverse Sou Yuuki.

He presents himself to the little spoiled queen with only a click of his tongue, an unsatisfactory look on his face and scratched his head in an annoying manner. It was a good day to take a break too from all the commotion he did before Black World was finally a realm of its own because of Khala and here, someone kicking around on someone's lawn as if they own it already. His eyes looked over to Inami, standing in a nonchalant position and simply spoke out loud as a response of her calling him out.

"If you want to take it out during the crucial period of women, I highly suggest you to consult the landlord for the damages afterwards."

He referred to himself as a landlord, not because he saved this place from destruction out of pity or kind heart, but its because someone stomped all over his lawn, woke him up like an alarm clock and now acting as if she owns this entire place. That warrants more than enough reason to come here and keep everything that she's planning to do to shut down real good. Coming in the realm unrestrained from her own spiritual pressure is a good way of telling someone that you're going to fuck things up publicly.

He is annoyed and Sou wasn't going to hold back telling her that he is.

Inami would be warmly welcomed by the threatening atmosphere that surrounds only the area around and within the two of them. Instead of showing some kind of monstrosity you are with how much pressure you have in power, Sou seeks to keep things down to bare minimum and enough to even force a man with willpower of a master to feel slightly threatened and sweat by the pressure he intends to bare Inami down with. Not by power, not by strength but utilizing his pressure to carry the message of unpleasantry that he has against an Asthavon coming around on his lawn.

Then he continued on, going straight to the point of what she wants.

"I have no idea of how you know about me but get your word across and leave immediately. I have no time to waste babysitting you."

His words were distasteful, sure, but he doesn't care how bitterly honest he is as a person. Whatever she's planning to look for him about, Sou guesses that its going to be some pointless stuff about declaring him as an enemy or wanting to fight him. At the moment, he's just going to stand quietly with the same annoyed expression on his face until he gets whatever he needs to listen to and move on.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] Empty Re: Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon]

Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:26 pm
Play the Music Provided In The Post!

Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] JCRrxmK

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914


The queen of chaya nation’s eyes seemed to widen marginally, registering the force that collided with her orbs, the vibrations would cause for a wind to whip as a negative space was created within the vacuum. She barely registered however that her orbs failed to cause anything. Probably because it was negligible to her. Rather her attention was on the pressure that had nothing to do with energy, that was currently pushing down on her being. Many beings would cower, even the strong would flinch under the very presence of the being that stood in front of her. However to the deity of lawlessness and queen of chaya nation she perceived something entirely different. What she perceived was Taint , since such a depraved being as she could easily see the true monster that lay beneath the skin. It led to her eyes glancing down at the male, half closed in contempt. Her lips parting as a small snicker left her lips. If what he exuded was this indomitable pressure, when the queen looked forward what she exuded was pure insanity, but not of the normal sort.

Her’s was ancient, it was primal. Something that came from before the world was governed by petty laws. Somethin lurked beneath her flesh and it somethin nasty and rotten to the core. For now it was contained, for now that is! Eventually as the humans still fled and ran beneath them, she and he hadn’t done all that much yet. That is until he spoke, saying he was a land lord, and that this was his “land” As if he gave a damn! At this comment her lazy expression changed, her lips pulled and her white teeth were exposed. Wider and wider she smiled until she began laughing. Her cackles echoing, bouncing off buildings and causing the humans beneath to cower in fear. It would escalate until the females hands covered her face, fingernails digging into the skin for a second, tearing bloody marks.

”..Cmon inami. . .You can’t deny that you want to destroy this, all of this can you?..”

Oh the voice spoke in her head, that little one that humans attributed to be the devil that sat on one's shoulder. The one that spoke of a person's darkest desires, the one that made murderers, the one that caused the atrocities of man when they simply stopped following the law. It crooned and spoke sweet nothings to the queen. It filled her with the desire to break this petty little world and see how it fell to ruin. It filled her with glee as she thought about it, how this world could burn, how it could simply fall to ruin at a careless flick of her fingers. How hard would it be to drive the humans below to insanity. To push their poor souls until they simply broke, and caved to their more basic desires? What she saw below was not joy rooted in mere destruction, it was based in true malevolent intent. In fact this very desire caused for inami’s own markings to glow, the mark of eris burned like an emerald star against her skin. However they weren’t the objective of her visit, instead the queen merely took a step.

Yes a step that was amplified by both demon magic and zao ka’s manipulation. Allowing for a mere step to seem like teleportation as she appeared infront of sou yuuki. This man was insane, even if he didn’t show it, she could just feel it! Different beings gave off different. . . ”Scents” To the queen. Dear Ceal had reeked of instability, and of lust, it was such an overpowering stench that the queen could have smelled from miles away. From her position she was looking up at the male as her hand moved to rest against the side of his jaw. Even though she had absolutely no clue how he’d react to her suddenly getting close, her aura would now read while still unhinged as merely . . .Curious Her lips parting as she said in an amused tone.

