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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:13 pm

Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Celldweller - Song: Switchback [2001] - Word Count: N/A

Hot as all hell.

Those four words described these barren outlands of the Soul Society. The entire air was saturated with an unending inferno type heat which smothered the lands in an ungodly sensation of power. In fact, at this point, the entire skies seemed to be filled with crimson and amber lights as the light of a blazing white sun scorched the epicenter of this solar storm that was Zin Yuudeshi's power. As, in the middle of a rocky clearing stood the blood haired male with his fiery eyes piercing the horizon for any new targets to come and play in his den of absolute hell.

The reason why he stood here with his cosmic power ready to be unleashed at any given moment was simple: to measure where his son and the ones whom he called his comrades stood in this new generation of The Gotei. Was it not natural to want to test the depths of what his own offspring was capable of? Of course it was. So it's why Zin did not see this as merely just another fight. Instead, it was an exercise to showcase how far both his child and the Gotei had come in order to fight against a threat such as himself.

Which meant, overall, the objective was to teach, prepare and pass down methods to deal with the kind of threats which linger in the world and pose such planetary threats. Hence, because of this grand purpose, Zin only wanted the most daring of his son's comrades to fight alongside him in order to face down against The King of Vizards in this barren outland. Anything less and he may just kill any soul which was daring enough to take on this challenge of facing The King in all of his glory.

After all, the male needed to make sure that he didn't rot into a pit of obscurity. Too much seclusion and focus on the mind was a bad thing. While his will burned with the might of a supernova, the male was beginning to think he was spending too much time on the sidelines of things. So this would prove to be a fine training exercise for himself to test the extent of what he was capable of. Since it had been quite some time since he had a worthy battle that got his blood going, fire raging and heart thumping for more.

Ergo, with all this on the cliffs of it all, there was n o other choice but for The Vizard King to thrust himself forward into the light and see where he might come out at. So, with the stage set, all that was left to do was wait and allow himself time to prepare his spirit for the challenges to come.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:31 am; edited 1 time in total

Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] WVMWLOu
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Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:56 pm

Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 526

The air was hot around the Soul Society, despite the fact it was a rather cold and cloudy day the entire Rukongai was incredibly warm, caused by a presence that the Captain of the Third Division recognised quite well. The King had stepped into the Soul Society to challenge the prince and his comrades. Being one of the first to react his presence seemed to vanish from the Gotei United in an instant, as the Yuudeshi traveled at his max speed to his father's location. Now in terms of arrival the shinigami's own fiery reiryoku was released to oppose Zin's burning hot power.

While he was not as strong as Zin he was damn near close in terms of how strong their reiryoku was and so the shinigami stood there quite easily, in terms of demeanor he was grinning like an idiot.

"Long time no see Dad, what brings the mighty Zin Yuudeshi to this little neck of the woods?"

Although Zeda had already deduced that with the amount of power the Vizard King was releasing that Zin wanted to test his son and the Gotei. The captain could only oblige his father, he was going to give him a good old throw down of the best he had.

"I suppose we shouldn't waste time, I want to turn up the heat a little more before we get other people showing up so lets start."

Deciding to start strong he decided to use his own specialty; Plasma. He knew his old man used fire and so he would try to use things that Zin wasn't capable of using and that is where the use of Nebula Cloud came into play, surrounding the two men in a thick cloud of highly ionised gas which would create a cloud cover for Zeda to use the next part of his attack plan.

Speed, using Speed Clones to make three multiple clones he would strike from four angles at Zin trying to match his speed so that he could slash at his target with the combination of channeling fire and electricity into his sword to make his slashes devasting as well as using Ichikatto in an attempt to send an incredibly powerful slash into Zin's side having the other three clones as distractions before Zeda followed through with multiple slashes in an attempt to overwhelm the King with close combat and swordplay.

"Hope you can handle fighting plasma with fire"

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:31 pm



Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

Jetta sighed, more like groaned really, as she sensed her father's reiatsu bursting from the outlands of the Soul Society. Kinda not hard to sense since he had made an already hot day even hotter with the energy he was outputting. Jetta shook her head and quickly left her area in the Soul Society; making a B-line for where she was sensing her father. It also seemed that her brother was there too; fucking ass. She shook her head and only sighed, it made sense for father and son to be duking it out like they currently were. Yes, already. It took, quite literally, no time at all for Jetta to start attacking Zin. Then again, despite their intelligence, both of them had a habit to simply rush in without thinking and start throwing punches left and right.

