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The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2] Empty The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2]

Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:42 pm

The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: Vert's Theme - Words: 737

[Note: If you need a reference of how the setting looks like, please refer to the image below so you can get a sense of where they are at.]

The grand skies of hope could sail the seven seas of heaven as the likes of The Angel of The Ice found herself in the Galene Seas of the Iramasha Realm. For all around her were rich shades of aqua, indigo and silver that filled the waters, mountaintops and clouds above her. With the crushing roar of an infinite waterfall surging in the background, Cirno felt at peace in this most tranquil scene of nature. It was the perfect place to clear her mind, ready herself and prepare for a most grueling battle to come while being embraced by the tender hand of mother nature's call.

For the reason why she was here had been rather simple: training.

The Angel of The Ice had found herself rather busy wearing herself thin between taking care of a family with her wife and newly born kids, managing the day to day affairs of the vast expansion of The Guild of Heroes, handling diplomatic affairs of The Iramasha Clan and still recovering from her brawl with Nemain that had left her unable to truly find her full potential after the clash on the moon.

Yes, that was the crux of it all. The Angel of The Ice needed something to force herself to fight with the vibrant intensity she brawled with on that most fateful day. To her, it felt almost as if her whole essence was capped, locked and broken by that woman's effect on her embodiment and she knew she needed to otherwise work through it in order to once again realize her full strength. As fighting at 3/4 of her capacity just wasn't going to cut it at the level of power other faction leaders were able to combat at.

Therefore, to progress herself further, Cirno knew she required someone capable of awakening that most holy spirit within herself. Hence, she called up an old friend of hers: Moonie Iramasha. These two had clashed once in the past, but there were still many interruptions in that battle that it did not wholly satisfy a part of her spirit to just leave things be. She was immature, not yet developed and that bastard Eric Zarathos skewered that battle experience for herself. So they needed to settle things and he needed to see just how far she had come since that encounter.

And, not only that, but Cirno understood that he was in a bit of rut himself. There was no doubt in her mind that something must've crushed his heart following the damage that was done to the moon of earth following the war with Shadow Fall and The Vanguard. It was his birthplace, his home and the place where his powers resonated at the strongest they could be. So it was clear he was going to need to be dragged out of the pits of his despair as well and she was willing to provide that help for him as well. For in this world one must give before they can receive and that is a logic which her spirit followed most whollyhearted.

Thus, with all of that hanging on the cliffs of this encounter, the aqua haired celestial now found herself levitating her bare feet over a most vibrant hued sea; seeming as if the waters beneath her shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. With her oceanic eyes enjoying the calming sights ahead, the woman was able to let out an untroubled sigh as let loose a sky blue aura from her body. In doing so, her whole essence was in a state of controlled collected being. And following this wave of calm accordingly, The Angel of The Ice soothed herself further and let each of her six icicle shaped wings flutter in the breeze as she anticipated this to be a most brutal training session for her mind, body and soul.

"I'm ready."

Those simple words were what would be uttered out after she was finished meditating, focusing in on her energy and prepping herself for this challenge to come.

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The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2] WVMWLOu
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Wed Feb 08, 2017 5:36 pm

Sometimes, the only way to move forwards… is to burn everything down.

That would be the case for most things that the Moon Iramasha ran into, along with this peculiar barrier that he had arrived at. It was a good thing that Boss James had helped him get here… otherwise things might have been a bit messy. That was why he was the Boss, though. Moonie was fine with that. He had always been fine with that. James was the one who was always there for him. While he didn't get much respect from the council due to the awkward tendency to grow animal parts, there was not a single person that Moonie admired more.

Of course, it helped that his water element was made much more effective in Moonie's presence, making him an opponent that the Moon Iramasha simply could not defeat.

As things were, it seemed that James himself had wanted to do a bit of vacationing. Shortly after they had arrived, the Boss had simply… .leapt outwards into the waters. Perhaps anyone else could have enjoyed the natural beauty, but quite frankly Moonie was disappointed with the arena they were in. That was why he had brought such a large… boulder with him. This boulder, the size of a small house, would be the first thing that the flighty Frigid Heroine would see of his approach.

It was a hunk of the moon. A tribute, as things were. Now, this place had far too much water, and it was obvious in its effects as Moonie began to approach. After all, he was a Lunar Force. Water was simply attracted to him. So it was that a moving wall of water would then begin to form around the moon rock.