”..You know. . . That statement was so blatantly full of shit that it practically made me want to hurl.”

The stench of death was strong. She could feel it causing a buzz in her bones like she was chock full of incomprehensible amounts of caffeine. She simply felt so jittery that it was a herculean effort to not. . . Break things. Yet as she seemed to tilt her head up to glance at this man, her tail coiling around her left leg, she had simply stated in response to it being insinuated that she was but a child.

”Don’t be petty now, i might just get. . . offended? “

The ending of her statement came off. . more like a question, as if she couldn’t decide if getting angry was an emotion that was feasibly possible for her to feel anymore. For now though that didn’t matter, the queen simply felt like pushing yuuki’s bubble, and if he reacted badly well . . . That was on him, and she’d deal with it, yet her intentions weren’t to erase this petty planet from the inverse universe. No it was simply well, she wanted this person by her side, because a being as she loved the depraved, the immoral, those that simply didn’t give a damn. They whet her appetite for madness, and also amused her endlessly. So she summed up her word’s rather beautifully and rather bluntly.

”..I came here Because i wanted to know is the nightmare willing to make Allies, or does he only collect enemies hmmm?’

Such a weird term “Allies” it was a phrase that the queen had a hard time wrapping her mind around, given she didn’t listen to anyone, she wasn’t bound to anything other than her oh-so-lovely, and eternally messy families. Both of them she loved to death, when she didn’t want to beat them to death that is! For now though, she’d give him a little space, stepping back thrice until she was maybe fifty feet from the nightmares body. Also it might have been worth noting, while she had been so close to him this entire time, her demonic barrier sheathed her skin, and her body was well . . not in a normal state of matter. So if he tried attacking her, while it might drain her reserves it’d be extremely difficult for any substantial harm to come to the queen. So for now she waited for this devious man to think it over, mull it over, and give her a sincere reply.

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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] LzZCuy7
Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] BtXe12b
The Cookie
The Cookie
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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] Empty Re: Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon]

Sun Oct 30, 2016 3:44 am

Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1399

There were two choices that he had to make: give a shit or not give a shit.

His reaction was nonetheless very blank with the situation at hand, maintaining a calm and collected attitude despite her outburst of laughter filled with insanity and even went as far as damaging her face. What a shame really, since it could've been saved up a spot for his fist and leave a good mark there instead of just scratches.

Humans have a natural instinct of feeling fear and that is how nature is, but inducing that to someone like Inverse Sou was impossible. For someone who has rampaged across the original Earth, made an enemy against the entire world, created an inverse of himself and prevailed to continue fighting against those who dared to threaten the Black World realm, by the time she thought that she is the special snowflake capable of driving fear to humans, well, this Asthavon woman has a new challenger coming to ruin her daydream.

If she wanted the embodiment of nighmares, reeking of nothing but insanity and destruction, there he is.

Appearing in front of Sou himself, he didn't seem all that surprised. His stance still remained calm and not even a single step back has he taken to retreat. It would take a lot more than that to trigger any type of reaction out of him since his mind is clouded with annoyance of wanting to scram her out of here as soon as possible. When Inami rests her hand against the side of his jaw, then his expression changed.

His reaction went from blank to.. a smile? A grin? Its difficult to presume what kind of positive reaction he has against her touching his face. Afterwards, she would soon find her hand being gently held by his other hand that was idling from use coupled together with his smile. At first, it might look as if things have changed but hell no, it didn't.

"Darling, maybe if you yourself weren't so full shit right now, I would've been nicer from spouting crap, you know?"

Words were sharp and bitter, the tone of his voice was outright sarcastic and fearless for whatever consequences that brought with him. Even someone as dumb as an ox would get the indication that he harbors absolutely no fear against someone like Inami regardless of her power or position.

When it came down to her next sentence, it couldn't help but make him giggle for a bit, just for a bit. Sou wasn't sure if he needs a hearing aid for this but he didn't hear it incorrectly; he got threatened of her 'getting offended'. Oh boy, he didn't know that after the original Sou died and him being gone in the Black World for so long, the real world got a little spoiled Asthavon brat roaming the streets and thinks that she stands above the food chain.

His smile soon became a maniacal grin, let loose of her hand and from a gentle hold of his, the next thing that Inami can see up close and personal is his friendly middle finger right before her eyes.

"Like I'd give a shit."

He said it bluntly and in the most sarcastic tone possible. Inverse Sou didn't care what buttons he has pushed with that sentence and the middle finger of his but he doesn't hesitate to burst the bubble of self-importance by the oh-so-beautiful but disappointing woman that decides to become the lead actor of what she's brought herself into. In the Black World, don't even try and expect an equal treatment from the Inverse Sou.

