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Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  Empty Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]

Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:56 am


6/25/2416, 3:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 3:00 PM CST time on June 25, 2416.

Each of the opponents will appear in what seems to be a swamp. There will be tons of vines, trees, water and the occasional dry spot here and there. It will be in their interest to seek higher ground as many of the trees are massive and expand for miles on end. If not, it is also recommended they take flight until they reach the top of this forest. It will also seem extremely humid and hot within this region.

With that said, the opponents can now begin fighting.

Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  Empty Re: Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]

Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:34 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Blegh. It had to be a swamp, didn't it? it couldn't have been anything other than a nasty, icky, mess of a place, and she had no shoes on so she felt it all without any manner of protection between her and the waters of the place.
"I swear, Mana, when I get out of here, I am going to rut you so hard you won't know what day of the week it is" she grumbled, looking around for somewhere to get out of the yuck. "But then, I don't know what day of the week it is either. Still going to rut her like mental, but maybe aim for forgetting something else instead. Her own name, perhaps?" Mirja muttered to herself, not really noticing the incredible heat due to her ultra-dense skin being able to shrug off a lot more without an issue.

The surrounding trees looked like the best place to go, so she crouched low and shot off towards them, hoping for some stable foothold that wasn't filled with Mana-knows-what and feeling crap. She was sure she would have leaches if they had any way of latching onto her skin. She was seriously against this kind of arena, so she cast her senses out, both physical and spiritual, so she could find the guy she was meant to be fighting, cave his skull in, and get out of here, stat. Her smell wasn't going to help much, the whole place stunk of swamp, but her wolfy ears should give her some help in hearing anyone moving around down there, and she pushed her Reiatsu perception skills as high as they would go. With Beowulf keeping an eye on the surroundings as well, she had no worries about being snuck up on, just not finding him fast enough.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  Empty Re: Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]

Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:58 pm



Artist: Elsword OST - Song: Poisonous Plants - Word Count: 1,057

Blue eyes illuminated the dark, dank, murky swamp. A white, fang-like grin soon spread out on the face of the hidden Chi Human that was residing somewhere in the arena, completely out of sight. However, he had wisely placed some of his Quan barriers at the other side of the arena to detect any sources of energy, or any form of life that would come across it, which would send signals back to Vanyel's mind, giving him the energy type of what was there.

It wasn't exactly going to be helpful to figuring out where his enemy's strong and weak points were, but it did give him a little heads-up on what was coming his way. And what exactly was coming his way? Well, it just so happened to be a new one. It was a Vizard! A Shinigami with a Hollow inside them. How interesting. He had always wondered what it was like to have something like that in your head 24/7. Must be annoying if they're aggressive and loud. A small chuckle came from the madman as he let his mind wander and think these strange, unnatural thoughts.

If it were a normal day, he would be thinking of other things. Such as wondering if he had sharpened and cleaned Kuro Komo that day. Or did he forget his dagger in wherever the hell he ended up passing out in. Thinking of what it would be like for a Hollow to be in his head was indeed a new thought. But then again, it could be an old one that he had forgotten. Ah, his mind was getting off track again. He had to focus on this fight. The last fight with little miss Yuki Kameko must have knocked his head loose a bit.

After all, he had been thrown around like a ragdoll most of the fight. That had left him with...many bruises, cuts, and one skull-splitting headache. Thankfully, little miss manic Mana patched him up the best she could after that beating. He still had some scars, but he didn't really care. He liked them. As his pale fingers gently ran across the blade in his hand, he felt the skin on his finger slice open, and the warm, crimson blood ran down his hand and arm, stopping at his elbow, before dripping onto the ground below.

Absentmindedly, two fingers drifted over to where the cut was, before a dark green light would glow from his fingers, sending Chi into the wound to heal it. The process was slow, as Vanyel was more attuned to his destructive powers rather than his Sei abilities, which, one of them was Yuhe, the healing ability that he had just used. It was the main reason why his healing was boringly slow. The lack of extreme skill in the creative and constructive arts of the Sei energy that was within Chi was inhibiting him.

