Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Protecting the weak ( Solo) Empty Protecting the weak ( Solo)

Fri Feb 10, 2017 4:14 pm
Mike wandered around the city watching the general populous go about their business. 'Sometimes it gets kinda lonely on these solo missions. It almost makes me wish I had a partner or a squad mate of some kind.' Mike shrugged and continued his march of solidarity. No one could see the Vizard as he walked down the sidewalk. 'Small towns are my favorite.' Mike felt a smile flicker across his face. 'Small towns are such great communities, they all help each other out and everyone has everyone's back.' Mike felt the smile grow and he laughed. Today was shaping up to be a good day.

Mike stopped and looked around, at all the people who were so busy, not even questioning if there was something just beyond the veil. Then Mike connected his gaze with a child's before he realized what had happened. The child pulled at his mother's pants trying to get her attention, but to no avail. It wouldn't take long before Mike would realize that the child wasn't actually staring at him, but past him, behind him. At that same moment Mike would realize the child would be mouthing the word monster. As in whatever was behind Mike wasn't human like in nature.

Mike drew his sword and turned on a dime. His eyes grew wide, slightly in terror, but more in awe. This hollow was...big, but human like, yet the hollow's arms were covered in mouths. Mike took off his mask and stared at the creature, waiting for it to notice Mike, and when it didn't Mike took it into his own hands. "Hey there beautiful. Tell me, do you charm all the ladies with your smile?" Mike chuckled at his own joke as the hollow finally took notice of him.

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Protecting the weak ( Solo) Empty Re: Protecting the weak ( Solo)

Fri Feb 10, 2017 4:28 pm
[View Point Change: Hollow]

Rertyn turned his head to face the smaller creature before him. 'A Shinigami' he thought to himself. 'This should be interesting if he is strong.' Rertyn didn't wait for the Shinigami to initiate the fight. He went straight in. Holding up his arms they started extending forward, slowly at first then once they reached halfway toward the Shinigami. The spedd increase came from the multiple joints in his arms, he could dislocate them and cause his arms to extend further and faster. If the Shinigami dodged he would be safe, but should he block he would be in for a rude awakening. The mouths could detach in a way, they could also extend in order to bite at an opponent. "I would say that my smile is quite the reason to charm anyone." Rertyn laughed maniacally. He enjoyed prey that had a good mouth on them. Made savoring the kill all the more special.

'This Shinigami should be dead in seconds. If he isn't smart or quick, it'll be even faster. What a bunch of useless souls.' A wide grin spread across Rertyn's face 'But once I consume his soul then I'll become even stronger. I'll surpass even the Vasto Lorde that every hollow fears!' A cackle rippled across the air.

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Protecting the weak ( Solo) Empty Re: Protecting the weak ( Solo)

Fri Feb 10, 2017 4:48 pm
Mike was caught off guard as he wasn't fully prepared for the hollow to just out right attack him immediately. Mike crossed his blade to form an diagnol shape that way he could block and absorb more of the force behind the hit. The force behind the attack drove Mike back, his feet sliding across the ground. "Pretty weak for someone who only works on his arms." Mike smirked, he felt the comeback he had issued was pretty well done for the heat of the moment, but the cockiness he felt was short lived. "What the hell?" Mike watched as the mouths along the hollows arms squirmed and shook then while still attached to the arms, extended outward and shot towards Mike. "There's no way." Mike took the broken sword and blocked one mouth knocking it away from his body, but the other one hit and carried Mike up into the air. "Son of a bitch." Mike felt the teeth in the mouth dig into his flesh and he coughed, blood coming out of his mouth. "Broiling black, fervent heat, be rejected!" Mike pointed his finger at the mouth attached to his side and lightning shot though the skin holding the mouth. Mike felt the flesh tear and the mouth slowly let go.

A roar rang out, the hollow had been injured and it was unexpected. Mike looked over at the hollow. "Wake up, Kyoufuu." Mike's sword released and he felt his lungs fill with the familiar poison surge through his body. "That was so very rude of you. We hadn't even introduced ourselves. "I'm Mike and i'm hear to end you!" Mike charged back forward toward the hollow before him.