Worry not, the middle finger would only be hanging around for a few seconds before he retreats it away, so that she'll have the time to register what he has presented directly to her face without a note of hesitation.

He didn't interrupt her any further than those words, letting her stand wherever she wants and say whenever she wants, until she has finished her last sentences about allies, enemies and whatnot.

Well, that part was rather.. anti-climatic. Inverse Sou was pretty sure that he made his point across, before and after the death of his original self. Sure, the original Sou would've preferred it if he finally gained some allies of his own as long as he gets to repent all the mistakes he has done for the past few years but honestly for the Inverse, none of that matters nor are they of a useful adversary to him. They would just get in the way of fighting and incapable of doing any proper work other than leading their own desires into the battlefield. He fight for the sake of destruction and seeing the sweet, sweet pain on the face of others. So in conclusion, he has absolutely no interest of associating himself with anyone; friend nor foe.

That question made him sigh, thinking that it was some important thing for an Asthavon to come here and force him to babysit her all the way until the end but here she comes with a pointless statement that meant no benefit to him. He doesn't know whom has Inami met and said the same thing, offered the same thing or thought that the Inverse Sou is the same as every other insane individuals in the world requiring some fancy return of their services, well, they don't work well with him.

It'll take more than just simple benefits like land, money or influence to earn even a speck of respect in his eyes.

He didn't pay attention whether she gave him some 'space' or not but he continued his reply after what he initially said, in a nonchalant way of that last statement that she implied.

"Unfortunately, I do neither. I only collect corpses as my day-to-day job."

For the entirety of the conversation, Sou has never took a step out of where he initially stood, fearless and calm, he leaned in relaxation against his crutch, hoping that all of the unnecessary questions, threats and shit-talking are finally thrown right into the trash. Yeah, he might enjoy that kind of talk once in a while but not from someone that publicly yells that she's gonna bomb the whole place like a terrorist.

A light tch sound can be heard clicking out of his tongue, before he started to speak again.

"Babysitting your sensitive princess ass is already tiring me, so get straight to the point of what you want."

At this point, beating around the bush is only going to further annoy him and abandon the entire conversation without a second thought. He is a man with free time in the Black World but wasting his life on someone who only knows how to randomize the question into a bundle of quiz is going to bore the customer away.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] Empty Re: Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon]

Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:20 pm

Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] JCRrxmK

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Vulgarity. Crudeness, Insult. The trinity of disdain that eventually soaked through the layers of discord, madness, and unrest of the queen of chaya nation. It caused the manic expression on her face to flatten, fading into a slight frown whilst her eyes seemed to half close beneath her lashes. Sure in the grand scheme of things, she didn’t give a shit about him, and he more than likely didn’t give a shit about her. However he was a wild-factor in the darkness of this twisted inverse of normal reality that reflected the very embodiment of her existence, to sow the seeds of strife to bring society toppling and let chaos and primal lawlessness run free. For that, she needed either to deal with the madness of the nightmare known as Sou Yuuki or she needed to get him on her side to better benefit both her, and for algos, she had promised the girl that she would build a kingdom, and she would follow through on that. But for now she had things to deal with, matters to attend to.

Worthless cretins, do you wish to be-”
Quiet All Of You

Her commanding tone broke the sea of voices that had eventually surface as a side affect of her unstable transition. The merger of both inverse self and the ancient spirit of dysnomia had caused the rift in her psyche, yet what would this command look like to the outside world , who had no inkling of the queens precarious mental state? It would look like a storm roiling just over the surface of the queen’s skin. Her gaze while it was beautiful in it’s own right, with it’s multi-hued colors wrapped in her heterochromia. Was also terrifying, there was no compassion in those eyes, merely something sick, twisted and sadistic that had been veiled by the insanity that had shown itself earlier. The voices in her head had quieted down, not a whisper remained while she had said slowly.

”..I already told you why i am here. I seek to form an alliance with you, Or i will need to know that you don’t plan to ally yourself with anyone else. Not because i care for your company however, but because you are a variable in a giant game that is simply too big to ignore. You are too chaotic, too. . .unpredictable To be factored into anything to be honest. As to why i wish to ally with you, it’s actually quite simple. “

Her lips twitched into the smallest of smiles, but this too would dissipate as she waved her hand from one side to the other. The gesture was equivalent to a shrug. She wouldn’t do it however because she was trying to piss the nightmare off, but rather because she honestly didn’t care for his tone. Infact if it wasn’t for the fact that she knew the fight would become something much greater than one that spanned a mere country, she would have already tried blowing him out of the water. For now though, she was trying to take a diplomatic approach to the situation, she wished for this to work however if it didn’t well. . things would get interesting after that.

”.You are strong, and you could definitely be useful in the grand scheme of things, and it doesn’t hurt that you speak your mind.

