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Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 728
Age : 22
Location : The Dance Floor

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Platinum Points:
 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Left_bar_bleue7900/999999 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin

Sat Dec 03, 2016 3:52 pm

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]


Enter The Shinigami

I. Basic Information

» Name: Chidori Shihoin
» Alias: Raven, Night Fury
» Age: 293;18
» Gender: Female
» DOB: January 14th

» Association: Gotei 13, Shihoin Clan - Princess

» Appearance Written:
Height: 5’5”

Weight: 110 lbs

Tattoos: Chidori has a single tattoo, which is of her clan's symbol. It is located on her upper right arm and was made with black in.

» Appearance Image:

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Ff7f9d3170bf62923ef8a04a493ddefc

II. Personality

» Personality:
Clumsy: Though she’s known for her skills in battle, she’s also known to be quite the klutz when she’s not focused. Every now and then she can be found tripping over her own feet and breaking many things, mainly glass and expensive vases.

Carefree: Chidori seems to not care about anything. Most of the times, she seems as if she has lost all weight of responsibility. For instance, she can be found chasing a butterfly and that could last up to a few hours. Due to this personality trait, she rarely ever is a victim to any sort of stress. But also due to this, she can never be given a long term assignment as she is bound to just drop it to do something more immediate.

Easy to Please: Though she does get mad often, those short burst of anger are normally always pleased. Chidori can be pleased by almost anything, whether it be material or sexual she’s still up to receive anything that can take her mind off of whatever she’s angry about.

Selective Determination: When and only when Chidori truly cares about something, there's a slight chance she'll actually work towards it over a long period of time. Most of the ties she won't give her goals a second thought because she has so many of them, but when it comes down to that one goal, you better believe she'll accomplish it.

Short-Tempered: The wrathful side of Chidori. She's in short an emotional roller coaster, with her going super fast and unexpectedly changing moods. The slightest of things will tick her off, and she solves most of these problems with her fists. So far her way of solving things has been working for her. When she gets angry she also can't control herself, and she often lashes out at whatever is making her angry.

Sarcastic: Something she picks up when she's pissed. She tends to mock people with her blatant sarcasm. It's also her method of humor, for whenever she's in the mood to crack the occasional joke.

III. History

» History: A little over 200 years ago, a daughter was born to the head of the Shihoin clan, Yūshirō Shihōin. This baby was said to be as hot a fire when she came out of the womb, giving the mother first degree burns. She was named Chidori, or A Thousand Birds for the fact that she had eyes of her mother whom of which was a bird enthusiast. Her name was also her mother's idea. Chidori was also Yūshirō's first child, making her the next head of the Shihoin clan after her father dies or gives up his position.

Growing up Chidori was treated like royalty by her parents. She was assigned retainers from the families that had served under the Shihoin family, she was given the highest of educations, and on top of that she was personally trained by her father in the art of stealth and combat. Most people would kill for this type of life, but it just wasn't for her. Chidori wanted to be like other kids, she had no idea what others acted like because she never really met them, but she wanted something different. Her parents had a few other children besides her, and they didn't get nearly the amount of special treatment that she got. So when she was 15, or 100, she ran away from home.

This didn't really alarm her father. He expected her to be just fine, he did teach her what he knew after all. Though at the time he was dealing with something a bit more serious. Chidori's mother was diagnosed with a deadly disease at a few years ago. It was said that Squad 4 was working on a cure for this disease at the time, but day by day she just kept getting worse. Eventually she was bedridden and died. Her death had happened the year Chidori was still away, more specifically the same day she came back.

Chidori wasn't just having fun during her time away though. By this time she had acquired her Zanpakutō and she had seen those around her activate their shikai. Though when she started to learn how to get her own, she had learned that it was actually quite difficult. Just reading that made her want to gain this shikai even more. So for the year that she was away, she trained. More than when she trained with her father, more than when she would train with her aunt. She put her all into getting this shikai and her result? Nothing. She wasn't even the a tiny bit closer to this shikai thing, or so she thought. Though she didn't gain this shikai, she did get to go to her inner world and meet her Zanpakutō. It's name just didn't reach her. She didn't give up, but decided that it would be time for her to go back home.