However, the advance of the wall of water remained uninhibited. Quite frankly, this was the being who had walked to the coast of Australia from Japan. This much was not even able to slow him down. "Glarbbagahrogha." Moonie let bubbles flow out into the space in front of him as he began to recognize the outline of a…


With that word, the water was blasted away from his body, deafening the entire area as purple energy began forming around the Moon Iramasha, acting as a kind of repellent as the water pooled around his body, lightly swirling around him in a great pool. "Cahahaha! You're probably bigger than me now!" He chuckled, before tilting his head back and forth to the side, closing his eyes.

"Voi, course, I didn’t get a very good look at ya back then." He said a bit more quietly, before tilting his head up towards the sky. After all, at the end of their first encounter he had ripped the eyes out of his skull. But he was better now. Probably.

After all, he was no longer a hulking monster of pure spiritual energy destroying everything in his path, and killing any supernatural fighters he came across. "Are you?"

He called out, the blonde hair on his back beginning to lightly fan out from his body as he pulled his right arm forwards. The gigantic rock that he had brought with him moved into place between the two of them, blocking her from his sight. "Voi. You picked an awkward spot for me to let loose, so I decided to bring a little house warming gift…" He explained behind the stone…

While the water around his body began to rise up.

His emotions began to take control. Anticipation, frustration, joy, sadness… all of his emotions came to the forefront. Moonie did not operate by concealing his emotions down to a point of calm. He pushed them outwards, a destructive force wielded with brutal effeciency. In a way, that was what he enjoyed most in life. Not only experiencing his own destructive power… but bringing others to feel that rush.

A Bestial roar echoed out from behind the boulder, before the rock shattered. Mad cackling left behind it as Moonie's left hand smashed into the boulder, releasing a wave of purple energy around it directly in front of her gaze. "COME ON!" He yelled at her, the purple increasing in intensity as his right hand came into the pile of rock that attempted to burst apart. His fist smashed into the rock as it cracked repeatedly, the purple growing more and more intense as Moonie began punching it.

The oceanic landscape became deeply disturbed as larger and larger waves and ripples echoed out from it. They were massive… and yet not moving against one another. This was what Moonie had learned in his year without eyes. He had learned how to see the environment. Before it had been instinctual, but now it was deliberate. With each blow, the echoing truth of Moonie's energy rose.

Finally, Moonie had the boulder condensed to the size where he was able to lift a hand over it… and leaning forwards, his right fist smashed into the stone. A tremendous explosion occurred as it reached under the water, dust from the rock spreading in every direction as the color of the water changed to gray.

"CAHAHAHAHA!" The Moon Iramasha cackled as he pushed himself forwards from the water, his right hand dipping into its now murky depths as he decreased the weight of his own body, skidding across the water. "Let's see you GRIT THOSE TEETH, FROST'S ANGEL!" He roared, his entire body sliding to the side as he delivered an overhanded blow directly into the Angel Iramasha. "This is how it goes!" He told her, his blonde hair whipping in the wind as he pushed the physical limits of his body, curving it back around for another overhanded blow. "VOI! Fists, and feet, and teeth! Biting and clawing! NOTHING ELSE!" He proclaimed, his right foot pushing into the water with such force that he pushed off, backing up a few feet as both of his hands became flat. His eyes were wide and wild as he took his stance, already beginning to breathe with excitement.

"Voi, and if you absolutely can't feel that desperation with nothing but your body, I'll just have to make it harder, huh?" He roared, his fists clenching as he abandoned his fighting stance, standing straight and simply beginning to laugh and laugh and laugh…



Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2] Empty Re: The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2]

Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:46 pm

The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2] 6EdIfMt


Artist: O-life - Song: V貫徹パパラッチ - Words: 1031

A boulder? That was an interesting way to begin the start of a fight in the mind of The Celestial. Watching The Moon God come from out of the water was almost comical in her mind. However, it was apparent that this was going to be his debut into the fight since Cirno could outright feel the THICK of his Aether Energy oozing out in the area around them. Therefore, The Angel of The Ice couldn't help but begin to feel her energy surge up and swell. While she was meditating prior to this, her insides were boiling up in anticipation and her aura resembled that of an oceanic fire radiating with an aqua flare around her body.

