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Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] Empty Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event]

Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:52 am


6/25/2416, 3:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 3:00 PM CST time on June 25, 2416.

Both of the opponents will appear on various different buildings scattered across the city. It will be day time and the temperature will be seventy degrees F. Niflheim will receive a temporary boost to 0-4 to better accommodate her opponent. Additionally, it's worth noting that the city itself is boundless within this realm.

With that said, the opponents can now begin fighting.

Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] WVMWLOu
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Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] Empty Re: Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event]

Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:44 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

”..It’s absolutely mind-boggling, what these humans come up with.”

Niflheim murmured under her breath while she was standing sideways on a building, her form slightly shadowed due to the angle of the sun in relation to where she currently was. Some might think it strange, a quincy who originated from humans and who originally was a human, referring to another person as “Human”. Yet if you thought about it, it made sense in a way. She didn’t age like humans did, she didn’t die like humans did, and she was vastly more powerful than the average run of the mill human. She was a Quincy, and she had come to terms with it a long time ago, even now looking across the metropolis which spanned farther than what her eyes could perceive without utilizing her own energy to amplify the sense directly, she had a sense of purpose. She had gotten lucky last time but now, she had no clue exactly who she was fighting. Not because she couldn’t find out, because she probably could, but because Niflheim chose not to know her opponent. Seeing as she was at least in her human life a member of the prestigious Date clan, raised and bred to be a honorable warrior. This to her was a part of it, letting the fights play out on an even playing field.

For now the quincy wouldn’t knock her bow though instead through her C the Control ability she visually pictured the reishi in the air condensing to form a vibrating barrier around her being. It was a trick she had used when fighting the arrancar known as Anastasia in karakura. By taking the reishi and causing it to circulate around her body it created something very similar to that of a scheele snider, then the marking on her body shifted from p-0 to P-20, the flow of energy increasing around her rapidly, allowing for her body to be covered in a blue light, the reishi becoming easily visible around her. Sacrificing what suprise she had in favor of a solid defense, so that she wouldn’t in the case of being caught unaware, take more damage than what she would easily be able to recover from.

After that she had allowed her silver gaze to shift, taking in the different buildings that surrounded her. Because each one of them could end up being something she could use to hide, or something she could use to her advantage. In this way Niflheim took in all the variables that she could, and formulated strategies. For example she could extinguish her signature and hide within the buildings if need be, but that was yet to come. For now the quincy spread her feet apart and waited, thinking about what she needed to do. Thinking about her people, the people that she cherished and wished to save, that allowed her to harden her resolve, allowed her to exhale and begin to form just four of her controllable arrows, which took a compass like approach. One behind her, one to the left, one to the right. Then she’d extend the range in which she could easily sense movement by using C the Control to picture reishi moving in strands in a 1000foot radius, if one tripped these strands it would allow Niflheim to catch the movement.

Finally she would also allow for her control to fortify the window she was standing on, turning it from mere glass to something adamantine with the concept of “Unbreakable” since doing a concept like Indestructible would use way too much energy to be easily put into practice. So she settled for making the glass hard enough that it would hold up under the strain of combat, at least for an initial impact if the opponent tried to charge in. Now with all her own preparation out of the way she waited, because to her battles were a waiting game, and the one who went first was always at a disadvantage.

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Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] LzZCuy7
Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] BtXe12b
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Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] Empty Re: Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event]

Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:12 pm

Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] 6EdIfMt


Artist: LENK64 - Song: Pumpkin Illusion - Word Count: 1104

An endless city that sprawled out for as far as the eye could see. Ha! It appeared that Mana was growing tired and exhausted of this whole event if that was the best her universal power could think to compose for this setting. Oh well. It didn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. So long as she was able to get something interesting out of this ordeal was all that mattered to The Hell Demon known as Liu.

And after her battle with Hayden -- Liu did find something quite interesting. It was the start of a revolution that would bring about and usher in a radical sense of change within the nation of Greece. After making a pact with The Vastime founder known as Hayden Desmond, The Observer of Liberation took a great interest in his desire to want to free this nation from the grips of Shadow Fall. Therefore, she felt quite compelled by the instinct of her power and the interest of her mind and thoughts to want to assist the male in this objective.

Hence, as she emerged out of a vortex of crimson red light high above the skies of the battlefield, there was a bright and beaming smile which could be seen from The Hell Demon's face. She was quite happy to be apart of a liberation like this and was going to do her part in order to ensure their odds of winning this thing were in their favor. Therefore, the blood eyed demon would begin to prance, skip and twirl around with joy as she was more than a little excited for this.

