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Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
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Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+] Left_bar_bleue7900/999999Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+] Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+] Empty Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+]

Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:24 pm


» Name: Wolfgang Ryujin
» Alias: Wolfy, Oni of War
» Age: 24;110
» Gender: Male
» Affiliation: Vandenreich; Sternritter Captain
» Type: Quincy-Hollow


Height: 5'1"

Weight: 145 lbs



Shameless: Due to parts of his brain being damaged, one of the things he lost was a sense of embarrassment. Wolfgang doesn't care about anything, especially when it comes to sexual topics. He's known to be very vulgar and flaunts his junk time from time without a care in the world.

Fearless: This is another part of his personality that is affected by his brain. The part of his brain that stimulates fear is partially removed. Even though some parts of it are still there, he isn't really scared if anything, even death. This causes many to believe he's brave and also quite stupid when he ends up doing things that nobody else would.

Short Tempered: Wolf is known to be a quite unstable person when it comes to his anger. Even the littlest thing sets him off, but the way he deals with these things varies. If he were to be teased he'd most likely respond with a rude comment, but if he were to be assaulted? He would most likely end up killing whoever put their hands on him. Murder is also how he deals with stress.

Sadist: He doesn't per say get sexual pleasure out of hurting other people, but he does enjoy it. Mainly the feel of his blade slicing through the warm flesh of his foes. It gets him excited just thinking about it! When he can't hold back his urges he might even resort to butchering his underlings.

Adrenaline Junkie: In short terms, Wolfgang lives for the thrill. Once he gets a taste of a little adrenaline, he starts to crave it. He wants more and more, sometimes even resorting to damaging himself for when he needs a fix.

Brutally Honest: This is a trait that most people hate Wolfgang for. He's always had a very broad and mean way of looking at life. Whenever people need hope, he's always there to give them a nice dose of reality to remind them about what's really going on.


Wolfgang was born to two quincies, both of them pure blood so they can pass on their quincy powers to their child. They named him Wolfgang based off of the way he would stare at his parents with his fear-inducing eyes, as if he were a wolf stalking his prey.

Growing up Wolfgang was a very violent child. During his quincy training he would often try to kill his instructors. He didn't make it obvious that he attempted to take his instructor's life, but none of the other kids new how to keep their mouths shut and some of the saw him try to do it. Thus, his parents also started to grow a disliking towards him. They would tell him "We expected better from you." or "Why waste all your talent on something like this?" After a while, Wolfgang had gotten fed up and attacked his parents. He succeeded in taking their lives and left his home at the age of 12.

England is where he fled to. He had family there; an aunt from his father's side. She was also a quincy though she decided to not stay with the pack. When Wolfgang arrived, he told her everything. At first, she was afraid of him. Why should she let a murderer into her house? Though as time went on, she started to forgive Wolfgang for what he did. She didn't approve of his actions, but she accepted him for who he was though she was always on guard around him.

Wolfgang's aunt was much stronger than both of his parent's combined. The fact was that she was a past member of the Executive branch of the Vandenreich. She took it upon herself to teach Wolfgang the way of the Quincy, and he surprisingly picked up on it quick. Though after about 2 years of him learning, he hit a power block at 15. No matter how hard he trained and no matter how much he tried, he felt as if he wasn't going anywhere. So one night he went on a walk to clear his head.

He didn't wander particularly far from his home, but little did he know he was being watched. There was a hollow that had been stalking Wolfgang for the past year from Hueco Mundo, waiting to the perfect time to strike. It just happened that this specific night was ample for an attack, and attack he did. Wolfgang wasn't ready for the Adchujas to at all, but he soon became prepared. He fought the hollow well, using what his aunt had taught him in training, and ultimately defeated it. Though he didn't kill it; he had question and wanted answers.

Wolfgang interrogated the hollow, asking why it decided to attack him. The hollow's reasoning was simple: quincy consumption. As the hollow explained why he wanted to eat a quincy, a thought had crossed Wolfgang's mind: what if he absorbed the hollow? It was already pretty beat up, plus if it didn't agree he could just eradicate it. So Wolfgang gave the hollow a proposition that he gladly accepted.

This hollow was what Wolfgang had needed. With his new "friend" he had gained more power than he knew was possible, as sh has never seen a quincy like him. Not only did he gain a power boost, he found his quincy calling. His letter: W. With his new power, he decided to go back to the place he had hated as a kid and rejoin with his quincy brethren. Upon arrival he had joined the Vandenreich, assigned under the Jagdarmee as a soldier.

Since then he's honed his quincy powers and has begun to gain control of his hollow powers. He also has been promoted to the Steinritter Captain. He's not a very active quincy now a day, mainly keeping to himself and trains though when he does interact with others it tends to be only quincies. Rarely does he leave Antarctica unless he has business in the outside world.

quincy powers

Decent Archer: Wolfgang isn't a master archer like many of the other quincies. The reasoning for this is that he never took the time to actually get better at using a bow, but can you really blame him? His spirit weapon isn't a bow, so there isn't really a reason for him to learn how to master a bow, instead he used that time to practice his swordsmanship.