Jetta yawned as she appeared in the area which her father and brother were; noticing the Zeda was wasting quite literally no time to hop up and throw some plasma at Zin. She sighed and simply waved at Zeda and her father, speaking to them as they both clashed; Jetta already summoning a vast amount of fire behind her.

"Hey Dad, Zeda. Watcha doing here dad? I assume it's not just to come and say 'hello' to the kids; huh?"

She grinned slightly and threw a focused clump of fire directly for Zin's face, not really aiming to trick him or anything as she drew her Zanpakuto and appeared behind her father; aiming a strong slash to his back as she swiftly shifted her fire to Sub-Zero fire. She forced the fire to follow her blade and likely cause a little bit of a chill to go down her father's spine; quite literally. Afterwards, since Zin could likely take advantage of the fire she made outside of her Shikai, she backed off to simply send quick blasts of Sub-Zero fire to focal points like joints and other areas that could dampen movement. Afterwards, she gathered a nice hefty amount of that Sub-Zero flame and sent it directly at his back before she prepared to put up any defensive Kido, like Danku, to try and block from any offensive attacks.

Afterwards, Jetta yawned softly and smashed her Zanpakuto blade into her hand; muttering the release phrase under her breath. As soon as the blade disappeared, fire burst from around Jetta in a wild manner. The flame basically tried to go everywhere as it curled like tendrils and the radiance of the colors showed that she was certainly the daughter of Zin Yuudeshi; despite the whole red hair thing. She looked at Zeda for a moment and then sighed.

"Sheesh, Zeda. You waste no time trying to cut into dad. Even if this is his way of "teaching"... wait, or would it be a challenge? Whatever."

She grinned and quickly thrust an arm outwards, the fire surrounding Zin. She then quickly balled her hand into a fist as soon as the fire was around Zin; dragging her arm backwards in that same swift motion. With a small grin, Jetta thrust her fist forwards, as if she was punching air, and forced the fire to slam onto her father and explode in a fiery burst. This was all accomplished in a matter of seconds, barely any time for those outside of their power level to even notice her movements. Of course, her father would be able to perceive them if her brother did not do enough to distract him. However, it was likely Zin was in no way distracted; likely able to counter both of them with some ease. Possibly. It was Jetta's hope that the Sub-Zero fire from earlier helped, but, it would only show if Zin was actually affected. Knowing him, he likely wasn't affected too much; after all, someone like their father was no push over.

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Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:44 pm

Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Stratovarius - Song: Stratofortress - Word Count: 1374

It was only a matter of time before the two of his kin would heed the call of their father. For this reason alone is why the smug red haired bastard seemed to have a relaxed smirk creep up upon his face. He understood that the Yuudeshi Drive which flowed through his veins raged like an infinite sun within the blood of his children. So it's why The Vizard King was more than thrilled to see just how far his son and daughter had come to be able to fight toe to toe with him.

Hence, as father and son stared each other down, Zin would give a swift reply to his son:

"You and I both need a kick in the ass. So, why not train and see what we are both working with?"

Was there such a need for any long and drawn out conversation between the two? Not a chance. The both of them knew exactly what they were getting into coming to these far outlands. They were here to test themselves, to pit their blood which yearned for conquest and battle to the test and to see just where the other stood in this fight for progression and strength of will.

"So just come at me."

With the chit-chat cast aside, and the feelings internalized like a map to valor, the crimson haired father motioned with his right hand for his son to charge and to get things started with a blazing bang.

What was the first thing that Zeda started off with? Plasma. While it was released with the most noble of intentions, The King could only let out a smooth sounding laugh as he found himself within this mist of gas. If this was a more convential type of opponent? Perhaps this little trick might have found Zin spooked. However, he was dealing with the metaphysical and supernatural. So, when Zin tapped into his wealth of spiritual energy, the ethereal properties of his fiery aura was going to come into play.

"...come on."

When those playful words uttered out from Zin's enthusiastic mouth, an eruption of amber and scarlet light spread for one hundred meters in every direction. In doing so, the supernatural flames of The Vizard King's power outright melted away the gas which was fuming all around him. Again, it was unwise to assume that the inferno that was Zin's firepower reacted and interacted with the world like traditional flames. The male was more than capable of tearing through the fabric of reality with his aura if he so wished and this was Zeda's first warning as to what he was getting himself into.