With all that said, inami simply sat back, her rear resting on the air that had solidified into a darkened shadow. Her multi-hued gaze staring at the man known as the nightmare, while she let miniature orbs form against the very tips of her fingers, the orbs themselves wouldn’t have much energy behind them, and all it did was moving between her digits while she glanced at the male infront of her. Her expression? It wasn’t manic, but rather it was calculative. Since despite her insanity Inami Asthavon was a smart individual, she knew that there was more than a “slight” chance of this turning into a bloodbath, however? So to speak the ball was in Sou Yuuki’s court right now, hence she’d wait to see what his reaction was before she decided on her own course of action.

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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] LzZCuy7
Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] BtXe12b
The Cookie
The Cookie
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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] Empty Re: Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon]

Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:43 pm

Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1050


Are you joking with me?

Before Inami were able to finish her sentence about what she care or do not care, her voice would soon be overwhelmed by a sudden burst of laughter from his mouth as if he treated her statement like some sort of sick joke that she planned on parading to his lawn. There was nothing to find her word of 'alliance' to be funny but to him: it is.

His body jerked backwards, a large grin on his face and his hand in his pocket, he found this to be nonetheless amusing. He thought he was already bloody insane for the original to declare himself as the enemy of the entire world but this woman! She's beyond that and he will applaud her for taking that first step. Oh wait, brave or stupid, exactly?

Without saying a word, Inami would be crushed in a blink of an eye by the sudden intensity of the atmosphere. Blood lust seems to suddenly spike to the extreme which instead of going through the traditional spread across the area, he kept it contained in a very compact area between himself and Inami to maximize the effect of even affecting powerful beings like herself, if not, almost equal to his level. Of course, it doesn't hang out around too long as it quickly dissipates a few seconds later on and the expected effect of her sweating profusely, sudden rush of adrenaline, increased stress levels and temporary spasm of her limbs is a 50/50 bet.

It was simply a reply to tell her that she made the wrong choice.

Inverse Sou wasn't interested in giving long speeches that she is looking for the wrong person to find friends especially when it is the Nightmare himself. Even the purpose she states sounds more ridiculously than anything else, being put in a way like she intends to use him as a pawn for her little war schemes. Despite what he did earlier ago, he still laughed for a bit and began speaking his mind out just like what she wanted so much.

"And I thought my ears were defective! Let me tell you something, dear."

"I decline your alliance."

An obvious answer in all of its glory.

However, it is an answer that Inami should've expected, regardless of how smart or dumb a person is. After all, she is talking to the Nightmare, whom during the time of the original's life, had became the enemy of both sides of alignment, the protagonists and the antagonists, as well as the neutral themselves. To ask Inverse Sou to be ally is like asking a dead tree if they can be alive again. He doesn't care what kind of approach she's planning to do but his answer ends back into square one; no.

With a few seconds of silence to spare, he would continue to speak whether or not Inami has anything to question his reply of making the right decision.

"I am more curious as to why your brain thinks is a brilliant idea to look for me; someone with absolutely no benefit in your cause at all."

Really, that question would traumatize him more than losing an arm or two in a fight, or being screwed in the head. So much so, it made his title of the Nightmare looks like a child's play to see someone so willingly approach him, reach out her hand and say 'let's be allies!' kind of purpose. He knows very well that he is going to be nothing but a pawn, but that is not the reason of his rejection.

The original's loss with Mana Asthavon still lies bitterly with Inverse Sou and considering that this relative alone reeks of one from her entrance, anyone that is related to the name of 'Asthavon' leaves a bad taste in his tongue. Unlike the original who surrendered, the Inverse weren't going to play nice, shake hands and say everything's finally it. Allying with someone like her is just batshit crazy for someone who lost to Mana, and not just that, the balls to even call him an 'ally' would instantly warrant a declaration of war against the entire world and with that being said, Inverse Sou was definitely proud of building that reputation in contrast to the original's feelings about it and certainly, no shit was given.

He kept grinning and this time, even more relaxed as ever after that big laughter he had at the joke of alliance. He never thought there was a day of him being alive in the Black World would he ever hear that very word. This woman's got some spunk for her appearance but he wasn't that interested in woman enough to fall for that.

"Maybe if you got something smart to bargain, I might reconsider."

The fun is just the beginning from here.