Godlike Swordsman: Who needs to be a useless archer when you can cut things? That's what Wolfgang repeatedly said to himself as he spent decades perfecting his swordsmanship. Wolfgang has mainly trained with two-handed swords, but has had enough ability and strength to carry one with only a single hand. His skill with a blade could compare to that of a shinigami captain.

Eagle Eye: A little something he picked up during his quincy training. Wolfgang's eyes are able to see farther than a normal human's. This can help him scout out distances up to 1 mile away without much problems. The max he can see is up to 2 miles, but that would require a little more effort.

Cognitive Insensitivity to Pain: A rare condition that happens upon birth and is also hereditary. When birthed, part of the brain is formed differently than normal people and their nerves are messed up. Due to this, they do not feel pain whatsoever. Though they don't feel pain, their sense of touch is still functioning so the person may feel different textures and know that they are touching something. Though it seems like a gift it is actually a curse, in Wolfgang's case. Wolfgang often bites off chunks of his tongue when he talks, he constantly breaks bones, and he frequents cuts and infections.

W - The Warmonger: The bread and butter of Wolfgang's Quincy powers. The concept of this power is simple: get hit and hit back twice as hard.

Whatever bit of damage that Wolfgang takes spikes the amount of reishi around him, mainly released from him in a strong burst. Almost immediately after this reishi is released, he absorbs it back into his body and increases his spirit weapon's size and strength. If any other Quincies are around him, they can also absorb the reishi in which he outputs and increase their strength too. For this he craves the feeling of pain, something he does not know. He is often seen hurting himself on purpose or asking his allies to hurt him.

Scaling Chart:


Quincy Cross: Something that every quincy needs. Wolfgang's quincy cross is located on a silver chain around his neck. The chain is long enough so that it goes into his chest and isn't visible if he's wearing a shirt.

Cross Appearance:

hohl powers

» Hollow Abilities:

Soul-Body Separation: This is a simple racial technique that most, if not all, Hollows have access to. In essence, this ability allows the Hollow to separate the living person from their spirits, forcibly dragging their spirit so they can either converse with their loved ones upon turning into a Hollow or for more sinister means. Whilst a common racial ability, Hollows are usually not found using such an ability as they normally hunt after pluses, rather than living human beings. If desperate enough, however, this can change and the Hollow is capable of separating the human spirit from their body. This also means that it is possible for a Hollow to extract a Shinigami from their Gigai, but this could prove... disasterous for the Hollow. But it is also shown to be able to reverse, in the same way. As Hollows can extract souls, Shinigami are capable of placing their souls into an artificial vessel and becoming visible in the human realm.

Cero: This is a very powerful and extremely swift blast of energy that can be made by anyone infected by Hollows. It has been shown my some Gillian class hollows to blast even towns apart, their wide array of power being quite scary. As the classes of Hollows goes up, the power of their cero is also quite unique and strong. Most cero of basic Hollow have shown to be simply red in colour, whilst others like Vasto Lorde or Arrancar can have various ranges of colours. For an example of this is that Starrk has blue cero, Harribel has yellow, ulquiorra has green ceros, etc. A cero can also be shot from a variety of locations, each unique to the Hollow in question; this can be the tongue, finger tip, fist or even eyeball if one wished.

Garganta: Literally translating to "throat" in spanish and "Black cavity" in Japanese, Garganta is the method in which all Hollows use to travel between different realms. When in use, a black rift literally tears open the fabric of space and opens into a black rift of Darkness. The most common usage is to travel from Hueco Mundo to the living realm, but users whom are more adept at this can even use it in fights to actually open rifts of darkness to absorb attacks, and open a rift elsewhere to shoot it back at them. It highly depends on the skill of the user, as often even Vizards have been shown to open garganta during battle. Normal hollows only use this as a method of transportation, though. Many of the reasons Garganta is a very powerful tool is for it's utility and mass transportation which can hold endless numbers of "foot soldiers" or people within it.

Negacion: As previously mentioned under "gillian", Negacion is the technique in which Hollows can rescue or "extract" allies from a battle. The name literally translates to Negation in Spanish. Causing a garganta from the sky, a ray of light will shoot down onto the targets, as a few moments pass they will be dragged up and into the rift. This is usually done by Gillian whom are massive in size and can be commanded by other Hollow for easy "extraction" from dangerous areas.

High-Speed regeneration: Generally self explanatory, some Hollows are capable of having the ability to regenerate their bodies at their own will. However this is usually quite limited to the cutting off of limbs. This is usually more commonly found in Arrancar, however some Hollow's have learned to reform their bodies from damage. It is said that if they have taken drastic damage to organs and vitals, however, they cannot regenerate these easily (or not at all, depending on the Hollow), which allows them still very vulnerable. This is shown by Ulquiorra whom sacrificed even more raw power for the ability to regenerate his body.

» Hollow Modification:

Gillian Commander: Since Wolfgang had absorbed an Adchujas class hollow, he gained their ability to command over the gillians. This skill isn't by command though, but is more passive. The gillians will take anything and everything he says literally, which is why his sarcasm doesn't work well when he's conversing with them. That's another thing: he can understand them. Since not all gillians speak his language nor do they speak any language at all, when he hears them "speak" the noises are perfectly translated in his mind.