However, she grounded her thoughts a little bit more to a concrete reality. She really couldn't get this liberation going forward if she didn't set her senses straight and focus on where her opponent was. Therefore, this Hell Demon started to calm herself down, concentrate and pin-point the location where she felt the aura of a quincy beginning to pulsate within this ring. Eventually, after a few brief moments, Liu was able to pick up straight on where little miss Niflheim was hiding at. Therefore, with a snap of her finger, she exclaimed a shout of joy and wasted no time in heading straight towards her location!

After positioning herself just right, The Hell Demon spread out her legs, gathered up the vast volumes of demonic energy brewing within her body and took off at mach 1.5 speed towards the vicinity of Niflheim. As, within 0.3 seconds, she had broke a distance of two hundred meters and emerged straight in front of The Quincy. To the perception of The Perfect Shot? It may have appeared as if she had emerged out of nowhere. Yet, to Liu, this was just another day in the park. Sprints were her game and she was among one of the best sprinters that she knew of. As while many could out-run her over the long-distance haul, no one could touch her in short-burst of speed!

But, that was a bit of absent-minded thinking right there! Liu assumed that Niflheim could learn all about her swift momentum when their swords, fist and spheres of energy and magic started clashing against one another. For the moment, she was more interested in what kind of spirit she was going to be dealing with. As, up until this point, she had managed to help unlock the potential of The Wolf Hound known as Yuki; while at the same time finding a way to help the radical cause of Hayden seeking to liberate this nation from the grips of Shadow Fall. Both of them had paths in this world that needed to unlock and her prowess of freedom could help to enlighten, enhance and speed along their progression as souls.

So, that begs the question: just what would occur between these two?


There wasn't enough time to really think about this too in depth. The mind of Liu was rushing, her body was thumping and she was craving another good encounter. Hence, she would give a bow to The Quincy and rise up quickly with a shark-toothed grin which exposed all of her unsightly fangs to The Perfect Shot.

"Don't mind my antics: I'm pretty excited! This is going to be my third round and I'm thrilled to see what I'll be up against this time."

The voice of Liu seemed to be moving along at a rather fast rate of speed. She was still in the mind of moving a million miles per second and The Hell Demon realized that she needed to slow things down a bit. So, she took a sigh, balanced her devilish chi and stared intently at The Quincy before her. Well, at least for a few moments, anyway. As after awhile, Liu would be seen tapping her chin a bit before looking as if she saw a ghost or something. Liu came to the conclusion she forgot to introduce herself properly. So, out of response to thinking like a scatter brain, The Observing Liberator hit herself lightly on the top of her head with her right fist.

"Oh, right, you don't even know my name. The name is Liu Xīnshén and I'm The Guardian of The Second Layer of Hell. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance~!"

And with that, Liu would reach out, grab Niflheim's hand and shake it. As, using her mach speed, she'd seek to catch The Quincy by surprise and almost force the handshake to occur if she could help it.

"Now, tell me: what's your name and what's your game? You obviously came to this event seeking something. I wanna know so I can understand draws your spirit to this absurd game!"

Then, just as soon as she approached The Quincy, Liu would begin to turn on her heels, walk away and wag her finger in the air as she emerged about a city block away from Niflheim.

"Oh, and you can go first and attack me. I wanna see what your soul is capable of~"

And with that, she'd keep her back to The Quincy and expect to be entertained through this game of cat and mouse! Everything was moving so fast and she was feeling ridiculously filled with life now that her powers construct was being fulfilled!

What a joyous day of liberation!

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Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] WVMWLOu
Joined : 2011-09-01
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Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] Empty Re: Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event]

Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:25 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

A massive power spike soon presented itself in the endless city, timed with a crimson vortex that had appeared from the sky. Niflheim had already reacted to it by the time that the likes of liu had sporadically appeared infront of her, her body shifted ever so slightly back one foot planted firmly against the glass while her silver eyes glanced at the demon, momentarily suprised by the speed in which they had singled her out, and then even more so the amount of time that it took for them to transverse the distance between them. It had all happened in a span of time shorter than what it took for a person to blink, this was the first indicator to her just how powerful her opponent this time was, even if they seemed a tad. . . Strange. So the quincy elect prepared quickly for what undoubtedly would be a rough first encounter however, as the likes of the elect paused, assessed and looked at the demon they seemed to be rather keen to get to know her. The words that left the mouth of this female demon continued to perplex the elect, as she didn’t really understand what was going on. The very concept that any individual in a fight would stop to chat was alien to the quincy’s leader. Battles to her had a very select outcome, one which was not reached by piddling thumbs and going out for tea so to speak.