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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] Empty Re: Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon]

Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:33 pm

Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] JCRrxmK

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914


The sound of the word rolling off the tongue of sou yuuki was foreign to the queen of brutes. Even if she knew it was his answer, it still broke through the fog of caged insanity that lurked beneath her snow-white flesh. Even as the pressure of the inverses demented energy pressed down on her body, the oddest thing would happen. Her eyes would have a glimmer in them, before in response to the lovely display sou yuuki had for her, she had one for him too. Momentarily the glow of the sun was eclipsed by a haze of darkness, the birds fled, people were driven insane by the absolutely fathomless insanity that radiated from the queen of chaya nation as if it was power in it’s own right. Her smile and her eyes would be the only floodlights in the indomitable black. Malice and Lawlessness seemed to go hand in hand as the queen seemed to let out the softest of breaths. Even as her energy increased, bit by bit it grew until in this tiny little area of theirs, so condensed, and contained that it caused for space to distort slightly, which in turn caused for winds to howl, for the ground to tremble for the moments in which she had unveiled the true insanity of her own energy, but eventually it would ebb, and then the sky would return to normal and the quakes would cease.

Inami’s expression would have remained dubious at best while she toyed with the tendrils of energy that twined between her fingers, the erratic pulse of her power thrumming between those slender digits of hers while her head tilted ever so slightly to the side as she thought. What reason did she have for someone as chaotic as him to be on her side? To be frank the more she pondered that thought, the more reasons she came up with which would justify her wishes. Yet none of them were the real concrete “Reason” that had compelled her to come here in the first place. None of them gave her that special jolt that made her feel something other than the primordial sea of chaos and insanity that had settled upon her mind once she had become dysnomia. Yet for now the queen simply let her lips part while tendrils of energy wafted from her lips to only then dissipate into the air. Only then once the brunt of her insanity, Dysnomia’s wild glee had ebbed would she venture forth a fairly blunt response.

”The benefit is negligible in the grand scheme of things, it’s the results that are both more immediately seen, and sought after. “

True, there was no benefit in him joining her. At Least for her. It was said the enemy of your enemy is your friend, and it even has been said keep your friends close but your enemies closer. But the crutch of the matter was, Sou Yuuki was the enemy of everyone in his lifetime he had been an aberrant entity that sought to simply bare his fangs at the world until the time of his death. Now, he was alive once more, and this twisted version still had that crucial aspect to him, he wasn’t one to conform to society, he was one who was more likely to burn society down, laugh at it, and then go out to get doughnuts afterwards. Hence as her eyes seemed to lid, and her shoulders slumped not in defeat, but in mock annoyance at her sister for ever thinking anything good would come out of fighting a creature such as this. That there wouldn’t be repercussions from it, such as his hostility towards her.

”..What do you see around you, mister yuuki. ? “

She gestured to the people, to the buildings, to everything humanity had accomplished during their time on earth. To the police stations, to the Fire Stations, to the commerce buildings and even to congressional facilities. Everywhere her hand gestured, was something that attributed to this false cage known as society. That let it self perpetuate, thrive and extend it’s corrupting reaches further into the natural state of things. Then she paused and waited for a response, before she would carry on even if he didn’t respond to get to her point.

“I see a false world, one that has been shaped not by the primal essence which was void of law, but by a greedy sub-species that sought to tame it, to capture it and make it theirs simply because they could. I see wasted space and insignificant fodder that seeks nothing more than to advance until they crumble. Yet you don’t conform to standards set by these “Creatures”. You are an agent of anarchy even if you deny the term until the day you die, simply because at your core you do nothing but incite violent, chaos and bloodshed wherever you go. “

She’d shrug as her eyes closed for a fraction of a second and then opened them and stated quite simply.

”..You are free to deny that accusation if you feel it will prove something.”

Then she had exhaled and got to the real crux of the matter, the fact that in all honesty she wasn’t going to bargain with him simply because even if she lost his alliance, she had already won. Because he would continue to destroy, to decay, to simply fight those around him and incite instability and chaos until the day he died. She didn’t even to be honest need him to join her, she merely needed him to continue to do what he did. So she’d finish and say to him in an amused tone.

”..Bargain? What would i offer you? The fact of the matter is, i’ve offered you acceptance, a place to grow strong and to evolve past the stage you already are. To truly grow into that amusing title that you seem to be so proud of, Don’t you wish to see it, how this world will end? Or do you wish for me to say that this planet will be spared in the eris dynasty from further destruction? There are many things i can “Offer” you, but i doubt any of them will be to your liking, so the real question is, what do you want out of this? Hmmn?”

She cut the crap at that point, the bullshit, the insanity all of it evaporated and the razor sharp mind of the queen was made apparent. She was waiting for his response, since many of her questions had been prods. Little jabs to see if he was as enthusiastic about playing ball as his amused demeanor would lead most people to believe. Yet the entire time her barriers would be as strong as ever, more than enough to give him pause if he chose to run at her in earnest.

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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] LzZCuy7
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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] Empty Re: Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon]

Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:30 pm

Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1133

Finally, after baiting her twice, she did it. The scent of insanity was refreshing at the least given that he was stuck here ever since the revival of Black World came to. There were barely any visitors than the noisy ones who would leave a few minutes upon entering and he was simply too lazy to haul his ass out of here. Now this is what they call nostalgic of the times when his original self brought so much destruction and death, intentionally or not.