And what she returned to wasn't pleasant. Not only was her mother dead, but she was a hollow now too. Later on Chidori would find out that her mother was another failed Vizard experiment, just that the virus took a long time to actually get to her. Chidori came back to her mother's hollow going on a rampage, until it put it's attention on Chidori. Chidori didn't know what to do: either kill her mother or be killed herself. She picked the former and started to fight, but it quickly turned wrong as the hollow had badly injured her. As she was slowly slipping in and out of consciousness, she was also slowly entering her inner world. Her Zanpakutō only said one word: Yoru. She then lost consciousness.

She woke up to the sight of her father. He told her that she had passed. At first she was confused until he had begun to elaborate: though her mother's death was unplanned, it was Chidori's test of courage. Not only was she brave enough to face against her mother, she had also unlocked her Shikai in the process. Yūshirō said that she was now ready, and that he would let her go anywhere she wanted wherever she wanted, and do what she wanted and have his full approval. But she didn't want to leave him, fearing that he would end up like her mother did. So thus she stayed and joined the Gotei 13, joining squad 2.

In 2418, Chidori had officially gone AWOL from both her family and the Gotei. She never really gave either a party a reason for her disappearance, though for herself she was having somewhat of a crisis. For the first time in her life she didn't know what direction she had wanted to go in. She had no drive to move up the ranks of the Gotei, she had no goal she wanted to strive towards, and thus she had no reason to pursue strength. In her eyes, she was a waste of space to the world and she wasn't needed. Luckily, she didn't entertain the thoughts of suicide but did decide she needed to take a step away from civilization. She left to Brazil before moving the the nation of Vastime, hoping to get away from life's troubles and rot away slowly.

IV. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your Shinigami has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

V. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills

» Racial Abilities:

Fukanzen Shunko: Also known as the Imperfect Shunko, was a skill taught to her by her father when she was young. It’s nowhere near the complete Shunko and she’s nowhere close to mastering it, let alone at the level her aunt was. Shunko is where the user combines both Kido along with Hakuda to strengthen natural fighting powers and can create their own hybrid attacks. In Chidori’s case, she’s only able to use it to increase her physical power ever so slightly. When activated, her Fukanzen Shunko looks to be a gray flame-like arua that is covering her and can spread around her.

Taekkyon: Chidori's go to martial art.Taekkyeon is characterized by fluid, dynamic footwork called "pum balgi" or Stepping-on-Triangles. Taekkyeon contains many leg and whole-body techniques with the occasional use of the arm. Although taekkyeon primarily utilizes kicking, punching, and arm strikes thrown from a mobile stance and does not provide a framework for ground fighting. The way Chidori uses it is to become very mobile while in combat and still being able to utilize her weapons. With using flips and such to keep herself in the air for a certain amount of time and using her Zanpakutō to attack the enemy's legs.

Fire & Burn Reaitsu: Chidori harbors within her an elemental reiatsu. Her element is that of fire, hot to the touch and very destructive. Chidori's flames can be told apart from other flames though, as they are a black instead of the traditional red and orange. This Reiatsu is more powerful than Fire & Heat, as those who feel the flame don't necessarily feel the warmth of the fire but are just burned instead.

Feline Fatale: Akumaneko: Chidori's personal form of the Shihoin's generational technique of shifting into cats. Hers is a little bit different from most Shihoin's as they just take the form of normal cat, and Chidori follows that somewhat. While she has the form of a cat, she also has wings, though the wings are too small to actually enable flight. Her tail is a bit shorter than average and she has large, round yellow eyes. She measure at roughly a foot tall while in this form and nearly a foot long, with her head being the main reason she's so tall.

