Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]

Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:21 pm


Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

The dark gaping void opened up, the darkness eveloping everything. The miasma of madness spilled forth while the figure of demonica nightfang exited the portal with a small step. Beneath her was ruined earth and destroyed Land as they entered the inverse of the demon world. Or atleast the inverse of chaya nation. In this portion of the black world everything seemed to be destroyed. It was a singular expanding wasteland, The only thing out here was scavengers and brutes that had been unable to live in the cities that dotted the landscape. Pillars pierced the sky and slammed into the ground, storms ravaged everything. It was as if the world had ended here and forgot the memo that it atleast needed to cease to exist. That was the land that demonica had decided to take arianda vale to from their original location of jamaica. It was desolate and more importantly there would be no one to hear her scream in agony, nor would there be anyone to stop what was going to transpire.

The demoness landed on the dusty ground, kicking up some of the ash that rest there, ash which she sunk into and molded to the shape of the demon barrier that was covering her feet so that her landing didn’t shatter everything in hundreds of feet. Eventually demonica’s golden gaze shifted upwards, the destruction, the disturbed glee that roiled under her unholy flesh barely hidden beneath a small smile. Arianda had wanted to go to the black world after all, so demonica had obliged her, had given her the exact thing that she wanted. Yet there was more to the situation than demonica simply, doing this out of the non-existent goodness in her heart. For most demons granted, they really didn’t do anything that wouldn’t benefit them down the line, they were a . . . relatively selfish race in that regard. The same was to be said about the bloodthirsty demon that stood there looking up at the portal which connected them to the world of the living for this point in time.

Her hands eventually spread out, and her head tilted back if arianda was still in her previous position. Her wicked glee easily discernable as she gestured to the destruction that had gone on as far as even their demonic eyes could see. The very air was thick with a miasma called dread, there was incomprehensible levels of brutality that existed here, that had been born under the rule of a tyrannical queen who had driven her nation into the ground simply because she could. After all who wouldn’t? It was so much fun seeing things break! Seeing the way that the working order just simply couldn’t hold sway if influenced by a strong negative force. Alas her daydreams had to stop at one point, and she snapped out of the stupor that she had been in to let her hands fall to her side. Her pale flesh luminous even here in this dreary place. Glowing almost against the backdrop of catastrophe that greeted them from every single angle.

Demonica felt it was time to give her a real welcome into the black world, into the world that existed here, into the true facts on atleast this part of the black world. This was why as her voice came out it was rather manic in all honesty. She had adrenaline practically singing through her veins at this point. Hopped up like someone on a high from caffine due to all the dastardly aura’s that permeated her body like a fine fucking wine. One she was most certainly drunk off of. Hence she said with a giggle.

”..WELCOME! This is the black world tha you have been inexplicably drawn to. Or atleast this is a part of it. A part of the foil that exists in parallel to our own world, here but never crossing. Or rather should i say almost never crossing huh? As this is a junction between worlds, a reason really that all the madness all the disturbed whim and fancy has managed to seep across. This is known as inverse chaya nation and it is one of the large nations in inverse demon world! Technically this is the place you have been seeking,though. The chasm. “

It was true in a sense ! While the black world was the mirror of our damned insane world. It was the chasm that housed the madness that resonated with their seals of eris! Even now it’s effects could be seen on the likes of demonica nightfang, causing for her scelera to turn black, causing for the red of her eyes to glow and golden hair to dye itself raven black. She grew to look more mature, and older before the likes of arianda’s eyes. Her lips parted in a lazy grin as she said to the likes of arianda vale.

“This is the place that our kind ultimately call home. In the destruction, in the pandemonium, in the insanity and the illogicality is were we thrive. Is it all you hoped for! Huh child!?! “

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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  LzZCuy7
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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty Re: Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]

Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:35 pm



Artist: THB - Song: Bossfight - Word Count: 669

Arianda quickly stepped through the portal, coming out on the other side to see what appeared the be a giant plot of destroyed land. It nearly looked like Chaya Nation, speaking of which, she could see a reflection in the clouds that made her eyes widen and her jaw drop. She shook her head and dropped down a little after Demonica did and she landed with a small crater, and a lot of ash being thrown, being created in her wake. She stood up slowly, her scissors clanking slightly as she rose. She looked around and saw the large amounts of destruction and a large grin soon spread across her face; nearly splitting her face in half with how large the grin grew. She placed her scissors on her back and then sighed softly, looking at everything around her.