Home sweet home.

His grin remained mischievous, poking fun at the show that she tried to bring earlier ago when it dissipated. How disappointing, and he thought that he has the chance to savor the taste that the Inverse did have for a long time.

What does he see in this world, eh?

Listening to Inami talking about her views of this world didn't interest him just as much as the previous conversation since to him, only his perspective is the most important thing in the world. He believes no one's opinion and neither shall he say his own. Its like saying that a typical protagonist's view in the story is wrong because he sees things differently than the villain, killing monsters because he thought of them of being 'evil'. So, there is no real or fake answer because in the end, someone is still going to die.

His eyes looked away from Inami for a short moment, answering her question with a simple answer.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

His words continues, cutting off any words that she may attempt to speak.

"No. You don't."

"Your views are only based what you experienced and what your eyes say but are you sure with who you think I am? Are you sure what you speak is the truth? Are you sure the world you see is what you think it is?"

His tone changed but his mischievous smile was still there. He casually walked closer and closer towards Inami and even if she retreats, he will still keep walking until he approaches her face-to-face, inches apart from each other. The Inverse didn't have any threatening pose or any intentions on attacking her, but his fingers would gently touch her chin and with his crimson red eyes, look at her sharp in the eye.

"That's why people like you are so weak that its laughable. What YOU see is your world, not mine. You might think that everything's falling on the palm of your hands but even the eyes can lie to its owner."

"You're a charm, I give you that. But don't take me for a fool, you fool."

His tone became slightly aggressive but tamed. He backs off away from Inami afterwards with each playful step until he reaches a distance away from her again, keeping the same grin on his face as it is never fazed even once by the situation.

Inverse Sou would then lean back against his crutch, placed his hand on his eyes and laughed for a bit at the bargaining part that he said. It was more or less that he didn't care too much about it since it was sarcastically spoken but since she took it so seriously about it, there is nothing much he can do than just laughing it off as it is. Oh boy, her reply was just as fun as to poke at as ever.

Ah, what joy this can be when you're the enemy of the entire world and suddenly got fucked over when you're at your weakest. Well, let's spoil some of the princess's little world.

"Well, I want nothing because I do not expect anything from you at all. Not just that, having something from you would put shame to my title instead of growing it."

Truly, there's no price that is right for the Nightmare. For all the sins he had committed, all the kill counts he had stacked below his feet and enemies he has built over the course of his living days, there is nothing better than making fun of those who pretends that they know his nature and kill those who stands in his way.

The Nightmare is more than just a title of its former self, because he isn't exactly the same man as the original either. If Inami assumed it likewise, then there's going to be a problem.

Unlike the original, his nuts are tough to crack. While maintaining the same abilities and destructive personality of the original, his personal is definitely much more sadistic in nature and certainly much calmer than his short-tempered original. Yes, his existence can be treated like an improvised version of what it used to be, better, stronger and smarter. If he had wished to bare his fangs against Inami, then so be it. However..

There is no fun in it if everything just starts breaking apart. Instead, he is more interested in her responses more than anything. Being a 'variable that is too big to ignore', wouldn't it be a shame if he somehow ruins that perspective of hers in a blink of an eye. Well, the Inverse Sou as well as the original one is pretty good at performing miracles, so he wouldn't brag too much about it either.

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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] Empty Re: Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon]

Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:37 pm
Play the music when you read the post

Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] JCRrxmK


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Something stirred within inami, at the words of the inverse of sou-yuuki, she had finally for once been dumbfounded. In the turbulence of chaos, there had only been the ideal of incomprehensible primality. Many, would find the words that sou-yuuki spoke to be damning little tidbits of anger. Ones that could stir the ire in their very souls, but what the demoness felt was a fine wine. One that had intoxicated and amused her so! So when the likes of sou yuuki stopped speaking, nothing would leave the queen's mouth. Nothing would come forth from that silver tongue of hers. Hell the likes of sou yuuki most likely couldn’t even see her eyes for the moment, because they had been hidden by her hair. Inami Asthavon was on the cusp of falling further into depravity, into insanity. Infact as she said nothing, the winds would begin to pick up, and the sky would begin to darken with static. Faint undertones of the insanity that sou-yuuki had drank in earlier would have come back, as deep within her mind something had occurred.

Dysnomia stirred as the demonesses lips curved into a wicked smile, the air beginning to become a miasma that grew that an unprecedented rate. The energy that the demoness had long since been keeping in check spiraled out of control.