Feline Fatale: Akumatori: A more advanced form of Felin Fatale. Where Akumaneko has Chidori turn into a cat, Akumatori does that as well to a degree. Instead of appearing to be a normal house cat, Chidori takes the form of a tiger, a black-colored Bengal tiger to be specific. While in this form, she doesn't really get anything that she wouldn't in Akumaneko, and has the same general skills as a cat would.

Personal Tulpa: Blessing of the First through Tenth Fantasy - A tulpa that, in and of itself, was formed with the intent of enhancing Chidori's already existing abilities. This tulpa, like most, was formed through Chidori's willpower, however her willpower fundamentally has a strong belief on Chidori as a person and thus fuels her desire to grow in both strength and experience while acknowledge the little that she has. With that in mind, this Tulpa, through her willpower, boosts Chidori's capabilities.

This tulpa takes the appearance of a crimson diamond on her forehead. What it does is add a secondary pool that Chidori can tap into to enhance her current techniques, similar to how a Vizard can user their holllow's power to strengthen their abilities.

  • Untrained: ---
  • Beginner: ---
  • Adept: 2 times per thread, 1.25x Boost
  • Advanced: 3 times per thread, 1.25x Boost
  • Elite: 5 times per thread, 1.5x boost
  • Master: 7 times per thread, 1.75x Boost
  • Grandmaster: 10 times per thread, 2x Boost

As far as this Tulpa goes, that's all. The stored energy isn't used at all and is more of a facade for Chidori to use to make her enemy underestimate her.

Full Tulpa - Final Fantasy: This is just a strengthened and better version of it, though the use of it is limited. Once per thread, Chidori can use her Full Tulpa to use all the reserves she has left in once go, akin to an "all or nothing attack", increasing the potency by the amount of uses that were left. So for instance, Chidori at Adept willpower would double the potency of one attack assuming she hasn't used any charges at that point. It should be noted, however, that if there is only one use left, then there is virtually no difference between Final Fantasy and First Fantasy.

Zanjutsu: Nemuru - An impromptu form of Zanjutsu that completely focuses on the zanpakuto not being drawn. Something that Chidori had first started using in a fight where she was unable to draw her zanpakuto, she uses her skill in Zanjutsu along with her connection with her zanpakuto to strike with the same strength as if it were drawn. Obviously, because the sword is not drawn, there is no cutting or slicing involved so those motions are thrown out, with more piercing motions and blocking favored in this style.

It is also to note that this is preferred over normal zanjutsu when Chidori doesn’t want to harm her opponent, whether it be over a bond or a power difference. She’s noted that it’s also good for sparring as it removes a good portion of the risk of fighting with swords.

Getsuyo- Monday,a fitting name for a simple skill, at least in Chidori’s opinion. This requires the user to take one hand and place it at either the middle or top of their sheathe and bring the weapon slightly above their shoulder. They then bring their arm down in a stabbing motion with a good amount of force, as if they were trying to drive their sword through a rock. Once they come in contact with something, they stop moving their arm instead of following through. Chidori is personally fond of this move because it can be used in almost any situation as there aren’t many requirements for setting it up and overall is pretty simple.

Getsuyo: Raishu - A stronger variation of Monday where the user uses two hands instead of one, increasing the power behind the attack. The downside of using more hands is that it makes it more awkward to pull off, basically limiting the direction that it could be used to in front of or behind the user. In Chidori’s use of this variation, she found that where regular Getsuyo was able to break a couple of board or maybe a few bones if placed correctly, Getsuyo: Raishu, when used properly, could break through a couple of bricks and shatter some of the more tougher bones such as a humerus and on occasion a femur.

Requires a strong grip however, and weaker ones will cause the sword to just fly out of the user’s hand on contact. In fact, this entire variation can be negated if someone were to push back with more force than the user.