By the time that the attack of the clones started, the body of The Yuudeshi had been warmed up enough in order to deal with such a straight forward means of attack. After facing tatctics similar to this many times before in combat, Zin could safely assume that his son was going to attack him at all sides. So, what was the perfect form of remedy to deal with it? An eruption of speed, of course. With his ability to transfer his spiritual energy into raw physical strength and momentum, The King had already amp'd himself up enough in order to move at Mach Six speeds and began punching straight through each of his son's clones.

Really, they had little to no effect on him as the only thing that remained on Zin were scartches for the most part thanks to his robust durability. After all, they were going to be charged up with a lot more striking power than that in order to phase The King of Vizards. So, it's why The Yuudeshi paid close attention to the actual Zeda coming in with his kido attacks and numerous slashes. With how frenzied he became, there was no choice than for Zin to begin bleeding across his face, arms and legs as his son went on the attack.

Still, while they got his attention, they were quite superifcal and lacked stopping power behind them. Therefore, while Zeda was in the middle of his endless barrage of slashes, The Vizard King grabbed a hold of his sword, threw his mass weight against the male and aimed to send both him and his sword hurdling across the desert at mach eight speeds. With this strength pressing down on the body of Zin's son, he may soon find himself in a world of pain. This is because the amount of destructive powers being thrust upon his body may result in broken bones, strained organs and high volumes of pain surging throughout his body. While, at the same time, he may face the loss of 3-5% of his reiryoku as Zin quickly followed it up with two sesimsic stomps which generated shock waves potent enough to knock the spiritual wind out of him.

"So, son, am I still rusty?"

While the line was pitched with an infliction of humor, there were tid-bits of truth sprinkled in that dialouge. It had been quite sometime since Zin had felt a battle that made him feel anything, so he had to wonder where his combative abilities stood despite his inner spiritual power being quite potent. FOrunately, he'd have a chance to further asset that as his fiery daughter came dashsing into the scene.

"You should know I'm only here to spend quality time with you all. It's what fathers do, right?"

With a wink of an eye, Zin assumed that Jetta could read inbetween lines and understand just what the purpose of this battle was. So, by the time she started shooting off her orb of fire towards her father, The Vizard K ing couldn't help but give a thrilled laugh at how quick she went in on the attack. That was more like it in his mind as he was ready to throw his legs to the pavement and run headfirst into this challenge.

"That's my GIRL!"

There was a loud shout given by Zin which had been followed through with an immense release of his spiritual power once more. This time he outright grabbed the sphere of fire with his right hand, crushed it with his fist and seemly absorbed the flames into his body. While he did not gain any sort of additional strength from this move, this technique seemed to serve more so as a negation based move in order to diffuse the attack by outright siphoning the flames from existence with his ability.

"Is that it?"

Of course, Zin spoke a little too soon as bits and pieces of supernaturally charged ice started to appear on his wrist, ankles and spine. This resulted in a slight bit of chilling pain flowing up his back, and the lost of 0.5% of his spiritual energy from the damage, but he was still far from put out of the fight. So, he simply uttered a low whistle out and decided to surprise his daughter by summoning a large burst of speed in order to seemly bypass the eruption of flames she shot at him.

As, instead, Jetta would find herself getting dropkicked from behind with a megaton kick capable of outright oblierating an entire moutainside with one blow. So, her head would more than likely endure a great deal of pain and damage and it might make her quite dizzy. And, at the same time, it was meant to knock two to three percent of her spiritual energy clean out of the woman and send her hurdling into a hole in the ground that extended for about a city block or two.

"You were the one that shot first and asked questions later. So, you have no room to talk, Jetta."

Zin would then rub the bottom of his nose, let out a smalle chuckle and motion for them both to charge at him agian with his hands.

"But it doesn't matter. You all need to come at me again."

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:30 am; edited 1 time in total

Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] WVMWLOu
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Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] Empty Re: Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission]

Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:28 pm

Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 448

The heat, the fire and the pure power that made the air thick and dry was exhilarating. Zeda could feel that Yuudeshi Drive raging as he clashed with his old man, the pure desire to win evident in his strikes and that need to defeat his father, to be stronger and to dominate was what made him stronger and it was the whole purpose to get better.

Left, right, right, left. It didn't even matter as he inflicted his superficial cuts on the older man. Even when Jetta showed up he didn't give two flying fucks about her, he already fought and beat her so he cared more about the bigger threat, some good old bonding time with daddy Zin.

His barrage of sword strikes was cut a little short with the fact that Zin had captured the blade and sent him flying, and so there he went flying just above the ground at mach eight speeds and while that was fast the Yuudeshi wasn't going to be taken down so easily, so as you would expect the first priority was slowing down and getting back into the battle.

