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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5926
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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The Wolf Nibbles Irritatingly [Training thread, open] Empty The Wolf Nibbles Irritatingly [Training thread, open]

Sat Dec 03, 2016 8:06 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Laying on her back on the roof of the Monsuta headquarters, Mirja Eeola, new Commander of the Combat Specialists stared up into the sky and believed her title rather hollow. Since coming here she had met two opponents far outside her strongest forms. They laughed off her most frenzied assaults - well, one laughed it off, she never used her Zanpaktou on Stefan, but he was decidedly unbothered by her hardest - and it let Mirja to believe she needed a few new tricks up her furry sleeves. The drain Silent Scream put on her was made evident after Shining Ursa Empress had dissolved unwarranted, leaving her at the mercy of that crazy woman. Gods, it was good she didn't have much desire beyond just having a fight. With the power she had under her belt, that woman could rule the world.

Still, she needed something else, something that wasn't quite so violently draining like Silent Scream. Something that still get her a rush, but something sustainable.
'Any ideas about naming this new and glorious technique?' she asked, internally. Pitching it to her people was not always a good idea, Iko would - and proceeded to - give it a really strange name and Mirja would concede because she loved the girl.

'Infinte None-Stop Climax Scream!' Iko exclaimed. Mirja had to admit that it did sort of cover the subject matter. She was going for something that was sustainable, so infinte none-stop worked. Were she got climax from, however....
'Hvit, you been teaching our Iko naughty words while she plays with you?' Mirja teased. She got a snarl in reply, and that made her giggle. Hvit was always fun to tease.
"Well, then looks like I've got something to work on. Time to do some of this Reiatsu buggeration. Always found it so buggering...."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5926
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:20 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

These days Reiatsu control was not as hard as it used to be. She had been training it for quite a while with her techniques, and so now it was easy to get the focus required to feel her Reiatsu flow. Looking back on the old techniques she had trained, she couldn't help but smile at the way she had initially gone about them. Motionless Fist caused a mental breakdown, and Wolf God Fist involved a lot of screaming. Neither would work for this technique, however. It was going to be something of a differing caliber. Something of peerless control and skill.

'If I ask for imput will you give m e something stupid?' Mirja asked, focusing on her flow and trying to think how she would pull this off. It flowed in and out, having it's own rhythm that Mirja didn't need to dictate at all. Maybe if she gave it a slight nudge...?
'Use it like a Chainsaw! Brummmm!' Iko exclaimed, which was her usual want to be like that. But then, no. She meant it, she was actually giving a good bit of insight there, in her own mad way.
'Iko, you are a genius. And I bet you never expected to hear that in your life, aye Hvit?' Mirja loved tormenting that poor girl about the way Iko was kind of sort of using her as a snuggle bunny. Hvit certainly squeaked like one when they were going at it.

But now was for Reiatsu! A chainsaw went brumm, and the blades span and then it didn't stop, it was sorted like that. It was obvious, she just needed to add a chainsaw in her soul and this power would be ready for work. So she sat down, and began to focus.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5926
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:54 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

It was a work of several hours, as it turned out, but Mirja was focused on her task and so it wasn't that long in her mind. The Reiatsu flow was untampered and rather beautiful to behold, but like any artist, she was going to grab the natural order and twist it into new and possibly painful shapes. The same way Iko twisted Hvit when she was getting creative in the bedroom.
'I swear to Me, if you don't shut up with that...!' Hvit warned vaguely, and for once, the sentence didn't end with a surprised squeal as a wolf appeared out of nowhere.

'Any time, moody' Mirja replied, before getting back to the awesome flow of her soul. She watched it, intently, until she managed to pinpoint the center, the heart of her Reiatsu. It was there that she began to add a chainsaw. It was a slow act, but not one in futility. The spinning began and grew at a snails pace, but it did grow. And eventually, after a while of sat here listening to Hvit's incontinent rage, Iko's uncloaked plans for Hvit, and Beowulf's silent booming, being trapped between the two, she clicked it all into place.