The sound was worse than an atomic bomb going off, as buildings simply ceased to be under the crimson and emerald hued storm of energy that burst from the queen's body. Causing her clothes to ripple and tear, her hair whipping with wild glee while in inverse earth. Yet, this wasn’t even the beginning! As the queen’s eyes eventually became visible, a crimson glow permeated them. This glow eventually would have been drowned out by a brilliant emerald aura as the seal of eris that adorned her body began to thrum in conjunction with the queen’s turbulent psyche. The energy didn’t show any signs of stopping as in the midst of it all, the ground eventually gave out within a mile of the queen's body, turning into a crater that only continued to deepen before the queen’s might. Then a lovely chortle had worked its way from the queen’s throat, a rumbling noise that boomed across the battlefield as she ultimately went to hold her sides in glee! This! This was what it meant to find someone fun! To find someone, who aptly put, just didn’t care to listen to anyone!

So with the winds at her back, and the darkness radiating from her being? She could have been considered to be some kind of fallen deity, shunned from power, fallen from grace; but still immeasurably powerful. Infact at this point the dark intent lurking within her eyes, should have abated. Yet it hadn’t lessened, and in fact still continued to rise, causing harm to the innocent lives that hadn’t yet fled the area. To some the queen’s body could be compared to the very center of a singularity of insanity! It was only at this point that the queen, with her gaze which had finally shifted from heterochromia to simply a pure asthavon green; had felt her chortle turn into a pure, unbridled howl of laughter! Tears welled up in the demonic queen’s eyes as she had fully digested everything mr.yuuki had to say. From his subtle undertones, to his lovely posture. These tears, pure black filled to the brim with energy dripped from her cheeks, leaving dark smears while the horns that adorned her head had a slight glow.

As the laughter rose, so did the unhinged aura that had been given off from this being. Her entire body was obscured by the black outline that radiated from it. This boundless sea of chaos and primality had no end and beginning in terms of intent. It was as if it was a separate dimension, solely created to hold the unbridled absence of law. To most, it was absolutely terrifying. But for now the queen’s mania took on a purely primal edge. With the seal of eris sucking up the chaos, the terror generated which caused humans to forsake their own rules for survival. But right now what she was seeking wasn’t the destruction of planet nabla, or a bloody war with the inverse. It was probably for this reason, that the effects of her intent had been so light up until now. Even if they held similar edges of power, the vastness of the queen’s energy seemed to go on forever, the depth of it due to her almost otherworldly connection to the very core of demon energy, Zao Ka.

Eventually the chaotic laughter abated, but this frightening development hadn’t changed. Her menacing presence still emitted it’s otherworldly power simply from her demeanor alone. Her body rippled with an amazing pletora of power and she had replied to the male with a smile, that was well. . Full of abandon! For, Inami hadn’t truly a care in the world about if yuuki wished to join her or not. Just because she acknowledged his rightful place in the world today, didn’t mean she wasn’t above putting him in place if it so came to it. And why should she be scared? She was for all intents and purposes an existence near the pinnacle, and only now would one more interesting aspect happen, due to the insanity which; at root was a catalyst for her powers? Her hair had begun to lengthen, going from its multi-hued state to a simple raven black. Her creamy luxurious skin bleach till it was white, and her shoes burned off.

In a moment her body broke apart, in what looked like phasing. But infact it was the utilization of shadow burst, which then was combined with her augmenting her physique with energy. The two in conjunction allowed her to easily cover the gap and appear behind sou-yuuki in a period of time that was practically nil. With her rear resting on the male's back, and her feet trailing aimlessly in the air she exhaled, arms coiling around her knees as she pondered. Eventually as her lips remained in that devious smile she said her response, which despite the previous thunderclaps her voice issued, had been little more than a soft murmurr.

”.In the grand scheme of things, whether my view is right or wrong is hardly of importance. Also, i actually don’t care if things go the way i want, all it does is further pique my interest, and satiate my amusement. Don’t take afforded respect, as some token of worth. “

While her tone held a slight teasing in it, for she still was fond of yuuki. Despite all the attempts he had at ruffling her. She was a crazed existence, who could even comprehend what was going on in that uncanny, yet brilliant mind of hers. When pondering if yuuki was who she thought he was she could only let a luxurious laugh bubble up faintly from her lips, the faint wisps of anarchy permeating her very being, as she sought to further become one with dysnomia.

”..I have a gut feel, but even if you are not who i consider you to be, is that a bad thing? It doesn’t change the fact that no matter what you do, or where you go, you will cause destruction and conflict on a phenomenal level. That in turn feeds existences similar to myself.

Then she responded to sou’s comment on her looks.

”..Careful, the pretty ones are generally the most insane.”

It was a little joke, since many pretty demons had personalities of shit. While most retained deep intelligence, and many flavors within varying moods, they all could be considered depraved existences. Eventually her head tilted back till the back of it rested on the top of sou yuuki’s. Her expression remaining bemused as she didn’t feel a lick of fear towards him.