Now as Zeda understands it, there was a mathematician named Newton that devised these laws and one was that in order for him to slow down he was going to have to create an opposite force. That's where that small amount of reiryoku he would've lost smashing into the ground came in handy; using his reiatsu to form a massive Hadō 1, Sho his entire body would suddenly stop as the counter-force was applied on him and slowed him down, resulting in two massive lines ripped into the ground as he slowed down from such speed.

"You're exactly what I hoped for! But this is just a warm-up!"

A wide grin was present on the bastard's face and it wasn't going away anytime soon, using Shunpo to jump above Zin he'd make a bouncing motion in the air and mentally fire a level-sixty class Hadō spell Raikoho, aiming to blast Zin into the ground although that was merely a distraction, as he used the explosion to launch himself into the air and prepare another spell mentally.


With the incantation done mentally it was faster and Zin would find that not one but two of these dragons of lightning would be fired, Zeda using his zanpakuto spirits to speak their own incantation in unison, making each one feel more like a level 99 spell. If it hit Zin he would probably feel quite the intense amount of kinetic damage from the explosion.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] Gamma_Signature
Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] CHARACTER_LISTOpeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] GRAPHICS_THREADOpeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:14 pm



Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!!(Cover) - Word Count: 952

Jetta's attacks actually seemed to have some sort of effect on her father; which she was glad about. However, she was pretty sure Zin wasn't gonna toy around with her; even if she was his daughter. Jetta grinned ever so slightly when her father uttered the phrase 'That's my GIRL'; making the young Yuudeshi get far more revved up for this fight. You can call a fire user whatever you wish, but, if there's one thing that needs to be remembered is that they sure as hell can get wild when the situation calls for it. Well, at least Jetta would have if her father didn't appear behind in in a movement that made the young Yuudeshi's eyes widen; especially since he had used it to dodge her attack from earlier.

Jetta couldn't have time to look; hell no. Instead, she focused the air behind her to dampen the damage by 20%. However, it was only enough to dampen the damage and force slightly; it still caused the young Yuudeshi to be thrown into the ground. Jetta coughed at the bottom of the hole before she spat some blood out and then let the giant sea of fire she controls fill the hole as she flew out of it. She landed about 10 feet away from her father; popping her neck and spitting out a glob of blood. She cleaned the blood off the side of her mouth with a quick wipe of her fist. Afterwards, she grinned and looked at her father.

"C'mon Dad! I may not be invincible but you'll have to try harder than that to put your daughter out of this fight."

Jetta grinned once more as she forced her fire back into the sub-zero ranges; not moving from her position as she threw the Supernaturally cold fire out towards her father. She also made sure not to be in range of Zeda's Hadō 88. Of course, she knew her father wouldn't simply stay there, so, under her breath she quickly muttered the full casting phrase for Rikujokoro; meanwhile she used the sub-zero fire to keep her father in place as she quickly pointed out her index finger out at Zin. Luckily for her, it would seem like she was simply attacking; when, in truth, she was actually casting Bakudo #61: Rikujokoro.

"Bakudo 61; Rikujokoro!"

Afterwards, Jetta continued her onslaught of sub-zero fire. However, she knew that Rikujokoro, even with the entire casting phrase, would not hold her father for long. So, she soon started to chant additional Bakudo; not really throwing in the casting phrases at this point for the sake of throwing spells out quickly.

Every single movement she made was purposeful to conceal her usage of Bakudo. The next Bakudo she used was rather simple; quickly drawing a symbol in the air, using the same motions to attack with her fire. Soon enough, she drew the symbol for Geki in the air.

"Bakudo 9, Geki!"

With a grin still present on her face, Jetta Yuudeshi was not done with trying to bind her father further. However, she was not gonna simply be helpless; she has all her senses open and was prepared to deploy a Danku at a second's notice. However, Jetta knew that she likely was wasting time on Bakudo that would not bind her father for long if at all. So, in an instant's decision, she started to move around the battlefield; making sure not to cross the Kido Zeda threw out at their father. Jetta grinned some more as she did the same maneuver as before; causing her fire to group in a giant ball of ice-blue fire. She soon thrust her fist towards her father, sending the sub-zero fire at her father. However, this was more of a distraction; thankfully.