Kayōbi - Tuesday, a defensive technique. The user takes their left hand and puts it towards the end of the sheathe towards the guard, and the other hand in the same spot but on the opposite end.They then take their non-dominant foot and place it behind them, so when they anticipate and block a strong attack, they have something already set up to fall back on instead of having to shift her feet while in the process of blocking and avoiding the risk of falling over.

Because of the position required to use Kayōbi, one can unsheathe their sword seamlessly by just dragging their left hand to the left and taking out the sword. Chidori likes to use this as a counter attack, deflecting her enemies weapon with her right hand which is now holding the sheath.

Kayōbi: Raishu- Turning the regular Kayōbi from a defensive technique to offensive. The main difference is that it uses one hand instead of two. More similar to Getsuyo, where they take the sheath and strike their target, Kayōbi: Raishu is horizontal so it gives more range for attack instead of the pinpoint damage of Getsuyo. This also doesn’t require as much of a skill in aiming as Getsuyo but is easier to predict and duck underneath since the execution is somewhat slow compared to the other techniques and is obvious.

Zanjutsu: Samasu- When Chidori actually draws her zanpakuto. This is where Chidori truly shines in terms of using her zanpakuto as she is actually using the sword section of it. There isn’t much to it when you compare it to other sword styles besides the form. The user will always fight with the sheath in one hand and the sword in the other, a style that she later found out was coined by Ikkaku Madarame who used to be a lieutenant of the combat division underneath Kenpachi Zaraki. This allows for quick blocking and an easy way to enter and exit combat, plus it lets her weave Zanjutsu: Samasu and Nemuru in between each other, using both blunt and slashing attacks in tandem.

Yakimodoshi-kō- A sort of halfway state that Chidori uses when in a pinch. Due to her somewhat rocky but improving relationship with Tensa Haramitsu, the zanpakuto refuses to give her access to Shikai at the current moment. but will allow for some leeway to enhance her abilities. Upon verbally requesting permission with the very specific phrase of, “O please mistress of the sand, let my flame burn deeply inside you now and forevermore.” If this is said, then Tensa Haramitsu would glow faintly as a confirmation. Chidori is then able to channel her reiatsu through the blade of Tensa Haramitsu. This adds a burning property to her attacks and can set enemies on fire with a well placed attack. It should also be noted that it will affect other abilities depending on whether or not it is stated in said ability.

Hakuda Plus- It's pretty self-explanatory, mainly because Chidori is the least creative when it comes to naming techniques. This isn't really a revolutionary idea either, and many can chalk it up to Hakuda with a bit of flair, but it's what Chidori does with it that makes it unique.

Using her gift of an elemental reiatsu and her control over her spiritual power, Chidori can release her reiatsu from specific points in her body while using Hakuda to increase its potency of danger. At her current level of control, she can channel it through separate appendages at will, and up to two appendages at once, meaning that she can cover both of her arms in her flame or both of her legs or one of each.

Kogeta Genjitsu- A simple technique that Chidori will use if it will either end a battle quickly or if she’s just flat out annoyed. Using either a hand or by hugging her target, Chidori pulls in said person close to her. Then, she charges up her reiatsu slowly and then condenses it around her until it reaches a breaking point, exploding in a 5m radius and burning anything in the vicinity. These would leave anything on the outer 4 meters with second degree burns, but it would leave anything in the immediate 1 meter with third degree burns.

Hikeru- First, Chidori leans forward a bit and shift her weight. Then, she launches herself in the air and twists her torso, extending her opposite leg and releasing her reiatsu from that leg as well. The air following the path of her leg catches flame as she tears through it and spins around in the air, either stopping when she hits her target or after two rotations. Once she's done spinning, Chidori lands while carrying the momentum, leaving a burning circle in the ground as Chidori ends this move. Those caught in the way of her leg will find that around the point of contact are first degree burns.