Which is why when he initially approached The Angel Iramasha, he'd feel the intensity of her aura beginning to spew forth in the vicinity around them. It was as if there was an endless vacuum of fire, weight and outright strength vomiting into the world. This was the amount of anticipation, willingness, and passion that was building up within the woman as she yearned for something to take her further than where he was now. She needed to be pushed more than anything else right now.

"Bigger? In a lot of ways I am! I intend to show that today~"

There was a great measure of pride heard within the voice of The Frigid Angel because of the fact she did understand she had come a long way since their last battle. She was a mother, a leader, a supernatural powerhouse and a matured being. Compared to where she was two years ago? Heh, The Celestial wasn't nearly the puny little runt that she once was. And it was time to prove that by taking action when this fight of the spirit took place in earnest.

Which is why when his eruption of energy started overflowing throughout the area, there was nothing left for her to do but oblige in his request to otherwise indulge in a most savory fight. Hence, within two blinks of the eye, The Angel Of The Ice was already flying towards the front of Moonie Iramasha at mach four speeds. Even as the debris spewed forth in every direction, the heavens roared with thunder and the seas quivered in fear; there wasn't the slightest ounce of hesitation towards her progression. As this the road she needed to take in order to realize her full strength again. There could be no trickery, there could be no short cuts. There could only be an earnest effort to challenge every obstacle head first and give it her all towards the cause.

Thus, the first blow was going to be a striking thrust straight to the face of The Moon Iramasha. This intent was to send him hurtling backward into one of the chunks of rock nearby with a resounding "THUD". That attack had enough potency behind it to level a mountain or two, so it was certainly something to thwack him back into his senses. However, she was far from done with her turn.

'Fluid, but powerful'

With that mantra repeating in a loop within her mind, Cirno eased the tension within her fist, yet had the eruption of her souls explosive might come in the next series of jabs placed at his throat, sternum, and gut. All the while, with each movement that was made, a sense of adrenaline surged and swelled within the body of The Celestial. Her eyes became filled with a vibrant light, while her aura grew to a point of outright cutting through Moonie if he were to touch it.

In this instant, that powerful aura of aether which drew its strength from Cirno's spirit could slice, dice and tear straight through multiple layers of defense now that she was beginning to put some OOMPH into her attack capacities. Therefore, if he were to touch it in this moment, the male would undoubtedly feel a mass freeze beginning to spread through his body. One which could cause his skin and muscles a terrible amount of pain because of the fact it was a two layered attack: the first wave was meant to tear, cut and slice through him in order to induce more physical injuries. While the bitter wave of cold afterward was designed to otherwise freeze him and induce pain through mass cold. As, eventually, repeated expose could lead to his limbs freezing up.

And, although she could perform the same to his spiritual energy -- she did not. Instead, Cirno merely wanted to fight him at his best so she could fight her at his best. So there was no need to tamper with his body in that fashion. All he needed was a good serving of pain, a hard initial attack and a thump to get his heart going so she could get hers going in return.

Therefore, with one wild laugh and yell, the Angel of The Ice stepped back, strived to avoid whatever attack may come first and charged forth at mach five speeds in order to deliver a crushing strike to the male's chest in order to wipe away everything for one hundred meters and induce an attack capable of destroying five mountains in one energized blow. In this way, for a thousand meters on end, the water would be driven away from the two and they'd be fighting in a pit of earth, dirt and fish as Cirno's daunting aura repelled the waters with one swift change of the landscape.

"Heheheh~ You like the change?"

With that loaded question given out to her foe, there were many answers which the Moon God could give if he were privy to what she was referring to. As the Celestial may be referring to the change in the landscape, the morph in herself or the altering of her fighting style. That was ultimately up to him to answer as they started to push further into the depths of this heated combat session to come.

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The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2] WVMWLOu
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Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:02 pm

The aura that he was given in reply seemed on point. It contained almost all of the elements that Moonie looked for in his opponents. There was really only one missing quality. He could not quite pin it dow, but he felt like something was missing. Something that was necessary, something that would make this battle feel off until he could figure it out. Moonie was not the smartest individual, after all.

"Cahahaha... Is that it?" He joked as her eruption of energy poured out around him. He didn't know why exactly, but that felt like something that he could pick at to help bring out the missing quality. "Voi!" He told her as she began to approach him. It was an exclaim of realization, like a young dog who had just realized that there was food to be had.