» Mask Appearance:

» Mask Benefits:

Oni Physiology: Self-explanatory. The mask gives Wolfgang the body of an oni in a way. He has a strong natural defense and enhanced strength. He also has two horns, which are part of the mask. On top of that, his bones are stronger than normal.

» Soul Unification Appearance: In this form, Wolfgang doesn't have much of an appearance change besides his mask which slowly forms over the duration of this form.

» Soul Unification Abilities:

Oni Strength: Throughout the forming of the mask and while having the mask formed, Wolfgang's strength is exponentially increased. The spike from his normal strength to his new very noticeable. To measure his strength, while in Soul Unification he has the power to lift a whole battleship with ease. Though it would require two hands and a lot of effort, he still has the power to lift and throw anything weighing 45,000 tons max. The drawback is that he cannot control his strength, it being on full blast constantly or at least until his mask breaks.

» Soul Expansion Appearance: In this form, Wolfgang's shoulder's get broader and his skin starts to turn a shade of blue. This is supposed to look similar to a blue oni.

» Soul Expansion Abilities:

Demon Gate: The portal of disaster. Wolfgang summons a 10ft tall 5 foot wide portal with a Torii surrounding the gate. The gate slowly starts to suck objects into it, picking up speed the longer the portal is summoned. Not only that, if the portal senses any spiritual pressure, red chains will fly out of the portal and grab the source. The chains are easily breakable, but even if they break more will come out of the portal. One the other side is an alternate look the Earth with major differences. First the sky and moon are blood red, the water is the color of red wine and is highly acidic. The ground is made of red sands and there are constant sandstorms. Once inside, the only way out is for the portal to be reopened and the person to find it's location. Once someone is in the portal, they can't go back in. Wolfgang can only summon this portal once a week and for only 10 minutes at a time, or 2 posts.

» Spirit Domain Appearance: (What does this form look like?)

» Spirit Domain Abilities: (What abilities do they gain in this form/other information about it?)

spirit weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Beurteilung

» Spirit Weapon Appearance:

» Spirit Weapon Abilities:

God's Bias: Beurteilung cannot cut through any solid objects. In fact, if it were to be used on a solid object and were to be swung hard enough, it would shatter. Instead, the only thing it craves is flesh. So due to the fact that it can't destroy it's environment, it's attacks seem to go deeper than they normally would. A light scratch could turn into a deep gash, a gash turning into dismemberment, a blunt attack to the head could case serious brain damage.

Scaling Chart:

Skill Sheet

Quincy Skills
  • Spirit Weapon Proficiency: Adept
  • Blut: Beginner
  • Hirenkyaku: Beginner
  • Reishi Manipulation: Adept

Hollow Skills
  • Acid Skill: Beginner
  • Garganta : Beginner
  • Cero/Bala: Adept
  • Regeneration: Adept

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Adept

Coded by Daddy
Inspired by [THEFROST]

Last edited by Slayer on Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:53 pm; edited 6 times in total
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4467
Age : 23

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Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+] Empty Re: Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+]

Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:07 pm


« Application Checklist »
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [O]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [O]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

  • Comments/Notes: This was a good read, and I look forward to approving this! However, there are some things that I would like changed before that can happen.

    Godlike Swordsmanship: Only thing I have a tiny problem with would be the comparison. Royal Guard members are the best of the best, when it comes to Shinigami. I would say lower it to vice-captain, or captain. I personally believe that being on par with a Royal Guard member is over-doing it a little.

    W - The Warmonger: Alright, the only thing I request to be modified would be to add a bit more of specifics of how much this scrift increases his strength. I'd recommend making a scale for all the levels, from Beginner to Grand Master.

    Demon Gate: Alright, the main problem I have with this is the duration period. Actual time isn't entirely established on the site, so I'd recommend saying how many posts this gate can stay active for.

    God's Bias: Ok, since this seems to be more focused on character damage, I'd say that instead of saying that it cuts deeper, it cuts through durability and defenses much easier than normal weapons. Like I said with The Warmonger, I highly recommend making a chart for this. I'd say what level of strength would affect durability, and different defenses, such as Xinfeng, and Akuma Kyodo.

    [Just a head's up, Xinfeng is not something that has it's own skill sheet section, like Akuma Kyodo. So, I'd say describe what level of Sei skill in the chart.]

    That should be it. Please fix what has been noted above as soon as possible, and we should be good. I'll give him a tier after this.

  • Tier: TBA
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4467
Age : 23

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Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+] Empty Re: Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+]

Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:41 pm


« Application Checklist »
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Adept

  • Comments/Notes: Alright, since we've talked about things in PC, and problems have been fixed, this should be good to go. God's Bias will be watched, to make sure that it's not being abused.
  • Tier: 3-5+
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Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+] Empty Re: Wolfgang Ryujin [APPROVED, 3-5+]

Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:47 am
[adm]Moved to adoption upon request.[/adm]

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