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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Waking the Demon [Ibiki] Empty Waking the Demon [Ibiki]

Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:21 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja was back in the Soul Society, because recently she had been getting a very strong impression that the current Kenpachi was not all that on the Mirja bus anymore. And with so few people that she actively admired in her life, there was need to sort out what was going on and exactly why. She probably knew why, but that was between Setfan and Ibiki. She was just the middle woman. And so she was here, tail swishing and new Shunshakusho - decidedly indestructible unless someone really wanted to go - to try and applease the Captain of Punching People. And that would probably start by not giving her such a title.

Some times, in life, she wished she could do Reiatsu flares like most people, because that would be a great way of telling Ibiki she was here, but then the girl might misunderstand why she was here, and come out swinging. Even with her Infinite None-Stop Climax Scream currently active, Mirja was not confident in her ability to survive more than a few hits from the woman. So instead she sent a Hell Butterfly. The obstruction was mostly political, and so Mirja could still do things that Shinigami could do, like using Senkaimons, and sending Hell Butterflies.

The message would be a short one, with clear intention of simply announcing her presence and a preference to talk to Ibiki personally rather than using any sort of messenger to do anything other than introduce herself. While that was done, she maade sure that her bottle of Mjord was secure. Ibiki liked to drink, so hopefully this would pacify her enough to at least not get punched. She wasn't even sure if Ibiki would like it, Mirja found it a bit strong for her tastes, but everyone had their own. So there was nothing left to do now, but wait.
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Waking the Demon [Ibiki] Empty Re: Waking the Demon [Ibiki]

Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:12 pm

Waking the Demon [Ibiki] 6EdIfMt

Artist: LENK64 - Song: Dragon's Flame - Word Count: 652

The Monsuta were nothing but a plague in the mind of Ibiki. For the better part of the past two hundred years, they had been nothing but one of the many menaces causing havoc upon earth. They had worked alongside many of the antagonist based factions which helped to throw the living realm in the current state of chaos it is now. And, not only that, but the former generation before Stefan had more than made a name for themselves for causing unspeakable horrors, destruction and death in the name of nothing but torture. Even Shadow Fall, despite being one of Ibiki's other enemies, had at least taken the decency to just take over governmental positions of power and leave the general public, as a whole, alone.

Plus, to make matters worse, The Menacing Devil Girl received word that Stefan Soan was the one who had taken away one of her most cherished relationships: Tsubasa Unabara. He was the one whom she made so many promises to the make the Soul Society better to. It was the two of them that were going to usher in new change and bring their dreams together as a duo once all of this mess was sorted. But -- that never happened. Instead, he lost his life to some idiotic clown in a battle for Greece. That is something she could NEVER forgive and would deal with a later date once our own house was in order. She wanted revenge, but NOW was NOT the time.

So, with all of this weighing down on her, it all served to agitate the living HELL out of Ibiki that one of her own comrades had decided to cozy up and make alliances with The Monsuta. That would NOT fly under any book and she would have some explaining to do before she would be labeled an enemy of the Soul Society and Gotei. Therefore, The Menacing Devil herself would emerge out of the central building where Mirja stood. Wearing nothing more than the standard shinigami uniform outfitted together with her Kenpachi haori, the jagged looking Captain in all of her ginger haired glory would be staring face to face with her amber eyes locked on the shinigami before her.

"I'd recommend making this quick and to the point. You see, my nerves a little uneasy because I have quite the history with these people. They've done nothing but stink up the planet, killed many of our own and taken someone quite precious away from my life. So unless you can back the clock and reverse their actions, I highly doubt I'll be changing my view....."

There was quite the firm stance and hostility felt within the words and facial expressions that The Captain Made. She was not happy about this one bit and could even be seen tightening her fist as volts of bio-electricity scattered throughout the entire city block around them. It caused buildings to groan, static to fill the air and a heavy sense of pressure to begin grinding against the sensation of gravity all around them. While she was all for the unification of their race, this action was almost akin to betrayal and Ibiki had quite enough of that from all of the former Captains, Vice Captains, commanders and other Gotei officials over the years who had taken similar actions.

Ergo, if it were not for her sense of tact, control, and optimism; a more savage Ibiki would have knocked her clear across this realm already and commenced with the beating of a lifetime. However, even with all of this weighing her spirit down, The Kenapchi wanted to have hope there was something deeper to this interaction than feeling p ity for people who deserve nothing less than destruction.