Cirno's body crashed into his, and he decided to simply feel her blow. Against his cheek, therefore, the Moon Iramasha's flesh would crack, like an egg being smashed, his body sent flying backwards as he spun out along the water, his own abilities reducing his weight so that he flew much farther than normal along the water's surface. His arms crossed in front of his body as he regained control over the rotations of his body, his head upside down as he smiled at her as he flew back. The corner of his smile was inhibited by glowing dark purple cracks along his skin, though not a single drop of his blood came out.

He could see her as she pursued him with the same velocity that she had used before, only this time he began to position his hands towards his vitals, deflecting off her blows at his neck and gut, his eyes aflame as he gripped against the hand that had went to his gut, attempting to rip it to the side… as he changed his own gravity, the blow to his sternum hitting against his loosened muscles as it caused for both Moonie and Cirno to be knocked upwards if he still had his grip on her.

Of course, it was true that the ice would begin coating onto his body… but really, it was not to the point where Moonie would begin to feel effected by it. After all, he had lived on the surface of the moon for millenia… he had some amount of resistance to the cold, though that would eventually fail to suffice if she made things icy enough. Eventually, he released her, allowing for his body to be carried up and into the air. His eyes did not leave his opponent, however, and as she bolted up towards him for the second blow he would respond by increasing the weight of his own body, both hnds held behind his head as he smashed both hands into her attack with the full force of his sealed state.

This change in velocities would cause for their energies to visibly crash, the water far below them blowing around as a deep pit appeared for a moment due to their clash. Moonie's face contained a determined smile, his eyes bright before letting himself be pushed back a bit by their clash, finally coming to a stop.

"Voi… I like some parts of it. Feels like something's missing, though." He told her in reply, thoughtfully. "But now…!" Moonie's tone rose as he lunged forwards, a wave of Gravity appearing around his body as he burst forwards with Blast firing out of the back of his legs. Thrusting himself towards her, one hand soared towards her shoulder, trying to grab it tight as he made his body level with hers…

And allowed for himself to slide. Using her and her presence for placement more than damage, Moonie's body slid behind the Angel Iramasha, his bottom rising above his torso as he then dramatically increased his gravity once again. This would lead to an axe kick, landing directly in the most obvious direction with which to flee.


With that declaration, Moonie's leg would crash down into Cirno's back and head, likely catching her off guard from the bizarre angle of attack. Meanwhile, Moonie's left arm reached out in front of her from behind, attempting to catch her with the upper part of his body while assaulting her from his lower. If this submission worked, Moonie's body would throw his left leg downwards, disbalancing him again as he bent his spine back with her with incredible force…


He positively roared as a wave of force echoed out from his knee, aimed directly at the back of the Ice Fairy. The level of blows that she had given him up until this point could be felt in every bit of that attack, and even if she were to dodge it, she would likely find herself off balance from the ferocity and residual amounts of bloodlust left within it. Against a normal opponent, this would certainly be a kill shot, after all. That was what Moonie was giving to her; the greatest level of respect that he possessed as a warrior.

And more than that…


Moonie's mouth still open, still moving as he released maniacal laughter. His hands and face were bruised and cracking. In a way, that only helped make him feel more alive. "Come on…" He breathed out, slumping slightly into the cleared pit where he could stand with his feet on the ground. The water was beginning to flow back around him as he looked directly up at her.

"Our souls are not singing loud enough… The Way of the Fist…" He mumbled, thinking for a moment as he looked down at his hands. Gripping and ungripping them, Moonie merely looked back up at Cirno, before his body began to crouch, lowering his center of gravity. This action was very similar to an animal about to pounce on its prey. "We're missing… the exhiliration of the Hunt."

With that, Moonie's legs both pushed off of the ground, water crashing back and trying to race up to him. The force he left behind was too great, however, and the water reformed as spikes shooting out in multiple directions, almost like an artful spire as Moonie went directly at his opponent. "VOI!" He roared out as he approached like a.. Mad demon.

Throwing his leg down directly in front of her body, he created a burst of Blast, throwing out shockwaves of force in front of her as he pushed off that explosion, both of his hands trying to clap down on either sides of her body, his fists clenched as his arms attempted to crash against her shoulders. That was not the important part.


With that declaration, Moonie's right foot came cleanly in towards her stomach. If this blow were to connect, well… it would not be surprising ifs he began to vomit, among other nasty side effects. In any case, Moonie's body would then begin to take advantage of using this technique, for another attack in Moon God Style.