Arianda stretched and then suddenly stopped stretching as she felt the energy around her. Pure manic energy, she had felt this before, long before; when she was with Mana in the chasm. She looked around and definitely felt the manic Energy of the chasm, the Eris energy, and her form flashed to her Chasm revival for only a moment as she focused on the energy and the large amount of Oorja in the air that made her being spark slightly with green energy that was clearly from Mana's influence. She soon returned to her normal state, after flashing through her second Adjustable state, a huge ass great sword on her shoulders. When she finally stopped focusing on all the energy about her, she walked to be standing next to Demonica and she surveyed the area slowly.

Arianda yawned softly and then lightly tapped her foot as she looked up at Demonica. Then she looked around at her surroundings. Definitely the black world, especially from the Oorja and how her seal of Eris was glowing; nearly making her a slight beacon. She tapped it lightly, basically tapping on her chest, as she wondered why the hell it was glowing. She decided to ignore it for now, not thinking much of it frankly. She sighed and then lightly scratched the back of her head as she let her hood fall off of her head. She crossed her arms and then looked back at Demonica once more, focusing her gaze on her as she spoke to her.

Arianda nodded, she had only figured out what this place was due to her being in the Chasm Domain once before, though, it was quite some time ago; when she was training with Mana. She sighed a little and then lightly popped the knuckles on her right hand, though it was definitely something done at random. She then continued to watch Demonica as her form shifted, and likely not for the first time.

Arianda's left eyebrow raised as she watched the mad demon shift in front of her, changing into a much more mature shape. If Arianda wasn't already a little aroused from the sense of destruction around her, this did not help at ALL. She seriously had to tell her brain to shut up as she watched Demonica shift forms and then speak again. She nodded her head at Demonica and spoke to her.

"Yes... I recognize the Chasm, I've been there at least once before, with Mana, but, I do know I do not know this place. I guess the name is a little fitting since things seem a little dark here... or is that because you destroyed nearly everything here? I truly cannot tell if that's the reason or not. So... uhm, what's next?"

Arianda then simply stood there and waited nervously, unsure of what would happen or what Demonica would do. Arianda was unsure what would happen, but, hopefully things would be fun and things would be good. After all, Arianda liked to have fun, and, in this place she could probably fuel herself with enough conflict and DE to go for days.

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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty Re: Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]

Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:40 am


Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Demonica had been studying arianda, since the first second she had touched down in inverse chaya. The way she held herself, the way her eyes practically sparkled with wonder; it all further fed the feeling of amusement in the she-beast. ”So she seems to be interested, or at the very least she finds it more to her liking. “ she thought, while her red irises cut through the haze and she had been shifting her weight from one foot to the other. A bad habit if you will, since she liked to keep moving. Something which most likely stemmed from the fact that, generally she was plowing her fist into some being, beast, or humanoid creature. The quiet moments; moments like this were rare. Infact this quiet moment was about to end, since as she listened to what arianda had to say she paused, deliberated, and then started with the first part of the question.

”..That is both correct, and incorrect. This mess of a place actually belongs to one of those crazed beings you call the Apostles of Chaos, Inami asthavon to be precise. She rules over both chaya nation, and inverse chaya nation. Her throne room is one of the few places that you will find that the dimensions have become one and the same. “

The demoness had paused, her red eyes scanning the horizon before she grinned, her lips parting while she deliberated the second part of the question. She had caused some of the destruction that was present here, but she couldn’t take the credit for all this destruction and mayhem! It was that line of thought that caused the demoness to do something interesting. Moving her arms to cross each other she made a great, big, x. Before she spoke.

”..I wish i could take the credit for this level of destruction, it is a thing of beauty after all! The answer to that is, i’ve caused some of the destruction here as i brawl with the riff-raff to my heart’s content. Here in this perpetual wasteland i have little need to hold back, or worry about harming other people. In short; it’s my own little wonderland!”