Waking the Demon [Ibiki] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Waking the Demon [Ibiki] Empty Re: Waking the Demon [Ibiki]

Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:50 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja hung around outside the main building that seemed to have been errected in the Rukongai. It was nice, to see them getting out of their ivory tower and making something somewhere more accessible to the general public. The Souls in the Rukongai `were an important aspect of this place, and they needed to be treated as such. That was Mirja's opinion, after all. Some didn't share it, but they were the some. Eventually the Captain did turn up, and Mirja had to repress her first instinct to ogle. She was a very good looking girl in Mirja's eyes, but that was not why she was here.

Swishing her tail softly, she listened to Ibiki and then her tail drooped, and her ears flattened. Making it quick was not a great thing.
"I brewed you a drink so we could sit down and talk, but...I didn't know you had such a history with them, so I guess you don't trust me now. So I'll just be blunt about this instead of trying something I have no experience in" she said, offering the container casually. "I mean, if you do want the drink regardless, that's fine. It was made for you. It's a sort of combination of Sake, Mead, and a punch in the liver" She explained, before getting down to business.

"I'm not here to change your mind, or try to erase past grievances. I am solely here to ask you to sit down with the new leader of Monsuta, Stefan Soan, and talk to him about the organization. There has been a big thing about it changing, going basically the complete opposite of what the leaders before have done. I looked on them, saw their desire for change, and then saw they had nobody to listen to them. I want someone to listen before they grow cynical, and jaded. Before they withdraw from the world and lose their ability to care about anyone that is not their own" she told Ibiki, and then stared at her for a few seconds. There was no real point lying by omission, so she bared everything.

"I also want to see how Stefan deals with people. I want to set this up not just to help keep Monsuta on the path of not being evil fucktards, but also to see how the leader deals with people that clearly hate him. And from that, judge if they deserve the help I am trying to offer them, or if they are just a group of petulant children led by a petulant man-child with a lot of strength but no brains" And that, was that. Ibiki could laugh, punch her, or just dismiss her emotionlessly. There were other people she could throw Stefan at to judge his character. She just wanted Ibiki to be the first because she was the one Mirja most admired.
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Waking the Demon [Ibiki] Empty Re: Waking the Demon [Ibiki]

Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:07 pm

Waking the Demon [Ibiki] 6EdIfMt

Artist: LENK64 - Song: Dragon's Flame - Word Count: 667

A simple glance of the eye could tell that Mirja had became quite disheartened with the presence of Ibiki Suika. However, that is the emotion that The Kenpachi wanted to have on the shinigami. Why? Because that's the same amount of disappointment she felt for her naive spirit falling for the rhetoric of The Monsuta and joining up with their ilk. And, since The Captain Commander To Be was not someone who was sadistic, she wanted The Wolven woman to feel pain; yet at the same time she needed to be aware of the reasons as to WHY she was being punished. As, in this way, it wouldn't just be psychopathic abuse.

So, once that misunderstanding had been cleared up, the ginger haired shinigami gave a soft sigh and felt satisfied in venting her frustrations with her subordinate. Thus, she was cooled down enough to take the drink from the hands of Mirja and begin to drink it in order to have the sweet, tangy and much needed booze ease on into her body and begin to relax it with it's liquid afterglow. Hence, she wasn't wrong in the fact that this gift could appease Ibiki, but it did not shift her focus away from the subject at hand. It merely subdued and calmed her down enough to have to deal with this mess to begin with.

"I distrust you and feel disappointed because you did not even think to discuss this sudden affiliation change with me. Do you know the enemies of the Soul Society? Do you know the history of the planet? Those people have been a great helper in making things as bad as they are today. And, because of that, I do NOT want you to join them as I cannot trust one of my own who are allied with a people I've waged battle against for so long."

While her voice did not raise itself one bit during this dialogue, it was clear in the stern and precise tone of Ibiki's words that she meant business. Since, while speaking, the facial expression of The Kenpachi became intent and those amber eyes of hers fixated solely on the soulless grey gaze of Mirja. If looks could kill -- Ibiki's stare could have most certainly killed a platoon of soldiers at this point.

Alas, though, she would allow the woman to prattle on with her speech before giving her input. Granted, while the woman was speaking Ibiki had figured she was making an emotional plea that these people could change. It was a tiring thing to hear because of the fact it would take an immense amount of time before she could ever hope to ease those wounds of the past. The horrors they had committed don't simply wash away over night; as the same could be said of the tense relationship between the Shinigami and Quincy. Sure, it's ancient history, but there are sitll many that keep their guard up around the Gotei because of the gruesome atrocities they committed in the past. Much of the same will be held on the Monsuta and it was not going to be a road so easily undone.

"So what you are telling me is that you want me to meet with them and simply hear them out? I can allow that, but I will NOT allow you to stay in their ranks. So, before then, you will either have to choose: them or us."