Without any hesitation, the blonde Moon Iramasha threw his body in a circle, whipping around before attempting to crash into her left side. This was an attack where Moonie was going more for shock value than anything else, his right hand becoming infused with Blast energy as his turned upside down form clapped together.


And at last, the Blast energy between his hands whipped out, compressed into a blade as the tearing and ripping energy roared straight towards Cirno's torso. Moonie's laughter and spiritual pressure accompanied the attack as it blew away the water around it, attempting to turn her into mush.

"Cahahahaha…" Moonie's laughter continued as he hung upside down in the air, his blonde hair trailing out behind him as he folded his arms around torso, waiting for her next speedy blitz of attacks...


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:51 pm

The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2] 6EdIfMt


Artist: lenk64 - Song: PRIMAL SCENE - Words: 2038

There was a language which was uttered when two foes with brilliant spirits clashes against one another. One which could be heard through the pulsations of their aura, the tone of their voices and the intent behind their strikes. And from this unspoken language could one infer a simple thing from these two combatants: they wanted to unleash their potential and figure out a way to ascend past each of their individual ruts.

Henceforth, as The Angel of The Ice's golden haired foe called out to her about whether or not this was all she had to offer, Cirno could do nothing more than give him a reaffirming yell that otherwise signified her defiance towards his rebuttal.


She wasn't going to back down from this. This was her path to progression and she was going to show him that there was so much more to this fight than mere punches, kicks and the hellish feeling of pain. It was a challenge, a contest of soul and a way to pull them both out of the abyss of stagnation.

Thus, in one foul shout, the woman allowed herself to pull back as the weight of the golden-haired foe increased to great quantities. However, as he charged forth towards her, The Angel of The Ice allowed him to touch her shoulder. This would come at a cost to The Moon God, unfortunately. The time span of two heartbeats was all it took for a dangerous level of aether to accumulate on that part of Cirno's body which Moonie touched. This would result in a monstrous burst of energy seeking to burn his hand to cinders and hack away at his durability bit by bit as it was tested against the might of The Celestial.

"Not so fast."

And while he appeared in bursts of blurs in this time to the perception of The Angel, there wasn't much fear in her heart because she wasn't alone.

'I'll handle this.'

That voice was all that Cirno needed to hear in her head to know that everything was going to be alright. The minute that The Nature Iramasha came roaring in from behind, a lighthearted laugh escaped the lips of The Celestial and her own guardian angel leaped into action. In one swift action did her frozen wings otherwise held each of his hands into place and neutralized the brunt of the attack.

What followed after this block would be a hellish roar which surged throughout the earth and began cracking parts of the seafloor open with the sheer amount of strength that these two utilized to fight at such heightened levels of power. In fact, the clouds themselves seemed to blow away above them with how much impact their collective actions had. It's why there was still waves of pain that flowed down the backside of Cirno as his physical might was enough to still cause noticeable damage, but not the critical impact he was going for yet. It was too early in the fight to let her guard down like that.

So, while he was still stunned, The Angel of The Ice guided each of her elbows to SMASH straight into the stomach of The Moon God with enough impact force to otherwise clear two whole mountainsides. Hence, there was a good chance it could knock the wind clear out of The Nature Iramasha and send him back once more. After all, Cirno wasn't a novice when it came to close quarters combat and wasn't afraid to show her grit in it. It was something she had to work hard at as the woman needed to understand all fields of combat in order to deal with a variety of hostile threats over the years.

Which is why she'd then bare with the ringing pain still overflowing from his previous attack, use it as adrenaline to propel herself and then go in for an absolute rush of speed to emerge to the side of The Moon God. In this way, she sought to have a short burst of mach eight speeds by amplifying her natural speed through the art of Aether Magic. While she wasn't a fan of doing this in long range combat, short range combat made the pressure on her body that much more tolerable; especially in the beginning of a brawl like this.

So, to capitalize on this advantage that she had from her years of mastery over the art of physical augmentation, The Angel of The Ice motioned herself to otherwise turn on her heels, dig straight into The Moon God's sternum and go for a power strike with enough force to wipe out a three hundred meter radius. In doing so, a tsunami wave of debris, water, earth and wind would spread in every direction and the roar could be heard for miles on end as The Celestial had a fierce grin emerge across her face. It didn't even matter that her own fist was bleeding from having smashed against fierce durability of The Nature Iramasha's body. No. She relished in that suffering and knew it was a vital process towards bringing more of her own potential out. Whatever made her go through any type of pain was only going to make her character, spirit and mind that much stronger. It's what got her this far and it was what was going to take her beyond this pit of dullness she was in now.