Letting the laughter bubble forward from her lips, a tiny little snarl of a laugh that she raised a hand to quiet, the girl finally decided to get to the real reason they had come to this place. She’d take a step forward, then another, repeating the action until she was standing either face to face, or looking down at the likes of arianda. Her demonic expression, almost hungry. Not in a sexual way, but in the literal sense that her stomach let out a little growl in the prospect of what she had truly come here for. Her thoughts bouncing around in her head. ”I think . . Maybe i want to see what she is truly capable of if i give her the tools to cause real mayhem, to be able to destroy and cause people to go insane, to make them practically green with envy. “

It was a thought that had the demoness raising her right hand to ruffle the gal’s hair. As if arianda was a child, rather than the trained psychopath she undoubtedly was. Her red irises drifting into the landscape before she released it, a dense surge of demonic energy that echoed into the endless expanse, shattering earth and distorting the very space around them with it’s quality, and quantity. Within it was enough killing intent to fuel a large-scale war. It was unbridled hatred, malice, insanity, cruelty, amusement, and glee. It was terrifying and yet wondrous all the same. And it was enough to cause the ilk, the creatures that cozily hid in the shadows to begin crawling out of the woodwork to answer such a call. It was thousands of demons, tens of thousands of demons. A horde, a swarm, whatever individuals wanted to call it, it was a large fucking gathering of demons.

Only now did demonica finish and answer the “why” they were here.

”I wish to give you the tools to wreak mayhem to your little hearts content, I will push you to the cusp of death if i must, because your mere existence has amused me enough that i want to see how this all pans out. That being said, this world is full of the strong, who dominate the weak. I wonder where you will fit in.”

Her musings had come just as her body was swallowed up in the oncoming horde, her laughter echoing as she was willingly drug into the crowd of fangs, claws, and putrid stench. Into the throng of snarling, spitting, hissing beasts that sought to destroy them. The rabid demons of the wastelands of inverse chaya nation. Now they would converge upon arianda and it would be up to her to figure out how to deal with the horde while massive creatures began to stir, and lumbering shadows could be seen in the distance. . What the hell was it that demonica’s bloodlust had truly summoned?

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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  LzZCuy7
Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  BtXe12b
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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty Re: Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]

Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:35 pm



Artist: THB - Song: Bossfight - Word Count: 701

Arianda sighed softly as she listened to Demonica as she explained exactly why they were here. Of course, she was being quite cryptic in her speech and not getting to the point right away; something that was really getting at Arianda as she stood there waiting. She heard mention of this place they are in being the the home of crazed beings known as the Apostles of chaos; someone known as Inami Asthavon. Someone that was somehow related to Mana Asthavon, but, Arianda could count as that too considering how she was the reincarnation of Amphilogiai. While her abilities of conflict were still yet to be perfected, she was definitely still a child of Eris.

She watched as Demonica crossed her arms to make an X before she spoke some more, saying that she was not the alone cause of all this destruction. Something that did not surprise Arianda, but, it was still an intriguing thought that someone else caused all this destruction. Maybe it was this Inami Asthavon who had caused all this destruction. Hard to say though, but, at least Arianda had a vague feeling about who had taken this land and turned it into a pile of ash and rubble; nice enough of a sight. However, Demonica was clearly planning something.

She watched the demon laugh in quite the maniac fashion before a single hand silenced the laugh and then took slow steps towards Arianda. Arianda was a little cautious from her steps, aware but not showing any signs of attacking or even trying to bother her. She waited until the tall demon was right in front of her before bothering to do anything, which was to grumble softly as Demonica pet her and ruffled her hair; the ribbon that was in her hair going a little nuts in the braid.

As soon as Demonica had finished ruffling her hair, Arianda straightened her hair and sighed softly. The only person who could do shit like that was Mana, and Ceal. Anyone else normally would get a scissor through their skull. But, in this case, Demonica was powerful enough that Arianda decided to let it slide due to the desire to not die today. Ya know, dying is not on the list of things to do today.

Arianda gave a soft sigh as she listened to Demonica. Wait, she was going to give Arianda power... well, that's nice, but, such things always come at a price. Arianda only had to wonder what Demonica's was, because, soon after she finished speaking a swarm of demons, that had been charging at them earlier, came into Arianda's senses as she jumped up and went into her third demonic adjustable state mid-air; causing blood-like liquid erupt from the ground that kept the rabid demons at bay long enough for Arianda to slam back into the ground before she sent out the chains around her being to bat the rabid demons as she grit her teeth and used her claws to tear acidic holes into the charging demons as she batted back most of them with her chains.