Quick and to the point, Ibiki did not miss a beat on her intent and what she had gathered from her long drawn out speech. Mirja was going to have to make a sharp decision and she wanted one quickly as she hadn't much time to waste on these pitiful sympathies for a people who do not deserve such a thing.

Waking the Demon [Ibiki] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Waking the Demon [Ibiki] Empty Re: Waking the Demon [Ibiki]

Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:37 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Ibiki didn't seem all that moved by Mirja's impassioned plea. She even said she distrusted Mirja, which hit pretty hard. Like a stab in the heart. And then she gave the worst one. Beyond anger, beyond hatred. There was disappointment. She was disappointed that Mirja held her mentality of ignorance for the sake of sanity. But it was best to explain to Captain Ibiki what Mirja was intending. However, despite all this, Mirja was still overwhelmed with joy. Ibiki would not have realized like this if Mirja was just another faceless girl in the crowd of her division. The Captain actually cared about her. It made Mirja desperately hold back tears.

" not with them in any solid way. I joined because it would be better than an outsider trying to help them in my own forceful manner. But, to be honest, with myself as much as with you....joining them was selfish. So, incredibly selfish. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to admit why I joined to them. Because admitting to them would mean I had to admit it to myself. deserve to know why" She said, sagging from the posture she held and looking at the vicious claws on the end of her hands.

"These hands have killed so many people. They stood against me, so that was the only real path to take, but it still so terrible. Their screams never leave, and the blood never goes away. All the Scourers break apart before I get the blood off...." She seemed rather disturbed at this point, by the fact that she had left such a line of bodies in her wake. "I want to believe he can change because, if he can change that means that I can too. That I am not doomed to this existence of being a vicious, murderous wolf girl until I find something I can't kill, and it ends my life. I need him to be able to change because if he can not, then how can I?" her hands were trembling, her eyes filled with fear and tears slowly fell from her eyes. She wasn't in any fit state to be doing much right now, too terrified by the possibility that she could never change.
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Waking the Demon [Ibiki] Empty Re: Waking the Demon [Ibiki]

Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:16 am

Waking the Demon [Ibiki] 6EdIfMt

Artist: LENK64 - Song: Morass Of Stringed - Word Count: 773

The words were streaming form from the mouth of Mirja like an unending stream of consciousness. The unwavering stare of the amber eyed devil never left the sight of her subordinate. It was if they were piercing their fiery gaze straight into the entrails of the woman's soul as she listened in with immense intent; barely even taking much time to breathe before coming to a conclusion. As, when the apologetic aide had finished her sobbing tale, The Captain Commander to be exhaled a drained sigh as she let go out of her own bodily tensions at this whole messy state of affairs.

Did Ibiki enjoy having to be a hard-ass? No. Was it needed in some cases? Yes. If one does not set the bar of where their expectations are, then their followers will become unbalanced and wander in all sorts of undesirable paths. And, more than anything else, the lack of communication between played more on The Devil's fault than her underling. As it is a leader who keeps track of their assistants, crafts the foundation of their rules and manages their team like a well oiled ship. In this instance, The Suika Child did not feel that and she took another hard swig of booze from the container in order to drown out this stress.

"At least you are honest."

Those words spoke volumes as to what Ibiki valued. Since, unlike before, they did not leave strainful impression upon the world. Instead, they were uttered out with a sense of ginger firmness. Relieved, but still possessing the lingering intent of a leader's displeasure. As this whole ordeal would have been worse if the woman had not spilled out her soul to The Devil; since then she knew she would have a genuine threat on her hands.

Thus, after setting down the drink to her side, The Devil Girl seemed to begin to levitate ever so slowly off the balls of her feet. In this way, she'd be eye to eye with Mirja at this point. And, in light of that, Ibiki placed each of her hands on the shoulders of the woman and gave a sturdy grip before continuing with her words:

"Blood is blood. There is no getting around that."

Slow and steady could describe the pace in which Ibiki spoke as her peering eyes never wavered from the sight of the woman's stone gray eyes before her. As this absolute fact was not going to be easily absolved no matter what Mirja did, said or thought.

"But you are a single person and can change. If you have a will to change yourself, then do it."

Upon those words being uttered out, a plum energy would then begin to radiate out of the body of The Devil Commander. It was filled with a warm aura of life, light and strength of will. As this was the nature of her Resolve Force beginning to bleed out into the world and surround itself around the woman in it's tense current of determination.

"You can only control the actions of yourself; not the world around you. Do not base your own road on the actions of a group."

There would be another pause and the Suika child would breathe in at a slowed pace -- then exhale at a relaxed pace.