Therefore, as The Moon God backed up to gain more ground, The Angel of The Ice did so as well so she could focus internally and begin shifting greater volumes of Aether to the surface so she could prepare for another round of combat. Since, when The Moon God came back rushing for more, The Celestial obliged and stomped her fight into the earth. When she did so, a booming clap of thunder echoed throughout the battlefield and a ripple of white aether energy spread throughout the area. Following this action, The Angel of The Ice Sought to deflect the burst of energy heading towards her by neutralizing them with her energy.

Then, with her quick footwork, the woman sought to outright leap away from The Moon God as he attempted the same type of attack twice. How could he expect her not to when the woman could sense the environment around her through particles of her own energy being spread? Why else would she give a flashy show of power?! Though, even with all that said, the woman still felt the shockwaves of the attack and was seen being stunned by the pressure waves sent from the Moonie's assault. It caused her to wince in pain and portions of her own energy left her.

So, as her charged forth with an energy attack, the six wings behind Cirno would seek to shield her and block the attack by them acting as a means of defense to otherwise withstand the attack. Nevertheless, Moonie would be able to break through them as they would be forced back behind her following his foot crushing through and hitting her right in the gut.


That was the only grunting sound heard from The Angel of The Ice as small bits of oceanic dyed blood came forth from her mouth following that attack. There was another stunning pulsation of pain still riding off the heels of his previous assault which rang through and became amplified. Yet -- Cirno had to endure the pain and get her mind back in the game even as her body cried out in agony from having taken such heavy assaults.


In one crazed scream of happiness, The Angel of The Ice gave a confident laugh and felt another spike in her energy come as she forced herself out of that stunned zone and made her body react. Since, by the time Moonie came in at her other side, the woman had fortified each of her hands with a dense amount of energy. To the point where each of her arms was radiating with a bright shade of silver and blue as she sought to yank The Moon God by his absurdly long hair (not that she could talk). Then, in one jarring motion, The Celestial hollered out and sought to cancel out his series of attacks by tossing him straight in the air.

Then, to capitalize on his potential disorientation, Cirno took off like a raging bull and had a trail of aqua light lead from the ground to the heavens above as she sought to appear behind The Moon God and utilize both of their kinetic energy in order to deliver a strong drop kick to whatever body part she could get her foot on. In turn, should this kick connect, or even miss, the resulting collision would result in a burst of blinding white energy filling the skies for five hundred meters as she would have released enough force and power behind that attack to otherwise obliterate an entire city.

In exchange, there would be blood beginning to drip down the leg of The Angel, burns across her thigh and it would be shaking as a result of smashing against the male's durability. As, to her, it was like she was punching and kicking against a god damn steel wall. So it was something she was going to keep in mind going forward, but for now she followed it up with a supersonic screech and delivered sound waves potent enough to level entire towns as an additional burst of pain. These spread for two hundred meters and she sought to increase the potency of her attack by combining the two together in order to force more energy out of Moonie, wear down his durability and induce more damage and pain to his body so she could keep pushing battle further and further as the two tapped into their collective powers.

"I don't feel there is lack of hunt in this game at all. I am on the hunt. The hunt for something great."

Even if he was attacking at this point, the Angel of The Ice still dared to speak and couldn't help but find herself laughing uncontrollably from the sheer pain, adrenaline and thrill of it all as she felt her power surging inside and attempting to rise to the surface like a phoenix coming from the ashes.

"I'm hunting you down and coming for you because I need something to challenge myself. I can't exactly call myself a leader if I don't do that. I need....MORE"

Then, in a sonic boom, The Celestial moved from her position in the heavens and broke the distance between the two so that she could deliver another astounding blow to The Moon God's side so that he could further have his durability broken through. Even as aqua-hued blood spewed in the air around them, the woman's eyes were filled with a brilliant light and it was something that couldn't be ignored as she was on the chase for her own greatness.

This look of the resolution wasn't one that was the same as it was when the two initially met. This sense of grandness was aiming, reaching and trying to attain a strength which had purpose, meaning and investment by all those behind her in The Guild of Heroes, Earth, The Living Realm and any place in existence that needed the touch of a Celestial to otherwise rip through the clusters of negativity, bleakness and absolute horridness that this universe and it's surrounding cosmos can induce upon a person, a nation, and a world.