Jetta grinned some as she released a surge of reiatsu; a sign that she was about to do something rather interesting. She put her right hand in front of her; her palm sparking with yellow energy and glowing with the same energy. She grinned as she started to mutter the incantation of Raikoho and... another Kido which was actually what Zeda had just cast at his father. Jetta was even mixing the two incantations together rather strangely; her left hand gripping tightly onto her right arm. She grinned as the energy in her hand mixed together and swirled dangerously.

"Niju Eisho..."

As this was a bit of a "flare" of the moment as a blast of yellow energy, much like lightning, shot from her palm and exploded towards her father. In that same moment, she used her shunpo to shift position above and shoot her own Hadō 88, Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō, from above her father. She then quickly jumped backwards, thrusting a large burst of fire towards her father. Jetta spat another glob of blood aside after she landed. Luckily, she still had energy reserves to last this battle, but, if her father forced more of her spiritual energy out of her like he did earlier; things could get a little troublesome over time. However, this Yuudeshi was nowhere near done in this fight; and she was sure as hell gonna keep up with her father. And if Zeda started talking about how he "beat" her in the wastelands; she was gonna tell them that Zeda was the one who proposed giving up. She was ready to pummel his ass with her hollowfication. But, that was the pat; as long as Zeda would shut up, then she'd be good.

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Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:37 pm

Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Magi OST - Song: Valse 'Hot' - Word Count: 1315

Straight out of left field is where the body of Zin's son went as soon as he took a direct hit from his father. It wasn't a turn of events that was really unexpected given the firepower that this Papa Yuudeshi possessed within his fiery hands. However, it was a good sign to see that his son was able to recover rather quickly from taking such a brazen hit. It showed resilience and that trait was going to be key towards waging the everlasting war that was the pursuit of self-progression.

Therefore, with one hand, Zin would motion with his right fist for him to come on and keep bringing the heat.

"By all means, skip the warm up if you want."

With that said, there would be a confident chuckle uttered from the lips of The Vizard King as he awaited his "Prince" to go on the counter attack. There was a sense of fatherly pride beaming within his essence that wanted to see his son flourish, thrive and find his place in this most difficult challenge he was pitted up against.

Therefore by the time that Zeda had already launched himself into the air, Zin was preparing to deal with another straight forward attack. Why did he assume this? Well -- Zeda was still young. And young people tend to make brash, reckless and straight line decisions. They don't think about the patterns of life and this translates very well into the realm of battle as well. He was either going to come at him with a direct hand to hand attack, a big burst of energy or some kind of dazzling display of power. And, given how hasty his kido finger has been, The Vizard King could bet all the money in the world he'd attempt to impress old pop with magic.

Therefore, with this calculated bet in mind, Zin had already formed enough spiritual energy in most of his body to enter into a state of total enhanced combat. Ready to rip apart and tear through any metaphysical dangers which come his way. And, in the case of Zeda, he more than had those in spades. As he didn't relent in his electrical assault towards father Zin. The screeching sounds of his lightning attacks echoed throughout the battlefield, but they came to a shift stop as The King held out his right hand, produced a dome of crimson energy around himself and blocked out around seventy-five percent of its potency.

"Not bad. But you are way too linear."

Those words managed to find themselves coming out of The Vizard King's mouth as he winced with an amused smirk on his face. Why the wince? Well, nothing is foolproof in this life. So, a few his son's fangs managed to find their mark and otherwise stun the king slightly. Combined with Jetta's effort previously, The Yuudeshi really felt them trying to immobilize and keep him in one place. So, with this amount of force being placed on him by his children -- he'd obliged.

"I can read your attacks like an open book, son. You aren't too clever when it comes to fighters on par or above you."

Despite the fact that the comment came off with a strong sense of resolution, it was meant to teach him a lesson: Zeda needed to think deeper into his attack patterns and come up with something that Zin might not see coming. As this fight was going to be heavily tipped in The King's favor given his general knowledge of his children fighting styles, powers and current energy levels. He could think up of ways to divide them, but there would be no progress in his mind and he was going to force them to work together to fight a threat larger than themselves.

So, by the time Zeda had fired off his dual dragons of electricity and energy, The Yuudeshi wouldn't dare move from his spot. Instead, he'd grab each of them with his bare hands. With his right hand? He'd crush the first dragon and throw it into the wind as nothing more than ash. While, with his left, the son would see success as it would erupt into an explosion of electricity and white light that scattered for one hundred meters.