But then, all thoughts were interrupted when his eyes focused on a tall figure that was wandering through the swamp. It had seemed that his prey had come to him. A shark-toothed grin came out onto his face, and his eyes flashed with amusement. So, this was the Vizard he was supposed to be facing, hm? Tall. That was a word that could be used. Animalistic. Another one. She had ears and a tail. The eyebrows of the Dark Chi Wielder rose in curiosity as he continued to examine the girl. Raising a hand to his head, the tips of his index and middle fingers would press against his forehead and hair, before flicking outwards.

"Yo. Up here."

With a small wave, the male would then stretch out his body, hearing the cracking of multiple bones in his body, before letting out a quiet breath of relief, then twisting his legs over the end of the branch that he was sitting, on before sliding off it, sending his body falling down to the ground, and landing on the ground on his feet. Tremors went up and down his legs from the impact of the sudden stop, but it did nothing to affect him. So, continuing his approach to the tall wolf girl, Vanyel began to get himself ready for this fight.

Rolling his shoulders, cracking his knuckles, everything. Mirja would most likely hear these sounds as they came from his body. Stepping out from the bracken, the male flashed a half grin at Mirja, before raising his arms from his sides, and moving his left hand to draw his sword. The sound of metal scraping against the scabbard rung out into the area, and Vanyel's eyes gleamed with mischief as he twirled his sword, Kuro Komo, by the small ring on the pommel, before gripping the weapon tight, and reaching towards the glove on his other hand.

Pulling it off, a black substance would be seen around his hand, and Vanyel would soon rip this substance off of his hand, before the black would form itself into a pitch black cloud of corruption that would float next to Vanyel's shoulder. As the cloud formed, Vanyel could be seen to be acting much more....strange. Small giggles came from him, and his irises shrank in size, and his head lifted, his grin wide enough to expose a small portion of his gums, and the ends of the psychotic smile extended to the very ends of his cheeks.

"Hehehe.....I'm your opponent, Vanyel Xioyang. Just to get this out of the way....I'm not afraid to hit a woman."

The ocean blue eyes of the man closed, before a small, almost forced chuckle came from him, and the cloud that floated next to his shoulder, and changed it's form into a second sword that would be grasped by Vanyel by his free hand, gripping the weapon tight. He would then twirl his two swords in circles, before stopping them and tilting his head to the side slightly.

"So....if you want the easy way out, give up. Or...stay, and fight. I don't give a shit either way. Pick your option quick. We don't have all day, sweetheart."

Vanyel was half-hoping that the wolf-girl would surrender, since it would be an easy victory for him. If she didn't, it would just give him a chance to sharpen his skills. However, time was a' ticking, and Mirja would have to hurry if she wanted to save this man's patience. After all, Vanyel hated waiting.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  Empty Re: Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]

Sun Nov 13, 2016 7:50 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja stood, keeping every sense ready to react at a moment to any assault that came here way. However, it wasn't to come. No creature burst from the underbrush and launched itself at Mirja, spitting venom and shrieking wildly as it tried to kill her. Her last fight here was pretty spectacular, with Nifl opening with a barrage that cracked her carapace in just afew blows. Instead, she got a random strange person bring attention to himself, wave and say 'up here' like he hadn't a care in the world. Maybe he didn't, confidence was a hell of a drug, after all.

Mirja gave him a wave as he spoke, and then waited for him to do his routine. Everyone had one. This guy's routine seemed to be making everyone bone pop loudly as if trying to intimidate her. However, Mirja had caused every bone in the human body to splinter, crack, explode, or otherwise not do what it was meant to be doing anymore, so that was not something she was overly bothered by. If she was totally honest, she wasn't even paying that much attention to him, chatting with Hvit. The girl was being talkative, today.
'He's cute. Maybe you should play with him a bit? Rather than just punching him in the nads and watching his eyes pop out of his head' Hvit suggested. Mirja smiled softly at that, and nodded.