This was her gambit towards reawakening that grand sense of self within herself and she wasn't going to fail now that she had greater ambitions than just being the strongest. There was so much more to combat, life and the universe than that.

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The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2] WVMWLOu
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2] Empty Re: The Cosmogonic Flight To Ascension [Moonie VS Cirno Round 2]

Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:52 pm

Moonie's form felt the wind blowing across his body as he relished in the raw emotion of their conflict. Yes… this… He smiled, for no other reason but to enjoy the feeling. He was free as a bird, more powerful than any animal on this planet. He was here by his own choices, and that was a glorious thing. Glorious.

"Voi." Moonie let out in reply to her roar of defiance. He did not need any further words about the subject; his voice was enough.

His hands gripped around her shoulders, and he felt the icy cold gripping them, making him grit his teeth as his eyes widened farther and his arms both roared with intensity as Blast energy infused them, matching her Aether as blue and purple energies violently pulsated out from their bodies. This feeling of their souls grinding against one another, made him laugh into her face. The face of a mad berserker, lost in the beauty of his craft. While Cirno appeared to focus her energy inwards, Moonie was the exact opposite. He was an extrovert when it came to exerting his power, and it was that exertion that was now felt across the upper part of her body.

His form flowed behind her, but something happened that made Moonie blink in surprise. That would be the laugh that she let out. It was a lighthearted laugh, different in nature from any that the Moon Iramasha made. The Ice Angel's laughter would be his greatest warning as wings made of ice shot out in front of him, waves of force pulsating through them, likely leaving thousands of web-thin cracks as Moonie's hands tried to push in, tried to crush, destroy!

He could feel the pain as it went through her body. He was not aiming primarily to harm her. No, he was aiming to shock her. That was what the bulk of Moonie's combat philosophy boiled down to. Shock and awe. He could break a person, crush them, snap each of their vitals beneath his fingers. But what was the fun in that? Those actions would go completely against the Way of the Fist.

Moonie nearly laughed as her elbows came back. It was the exact kind of move that he would make in such a situation, so he could only let his mouth fall downwards, directly behind her head. "Kehehehe… Hehehe…" He laughed derisively, overjoyed. His stomach had two large bruises forming over his pectorals, and the rest of his body was then forcibly ripped off of her, making him laugh as he threw his hands downwards. The water rose up to meet him as he diminished his resistance field, letting him slide along it and using its friction to come to a stop.

Joining him on his high-speed water ride was the Icy girl herself. "Voi…!" Moonie grit out, his right eye opening as he blasted her with a sense of pure bloodlust. Intimidation was something that came naturally to the berserker, and that was why he attempted to employ it with a smile on his face as she appeared next to him. Moonie could follow her speeds with his eyes. He could never move quite that fast, since speed was not his forte…

But his eyes were used to that fact.

He wound up looking where she ended up, water splashing across his face and hair as he grit his teeth. Her blow came straight into his sternum. Huh… That's my strongest spot… the stomach is a much better target. He could not help but think about the flaw in her combat. Maybe her speed was too high for correct accuracy, but it was fundamental combat logic. The sternum was for…

"Cahahaha!" He laughed into her face as the wave of pure force smashed into his body, causing his eyes to open wide as he looked into her grinning face. A pair of battle demons they made. But it was that single, solitary trait that made them have so much fun.

That was why they were here, after all. Moonie's sternum took the blow, the cloth that stretched across half of his body ripping and tearing beneath her hand as redness spread across his sternum, the energy that held him together taking a severe battering as Moonie and Cirno slid across the water due to the force of her attacks. Severe bruises and cracking on his face and sternum, further bruises on his stomach….

"VOOOOI!" Moonie roared out with excitement as he slid the few meters away from her, his mouth open wide with excitement. He acted like… a dog. Without warning, black energy began to flow down from his backside while he moved, a black tail of pure Blast energy forming behind him as he came rushing back for more.

The waves of energy that flowed around Moonie did not phase him. He could feel them around his body, though. He could definitely feel that energy. It was like eyes all over his body; his animal instincts made him feel as if he was being hunted. Yes. He meditated, continuing to charge forwards as her energy poured around him.