In this time, dust, ash, and debris were going to spread for the next half mile over. If Zeda and Jetta were not careful, they would soon find themselves devoured by this collateral damage. As the heat was extreme, the projectile speeds were clocked at Mach ten and they were going to need to be on guard to deal with these threats.

This then meant that it would be at Jetta's own peril to further encroach upon the space where Zin stood within this storm of destruction. Since, if she dared to press her luck further, the fiery young woman would be met with a flare of scarlet light. After unhinging a great volume of his spiritual energy, The Vizard King evaporated all the smoke around him, melted through their attacks (Rikujokoro) and reduced the effectiveness of their stunning attacks to allow him more room to flex his body.

"Confident? I like that, but it isn't enough to stop me or anyone else you'll be up against."

Jetta was a quick individual. Swift enough to place her other two seals (Geki) fast enough to keep Zin sealed away for the time being. However, they were still forgetting one thing -- strength. It didn't matter if they confined Zin to one place so long as he could still effortlessly tap into his spiritual energy without much consequence.

"But you aren't seeing the bigger picture: you freezing my external body, but what about my internal body?"

There was a laugh that came out of The Vizard King's mouth as he widened his eyes, focused his spiritual energy and unleashed another devastating wave of energy to drown out the cluster of sub-zero flames and energy which Jetta shot at him. It would pounce down on the fire, devour it like a hungry wolf and feed on its prey until they annihilated each other in a hellish spectacle of aqua, white nad blood red light.

In the process, the land would begin to freeze in some spaces; with ice, snow and sub-zero temps causing bodily harm to any and everyone who dared to be caught in its grasp. While, in others, everything would be incinerated, melted and reduced to charcoal. As frozen and raging hot debris spread, this would yet again be another danger zone to maneuver through; and they may even find their other attacks, spells and equipment being damaged from these radical environmental changes induced by this supernatural magic.

"Even if my entire body was constrained, do you think I am unable to defend myself so long as I have access to my life force and spiritual power? You have to act as one, merge your energies and fight like a unit if you hope to stop me."

And indeed, it was no small feat to freeze the male where he stood, but where would it get them if he was built like a tank and could fire off assaults capable of wiping out entire armies? Again, he'd demonstrate this fact as clear as crystal as his remarkable reserves of spiritual energy cast a blanket across a five hundred meter radius and destroyed the remainder of Jetta's "Niju Eisho".

"Now, do you want to try that again? Or shall I start hitting back if you haven't learned your lesson?"

Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] WVMWLOu
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Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] Empty Re: Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission]

Wed May 03, 2017 9:48 am

Opeartion - Nova King: A Father's Fiery Call [Gotei Mission] JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 448

The battle was really getting intense now with the air feeling thick with heat and energy that cracked around the area, normal humans wouldn't be able to survive in such circumstances using the radiant energy in the air to his advantage Zeda would summon his zanpakuto, calling it from the depths of his soul with kido. Zin's counter to the dragons was not something Zeda was concerned about, the prince planned to do something that would break through that shock wave.

Drawing back his blade and letting his mind concentrate on nothing but the single blade in his hand, in those moments there was no Zin, no shock wave and nothing. As the kinetic blast reached him the single slash from the fiery captain's blade took off and ripped apart the blast coming towards him, actually using the force to attempt to do his father some damage but he spoke truth, if the children wanted to win they'd have to strike at the vizard monarch's spiritual power and to do that Zeda hid the true purpose of his attack.

The purpose of this strike was not to hit Zin, in fact as it got closer to its target who would no doubt try to counter it, Zeda's attack would change, warping the energy that comprised it to try and convert into kido spells that had a single purpose. To strike at Zin's soul chain and soul sleep and clip it, thus causing a disruption to his spiritual power for two posts and giving the kids a chance to take down Goliath just like David.

"If you want to fight then bring the heat Dad, Ignite, Kio!"

With the release of his zanpakuto the captain's power would triple from the boost, his katana catching fire and his reiryoku burning around his form like fire. His red eyes seemed to glow as he lauched himself at Zin, working as a distraction to hopefully give Jetta sometime to do something good because damn that little brat better have something to work in their favour since right now they were getting beaten into submission by the king.

His distraction would first begin by a series of close-quarters strikes, hoping that the previous attack had temporarily sealed his power and put them on a more equal footing as his zanjutsu put itself to work with a barrage, until the father would find himself being surprised by the appearance of another sword in Zeda's freehand aimed at his shoulder while trying to keep him distracted with the smaller katana.

C'mon sis do something. Can't keep doing this shit forever

Template By: [THEFROST]

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