She could feel her Reiatsu flowsharper than it used to be. Stronger, faster, not by a great deal as was the case with her Silent Scream, but definitely more than her base form. When she was satisfied with the flow, she stopped it again, waited a couple of seconds, and began to do it again. She needed to be able to spin it up quickly. With the others, speed came from experience, but with this she wanted it on hand as soon as she could manage, and so she actually practiced her spiritual arts for once. it was kind of nice, knowing that she wasn't entirely excluded from the spiritual world simply because of her lack of Kido.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5926
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Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:34 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

It took a while, but she eventually managed to get spinning up and cycling down to be a matter of seconds. So she rose from her sitting position and stretched. It was a glorious feeling to have something down pat. But now she was bored and needed something else to do. An idea popped into her head about the Hoho skill Molting Cicada, and how it had saved her life several times. Or at least saved her life once and allowed her to show off and make the kid piss himself once. She wondered if she could pull off a punch surrounding the concept, but that would need people, so she'd leave that one for now and go onto something else.

She felt like congratulating herself, and with that feeling came another idea - she was bristling with new ideas, all of them all the time in her head - so she looked further afield, for somewhere out of the way. She wasn't going to practice techniques in buildings anymore, unless they were the ones she was sure wasn't going to be a super problem. Like the Cicada punch. She was sure that wasn't a bad one. Like, ninety percent sure. Definitely eighty percent...

So she Flash Stepped to some abandoned lot, span up her terribly named technique, and bunched her muscles. She was ready for the clap of a life time, the great and marvelous Congratulation of Destruction! That was obviously the best name for it.

So she readied herself, and then clapped, slamming both her hands together with the enhanced strength she got from her Infinte None-Stop Climax Scream technique. It, was certainly effective. A few moments after she had clapped, she couldn't hear anything but a high pitched ring. Her head felt wrapped in swaddling, a quick check as something ran down from her ears indicated it was blood coming from her ears, and the surrounding area seemed to be on fire. All in all, certainly lived up to it's name.
"Maa!" she exclaimed, and heard nothing. Great, she thought, I'm deaf. Bloody brilliant. Maybe she should find a different one? And while she was in the process of finding a different name, go see if Monsuta had anyone that could repair her ears. It was crap being deaf.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5926
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:58 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja had problems before she could go to see the doctor on Monsuta and get her hearing checked out. The fact that, THE SURROUNDING AREA WAS ON FIRE! Seriously, how the actual hell did she manage to pull that one off? She could probably get a scientist to bore her to death with the science of it, but she was more worried about the fact that everything was on fire. She couldn't stress that enough to her brain. So she tried to regain her self of balance after the shot to her eardrums, and looked around at the area.

But really, what was she going to do, punch the fire to death? That would work great. But then, she had an idea. Yes, it would work great. She just needed a bit more firepower is all. So she stepped it up, activating her Silent Scream and making sure she was steady on her feet. And then she began, the strangest fight she had ever had. A battle, with an inferno. It wasn't that difficult, as it turned out. Fire didn't tend to dodge, so she could line up a powerful kick and then gutter it with the displaced winds. They did call people that put out blazes firefighters. Although this was probably not what they had in mind, exactly.

Still, she was now aware that that, like most things, was pretty dam dangerous, and so decided not to use it unless she really needed to set everything on fire and burst people's eardrums. And probably shatter everything glass related as well. She spent a bit longer making sure the rest of the blaze was stamped out - literally - before heading to the doctor. It was there that she was told - with writing - that she wasn't deaf. She just needed some bedrest. Doctors put everything down to bedrest, but at the same time, she was feeling a bit tired, so decided to heed the doctor this time.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5926
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:12 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

The morning came with the glorious sound of sounds, which was nice since she had totally lacked that yesterday after the clap. She had a strange dream of people doing the clap and then the world got set on fire. It looked more like a prayer to a god of fire than an actual clap. But, she put that to the back of her mind. Today, there would be punching. And it would be glorious. So she got dressed, and then headed down into the training grounds. It seemed people were aware of her rank as the Commander, since people noticed her arrival.

She looked to the nearest person, nodded, and then gave a loud exclaimation.
"Stand and be punched!" She then punched him. He took the blow to the face and sprawled out a dozen feet back. "Hmm, that is not quite right" Mirja thought aloud, so she walked up to someone else while they all murmured.
"Stand and be punched!" She repeated, he tried to say something but got punched in the face. People were moving towards the exit now, as Mirja shook her head and turned to one guy that seemed not to be moving.
"Stand, and try to not get punched!" She knew she had nailed it this time when he immediately took a stance and prepared. When focused and ready, Mirja had intense instincts in the martial field, and so when she punched him and he gripped her hand to reflect it, she focused intently on the feeling she got when using the Molting Cicada, and channeled it to her fist. It melted away, out of the man's grasp, and then sunk neatly into his gut, knocking him to his knees. With that done, all she'd need would be to practice how that felt. She was a feelings girl, and it suited her well.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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