"Do you understand? If you want to change, change. But do not expect everyone else to so easily accept that change without sacrifice, work, and genuine intent to want to move beyond the actions of your past."

Then, with her sentiment expressed, Ibiki would allow the embers of her power to begin to accelerate the emotions of Mirja. In this way, she could begin to cry her tears and release whatever vile emotions brewed within her. Then, when over, those tears could be wiped away and the vision of a better day could be seen in the sights of her souls gaze towards the future.

"So cry into me if you must, but dry your tears and remember what you are fighting for if you want to sincerely move on from this."

Once her peace was finished, The Suika Child would embrace the wolven girl and give her a rub against the head as it was quite alright. All Ibiki cared about was loyalty, honesty and being up-front about her desires. If she could give her that, then it was possible to move on from these transgressions and work with her subordinate.

Waking the Demon [Ibiki] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Waking the Demon [Ibiki] Empty Re: Waking the Demon [Ibiki]

Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:20 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Honesty. How rare was that, these days. Even to herself, Mirja hid, ran, dissembled, or punched anything that spoke up when it related to her emotional state. She hated it, she needed to flee it. Because to face it would be to admit that she was scared of it. But Ibiki just took it like it was nothing. Which it probably was, the demon girl had seen a lot more than Mirja and her problems were probably nothing compared to what Captain Ibiki Sukukuku - she was never good with that surname of hers - had seen in her life. And yet.

She wasn't soft by any means, she was Ibiki. But it wasn't the tone that made Mirja feel so sad. It was the words used, the words that she didn't expect. Mirja was anticipating some angry words, possibly some punching, and then a decision, however decisioning that was. This, comfort was not something Mirja was expecting. She didn't think that Ibiki would be inclined to give such support after Mirja had betrayed her trust in this way and joined Monsuta. Mirja just wanted to help, but in doing so made matters so much worse for everyone.

On top of the words of support and encouragement, there came an energy, from Ibiki, and it felt good. It felt everything Mirja needed it to feel, and so the barriers of her self-control eroded and the floodgates opened. Mirja fell to her knees and quickly dissolved into a deep, hurting keen, tears falling from her face and hitting the ground like salty marbles, complete with the plunking noise as it hit the ground. And then there was the embrace, and a rub on the head like a mother soothing her daughter and silently telling her that everything would be alright. And so she cried, and her sobs filled the courtyard, and she finally, let herself feel the heart-ache that she had buried for so long. She would need to bring it out, for it to be soothed, after all.
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Waking the Demon [Ibiki] Empty Re: Waking the Demon [Ibiki]

Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:17 am

Waking the Demon [Ibiki] 6EdIfMt

Artist: LENK64 - Song: Morass Of Stringed - Word Count: N/A

Emotions were a tender thing, were they not? The tear drops of Mirja flowed into the body of The Devil Kenpachi and she could begin to understand the depths of her sorrow. It mattered not if the amount of blood on her hands failed to equate the lives this Captain took. As, in the end, the act of taking even one life is enough to leave a burden on a spirit which can last lifetimes; yet alone the process of slaying numerous others. Thus, it is why Ibiki consoled her and gave the woman hope that there was chance to turn this around if her will was so intent on doing that.

And, if nothing else, The Horned Girl could at least see the brute honesty of her sense of self and understand that this was just a mistake. Therefore, she'd simply make a "shushing" sound with her mouth; going on put her right index finger on the lips of Mirja and ceasing her cries. Really, there wasn't much else to get out of her apart from this simple statement:

"It is alright."

Truly -- it was alright.

If things weren't this way, then Ibiki would have wasted no time condemning her actions, imprisoning her and making the woe-filled woman regret her choices. Yet, it seemed she possessed enough self-awareness, introspection and genuine nature to understand the effect that her decisions caused. So she would be forgiven and there would be no further fuss from The Captain Commander so long as she did this singluar thing:

"You are free to long as you cut ties with The Monsuta."

And with that, Mirja was now allowed access back into the Soul Society and would no longer be considered a war criminal of the Soul Society and Gotei United. It was up to her what she would do with this new opportunity. Was she going to go back on her words? Was she going to live up to this second chance? Or was The Wolf Shinigami simply going to squander it and let this chance rot? There was no telling because the ways of the conscious mind were never set in stone. All Ibiki had at the moment was faith that she would do the right thing and that this interaction between the two of them would not have been a waste of somber sentiments and precious time.

Therefore, she would ease away from the hug, wipe the years away from Mirja's face and give her a ginger stare from those amber lit eyes of The Devil Shinigami. All she was awaiting for in this moment was an answer and she wanted to see just what route The Wolf would take.