[View Point Change: Hollow]

The hollow watched as the Shinigami was carried into the air, and a sense of glee over took his body. He was going to taste his first Shinigami soul! He could barely contain his hunger, his excitement, and then pain shot through his arm to his body. A roar crawled its way from his lips. The Shinigami had blown through his body. "Impossible." Rertyn looked at the Shinigami and how smug he was. "You bastard. You'll pay for that. I am Rertyn, swallower of souls." Rertyn watched as the Shinigami started to charge toward him. Rertyn started to charge up his reiatsu, the mouths on his arms making a swallowing motion. The mouths were taking in excess reiatsu from around Rertyn. As the Shinigami got closer Rertyn released a massive cero shot forward toward the Shinigami. "You will disappear from this world!"

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Protecting the weak ( Solo) Empty Re: Protecting the weak ( Solo)

Fri Feb 10, 2017 5:05 pm

[View Point Change: Mike]

Mike rushed in, the same usual tactic as always. The faster I kill them, the less chance they have to kill me. Mike felt the reiatsu drain from his surroundings and realized a little too late for his own good. A blast shot out from the hollows arms. Mike dodged to the left, but felt the cero start tearing through his body. Mike felt his body give way under his own weight. "Dammit. That really hurt." Mike coughed again. More blood poured its way into his mouth and then out onto the ground. "This guy, way stronger than me." Mike spat onto the ground, with the cement being stained a dark crimson. Mike picked himself up roughly, blood spurting from his side as he tried his hardest to move. "Gotta...get outta here." Mike looked around, at some point, all the people had left. No one was left around. "Well, at least no one else will get harmed." Mike stumbled forward toward a side street. "There shouldn't be a hollow this strong around here. How could I have been such a fool?" Mike stumbled forward and fell face first onto the ground. He clawed at the ground, pulling himself inches forward at a time. "I can't die here."

[View Point Change: Hollow]

Rertyn watched as the cero connected with the Shinigami's side. "Bingo." A wild grin crossed his lips. "I'm gonna dine on Shinigami Soul tonight!" Rertyn watched with delight as the Shinigami stood and tried his best to get away, even going to the extent of crawling. "You're such a fool! You should learn some discipline. I mean honestly, attacking someone as strong as me? You were straight up a fool. A FOOL" Laughter spilled its way from Rertyn's lips. He was savoring the moment, his first Shinigami soul. The pain that this soul before him was feeling was exquisite, the need to flee was marveling. Rertyn walked toward the Shinigami and grabbed the back of his skull lifting his head up. "You will never see the light of day again. This will be the end of you." Rertyn bit down into the Shinigami's neck, savoring the feeling of his teeth tearing into the soul before him.

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Protecting the weak ( Solo) Empty Re: Protecting the weak ( Solo)

Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:08 pm
View Point Change: Mike

Mike heard the footsteps of the hollow growing closer. He couldn't fully make out the words the hollow was speaking, his hearing was starting to go. Mike held up his hand to his face. 'Red.' He stared at the blood on his hands. His blood. If he were in the right state of mind, he would have been angered, maybe even more violent than usual. As it stood, however, his senses were starting to go. His sense of reality was warping, so much so that he didn't even notice the hollow was on top of him. It was only when Mike felt the pain of the hollow biting his neck did he realize what was happening. Reflexively acting, Mike swung his sword behind him. Hitting the hollow right in the face, a stab wound deep into the hollow's face. It gushed blood the moment Mike removed his sword. "Get off you bastard! I'll die before I get consumed by the likes of you!" Mike tried throwing his weight to the best he could.

[View Point Change: Hollow]

Rertyn was feeling the life drain from the Shinigami, Rertyn could feel the life draining away. To Rertyn it happened in an instant, he felt the blade slice deep into his face, right below his eye. Rertyn screamed out in pain and shock. 'How could he manage that? He shouldn't have been able to move.' Rertyn jumped back off the Shinigami. "You piece of garbage! How dare you scar up my face! You will feel the wrath of" Rertyn stopped in the middle of his sentence. 'What was happening?' Rertyn didn't feel too much pain, but he could feel it. His face was...disappearing? It was as if his body was becoming a corpse. "What did you do to me? What is happening to me?" Rertyn reached a hand up to his face, where the stab wound should have been, instead there was just a void, another hole other than his hollow hole. "This isn't possible. I was going to be the strongest! Undo what you've done you garbage!"

