Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Afternoon Nap - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Nap

Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:00 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

He smiled a bit as he watched the female moveable to keep up with her movements visually as he observed. She'd given up on over stressing her body and not being fluid with her movements. She was graceful now and that was the ideal situation to this. Be as graceful as possible and float across the battlefield. She was a skilled martial artist and warrior this should never change. The true talent was one that would float and do what it needed. Jaeden understood from Damien her power and problem were that she didn't move like the wind. She tried to choke the wind into doing what she wanted. Jaeden had been best described as the wind due to his nature. This was his home as he let his hand settle on his sword. "Let me show you something, a speed beyond Flash Step." He said softly as he took a slight stance now preparing himself to move as he wanted her to see. He'd done it once before as he surrendered himself to the wind. It was going to take him somewhere good at the end of all this.

He let the female's hand connect with his hand smirking and shaking his head. He pointed somewhere over to the next building rooftop. He performed it and vanished without a trace becoming the wind for a second as he seemed to blink. Teleportation was what some would call what Jaeden had just done. The speed was greater than that of the Flash Step itself. He'd figured out a way past the bar that held people from the truth. She had tremendous potential but she needed to embrace something new to become great. He could help if she wanted to be but it was entirely up to her. The moment she wanted to seize was all hers. Everything she did up till this point was entirely up to her skills as someone who wanted it. Taking the truth was something only she could find the answer to evolution on. Seize the moment and grow into a true terror who even surpassed Yoruichi Shihoin in her speed. But only time could be the judge and Jaeden wasn't the best judge of all that.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Afternoon Nap - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Afternoon Nap - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Afternoon Nap - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Nap

Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:43 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja didn't know where her irritation and vexation had come from when he moved so well. It was a gut reaction to be pissed off when someone moved so much better than she did. She wanted to be the fastest, the smoothest, the one who surpassed all boundaries and broached into a force of speed yet unheard of in all the world. So when she booped him on the head, she felt at first a deep feeling of elation, quickly forced down as she realized he had let her do that because he was standing in for something even more special.

This special thing seemed to be a speed greater than Flash Step. Which, Mirja already was, Flash Step was short range and Mirja could carry her speed long distance thanks to her special body. Strain that would otherwise break and cripple an ordinary man mattered not to her. And that was how she managed to learn her Flash Point, her ultimate move in swiftness. She probably should have used it, but it didn't occur to her, she wanted to beat him with her own speed, not a technique from Plus Ultra. However, that goal was soon to be dashed against the rocks.

His movement, his Wind-Becoming Stride - she was good at names - was so fast. Her Ocular Awakening saw his form flicker slightly, and then he was gone. So far beyond her she couldn't begin to compete with that. It was depressing, to see someone so high above her.
'It's lonely at the peak, so why would you wish to be there?' Mai asked. The Zanpaktou she had gotten from the Smart Captain had worked tirelessly to help her reconnect with her Zanpaktou, but also with herself. Looking to the man over yonder, where he had moved in less than an instant. Mirja, who could admire the grooves on a bullet as it flew past her, missed the movement entirely.

While it was kind of crippling of her ego to see someone like this move so fast, it was also incredibly enlightening. She knew the Wind had helped her every time she took off, brushing her tears and soothing her tension as she ran. But despite that, she had never worked with it, always pushed with strength and passion and never asked for any help. But now, she was asking. She flittered about the surrounding area a bit to catch the feel of the wind here, and then got down to work. Crouching down so her fingers touched the ground, she closed her eyes and relaxed ever muscle in her body. A sort of anti-useage of Saigen. Waiting for Heart's Kiai to run out, she would appear to Jaeden to just stay in one position for half a minute. And then, she pushed off, slipping through the sound barrier and leaving it unmolested as she caught her Slip Stream. It carried her a few feet before dumping her on her face gloriously. Clearly, this technique was something that would require a fair bit of work before she could pull it off.

Quickly jumping up and brushing herself off, hoping nobody saw her vanish from existence for a few seconds only to appear again and face plant, she cleared the distance between the house and Jaeden in a couple of seconds, slow in comparison to how he had moved.
"So, you are Daimen's student then? He does seem the sort to send a crazy wolf after you for not going to see him right off" she quipped, hoping that he would brush off her fail.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Afternoon Nap - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Nap

Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:57 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

His eyes watched her as a light sigh left his lips. He wasn't an expert on speed or anything like that. Jaeden had some practice with Flash Step as his skill. He couldn't even damage the girl that part was interesting. That his sword couldn't inflict injury to her. Damien certainly sent someone at him that was crazy in her own ways. "It's in his nature, teacher's always been that way. Ever since I met him it's always been this way of doing things." He said responding to her comment and not paying any mind to the mistake that happened. He wasn't much for all the stuff going on here. The Unabara killing and everything else was something that weighed heavily on his mind. Damien's return was unexpected to save a single child. It seemed like this organization was in a flux of sorts. Something was going on that didn't make sense or seem right. Jaeden couldn't put his finger on what exactly. Everything was strange about the situation in general. His crimson eyes focused in on the mad wolf who'd attacked.

It was true she was quick and a good learner. But she needed to see something before that began. "I'm gonna tell you now, there are people way faster than me..out there if I were you I would find them. I would like to train with Yoruichi or Shadin myself. " He said calmly dropping both names as they were both exceptionally quick. He wasn't sure though if they would take students. Yoruichi was an estranged one at times he had heard. Shadin was called the Beast of Karakura. Something about the title made him uneasy in more than one fashion as he sighed softly. Running a hand through his white hair as his eyes scanned her expression. He'd given her advice it seemed like his job here was mostly done. He glanced down taking a step and heading into his families building slowly. He glanced back up towards her to see what action she took. He'd not been sure what she would consider doing. She had made tremendous progress from just watching him. Should she meet one of those two it would indeed be interesting.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5917
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Afternoon Nap - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Afternoon Nap - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Afternoon Nap - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Nap

Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:51 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Fortunately, he didn't bring up the failure she had pulled at all, and instead just decided to help her out with some other people that might be of use. She had not heard of Shadin, but Yoruichi was definitely a girl she had heard of. No Shinigami, even one as oblivious and unwise to the world as Mirja was, had heard of Yoruichi. Still, it was nice he was helping her out after she had tried to drop kick him and then flitted about really trying to sink her knuckles into him however he could. To reply with tutoring, was a sigh of greatness.

"Sure, maybe they are faster than you but right now you are faster than me. No point going on a higher level of learning when I have yet to master the lower levels. If they are faster than you then that means they are on a level far above me, maybe even a level I can't even begin to comprehend. So I am hanging with you till I get this whole thing down. Then I'll probably go look for Yoruichi or Shadin. But I will keep you as a friend forever!" She exclaimed, grinning broadly as her tail swished behind her.

The Wolf seemed to have changed rather dramatically in the few minutes she had been here. From a girl intent on crushing the invader, to someone who was obsessed with Jaeden's speed and wished to copy not only it, but how he did it as well. She knew the secrets of her Slip Stream started here. But, didn't necessarily end here.
"So, more running, or should we go beat up Daimen for trying to play us and have a scrap for him to snigger at? I am happy with either outcome"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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