”.Is that so? Well i don’t expect “things” from you, i merely enjoy the repercussions of those foolhardy actions of yours!”

With all his verbal jabs answers the demoness hummed lightly and pondered. What would the nightmare have to say in response to . . That?

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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] LzZCuy7
Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] BtXe12b
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Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] Empty Re: Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon]

Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:03 pm

Lambs to the slaughter [Inverse Sou/Inami Asthavon] JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1272

Goddamn, this woman. Brimming with power, changing appearance in the middle of a conversation and that noise!? Rudeness knows no bounds for the demon kind, eh? Inami is like a power generator running under full load with real crap mechanical parts that make noisy, clunky noises that has no end to it. It annoyed him a little but even under all that spectacular change in the atmosphere and that power she is gushing out, Inverse Sou couldn't give any less damn about how much power she has. She wasn't the first one to do that as he has done a beautiful show of his power many, many times to have tasted bitterness out of it. He may be holding a sweet little conversation to keep things as civil as possible without him raising a fist about it and proceed to rip things apart like his original always does but he wasn't going to tolerate with that ridiculous noise ruining the mood that he has tried so hard to set up.

The moment his left hand has clenched open, Inami will notice that the booming noise from her burst of power will simply vanquish without a trace. Simply put, all the vibration of the sound would conveniently compress itself against the palm of his hand. Handling vibrations like this is child's work as its always his ability to do so, treating sound waves as if they were strings connected together to produce a frequency, a sound, never broken apart like particles and allows him to twist them altogether into the palm of his hand and compress them into a 'bundle of sound waves', all well before she was even halfway into finishing her transformation of sorts.

"Thanks but no thanks, missy."

Swinging his left hand across the air and towards Inami, she will feel as if her initial booming sound would be meek compared to this. Concentrated only around her, the sound would be amplified 10 times more than it initially was. By intensifying the vibration with his own at the moments of his swing, Inami would be exposed to extreme high intensity ultrasonic sound, while not doing any physical damage to her externally, if her body is not capable of handle high frequency vibrations, she may experience ruptured eardrums or eyeballs, or damaged organs. She can test its potency with her spiritual power or any energy barrier she can put up against but at best, it can minimize the effects of the vibration by a quarter. Given that its not made with spiritual energy, overpowering it with spiritual power will have some sort of weakening effect but dissipating all of it will wield low chances, even for Inami.

He would revert back to his original posture, in pretend as if anything that happened before didn't happen. It is an action that he took but it wasn't worth an attention since Inverse Sou knows well enough that she understands the risks she's taking to even try and meet the Nightmare himself. So by some miracle she is able to come out of that situation, he wouldn't care less.

He would continue the conversation, if Inami still blabbered on after taking his 'hit'. He listened on and on about how he would still continue to cause destruction, wreck havoc and still live on with the title that will stuck with him for eternity. Maybe that's truly a fact that will exist for eternity, a thing that people remember him by. But..


He turned around and looked at Inami with a wide grin of his face and laughed it all off, taking all of her words as if it was nothing more than a joke on her part. Well, looks like someone is acting smart and knows everything about his life, habits, hobbies and stuff just because he did something! He won't act dumb like everything his original self did as well as his actions in the Black World Arc was null, however, even a demon can make mistakes, no?

"It IS a fact that I cause destruction and so what? I destroy things because I want to, not because its some smart and smug answer of 'no matter what i do'. You better off going home and check your facts again, kiddo, because you're just making yourself look stupid with all that power that you're showing off."

Inverse Sou would giggle for a bit, only to gently lean away from Inami and finish his sentence.

"You enjoy it that much, eh? Great to know I entertained the little princess. It would be a shame if it would be your last, right?"

In a blink of an eye, his entire being roared with blood lust and relentless amount of pressure that bare its fangs upon Inami's body. He wasn't going to simply let it go wildly to all directions. In the area they are standing in, Inverse Sou would keep all that pressure chambered only within the area that himself and Inami are in. While he has no absolute control over his own pressure, it is kept condensed enough that Inami can feel the full potent of his power on every nook and cranny of her body relentlessly. It would feel completely different from what she's experienced earlier but that is left up to her imagination.

Experiencing the full brunt of the Inverse Sou's pressure and blood lust all sealed like a vacuum chamber in an area only himself and Inami, even for a being like herself, it can effectively ruin her concentration, physical movements and wear down her willpower considerably if she doesn't take any action to protect herself and decides to take it all on her own. Otherwise, everything would feel as if it crashed onto her body like meteors bombarding her over and over again.

He has no intentions to kill her, for now. This was the answer to whatever provocation she attempted and he has no quarrels resorting to violence if she tries to pull off any funny business when he has finally set some good mood between them. Ah ah, what a great day to be ruined, really. Now, its time for her to play the cards right.

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