[View Point Change: Mike]

Mike chuckled and rolled over to look at the hollow before him. "I'd say you have around" Mike rolled his eyes as if he was thinking. "Oh I'd say, around another minute. Two if you're a lucky." Mike let a chuckle escape his lips along with a cough of blood. After a few moments of chuckling and coughing it evolved into a downright laughter fest. Mike kept laughing for a few more moments then looked at the hollow. "Undo it? Why would I ever undo it? Maybe had you not been on top of me, or maybe had you not been stabbed in the face you could survive. You made a fatal mistake though, you underestimated a Vizard. Had you been hit in the arm you could have cut it off and stopped the progression, but it was your head." Another laugh with a few coughing fits. "You're done for. Even if I am too, you won't be able to see another day. You won't be able to consume another soul. It is over for you." Mike felt a few more laughs escape as he watched the hole in the hollow's face spread further and further. The hole only growing larger. "Rertyn right?" Mike smirked. "Nice to meet you, and so long you piece of shit." Another laugh escaped from his mouth.

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Protecting the weak ( Solo) Empty Re: Protecting the weak ( Solo)

Fri Feb 10, 2017 8:54 pm
View Point Change: Hollow]

Rertyn felt anger flare up as he listened to the Shinigami explain that not only would they not turn off whatever was happening, but they were okay with both of them fading from this world. Rertyn felt the hole increasing in size. After the Shinigami finished his speech and laughing, Rertyn realized he had lost sight in his left eye. No, not just sight, that entire side of his face was missing. Rertyn started to panic and ran back towards the Shinigami. "If I kill you then I can't die. The effect will fade right?" He saw the Shinigami laugh again and shake his head. "Then I"m doomed. I won't survive this. I won't surpass anyone. You've ruined my entire existence." Rertyn walked over to the Shinigami. "But I'll take pleasure in watching you die first." Rertyn picked up the Shinigami by his head. Infuriated by this Shinigami laughing at him, laughing in the face of death. "You Shinigami are all the same. Thinking you own this world." Rertyn held the Shinigami there and charged up a cero in his other hand. "I will blast you off the face of this world." Rertyn smirked half a smirk as the left half of his face was missing. He lost sight at that moment. "W-what?" Was all he could mutter. His head was all but gone, his body going limp. Dropping the Shinigami he felt the last of his energy expend with the cero firing off into the horizon. "This...isn't fair."

[View Point Change: Mike]

Mike laughed at the hollow. When he asked for Mike to undo what he did, he shook his head. More laughter escaped him when he was picked up by the hollow. "I laugh in the face of death. I fear no man, woman, beast or hollow." He felt his body collapse to the ground and heard another thud next to him. "I guess you won't doing anything to make sure I die first you bastard." Mike stood up slowly, feeling his body recover a bit, or maybe his endurance kicked in. He couldn't tell, but he was going back to Soul Society. He slowly walked down the city streets and noticed that the sun had started to set, and the population was coming back out for the night life he guessed. "I should head back." Mike was almost where he would open the gate to go home until he heard a voice. It sounded like it came from everywhere yet no where all at the same time. "Is someone there?"

"Yes there is. I'm here." A voice seemed to shout ans whisper at the same time.

"Who are you? And where are you?" Mike looked around to the best of his ability. He felt something inside of him. Something deep down inside didn't feel right. Something felt off and wrong.

"Who am I? Well, I'm you. Idiot." The voice sounded slightly off and it still seemed to come from everywhere and no one where all at once.

Mike looked around and shook his head. "You can't be me." He mumbled. "I just want to get back to SS and rest and just not have to deal with anything for a bit."

"You can go and you can rest, but there is no hiding from me. You can't run. I will be there." The voice spoke softly into Mike's ear, yet only softly enough that it may have also been a whisper on the wind.

Mike took one last look around to try and find where the voice had come from. Satisfied that the voice, whatever it may have been, posed no immediate threat. It had been a long day, and Mike was glad that it was finally over.

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