Arianda spat to the side and then threw the crimson acid-like substance all around her so it impacted many demons and likely made them cry out in pain and temporarily stop in their tracks. From there, since Arianda was not done, she fused Death Energy to her claws, thanks to this form's abilities, and then started to absorb the latent DE in the area; likely not absorbing enough to give her a power boost, but, enough to fuel her abilities. Afterwards, Arianda took her claws and swung at any being that may come close to her and try to attack; ripping them to shreds with the claws made from her scissors. However, if she was getting close to being overwhelmed, Arianda would jump up into the air and retract her chains and rain down the blood-like crimson acid down on the rabid demons below. Otherwise, she would stand right there and hack and slash at the demons until they were dead or fled. After all, if you attack a manic as fuck demon; prepare for your own funeral.

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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty Re: Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]

Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:44 pm
Play the music to set the mood!


Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

”..Thats it~” The demoness thought as the horde practically parted around her, it was a funny thing really. These beings had answered her call to battle, and yet the second that they had gotten here, these beasts had parted around her like she was something toxic. Maybe, just maybe it was that they realized; she was so much stronger than they were. Either way the demons simply had moved around her and then rushed the marginally weaker being known as arianda. The crimson hood certainly was adept at holding them at bay, with her movements, her skills. She seemed to be currently riding the crest of this tsunami of body's, thirst, hunger, and insanity. It reminded demonica of some of her own battles, merely riding the tide until it turned back into the calm ripples that remained within the ocean. Yet, this wave hadn’t particularly crested just yet. In the distance four hulking figures rose like large mountains in the midst of the throng. Each one was easily twenty feet in height, a walking horror, a living. Breathing. Abomination.

They rushed through the crowd roaring with their multi-hinged jaws, their empty eyes cackling with the teeth that lurked in them. This was one of the mutations that was currently taking place. The oorja energy was reacting with normal demons, ones that came over from chaya to serve in it’s inverse. It caused these “creatures” to mutate, wounded by the rabid demons that simply lurked everywhere without end. They seemed to be larger however than their crazed brethren. Bolder, stronger, faster. In fact three of them gunned for the manic she-beast herself, while one rushed for the likes of arianda vale. It’s roar drowned out the parade of wails that came from the thousands of hungry demon’s mouths. It was a apex predator itself, a hulking lion in the midst of sheep. It’s fist, which was as big as a beach-ball came hurtling down at arianda, it’s withered body moving with surprising speed.

If it missed and contacted the ground? It would shatter, exploding due to the multiple tons of force that lingered behind the massive bulk that the creature lugged around on a daily basis. As for demonica, she was currently weaving between the bodies that surrounded her. Craters forming from were these beast’s fists contacted the ground. It was impressive really, how these beasts packed so much raw power behind their meaty fists. Certainly it might be a tad annoying even for demonica to be hit by one of them! Or that was what she deduced when she saw the beasts fist break through the ground like it was a powder, instead of a solid. The beast that was focused on arianda was more than intent on her immediate destruction. It’s second fist following through if the first didn’t do it’s job. Waiting for that, sweet feeling of bones snapping under superior force.

Currently it’s ears judged were she might be, it’s howl a method of echo-location, to keep track of the location of the enemies, in fact the horde also was being thrown around, bodies being crushed under this beasts movements, explosions of bodies following every punch from the residual shockwaves. This too was a test for the likes of arianda, to see how she would hold up under such a strange creature such as this. . . All that was left for demonica to do was dodge the blows of the three before her, and see if her little friend survived the carnage.

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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  LzZCuy7
Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  BtXe12b
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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty Re: Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]

Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:50 pm


Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  6EdIfMt


Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: 663

About halfway through this demon with rabies horde, Arianda was already bored; striking down beasts with normally one or two claw strikes. That was always the risk in battle with Arianda, if she couldn't fucking enjoy it she would be more bored than a fucking manic killing machine should be. So, yeah, this little demon's prodigy was bored, annoyed, and a little amazed at the efforts of these stupid beasts. Of course, they would have been a threat if Arianda hadn't seen enough random ass battle and ambushes to know how to deal with the vile creatures that were swarming around her and Demonica. Hell, halfway through cutting down these demons she even stopped attacking them with her claws, She simply spawned a few chains at short range to deal with the bastards so she didn't have to move. Front, behind, right, left, above even; these things kept on trying to attack Arianda but, she just beat them back. Some did slip by all her chains, which would cause Arianda to quickly tear them asunder without a second thought. So, yes, the Manic Arianda was bored and had started thinking of Mana; getting a little distracted in a battle that barely needed her attention.