However the elect’s courteous nature led to her not blanching at the site of the demon’s fanged smile. Instead her lips parted to give the individual the smallest of smiles in return. Closed, guarded even, but a smile which spoke of reciprocated kindness, albiet the bare minimum that was necessary. Then the demon did something else, that confused and stunned the likes of the elect. Grasping niflheim’s hand and shaking it up and down enthusiastically as if this wasn’t a battle and instead was a meeting between friends. It confused the elect but she went along with it none the less, simply because it was courteous to do so. And eventually yes eventually the demon got to the very point it had been pursuing this entire time! It became apparent to the elect and she exhaled, lips parting as she wondered if this really was the only path that was needed. To fight , to break to conquer to win. She had all these thoughts yet she pushed each one into the back of her mind as she said quite pointedly

”..My name is Niflheim. My purpose here is to liberate my people from the shackles of the past that bind them. To gain the strength ultimately necessary to protect them and usher them into a new age of prosperity. No matter what i must sacrifice in order to do so, that is my goal. “

She would not even bat an eyelash as she continued to maintain the cool exterior that gave her “perfect” personality the misnomer “The Shell”. It was as if the person being viewed was a programmed doll, that had unerringly gotten here without emotion or feeling. So when the demon turned her back to the elect the elect had paused. As unintentional as it may be turning your back on another was a sign of arrogance if they were an enemy. It said “You cannot hurt me” it meant “You are not a threat”. So to see the careless contrast between the words that this demon spoke and the actions she undertook caused for the elect to exhale, energy pulsating through her body as she quelled the rage and disgust at such a gesture that naturally blossomed into her heart. She waited her bow at her side to see what would happen. Against her better judgement for normally she’d already have went on the offense by this point.

Now the elect saw Liu’s hand gesture and then heard the words that slid from her mouth and the elect had felt her eyes glimmer dangerously. As she thought to herself [i]”She wishes to test me huh?”[/b] This thought made the energy take a dangerous increase in the elects body, energy began to grow, subtly encasing her in a glow of reishi as she simply walked up to the likes of the demon and as her energy began to encompass roughly a mile and a quarter around the two of them she simply put her hand on the back of the demons body, she then proceeded to shove the demon over flat on her face, her body being amplified by her blut to increase her strength by four times it’s norm. However for now there was no spiritual attack behind it. Why? That was simple, the elect was a warrior, who had been born in the land of the samurai a thousand years ago, she would not take advantage of a foe and would state as such now.

”..Despite how tempting your offer is, i cannot attack someone who is willingly letting themselves get hit, if you wish to test the mettle of my soul, Then come at me, with all your might. I will return the gesture in kind Liu. “

And she meant it, if Liu wished to come at her, to break her to fight her with every ounce of her being? Then Niflheim would fight her with everything she possessed. From the smallest droplets of power, to the untapped potential that lay beneath her skin, tooth and nail she would fight the likes of Liu, and she would do so gladly. Because that was what this tournament was about, and for her on a personal level this was a battlefield in which she would grow stronger, no she had to grow stronger. It was the reason she joined in the first place, to gain strength so she could truly lead her people, to protect them and to see them prosper. For that she needed to be able to fight monsters such as Liu, and most likely this iron spirit and intent would be conveyed through the glimmer of her eyes, through her honest posture and intent.

Hopefully the demon would understand this and not try the useless sentiment of seeing how strong niflheim wise. Since niflheim didn’t come here to strike someones back, she came here to fight them face to face, to learn and to advance. To feel the misery of defeat the anguish of being overpowered, and to push past all those to become a better leader, and a better person. Actions would be the melody in which these two spoke, not words, not hopes, not dreams. Just a brutal conversation meted out in flesh.

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Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] LzZCuy7
Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] BtXe12b
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Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] Empty Re: Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event]

Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:23 pm
[adm]I will try posting in this in the coming days. If not, skip me after a week. [/adm]

Liu VS Niflheim [Greece Tournament Event] WVMWLOu
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