Waking the Demon [Ibiki] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Waking the Demon [Ibiki] Empty Re: Waking the Demon [Ibiki]

Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:30 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Allowed to cry out her heart, Mirja hd never felt such peace after her Commander placed a finger on the wolfish lips, and softly shushed. It was not the patronizing thing that it could have been, much more so a comforting gesture from someone Mirja respected more than anyone else. Mirja stopped her cries as she was ordered, and then felt so free. Unrestrained from the shackles that had held her, that made her wonder if she was worth anything as a being, as a Shinigami, and a strange wolf-morph girl that had no direction in life other than to kill things.

All that doubt was wiped away with one short sentence. 'It is alright'. More than anything right now, that is what Mirja needed to hear from Ibiki, and she felt another wave of tears come on, only barely held back. These were not tears of despair but ones of joy and elation such that her heart was too full for words. She wanted to speak, wanted to babble, and waffle because that was what comforted her and allowed her to ignore the situation at present and the way she had acted. It was rather pathetic to just break down into tears in front of the Commander of the Gotei 13 but that was just how it happened.

Then, Ibiki gave Mirja her window. Telling her that she was free to go so long as she cut ties with Monsuta.
"Really, leaving them was on the books anyway. I have been around and they seem decidedly obtuse and callous. Nobody seems to care that their organization has a history with the world and they need to sort it out before anyone starts to listen to what they are saying. That they can claim to have changed as much as they want but nobody will hear it without action. I joined them to help but they don't want help. And so all this was for my own selfish reason more than anything. So yes, I will leave them behind and let them carry on whatever it is they are doing. I was only there temporarily anyway" She waffled and went on at length about how she felt and what she was doing because it was her way of coping with things. While she talked she didn't have to think about anything other than what she was saying.
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Waking the Demon [Ibiki] Empty Re: Waking the Demon [Ibiki]

Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:30 pm

Waking the Demon [Ibiki] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Black Rock SHooter - Song: Human Days - Word Count: N/A

If nothing else, it was fine to see that her subordinate had at least taken in the words and they seemed to resonate within The Wolf. If she were able to digest and understand the sentiments in which Ibiki uttered with her words, then perhaps there was still hope to be had in her and she could let bygones be bygones. After all, the power of The Soul Society was in her hands at this point and she could change the laws as she saw fit.

Therefore, when this much was taken in by Mirja, Ibiki moved her finger away from the woman's laugh and rubbed her ear a bit. That action was done due to the belief that The Suika Captain merely believed dogs like that kind of thing. While she was a wealth of in-depth thought, this action was rather simplistic in it's intent. As, from that point onward, The Commander would then take a swig of her booze cup and began analyzing the woman as she seemed quite uncomfortable with just letting the moment stir. Since the more she talked, the more it became painfully obvious that tender times like this were not her strong suit in the slightest.

Yet, in spite of that, Ibiki would nod her head and remain polite as it was just another form of honest that she didn't inherently dislike, but it did need to be made known to The Wolf Shinigami.

"Relax. There is no need to be so nervous around me."

Those words spoke volumes as Mirja started talking like an unending stream of constant vocal content. However, they were not spoken in a tone which indicated she was talking down to the woman or being sarcastic. Instead, it was in a way that could be taken as nonchalant and candid. Such as a friend telling another friend that their outfit looks trashy or something to that effect.

"And besides, we can use all of that information for our own intel at least."

There was also that thought which passed the mind of The Suika Captain. It was one she honestly hadn't thought of until the moment she uttered those words. So it's why Ibiki decided to utilize a telepathic hell butterfly in order to have The Research Department open up a small vortex on the lap of The Captain Commander. From this black hole that seemed to rip itself into the fabric of reality around them, a black sphere could be seen dropping into the woman's legs. When this object fell into her lap, Ibiki wasted no time going on to hand it to Mirja and nudging her head towards it.

"It's a recorder and documentation device. You can use it to record your voice and you can tell our intel department about your experiences with The Monsuta as a whole. It'll be useful going forward in the future."

Then, after taking a stand, Ibiki would turn towards the distance and get a feeling her presence was needed in the Seireitei. A Commander couldn't be away from the front lines from too long. So, she'd leave Mirja with a task before taking her leave:

"I'm at least happy I've gotten know my fellow comrade better. I'll leave you to find your own way, but when you are done shedding your tears, I want you to come back to me stronger and more resolved than before. These are grim times and we need our kind to be as hardened as possible. I trust you'll be able to do that."

With those fiery eyes set on Mirja, she would await her reply before taking off.

Waking the Demon [Ibiki] WVMWLOu
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