However, her attention was soon brought back when a giant fist came plowing Arianda's way. She raised an eyebrow and then used her chains to propel herself upwards at a faster rate than normal. She also drew the chains back to herself so nothing could grab onto them and yank her back down to the solid ground. From there, Arianda condensed energy below her feet so she could stand on air as she went into her DE Merge and squatted to look at all the demons below her; her head tilting to the side. She spun the black scythe in her left hand, Amaymon she sometimes referred to this form of her scissors, and then allowed the energy below her to fizzle out so she could drop down onto the beast that had been howling at her to find her.


She dropped in front of the demon-like beast and raised her scythe, acting like she was going to strike from right there, before she feinted to the side and attacked at the beast from it's right; creating a nice sized cut that fizzled and burned thanks to her Scythe's ability to harness DE; creating a sort of corrosion on the beast's skin. It clearly was not all too happy about that. She sighed softly and then slammed her foot into a ground as a rift in the ground appeared, or, as Arianda liked to call it, the Rift of the Forgotten. A nice little ability of hers that summons undead to do her bidding. With that, undead streamed out of the rift and kept the demons around Arianda and the beast busy enough so Arianda could deal with it without unnecessary interruptions.

So. Without further ado! Arianda spun her scythe and looked at the beast with a rather examining look, trying to figure out how it may move or why it may move. Apparently it was trying to do the same to Arianda since it just threw another punch. Annoying. Arianda sighed as she jumped upwards and counted the amount of DE she had absorbed by now, having constantly absorbing it since she started fighting. She sighed softly and shrugged, assuming the amount that was just collected would be enough as she dropped back down towards the demon-thing. If it sent another punch her way, Arianda would use her DE barrier to block the punch and then proceed to hop onto the demon's arm. If it didn't, Arianda would simply fly on her same trajectory and aim a killing strike straight for it's head. Frankly, either way, she was gonna chop this thing in half from the head down.

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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty Re: Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]

Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:31 pm
Play the music to set the mood!


Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

This is boring. Demonica’s thoughts flickered between agitation and amusement, the turbulent seething mass of bodies undulating around her. The large beasts that assailed her seemed to be intent on causing problems, or at the very least impeding her progress. As one of their gigantic bowling-ball sized fists came down with frightening force to do harm to her, in the next few moments one might need to slow time down to thousandths of it’s original speed to truly understand what took place. Demonica’s finger lightly slid up, countering the fists torrential flow of force. The coinciding detonation of excess energy shattering the ground, miniature spider webbing cracks spreading across the rock below. The red eyes that lived ensconced in the void-black of her sclera met the abomination that stood before her. Those eyes held no contempt, no fear of this strange creature, but rather they held a promise of violence, and then? Her foot came around almost like it simply teleported itself against the beast’s side.

The sound of ribs cracking, bones shattering, and ligaments being shredded echoed out gruesomely. The entire side of the creature rippled as a shockwave caused the flesh of the creature to ripple, blood spraying out of the body at different parts before the kinetic force passed out the otherside. When that happened, the air howled as it was blasted away from the entire side of the creature that simply ceased to be connected to the torso, the arm furthest away from the point of impact being ripped off, before flying into the distance. The beast flying off and shattering through the ranks of monsters, causing widespread mayhem.

Now, at normal speeds all those actions simply looked like demonica’s body rippled like static for a moment, and the beast’s body then ceased to be in her immediate vicinity. To quantify the amount of power that then was unleashed, roaring unbridled through her veins, one would have to picture the amount of force needed to cause the ozone to ignite in her immediate presence. Because the layers of molecules in the air seemed to either decay due to radioactive properties, or simply incinerated over the head generated as a byproduct from those nuclear energies that began to flow, unimpeded to the surface of her palms.

Then , the energy rushed forth detonating into a dome of energy that began to inevitably radiate outwards. Demonica’s body only just managing to run ahead of the blast to appear in front of arianda, allowing for the blast to wash over them, like a wave breaking on a cliff. It passed around them, but didn’t harm the girl who demonica had brought to this dastardly chaotic realm. The demons within four miles though? They had become ashes, or charred corpses, ripped to shreds, burnt to cinders in mere moments, such was the extent of demonica’s power.

Only then did demonica take several large steps back from arianda, her lips pursing before the corners of them twitched, and her mouth was pulled into a lazy snarl-like grin. Cocky, and bored; but promising violence. Then her arm slid up and her hand beckoned arianda forth, the message easy to understand, even without verbal communication.