VI. Sealed Powers

» Zanpakutô Name: Tensa Haramitsu

» Zanpakutô Appearance:

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Better_chidori_zan

» Inner World : Chidori’s inner world is quite interesting. When she’s in her inner world, the ground seems to be that of water. It’s not that deep,as she is able to walk on the water with ease. In the sky is the moon, but it’s different than the normal moon. This moon is about three times bigger than the normal moon and is a crimson red. Accompanying the moon are small white dots in the sky. They are not stars, as when one were to get a closer look they would be able to see that they are actually faces of those she has killed. The faces are meant to represent how she vows to remember every life she has taken. Most of these faces don’t speak, unless Chidori is under emotional stress, which even then only the faces of those she was close to will speak. Her world also seems to go on for an eternity, with the moon always being in the same place and the floor going on endlessly.

» Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance :

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Tensa-Haramitsu

» Sealed Powers:

Mirage - Not really a sealed power for Chidori but more so her spirit. There’s nothing really complicated about this, just that Tensa Haramitsu can force itself into reality in as an illusion. This means that nothing can interact with her and she can’t interact with anything else, but it helps to show herself as a physical form to communicate with Chidori or anybody else whenever it’s relevant. It should be noted that this is not something she tends to use frequently, and often prefers the route of speaking through Chidori instead. Depending on who she is speaking with, Tensa Haramitsu will also show herself as a sign of respect.

VII. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Become what they fear, Yoru.

» Shikai Appearance: When activated, Chidori's shikai is somewhat unique. Her one blade becomes two black kamas connected at the end by an infinite black chain. This is still technicality a single Zanpakutō as the chain is connecting them. Both of the kamas are 3 feet in length and the blades are 18 inches long.

» Shikai Abilities:

Defiant Flames: Chidori's signature flames. While in her shikai Chidori is able to fully control her reiatsu and use it in various techniques. These flames are called Defiant as even Chidori can be burned by these flames, which is why she tends to not use her flames often. Her flames cannot be doused by water, and whatever they touch will ultimately be burned with no ash left behind.

Combust: A very simple technique. Chidori engulfs the chains of her shikai within the black flames. Though Chidori cannot touch the chains once this is activated, she can turn the fire on and off at will, with her being able to choose which parts of the chains are in the fire. This fire also does not spread to other objects.

VIII. Bankai Powers

» Bankai Appearance: TBA

» Bankai Abilities: TBA

VIII. Skill Sheet

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner

Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Adept
  • Kidō: Adept
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced
  • Hakuda: Adept

IX. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: [Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample]


Last edited by Slayer on Mon Apr 05, 2021 10:34 am; edited 11 times in total
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 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Left_bar_bleue99999/99999 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin

Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:52 am


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

  • Comments/Notes: Everything is up to par!

  • Tier: 4-1

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin WVMWLOu
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 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin

Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:31 pm
[mod]Due to the owner of this character application having left site, this application is being archived.[/mod]

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin LzZCuy7
 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin BtXe12b
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 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin

Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:04 pm
[mod]Moving Back to Active, per owner request.[/mod]

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin LzZCuy7
 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin BtXe12b
Thicc Boi
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 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin

Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:06 am
Edited/Updated History so it makes more sense

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Sumera-character-list
Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
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 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin

Fri Dec 06, 2019 6:57 pm
Added in Tulpa, found here.

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Sumera-character-list
Thicc Boi
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 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Left_bar_bleue7900/999999 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin

Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:10 pm
Upgrading to 3-4 and Zanjutsu to Advanced because of the burst.

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Sumera-character-list
Thicc Boi
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 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Left_bar_bleue7900/999999 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin

Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:45 pm
Adding everything from here. The main takeaway from this is a general boost of her shinigami skills to adept along with a few of her general skills, plus a tier up of 3-2.

 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Sumera-character-list
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 [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard O] Chidori Shihoin

Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:50 pm
[mod]Moving to NPC at owner's request.[/mod]
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