He introduced himself, as Vanyel Xioyang, and then belittled her by saying he had no problem hitting women. Mirja gave him a grin so her fangs were on show, and nodded.
"I'm Mirja Eeola. And don't worry, I have no problem hitting women either" she retorted. Zing, score one to Mirja. Emasculation and great retorts, all in one pretty package. However, he then signed his death warrant by saying surrender was the easy way out.
'On second thoughts, obliterate the bastard' Hvit put in. Mirja was all to happy to oblige.
"Interesting proposal, with the surrender. Allow me to offer a mild-mannered rebuke. Bankai, God Of Fire" she had her Zanpaktou out while talking, and the release phrase let out a sudden, blinding flash of light as Mirja was coated in the exo-skeleton, and then the adrenaline pumped into her system, pushing the already formidable body to new heights.

She then moved, with such speed there was a deafening crack as the sound barrier was totally shredded with her movement. Mirja closed the gap in a quarter of an eyeblink, and then sort to end the fight with a single high kick to the temple.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  Empty Re: Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]

Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:20 pm
[adm]Giving a notice to speed things up along with this thread.[/adm]

Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  WVMWLOu
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Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  Empty Re: Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]

Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:38 am



Artist: ??? - Song: Death By Glamor Dual Mix - Word Count: 989

People had such strange triggers nowadays, now didn't they? Well, that is what Vanyel was thinking when he saw the small smile that had appeared on the girl's face disappear, and the small, off-hand sword that she held turned into an exoskeleton, which simply caused Vanyel to tilt his head in curiosity. After all, it wasn't every day you got to see a Bankai from someone.

Then, the first hit was thrown. As Vanyel's Jiaodan activated, his entire body moved to the side, barely avoiding the single hit, but then, the aftershock is what he wasn't prepared for. The burst of wind from the sudden stop of her fist in the air rippled across the arena, causing the skin on his cheek to tear open, and a small stream of blood would run down his cheek, and the male would quickly attempt to gain distance between them with a few quick flashes of the Chi Human's flash step.

"Fate just don't like me, now does she?" The male muttered, before shrugging and placing the dagger that he held, into the sheath. Grinning to himself, his arm would flick, and spin in a circle, and then he would begin to clap. His ocean blue eyes gleamed with amusement as he continued to stare at the wolf girl, before putting a hand on the pommel of his weapon. "Well I'll be damned! I like you, wolf! Punch shit first, ask question later. While I prefer a sword over my hands, I like the way you think!" Vanyel exclaimed, before his head would lower, his snow-colored hair preventing Mirja from seeing his face.

"'s my turn." He said, before grinning even more maniac than he had before. As a large exertion of power was released from his body, an immense aura would be launched from his body, with his eyes turning a deep shade of red, while his hair would seem to grow longer, with his normal clothing morphing into something more...concealing. As a loud sigh of relief came from the male, he would brush his hand through his new long hair.


"Heh. Forgot how much fun it is to use this." He mumbled under his breath, before the hand that held his sword reached out to his left. "Form all the lies ever told into a blade, so that I may wipe this land of all truth and honesty, leaving nothing but deceit." The male stated, and a pitch black blade would form itself mere inches from the katana of a similar color. Raising his right hand from his side, he would curl the fingers of his hand back, leaving only his index finger remaining, pointing at the girl.

Sparking an orb of energy on his hand, the male would quickly fire a blast of energy in power similar to a Cero. After this was performed, Vanyel could be seen raising in fact both of his arms from his sides, with multiple small voids opening in the ground, and black chains would slither from them, coiling and curling around the frame of their summoner. Snapping the index and thumb of his right hand, these chains would immediately stop all action that they had been performing, before shooting off in the direction of Mirja.

As they surged towards their intended targets, the links of the chains would eject spikes from their Chi-crafted steel, clearly showing that this was meant to maim, wound, and possibly kill. And then, Vanyel himself would take action. Leaping forward with his twin swords, the male would use his speed to quickly make a large amount of slashing attacks that would do a multitude of things, depending on which sword would be hitting Mirja, or even doing damage.

As Corrosion Cloud was swung, Vanyel had only one thought on his mind that he was currently working on chipping down. And that was this woman's immense strength. If these hits from Corrosion Cloud connected, Mirja may have found her strength slowly being sapped away, as that was Corrosion Cloud's power. Corrode, destroy, and corrupt everything that it touched. However, if this weapon crafted by the Demon Queen did not hit her, she would most likely be feeling the follow-up attacks that were coming from the illusion-like sword that was hovering mere inches above the male's main weapon.