”..Come and get it~

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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  LzZCuy7
Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  BtXe12b
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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty Re: Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]

Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:27 pm


Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  6EdIfMt


Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: 663

Arianda continued to fight the strange demon abominations from earlier; pummeling them with her scythe and now, well, now she had torn that giant beast that she was faced with earlier. Well, after a bit of a tussle she ripped it in half with her scythe. She thrust it's corpse aside and then stopped in her tracks as she felt that something pretty bad was coming. Arianda swallowed softly as she stared in the direction that Demonica was in. Arianda felt a grin slowly appear on her as she heard the telltale sound of ribs breaking; bones in general breaking. But, Arianda felt more was coming. In that instant before Demonica released a torrential amount of energy in a single outburst and destroyed all the being around them; completely annihilating them in mere seconds.

When the energy explosion went off, Arianda had hit the dirt; even if it was unnecessary. Arianda soon sat back up, sitting on her legs, back in her shifter form as she looked at the carnage around her. Arianda swallowed softly before she looked at Demonica a little warily before she felt the craving for the same power. Arianda swallowed softly and stood slowly before she saw Demonica's gesture towards her; something that obviously said for her to come at Demonica. Arianda swallowed softly again and gripped her scissors tightly.

Demonica likely wanted to fight Arianda, but, in a fight she wouldn't stand a chance against Demonica. Arianda gripped onto her her scissors tightly still as she morphed them into a greatsword. As Arianda was completely focused on Demoncia, she did not realize that her form had been slowly changing. It was very, very slight. The parts of her hair that were hidden by the hood had started to turn black, likely due to influence of Oorja. However, Arianda didn't notice it at all; nor did she notice or care to notice. Arianda sighed softly and took a small step forwards before her right pupil slowly turned into a skull as she used a little bit of DE to put some extra oomph behind this attack.

Arianda sighed softly and charged at Demonica, closing the distance in a couple of seconds with long bounds and using much of what speed she has. Once Arianda was about to strike, she dispersed into shadows and then struck from behind Demonica; sure that she would not land her strike. Or it wouldn't do a damned thing to the demon in front of her. Only time could tell, and, well, Arianda was a little scared she would find herself in the dirt in a couple of seconds; likely groaning over a few broken bones. Who knows? Time to see.

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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty Re: Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]

Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:48 am
Play the music to set the mood!


Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Currently, in the charred lands that surrounded them; it was the very picture of desolation. Not a single creature stirred from the countless corpses that littered the ground like garbage. Demonica had stood there, the howling wind causing the acrid stench of rancour to fill her nostrils. Bodies overdone, falling apart into particles of ash in the wind, buffeting her barrier while demonica had gazed upon the figure that was coming towards her. Her keen gaze taking in the way arianda vael quickly closed in upon her stationary figure. She was agile, and compared to most supernatural beings; she could be proud of her current physique, her natural capabilities. Imperceptibly demonica’s skin seemed to seethe like a sea, miniature ripples forming as her muscles relaxed and contracted countless times, gobbling up untold amounts of energy to the point a sheen, a visible corona of power radiated from her pores.

As arianda’s scythe swung in it’s horizontal arc, slowly demonica raised her pointer finger, this gentle finger’s pad would come into contact with the scythe, there seemed to be almost no force behind this movement. Yet, it was like the red hood’s body had met a mountainous force, the ground would shatter on either side of demonica, the air disturbing her raven locks, causing the strands that framed her face to become disrupted. There wasn’t a smile on the demonesses face, rather the corners of her lips twitched as the demoness’s foot seemed to suddenly be over her head. Or was it that it had already been there for some time? That was how short it took her foot to travel from the soils it was resting on, to inevitably point towards the sky above her head. A strange glint appeared in the demonesses eyes, she wished to give the girl a goal. Do something so absolutely insane, that it would cause her to be taken back with awe.

So this simple foot, it carried a level of force that could be considered beyond compare. As it came down, it acheived what most objects had to re-enter the atmosphere to replicate, the second it started it’s descent, her heel turned a cherry red, such was the force of friction that tried to slow the linear path of her heel to the ground. It was as if the air had suddenly been annihilated by the sonic shock wave, as from this alone arianda might be thrown off her feet, and sent through the air like a ragdoll. Yet, this was only the beginning of this calamitous forces path of destruction.