The sound of his foot smashing into her stomach could be heard for miles, like a crack of lightning. Cirno took a full-force attack from the Moon Iramasha, her body pushed up into the air from the sandal that burst into thousands of shards, falling into the ocean. That left only the Moon Iramasha's foot pressing into the flesh of her stomach.

"VOOOOOOOOOI!!" He roared in reply, coming in at her other side…

Before she grabbed his hair.

"Voi." He let out, his tail whipping out from behind as the Blast-construct smashed into the side of her head. She taunted the bull, she was getting the horns. His body was gripped, tossed into the air as his tail whacked her again from the other side of her head. It was like a freight train slapping her around, having lost its breaks before crashing into the station.

"CAHAHAH!" He laughed, his eyes closed. He could feel her behind him. He had spent some years without eyes… as she well knew. His right arm lifted into the air, his fist gripped tight as her foot crashed down into it… before a wave of Blast surged out from it, likely ripping into her leg or the blinding white energy, ripping and tearing it into pieces beneath the black flames as they roared into her.

Moonie let her push him down, resulting in him looking at her upside down, that smile still plastered on his face… but now his eyes were wide, staring directly into hers, as if he were examining her very soul. Then she screamed.


Moonie's body exerted no discernible sound. However, what hit her in reply was an absolutely deafening roar. A roar that was like a meteorite plunging into the planet's crust, a gigantic sledge hammer that crashed into her body as her roar was overwhelmed. Perhaps it was because of the lower vocal chords of a male. Perhaps it was because Moonie's roar was centuries old and he had spent millenia perfecting his battle cry. Perhaps it was because he felt challenged, and therefore she was given a rare display of what Moonie could truly accomplish. In any case, he would not be able to make more sound at least for the next few moments.

It was even possible that she would not be able to hear the sound of her own voice after that kind of exclamation. "Voi, something?" He replied, his body language showing the questioning nature of his comments. "Leader?" He continued to question, letting his body float as she continued speaking. He was not about to interrupt her. This was a battle, not a war. They were warriors, not soldiers. Warriors spoke their minds and expanded them, using their bodies and souls to experience the true meaning of life. That was the Way of the Fist.

Her next attack never came. Instead, Moonie's entire body roared with Blast energy, releasing a wave of pure energy around himself as he threw both of his hands out to either side. The Blast energy began to increase in intensity, pushing and pulsating out as the amount of energy began to rise exponentially. Moonie's body was facing hers… but the entirety of his body had become shrouded by the black flames that ripped and licked at her body.

Through that blackness… they looked into her eyes.

Pure white power flowed from the gaze of the Moon Iramasha as mouth opened, both of his arms thrown down to either side of his body as the black flames roared inwards, coursing into his body as both hands reached out to either side of his body. His eyes and mouth could be seen through the black shell that now encompassed his body.

Moonie's hands moving up to his mouth as he began to breathe in, his stomach growing a ridiculous amount as he gathered energy in his mouth. This was the Moon Blaze's Return: Break the Dark!


Moonie's mouth half-stuttered, unable to make the proper sounds due to his earlier exclamation. So it was that the first building-sized energy blast blew out from Moonie's mouth, crashing forwards towards Cirno's body, trying to run her over, covering her in black flames that would rip, tear, and shred every fabric of her being. The red eyes of the male shone as his black-covered hair strewn behind him, his body crashing in behind his wave of energy as a vicious right-hook came for the right side of her body.

The force behind that attack pushed out as Moonie's left hand crashed through the black energy that was swarming around her body, trying to grab the left side of her head. Moonie had released his first true level of power… This was likely going to hurt.

Moonie attempted to drag Cirno's head downwards, his knee coming upwards as he bent his body to the side, trying to rattle her brains with a strong smash into the side of her head. Their little dance wasn't finished yet, though. As the black flames dissipated around them, a deep purple had taken their place, and that purple was realigning Cirno's body directly towards the Moon Iramasha, ruling him as the new center of gravity.

Where she would see the arms of the Moon Iramasha stretching out to either side of his body, his eyes glowing behind the flames as great waves of Blast emerged, forming mouth-like appendages as he smashed the two waves of flame together directly on her body, making it feel like an earthquake of ripping and tearing friction was surrounding her body, Moonie finally letting her go from any Gravity based influence as he burned before her, his laugh coursing across the battlefield…


Template By: [THEFROST]

The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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