As his assault continued, he would begin to utilize nearly all of his skills to their maximum potential, firing multiple energy blasts that were the Yoh attack that many Chi users used for offensive attacks. All the while, hundreds of raining blows would come down upon Mirja's body. But, there always had to be a finisher to this combo. So, the male would charge a large amount of Chi into the Qiqong in his chest, which, in turn, would cause Vanyel's attack to slow, and weaken ever so slightly.

This was due to the Chi skill, Tilian that was charging in that Qiqong. Which, after the time that he was giving it to charge, would cause a large burst of energy to release from his midsection, sending a wave of damaging Chi all around where he stood, which would have a maximum range of 200 meters. Being hit with this attack would most likely cause Mirja to lose her balance, as well as giving her a small bit of dizziness from such an attack that would come from this man.

But, there were still downsides that Vanyel had to face. One of which was the fact of the Chi drainage that he had induced upon himself. It wasn't an extremely large amount, but it was still something that he would need time to recover from. And, to do so, he needed to gain some distance. So, using Xin Yue Buzhou to quickly "step" away from the wolf girl, Vanyel would shake his head from side to side a few times, to quickly clear his head, and then standing within a basic stance for someone who only wielded a single sword.

Mirja's turn.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  Empty Re: Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]

Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:36 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

He managed to avoid her first blow. She wasn't sure how, but he did it. Which was always annoying. She briefly considered using one of the colossal trees as a weapon but dismissed that idea. Maybe as a trap more than a weapon. But for now, he announced it was his turn. Not something that Mirja had a problem with. The adrenals coursing through her body allowed her to view the world as if someone had hit the slow motion button. The energy blast that was shot at her singed off a part of her uniform, but Mirja reacted quickly enough to avoid it with her current Bankai form. She could probably catch a bullet in this form, and then flick it back at the shooter.

The chains were a nice, kinky addition to this fight, but the spikes were less so. Not entirely sure if they would penetrate her skin, she decided not to let them, and timed a precise Meotode to slam into the chains and blast them back with the heavy tonnage of her current strength. As if trying to distract her with chains, her victim came in fast, swinging swords and blasting energy and pulling off a combat of such involved mental state he probably didn't notice that there was no more feeling of Mirja half way through it. She had used her Utsusemi on the first blow, and escaped the massive flurry, leaving her Shunshakusho to be thoroughly obliterated by the attacks. The technique was one of such great speed that the attacker wouldn't notice she was no longer there until several seconds after the fact, and when one committed to such a linked combo, the confirmation of physicality on the first hit would override the lack of confirmation on the subsequent hits. It was the flaw of combo flurries.

She focused inwards while he attacked the space she used to be, and prepared her Wolf-God Fist. Channeling her power to a single point, aided by her Bankai's power, she would wait for him to finish his flurry. Once he had, she would then Flash Step directly in front of him, totally naked now she shed the only clothing she had to use her Molting Cicada, and unleash the punch into his torso area. A mirror opposite of his flurry that had left nothing but scraps of her clothing, Mirja was aiming to finish the fight with one single, monstrous blow.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  Empty Re: Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]

Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:38 am



Artist: theultimateonejpsx - Song: Spear Of Justice Dual Mix - Word Count: 744

Now, wasn't this interesting? At first, Vanyel had expected the match to be over in an instant, but things seemed to be changing. It seemed it would be whoever would hit the other first, rather than a match of single hits to the vital areas. They had both managed to avoid each other's attacks, with the girl using some form of Flash Step of her own to get past the onslaught of chains, energy blasts, and sword slashes.

As the first hit swept clean through the shihakusho that had been left being from the Shunpo technique, Vanyel's attack instantly stopped, with the chains breaking off their offensive move to protect their master. As the metal whirled and curled around his body, he felt the grip on Corrosion Cloud's sword form tightening. Something didn't feel right. He wasn't used to feel this. It was a prime emotion in the human body. But yet, Vanyel had not a reason to feel it until now. Fear. His eyes widened in panic, before they narrowed.