It hit the ground, causing for the area within two miles of her to expand into a meteor sized crater, the depth of the displaced earth reaching an upwards of a mile. Long fissures extended from the crater’s impact. Nuclear energy blasting through these natural fault-lines of the earth, displacing another ten miles of earth from what could be considered a force of nature. Huge chasm’s opening up in the earth, their yawning depths covered with an impenetrable gloom at the bottom. Shockwaves similar to a magnitude 9 earthquate caused the earth almost to look like it was ungulating, see-sawing up and down at random while the demoness stood in the center of the crater.

This was only the affects of the ground being impacted though. In the air any clouds within that ten miles almost instantaneously had been blown apart leaving an open sky, the howling winds blasting out and picking up dust to cause a massive cloud that rushed outwards at probably around the speed of sound to flatten tree’s, or other outcroppings. It was almost like a volcanic eruption, such was the power. Eventually though the dust would clear and she looked forward to see, did she survive?

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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  LzZCuy7
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Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  Empty Re: Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]

Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:39 am


Where you Belong. [Demonica/Arianda]  6EdIfMt


Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: 812

Arianda could barely see it and, in retrospect, it was like all of this happened in nearly an instant and all she could remember was her blade being stopped and then finding herself a bit of a mess on the ground. Looking back on it, it was all too clear. First of all, Demonica was too fucking powerful for Arianda to begin with. But, second, well, she was ridiculously fast. What Arianda could mainly perceive was her blade being stopped by a single finger from Demonica; just one finger that easily blocked her blade as if it was nothing but a piece of unsharpened wood or stone.

And then, then, Arianda barely saw any of this. There was a quick movement, Demonica's foot above her as if it either just appeared there or just was there this entire time. Wait, no, it couldn't have been; she obviously had to move it, but, in the end her foot just kind of appeared above her. Arianda swallowed as she expected either death or extreme injury to come her way. Even the block from earlier made it feel like something either broke or was going to break just from the force of Demonica blocking her blade. To say the least, Arianda was at least a little scared.

Arianda swallowed softly as, not even seconds had passed, a red streak appeared before her as she felt her body moving on it's own accord; feeling the amount of force produced by the kick, at least she thinks it was a kick, crushing her right shoulder and the right side of her ribs. Arianda felt her muscles, and some organs, rupture slightly for a moment before her body manipulation started working and repaired her muscles and organs that may have been damaged. That same force from the kick sent her a good ways backwards, rolling clumsily until she stopped at least a couple yards away, having stopped herself with her greatsword. She groaned and flopped over onto her back, her shoulder looking flat; at least for now.

Nearly instantly after Arianda was injured by the attack, or whatever it may have been, her right shoulder and some of her ribs completely crushed, not only was she coughing up blood and bleeding from ruptures in her shoulder and right side of her chest, but, her collapsed shoulder and shattered ribs were slowly healing themselves thanks to her body manipulation that was much like Mana's. Arianda coughed up some more blood before her shoulder, ribs, muscles, and organs in that area had completely repaired themselves and left Arianda with a small pool of blood below her shoulder and right side of her chest. Her left hand moved over to the right side of her chest to force certain bones back into place as she also made sure to force her shoulder back into its socket when her shoulder was completely repaired.

Arianda coughed a little more and slowly sat up, looking straight at Demonica before grinning a little, spitting blood to the side away from her. She fixed up her right shoulder a little more by basically punching it with her left hand; a loud cracking sound being heard as she forced her shoulder back into its socket.

"N-Next time, mind not flinging me into the ground like I'm a ragdoll? That, and, even though I can regenerate; can ya not break my body again? That really fucking hurt... but... that destruction was impressive."

Arianda gestured to the giant crater that she was basically still in as she laid down again before sighing. She clutched her side for a moment and rolled out of the pool of blood she created. Arianda groaned again as she felt her body aching a little from the amount of force that was created by Demonica before she got back up onto her feet a little shakily. Arianda was pretty damn tired just from being hit by that amount of force since her body had to repair itself. Arianda spat some blood out of her mouth before she sighed softly and picked up her sword and used it to balance herself some.

"I-I hope you don't want me to attack once more; not sure if I can deal with another attack like that..."

Arianda grinned nervously but prepared herself to attack again just in case Demonica wanted her to attack again, but, regardless, Arianda was pretty done for in this situation. And, hopefully, Demonica would be at least a little merciful; Arianda did like Demonica a little, so, maybe that will help? Only time will tell, and, well, if time didn't tell soon Arianda was afraid she was just gonna pass out. Yes, pass out. You try getting a broken shoulder and multiple broken ribs without passing out!

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