Just calm down, he thought to himself as his eyes flickered around the arena, searching for Mirja. Closing his eyes and using his Quan skill once again, he spread a sheet of Chi around his position, scanning everywhere in a half a mile radius. She may not have been exerting the spiritual pressure that most Shinigami did, but he knew that she did have it. And that is what the Quan barrier was looking to find. As the little ping that echoed in the recesses of his mind alerted him of something behind him, he quickly readjusted the grip on his weapon, before the signature was gone.

Reappearing in front of him, Vanyel had little option of what to do. Gritting his teeth in rage, he would respond in equal to what she was doing. As the Xinfeng that resided everywhere on his body began to focus itself on one specific area, Vanyel allowed Corrosion Cloud's form to break down, and become a large, glove-like object that was entirely wrapped around his now clenched fist. Drawing his arm back, he hurled his arm forward with all his might, and the two hits would meet.

The sound of the protective barrier around his arm shattering was what caused his eyes to widen. As the girl's fist impacted his own, his Jiaodian activated, and his entire body would react upon this. Twisting around, and lifting the majority of his body weight into the air, he quickly allowed his own fist to separate from Mirja's, while his arm would then attempt to grab her, and hold onto her wrist, before striking with his legs.

Sending multiple kicks towards the facial region, Vanyel would then use Buzhou to quickly move away through disappearing, then reappearing on a nearby tree branch. Exhausted breaths came from the male as he went to hold his wrist, but gripped nothing. Looking down in panic, he saw nothing but the numb that was the remainder of his shoulder. No pain came from this, but he knew that he had to get out of this before it hit. However, the pain didn't seem to be the main focus of his mind.

As the male's previous scowl turned into one of glee, Mirja would most likely be able to see the lack of humanity, and sanity within his face. Throwing his head back and laughing, his head jerked downward, staring daggers at Mirja. "TRES BIEN! ALL THOSE FUCKIN' WORDS WILL DO FOR THAT!" He screamed, before the laughter was cut short by a quiet grunt of pain, and the psychotic grin on his face faded to a mixture of a scowl, and a look of pain, before he grinned once again.

"THAT LITTLE-" He began, before turning around, and retreating into the swamp, using everything around him to his advantage, before landing on the ground, and pressing his back against the tree that he was up against. Panting quietly, Vanyel's head slowly lowered down, staring at his trembling hand, and whatever was left of the other. Clenching it tight, he felt a mixture of emotions run through his body. Glee. Rage. And, of course, the adrenaline that was pumping the fuck away in his body.

So far, this was immensely fun for the psychotic Dark Chi Wielder. After all, that's what he wanted out of this fun. He didn't care about the prize at the end, which was Greece. He just wanted to get stronger, and have one hell of a time.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  Empty Re: Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]

Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:00 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

He was certainly brave, or mad, she had to give him that. When she appeared right in front of him, the decision he made in the very small handful of seconds he had to make it, was to punch her fist. Conservation of Force send the ensuring shockwave behind him and obliterated the base of the tree a few dozen feet behind them, causing it to creak, groan, and then start to slowly topple in their direction. He fled, again, but not before sending a kick to Mirja's direction, which was promptly headbutted to add to the pain he was inevitably feeling.

It was a shame, she thought. The kind was one that might have had a chance against Mirja if he had thought to use his head. To analyse the opponent in any way before deciding to punch her fist and subsequently lose basically all of his own. And the fact that he managed to contain the lose of bodily parts to his arm alone was a testament to his defensive barriers. With the mangled mess that was his arm now, Mirja knew he would be pissing blood, and so all she needed to do was follow her nose to were he was hiding. However, she didn't want to do that just yet. Moving out of the way of the falling tree, she let it crash to the ground, and then moved to slid her arms under it, and launch it in the opposite direction, throwing it at, or at least near, her opponent.

Without some amazing trump card up his sleeve, he had lost when he decided to try and meet Mirja on the field of pure strength. That was her domain, and she was the Empress when it came to that. Still, she was not cruel, so after the tree crashed down, she would follow her nose, blood always had such a sharp and iconic scent, after all.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]  Empty Re: Vanyel VS Mirja [Greece Tournament Event]

Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:01 pm
[mod]Seeing as it's been well over a month since I've posted, I'm just going to say that Mirja is the winner. Will be locking this thread.[/mod]
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